OXJRNAL. NEW BERNE. C THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOL: VL-NO. 236. LOCAJb NEWS. f nroel ialir ilauM) 4 Hew Berae, latitude, VP North. ...... . longitude, TP rfi - Sun rises. :1 of day, ? - aa" mm. W 8 toers, M minutes. " - M to ri at 6: n, m- 4 v . , . an J ' "' c' . BUSINESS LOCALS. rrkAA1 EOUJTWALL PAPER - l.UUU just received and for sals at very low prices. . Geo. Alleh & Co. . X r W kG, AUa ACo. C HOICK BOTTER jest received by As. Xillur whloa he mtisiM to . sell at 80 cts. per lb. (Equal to eoy in - the city.) - - ' TTJS7 MERITED Mother lot of Cboior vJ; Hums 4 to C lb. Best Pickles, - Preserves, Jolly and Minos Meet at . Jho. Ddbh'. f ARRETT'S If edoo Vineyard Cognac VJT end Wines for sale, "at Menufeotu ' rer a prices, by Jams En mokd. PURE Liquors and Wines for Medici Bl and other nee, at wholesale. James Rkomomo. DIRECT : importation of French Brandy and Holland Qln arrived In bond and duties paid at Custom iouae (o New Berne, guaranteeing (ten jin goods for tale. Jas Redmond. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon Soda, etc , equal to imported J amu Redmond. The steamer L H. Cutler is on How srd"s ways for repairs. The committees for the Fair rill be announced in a day or two. We regret to learn that our towns man Wm. O. Bryan, Esq., is quite sick. BeT, H. W. Battle preached a floe sermoa at the Baptist Cburoh last night. Servioes again tonight. Sheriff Deweon- af Pamlico county paid In bis State Uses, amounting to tllM.to, at the. National Bank jeeter- hsereotfonofa tower for the oity fire ball baa been begun. It la being put Bp la the rear yard of the city head quarter, f '.' ' The city tax collector will call on 'some of the larger Us payers within the next few days to oollect money to meet pressing demands. Oar "Eastern Improvement" com munication la good reading. By con tinuously keeping the feota therein toted before the public the people in this Motion will at last be stimulated to notion. On Middle street yesterday morning ' a horse hitched to a dray became frightened and took to the sidewalk lis swept the sidewalk from Meadows' corner to Mr. Elton's jswelry store. About the -only damage done was the smashing of a sewing -machine, belong lag to Mr. BL B. Daffy, which had been placed on the sidewalk. - An the. regular monthly meeting of thsEaoelstor Boe Company Tuesday stint Mr. Charles Lane, who has beea . foreman of the company, the past year, was presets ted with a -beautiful watch- ' charm, (a the shape of a miniature gold trumbe.' It was PTsacutcdbT Mr. Her bert Willis, the Incoming foreman, la behalf of the company, as a testimonial ' of their esteem and appreciation of him Ma faithful foreman,' v ' '- Personal. 7 Jrt-j4 r Mr. L.1T. Bell an. Sheriff B T Bodged M.Waeblngtoo, N. O., are in the X Worthr-Intarptls.. ' . . i . The stndsBte of Tyulty College hare ' determine to raise etoaay wus . r. - enltable building for. the net ef llhrar and literary tocleUesV They hare rot onl Circular letter ask leg , donaiions for this' purpose and wa hope thsy will receirs a liberal response from thou who are able . to contribute to o worthy ah fcnUrprise. , . - - - - - Pecans. . . Mr. Jonathan Earens ef this city has brought us a quantity of pecans grown on his lot la this city, which turps anything In that Itnewe hare seen. Mr. Harms hat beea supplying those who desire-a beantifal and profitable tree with the trees and atUl has a few left which Es offers for the small sum of twenty-fire cents each. They are cheep at fire dollars each to any man who has a .farm or a lot oa which to plant one. . lie irDSeo. TLe tew bort ITsnteo that has bees j far ti e Old Dominion '? Ct-rr;ry to run lnwes f ' tne in 1 Kotfolk Is vrpected to r ye hrf ia this city - y v,tU !"- feuitt speclfclty for - ' ---iei wi.h srlew c- -ors and -tbs ' t ' 1 1 ts FIRE AT BEAUFORT. Less Estimated at $50,000. A Nsw BibitkaX Pawn Wishes roa h Kiw Bxaa oa Anajtric Passengers arriring yesterday morn inr report that a destructive fire was raging in Beaufort when the train left Moreheed City. During the day Mr. John B. Ivee received the following telegram : Hig fire here last night at two o'clock. Oathries and every sture to the market house a total lose. We eared ours by sard work. Loss at least fifty thousand dollars. Small insurance. Oh for the New Berne or Axlantio engine. j O. N. Ira. . Late in the evening the JocjrjcaX wired Mureaced City for partioaiars and received the following: Tne fire eommenoed in the store oc cupied by Tyre Moore. The whole business part of tbe town from the market to Ives's fish house ie burned down. It ws as calm as a clock aa I in ooneequeaoe the fire did not cross tbe street Thomas Thomas kl three stores and part or stooa. valued at $10 000, tusuranoe $4,000; l Ik.dvinh A Jnnna' atnra and Btock. lOS $5,000, Insured for $8 0b0: John Guthrie, toie and stock, loss SO, WO insured, lor 1 000; W r. Dill, store and stock, loss $1.0X0; Charlee Clawson, store, stock od home, loss $1 BOO; Tsylor & Buck man, two stores and stock, toss $8,500. tusuranoe $1 000; Kobersoo Bro., took, Ions $1 000; store, owner not known. $750; Tjre Moore, stock, 1 uw, An 00- Thomas Delamar. droB and stook. loss $2 000, insurance $1,000; market house, $500; Moore & Bro.. loss 11 VW by dsmaice to goooe oy waier, other losss amounting to $1,000. Commissioners Proceedings. Board convened Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Present, Messrs. Bryan, Watson and Brinson. Tbe fallowing jurors were drawn for the February term of the Buperior Court which oonvenes on the third Monday. FU8T WEEK. No. 1 township, Redding Smith and K. B. Stewart. No. township, Aaron Ever ing ton, A. W. Averitt and James R. Ernul. No. 8 township, Joel Kinsey and George Smith. No. B township, L. M. Gilbert. No. township, Dsvid W. Taylor. No. 8 township, W. C. Willett, James E Smith,' W. A. Gaskins, B. H. James, (col.). 8. R 8treet, J F. Ivee, John Richardson, (col.). No. 9 township. Jas. Thos. Wethertngton, , C. Moore. SECOND WEEK. Ho. 1 township, Lewis I pock, Andrew Jackson, Alfred C. Dudley. No. 8 township, B. C. Toler. No. 8 township, John W. Kllpatrick. No. 0 township. Geret Vjne, Geo. Tippett, John W. Hunter, H- C. Wood. No. 8 township. Paul Williams (col.), Joseph Cohen, H H. Simmons (ool ), Thos. Booker, John B. Lane, John A. Jones (ool ). C. E Foy, 8. W. Ipock. Isaiah Wood. Keeler ft Turner and E. Whitman were granted lincense to retail liquors for six months, upon payment of the tea required by law, at their respective places of business. The board having had Chas. F. Jones, who is confined In Jail aader sentence of death, examined by medical experts. and being convinced that his mind Is of an weak a nature as to render him al moat sa imbecile. Were led' to the con elusion that neither the vindication or the law nor the ends of justioe de- maadwl the axeotttlon of the death aantanoa. and the chairman was In atrnoted to communioate these facte to the Governor and aak that the eesteaoe ha commuted to imprisonment for life. The doable tax. .charged against Mrs. Augustel.OWkemitb. foe .the yean 188$ and 1887 was remitted upon payment of afriirleeaJMr;t'l5f If. 71 B7 r Ulnhihe, ' constable nfLNoV,! tcwasblp presenred ' bis offli lal : bond which was deemed good and sofflclsnt and ordered to be registered and filed. SteDhen Clark; colored, was placed anon the Banner list at sa allowance of tt 00 oer month until further orders. The aonllcation of James A- Bryan tor reduotioat f valuation of property ia No. 8 township was referred to W". G. Bnnson end assessors ot saia cownsmpx ordered to obtain legal advice as to the power of tne coera to exempe urevea ooonty bonds from taxfticn. and report The register of deeds was authorised ia nmanre at the ex Dense of the county a reomn , coos ox ueeas xor taw mm m Theallewanceto Mrs. Victoria Perry for support of Jacob snd Hannah Barns a hilnnu) frflm 12 00 to tl 00 Sr month on sccount cf the death of Jacob Burns. Adjourned to Baturaay, Jan uary 7th. .. . ., '-. -, 4 , Steamer Etorements. , The Pamlico of the O. If, line will sail tomorrow morning for Norfolk at T 1 -si'pt of the E. C. D. line saued j r '. sy ';orr.- ! with a csrro of ier. c i n. &s. The Ytr't of i: ll-e anfTf 1 U t t.y t. CAST CAROLDTi IMPR0TEMINT A Ce&tt L)as ef Railway. Neman 7. PnnviB Trrra . t irWa fatlnr of the tinl. f 1 KjuiAra Oa.m!tna. ' falwava relying aeon their natural facilities) to ka .ntamrulaa. anil AASlwa ia IWATidinB1 their section with ampin railroad con nections, has relegated them to a caca- A Jmmm avWWih it tkmm rfn wa.u y ' v " www. g nn on ink I linailr chamanlMfl. thbir A a- ecendeats will not recover in two hun dred years to come. -There ie aa last great hope for tbe Bnt-k MMnHf wKio.K aa wa kava already shown, is makioa rapid progress m some secuoos; out tuo iboi un suou nnwnu ia haa-lnniB.-' to man if set itself elsewhere in North Carolina and ad- Jointns; States, while we of wis section are actually retrograding, is a oiroum staaoe of the greate-t concern to every ooe who interests bimseii in tae anairs of Eastern Carolina. Yon here recently noted the fact that New Berne Is short 9,500 bales of cotton on the verv short croD of last veer; and you are reading the signs of. tbe times in several recent failures among tbe business houses of New Berne. There can be no question but that tne section of country, of which New Berne is tbe natural centre, has been growing poorer for tbe past seven or eight years. And in any view in whiob you contrast tne Dresent and Daat cf New Berne and Craven oounty, no one oan fail to see that they are not as weti-ootcg toaay as ihev were fifty years ago. And leaving out tbe question cf tbe war and ivt re sults, they are not near so well off as tney were twenty years ago. There is a steady deterioration going on in our section, and nothing but the moat heroic action on the part of the people can arreet it. TK.ru a: i 1 1 nflv.r ha Km HDureciabte improvement in the private ooudiuon of the people of our secnon until some public enterprise and improvement is inaugurated to bring it about. Thu main help must oome from the outside; men and money must i be brought into tbe community before there oan be any renewed prosperity for tbie section. Except for denuding our forests of the most valuable pine timber, convert ing it into lumber for shipment, and in tbe most wasteful and disastrous man ner destroying what would be a source of much wealth in tbe near future. there appears to be no sign of any out siders of energy and means coming in. Tbe undeveloped resources of great w-.lth ara nnlnnhLilv here, but VOU can't induce developers with their capi tal and energy to locate in a ceaa oouu try. They will not give their attention to a section in which there ia no sign of activity no rivalry of men and enter prising interests. RiM a railroad into OnsloW COUntV and you oan string men of enterprise and means along tne wnoie line, oecure coast line of railroad through pattern Carolina and the country will Mil up with winter visitors from the North nd West. The mineral spring at sheriff Murnll s in Onslow, if put in through railroad communication, would bring ten thou sand winter guests thiough Eastern na rtlina AVArv winter. Given the facilities to conveniently reach and traverse the various and most desirable localities of tbe eastern or tide water oounties. for purposes of re creation, hunting, etc., with our admi rable winter climate, we snouia nna tbe people of tbe Northern States flock inn hra BAnonit nnlv to Florida. if waoould transect them in a few hours from the duck shooting grounds of Currituck to the seashore at More bead, and from Moreheed to New River, Miirrill a Horinir and Wilmington, we hnnld have a constant stream of travel ahwmffh hara. all winter. That the visits ot suon peopie wouia ... - , , i i lead to the nermanent location and in est men t of manr of them it is not neoesaary to argue, for we have seen that, even where suon visitation was on ih. mint limited anal. Oar shore counties of Carteret, Ons low Pender and New Hanover, present rattnnu or accraiHiTeneaa aa iuwuto for winter resorts that no other section nf rvHintr on the Atlantis poss oss ee and they are suoh that tt only needs the means Of teoonittf ID OSS lOOBJlBee H KS than, lnti Imnuultaee demand.' Ia this respect clone, we of this sec tion hare ia our Xidden possession, the resources of immense weeim, sua yv usalw so kmmn Ik locked nn rather than make the effort and expenditure tor a aey to uuioon it . - As tor NSW' Berne nerseu, noi ho much, should be expected of a oity Man has Btotid for near two hundred years on the banks of a stream whloh .ha naa-av thnnvht of hrida-ina to brine to her storehouses the products of one of the riohest portions . of the State, ly- ig id her rery doors 1 avwi hriAoa armaa Nense river. fifty years ago, wonld hare been worth millions of dollars to New Berne and rb..a Muni,. Iinl tha war erv uf the croaker, and, the fright of the fogy, taxeel taxeall taxee;:i nae aiwaja p the City and the river in the same rela tion to each ethsr. es when de Oraffen raid landed at Union Puiot. ., - , ' MORI AHOfl . . : .. t , isteBitMsK ameeees.1 ."" T l.tt,a A ntw nt avarvneraon who has used BotcM $ uerman fyrup ei m wonderful qualities be known to their In imrlnir fVinsnm ntiftn. severe Coughs, Croep,' Asthma, 'Pneumonia, sod in fact ait tnroat ana iung oieeaaee. No person can use U witnoui immeuiaie Thraav Hnaaa . will - relieve any ease, and, we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend to tne poor, tutniimntin. at 1 afft to trr OQC bottle, as 80,009 dozen bottles were sold 1 . . aai anil nn nna SAM where it failed was reported. Horn a meaiuioe sua tie too widely known. .Ask your druggist about it. Ram pie bottles to try foW 10 oents. F.unlr sise. 75 . cents. . Bold by all dr'K-ci.a snd dealers ia the United t. -tani .r-s. lyj'v.rrv:" Kin$ton Items. A bscDV new year to all who read tie JouaxaL. W. D. Bo wen left on Monday for Tarbore, N. C. Miss Mane Brow a is visiting at Mr. H. O. Bo wen's. Rev. N. M. Jsrney returned from Durham Monday. air Ed. Williams left for Arkansas on Tuesday of last week. ltt. SU. Banoenua apeut wjtu, of last week with friend in Kinston. u. ikn Thnlann will continue tbe buggy business at the old stand of Ellis Bro. Mr. Mao Ellis ba rented the Harvey tobacco factory, and will run a buggy shop there. R. TV R. Clavtoc. Uoiyersalist, will nreach at Woodicgton on tbe 3rd Sun day in January. Messrs. W. T. Clsjton and J. W. Preaaon have gene to Durham to work ia tbe cotton factory. V. R. Recto n has moved his Block of good into the King store, recently va cated by D U Jackson. A number of tporumen from Haiti mor have ku klllin uirje uy me hundreds in our section. Steel rails have recently burn laid through Kinston Another evidence ol good management of the road. Two of our popular young townsmen, Jas. McDaniel and Jan. Frlua'-n. re lurned to Wake Korest last Smurday. Vr,i I.'iftin. ErU , HDii Caul. Tom Hartefleld have returned from their trip to the springs, much improved lu health J D. May ha moved from the Hunter house to the King building, bd1 Mr. Kcton has rented out his dwelling sua taken rooms with Mr. May. Married at the residence of Ur Harper on Monday night, January Al, Mr F. L. H. (Tobe) Roueand Mies Harriet Dawson, both of Falling creek. A big old-fashion frolic at Mr. Whaler's in Pink Hill townBbip last Thursday night. It was estimated that there was about fifteen tiddlers present and each had his addle. Mr .1. J. Lswreooe and wife have beenspenJing Christmas holidays with Mrs. Lawrenoe s roomer, rs. lthou. Fountain Hill, Oreene county, mi T..,.n rennrta tobacco sales lively and times very good in Granville ooun ty, bis home. Monday was a dsv long to be remem hra b those who were in Kinston Tbe colored people turned out in full force . . . , , Tl to oelebrate tneir rreeuom. iuo ywy oame from the country, isr aou u, and the Salvation Army ran a largr excursion from New Berne. They held an open-air meeting, paraded the streets, and evidently did their best to do as they had anoounoed,' "run the devil out of Kinston." They nsiu ronn in me oourt house in the afternoon and mgbt. to the entertainment of all, tne uisgusi if a few, and the benefit of some. Wm. Suggs, ool., who is In jail wait- trial nn a chnrsre or laroeny con cealed himself in tbe passage of the jail ss the keeper went in to feed the pris oners last Friday morning, and rushed out to make his escape. Deputy sheriff P. Nunn being olose Dy uisoovereu him as be dashed out the gate of the iail yard and gave chase, ouggs was making good time toward tbe low rrounds of Neuse river but a pistol shot ik. rianutv. nrea in idb an. ...ma him that it was not healthy to .nri ha was taken back to his l WIWU, nut. quarters. rA nt education was in ses ion Mondav and Tuesday. The princi- .i i..u... rinna was tne SDDrouriaiiou .f ik. uhnnl funds. There are 0,. Ml UU 4..-. - . . children of school aae in Lenoir oounty ri-ti,(r4a nt the school funds, 83.513. . AlwiA-A ntr camta. giving 00 cents to each child. The census show r.t 972 children which re noes the amount to each one. me ene-third of the fund. al,758 18. was .1 ....nrl.KiH makintr tbe smallest ww,vpiwi'"-"v ' 1 - .. . .mnnntuinT one district but a little iAU than snii ana eome ooosiuerauiT more. Tt' is prompt action will enable umiuamiii to knew at once the .,ii .mnnnt of monpv for the year, ine board speciallT requests oommHwemeo in ..a aaaa tnafjrn orders for mors money than is actually in tbe treasury for tbe current year, as tne teaoners wm we 1 i ank Inatannav In 'las- lawn im w . o. . . . .1 . r,. k m. HniMnnuBaBDi. we 1.1- .L-i I.. a.f.al nnlv SlSS for - . , , . aan i t,A aI CRtQ nn aa services m,i' . . nnblisbed.,, ins entire wwn" v ning the educational affairs of tae ooun ty during, IpSt-w-r- $284.20. New Berne tirade School. . HONOR BOLL. Second Grade Janie Davis, Lorena r-l.k. k AAla naakflia. NlDl UaBtt. kUttie Rountree. Lula Taylor, Ray ner Jo. es. Oswald Kafer. Herbert Moore, nstiirht Stvron. Leo Buitan, rredoie Third Grade Eva Brock, Berths v-.r.r mam Wkitford. Lula Delamar. wuii Hohiaaler; John Tolson, Willi O.I t.xaa Wkllsv. -' ' - - Fourth tirade star y uowsn, anura OUWr. guiiauwuv. -j- Fifth Grade KaDice arcnoeii, Lionise Suter Henry Metts,. Katie Matthewa Minnie Dowdy. Lewis , tjox, iamst - Sixth Gfade Eschael Brown, Clarita Clark, Rosa. Dafl, Carrie Simmons, Daisy owers. . v'j'.loralBrrHioBle. 'J' " are often too ill to labor, buttftey havnt time to uke medlcln- and ley off, ,8in miws Livar Regulator can be - takea hnnt Mtiaino any losaraT uns.'ua avill ha hti.lt od and InviffOr ated by it It has bo equal aa a prepara tory medicine, and can oe saieiy uvea when a doctor cannot . ce caiiea id. . 10 .11 .miiMii Iwams it will.' nnsssisted au vvm"." by aay other medicine, affect a speedy 'curt, ,,, ;.-h. t- It is s blind confidence to suppose yourself incapable of mistake. It is in deed a serious blunder to refuse to take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup when you oven suspect you have taken cold. Prioe 25 cents. What a grand, great eounery this is with its vast territory, its big rivers, its pretty women, and its Veni Vidi Vici cure Salvation Oil. At Barre, Vt., ia being quarried an immense block of granite to be used in a California bank vult. It ia to be twenty fire feet long, five feet thick, and five feet wide, and it will require thirty epan of horses to draw it four miles to the railroad station. If you select good and healthy food for your family, you should also look to the welfare of your baby. For all troubles of early childhood nothing is better than Dr. Bull's Baby Byrup Price a5 cts. Record of merit ths popular praise accord td to Laxador by reason of its wonderful worth as a household rem edy. Price only 23 oenu. COMMERCIAL. COTION KAKKET. Ntw Vokk, Jan. 4 10 'tO a Futures opeued BteaJy. Hales of bales. u. January . February March April. May. June. ;0 43 July, 10 54 August, 10 dfi September. 10 75 October, 10 5 November 11 t4 December 10 93 11 04 H) 5B 10 IP New Heme market quiet. S.i as to grad of 71 bales at 'J to 9 1 OOltlKSIIC HIIHSKI IVanuts 60 to 75 cts. per bushel Kgga 17 to It) Hice steady at 81 00 to 81 10 in suits. Corn steady, 47 to 55. Fodder, BOo. to 81.00 per hundrnl Seed cotton 83 .00 per hundred. Turkevs 81.50 to 82 00 per pair TuaraKTUis Hard, 81 10: dip 81 CO ! OJ. Tab 81 OOaSLSS. Oats 87ia40c. in bulk. Hasawax 180. per lb. Bear On foot. 4o.to Be. FaasH Pong 6a7o. per pound."' PeaHfJTS 80c.a81.00per bushel OKIONB 82.00 ner barrel. OraoasJe Grown. 40c. . sprung 80c. tlBAl -65 j. per bushel. APPLK8 Matt 75o per bushfi Irish Potatois-83 008.50. Poraroaa Bahamss.SOc. ; ysms.40c Harrison. 4O3. Shimoles West India, dull and n jtn mal; 6 inch 82 00a 2 60 Building, b nib. hearts. 82.00. saps. 1.R0 per M. wholes a. LJS rRines New Mess Poaa 816 00. Pork New family, 819 0D Shooldes Meat 7c. C. R.'s. P. B's. B.'s and I.. C -Floub 83.O0a6.OO. LaaD 8io. by the tierc. NA.IL8 Basis 10'b.82 50. StJOAB Granulated, 0 "i CorrEB 20a22o. Cheebe 15. Salt 80a85c. per sack. Molasses ahd Stbctb 80a45c. Powdeb 13.00. Bhot Drop, $1.60; buck, $1.75 KBoern-8ic. HIDES Dry, 10c. ; green 5c. Tallow 80. per lb. Delays Are Dangerous. EATON the JEWELER, Can be found a Nice Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE- Full line of everything in my line. Come early and maks your seleotionr. SAM. S. EATON, nov29dwtf Middle street. NOTICE. The National Bum or Nsw Bans a. NEW BERKS, li- U., IMO. H. 1001. Tha Annnal Haatinar the Stook- holders of this Bank, for tbe Election of Directors, snd the transaction of such other business ss may come before than,, will h held at their Banking Bouse on the 3d Tuesday, being the lOtb day of January, 188S The Polls will be opened at 12 M., to bs closed atl P.M. d9 dtd G. H. ROBERTS. Caah'r. OUR SHOW WINDOWS For all the Novelties snd Fine Goods thia waik. See those Solid Gold Eve Glasses for S3 00. See the new patent "Grab" Eye Glasses. Sri the most maguinoent display of Fine Gold and Bilvrr Goods ever shown in this city. mna. KrAncaa NiivtfVAM. I jnnn. Watches, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry. Bell The Jeweler - Wanted.'; . 500 TONS of COTTif SEED. H1E& est Cask lcet psiV eie ltvered Isi jrw Bat nev 4 k V'i i --iT:r,i;.'"--v:.. -ncfldwti Guano, ainii. AND 5'; 5(M)LuiL. liuat Proof OtU 1,(0(J LubL. .V tra Earl) Fes uws Premium' g guaranteed stock). -. 600 bbls. (ituuiuc Kaxly Koee Pota toesipure nud trut to uauie). L'OO tush llitrn Karly iiound Beans JiKi burli MuLawk JuaiiS, Golden Wax 1 . el, lf mi KadieL , Cucumbers, hfl ( ) li 1 1 11 Set. .000 fur Uiij.- MihloN' ,s.i ial (iuano : .11 "I" "jiiil Hii.f (liru.an Ka-Xit. ''00 liii, s 1 .ti wan 1'Loi;iL! llkO tubs 1 'if'NI ,1 J KlUf lO'i ti.iij t '-null S-,-e 1 M a H" 1 l 1 1 " A x 1 1 1 u 1 1 u r u I 1 . 1 in t FOR SALE DY E. H. & i. Meadows, COTTON & TRUCK C'I"( ) HS AM) MANUFACTURERS OF . MEADOWS' SPECIAL GUANO. " oii if i-; I'MON l'nlNT. NEW ac30 dwtf HKRNK, N. (' Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. f i tH 1 M nA.t iliult ViaIaw T1MTHU1 1. fU.a Same building with Uuion & Pelletier. tipen rrom a m. to 4 p.m. Will give prompt altsntion to all matters pertain ing to Justices' courts. dSS dtf Dr. N. H. Street. Office corner of Pollock and Craven tr eeta, dSOdwSai NEW BERNE, N. 0.. 1 J. P. C DavisV Wholesale and Retail Dralxb ih HOICE FAMILY GROCERIES .'AND PROVISIONS. Beet Grades Family Flour alwevs ia ' Stock. Best Brands of Tobaooo Direct from the Factory. BOOTS, SHOES, I AKT 1 HEAVY DRY GOODS.7 - Call and set Rock Bottom Prices. MARKET DOCK, ' New Berne. N teI7 J GEORGE S. FIS: BLACKSMITH!1! AXD ACASVr ACTrETB OT Wrong-ht Iron ana Steel Cotton, corn, ana Turn Plorra. -Old Plows repaired. -New snd other Job Work done k. short notice. ' Mew Cart Wheels snd Axles constant ly on hand. . r.'i ;'' Bt GE6S0E S. FlSHESiiJ. i L Bboad 8trxxt. Naw JJaasa, K. C. sS" A dlcloma from the Rtate Acrt. cultural Society is an additional guar antes ot tne quality or my work. 8IUU0NS& UAMLY, s TTOlUnsTS AT laA.Tr. ty !.KEW'BRJ?E,N. CA Will more on or about Jsou- -18S3, to their sew office, ovar t -tag House of Green, Fey & t doors below Bote! Albm. V . v, il '.