he Bmly Journal.. VQlVI.-NO. 232.. NEW BERNE. N. C. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. it. 4 LOCAL NEWS. ItirHl lmls'r aiasaiae. New Bern, latitude, 80 ' North. " . longitude, 77 8' Weil. Sun rue. 718 ueugut oi day un eu. 4:88 ' 8 itairs. 26 minute. M od ri.es i 8.41 p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. 1 Aflfi R0LL8 WALL PAPER lvlUU just reoeived and for sale at very low prices. Obo. Allen & Co. CBOIO BUTTER just received by Alri Miller whicb he coinlnuea to ell al 80 cla. per lb (Equal lo any in tbe.cily.) TURNER'S ALMANACS t Obo Allkn & Co. JU8T ARRIVED another lot of Choice Hams 4 to 0 lbs. Best Pickles. Preserves, Jel y dJ Mince Meat. at Jiso DUNN 8. GARRETT'S Medoc Vineyard Cognac am) Wine for sale, at Manufactu rer's prices, by James Rat mono. 13URE Liquors and Wine for Medici nal and other usee, at wholesale. James Redmond. DIRECT importation of French Brandy and Holland Gio arrived in bond and duties paid at Custom Souse in New Berne, guaranteeing gen jine good for aale. Jab Redmond. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon Soda, etc , equal to imported James Redmond. BUOJIE8, ale at McD. Pates' make, for DalL Bltos'. Last day of 1887. Good-bye old year. Get your new year's resolution in shape. The New Berne High School will open next Tuesday. The oystermen must be UkiDg holi day. But few oysters in market now. The last two da)B have teen very pretty, bright, clear and oold. Tbe naeroury was down lo eighteen degrnes early yesterday muraiag. But little cotton coming in now. Only those who are able to hold back a few bale have any, and this class is unusually soaroe this year. The city authorities have moved into iheir new quarters, the building for merly occupied by tbe Southern Express Company, which is now.the property of the city.'' At tbe meeting held last evening to receive tbe report of the committees to arrange for Rev. Mr. Pearson's meet ings it was decided to bold tbe regular services in the Presbyterian Church, aod tbe after service for enquirers at tb M E. Church. Tbe financial affairs Ol the services were placed in tbe bands Of the T. M. C. A. Steamer Movements. The Pamlioo of the O. D. line sailed for Norfolk yesterday with a cargo of oottoa, Other freights and passengers. The Eaglet of the E. C. D line sailed yesterday afternoon with a full cargo of . lumber, cotton, etc Tbe Vesper of this line arrived yesterday afternoon. The Way of the World." Tbe above is the name of the new oomedy drama that is to be produced at tbe theatre Monday night. Of it tbe Brooklyn Eagle say-"The moral teachings of H.ael Kirk, the sublime .and emotional scenes rf Esmeralda and an inexhlu. stable fund of humor em bodied in 'The Way of t e World,' makes it tbe foremost prod not ion seen in Brooklyn for several years. Messrs. Horrieand 8am. Vfeeton, two fini.hed musicians, are destined at no distant 'day to rank among our best oomedy tare.'! . Ticket on sale at Bell's jewelry tore. Reserved seats 79 oents. Tin Stock. J The JotJBJiAL often has the pleasure ' of .noting afiorte on the part tit out ' f fanner to improve their stock. It is f y sorely a Lealihy sign to sea them turn- , tag their attention snore to this impor tant featnre of the farm. Mr. A. J. 7 i ' Amu of Hiekort. BUI. Onslow tounty . has a fine colt under tares years Old. s ' : 'natural paoer, which bids fair to bs ,. come noted 'for speed and .graoefai V movement, The' ooit - was bred and X raised upon Mr AmanV Own' farm, and 1-Vsi sired by the Terry korss of Ham . bletonian blood, now owned by Messrs, Dunn and WUlett&aa. this city -Ws think a good feature of our com ing fait would be a stock show. Many of our farmers are is stock, had n parade of these through the streets of . the city would be sn interesting sight ,; ,- . . . t , If "a numerous household Is ths safe- - ty of tbe Republic ' it might be weU to proclaim at once, tbst tbe remedyupon which such household should be reared is Dr. Ball's Eaby Strop. ' A good cathartic is worth It Weight in fold, yet Lsxd-r, f irfsllibie rulhtrr of tbe tun t?. i, i !d tic i't c-ts s r" ' - Dr. June F. Long. j to dwellings; the establishment and Tbe life and character of Dr. James opening of toe fertiliser factory bv E. F. Long, whose death was announced H & J A. Meadows; the oil refinery at in theae columns last Wednesday tuorn- Maj. Denuison'e oil works; the Jrman tag, deserve more thao a pisein notice, ioo factor , the orga izaiou of build N't having beard of his illuess. bis j ittg and loan association ; the opening ol death was a surprise to us Since tl e a stock farm near the city br Meesiv. first announcement we hae r.o-iv.d Duun & WilUtt; tbe organisation ol from a friend some facto con use ted with hie life. Dr. Long graduate 1 at ihe Mrdical College of New Y.-rk io lboS and set tled in Washington. N C , where be soon acquired a large and lucrative practice Iu poluioe he was a Democrat of the old school, nui while never ac tively (inKmieii iu political contest he took a lively interest in hat was goiux on and kept posted on the great issues that divilrd the parlies in that dy At the outbreak of the war be volun teered and tendered hits service to his native State. lie was appointed surgeon of the odd regiment N C troop, anil was always a devoted friend to the eick and wounded under h e care. When the rrgiiuent was placed in Daniels' brigade hla duties became very aMuous a- d Lin health soon gave w onjer tlie expokuree of the cnmp. the naurcb and the field At (he earneei soliciution of bis gallant olonei and othtr niilitary friends in authurity he resigned bin position to save the rem uaui oi lis constitution. Ue settled in Western Norib Carolina ami recurved the practi e of his profewiion until ihe close of the war. Alter the war he returned lo the town of Washington. Iu 1870 he removed to New Berne .There he hug lied until the time of his death, a prominent ciliaeo, closely ideu tilled with the interest of the city r i l . . an nan ror several years Deen county pbymcian. aod the poor and destitute recelvvd hi best attention, enjoying freely both his s) nip uhy and medical skill He neser turned them awsv a long as he was able to minister to their sicknes and poverty. Il was also ai the tune of his death President of the Neue and Trent River Steamboat Company, which position be has Al lei for several years with enure satisfac tion to the company. Dr. I...i.g's highest reputation, how ever, was achieved hs a member of the North Carolina Medioil Aa.ocialioo Hla eloquence and scientific attain menlsmade him u marked man in that learned assembly. lie was the ortr of the Association at Asbeville and t Ureenaboro. His able address on the subject of ''Heredity " won the nd mi ra ti n and approval of bis colleagues and many lay men la I8f3 he was memorial ora'or in New Berne on which occasion we hd the pleanure of bearing his eloquent address The selection of him for this duty was a fining tribute to his service and Suffering for the Confederate soldier, snd well did be perform the task assigned him Dr Long, though wrecked in oonfll luuon and health carried bis in domitable resolution and intellectual foroe with him to the end Hv sheer force of will he carried hu feeble ho ly torough ail the difficult roads of a Urge practice until dentil relieved his brave spirit The true and warm heart- d peo p e Of Ne Berne will not soou forei a man who labor, d so earnestly and faith fully for their good. ihe Old Ye tr. Today is the U.t of 1887 Ii is a good time to take a retrospective view, for tomorrow we must begin to look for ward and prepare for tbe future after naving noted our failures aaJ shortcom ings of ths past. Tneear has marked about the usual number of horrible railroad accidents aud other calami tie which must always be expecteJ in this busy, fleeting worl I, and ws presume it has brought the usual amount of pleasures as well as sorrows. To ooms boms aod note the prog re-s of events la our midst we can reca 1 nothing of a startling or sensational Onaracter. except it be the' murder of (o of our cinzeus in tbis county, one t ie wife of a man who is now awaiting execution for tbe crime, tbe other a re specUbiefarmer whose murderer bas a been captured by tbe officer of the law. As for advancement in material and isvdnetrial enterprises, while the crops upon :whin the business of this city largely detends haw been almost a failure, still New Berne can show sob s anilal progress daring tbe year. Among the svesu la this linn we' note the completion and opening of Botel Alben, credit to the tity end a great eoavealssce lo ths traveling pebllc; many improvements te the various saw mills ia the city and vlainity; (be erec tion of. a new bank building by too banking house of Green, foy & Co-; the establishment of tbe E. J D. line of t amrv;tbe buildiog of tbs new river boat ' Edward;" mscy i-crrcvf nrats New Berne High School, and the erec tion of one nnw church building There and other improvements of minor im piitance give evidence of n.i rprise, and the success which attends in. m will encourage otheis during the com ing year Let every man enter the new year nh the deierminati n to do something for the material alvame-m-nt of bis community aod the clone of lHn8 will find us with many more new enterprises to record. Cot on on Fire. As the freight train on the A. & N. C. K was coming in yesterday evening with a heavy load of cotton when near Neu-e road crwfing about four mile from the city, a flat car load was dis covered on Are. The conductor stopped the train at a pond of water and threw the cotton off the car on fire The train came on to the depot and another 1 in was sent back for the cotton throw n into he pond tbe fire being apparently ex tinguished. It was loaded and brouuht lo the railroad cotton yrd and about 0 o'clock was discovered burning again The alarm was given nrxl the fire depa tment hurried to the spot and thoroughly watered It There were thirty ijpe bales in the lot. but the ex tent of the damage is not known at this writing. CI Tl ( OCX II, l'K0 i.UHM.V D ce.nber 29 1HH7 A special meeting of the board (if city council men was held this evening nt half past seven o'clock. Mayor Meadow in the rhuir. l'reenl Coun cilmen R I'. Williams J V Williams. II B Line. V A Crawford and II I' K - n n ed y . The Myor stateil that the board had been called together to lake some action in rutfard lo obligations of the city now falling due and in regard lo Mr M Pat terson ' stables, and work on the streets Ii P W il I lama moved that the M yor an I nuance committee be directed to ascertain the amount of funds Uecus sarv to meet tbe papers falling due a'id m ik e arrangements to raise the Bame. which on a vote b iug taken was car ried. A petition from Mr. M Putterton lo be allowed lo move his stables was a ranted On motion of U P William. Mr O. Marks was allowed to pay the in arrears on property purchased fpni) es Late of Win ISolligao. w ithout ad .1 itiou of owls The Marshal called attention lo a bridge on End street w hich needed re pa rs. Oo motion of K P. William, the Marshal was instructed lo make the re pairs. Councilman K P. Williams staled thai there w ere complaints of lh6 coo diti'iu of the streets now being work' d, anil moved that the Marshal be instruct d lo employ hands to work on in streets and work no other force on tbe streets hut sucn a are so em. -loved J. V William moved that the matter be referred to the regular meeting for action, which was carried. Adjourned. rOKr.lWN KVT prki'arino puk war Dece 'iib.-r 27 Tbe Figaro s correspounent stale that li Pins Muuion workmen belonging to Ihe Austrian re aerves have bten ordered lo join their regiments forthwith BccBaREUT December 27 The Auj Irian iJOusul here bas inrimsted that Autriao subjects in Rtmania should be prepared to rejoin their rejimeuls. McCaffy and D mp. y to Fight. Naw ToBK . Dec 27 -Domini, k F. MH)ffry, ol Philadelphia, and Jack Dempaey of Brooklyn, middle-weight champion of America, signed articles of agreement this morning for a ten-round Marquis of Queeosberry oontest January 81st. at catcb weights, to take plaoe near ue city, at a plaoe hereafter to be agreed upon, far f 2.000 and tbe gate re ceipt. Swept by a Tidal Ware. Havapa Deoemner 87 Aqnadilla, a email port of Porto Reno, has soffered, like Braooo, by a huge wave. Forty three bou.ee were swept away. Tbe wave destroyed tbe solid masonry in the country, and eleven bodies were swept out to sea. Tbe wave was due to a ''norther." Will Con tea 4 ror the Cap. Niw Toax, Deo 87. Private letters rewired yesterday at the New York Yacht dub ooaasined the information that a challenge for the America's cup, is oa iu way over from England. It is understood that ths challenging yacbt is the cutter Inez. 'Mid pleasures and palaces though wo may roast, be It ever so humble,' there's no epeeiae for pain like Salva tion Oil v Price K oents n bottle. The most troublesome eompaakm. a perea can bavo while being away from borne, is a eon eh, and 1 would advise rwyb-vty to procure Dr. Bulla Conga c jrsy i - ' -r." L'rnmmer. M'SLUiHT UCVU.N'U. O i huw Dlest to leave the sorruw-. Aui the puu tb at eari'j Let.wf. Woere we tiad the oomlog morrow, H i tta us far more bitter wmt. Oa the music and the re t o en by Itlr St-f apli OttLiU . We will Oe aye uiore ili-n blest, iu that OrigLt auJ j ). ui UuJ Ori ti worth the price i f dying Just to Iiear Hie angel- sn It ero wortti a world of r-itung r or ihi.- theUcr of ti.eir w ine Nome E tL Ahb k i o. I MhMOKI AM. Mib Aui II, a. S A i 11 l l t w I 1,1 iic of Ui H , t.'ai i i ibi now liU'uliotij Miiit t:,e saints ali.r. evrrni-liti. lioru rictcujlji r lL. m.irieil io iitioi c.tjur,b. on licne Juu.- P. n Ll t.nj 'liel ol liar UotLie at rdrneid Hile ooi,i on 41. odd), li.-ct Lutic-r lil.li. 17 lo tbe i year o tier ae In loeJeatn o Ills es UUibleyuUUg WoUl ill lilt) , UIU 'U U o 1 1 i .i wtliCIl Dllc lived, and th- v nuri n d w bxiti ebe w a SU aCUVe and trjI'UB IBrllltjt-r, bave sustaine d a losi woi h t(i(-y cannot so n lolael ' llie CMMI b'llit-. the Oallie f'uhi.lbe vict iry Mun,' tbe Jong aUJ patleul Bi,lFole( lias pastel art 1 ( 111 earth to eniei int ,. an we irut ano be e, llic- B.rtl reel id I'-.radlBe 11. '1 lust, but trnuslerrei ivi . ti.-Lter world nile we know mat, in tins nle wo Can UiVer again nte Itial bllKbl auu .-Ildu,g face Oeaullful e - e u Iu death iHCkuDH beaiulug wilU the llgbt of ne.vei, oull tliere lingera ih-i foii.l recollei lion of tn.il cbeeiing presence w n ic n a' w' ay s brought huiihihih- io i, eer and gladden tbe liearls of the tilllu let) ana the -oirowltil M,-melf ly iia uie cheerful anil 1 1 Ii I heari-d. it wa tier dt liglll to cliei r alld Colli I "I I llioe wllo rie in trouble lOUtirilled OV Idslliill 1.) Olilll While a pupil at Ht Mar) s School. K . I. ili, i-h.-uvrd and di'd in in. communion ol ttie .bur. Ii Among h. r Uiert uiir.u--was an expirs.'Ou f tti- n . jie that she m ighl 1 1 v e uuul ber lli.'mp arrived on Ills a. 'pointed Vlsillioll which he did do a fev h 'UfS ufitr her d iti'MiiboJ i-d oplril had taken 1U1 flight s i ttiat -h might receivu al Ins Ijaud.. tbe consvi crated emnli-mn i f the lt.,dy and tllood of her Kedeeinber tUn Ood. iu II in iu tluite wisdom saw lii to order it other wise. Oil Tuesday, the liUol. at o !I0 p ni . was lead ov,-r her reinains " li chuicii's soleiun service lor " the burial ol Ihe dead ' A.llmeudof the Iroaoll was sung th.it hetiiu'ul and lu this instance fi t stirjhusimjly beaulifu bmn -' A-leep IO J.r-OS winch seemed to all present -iiiuiai ly at'P'O pri.te, as thi b-tuiifoi sleep r lay onning. as if oi ' ultf- . in her narrow bed. And now. ihit mir dear SMter ha been IbUri eany called awu).8 fri nd and paaior, wtio knew her intimately and loved her well, we ext'-ud to the nereaved mother and husband our heanfeli svinpalhv and coudolence in tti irt their hour of deep sorrow May th (I 'd of all C'linf rt bestow upon lh' m tlis heaV'nly neneil iciious ! lieloved sister, n ft Cliouate daughter. ile vol, d (,'h r istiati w i fe rest In pe ice ! ' Jeciis Thou P. nice if life, Tni ch'isell cannot die I. ike Thee, they c. mijuer in the strife. To reign with Tbee on high. H H H. Mr. Ileecliei 's Succcsor I ll ivcn. HlKV'RLYN. N. Y. H-c 27 K.v. . Lyman Atitiotl haa tn-el selected as ptrtoro' rlviiouihi hu i'Ii, at ilie same salary pud Mr. Heecii r. unrlofdl It .al orn 1 1 i tl r li h t . I!-:VMIM TkXaS Vi; A K Hawk'v I) ar S.r Ihe re la I-s 1 pr mi I fio'ii you eight y uis h.o enlireli I ored mv siglit. and. until two ie.irn i-:ne. haV' licin able lo Te..d the JlHlst print without glass.s W II l'iKCTT. M D AH eyes fitted and the m guaranteed it ihe iruK store of F H D.itfy New n.ru- sep5 lm (."ern..r Mar.uailnae i i itirsllr III. JEFFKR-CIN I ITY M i . Dec 17 Gov. Maimaduke was taken ill on yesterday inorni'ig To lay be is much worse His attending pby slci .n Dr Dividaon, pronounces hi. disease to be pneumonia. IVlalarla. Darby Prophylactic '"luid i held in wide esteem as a specific and prevent ive In ii we have the metns of ren deri a the air and water wholesome. ' Darnys Fluid is a good defecator and destroy er of raissmaiic matter. J C' Booth, hemist U. 8 Mint. Phila." Il should be used everywhere when impure gases are generated from de on pomg mailer." Holmes Smith, M. D . Havanoah. Oa. DIKD. At Pamlico Pamlico county, on No vember 2 I. 187 of t ph.vnislarial fever. Walter Junes, son of Mary J sod Thrx C. Jones, ag' d 21 vears, 5 months and 9 dsys. Beaufort Record pleaae copy. Dr. N. H. Street. Offioe corner of Pollock and Craven tree is, d30d8m NEW BERNE, N. a New Berne Jligh School New Berne Hih School will re-open oo 8d January, 1888 70 students enrolled this term. Students are urged to be present on the Scat day. Two leotnrcjo a wvek by Prof Neal to advanced pupils on the Grammatical Structure of the English Language ia Prose and 8np) Poetry, then in Snakospeers and Mil ton; also on its Rhetorical principles In Readier, and Pbilolotry ohisflyia the study and ass or erords. 2805tWlt (X)MMERCIAL. t OTTON HABKKT. Njsw Yohk Dec Si 10:;u a m - Future opened barely steady Saler ' of 7 000 bales. January. 10 51 July. 1109 February, 10 fl7 August. 1114 March, 10 7 rVptember, 10 70 April. 10 H8 October. 10 0 May, 10 W November, 10 14 June 1104 December, New (terns market quiet Sales of "f 9 bales at 9 lo 9 55 as lo grade. Peanuts 60 lo 75 eta per bushel. Egg 17 to IS Kioc steady at 81 00 to 81 10 in sacks I'oru steady. 47 to 55 Fodder. M)c to 81 00 per hundred. Seed coilon 83 00 tier hundred Turkeys 8 1 50 to 8'.! 0'i per p.ir Guano, Kainit, AM) - r., imo l,u i, ;u.; !,, f 1 ,000 bu-h, Me!ul,,w' l'i f m i ii m I i Ir.i liarly P a , g uar an ! , i ! M", k r.O'i m (;, nuinc i:ar! r ta lor- . , ipo an.l trii'' to hamc) . L'IMI huili. Ki'.ra Kirlv K uti I iL-a V la '.1:1 1 I ,"ttllrt 'J00 lu.-li. Mohawk K.an-, (,,licli! Wax lieaiiii. Knilish, ( 'u "u mi bcr , 1 '" i and hi i"ii S' t . 1,000 tout M.alo',1?' Special Cruali' I for all croj't. i. 500 toim ( i cr in it ii K a in 1 1 . '-'00 tous Ktiwan l'lin( hate K0 tons PlsmUcI li me 100 tons Cuttou Seed Meal. 100 ton Agricultural I.lmi . FOR SALE I1Y E.H. & J. A. Meadows, COTTON & TRUCK KACTO US. AND MANUFACTURERS OF MEADOWS' SPECIAL GUANO. OllKK; I'MON POINT, NKW liKKNi:. N. ('. decoO dwif Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUeTICE. Ofllco next door below Journal office. Kiine building wiih Uuii n & Pellener. Open from 9am to 4 p ro. Will give prompt attention to all matters pertain ing lo Justices' courts d29 dtf Horner School, OirtlHD, Nt C, J II Horner ) r.,i.i. T J Druwry, Principal. The Spring Session of lSS will begin tbe 16ih of January. Board and Tuition, idcluding fuel, 9 00 Oxford. N. C. Deo , 1887 d23 d8uw2w w2t SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERN E. N. C, Will move on or about January 16th. 1888. to tbeir new offioe. over tbe Bank ing Boue of Greeo. Foy & Oo-, three doors below Botel Albert. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee a and 8plcea, Batter and Cheeae, from the beat dairies. The Larreet and Best SsleeW fitock CAtlS&D FKCITB AMD TEOBTaBL sver before Drought to few Bam. Also, a foil varieiS of ether goods, aeoai . kept In a Firat-Claa 8 lore. Uoods delivered at any part of Ike free of onarf, . : o TERMS CASH, i 4. t, ' , Mlddl Ht, next t BamphteT r S Hairard, vs Bene. N. O ' GEORGE S. FISHEB BLAClvSMITH- iSL) MlM KA' Jt'KEJi OF Wrougl t Iron iinu btfel CottOD. C'oru, iintl luru Plows. ' ' .d 1'low o repaired . New and other Job r k done St short notice. N - w i ,n v, r,rc - ui. ! a iiee constant" I)' cii band. In CI.' ,i, ,i. s. USHER, H- .M' STi.KLV Ni,y HtH.NK, N. C. A '"f -t. ihe Slate Agri cultural Society is , additional nr. ante, the ((u-,,,! ,,( ,y ,)(. For Sale. ,i at.: , ! c 'u:t,w.e: , mt-r Middle an I J l,:.n n rtieeta 7 f et 1 ;i, M idd 'a '' 1 ! ' t et "ii J.-Ln,.,!, s'.ieel. W. 15. 15oyd. REAL ESTATE AGENT. N.w I,,,. n , dw J. P. C Davis. U 11 11 'IK iM, I,, : , I I. '.1.1 i. I.N choice family groclites AM - .PHO ISIOXS. ,. , . - . , v li i. r hlwavH in ' t i I I aloli- . f '1 ,.', , o I ' : f r ' i i il,e 1 ... i n BOOTS, SHOES, HEAVY DRY GOODS. I all mi. I uei lux k Ii .ii. .in i'nre. lAI!Ki;i DOCK, N-tv Itt'riie. N. C. Ieel',1 WATCH our:show windows For all the N,.,')ti,.s and iinoCcds this eek See- tho, .. S. :,d tild E,e (.,'a-Ktsfor S:i (k) See the i,'W patent "lliab" Kyc ( i laHses S ths m. i iii-igniti.-ei.t displav of Fine ;..! I and Sih, r (o...1h t ier shown iu this ci' v . Pine Hr.ii7i.H. Silverware. Clock. Walclies, lhni nom Is and l ine Jewelry. Bell The Jeweler. AND ODNT YOU FORGET IT, I have just rcceiaed a lot of the Ten nessee Cait Wheels and Axles. Also a fullsupplv of Chsiiipion, liranger. Boss, Dixie and Poney Plows J.C. V BITTY, Cravi n St., Newbern, N. 0. (i5 Plow CamiDgs of every descrip tion. Delays Are Dangeious. AT EATON the JEWELER, 1 Vkr W Can be found a Nice Stock of i Watches, Clxks. Jewelry, ' T . SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. J Full line of everything in my line. Come early and mske your selections, 8AM K. EATON, :; " Dov29 d wtf Middle street. . Cbrtstmas (Jt'ts and New Yean , c Preeeufs, r'rom You. v Tbe most sstii factory gifts I oonld have about these osys would be to bave everyone that owes me little amounts, v Pat Up. Now in the name of all that " is good, why not do it. And will for tbsr aay, "not stand upon tbe order ef your oonsiog. but c mk." . Soma a re good, some are not. Let g , see who to wbo. and bare the egoey ' over. ; This may be taken as a dan hf ome. - , a - - We 1 Paucea, Ctoaa Store, Seooad door from tbe corner of Middle ?, aad bonth Front ata., east sirie, . ', i - i ; -V "a v , 1 1 saan? ivu .. ... . , niw erae, . c