' a TEE BET WAY.l'O BUILD A. BRIDGE is 1 . . . - - SO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT ti . - .ry IK, H Assi -Biii .T' HI If 13 TO SAVE TOITB MQKEY BY', ' IIIDDLE STREET STORES. THEN A BOOM " i- i t"i m-"' if ..' . ' JL . In the right direction will fee inaugurated by making your purchases at the above earned Stores, where you .will find bargains in Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 'Gloves. Neckwear, Shirte. imnnei Underwear, JIato, Capa, Boota, ShoetUm - oreiias, iruoss, values ana KQDoer uooas,, Railroad fo Vilmingfon via Onslow " ii jut now kgiwtioi (be public mind, while economy ia the order of the day, aod F.'T. Patterson' stores are the plaoc- to practice true economy, midtum in purvo is . his OJOtto a great deal for a little Way down prices in Calicoes, J Umgbasas, fleaohiDg, brown Domestics, Shawls, Table Covers, Quilts, and a - 7 .host of other goods. ' L" A fall l.nf of Boys, Youths and Gentlemen's Ready Made Clothing; at Bock Bottom prices. Millionaire' suits for a trifle so to speak. These goods were not mad for the CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY OR ANY OTHER POTEN TATEbn for our own market -.! Be sore to tive as a call and you will find low prices and good qualities. - - Bolanrt & Bpipaey Common S-nse 8hie nur Soecialty if MAX SCHWERBsXS, .TH? jlIADER. IN LOW PEICE3, OFFE&S THIS FALL EfliAprtlinary Bargains In Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's CLOTHING! , The largest Stock of fine and cheap, well fittiog and wearing and beat made : Clothing in the City, in all about 250 of Corkscrew, Diagonal, Worsted, Beaver and Oassimere Suits, ranging from $2 to $20 el JSxxit. Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Reversible Coats aud Ulstcrettes ' A long felt want supplied: vie, the largest line of Children's Knee Pants Suits nd BOYS' SUITS ever brought here, just the very thing for jcity trade. Latest Styles in (oft and stiff brim Iiats, at reasonable nrioes. Boots and Shoes in Endless Variety. Ladles' Button Suoes as low as 65c. a pair. 15 Button Skating Hoots at $1.00. I AM SOLE AGKNT FOli THE 1. A. BATTLES' MEI'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOFS EVERT PA 111 WARRANTED. Dry Gods, Dress Goods, Worsted Poplins, Cassimerex, Kentucky Jeans, bleached, bron and checked Domestics, very cheap. Good Calicoes at 4c. a Yard. ' ; -' Don't fail to examine oar Stock of Newmarkets, Ladies' and Children's - '"Walking Jaoketa, Shawls and Jerseys, sold at astonishing low figures. " - Men's Furnishing Goods, Wool Overshirt, White Shirts, Red and White , Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, lower than ever. -; At usual a Dandy Line of Neckwear rlute.t shapes and patterns, handsome , -xllne of Hosiery and Silk Handkerchiefs. Beautiful tssortment of Sufpei ders ; a pair of Jino nobby Silk Suspenders for Only 75 oents. MAX 8CHWEBIN, . " Middle Street, Sign of Flag. ' . ', Mft. SAM. R. BALL will be glad to meet his old friends and acquaintances, v '-'"MB- SAM. EnQLANDEB will show you the Elephant. Marl War! AGAINST HIGH PRIDES. Look Out for the; War. DaTiofr jost returned from the North with a Large Stock of f i r mm mm -r it ..it. .i. can give jou iursu e uiuo suiw bo iv bs tiiiij, ouj s qiuw ivi rw, Children's kne uit 125. I ftlso hare, a large and well Jfelected -stock of SnOKS. I can give you Imdies' nice Biitton Shoes for "65c JJoy'a nice Shoes, 11.00. vv V i " ' - . ' COO Dcrcn liens, Boys and ' Children's tHa& ! A Bice llat for Boys eithet Soft or Stiff as low as 15c. , I guarantee to , r;t yoa la either Wool, Straw; Soft of. StifE' Also ft weU selected i lock of. ; ,',,v- v -t'-f MXV' v; A good Dress Bhirt from Soc. to 50c ' tTndershirts 20C '.Ladies, 'CLi'Jreiis and Men's Dose, 5c. ' - - ..... - - - -A Cpeclal Drive In Boys and Men' Shoe. - Good Shoes for -. -, . .. ... . - - , - ' v ' ' " A LAIiGE AND wLL SELECTED STOCK OF" '.' " . p.v-.i, p n ni-t. 7 : nr. V I --. I a fine lot ol GLUTS' SCAHrS from 2Jcto - ; ( i 1 :;s t t enmprons to" trontion.; Ccme one, come ' ,; r ' r I nn fell jou mere gods lor a l.tlle money : - - " ' : ' .'(''". ' " " . ' ' . atteeisd;j s Styles . r t -t-- dn;i.."r.. ttvm . v. C. Clothing OILY A DREAM. ( ALMA HOPB WAYNE. j f- "Twas eventide, and cold and drear. f and I was sad and lone, The clouds ware drifting 'cross the eky, I heard the night winds moan ; I was tbiokingof Judean hills, of songs "! WiBioBd and dear , iu- tentng ones below. I Wttl tninkmg of the changes in house- 1 holds everywhere dwh u uwirT ona ui iuritHuw mui on roe cauiy air. Of saddened heart, and darkened homes, all o'er our happy land. Of shining stars, to us none down, with in the "Household'' band. When quicklyl to dreamland flew I seemed far. faraway. Metnougbt I stood 'midst falling mow where peeple thronged the v av ; They hurried on with tirelen feel toward a mansion high, That sent afar iischiery Lnrus bci.f-ttth ttjg clouded nky. Wondering, I stood and watched iLe throng that trod the snowy way ; Some bore sweel flowers from orange . groves, toaie crossed the uioumaius gray. And others came from faraway with geuis and bhluiug ore, But all weie marching with their gifts toward the open dojr. And some were there from Maine's rough hills with boughs of fir aud pine. But many chose the laurel green ulih praire flowers to twine; Others weie there, a merry group they crossed the ocean blue With ivy from the ruins gray aud heather wet with dew. While standing 'neath the falling snow with none to uide and cheer, A kind old lady saw my grief, aud saiJ , "Why Alma, dear! 11 ow came you here in such a Uru ' Your brea . is almost gone. Get under my blueumbrill, ana we will hurry on." "No niece, of mine shall suller Ln in darkness or in light. While I've a strong arm by my side, and this umbrill in sight. Now take my arm and basket, dear, we'll net there If we try Have time enough to chat awhile, and bid them all good-oye. "See! see!" said, "Aunt Jerushy," "th-re's 'Chesapeake. ' 1 know . i He's artrr bis new stove pipe hat that 's bound lug o'er tb snow. And there, as sure as I 'm alive, is Palsy ' and Sea Mrreie!' Tbey 're ilder than December's winds that bowl among the trees. "Now, don 't you irei d Uuou raged , dear, for we are almost there. The Chirieinias bells are tinging clear upon the evening air. "The Household' band are gathering fast jiml hear them laugh and shout " I looked, and to. the wind had turned our "umbrill" inside out. We passed the crowded vestibule that borne was truly ours - i I placed my funis and mosses among the 1 fragrant now ere; Dear " Auut JeruBhy " called my name, but no one seemed to heal , I Then I hid behind ths p'ne-boughs 'mong shadows dark and dear. i Just then my strange dream ended I saw and heard no more. Until ' aroused by midnight bell, and I moooJiaht on the floor. , Henceforth may harmony prevail "Tbe Household ring with glee. And every year bring peace an joy to homes bevond the sea If the fund ia not properly digested it beoomea corrupt, and poiaons the nye- tem It is intended to nourish. Thia ia indiiieation. M wife baa suffered for many rears with indigestion. After trying evrry- tniog elan reootnmnded, abe tried Sim mons Liver Regulator. In three daya after taking it according to direotiona she wat in perfect health; eh doee not suffer at all and can e t an j thing she wants without any of her previous symptom W O. Subbrs. Bain bridge, Oa. IVew Goods LATEST STYLES 1 My friends and customers are invited to call and examine my Stock of Milli nery Goods, which ia larger and more complete in all depart menu than ever before. I am receiving New Ooods two and three times week by express and steamers, consequently bare tbe Latest Styles and all qualities ef good. My prices are very low to salt theee hafji times, and my aim is to make tbe quality and price of my goods satisfac tory to my customers. Ca M. V, FOLLETT. New Bern. K. C. ' ' - oclid wSm $0 a DayrA Gold lline rd Aaemi. -tirandaat STew.y H.klwa; Vwelaeea ever trmo: A coid-B tiarvee for tbe next Two Montb ST for atewt? aod zpwee Vo eu-ve ma to wtl oergewde I. eepitai reewtre. ro peoaiinc tim pleeaeeof good-and vmln.bie lirrniatloo awl fall fArtioelere VnEK -i. fcaatkegl wemeaDjuat woatwe noorMttiMM KTiRDAlO) aU.VKB ABKJiU . OeMSwiia . Boei. .B.aiaaa., -i-;2,4QjQl.S: 3 lb, Cans Tomatoes, : i;250 Cans Corn, best quality At Try Cents a Can. B Iff i-LJ' ni" ifiU 211 DYSPEPSIA, a tictl rtotTietf SaULTLfSS rMILI MCOlCIME. QsC0, SA. PHILADELPHIA. Price, ONE Dollar The majority ul the 11U of the htunau body mrt froui a tiiot6tl Uer. f-iiu-niuus Liver lU-ulului ha. It n Hit tuvans of ro6torn.it; mure n -lt- to Ut-alili aii.l tiappiUt-HS t -y i lut; tin la u lieultfiy Uer t Liu.ii ixuy oUici uji in on t-urlh j;K THA I V il'.T I UK GKMIM s 1 ! sc BOH IURED 1 'Tii 'V- : Tnr irrSin .n a: H.-iil :c:im i. 1 Iimv. ' , . i: , uu i ii .-r ii.- i fltU.l. li.f 1 .1. . i dltart . ii my im-iln : '.r: r i OUt inlt.u;a. At I rt . . ..i. -my ulTl. li ii t;n i i ..r. I v. iKicaau lian fultiK tin 1 ii i f jwtr of i irtl-t i '1. i - iiarllrular y I m-. unit f m r u ' l rft ! U'lun (.mil! ..rT tul 1 1 llH I V I II, B i Ik M.. l'-K IT i-i U-.1 1 tl.ttll.t . " 1 li it. n, i. ii. in n , i i. ,.- .'. .( mi ul four l. U i hi rtghl ix lial i-it-ii Mi the If -lie In 'Ml- I r toix itf.t riui'H-.1 t. i.ii,(..iii-:- Hit all' I w iwrfurm.-.l i . v U: m ! Mill and in. '. h u l "f Iir lorn of tuv If t.u'1' n't miU lie-f. In- (. .1. -i. -Ml, 1., i b.Hill l n. I. ul. ;t ., f . , IIV I : j .-. U 111 I II I till I.-K ill Kii-'jiifi't i I,, I.. , ... . 1 . f Iju.1 II. ' A. 1:1.-1 - hlK.ul hl'V. I, II :r;:;:";,;,.!.?.;, Ut Jin 1 : lil . -c )n i..'- ! 11.1. It'1.1 ! i ,.. ' 1 t., Irv K R. & i , . , '. . l.l .1.. H'. Liul m I i ti'i t i i h 1 1. li i tie hi- t . I I . -1" a: . 1 (Tinas tl i n i 1 i i. - i ' , I t i.u - -iii.i I'.i ,i I ii.i i l :,n 1. f, .. a i..- 11- - ui. 1 III UHI IfH. I I I bt- t i riyi . In )T1 I ll.li j. ra uil, l , h 1 M 111:1 r tlian 1 li n I v a - ti 1 1 1 1 li v I 1 i(. h :out 1 (tip. uu. in N 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 f . 11 r Hit' Irrrll.l.- .1 m . 1 i t 1 ma- f ! loiliiii' I nllih . u-r"ip ,i:,i ...!. . . i t tbf SH'Brt. .f I I if I'f In'lU tlr .Ii.i Ul.'i I - I unjit lt.c.iM iio ff it..- n iu t mlraruloii cuit i-fTciiil "ii n.n hv h m s , himI 1 rl 1 up. mi Ui"r. ho vi liii lii ku- vv I 1 1 .nr 1 Irii hir .1 Irott t v f r. .in inctowrlif an1 I Mill ciifci.l. 1 11 a .l'utiri- ax wtll his iluly t'lsniuri I fn'i r l (l rn. I rt-Irr Ui I 'r W P. lia.iui. .f Ijiuuhi. i 1 1 iruih of tuy alalt-iufot. try fruu-luiij ; r y turn, li IfKAtIC frvf Tm siri r-rti-tri.' Lfrawcr B. A Uauita, Oa. GROCtR. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST PATAP8C0 FLO J RING MILLS 1774 JiKTAHLI ..Kll I Til. 1 PATAPSCO M I'tiii. i'IVK IMTKST Th. Temter F. of A.nrrlf.. Ttllrt I- I.OI ' it hi. 1- en c ml il Lo tM e.rtor A nj rln thli ( (iiinlrji All the be.l Hmn AmeriC).n Kiotii nr. , Old OU r.lir-i ,i ti I k flH, w li 1 re IhH j "Patapsco Superlative" Leftdstod oonniifctnlr. d ci.t. illy more money lM(h n.t 1 k 1 li WHITEST, sn t KUTlt ARk your .r PiTlPHI O KA.l. ST AP MOST BREAD. l.l; Rlnn f . . r UEUFUHU e a .1 11. V BALIIU V nil. V. nirLKTIM r AM 1 1.1. C. A. GAMBSILL MANUF'G CO.. 214 COMMERi E ST., BALTO., Ml). BFPnitHEMED BY E. K. BISHOP, JnnlfldSm IKW BKItKR. R- " GEORGE ALLEN il GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Harrow,' Cultivator, lloea suid Axes. Wood's Blowers and Reapers, 8 tram Engines, Cotton OlnS and Presaea, Pertllieers. Iavnd Planter, Kainlt Mecbautca Took and Hardware, Ume. Brick, Omeiit, Plaster Half, Paint, KaUonaine, Var nish, OIL Glasa, Putty and II air. Freeeera,, ll'friKerator,',OU Cook Stores, Eureka Durjrlar Proof; 8ah Locks, wwrranted to (fire security aiid satisfaction. -PK1CK& VEttT LOW. Willislwards Co. Bare reopened the Kew rWaa Machine Work, and have added Tools to tit wtrk to do-all kisdt of Machine ant Roiln Woik at abort notio. ' Thof have alo adrJM a fpntidry to t-i ;r v nrks, and ar pr.pawd to do the i RESTLESSNESS. I its ftwrn no tp MbU 1110 ULU li t t f I' - arl Ircn Cfcc''rc.. . . - -..-a I .onr.titir a fw''iv. , v.'tfvl ! r-'rii(i, MOST BRILLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES In tlio World. fc'i i.S Le'H'fl I i.I.v. Cf'i"! leas ab i r- ' i ; ; ? t r t in t u ik iitv U v u' i . t- - i . ,1( , ! ci ti t j : j t j tlie J it i- r- I ..T . li (:v I II,, IK, '1 1 t- . n () f; i in 1 1 it ll.v I I. .it d li t a, lit f: lb dial's, 6i .'Ck Hit i. , f t-ftfc i ; i . t ' , 1 1 . i 1 1! r t I'itij K t I., tn tin n t- J .t'l ' it u (.! b. .ui.t i J I;v b fCUU Uilfc, t n ( tit -I v h a i p ft l;l.itirl.t-e l.-ttd- . t-a n t ' -i'u-ii v, , ' !.) fc-tr;.. ' In Ll l.Uil L.i l:.t-li i. or a i.i. H i s fi ri-i:i 1 ! JIM 1,1 i.I A HA SI 1- 11) lil ti. DUFFY, Druggist, F. Monuments Tombs 4 nd K. . . u :uaa (irav taCil Dull J in. wurB in jirALiAWStAMERICAN Wmil 1 1 nl ri) w ill receive i rum pi alt- uliji ftfttiffui'tiun Kuaraiilied WJLI.IM. i- 1 i . '. v. .a) , ii.: t .' si. I ). V.. Ml 11. EK If I' uKi iiwior. h u' Ji . r i7t-ri . - t i ii. Advice to tlw Aged. A 1(4 tori tig t I li I I nil 1 1 m fl iifcr rials iHiMt-ia, weak klUa.j &)! blua- li 1 rt nitftl fir f I I tti I h - ore . I tin ii I tt 1 1 11 t I Ik ltt, t t, ( 1 v 1 tin ii h 1 ii r 11 llt-lietri tm wllhtttit r: at . 111 ui r g ri il ai( , tainl IMPARTING VIGOR li I lit) It 1 ln- . It I satltler at ntl liter. 'I tivy art) adu i tl l 1 si or oiiiik . 1S01.11 i: 1 u ni iii . Green, Foy & Co.. BANKERS and Commission 2Icrcliants Til F'K.'NT Htkkkt, NKW UK UN K N (' 4i'.i EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Frilit Lico I. f 1 U I F N tw llrtu,. Kmltrii iftli rolln I'ulnl., I oifulk, H.lllm.ire. Ihll.l4-Ihl. loik.llnil.il, Kir . ! Klll.ln-ltl llf . . . TME M K AM Kits EAGLET and VESPER i-r ili.n ''.lie will run nn regular .rblnl. nine iHlny New Hi rue en M'li.'. WtHMM-41 knoKKIIiAl m till Kl' V.. f.ir l-.llfcH el li t'llj arul I et ui n im I Ue follow -Ins ) Tti.'.e si Hni'Tl. in orii,r.4-rr.i.Ti ;tri Hit A Umil If A N . 1'. 11 R. .Si rTi.lk K..nlliern K K , New York 1 tilln unO .S'TloiR K K and Ihe I'euu.y.viinla li. Iv , form . rrliHtiie mid regular lln offering .uperlor ffcrllllle. for oulrk trn wnrtatiiiD i No Iran. 'er. in. pi .1 F.!!.!ie:h C'.ty.ai whlrh point treiglil 1J lie u0i-u i-n cr. u go Itiroualj lo dfcl His 1 't-n lurwi ailtf.KxiK to I ibimd vin K.iiterD Carolina IHi.rt.w-n - aily . follow Kroin New York, hv IVnn H 1'lrr 27. North River. Krorn Thlladrlphla hy II.-. h . V.ABlio. rt. K., IXmn HI. -UlloD. Fr .ui Mul'lmore hy mile. ll. t Haito, H It, ITeellleol Ht. MiallOli. Ftoro .Norfolk by or olR Southern H R. rron Bmuui ly wer.hani M lner Tran. n.n.iion Co ; Sew Y ork .no .New fchglaud Kai.. aa low and lime qaii ker iban hy any olher line When rMve.loD rr-gulre. a Brhednle of four trip pei week will be raD. JNO 8 WIL-ON .Gen Ft Tr.Hr Agent )'. R Hi, General Traffle Manager GEO. 8T PHK Division rreight Agent, P W A B. H R., Phil.. B b.U OKK, Genral Freight Agent. N T P. K K . Nortoia.ve H C. rtlTlXIl Oeneral Freight Agent B. R. H.. Norfolk. Va. GEX). HKNUERSOK, Agent, feb20dw Newberne. N. 0. K. R. JOtlES, ' Wboleeal and Retail Dealer la CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES an Gisneral Merchandisei ; BCUX6r?iLKi . tIES Et45 Wt-j..-,- .'-;-;-. ?-.'- Ooniibrarflents of Ofaln, U i:oa and ota Psoaaos solicited. 1 - Prompt Attention Gua rmteed, K. w. Cor. ftouth Front and Middl8te ' Nrw nrnsr, s n. " NEW lKIOr. . : . "-ii. J l Tntt sPi s Hyde Line Cornpcny. fEW BEKJSK, H. O. DKO.L1K7. WI.VTlOi BOHDUUS Of TBI STEAK a K To (o lnic eOct on ana after Dee. 1st. 1M7, Monday luye tiew Berae at BEVFt Ar M. for Bay bora, .topping a.t A dame Crew Smlitu Creek, Vaudoiucro and blone wall. Tueadfcy Leave Bayboro at bKVKM A. M. fur iSw Be: lie. .toppltig el Stonewall, Ya4e mere, BmiUia Crewk and Adams Creek. Tburday Leave New Berne at SEVER' A M ior Bayooru. stopping at Adams Creea. bnililii creek, Vnnoemeie and Htonewall. Friday-Leave bayboro at HKVSS A. If. or New beine. .uipiug si HumewalL Vau deuiere. Hlullhb CreJc and AduniCMek,-. - ' l!y lh8 arrangeuieLt we are abletoaaak cloee couiieciiou wltb lue Northern steamete, r aiho Libviu giKd HcoouiOioaailuue bota lot PeuKerc and It igL! .1 v. ry low rmtea, and b.tk iiie uierbauiA mid prudacer. along tie . line tu gie it their rlien fui uppru Freight : reoeieil uudt-r ou er t very d.yufliie week. ' Kur luiitier lnloi iiiMiiun eLiquLre at Uif , trie-, f .o'. ol Cilivvu blrevt, vi ai. ..r ii ufenu at itie folluwlxig plaoea Aft l.tk. Alaiu. Creek. ' l. M. uonk.a L. Bm Ith. Creek. i. 1 H AtiH"l"l, Yaudeiuere. J i . II hi I. hit, hu.uewall, , - l-i'Wi.KH a c.iWKLL. fayuoro. !-' I". 1IIKHU8. Q. M. teamboat Line,"' i ..inuieuv Mii.MiAY,the 12th da ! uf s,ieti.Ui. :.7. i he Steamer BOW' I AHIl uiil run ll.e f..llo lnjj echexluU' i lir Ini.i ii. i i ry Monday and 1 inlay k uuii.iiK e i cry Tueeday and ; Vt i r .!! .kp iiit- eny Wednesday at i a i" ' ' ii 1 1'ibf! the came day. ' ! J J I.AMI'lKli. Manager. I i J J ! - i AK-ut t New Berne. . ! illh " ;; NEUSE I TRENT RIVE& Steamboat Company. v, ... I..., t rt . if r.bi.im. uu and aflat titcnaier '1 rent in fur lreuion every i t a ui.. retumlagj I urailay and Hat-i- i.i. aioug ihe river. tiir tuner Elnaton. it m w u r:,. (or K InuUin on Tat ii . ii .Kn -inn i ii Motidaja and iK Hi 11iLerillUlaU 1 . i j i a y i "i.wberm. h hi.iMi. K: IH-..1L. ' Ma - i, i f- ( ...i..,v-.:.ii. ! W - Kl . Ak.-ii i ,ii 1-ieuuiu i M.. . . .1 Ji.liy ,,1) (Tin,! Ha - i - v'l.aker lirldge. J M hli'lK lltu'lUuiial, Klii.lun.N.O Lhirt of her m New York. i ho S. ( FroiKht Linev. KOSl NLIV YORE, iiUSjlJ;., FRUVIUENOE, :! n:it1 HiJ n,lii V "Hoi! 1 a : E tul WeMt a ! ; li.ic JVC w... rMvniljbtlnNw " 1 fi f New Hriiet IM! K 7, NOKTI1 lUVEIt, ! Jfficr of A fir York and BaitimOi 'v'"" -2Vaaf or lane (Jo t L.t-i Hiii siivtiiii rrissm tt t that thtats obi , :. i.i tun i.in- ut uf Now York, maklft k-.I) ii'Mtii(jn )itj liiJtimcr fur Mw licfM i- ' i ; in . r , a i, j tjL j mi tat. ye - I SEMI-WEEKLY 8TEAMBB8 " jfletweeo Sew Eerna &cd BaJtimOTi ;f i orlolkj ' ry ! l Tiny h w Iirtiicf.ir lla,Jtimur TUESDAT i Hll'AVs hi i j-m L?aj Battimoff. lo lisruf V-tlt-NLsliAYh dud SATD&XMLT ' 0 u. Abii ktf hi fullri - ' ' ' rj El'HE. KlM EK, (l'I Jfanfcjr, ?, " '' wo lifbi St.. BU't.M , AS W Mrt'AKKlt'K, M i Norfolk, VeV. u p c:d t Oo.. -'biiads-iphia, u Somt ' oar York hs k Tranr I. in, fir NanH rtTr h . Mvnu.rioii, H ratlin . ftH d tral wharf. (. 1 U Iicfc'Hll roTitlf iirf K 1. " C. I 0 Mil. k, V all Kit-r, i-rrick whivrf. .i -8liti'i'Mf- lu T iii.tinji und Siarij0 " N u nr h tlail) - . Hb.:i ;r.,. ir, WvM)ti-dayi ftod Bttiamf I' n.1 1 i;e-r. Mondaj-a, WdA4akJt . rnrthy . f j, hroojtb biiU la(l:rlft y Ithl, tvnd raiM (ttsaTU in nil p' .i '. at i he iltTrDt offio of ' ,-" I'AD1S ". . iTcid fctihzt ci Bull ud Ship rii : N. ":. LINE. d v 5 OLD DOMINION Steamship Company TKi-WKfKLY LINE. V '. The Old Demlalen Iteuuklt Tea p. my'. Old aad Seveiite Waters Konte. via Albemarle ana -. -'he..pe.ke Cesal. ..' l FOB Rerfelk, Baltimore, Hew Terk, Pkvlla delphla, Bett.L Pre vtd.ac - A nd all point, North, East and West On and after MONDAY, NOVSJaBER TH, 18K7, until furtoer notice, the - eteucers Kew Bern ul fuli:3 will sail rrom NORFOLK, Va., Ihr KKW BKKMu, via W aahio.vba, Moexlay, WedD--daya and Frtdaya. maalng eeoee eonneoil"n wita u Steamer of Ul N. A T. K. B.Lo.,fbr KlDStoa Trentoa, aoo all eiiiw landlnga m the Nenee and Trent El vr Hetnrnlna will salt turn haw t -tovNURIOLK direct, aloaeaya. we'. daya BBd rr.day a i aaaairg e.r -Uom with to O. D B. , Ou.'a for Kew Tork, B. . - P. Co.a tor rIUmore, Clyde Lin 8blp for 1 1 deipnlm, and ! A at. T Co. ablp for 1 toa aod Prevldetifle Oar mnUrlna. eflorte to piee earr- aed ear almoet pet-feet service for tr e twelve veer, le tbe beat guarantee -effer ail eblpoer. aa to tu re w.U r Ikeai ia tbe fntnr . Order ail good ear er O.D. 8. 8, C" . ftxk Va . - - rretgh sot ree! ved u ahipa.t a. en aa4llrf ear, " Paae.pyer will Bad a goc tr.' ' abi rorrra,and every eonn. tloa nU be paid It by vi et " .'-. B B. Ff-i-1 -- :. , atrsRaa, rTLTEFPFn AT' " (.-. r. r, ' - .K f