, I j y at V Lit IKIJ Wko.Ki THE riEMSOP A r- at. BAasI AND .. , M. BA.HH A CuM- ' - - iaa twea Q- aulyad by ilia daaka ?v- .- ! A. BahB. M. Win -. rj , will cumin ua U . - t V btMinets of BALK, V AiCU4GK - AkD . " uvtaYof aoBoKS. it CLAd, eta at the i ud en Middle uiwl, what be kx a. la tn earna nnilnaa, la the a loe. will ba niiid ta Bill bM U4 ewutmit. - .i.a band ta du HMm I fUII . ' "Hi M4HILU. ha Lvibf aiiiniilui j - u I 7 ACTIOS O 0AJLA5TKXD. j IX ITA1I1I & CO. ak.laaa rTotieo. Hiag parhtod th entire Stock of r .u, Bhoee, aad Babben ia store n Lt Hotel Albert, IwUl eeU the amine AT COST. SPOT CASH. No good will Le eat oat ea Probation. j Thankful for past patronage, the baai as will be continued at the old j tad dor Bote! Albert. :J-Z7f F. T. PATTKKSOW. ITdw Berne, K. C eelr dtf J , Tin Jl iparimoa ) Uw OmUi J BBHamtMM for 1 it (JtlMd BiAadat fttM rTlfl OOQbV wrejV Ukt HMII.W Ol taM SotMUfit law oWMXten iter iTldmlai - -a,- eavov- nBtda. erttk, lot U UpildMl BlAtdM, tnd aad all aMaraaaairiaa. Tbair aiparl- a a u aaanailaa aad laau laculUM an anaar- iraaiaai aad palleallaai arapantf d dlad la mm f.iaaiOAoa aa aaart aauea. Tafau .air aaaaoaaaia. jla aaarya far iubiuum 01 Adnca ay aaail fraa runuaeuliidiinuk MoaadOaaiaaatlaid SluM la.N'1'lKftC C AMAlUCan. wbMB aaa taa lani.ai atiaalatiaa aad w iha a, o.l ladaaatial aoaiMuar af ua fctad Baauuaa la tfea aarla 1 a atlraataeai ac aaal aauat atarj pttaam ar narnla 'J in. larsaaad mlaadidlr Ulaairatad aaaipapar la a.biiakad WKK.li.UV at a.aafar. aaju aankiuaa la aa laa ban papar da.aiad ta aoiaaea. awMiwt taaaalioaa aaiiaaartac vorka, aad r daaartaMaw mi Udaatnal angina, aab I'Miad la aaa aaaatrr. It aaalaiaa taa aiaiaa of al a.iaatf aad UUa af aaanr laaaaiiaa pauatad Tr it faat awalaj tec aaa daliat. a 4 br all aaa.iUal.it, 1 m aaaa aa laaaaUaa U palaat arriM ta d Oa aaMukara af limili laanatt. if. nn lat. . i aaaal aataaM auUad frat. v t Lam tlM j wawiem IiAAiaTal A j , tl M tAL PASTlLLESaV I atClf-- f fl A a-4 adkaV j aaajaj la a. a t 11 r A wllk IUaat'd auPTwaaA raaaoNaaaa kaverau OLDEST AND LARGEST at it aatJaoiutj.oiaaeWM 7i lot fiirt ia iaaaa. a 4 1 tnMa datra aaaa to thaalT aajoy aiaal of aad tuU tfmmU Bi .aata aad Vlaui m i Haalttt, j.tfc oaaoam. fill ttoa aaaT abaaaia dlaaaaal i.wafc. aaaal a ladiaaaaaiaa. iiaaara, Oaabfala Laa. t laa aiaaana, aa "JJJUJ'JJJJJJJ CZlAT?r . i.TfThTll artltTllaatd PaSaiuTI Walter D. Moses & Co. 914 MAIN STREET, i i-iraM.-a-ftit'W.Hijwg- M I '-...:'-' S a "1 Cwreisnoe eolioitod. CaUloguee maUed free on application at the office of ait Ifrs. S. F. Btinly'f Book Store, oornar Broad aad Middle Sta., jaal?4wBm ML BROTHERS, ale HAVE REMOVED TIVQ STORES. SOUTH OF ilkeep offeFXOTJR. HEATS, ?lA8sl&8. BAXiT, TOBACCO. rrtnlng 1st the GBOCXBT - . ... t SALE finn ' t- -V - r . " aL- --aJT .rULL StPPLt of GOODOESES,' iiCLES and P05EES ji on band, which will W WldT 3 is ith goodiCurity.a f f "H- .fi.Vrt: EUGGIES, EOAD CABTS,HaBKES3,. WIILPS, etc. ' I a. -.11- rjl.l'll-l - -a . : '. 1 Lo iouur uiui.o m esu ou 1 ia the Stables si an hours, dayand nfjt. W. L. DOUGLAS U SHOE, the ori ginal and ulj band saved welt Si hoe m the world, equals custom mad hand' eved shoe iL& coot from t S to t. T.'.L. DOUGLAS 103 CIIOE. raa. aalaaa) iM .&a tuu a a.ai ailed lor Uaarjar. wma W. I. H ear. 11 a. bum iy yomr aaaaa? jaLAA Arati.tna, Mm, ; ixirra witx aiBim . u a n 0 L E j V7 0 it KS, nWBCRKKI.C Monuments Tombs I t ad all kind Orera and BaUdlat warkta ITALIANS AMERICAN WARBLE 01 (lore will reoeire prompt attnntior iatisfaotion cnaranteed i JOB K. WILLIS, Proprietor t'xoooaaor 10 Oaorca W. 01anooia) I yr BROAD AfD O&AVSIt 8U. I iKW BKRMK. A. t j U. E. Muxaii i. my authorised m 1 in Kinston maso-dr; I i'iHililiHHUiil Z?ZZZZ: Srif&ZZ I m mil 1 11 1 aland layaifr IMataMaaiaad aata! TmtarmitwtKt.titaiit, ttna a HARRIS REMEDY CO BJrs tasaff aosw W Taialliaiiaat BT Trim a am Trtal of our AppHaao. Aak for Termet MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. ltI(iUMONl. VA. "I Pianos and Omni nn tu annatkla iaaaa stack arsBBBT nvsia I Iarjuolion Books of all kinda. RnaMal nta I f Sate ia tha World. ujf I aut bM kl ar aaila. tl 1 ': Vlaea bcrKKt dWQ I K . . aaa aarrauwal Cuaa-raaa1y 5 . to Aauua aad I'm, all ' ; -i ft . ' miKm ua. Al ij iUh AjT - I ; and duraba) M j 3 la! all tin W. V .y" fa Kisit' aC,-vv.covjs ,vuv v Th Ami A . KTlHIkwil a V ' ' F awoairauTaruaTTi: l tea marvetonaiy low cost makes it a tVSiStlLXi prirewgerlytobesonghtln every ooant to Taaebaia and ateboAia. iaiaiii.l . mailed free. AMorUaant of U nale ava t oa W mntn lor all MoalaaJ I nma 7 V V rtrrran.-. Tl. rtl.i. IDatrumeDta. a fr organa of tandard a-ill.awljuaW Piano, and ", 77 rr,.! vmo' aiakaa. from tu, to taa I "Thft MatilfalA taVaal Vm aalll Aianta of Xobaoo Baolna. ""to" I really, believe sail 200 iBthi. MiciiL.ia- "TthiBs in thai naloal Lloa, NEW BERNE, It. a Grocers, TO TlIEIR THFIft FilRUFff fiTlirn ' . ' I COE,1 hUaAH,TItrrF g jt ahm:Ajrir.IOiils,.,i I.IBE; a tpil STOCK nia1 .8ooo4l,!r ,ro" Kiddie "A-w ,-T AKff ODTTOU FCF.GETTfi !1, Id f .. ft. ; ;1 -. .1 staples;- 1 x me oeiors pnrcatsiog. THE JOURNAL. Arrirs.1 &l Lc-rartxirt ZX&lis " BaBBBaaa ' 1 r' VAIL CLOSES. 17 s ForlforUuWeMasndiuiha fit A,' If. C. . R. at? Jul a.m. - V For toaufort aad r the East, at For WaeAiiurtOB.SwiftCreAk.'BTdeaAd Baaoiwrt Coantiee Alocdaja, WexUeo Oara, ana rruurd at .iw a. ka. For Trenton. PoUokiTilla and Kart Tille.dailjattiOa.an,. . - r or urantaboro, Bajboro aal Taa aemere, oaur at 0 a. m-s 5 fc ' y' OFFICK HOTTBS: - M " la afoaer Order and Rmariatarrd Lat- ar department, from f lb, te 4 p..au - ab JLauina; uepartment from a.ai , Offioe-opaa oowatently between thdee hoon except wjxaa malla are being dit- riouvea or eeila. . . ; f, u A GreAtPennlar rrrloiwxlia ? The second rolame - cl Alden Manifold, Cyclopedia to are th&n bean out the promtae of the first, There eeeme to l little doubt that U will prore to be the great popular ujoiopeaia rot mt next aoora r of years at least. . The embodiment of m Unabridged Dictionary of Adiagaage ana at oapiete Jyelo pediaof Uoireraal Kaowledee In one work, In laree type, with thous and 01 uioscrauopa, and aafor a pnoe less tnan people have .beea osed to paying Joe a Dictionary aione, u not only a novelty in plan, bnt to the ordinary book-oayer the fact is hardly lean than astoundine. Its accomplishment will certainly oe creauaoie to Alden,s Literary As to the Quality of the work. both literary and mechanical, any common sense reader is capable of judging. Tie two volumes received at this office (which any reader is a elcome to call and examine) are certaiuiy aeBemnc 01 tbe unstin ted praise which they seem to be receiving, as evince the following fjUUUaUUUU: "The book iu all respects more than answers my expectations. It 18 Te7 neat volume, of a form convenient for use, firmly bound, 01 targe, ciear type, witn contents of just thatgeaeral character which the popular reader reqaireacou prebensive, accurate, and 00m pact Peof. Ukvkt X. Day. D. D-Ui. CODD., . . A parttonlarlv valuable feature. tlw admirable guide to the pronun ciation. The work, so cheap, Is a God send to the many who, like myself, have old. editions of cyclo pedias, too valuable to throw away, and yet, in dates and statisilcs,and many other matters, are behind the times kit. J. A. Burnt M. 8an Rafael, California, I am delighted. The clear tvrje 1 ... . - is reauui 10 me eye, ana tue press- wom lauiiieas. xou nave commen cea agrana work," Est. J. B. 1.UDWIG, Kew CasUe, Ind. . . w . "i cannot reirain from expressing lm. .....I.V f . - book so earefalv pAiteA boat lv Ituvnail a t I.HLl. I . . . f "First volume of the Cvclofradla ran wnA Ttiali.iAf.kt.i..: ' . . wl "iHW WOrth thS COSt Of the fllst VOl country alone."--T, V. FEKjrCH, Alexandria,' Jaa. t The publisher. John B. AKira. aw peariotn aew iota, or Clark and Adams 8ts Chicago, will send specimra pages tree to any aron- cant, or a specimen volume in cloth lor ooa or liair Morocco, 65c, pos,- MKaj vo. ex era. Chrtstnaa OKU and Haw Tears ' ATata, freai Taa. J Tbs mot aatkfaotom .tfta t 4mU aava aboat theae days won Id be to hare jatroaa that owes au Hold amounts, Pat Up. Vow ia the bum or all that ie rood, whv aot 4a Ik. And win a. wr am, no, bum poa tat order of fwr ooamiDg, WVTOOMM." ' eo, Done are soa,aoae art aoC. Let - IsmvUukan as a daTJJ rwiLlPAUrrt.l.. : : i ' hare joj ra-,.;! a j t r f tvf 7 1. P'aaajeCart v: - icil,' . -., . foiorTJf rf C n. ( - Dixie aal Pc : - j j a. The bargains that bloom ta the tall, , Tra-la, . -- ' ' Are often bat promise and show, The people don't know what they DIT. " ' ' - - : nThej often bad &ttex go alow. But -of that there's no need as to " v l what re'caU,'.,.'..?. ' Of bargains thai we offer as trades- -meifnl.:.7 .a .i TrtJiJ. Ja rW.la.tta - M H. .W w MrHna, The bargains that bloom la the fall, Have large! to'dd with the caaej All people they need many a ' TfaJa, - Ljt them see what ia truth aad what's ring, -' " Tra-la, .i. And buy at a trustworthy place. Come and see what we mean: when ' L we say and call, d " ' " ' " ' Of bargains indeed which we offer tblafaU. Tra-la la la, tra 1 Ma, Moral of all this Go to Baker's to buy your Dry Goods. A B is jour bonnet, my friend I Come and O ns and G your horses right round in front of our store door. II them up, come in, get your weather I open by look at our bargains. Don't be a J and neglecji tnia good turn U O your self. We B in earnest -when we promise to suit Uto a T. Bring along a V and we will V op half a dosen bargains. Y do we do tblsf Simply because our prices are ail knocked apjado umop. ; Alt this Is foolishness, but it U a fact that A. M. Baxxb we won't say any more; come and aee ns. On The List Aa some -day it! may. happen that . jou need thU' thtag or that "Wt have a little list, we've got a . J1 little list Of Arst-class goods at prioes down -to the lowest, flat, ; In whch we will persist, in. which we will persist, phatoui 1 ne'e bur nobby stock of all goods er excelled, ; ' Befitting any lady whose tame I waaavaritppeuea.' a- . . 0r cloaks of ' rari materia, ani Of quality superior) they nerer eed a patch., t, ,,3 60,,, And then our jjaQaaer ctoakatheTTl J convinoelbe Terieit 'pemti' TouH find tthem wo-dmriist, on our unexampled Hit" u aon crget ne nraats yoaoiaunst as toe of lis" tstoaiera. 4 a . " a . . 1 . , .'.'V wcr.l , ?M-i Baiter's Umnd td Ufa fit today,' 1 Us don't cars if His amalL ?; The fit be wants h profit, friendi'i I jtrrL. C ;. a- - .J ; 00 100K you one ana aiu 4 1 J-gaina. trlettd, W-w, a ? yn&t gUnoe.Tithia JLia store, -.r.- Sucfaarg-aJna fceSAa abpw lpit, A IrietKL.a'-.vva'f-iAT-' f :'--1 -! f . Aa xte'erxnw-reea Ufcir&rr -W tiea.1 1 iicir lFfcynortl. j jj ties; I rrv!jr?i; la every line be'aella,' DotfS Ihnh.' TThit aLaat AThy U dsc tuna,' n.-fl ft al-T-.- a-ff.f. la pners to 1 tcu weHt Care tr:-'. Vi-t rir 'J5 4 J .3 lb. Caas Tomatoes, AID Cans Corn, best quality . At TEJT Cents a Can. nDTi?ioIr5s. . (No aoosde-etandard gooas.) KewBeraeiXa'' ' For Sale. ' Vacant lot, eoathweaat eoraer Middle aad JohaAoa ttraaja. 1 TS feet 00 Kiddle street sad JtlOJeet oa Johoaoa streat, REAL ESTATE AGENT. - Newbera,K.a - tl dw jyx. JUSTICE, PEALEHW ; Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teaa, Pore Coffees and Spices, 7 . Butter and Cheeae, from the beat dairies. Thi Lara eat and Beat Bdlmtad Htoek CANIkD VaOITS AAD VKOBTABI. Tar before broaftil ta plaw Barua, Alao; a ton rariaiy of other foodt, aaa ti kapt la e Ptrai-Claa Store. Good dallvarad at any Dart of the free of chart. , TARM8 CASH. Middle -fit. next to Humphrey at. uowsra, New Berae, N. V. utrlTtfwtf andWataheyHaaM pala. Book of par ttoolara Mat f&XA FoaaaaaaaaBMaaBaaaaa at. iij. r. au Aliaala. a. (Osm Bad Whllaftlll ot. TO ADVEETISEE8. X. lot of loow naapapan divided into BTATica AND BKOTtUMe wUl Jte eeat oa eloaUoa-iFKEK thoaa who waat their adrarttalnc oaah and effestlie work than thi varlooi eouoM of our b el.bi it KXJAb u it. uu. r. K-iwKi.1. a 00., Mrwapapar Adverllalne Horaaa. VeBdjrlm U Bpraoe itrent, hew York. r, A. asm. . o. a. tor, eumowe a n amt Green, Foy & Co., BaiNKERS. and Commission Hercbants South Faoirr 8rjxrr, dadwly. NEW BEBtfK. N. 0 DR. J. D. CLARK DBNTIHT, RBwaaaui. . o! ail a ucaaaa aaraav eeeweea follOaA and Broad. " a .r'.iatA d BDUOATE! liDlTOATEl Waat Better Can Be Done For Tbe CMldrenT !l.'4 v ' AITEOE'A ACADEUY AURORA, w. ci -H R. T. BOItNEB, ., a Psikchtau stias E. O. LAsodTOif, . . . Assist act. .the rait RaatloH wUl euaa ftDt M. Mgr. auavvairaa. inev : ' . Spring vaio ui opea 7eK K 188, and loaaJooi U, 1IW8. . oara ana taiuoa moaarate. Fapllii pill are Pharf ad from time of entrMed a or eaauon. jso aaaaouon ezeept u of protraetaS Ulvaea, Tr j, , ntrtaer laiormauoa amnrto 11 .. PfHIBV- Prlnelpal. IttW: EEENE, K. C, CEa 1887. 9. B. CXABTBIX. t 'f SAaTt HAIXT, V ..... . ' - mm. l V: u WHlI.:H.UallLlimiAa2 "S. 'aW I AM EWGiNfiEnS'V ; ounaera ana iJacMiiiite, Maanfactureri and Dealers la ":. trsns in iiposir swim . j allSar. af Baalaee: Vellere, jl Saw auua. pca-fta; Oat-ofT Maeataca, "It f"' -'ii.-J ? ;i 1 Weare praparad to do Caitlsgt of all ala&i With promptaea, V - j v . .. 1 ,.. ' Fartinalir and lmniedlala ajtanttmt at van terapat tr41klhda -. " Wi will bdilad to 11 t rilaniand taUinatts for aur dead lpitoa of machinery. , . , ' Wiaralbi leant. br thi Mle of "ah Aroaf. laaa Raw. A lao for Q. A A. Hammtn'a eela. hratcd aadiatrBoUbia Mica ValTia. i' "I r'Ti la tl factory inrnt frrall work Aoa by aa. , JyiJd2aww-r "" ! li')'.. 1 a , 1 1 .: Horner School. OX FORD, at o - - r Ta af. Dbxwxt Prtedpale. IT Fr1 te1oa ef 1883 will beeln tbB it ' cf Jirnary. . rrd and Tuition, Idolodiog foel, 55.00. .- .. ' t Qx.' Td, K. C. Dfto., 1SST.- ; . - ' ' t ,113 di'iAwDw mSt, . aja. "aa aa; .ai anj a iJ 1 - J i i cilia siiiij C P aaa aaa w m m ' C - MOST BK1LLIAUT, '. " ' PUBE&PERFEOI LEKSL'3 They areae tiamparect aaa. aolorlrta as ' ttte . cauxiot bd aiotuiad. etatluc the . wearer toreadrorhuiudWlUtOBtfaUKua.. In faaaV tnta V at a ... PK&TBOT BI0BT P&BBXBKIBa. -. ' TaatlmoBlala from the leadlnc phyaleiaBe la Uia Cnlwd aiataa, Oovernora, oaiut, ." Lf lalalura, alockmen, men o nota In all pro faaaioui, aaa la diUaram braaobei of trade, aaanaa'a, maaiiaiiroa, aaa., aju uw i,d wuw bavafaad tAeii aiKht Uupravad by Uiair ma. -' ALL. K YES FITTED - ; AMU. TBI FIT OUAKAfTAJUJ AT - , F. fl. ; PUFFY. Druggist, 1 mm ;j.uiia atuuc,w.a .,17, iimnDVflRE..;.. i$ath. Poors and Blind; I j Paints, Oils and Glass. K ;rae, Uemrnt aad las1er,; All Grades of COOKISG AKO II EATING 8TOVES, . AT BOTTOM PRIOES ! ; L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 fiddle Street, - ROBEETS & HENDERSON ."ffoieril teirjasci Agents,1 New -'13erne,'N.,'Oa Only flret clas Oompanief repreeea ad to ... fire. Life s&4 AeoULeot laiaraaae. Total Capital over Forty Million o Dollar. .Tun24dl -J .--4 - P Tako riotisb I r Our atora i filled with1, Provisions, G rooeries, .' Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery,' Eto. Wa keep a fall lias of the Celebrated PrisoiT Boots and Shoes. ALBO-, ' 0. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. . . Every ptlr warranted' to aire aalia. faction. 1 . -J .. Ooantry tnerohaani- and the people' generally are "requested to Sail aad ex ; amine oar large stock before porohae. UK- vye win e you low lf urea, wi Job LorilTard Banff. ra 8outK FVval St.. iVdie Bri.K. O , . WilUsrEdwaHsCo.:; Hare reopened the New Bern Machine 1 Work, and havs added Tool totiielr" work to do all kiada of Machine and u Boflar Work at hort notioa. , : They have alee added a found it ta their work, and are nranarad tn Aa tka beet of Brass aad Iron Casting, m --j ... t It yon want aood work rive n a oaiL . AU work guaranteed and dors at anoea . : V) salt the Ussee. - . 1,11 wir r . ; -i 1 - - Wni uu Waat 6 Waal aaa aa aa. aa, aaa i I ' J FDUGE J v i iud 1 81 & -A 12 lijS? .lit" gil)-s l Ti-'-- AB - Li. y. r.