. LULT JOURSA.L eo.nsa . . i l.itieJ daily, except Monday. at i yu-. 60 for atx aaoaUie. Dellrertd v .uoiribersaSoentaaoatn, ' , W Kt.KLT J'JUBSAU a M eolonaa, r. l published cYery Tkartda; t SUSS dbitaaa. ,. ; J; ; "v''.'" "'i -,: a : VEETISINQ v, KITES DAJLYV-Oae i ti one day We. for eaek snbaquent veriiemeal under head of "Basinets . s,"10 oenUper for flran(i. oeBt.or c id vertiaemente 01 belnaar.ee betweefa - i ttterat any pfios., ,J , ....oca of 'JaJTiaaaoclattii,nothtoaM . uuaa flQ be Uaerted free. AH additioaV ..xirUlaitiionwHamiaMnaa,-'' -hi.TtQea.14, for' transient adTertlesmeti mus b lead la ad ranee. Keg agar edvb ties t w lit be collected pram pily at Ufa end oteacb moota, , , I CoamiMleaXtona containing Hti 0X a dli- oeuaalo W MUW are aoUeitedk J e jinamaKajUomat baaBacta4 to be bob usee that eon tains eMeotfoaabie oereoaail ties withhold tb. awaaav tb aathen air tatwiu tank more tana oca adUma a-ft b PW . t . i) .i 4' r I my aeraon feeling eggrleTeg aAaay anon mouf oomma.nywtioe, aaa obtain tbe name a oa eutnor pj appUoatta at tbis ha wing wbarel Mm KnTeoeinrta. TILK; JOURNAL. SI. S. WVWH.- - - KettSar, K, BaAVaUL. ' - Baalaeee IUUU, SKIT BFPNg, N. C. JAN. 13 1K8 Catered at the roet oSaeeal ! Beree. N 0 -., , aanened ilmatiai. ..,iVi.JEDUCATIOK. The following is the report of tlw committee on, education, adopted at the meeting of the N. 0. State Grange, beld in Tarboro in Decern ber,?887, VV. S. Bird, J. Bryau Grimes and J. A. Davis cons'.itu ting the committee: Wobthy, Master and Tat EONS: Your committee od euca tioa beg leave to submit the follow ing report r The snbjectof education becomes - more and more interesting as wr advance in knowledge, jiacn aaj it becomes more and more appar ent that the success of men in even occupation depends upon their in tellectnal qualifications as much si as it does Upon the skill with which tbey manipulate the tools connected with their respective industries. The , Intelligent mechanic work--with advantages in his favor that are unknown to his less fortnnatr colaborer. . The intelligent mer chant has many things favoring bit success that are hidden from hit less favored competitor. Similarly in all the trades and profession, ii is true almost without exception that the best educated, the most Btudlousand the most widely in formed bare advantages at tbeii command' that-are unknown to those who have not been favored with an education, and who fail to study i the progress of events and the changes constantly going on in the natural, commercial, political and social world. ' Other classifications of men find it j necessary to educate in ordei that their, occupations and profes sion may command respect, and wield an influence powerful for accomplishing good as those classes see !l,whak other classifications oi men iu4 doing in t Its respect the farmer should not fajl to do. The farmer should not fail to educate his children, and by no meam should, he fail to inform himself. It reqaires knowledge of a peculiar ardrqflued.kind to cultivate thr Etil-atids harvest products in ac cordance with the principals of an unvarying natural law. There are natural laws pertaining to the growth of plants. The opera tionf, ;tnoee'lawB should, not be 6 grange to the farmer who has most use for understanding them. The preparation of the soil, the planting cf the seeds, the cultivation of the plant! aid 'the harvesting of the crrain ought to be performed Intel ligently to be enjoyed. To plow, to sow, to hoe, to reap, to . mow, to v'. 3 air these Intelligently, folly com I rehending the reasons for each reratioa would be to create new i n terest in farming and elevate the occupation to the lofty position of a science, the position to which i' c f right belongs. The science of agriculture, then, should form a part of a farmer's ' lily study. lie should accustom l.lmcelf ,to making notes of tbe various stages of plant growth, particularly noting the favorable nd unfavorable 'circumstances, lie' habit, f writing down the uses favoring or not favoring the -best - development of plants .! J cultivate the faculty of ob- : ration. A habit of close obser- - ion once formed would be iu it fa strong edncating. power, lift - tbe farmer from the dull routine 'ised by Ma 'ancestors' to. the r plane to which the science rricoltnre" should rise as the : ry begins to put off it primi- - costume Jot that of a higher . .zation. : ' -. " -' t the studying of the' natural crtainiDg to the farm is not at deserves tbe attention of i. Selling and boying-vre 'i the duties cf farmer as '-Tf.r.l Kliivatbj. The f f xf3 is i-'t us ecntia! " cf I!r-ce to do these things inttiiigeutly niaoufacturer. JTow ail this comes larmers snouia btuuy the pnuoipavu from a 63 stem of finance carried on underlying trade, and commerce. in(j backed by the congress oi the xocjr bbuuiu mate a nus muutui tlDited Ktates, which does norecog the priocipieso eeoaomio scienfce.' ei28i.ads valid scanty for a loan. iney caa not remain ignorant or iaw tuaV w,u not permit a bank, meee unjecui wiwuuv aotw 10 ioiu- m& 0ik ondw national regul selves, iberetore 10 siuny mem ,0 ioaB BOBej for iouB tbM should be busioes. jut ae much ntuety d 13 , a Uw f bat wa dictat o a to tudy any vtbr,tubja)c edbj iuonduienSmdiiptHsultorB relating to weir proip-uj. . . cr Wall street duriBg,' the Irving LWe,frm;Tt beoomaw sioie-lavm, of Vfvr, w ben it was i bat telligenl the impositions Ihey had or nothing, bjkI alaw jthat s juit io winuf- pup ; a exacting now. m jt was then, another... . law that haamuilA millktrndnuiaSnt When ear noble Order firat came. f atH CUltor, and paupers at of mwfuwiini u ua vi ugnoui- fmiera.'' "The farmers tamely op tore was aafferiu from tbe weight mii becanw tby tear - tbe Auaiin of heavy burdens brought to bar.Corblij JBatklog, company may j opon it by othei1 departmenta and ra toJt them have ,; money. t ciaeaea latbeir scramble for money ' eVba preeut aormoa high gettingrtV'The education of the f4ttt Leading newspapers ar farmer - throogh the Grange , haav ttn on thee wrongs becanae the opened hie eye to tbe eviL that p,, j,itgatjon Suits tbem and beset him. And now. as he baa tbeir .fi-iend. 4 Member 'of CoiV; become more iiMelligent ihe forces grei'S, both in-i tatu 8eaate i4 that were arrayed against are be-' House) do notbiag, and their onlj ginning to break. - lexoiwe is that they "can do oath J it is to education that we must fog." " -.7- '.' ; look for emancipation from the) , Qar far mars will never 'get rehef chains by which the ignorant alone until they insist that their re) re are ever bound, It is education sentatives demand a change in tbU that will enable us to see our wants jftW if t milll Mn( WD0 a not and to apply tbe remedy for tbe bold enough'-to make an effort, Or ills with wbicb tbe cause of agri- aMak ont e-n thU subiect. lhra culture is nfflicted. It becomea U8 ej4Va njm home, A it present therefore, to pay increased atten- tjTe u, Oongreaa whoae only fitness tion to 1 ho matter of education, fur office is his ability to get places Wherever there is a" Qrauge let for h, henchmen and distribute tbeie be a school. The Grange 1 arden a-ed to a few of his gob aud the School should grow tO- .HiiimiIi. la th bind nTiniD Airmr getber. Tbe farmtr should be an miell'geut citizen aud bis children ebould be prepared intellectual y to succeed biui. W'uboui education there would bf no hope loi tbo hrtur. lie would t-outiuuH to be flitcteied iy the np bllatiou of tbe "tiomy nauded sou of loll," liui Ins rights would be disiegitrdfd in tbe iu 1 1' rests of tbucte who might be dis posed to take advantage of his. farmers to seud if they want this ittate of affairs to coutiune But if they want to have an f qoal chance with other business rjieu, let thetu scud tueu to Coi'gress wbo will de uiaud that Mitt farmer shall have au equal showing with the specie la tor 10 the financial system ot oar government that laud may bo used as collateral taucurity along with millions of dollars of watered stock tbat is worthless but lor (be i . .. y A " ) . I. & y ft rj f i r r r 1 U'ki L 'a-Z-i IT LI w. i , - - P.1 rv - L r'- v. .IN- en's, Yo uilfs ian d Chi Idr g n n 3 ,;j JM, 1 i e S--i . !! i-4 . In 4 button Cutaways, Prince Alberta, Sqoare and Bound Cut Sacks,'. . a " -.: a . ar a t ' a 1 . i , v '. b Miwuo j uu4 vuv wwi' vi al wuu Vw u 1 ujv a v a - -- aav'-'Aarwt'ff Ttaia aooar aavai uiu.nraaiw, aaa amueaoaaaaaaa ' aa aooomlral Ibas tba ordinary kiada, aad aaa' aoid Hi ami Million wiih Uiimuii tud ai low taat, aaart wagiit.aiB car Mioai'fiai paw dim. atd aniy la aasa. sWXAl. aiui foaaoim aJiU.S.T MfMrf fiorTaaJa la wewtwrn by JWwf Giiaiio SVlfl uainit -AND it ne hen ana ouyp0fl.er It Dow has under the present just understanding of a a8 collateral necurltv. II tbe land is not good security for a loan of mouey iu this country, then there is no hope for the farmer. Tbe government says it is not, aud permits its favorite finaucial ays tern to boycott land and land owners. This has been going 00 lor twentv -rears . when there was no excuse for it. There is no effort to remedy tbe ' wrong, and conse quently everybody wants to op prena tbe farmer. Tbe farmers can oall a halt if they will Atlanta Constitution ignorance, without a wbat constitutes lair pi ices, be does it at bis finaucial peril. lie votes and then pa s taxes 111 ac cordance with the principles which tie supported at the ballut box. It be votes iguorautly he may oast Ins ballot in opposition to what constitutes bis rights .as well as interests. By his, own actious he. may bring burdens upon himself, which do net of right belong to bim, and will find bis business suffering without seeing or know ing the cause and applying tbe remedy. Tbe age is one of pre eminent in tellectual activity. Eacb class into uich our population is divided is wore or less interested in gaining i intellectual supremacy. Tlie far mer mostj not retire trom the con iwht. If he loe8 bis occupation will sink in tbe scales of respecta bility, in wbicb case, tbe cause of agriculture will be attended by a slavery as galling as tbat of the feudal ages. . The farmer mast be educated, lie canuot afford to be ignorant. The Grange rmistose eveiy honor able means within its power to ring uibout tbe desired result. If the - organization fails in this work, it will p Ove i toe If oitn less. Tbe circulation and leadiug of literature and books on every important subject pertaining to the farm, tbe home, the community, 1 he State, tbe government should be recommended and encouraged. Every Grange ought to be a social, reading, debating and business organization all comUiued. When a people begin to read, they begin to tbisk. When they begin to think, they begin to reason. Hence, tbe Grange hoold be particularly interested in carry ingn the work bf education. We as Patrons of Husbandry should encourage more thorough and diffused education ' among all classes.' A ' Itusba'ndman needs education, rnoet thorough and general, his business relations being most diversified. ' Wbat we want la to place every farmer on.a higher plane. -? r-' 5,000 bll-b. Uust Proof OaU. 1,000 bubb. Meadows' Prtmiuoi Ex tra Early Pt (guaranteed stock) 500 bbls. Genuino Early Rose Pot toes (pure and true to name). 200 bush. Extra Early Round Boani: 200 bush. Mohawk Beaut, Golden Wax Beans, Radish, Cuoumbers, Beets, and Onion Bets. ADVICK TO BOTH KB. Mas. Wuisiow a Soot hi q 8ybup should always be used for children teotbiag. It aootbea tbe child,, sol Lena tha guinaallays all pain.- cures wiod colio, and is (ha beat rumedy for 'diar hcea. Tweoty-flva ceo la a bottle. mar?l dtuthaal wl Lefrlsiafisa Againit the Farners. The farmers ofthe United States are more humbugged than any peo ple iu the laud by the politicians. No one doubts that they are impos ed upon greatly by demagogues, hod frequently by men ie legitimate business, who gongetbem ia amas ner tbat would nqt be submitted V one month by, another class. Let us illnst f ate.. iTbere Is no : farmer who cannot make as much on his land now s b ever dtd,- but sup pose he fails short ia one crop and wants to make loan, can be do itt ;.- --, r -, , c- Xes by s paying an. exhorbitant commission, in addition to the rate ef interest allowed bylaw.? f Do other persons have to pay Such cimmissionsT . ..." s . . ' .Tbey do not- In vestigaiioa shows that in the State of Georgia aix mil lions of dollars are now loaned r to farmers who pay eight per cent per annum, and besides thin,. commis sions that amount enough to mate the money borrowed cost - froia twelve ed a fcalfto twenty p r cent--Tbe Kerr "iart would brf"V ia six motitts If L - I - 3 t4rpT r 'J a rate cf i r i t - ' ' Little Grains of Sand. Little thing continue to maka our mighty nntvaraeot malaria! Uilsca Ftoplaara tuo oiten proaa ta reject rntaoa eetalla. Ona drop ot tba right alpd cf maxUelna has of taa edaotad a.ODia wo rayaars avaof taa wrong medleloe bal failed. Krad the following endortomauta of H. fl. B.. taa muat wonder ful of all bl .od remedlea: TWt MOTTLES IBB BHEl'Hi- TI9K. . RBonOH . oa 4K , Jane 4. 1887. I -beerfully elate liia following (acta to ra- g.rd ii tbe uae ot yonr medicine to my fam ily. afylliUeaoa.il yaara or age aaffarra fro'n an aeaia airwokof rbwaaatiam, e-aavd by and an eipo.are and ablllkDg of U). Moo t. 1 iiestd our mMOi highly reoomm nd-d. nd DurehaarS oia boiliaof Monortef a Bro.. Fraontt, V to. In-abt one month x-lt-v ualng lb la bottle, be brama ao maob brtter ih I got tbe eeou4 bottle wblen la now battig ajaeA, and aay aon M nearly wall, and I tiiluk oy r'-mowlng him to m eooeec aomaaer climate (which I wlU doiaad ooodoaliig lie ne. a perfect care will bf effeotrd. I eon Slder B.B. B a moat eacelleot Wood parlfier. OHS. ii TIT, B.B. agent. Broaghtoa. A.rk. 0B BOTTIJB DID IVBOILS CtfRBD AND BULTB EUTOBID, ' ' : B B.B, Co.. Atlanta OaU.'V.'H t. Oenta. My slater was efflletrd for a Bom ber of years with bolls seatearad about all over br uerson. Tnw wow IB make -their appearance Terr spring. Mud - aat throoah the earn H-er ana antU late In the faU. Liar Dealt wasaadly tmoeflred, lualng Bb and atrenrth every aa; la fact taay were aaowlng bar life I gave ber one bottle ot U It. and tneeneet waa like magte. fsednotng a Cora niece eare ana v-ainrlnc ber . baa ul. Todv eke is perfectly eonnd and her health tally tw-tored. It la w1t out doobt the beat an moat vsinabla Biood Partfiev bow oattte maraea, iseira.eva. ; - -.- - j. Waynesboro, ifuav, Inly 14, 1S7T. Hand for ear Book o. Wonders, free. It treats of all blood disorders. , Address , ; BLOOU BaUt CO . Atlanta Oa. , For aale Is New Berne at B. If. Dofly-p drug -r. ajajWOaTSlB.B.'i.,; a Orgras etrea. . eee illo and Broad. . . r. n , ? earTlw4 , 'VlRafV or A (sS.J.at 'eY HMll PAH baa Men dli olred br be dnktb of . Hba. St. Haha 'III ont)Dtie tbe rmlnra et BALK X H .IMR AN -S LlVaRTof HORBK-. ri-s i tbe Old etSB on Im.irttS a'raet, where be bae been t.gart m tu bnpim-ettB tbe city atnoe I Mft. wi il pleaaed to meet ha Old frt.id end pnetomera WUl liave enb" In aai t Ft'E JW, ama Lti (I'll ' " - ma j i-r - ' err. " 1,000 tons Meadows' Special Onsno (for all crop). , . , 500 tons German Kaimt. 200 tons EUwan Phosphate. 100 tons Dissolved Bone. 100 tons Cotton Seed Meal. luO tons Agricultural Lime. FOR 8 Am BY E.II.& J.!A. Llcadows, conoN:&.TEtrck ITAOToilS, AND MANUFACjrVRERS Qt " L3EAD0WSr SPECIAL GUANO. Opfics new;bebnr rf oiiiiiniifi p. a mm t v 0 I M U U n U -Ur , lk H II b I T ,;i ; , ATTCJEIi KY sVTiIiAW. . ( . BJTEW. EBBa, GP"' Will move ' on or about January loth," 1881 to their new bffioe. Oref ths Bank tag Hoose of Qreso. . Foj A Co-, tares tfoors below Eotel Aihert. ,-. .:, ; -i At BoeOottom TOccs;X i f i-iw- v w linour iLXcenuon r v A fine line of Silk Lined end jlV jfed, tne rooaTi laawonaoie -coiura, ai toe soweei . prices . OTecoftts,' in Imaginable. A larger and finer Line in OEtfTS PnRTaT8HTWOfirtOT)FI. than ever. Also a very attractive assortment, 'of the Jateet Styles and patterns Gent's Neckwear.' : ; . , y - 't'-i'. In Soft and Stiff Hats we carry the latest and leading styles, -Our Stock bt BOOTS ANP 8HOKS ia ooriilete in every partieu. lar, and at priwe that cannoi be duplieated.'- ' ' - t'. We also bave not forgotten the. Ladies, and desire to eall their atten- tien to our v Most Elegant line of Dress Gopdp ! wbicb we will aell at Bedueed Rattw, aud wbicb' will enable any one to: buy large lot of goods for a little iuouc.v. . . -'..V t" " We call ibfir special adentiou to tbe beat assorted stoekofrNew markets, Vrapa, Doluiaua, Walking Jacfceta and rwya iu the city. -.... Alao, a full line of Carpeta, sRttgs and Blankets. ' ry Give bim a trial before purchasing your goods, as yoo; will find;, it to your own interest to do so. , : i,rv:'i Li'A '''."jj ' - ; Aaa Jones'.Qia Stand.- " ocl2 dwtf 30H00 if l.tl'i.'lr.- ( f. : A- T: it fef- and Vounff Ladies - ! Full corps of Teachers. Boarders. ; , Write for terms to ;juul(J dwtf JTew Building. 4 . ' Ample, accommodations for t''r .1 a !j.-iM X, V JOSEPH KIHSEY, OLDEST AND LARGEST MUSI. house is,vKJ '; WaltWDirJJosfesC Olfi AlAtN. STItEET, KIC U MONp, VAt t 1 !::50,bo6'iusri:Bicea':; :i;ToVwS03aaV f --lt m.j a.! ',4?. " a.'l.-i i : k 2QO,OPj0yqnsje , ugnculturalXim vv.ft.cunnus 6 co cbfiMissioN tlksCUANTS. r;BW UERNE, K' O V; I. .".!,",- BaawiSww rs.;-.---rvi'-'--i. l EaTiof purchased the cotiri Stock of feooU, Shoes, Dd Rubbers in store on der Hot I-Albert, I will sell the saoo AT COST. ErOT CASH.' To goods will be sent out oo probation.'- i Tbsiikfa! for r!-' rsfr0B8fs. f-'5 1 , nets will H f i t ir,e r 3 a t Pianosl and, Organs on easy monthly gri.e'.e as.- a' an st factors nrinaai'. Old Inatrtimanta . - ? , Migaa id, exoriaoge. uoufint, rented and , VS'-JrlrJtt lananenae'-Btoelt af SHEET BtrslC. r meirnotian BH ka an blade -tpemal 1)1 ' count to ftwcheia aad fiebooU. , (fetaloa-ne ' Uialidfiee. Aaaortwunt of Mbsle aenton arleotllon If deatrad -1 ntrtbga tor all Muaiaal t. ina turoenis a few SllshiJy oaed Planoa and n rtrsne f ataudard makee troaaaas tn 1ah ' . V..'.4- Aa:.nta of itohaniL'a imraatAna.l Kilvar Rait 7BQn. y-r--T--Tra7-r s .- i .- vio ins, Aoeordronsj a4 BTeryttttaig In ths OoiTesponilence solioltod. 6stalpgaea mailed free to application at thVofSoe of .is.- our Jierth Carolina Agent, v il ,i -i v V ' At ltrs.fl. F.8tanly'e Book Store, oorner Broad and Middle Bttl, JuBl7dw6m -o NEW BERNE. N. O. MAGAZINE j C ,ii!f ' ' ' 'fl'.- "-lajjcBi ifilla'Mli ',nf Vwii Us-ao HfTivei ,sji;3eiyitcratirC;;of: lasting i nter-; iljvjpif; ad:-iuvit ' Is.; fully rand' beautifully CC Kt;rv. illUstjaitcd and has already 'trained' a mere than" national .'circulation' exceeding' 123.OO0 Copies Vnonth.;?:;?a-:: .: ; ''v ;.t :', I PRICE 25 CENTS 'A ISUMr3ER- S5-0 A YETuP; Charles 5cribner5 Jons the Poblirhcrj -en: - r- -lJ MACAZlr'E with t; ,1