Jou RNAL. ;''., ' I". J: nr' -s -V . .V,.-- VOItVL-NO, 219. NEW BERNE, N. C. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 ilJtLi LOCAL news; f tumej SBJlniaare llauH. " V JTew Berne, latitude. 5 North. jj, .,.:..- loncitudo. TP r Wert. Sun rUes.738 ' Length of day, v gaa seta, 4:g8 I 8 Ooara, 20 minutes. Uton rite at 041 p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. !. T,hav thie day bought out the intetest . JL of Mr. J. A. Bargees in the Jarman los reotory ana win oonuuuo mo uubi nee on my own account. Dm 14th, 1887 J. B. Jarkan TWENTY DOZEN ery Superior Axes . JL. At Ow prices, uiu. AUiis , ia inBBISTMA.8 GOODS in great variety I . n r.ii r V at V. Cm DlOTer s. naaewe, uur 'rants. Citron, Mioce Meat, Candies, elegant Pickles, fresh Canned Uoods. fresh Boasted Coffee, fine Teas and f ery nest Busier. deolJ-lii. C. E. Suovia. O EED PEAS. Beans and Potatoes for O T-uokers'use. Qco. Alleh & Co. TTJST ABBIVED another lot of Choid fi Bams 4 to 0 lbs. Best rickiee. Preserves, Jelly and Mince Meat at Jno. Dunk's. O ABRETT'S M.edoc Vineyard Cognac KA and Wines for sale, at Manufactu rer's prices, by James Rbbmokd. 1jUBE Liquors and Wines for Medici nal and other uses, at wholesale. Jambs Redmond. DIRECT importation of French Brandy and Holland Oin arrived In bond and duties paid at Custom Souse in New Berne, guaranteeing gen jine goods for sale. Jas Redmond. I" EDMOND S QiDgrr Ale. Lemon IV Soda, etc., equal to imported. James Redmond. BTJGJIE8, McD. sale at Pates' make, for Dail Bros'. Some fine Far Creek oysters in market yesterday. A good numbrrof By de county people were la town yesterday and the trade was brisk. A good crowd passed down to the Carteret Game, Fish and Oyster Fair last sight. The city marshal gives notice to dray men and oarters to come forward and procure new numbers for their drays Glass ball shooting by the Craven County Gun Club on .the grounds near James City tbia evening at tbreeo'clock. Quail No. 2 was "cleaned up ' at Har vey's oyster saloon yesterday with as to sob. relish aa No. 1. What is it to eat a partridge a day on toast?. Billiard Williams, ool., was lodged in jail yesterday in default of bail to ap pear at srxt term of Superior Court. 10 answer to the charge of laroeny. Be was committed Ly Justice F. W. Han cock. Our Raleigh people must submit to Ihs inevitable. The Supreme Court holds that a drunk ia a drank no matter whether produced by wine, beer or whiskey. A drank on wine is just ss muahJike drunk on whiskey as a pig la lib ft hog. Fay Tour Taxes. . City tax oolleotor Falcher, who is an , old soldier, threatens to go on the war , path if there is not a greater demand for tax receipts. Go forward and pay at onoe. ." Crarsn. County Pubic School a. . , , The Bute Superintendent of Publio J Bohoola speaka ia very complimentary terms of the report of our county super ; intendent of schools In this county a ' : brief notice of whioh we published a ' few days ; ago. .;' The schools are '. gradually improving every year and the people are becoming interested in them. The only thing seeded tenor money, &; Steamer Horemanta. - The Newberns of the 6. D. Line left yesterday for Norfolk oarrying out fall cargd of eoUon, naval stores and other freights. ' ., , . ,l, ',--' The Eaglet of the ,5.; O. D ,Hn ar rived yesterday afternoon with a cargo of merchandU. The Vesper "of this line sailed yesterday afternoon with a f Y '. Cargov The lea Factory. ''. V,.,T Mr. George B. Jarman has purchased the interest Of J. L. Bargees la the Jarmsn ice factory and is putting la distilling apparatus for the purpose of , miking the toe perfectly trsneparent. The works are established at the old plate factory bnilding sear the railroad bridge and is now one of the neoessery iottitutions of the city. The Carteret Came, Fish sad Oyster Fair. -iv: '.'i Tenterday was the day for the open lr g of tbe Carteret Fair at Beaufort. We thick it was announced that special rtip wor,! J t ci"n over the railroads to tbca : 5 crtiied to rtteni hut tbe" c-rr Di'.ue e cn trsr,portatioa seems te I f. .rjKin t' : it important to i Icowo t. r- -. 1 wbeiher or r ' ' ' ! !' " ' ' r -). VTs notice of special rates or special trains as we are anxious for the Fair to prove a suocees. We read of cattle showa, o baoco fairs, wheat and grain fairs and fruit fairs in the middle and western portions of the Bute and we are anxious that Eastern Carolina should get up ex hibits of its products. Our Carteret friends have taken tbe initiatory steps lu; we fear their notice has been too short and the Fair not thoroughly advertised, specially tbe matter of transportation. A gentleman from Hyde oalled yester day to know if there was to be a special train or special rates from New Berne on any day of the Fair, We could not give him tbe desired information. Explanation Needed. In the county finance committee's re port, which we are now publishing from day to day, it will be seen that D N. Eilburn, ex-treasurer, received and disbursed since the 1st of December. 1886, four thousand dollars of tbe inter est fund, save a balance of $42.29, and Isaac Patterson, treasurer, has reoeived and disbursed within the same -period, 85 888 03, save a balance on hand of 1527.53. It will thus be seen that out of the taxe.8 ooltecled for the year lf86 over ntn thousand doll its have been paid out on interest, on the bonded debt of the oounty which we think was placed by the chairman of the board of oommUtaioners at the annual meeting last June at about 8102,000, beariog six per oent. ioterest. Tbe explanation needed in, bad tbe oounty got behind in py iDg the interest on her bonds, notwithstanding a tax ia levied every year for the purpose, or had a surplus accumulated and our treasurers following tbe example sat by Secretary Fuircbi d anticipated,. the in tereat and paid the coupons .advance It would be impossible, to abearb nine thousand dollars in paying the interest for one year on tbe bonded debt unless we are totally in the dark as to the amount of said debt. Does the com miltee know what coupons Mr. Kilburn paid and wbat coupons Mr Patterson paid V Wo thought it tbe duty of tbe finance committee to make these mat ters plaiu. We think it important for tbe people to know whether or not they are paying Interest .In advance, and if so. wbat premium do tbe boldrrs pay to bave them canned in advance r We iotund no reflection upon tbe ork of the committee. It is simply a matter we don t understand and we hardly think ou- readers will under stand it as reported. Commissioners Proceedings Wednesday. December 14. Board met at 11 a. m. according to adjournment. ommissiooers Bryan. Brinsoo, Watson and Malliaon present. Tbe following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, Tbe New Berne Steam Fire Engine Co No.l of the oily of New Bern are by virtue ot tneir charter exempt from poll tax after having served seven years Whereas. At the session of the Gene ral Assembly 1887, tbe charter of the Atlaatio Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1, was amended by placing the members of said oompany on the same footing ith the New Be ne Steam Fire Engine Co. with all the privileges enjoyed by said company. Therefore Resolved, That tbe members of the Atlantlo Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1 who bave served seven years as mem bers ot said Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1. be and are hereby relieved from poll tax. Ordered tbat tbe Secretary of Atlan tic Steam Fire Enitine Co. No. 1 be re quested to furnish the board with the names of the members of said oompany who bavs served seven years. Tbe chairman or tbe board submitted a communication from Governor 8oales respiting Chaa. F. Jones to tbe 17th of January, 1888. A. I. Bynum was appointed registrar for the . 2nd ward in place of Jno. Havens, resigned. John B. Laos was appointed registrar for the 4th ward. Adjourned, to Thursday at 11 a. m. Appointment sf a Tlcar Apostolic of nona uaroitst. A dispatch from Rome to Cardinal Gibbons announces the appointment of tbe Bight Rev Leo Held, O. 8. B., as Vicar Apostolic Of North Carolina. He ! now abbot or St. Mary's Abbey, ton ooantyi : Hi 0. A native of Pennsylvania, he was bora near St. I Vincents' Abbey, in Westmoreland county, iff that oounty, in that State, July 15, 1849. , St. Vinoenfs Abbey is ths mother abbey of the Benedictions in the United. 8tates. The new vicar apostolic was educated at St. Vincents Abbey Uoliegs. and took the. simple tows of bis order September 17, 1869, and ths solemn tows October 6, 18791. He was ordained priest - December 91, 1873, and -was engaged in educational work in the oollegs until his eleotion as abbot of St. Marys in ths spring of 18S5. He was ths first abbey of St. Marys Abbeyl which was founded at that time, and, it is thought, at ths suggestion of Cardinal Gibbons," who bad been vicar apostolic of North Caro lina prior to his elevation to the See of Richmond- and was familiar with tbe needs of ths Catholics of that section of tbe country. Tbeabbatial benediction s conferred on Abbot Haid by Bishop North rop in Charleston. He will prob ably retain that ofSos in connection with fcls new dignify. The bishop-elect is dwvihed ss well endowed with prso- al aJmlnif?rtive abilities and with f. tt-nr-r sod f crre 88 s Fraker. Fs!ti- For Tbs Journal. A FRAGMENT. How little we know of eaoh other at best, As the journey'through life is oft taken together, And tbe mind of a being so oft with unrest Is filled, with a feeling cf "clouds in fair weather." A man who Is wise ortimee keeps to himself, What is most in hid mind, moat oft on his tongue. His affections, his hopes, hie ambitions concealed , Disappointments, ahd troubles that bave his heart wrung. Though what is the use to lay the heart bare, To the sneer, and tbe eootf of an unfeel ing race. And e'en though they don't aneer and sooff, yet they stare In a cold, careless way, or may laugh in your face. It is better by far to keep thus locked within. Tbat which may trouble, or cauae a ''heart ache"; For tbe past only tells us tbat "It might have been," And for us oftimes sorrows coDfeationa do make. W.J. Kinston Items. Mr. W. 8. Edmonds and family have returned to spend tbe winter with us. MiBs Melissa Forlaw of Kenansville has been spending some lime with Mra Forlaw. Mr. R. E Ward of Ounlow has been spending some days in Kidbk n in tbe lutoreet of the Provident Life Aasocia lion of Baltimore. Mr. A. O. Albritton and Mma Eunice Me borne were married on Thursday. noon, of last week, at the reaidence of the bride's parents, Dr. Harper otficiat iog. Happiness arui success to tbe happy oouple. LaUrange is getting to be aggressive. two orange drummers from that place last week. We are glad tbat it is be coming a wholesale town, but we don't like to be put dowu as tteooud rale for Lenoir. Capt. Bird ex a mine J a Dumber of teaohers, white and colored, on Tues day and Friday of last week. A largo number of the schools of thd county open on first Mooday in December, the lime specified in the school law. The egg market has beun lively for some time, especially with the Tucka- bee merchants. Occasionally they ki to bidding up and pay rnrre than i In New York price When one of them had reaohed the top notch Lewis OraJy bid a half cent on tbe lot. When he fettled for them the customer exacted the half cent, and true to bin word be chopped a cent in two and made the change. D. R. Jackson has closed out his store in Kinstyn and moved to tbe farm near La Grange. Eiuaton has lost a most excellent citizen and live merchant. Mr R E Wooten, who has been with Mr. Jackson for a year or more has not fully decided where he will locate Hp talks of going to Oregon, or some other distant point, but thev say the centre of attraction for him is within the cor porate limits of the town of Kinston We hope her Influence may be suf ficiently strong to prevent him from flying off atatangenr, for we cannot spare so good a citizen. At a regular meeting of Knishtsof Honor last Tuesday night in Stanly Hall tbe folio wins; officers were elected: F. M LaRoque. Dictator; J. M. Collins. Vice Dictator; D. Oeltinger, Past D.; 8. Oettinger. Assistant D : J. P. Has kett. Reporter; T. J. Meacharo, F Re porter; J. E. Nunn, Treasurer; Dr R H. Lewis. Chaplain: G. E Miller. Guide; H. C. Bowen, Guardian; G. L Kilpatrick. Sentinel; J. A. Pridgen. Dr. H. D. Harper and Dr H. O Hyait were elected Trustees. Tbe Lodge con tinues to be prosperous. Meetings first Tuesday night in each month. Pleasant to the taste and surprisingly quick in relieving oougbs and colds it is not at all strange that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup always succeeds. Salvation Oil. tbe greatest pain-cure on earth, is guaranteed to effect a cure, where it is possible for the seat of the disease to be reaohed by s liniment. Pnoe 25 cents a bottle. " - Notice. To the members of Craven County Gun Club. The regular shoot of glass balls will take place on the Club grounds Thurs day; December 15th at 9 p. m., shsrp. Prompt attendance is very necessary in order to give each shooter as many three ball scores as possible. H. U U. DIN SMOKE, Uaptain. Deo. Uth, 1887. : . . Baeklsa'a Aral am Salv. Ths best Salts in ths' world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulosrs, Sal, Rhmm, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skis Eruptions, and posJtivelT' cures oiles or no psy required. It is guaranteed to give periect satisfaction, or money 're funded. Prios 90 osnts par box. ' For sals b? B. N. Duffr. . -. decll lv v '"-' ' v - .' They who are most weary of life, and J-et are most unwilling to die, are snch as have lived to no--par pose.wb.0 uave rather breathed than 3j live To snjoy good health, aim to always have abundant steep; this can generally bs secured by management, snlees you bave s crying baby, in which case Dr. Ball's Baby 'yrup will greatly assist. To equalize tbe circulation of ths blood, subdue nervousness and cleanse tbe tyf-jra. v9 Lir. tbe great regu Utcr. I i a c 1 j cents. igricaltarsl Is Wrests. EECOMHENDATION OF COMMI8 SIONEB COLEMAN IN HIS ANNUAL REPORT. The annuiil report oi' Oouiiuis siouer Colniiiu, of the Agricultural Department, has beeu laid before the PiesidcDt. It recommends the abolition of the seed department and tbe transfer of its duties to the State and Territorial experiment stations, on the ground tba: tbe directors of these iuetitutes know better the wants of their respetive localities than tbe Department here. lu regard to the elevation of tbe Agricultural Department to aa exe cutive department, Cotnumsiouer Colman discusses it in a manner to show tbat be does nu! regard the chauge as expedient. bile tbe development of beet sugar is stul m tbe experiment stage tbe ccmmUMouer thinks enough is known to enable tbe country to anticipate at au early day tbe production of ougur I torn a plant as easy of cultivation as corn, but little circumscribed by imatio influence, and one i . . . oy ptouacts nave a value t-ou.ii to be cost ol raiwiug. Tne large wheat product of tins country and its importance are spoken of, and the coiniiiisMcmt-r states tbat tbe ork of the bureau of animal industry has been giea ly extended during the past year. The governors of thirty one .States and Territories hae accepted the mien and regulations of tbe bureau and promised (ho assistance ol local police officers to secure their en foreeinent. Tbe regions infected with cattle disease have been placed under rigid quarantine and uo cattle allowed to leave them without careful examination and special permit. Among the locab ties where ths cattle disease existed the counties of Baltimore, Howard, Carroll and Prince (ieorge's, in Maryland, are named, tint through the industry and vigilance of tbe animal bureau fresh outliieaks ol the dirc;inc hare been pievenled, and in localities it lias been s'amped out. The outbreak ol yleuro pneumoniaat Chicago, which threatened to cripple the cattle in dustry of the country, has been by prompt and energetic measures en tirely exl'rpafed. There has not, says the report, been a time in years when this malady has been couflned to such restrictive areas as at present, and consequently the conditions are very favorable lor its complete eradication. Iu relation to the Department's experiments in silk reeling, the Commissioner says be lias the ver bal admission of Mr. Serrell. the inventor of th machiuery now in use, that American girlH can do twice as much work iu a given time as tbe same number employed in tbe south of France. This admis sion, be adds, is fully corroborated by other evidence in his possession. Tbe expeiiments have not jet reached tbe point of paying their own expenses, but tbat, the Com missioner says, whs hardly to be hoped for with a plant so limited. Auother year's cxm rience, it is ex pectcd, will show wbat could be done ''under factory conditions.'' The Commissioner recommends that the Public Printer be author ized to furnish the agricultural press of the country, at the mere cost of labor and material, electro types, each illustrations of the De partment aa tbe editors may desire, holding tbat many of these merit a nch wider circulation than they can get in tbe reports ot the de partment. Ee renews his recom mendatlon for the erection of a new laboratory bnilding. Washington Star. A Delnsire Hope. "Grot ary watermellonf" he asked yesterday morning as bo looked ovef the vegetables on a stand at the market. "Watermelon! Did yon ever see a watermelon on this stand in DecembeiT" shouted the stall keeper. "No, sab, bat I fought yon might be keepin' 'em nnder de stand." Weadeifal Reatentlaa erSlgSt. Bbxkbak. Texas. Mr. A. K. IIawiis: Dar Sir The spectacles I procured from you Sight yrars ago entirely r stored my sight, and, until two years sines, have been able to read ths fin&tt print without glasses. . W. a Lockktt. 1I.D.B All eyes fitted and ths- Bt guaranteed at the drug ssors of F. 8. Daffy, Nsw Bsrns., ... t.v.. ---Ai.-vsepolm - At the Disciples Cbnrch is LsOrsngs, Wednesday, December 14 1887. .by Rev. J. J. Harper," Miss Effis . Bouse to J. Y. 3ojwS----c.x:VrV'A: Ths Jotnuut extendi Its best,' wishes for ths fata re welfare SBd happiness of ths ntwly married cxsple. - ; ... - COMMERCIAL. COTTO.N HABK&T. Nsw York, Dec. 14 10:20 a. m Futures opened barely steady . bilca of 7.600 bales. December, 10 48 June, 1100 January, 10 6b July, 11 00 February, 10 64 August. WW March, 10 77 September, 10 57 April, 10 5 October, IU 18 May, IU 92 November. 10 10 New Berne market steady 8alee of 183 bales at to 9 WJ. Ptanuts 60 to 73 cts. per bushel Kggs 17 to W. Hice steady at $1 00 to ) 10 m ts&c ko Corn steady, 47 to 65 Fodder, bOo. to $1 00 per hundred Seed coiton 83 00 per hundred Turkeys 81 50 to 00 per pair. 01 ire. All public Draymen and Cm trio h ill report at the City Marshal s office wiih 1Q bve days aud procure new number for their drays aud carts. Numbers frte. John M Hakqktt. dtcl5 5d 1 City Marshal. NEW BERNE THEATRE. Friday Even V, Dee r 23 First production iu this city of Flotow 'e brilliant Three Act Opera, LOmbra, BY TUB ' KATE BEHSBERG ENGLISH OPEHA COMPANY. lALBKIli I'llTKHMK Mnt.r. For Benefitof St. Johns Lodge SI'AIIHLIIVU Itll Sl I MAl.MFK K1 OSTH1K8 1 I'l .K STACK SKI-I JK.V A (iUEAT CAHT MISS KTK HKK.NMtlOKt;, I'rlius-Oomia Hoprano. lute f t ail Kcui urond Ktiglish "pura ('.miny. lrur ( l a dmiia ii) , A o driiiy ,,f Music. N.'W ) nit .miss i.oi iii: i:x;ki. Vullalto. f,,i ,, rly w!tl, I he A I, at, , , mi pan) . M It. ICONS 1A Vll '! ' 'alf ..f ,'lara Uulse K.!k ..i.. ,, ( 'out aii) , .MK ki KMoirr, l,,,K"" ' " " cr ly nf Uir Hirakot, !i t , m ( iMIipUIl) . Sit; Alil.dS A HKKKANO Vll.H Hi I'll, i loi , (m ii,f r!y of Hie M!l,n n(, en J J 1 1 1 . .ii,. ii-i it! H.I 11. 1.1. .i I ' i' i .it ,l,-i It-t.n , ,1 wn I , i, i, I, e c. I.I H llic.1 ,iu a l H If I, , 1 Jin li hi J.m.iiv -Imp, w 1 1 i't nil vi 1 1 a i Iih i hi-. til mU1 "Imitation lstiikmm hi. km ri, m i i in " "BELL tbe JEWELER" Hn returned from Nortlieru Markets n iili i lie Largest, Most Compluto and Variod Stock of Watches, Diamonds, FINE JEWELRY, HTKRLING B1I.VKK AND I'LATKl) WARM ever seen in this He has no hesitation in shjidk he can offer the best inducements to buyers, del dwtf AGENCY FOR ' Blest be the hands that toil to aid The great world's ceaseless need Tbe hands tbat never are afraid To do a kindly deed." Therefore yoo ran And at TANSII.L'M KIMS C1UAK AGENCY, superintended hy W. 1,. llrner, Ibe choicest variety made al popaUr prices. W l. I'A l.M KK. Reoond door from eor. Rou'h From and Middle sireeis. New Heme. Nt To Arrive: CAIT. W. A. EN LOE will be at tbe stables of tbe Henderson House about the Tenth of December with a car load of N. C. HORSES and MULES 8dw3w HARDWARE. Sasli, Doors mid Blinds, Paints, Oils and Olass. iinic, Cement and Plaster, AND 411 Grades of COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, AT BOTTOM PRICES! L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BRRNE N.C. Wanted, 5X TONS of COTTON SEED. Hlgliett Cash PrlcIpald, de llTered la Wetr Berli. , . -, R H J. ' Ai MEADOWsC . . . - -- The Salvation Arny la small in campartson to the Army Of Buyers who isit daily the '? Mammoth Dry Goods Repository, H. B. Duffy line ait- i-' u. c t. f the altrat lioue: Fast Coll i Call. 1 1 Ked tt jt.nel all ,.., Men ai d It") s li.ita Men s Heavy . mit Hoy 's Hoi its .... 5o 15c. 25c. eios 60c. ...1.00 A Kl'oJ n I'utt ,n Shot- Double 1 llli 1 usIhiii le. all colors. 18c. ChlMrt-n a Hutlou Shuee S0o. rour llaml keicliief s fur 10c. All linen 1 Ian, I keri'hief.s 5c. All linen Nankin. laiKesi-.- . ... 5c. Aud otheif e,iii:Hv a- slartlinK, to be seen by calni. , i,n In f ,ie they are all sold. l'lease ji i : 1 1 1 ii. I,, r that the "rush" muxes on r, turn a ., customers daily. I in-1 f-f , hi ,i Id call early and be srrt ed. To The Wholesale Trade. We woiill ril. r yi u to scores of country iiierclisuls in every viciDltyof this and ndj nnin cminties who are ao tually Kettunj ruii lellmn Bargains bnUfchl id' ll-i. We keep rx .i tly you need, at u res that boll ly ,1 ,. f y i uiu petition. As niiin v 1 1 itn Hii l ShneM us any two ht, ire in i he i il y . In the lanuuiie uf the .S ilvatiouitt, "Will y i hi c mie AND DDNTYOU FURGET IT, I have juM n ceiied a lot of the Ten- nesHce Cart Wheels and Axles. Also fulUu(plv of Champion, Granger, Boss. Dixie sod l'oney l'lows. J C. WUITTY, Cravi n St. . Newbern, N. 0. tb" l'low CusiingH t f every descrip tion. STOP! STOP! STOP! AT EATON the JEWELER, AND SEE THE Largest and Bst Selected STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE, To be found in Eastern North Caroling..' Come and see me. Don't forget th place. SAM. K. EATON, nov29dwtf Middle street. U NOTICE. The National Bank of Naw Rmi naw ckrkk, u. , ueo. 9. 1887. . The Annual Ueetins of the Stock-. holders of this Bank, for the Eleotion of r Directors, and the transaction of Such- ' other business as may come before c tnem, win De neid at their Banking . House on the 2d Tuesday, beinz the 1 10th day of January, 1888 . . , I - ; The Polle will be opened at 18 It. to be closed at 1 P.H. . d9 dtd Q. H. ROBERTS. Cash"!1. ; NOTICE. ii - . By Tirtuo of mortgages executed to me by A H Holton I will Mil at Pub lic Auction, at tbe Brick Store oa Mid-' die street, in tbe city of Newbern late ly coon pied, by said A- H. Holton, pi the S3d day of December A..D. lb ; eommencioo; at 10 o'clock, A U.. t i stock of Liquors. Cigars, Tobacco, Fur niture and Fixtures In tbe said tre . jti JOHN O. OAKDNI " This 1st day of December,! ; 7. t ..f .