- 4 vlSTO SAVB YOUE MONEY BY- 4 i f .-r3 ivMlFMiPATrERSOD'S"" IUDDLE STREET ST0EE8, . THEN A? BOOH U tha right direction will ba iaaafrarated bv making year parabaaea at the above Etm4 btares, whera you wilj find bargain is Geutiamao "S Furaiahiiig Good, , Glove, Neck rear. Shirts, frraaset Under wear,-Hats, Caps, Boot. Bhoei, Uni- tnuw, iracii. vuhn ana a&Doac uoeae. s. fl Railroad ;lo'WiImIrm!cfi:Viii-Oii$!ow li jut no agitating the publiQ Blind. while economy U the order of the day, ' ud F. T. PaUereoiTe store are the' place to prtcuoe trae esoMv;, multum U - purvo is hi motto great deaJ lor a little. War dowo prioee in Calicoes, i : I nlu.Ll... Tl . : Ok.. I. SB-La- r -i i . - unjgusiiu, ixoauuuji, wown wyiwucw, ' boat of other icoode.. . r " Bottom prices.' Millionaires' suits for a Ant I ., a 1 laid. BiiiiasBigvuiiuiin , Be tare to give a oetl and you will . . i as. O i i o oi j , IXHtar U. DfJIDDv UVUDlua DOOM OIMXM WIT OpOOIAIwJ . AX SCHWERIW, , -thbxealeb; in low prices, offers this fall 'Wlli - . J!2 -1 .L. ' Tl ! u VTranrn naru Kariraino la li a yi u i ii a i . , In Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's L0THINO! Ths largest Stock of line and cheap, well fitting and wearing and best made Clothing in the jQity, in all about 250 Different Styles of Oorkeerev, Diagonal, Worsted, Bearer tnd Cassimere Suits, ranging from tO SSO GL Hen's and Boja' Overcoats, Reversible Goats and TJlsterettes. A long felt want supplied : vi., the largest line of Children's Kneo Pants Suits ud BOYS' SUITS ever brought here, just the very thing for oity trade Latest Styles in soft and stiff brim Hats, at reasonable prices. Boots and Shoes in Endless Variety. Ladies' Button Shoes as low as 65o. a pair. 13 Button Skating Boots at $1.00. I AM SOLE AGENT FOB THE 1 1 BATTLES' MES'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES BTERT PAIR WARRANTED. n Dry Gods, Dress Goods, Worsted Poplins, Gassimeres, Kentuoky Jeans, bleached, brown and cheoked Domestics, very cheap. Good Calicoes at 4c. a Yard. Don't fail to. .examine oar Stook of Newmarkets, Ladies' and Children's Walking Jackets, Shawls and Jerseys, sold at astonishing low figures. 'MyVs Furnishing Goods, Wool Overshirts, White Shirts, Red and White ' Underwear j Cardigan Jadjtets, lower than ever. A( usual a Dandy Line of Neckwear, latest shapes and patterns, handsome line ef Hosiery and Silk Handkerchiefs. , for only 78 oents. , i 11 v , , f: Mk. SaH. R, BaIX will bo glad to . JUS. DAM. UIiajLAHPBB wui snow :',h wsw War! i uiiiuyi mm Look Out fdi1 the War. Uriag just returned from the North with a Large Stock of 3CEN, -AND - inaren I can give jon. 3PRyA wu..8uit$ Children7 knee auita fa.zo. i also nave a large and wen selected stock of SHOES. I can give you Ladiesrnice Button Shoes for 65c .Boy's nice Shoes, 11.00. - t - ' ' - ! 1 . : , 7b' 9 300 Dozen l&i A nice Hat for Boys either 6oft or Stiff as totrjuk llguarantee'to suit yoa In either Wool,- Straw,' SofCt StifE, ' Also a well selected stock of- , :,:XZ"( ' - -:-'r A good Dress Shirt from S5& 'to 06. ?-Undershirts 20o. .Ladies, Childrras and Men's Hose,- fevK.TV A Special Drire in Boys and Men'a 8hoet Good Shoes for Hen from fton '4& ;A LAEQ AETDJ.VELL . srf L- Lipwlsif : L.w.t... Ull uiwusj. TlIUKS, VALISE3, and a fine lot of -GENTS' SCARFS from 2jc.!to f And other bargains too nttmeroua 'to' mention. : Come one, come i, Ea ce convmcea inac i can sen t? n s j ctLer bon?a ia tte city. .. r" ' 7 r -""'r, cpp. - .' vay.io euild-a srjEos-" "' duiwh, iaui vwTcra, vuuis, moo a, trills bo to apeak. Theae goods were find low prioee and good qualities. a t - j ii a ig a i no MAX 80HWEBIN, Middle Street, Sign of Flag. meet his old friends and acquaintances. you ins jcuepiiaat. BOYS ! lovt aa t3;73BoyrSditifor 13.00, SKLEGJED STOCK OP rou uiwj gwus iui muo uiuucj ' i ' ' " , Earti't Church, New Berne, N. 0.' War! pniCEs. i .1 .Ua r.i-.h Tl IE JO UIINA1 Mr. Birnam "toM toachine ttorj of a Incident' that ooenrred whenJensy tlnd fu aiDgiogin Boston. -" A,poor working-girl," he aaid, thru8t $3 into the hands of the ticket seller at the Boston Teaple for a back seat at Jenny's conoext. Oa receiving the ticket he said, 'There goes my-wages for one week, bnt I mast hear that good anget aing.' Jenny's secreta ry, her eonsin, Max Hiortsberg, heard the remark, and immediately went to the green-room aDd laugh ingly told it to Jenny. I shall never forget now sue jumped to her feet and exclaimed, On, this mast Dot be! Poor girl; she shall Dot lose her monejjit is wicked! Max, take this money' handing him a $20 gold piece 'search oat that dear creature and pot it in ber hands, with" my love. God bltsse her!' Cousin Max found the girl, gave her the money and message, and witnessed a flood of grateful tears from the working girl's eyes, If sbe is alive to day she will remem ber it." N. Y. Tribune. "Papa, that man over there is going to get his ride for nothing," : said an observant little boy on a suburban train the other day ; ''be got on wnen we did and now be pretends like he was asleep. The ; conductor's just gone by bini.'' j "Be is not an honest man', my son," replied the father; "cheating a rail road company is as bad as any I other kind of cheating. I would rather see you in the cold ground, ! my boy, than to see you grow up to be a dishonest man. Remember what the deuce are you stretching yourself up fort Crouch down in your seat, you jabbering idiot ! Tbe conductor's coming this way. Do you suppose I want to pay tare for yout" It is said that most of tbe loreign ' steamship lines are losing money, and that the English have lost , more money, than tbey have made during the last few years. There are too many steamships of tbe old type. A revolution is going for-1 ward in steamships. Tbo new triple expansion engines by wbicb I tbe steam is worked over three i times, instead of once as foimerly, makes the dfference between a dividend paying concern and a los ing one. . j Last Sunday a clergyman in Hartford, Ct., was speaking to children regarding the benefits of a temperate life. "Why," said he, "the strongest man tbat ever lived never tasted liquor. Who can tell me the name ofthestrongest man!" "John L. Sullivan," came instantly from a little one in the infant department Of the Sunday school. Ten year-old Josel Hofmann, tbe musical wooder, who will perform at a series of concerts in this coon try, has arrive in New York, lie is accompanied by his parents. Psrsoaal. Mr. N H. Frohliohstein of Mobile. Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's Mew Discov ery for Consumption, bavins; need it for a. severe attack of Bronohius and Catarrh. It gave' me instant relief and entirely cared me, and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Electrio Bitten and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of whom I oan recommend, " Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds is solid on a positive (ruaraDteev . For sale at B. N. Daffy 's d rag store. " MOST BKLLLIANT, PUEE & PERFECT LENSES ; X tlxe World. They are as transparent and eo lor less aa light Itself, and for softness of endnranee to tbe ere, cannot be excelled, enabling the wearer to read rorhoura without ihUgne. In ot,theyere-."';"' k- .. - - PERT EOT- SIQHT FBXSEHirSBB, 'Testimonials from the lead ins pbyalelarjs la tbe United Stats, Oorsmora, Senators, Legislators, stockmen, men o note la all pro fessions, and in dlffsreni. hraaehee of trade, backets, mechanics, etc., eao he given who have had tneli sight Improred tor thslr nse. ;ViiALU RYES FITTED vi ajtd thb rrr GDARAKTKKB BT V F. 8. DU P P Y," Druggist, : ssarl . , ' BKsVNS. W. CMy . Willis tMsLiiscM Hira reopened (he New Bene Kacblot Works, and bare added Toole al-eir works to do all klade of Machine and Boiler Work at short notice. ' ? -v;: t They bare also added a on nd 17 to their works; and are prepared to do the bet of Bre and Iron CwLingy. UXS t HcraBe Flnmbinj a speciaJty. : V X If you snt ooJ work pre ns a call All work p-iarBnteod and done at prices to suit the times. k - iyll wly iilBYSPEPSIAH .! IS that misery experteaeea when we saoV deaiy teBk inn -mac we unm a dlaboliMl umiwmt called a atomaeh. The etomach la ittaerrair fmea wbkeh very Sbre and ttarae moat b aoeiabeA, ae ay uenoU with It la aoonfea Utroucu oot the whol t7tem Amuag a tomnm 4ym pepuoa no In will have the aama predoml- I UOH B iiea ahTa mb aave fiMtunHM. walls the' aod nervooa an abandoned to Imb, JMfce41acv Seme djrepulitic re -wrttk-rri oily forcetftu ;. oUiera hav great trrte eUiiy of temper. Whatever form Djtpepala' may take, on tblng la eertala. The mmtttiflmt ctiw Im la and one tblng more U equally eruuu. no one will rem la a dytpeptlo who will It will co net Acidity of the Bteauch, Kzel fool . Allay IrrltaUon. A oat at IMgeit'OB. I and &i Uj tame tlo.e TART THE L1VUK TO WOKK1KG, W1IHS ALL OTBEB TBOloLEi SOON DISAPPKAU. "Uy wife was a eonflrmed dyspeptic Some J throe years ago b; ttie advlco of Or. tUer of Augusta, khe u iuduotd to try Simmons ' Lavrr regulator I feel grateful lor the rellf it nas given ner. aud may all wDoreaoinis and ai e affected id any way wbether chrouu or oilierwlse, use Hliuuioub' l.iver HeauLator snd 1 feel ooiiOdeiii health )U be re lor ed toall who will be advised. - W a W.KtwsH, Fori Valley, Ga. Kec (bat l lb UGSlltK, with red Zl ou froul tf wrapper, fhle ull UN ly tt J 11. XhlLlN A to.. Pnlladclphla, fa THE INCURABLE CURED ! HorairTBTiixK. It., Keh. 2 OTttlmttttst Bn yeJeVV dtetu Krr d rl OLrd on re dom from fltitrer batil wrsica. 1 tried frw ainiLtle retiiwUa. but the sore would noi yield. I grw wort rverr forrD yrjsvrsv. Mti ibouKitt 1 tteul csvu cer. Ov or yar ko I ctuniaeDOwd usXlof 8 A B . tvud two iluteii bottlw entlrvly cured me Wlicn i bnri with Hwlft'i Stecino I wats Id ery poor betvltti, aud ooulu bavrdly dra.g About. Aftr 1 bad finished tb txjurn of 8 6 S I wm airuug and buoy a I. tvnd bttl agood aiiute. 1 rrtcard It u I moat laluaMr iiiUlulnt for lad it lu we&h drll ran- ht allb It la a houm-h'1 lucdu lue whd me. Yuan rrp'if ully Mub. K W VCiiuH. fip A BT ARBt'RO, S C. April . IEC7 Gerjllrme-u f or twenty jrarn 1 have had ture on my left i-berk. It had KtadueUly been armwliifj vvurw. id mauj pnyauuiua whom I hd oni suited were) unable to do ate any (hh1. Ll fail ft yeavr two 1 betpu using 8 8. . AI tint It tbfliaJDa thf Orw, sand It became mora Tlrulooi itisvn ever , m niuih to, indeed, tlitvt niy fvtuily liuiMtrd iht I isauuisi ieti off the medulla. 1 ailed In ualug tbe BUS. At Hie cod of two moat tit the aure waarutlrely healed. Think tng thai the evil wu out of my t-ontltutluD, 1 eft off Ibe medlolue; but In November, leit mouth efUar ery illht breaklnii ul appeaxt. 1 al once becao arftln ou 8 H . and uow that 1 1 dlJtp,fiariIl 1 f ytrj faith lo 8 8 ft. It hat done me m re gt--d tltstu all the Uorlort and tUhcr iiicdl Clue 1 vitt touk. Your trulv, A. H RRina. Winhton, N. C. April r, ISKT. Ofntlempn 1 wo t.r three yttars a" a ' n err .milt- on m fure. It ihkhi K""v 'o le quite Urtjt. II wore m me, and o gf-Dral health wan very ier Ls&tt Sej-U'iuwr 1 beatstn a oouree of a. 8 ft , which Jhaecttj Lluo-d to the prvMint time with the bttpplest result. The cunoer ban entirely dfeauirared. tbere belUR do ovldanee or lymplom of a ranoerout rharacUtr left. My irttnerftl hralth la good now. aud my fcppellie better thttn It baa been In year. 1 am Kt years ohl, and today 1 am working Ih the held planting euro. Youra truly, Jobaa 1jmbjia h. Uentlemen - I had a aore on ray uimt lip for etblyeara. hoven different dtN-iuital tempted In vain to heal It. One me a mall vial for flv dollar, wbirh ui "cer tain cure." It In Deedieas to aay tbat It did ma no good. About two Tear uo 1 became quite uneasy, aj people tnoughtl had a n cer, aod I took a oourte of aUhteeu bolt lea of S. A. fiw The resull haa been a complete cure. 1 he uloer or canoer kealed beautiful It. leavlua aoaroely a peroapttble aoar From that day T haw bean in excellent health, the Hpeeinc havlois: purified my blood thorough ly, liicraaaed my appetit and perfected tny Olgeatton. In a ward. I feel like a new woman, and. tieat of all, the eight year ulcer It gone euilrtalj. Your sincerely, Una W. P. Ciiios. Trenton, Todd Co., Kj , Feb. 2S, mi TrejttlM on Blood and Rktn ltaeaiia sUalled free. Tm bwirr Sra imo Co., drawer t, Atlanta, Oa. Chugs of Fier in lew lorL The N. C. FreiKht Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and a'.l point North U.11U Wont artsr thu daw will rsoslrs frslght Is Mtw for liv n.ra. at PIER 7. NOUTH RlVElt, Jfioe o New York and Baltimot Transportation Co. Lit rihanu should re mem bsr that thU 1. one) hs beat Steals L,lnesustol Msv Tork.makln all; oouDsctlon vrllb Baltimore for New Bum 11 taslds, snd onlr on. change SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS EetwesQ Few Bent tod Etltkon orlolk) LssTlng Mew Bern, (er Baltimore TUESDAY FRIDAYS at 1 p m LeaTe Baltimore fo sw Berae WEDNESDAYS dad SATURDAY. . p. m. Agssu are as f ollsvt- BCBEH F08TB, O.n'l irssager, 0 Light St., Hal-1 hi AS. W. HcOAKRIUK., Ag't. Norfolk, Va W. P. Hjdt A Ue.. Chlladslphla, 11 Soot aarres. York k Balto. Tran. Line, Pier North rtre K.ISaatpeoe, Boston, u Central whaH . B. H. BeekwelL Providence B I. D. 0. Kink, Fall III T.r, Deniok wharf hips leave Boatoa, Taesdajt and Saiardava " New Tort dsily. " " Bslttmore, WednesdsrsSBdSstsrea; Fall River, Mondays, W sdaesdars rrldavs. fravlaeaes, Sataraavs. areagk bills tasUag gl vea, asl rates gnsraa to aU points, at tbs dlCersat nfDees of panlei. imid Bretatge ol Bilk tnd Ship rii N. Z. LINE. d SS1w a HAV WeA e K. R.. JONES, .'vfboleeale and Batail Deeisr ta CHOICE FAlilLY GROCERIES i,..,; . . .... : i r i ----- General- Mercliandis BAOOINO ANlJ,VTlEa, ' 0BiTirfliate of Grata, ' O "ttoa ia4 other Prodnoa aoliclted , n . i i.- Prompt Attention" Gttariiateed. . ,: . ..: hw ' r"" r- ft. W. Cor. 8outh Front and L'ii J: Sfr ' ' - . " ... , wWMlH. h- i. W A t ' 7 ' V "? t. J I STILL Has returned from the now his Large and packed with goods, direct from J Importers. Jobbers and Manufacturers.; I am now prepared to offer better induce-' ments for the future than ever in the past. My Stock is much larger and could not be better selected, I buy in large quantities for CASH, which enables me to sell cheaper. Give me a trial and be convinced that O. MARKS is really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It would be folly lor me to attempt a lull description of all wy stock. The most elegant line of tbat has ever been brought to this market, including ull the Latest ' Styles, Beautiful Suitings ami Cloaking. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens! Shoes: JSlxcos! Slioes! Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited in thin place before. Mens Ladies, Mmses ami Children's ol nil tlesciiptnuis in endless variety. And my line nl' , Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks well you will have to come and see them, they are bejontl descrip turn, the largest, handsomest and lilT line in the city. Also a hand- " some lot ot Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. I P IT" Ct' DON'T FAIL jr to see my line of C -i-1 j. -ii i1 9 befcue purchasing, w hich is very large, embracing all grades 'from til cheapest to the best : All wool Three ply. lSniM-ls, all wool Ingrain, etc., etc, Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Cloth, all : widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats, Ruga, etc., etc. By calling at my store you will find very many things that cannot be mentioned here ; ' space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. Two tliOQsand five Lim tired yards.'!-! Cashmere at I0V. per yard. Doable width Cashmere, J3c. per yard. All wool SackiDg, 13c. per jd. Infants' Shoes, 15c. and upward. The prettiest aod best Ladies' Button Shoe in the city for $1.23. Pants Cloth, 10c. op. Fine imported English Half Hose, 1 2c. per pair. Towels, 5c. up. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good Note Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, ,'c. pckg i" All silk Ottoman Ribbon, 5c. yard. Hose and Half Hone, 5c. pr. Heavy Ribbed Hose, Hie. pr. Linen Cape Collars, 5c. Ladies' Kid Gloves, 4 button, 50c, Dew goods. Ladies' Boncle Jerseys, COc, worth f2.00. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 5c. Red and white Flannel, 15c. up. Corsets, 25c. np. A Big Drive in Note Papera 5-quire Package, good quality, for 15c. Ham burg Edgings, 3c. 5c. and 8c. Men'a Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c. each. A Big Job in Ladies, Misses and Children's I'ndervests and Pants. Misses' Vesta and Pants, 25o. each. . Many other Drives that cannot be mentioned now. 1 Wholesale Trade. I am now prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesale Bayers than erer before. My stock is much larger, more varied and complete. I bny in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASH which enables me to sell CHEAPER Houses. Come and see me. I iy tZT Agency for Clark's O. the Allow me to than ybn kindly, one end sH. for your liberal patron s in the pastt and to ask ibr a eontinnattc of the tame sisoiing yon tl s t LOW PRlCEi BHALL ALWAYS LEAD. V r I r s'l ry trurjj yours; , L- k MX: LEAD! RK Northern Markets, and Commodious Store ir in small quantities, than Northern can save you monev. N. T. Spool Cotton. '3 Public.