PUB VOL. VL-NO. 230. NEW ' BERNTS. N- THURS DAY. DECEMBER 29, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTO. LOCAL --NEWS. New Berne, latitude, 85 North. ", 77 V Weet. 3un rises. 7:12 Lngtb of day, v eei.. 4:83 8 9ours, 28 minutes. litem ries at 6.41 p. m... ; BUSINESS LOCALS. "5E0IC BUTTER Just received .by J Ale Miller whloh be continues to m11 at 80 eta. per lb. (Equal to any to the city.) ..s: .- ; .i-:V ;. rpw ENTY DOZEN very Superior Axes X at low prioee. on. allkhsuo. S1 EED PEAS. Beane and Potatoes for T ackers' use.-( Geo. ALLU&Co.- "TUST ARRIVED another lot of Choioe ;Upt 4 to 0 ins. , Best rieaiee. Preserves; Jeliy and Mince Meat at - ' - . . . Jo Dun's. ARBEIT'S Medoo Vineyard Cognac VJi and Wine for saie. at Manuiactu rer's prices, bv JaJtra Ebcxoho. -. 1TJRE Liquors and Winee for Medici . : nl and other uses, at wholeea'e. .-. ' JAJCC8 KEPMOVD. . rxiRECT.' Importation of. ..Jreneh 1J Brandy and Holland Gin arrived la bond and dot its paid at Custom . louse in New Berne, guaranteeing gen uine goods for sale, v s. - ; t ' ,.. -i-. Ja Bbomovb. T EDMOND'S j Ginger Ale. ; Lemen XV Soda, etc., equal to Imported. ' 1 - . Jamm Bxdmobd, rTJOaiE3. MoD. Pates' make, for JD aale at : t Dail Bane'. - Something, entertaining ia promised at the theatre next Monday eight. It ia the Weston; Brothers Comedy Com' 'Justice Robert Hanoook, Jr., has an office next door to the Joubral ffioe and announces that he la ' ready for Euslnsss. ' y -y-r-," . ' i ' The entertainment at the " If. E. Church last clht was instructive and a most pleasant affair. Our-reporter was on band and will giro partionlars tomorrow.- i ..' The flags of the steamers of the Neue , & Trent River Steamboat Compeny-were . at half-mast ' yesterday as a mark of rc sptct to the memory, of Dr. James F. Long! President of the opmpeuy . ' ,. ' The qusll eater to getting along finely. When the Judges fail to put in an ap- pearanoe at Harvey's saloon in due time, he takes hit quail and goes in search of .- one. The eixteenth was Jekea in yester day and pronounced fine. A. .battle we Imminent on Middle street at one time yeeterdsy but the 'Interference of 'friendly powers pre vented the effusion of blood. , The oom haunts" were taken before Juetioe Hill ' and dealtwlth according to law , .- . Capt. E, B. Roberts corrects our sup position as to the steamer Pamlico being disabled. , We will endeavor to get only facts hereafter and not "suppose" anything in regard to a steamer's being dUabled. The fact that the Pamlioo went ashore at Wilkinson 'sA Point Is another argument in faforof a light bouse there wi.iv .Funeral Notice. ' :;. v , The funeral' of Dr. Tames F.' Long will take place this afternoon at 8 o'clock from the Neuse street M. E. Cburob. Friends and acqusintanori are inrited . to attend. ; ' y Z i '.CV '''": , '- ,(. -' ' . e 'i 1 ' ; ' . . '. Steamer Uovements. . : Y;V . The Vesper of the E. U. D. line sailed yesterday afternoon with' a cargo rof cotton, lumber and general merchan dise. The Eaglet of this tins will arrite this morning, v- 'y:'. - ... . ., 1 - , ! - - v---tv;. TersonaL . ; ; -y ' lit. Eddie' Lewis, of Wilmiogton. an of Cspt." Ed." -Lewis of the steamer Carolina, is in the city, ' - . - V- J. W. Urainger, Esq., of Kinston, was in the city yesterday. V" ' ' l ' I! r. Kenneth Bty ron has retut ned from Durham where bo'spent Chriet- t.i.S. ' ' ' '''"'..' Contributions to the Orphan Asylum. Arnocg tbe Christmas contributions f 1 1 j tbe Oxford Orphan Asylum we j t e following from New Bern: 1, ty L're. J. A. Meadows, $40 00; f 'a cf Graded School, 11.00; I Ife's echool, f 3.25; "A little I -. Jv! a Ft arce of PolloksTlUeaUo ClO.CD. . . r s a vt bo wss returning a bor- I ' jepierday called ia to say ' ; it a duty to tae rub. 13 to r '."al mskeanoie cf t " V,$ sction on Lis 1 art -, f ( 1 Isniia t v ' 0 ' -' " T Kew Berne High CchooL ,. ;.A , We eaU attention. to the . advertise ment of New Berae High School, which appears in this laeae. rK v . This institution should receive, the consideration ' and moral support of every eitisea of New Bern and ear rounding country .' The students who have been in attendance the last three and a half months have made solid progress, which Is the beat evidence of the efficiency and ' equipment of tbe echool. Tbe course of etudiee are equal to that of any aeademio institution in (be 8tate, and sufficient to prepare pupil for the junior elass ia college, or fit one for the practical basin ess of lifeJ fne lectures to be delivered ' fwio 1 week tv prof. N eel on the English Len gusge, its grammatical etructure in prose and poetry, Its rhetorioal prinel plea in . reading, its philology in the study and use of words all kq essential to all English speaking people in pnblio and at borne will prove of suob inter est and advantage to the student that is seldom found in an academic institu tion, v , ..: . ." In addition to all tbeee ad vents gee board can be obtained in good families et 110.00 per month. Tbe people of New Ben e ehould feel a special interest in this sonool. Every boy or girl sent off to school takee at least 290 00 per annum out of the com munity, and taking this view of the matter .every one engaged in buainees is interest in building up a large echool, and there are more waya to aid a school than by patronage. Many of our beat oitisens have no children to aend to tbe High School, but they oan manifest an interest in it by speaking a good word or doing some act that will etimulate and enoourage both teachers and pupils A Sympathetic Letter. Our friend E. Q. Hill, Esq. sends us the following letter of sympathy: Naw Bkbub. N. O.. Deo. 88, W. Editom Jocrhal: I withdraw all claims on tbe management of tbe One- low railroad for the position of "Super intendent of Oonstruotiou" and hereby xteud my eympatby to you and thr road generally. a. Q. BILL. We do not understand whv the Esquire should extend hie eympatby ust at this time unless he, being a iudge of statutory as well as common law, thinks tbe deoieion of tbe Supreme Court In the Wilmington case affects tbe legality of ,' the election ordered ia Craven. We do not so understand tbe decision, but being a layman, of course we can easily be mistaken in our con struction. But . why should friend Hilt be so sympathetic towards the Journal. V We are sura be ia as much interested ia building up Kew Berne as we are. With a new lino of railroad (provided be does not superintend the construc tion).; he would be able to rent out his houses to much . better advantage, get better,, paying-; tenants, have lees trouble La, collecting rents, and we will be able to sell mora papers, take the pre dispatches and 'new life would bo iff used in the old (Sown. But tbe loss of the Wilmington sub scription has undoubtedly put a damper on the schemer. Friend Hi! rrjoioes at this; ..wt:- regret It; wherefore, his sympathy. --v. ' . -.- Wa give Esq, Hill credit for, being honest in bis opposition to the eubscrip tion to the Onslow railroad,? end be musf exouse us if we claim an equal degree of honesty and sincerity in our efforts to do something for he advance ment of the - material interests of New Berne and Craven oaaty.'Ci'.. A Sad Death, trr ;- v-- ,-i.- The death of Mrs. Dr.? Cartwrlght, formerly Miss Annie- Black we 11 of this city, ia one of the eaddeet events that it hs been our duty .to chronicle. Mrs, Cart wright was"? tba picture of health at tba time of her marriage only a few months ago.. :' ;-. V " ; ', . She bad a large circle of warm friends in the city and her unexpected demise is deeply mourned by the entire 00m munity, aud the sympathy of all is ex tended to her bereaved husband, mother and other, relatives. , 'it -, t .!) tjuestlon of Higher er Lower Wsfes. PnTSBCBO; Dec. SB Unless tbe rsil' road dohI miDfS cow workins under the Columbus scale are called out tomorrow e operators wi!l redur-A wagqe to the oi 1 rate Tbe miners officials are doing I in their power togt tbe men to come t for tl.e ad ance. but so far have -r-i vr.suocr"ful. If they fail to do is 1 f sre rsduoed in this dis- tri, t t . . 1 t w i 1 re fr-re-arhiDiy, and my r ,..t iaa leductioa throughout tbe country. - . 'Yes'" 1 vi crt ter) srsd t;cne HalI quif-t'y to ' rn s.Tord i t' e Y'e -, t " '. i -, , f - . The' Steamer PsuUIei. Editok' Jotjksal; I aanhot desist from commending yon for the energy you dupisy in gathering news (bad) when yo have to reeort to suppositions to make statement. 1 Please oufrect your suppositious mia-etatemente as to the sowing pf tbe Pamlioo and of her being disabled,' Through the kindness, generosity and aagnanimitT of Captain Davis or tne steamer Buglet, Ui punn Kurgeea 01 tne eteamer Uenanoe, and Captain David M. Roberta. Captain of SMimar aunston. out at the time com mending th. steamer Trent the steam' as Pamlico wee polled awav from Wil kineon's Point where ehe bad emnnded, Oeptaias Davis and Roberts clicking lj tne ramnoo untu sue noatea. As means of helping to float the Pamlioo Captain Davie had taken part 01 .the rami ico ear o on his steamer, and at tbe time your supto-uious ' re porter had tbe disabled Pamlioo beine towed, tbe ISsglot and Pamlico wer. teaming alongside of eaoh other and they (the captains) were doing what some person! never think of doing- saving time by rc-ebifung oarvp from the Eaglet back again to the Pamlioo while they were both prooeedibg in the same direction. Please correct Imme diately the suppositious statement in your issue of December 28th. While 1 am on tna subject 1 beg leave to trespass upon yotar eenroaity by al lowing me as agent of the Old Dominion 8teambip Company, to thank Captains Uavla ttoberts and Burgees for ineir un- aeiOah generosity in renderiog.aaietance to a brother Captain in niisfortune. Uespeotrully, IS a. Uobbhts, Agent O. D. S. S. Co. The Miners' Strike. PHlLADtLPBi., Deo. 3. Represeuts- tives of the LebUh Valley Railroad aiid the Lehigh Navrgatioo Cumpauiee siaie that tbe same wrmi are uuw open to their miqers ibat have alwaja been ol fored them, which is to resume work at the old wages and accept whatever ad vance tba market price of coal will warrant. If wore should be stopped in tne Skuylkill reion, and tbe luiuers in tbe Lehigh region shall reouiue. tbe I, t ter will, it is declared, receive a on eiderable ad vance upon the baais of p .y ; butaa tbe busy season of the anthracite coal trade is over, the Lehittb mine s oannot expect to realise such an advaote as tbe Sauylkill men have eujoyeii eince September, amounting iouih moothe 10 as muob as 21 per cent over the S3 SO basis. An offi er of the PeuDBflyanla Kiil road Company stalvs that tbe Wyoming region ie amply able to supply the an tbraoite market should the Mkuylkill and Lehigh regions both become idle. rbls can be done, it is stated, with per feet ease, as the busy eaon in that trade has ended. As far as the IV uu eylvania officials can see, there ia no reason wbatever for tbe scare hi h seems to exist oonoerning a coal famine. Dull of Comprehension The people who cannot take a joke are many, but those who can see neither hair nor hide of it. to whom it 1 absolutely invieible. are fortunately in the minority: but midway Between ehe two are thi stolidly literal people ho always "speak by the card," ami take every statement for just what it is worth on tbe surface. In tihort, ihey are always missing the point. A gentleman waaonoe illustrating, in a mall ooiupsny. the fact that the mind diseased takes on odd modes of action by the story of the lunatio who fncie i that he lived in a place and dined upon the cboioest aland s. In poiut of fct Be was confined to a ho-piwl, and h s diet was restricted to gruel' I dioe every day upon the fat of tbe land." said the poor fellow, "and yet everything I eat tastes of gruel. " When the storv was numbed, a ym- pathetic lad, who had quite .mi (wed iu point exclaimed: Poor 100 bed to feed a him on 1 1 Do ro eippMfB thats tbe tare in all the bos pitale T" An overworked farmer, or a vivid imagination and nimble tongue one morning called book hurriedly to bis wife, as he look bie way to the Hold: 'No. I oan) go to town with you to day , Jane. . I've got a million bushels of potatoes to dig before niitht.' 'What cue ae jneanr epecuiatea bis literal wife, ae she went about her ork. "I ra sura we never have more n fortv bushels, an he could 't dig 'em in a day to save his Ufa I" ' bbe was not quite equal to tne extrac tion of the grain of wheat contained in that bushel of hyperbolical chaff. Another farmer cue day said Jocosely to a neighbor: "Don't seem to pay to do tba hayin. Have to do it right over agin next year 1". . But wnai wouia tne can e live on 11 you didn't do itr" inquired the more literal man. ; .. - - 'Dot Let 'em live on faith, same's the rest of us have to do ' - You ; depend upon' it, you'd lose more'n you'd gain;" said the other. solemnly. (!'Critters have go to eat, and we've got to take Care on . Vm Don't you turn yoor cattle adrift to shift for themselves., Eben. You wont gain nothin' by it." Youth 'e Companion. V'.,". .- 'Aaaaal Feast The resrular ahnual feast given by the ladies of Christ Church was held at the cbspel yesterday moinicg. There were a large number of children ana adults present and all enjoyed itbngely. There wee a very handsome holly Christmas tree on which bung a pre-ent for ehoh one uresent.'A long table was filldwith subntantiale and delicacies.. After all bad partaken to their heart eContent the prevents weie taken from the treesnd diotributM. A larpe quantity of pro- vipinns stiil rmaioed sod bags and b-tet were f.'.lfd snd sf ntoutto many who were unable to be present. A'l eri-'yed it oio'-b, scd many tlf - ; ? ate due to the kind ladies who f f 1 r Tf'-a CUU pp the? ' s ", f . I r 1 t n-Rsv, n ma Je r- - rT i r, t r-re Kinston items. A real young Bishop at Rsv. N. M Jurney'a. Dr. A. Fields has been spending some days intbe oounty. Dr. Woodley and Mr. Ferrell paid our town a abort visit last week. Miss Leila Psrrott and Mr. Will Par rott of Darlington. S.. C , are visitmg relatives in the county. W C. Fielda. E-q , was elected presi dent of the Friends of Temperance at their regular election on Monday night. Mr. John Becton and wife of Cotton Plant. Ark ansa are visiting Mr. F. B. Becton and other relatives in this and Onslow counties. J L Burns. State Evangelist, preached at the Disciples church Sunday and Sunday night and raised a handsome sum for State missions. Monday was a day of muob noise in Kinston. Everything which would make a noise from a fire-cracker to a oannon was in lull blast, some were slightly wounded but none killed. Mrs. Wiley T. Rouse brought ber household and kitchen furniture to town liutt week and sold out at public sale. Her hunband has gone to parts unknown and ebe goes to live with relatives. Mr. Henry Bailey has moved into the Khem building arid opened a boarding house Mr. Bailey is an accommodating gentleman, and persons who want a oomfortable plaoe to stop will do well 10 call m him. dipt. Taylor and lady have also moved in and become board ers. Without previous notice. Dr. Harper was taken to the residence of Messrs. Hawkins and Case on8unday afternoon and united in th bonds of wedlock Mr. Ofo White and Miss Emma Case. Ju-t fter the ceremony an unusual incident occurred. If you want to know what t was you will have to ask the doctor. Kinston will be full of people next Monday. The Salvation Army will run an excurmon to tnis plaoe from iNew Berne and .other points. They have announced that tbev expect to have a arand, street parade that day and "run the devil out of Kington." Let all tbe peoula 00m e and wituess the remark able performance The colored people will also parade and celebrate the maurlpition vroclamation and rejoice In their freedom Mr Geo. Grace who has charge of Mr Nler'n tarui in Junes county, settled up with all the haods iaat week and each ne had a handsome sum of money nfler all accounts were settled. Thin canned so much pleasure that they were siuftiug aud whittling all about the farm, and finally gathered up and joined grand jollification. This was so I liferent from tne common complaint. hard times that we think it deserves Hpecial mention. Mr. R. L. Woolen has been employed clerk of ibenew hotel Mrs. llaneley rriv.-d on Tuesday sad all ia being put in readiness to open on January first. A number of regular boarders have bevn engaged in advance, and with a deservedly popular clerk and all the "di-m improvements the enterprise is very hopeful one. Tbe building rtas large sample room, electric call belle. excellent ventilation, central location, and. 111 short, is fully up to the timee in all us appointments Mrs. Hansly is an experienced hotelUt. and everything will be first class. The teachers and toholars of Deep Run Sunday school had a pleasant time n Saturday, night last. A beautiful rietnat tree, ladened with preavnts had been prepared and when II had assembled, beautifulsongs were ung by the pupils and teachers. Elder Hemy Cunningham and the superin tendent. Mr, K. W. Humphrey each mad - a few appropriate remarks. A vol- tru then taken for superintendent and Mr. Humphrey was re-elected. Ml ees Nora Qhrper, Dania Sirud B.irah T.. lor and Lucy Harper were reelected teachers Elder Cuciunghnm and Messrs. Burkley Smith. F. P Harper and R ibert Harper were called upon to strip tbe tree of its fruit snd very scholar received a present which made their hearts glad John Griffin, an old true and tried D- mocrat also reoeived some valuable present. It was a delightful occasion and tbe superintendent and teachers de nerve much praise for tbe manner in which they bava conducted the school. Fighting the Tenement Kyitem. PrTTbBDBO, Pa. , Deo. M Tbe cigar makers of this distrust, to tbe number of 1 700 have organised a national cigar makers' trade distrtotof the Knights of lanorfor tba purpose of fighting the, "tenement system, - which? is carried on extensively hero. Tnenewoganl satioa expects the 00 operation of, the International Union in the coming con teat, which will be very bitter. It is proposed to bring, all the -work men into factories and every tenement worker to join them.' Of else sustain a.boyowt. They wilt not interfere or court a con flict with the International Union; but if members of that organisation con tinue to do tenement work they' will oppose . them and institute- a boy cott.' Tbe. members of. the anion have always antagonised the Knights, claim ing that they have not worked in accord with tbem. and. rather played into the hands of tba manufacturers to defeat the Union. 'xf i -- V' , 'J'- : -.Tax tnti'w') Tak e notice, on and after Fridsy, Deo. 30th. 1887, 1 shall be compelled to levy 00 tba property 'of all parties having failed to pay their taxes for tbe year 1837..- ... ' ' U. BTTMBON. , .-. .' t Sheriff of Craven Co, -; - ADTICSJ TO OTHERS. . Mrs. Willow's; Soothino Syrcf should always be used for children toething. It eothe tbs chili, s the gums. allfTS a I fm. cure ; n j cCic. sid is t r t t ' ' ' ' , Begmlar Heating. Thayegalar meeting of the Board of irusseeeoi new Berne Aeaaemy wm be held at the office of the President .Fridsy afternoon, December 80, 1887 at 4 o'clock. A full attendanos is re quested By order of tbe Preeident. W. M, Watson, Sect 'y. vother.gnd nurses should always re member that disappointment never at tends the uee of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price 25 oenta a bottle. The close eympatby existing between the stomach and brain is noticeably ex hibited in the headache resulting from digestion . Laxador el ways oures head ache, wben oeueed by indigestion. COMMEKC1AL. COTTON HARK.KT. New Yohjc. Dec. 88 10:50 a. m Futures opened steady. Sales of 5 500 bales. - January, 10.56 February, 10.67 March, 10 78 April, 10.87 May, 10 96 June, 11 14 July. 1109 August, 11 13 September, 10 64 October, 10 26 November, 10 10 December, 10 53 New Berne market quiet. Sales of of 33 bales at 8 to 9.70. Peanuts 60 to 75 cts. per burhel. Eggs 17 to 18. Rice steady at Si 00 to $1.10 in sacks. Corn steady, 47 to 55 Fodder, 8O0. to Si 00 per hundred. Seed cotton 88.00 per hundred. Turkeys $1 50 to S3 00 per pair. Eobert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office next door below Journal oflice. Same building with Gui n & Pellener. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Will give prompt attsntion lo all matters pertain ing to Justices' courts 629 dtf Horner School, OXfURD, Nt C. H. HORNKB i T J. Dkkwky i ' ""CI-"- Tbe 8pring Session of 1HW8 will begin tbe 16th of January. Hoard and i union, ldc udmir fue . 895 00. Oxford. N. C . Dec , 1887 d38d3taw3w w3t Schedule'B" Tax. NOTICE. Office of Regihtkk of Deeds, Oka yen County Newbern. Deo. 38, 1897. All Merchants, Traders, Liquor Deal ers, Keepers of r ernes. Commission Merchants, Auctioneers, and all others in Craven oounty, who are required to list their purchases, receipts or sales, as the case may be, under Schedule "B" of the Revenue Laws of North Carolina, are hereby notified to list the same with ih- undersigned at the office during the FIRST TEN DAYS IN JANUARY, 1888. The said lists muBt contain all pur chases or receipts, as the case may be, for six months ending Deoember 81st, too7,and all prior not heretofore given in, and should be sworn to and sub scribed before tbe Register of Deeds, or some Justice of the Peaoe. All persons failing to list before the lOtb of January. 1888, will be subject to a double tax. ORLANDO HUBBS. Register of Deeds, d38dtd Craven Co , N. C. New Berne High School New Berne High School will re-open on 8d January, 1888. 70 students enrolled this term. Students are urged to bo present on the first day. Two lectures a week by Prof. Neal to advanced pupils on the Grammatical Structure of the Englieh Language in Proee and Simple Poetry, then in Sakespeare and Milton: also on its Rhetorical principles in Reading, and Philology chiefly in the study end use of words. d38 d5t wit SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE. N. C, Will move on or about January 16th. 1888, to their new office, over the Bank ing House of Green. Foy & Co-, three doors below Hotel Albert. Delays Are Dangeious. EATON the JEWELER, Can be found a Nice Stock of Watches,, Clocks. Jewelry, . . 80LLD BILVEE ANI) PLATED WARE : Fall line of everything la my lino. Coma early and make your selections. ;v. ' ' ; ' 8AM. K. EATON. "aovSO dwtf . Middle street Christmas Gift and Mew Tears : r V Presents, Vrom Too. --; . The moat satfc factory gifts ' I 'could have about these days would ba to save every one- that owes me little amounts Pay Up. Now in the name of alt that is good, why not do it. And will fur the? say, "not stand upon the order of your coming. bctOjsIK."- ... , Some are good, some are not. Let hi sea who is wbo, and have the agony over. This maybe taken as a dun by some. vrr. l. Fao-r, c-' - -. : i r f !" - . GEORGE S. FISHX; AND aUHCFACIDSM W J v Wroogrtt Iron ana steel Cotton, Corn, and Turn Plows. - Old Plows repaired. 7 , New and other Job Work dona at short notice. - New Cart Wheels and Axles constant ly on hand. By GEORGE 8. FISOEB, ' V ' Bboad Street. Niw Bkskk, N . C. A diploma from the State Agri cultural Society is an additional guar, antee of the qua'i-y of my work. For Sale. Vacant lot, south east corner Middle -and Johnson streets. 75 feet on Middle street and 110 feet on Johnson street, . W. JS. ISoyd. REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newbern, N. C. dw J. P. C Davis, i WlIOLF.SALH AND RETAIL DEALKB IH CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES V AND .PJU)'ISIONS. I Ik-el Grades Family Flour always in ' ? Hux k Beat Brands of Tobacco Llirect from the factory. ' -: BOOTS, SHOES, I AND HEAVY DRY GOODS. Call and get Hock Bottom Prices. " ''' MAKRBT DOCK, ;V New Berne, N. O. ',i iltcl7 dw OUR SHOW WINDOWS For all tbe Novelties and Fine Goods this week. See those Solid Gold F'ye Glasses foT.'V 83 00 See the new patent "Grab" Eye'. Glasaes. S.-e the most magnificent display of ' Fine Gold and Silver Goods ever shown -in this city. .? . Fine Bronzes, Silverware, Clocks, , Watches, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry V Eell The Jeweler. V AND DDNT YOU FORGET IT, v nessee Cart Wheels and Axlee. Also a fullsuDtilv of Chsmmon. Granirer. fimn Dixie and Poney Plows. J. C. WHrTTY,' . Craven St., Newbera, N. O. t 4T Plow Castings of every deacrin- ' tion. I 7 Just Received: A very handsome Line of Neckwea for Holiday Trade. . pU Don't fail to come, and sea my fifty cent Scarf, as good as oan be bought for seventy-five cents in the city " Full line of Novelties in, .Handker chiefs and 8uspendars fof Xhias, also on hand. .' m-1 ;'-Vv ' - S. D.-VATEnS Jr., 4 .; GENTS' FTJB'JISHKR. Having purchased the satire Stock c ! Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers' In store t der Hotel Albert, I wfll sell the r At C03T, SPOT CASH.". Ko be sent out on probation. . Thankful for p&et patron -.; t"n will ts c?nt:.ij'l 1'