0URNAL., VOL. VL-NO. 247; NEW BERNE, N. C.. WEDNESDAY. JANUAEY 18, 1888. JPRICE 5 CENTS. ft LOCAL NEWS. rearaal ntitiw ilmtu. - ' Hew Bom, latitude, 80 ' North. - Sun rises. T.lt Length of dsy, "San sets, 4:88 1 8 tour, 88 minute Mxn rite M 8:41 p. m. r ; BUSINESS LOCALS. f T RE Alt FAST STRIPS. Corned Beef J3 Beef Tongues. Codfish. MaokereL Oregon 8alroon, Chipped Bef. Gram V Cheese,' White Bern. Petri Hominy, Htmpt, Oat iuim, Macaroni, Buck' wheat. Tanioca. Prunes, Mince Meat, Evaperated Apples, &o. - , O. E. Slovkr. 'YHOICB N. a Hams at IS) cents per V pound at A. miller's. DKDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon IV Soda, ato., equal to imported. , -,tr- ' JaJUCS filDMOJID, TtCOCHA and Java Coffee, fineat in J-Ltownat Dunn's. 1 (f( BOLLS WALL PAPER , l.UUU juat received and foraale at very low prices. Geo. Alxu & Co. TURNER'S ALMANACS at , . Uao. Allen ft Co. : ; riARRETT'S Medoo Vineyard Cognao I v ana wines tor esie. at sianuiaotu' rr a prloe. by Jakes Ran mono. PURE Liquors and Wises for Medici nal and other uses, at wholesale. " . , James Redmond.. rIRECT importation of French . XJ Brandy and Holland Gin arrived . la -bond and duties paid at Custom louse la New Berne, guaranteeing gen jlne goods for sale. Jab Redmond. , Quite a rainy spell. Bills barf been posted for the Wilson ead Rankin minstrel troupe which ap- - pear at the theatre on Friday night. A regular meeting of the M.E. Church Working Society will be held at the residence of Mr. L. E. Cutler this eve- ping at 9 o'clock. A telegram from Wilmington jester ' dav announces that Wilmington will - . vote on tbe subscription to the Onslo railroad again in March. The official papers commuting the sentence of Charles F. Jones to impris oameut for life havs been reoelved. Be will be taken up about the Bret of next week. We have information that leads to the conclusion that Messrs. Moore & Brady " "will be on pretty soon to begin the ' canning of oysters. They are later . than- usual (his season, but let the bystermen be prepared to give them . work when they come. Painful Accident. We learn that on last Mondsy Mr. L. ,.--F. Tillery, formerly telegraph operator 1 here, but now of Rooky Mount, who is v visiting his faiber-lnaw, Mr. Qeret ' Vyne, of Havelook, went out with a lit tie son of Mr. .Vyne for a hunt. In some -.way young Vynsi gun went off unex ,T peotedly and great part of the load ,v lodged In. Mr. Tillery 'e back and shoul .;" der The shot,' fortunately were small and Mr. Tillery was .not seriously hurt, bat we learn that his wounds were quite palnfaK : He has many friends in r. the city who sympathiss with him- --o i ..-" """.':' ; t. -' . , BUelEailsfbr the A. AH.O.B. B. . t" The "Old Mullet," from appearances, Is oe a 'boom.". Yesterday, afternoon It . there were three eohooners, all with , cargoes af steel rails for the .Ac N. C i-y: R. IL, in port. ' The schooners were,' the .-. , 8. Warren Ball, Ball master from ; Philadelphia; the OhaaSlaexeon, I , muter, from Philadelphia, and the '.Battle and Maod. . ' ', master, from Philadelphia, Three schooners loads of steel rails at one time looks like basi nets. . President Bryan la making' an earnest effort to Improve the condition of the road, and Is ssoceeding adralr ably. 'Lefergol sr j .. PersonaL.' ,: ')-r;-v4"! Mr. T.; Fletcher Bargls and Mr. L. , Calvin R 'ad were In the city yesterdsy looking welL Their many friends were rg!ad to see them. ;": '' j,'l' .'. L'r. B. K. Bryan and Mr.' Oeo. 'W. T-rjan of Charlotte, who were called here to the death bed of their father the late Wm. G. Cryan, will leave for their - homes this morning. " ' '. C. C. G reen, E. q.( of Trenton il in ths city. : - Kr. Geret Vyne of Bavelock was in tbs city yeeterday. , Bs Is jut from the country of btiuaris and snow'ttorms, I t wi fortu cats enough not to be c t 1 t' e Utt freese oat. The terocometr rrjli-Kred 7 below aero boverer while he vr tliere. F'UtieinFtl, e t-f, I i ir!"t rTra!!y, ! t f ' r I ;, I .one- e 1 ! it is l The Onslow Section. On .Tuesday, the 84th inst, the people of Onslow will in a great measure de- oidethe question of their future pros perUv. If they- vote in favor of the subscription to the railroad from New Berne to Wilmington, the building of the road will be assured at an early day, for Wilmington and Nsw Berne will be certain to follow with their subscrip tions. To those of our Onslow readers who have any doubt about the propriety Of voting "subscription," ws ask them to remember 1st. That the bonds of the county will not issue unless ths road is constructed. 81. That the railroad franohise alone will add a large amount to the taxable property of the county, to say nothing of the many plantations now growing up that will be reclaimed, and the fish, oyster and timber Industry that will be developed. 8d. The people of the county will be brought in quick communication with the outside world, and they will have the advantages of telegraph wires, daily papernd market report. With these fdoilities business men with oapital will bs drawn to their midst and will help to reduce taxes 4th. A railroad will give employment to labor and make a demand for im mense quantities of timber for cross-ties that will never find a market else where. To vote against subscription trill cer tainly ktep the oounty just in the con dition it is now for probably the next quarter of a century. Wilmington la to vote again in March and a defeat of the measure in Ooalow neit Tuesday would probably defeat it there. People of Onslow! vote for "Sub scription," and you will never re gret it. Our Fair. The Raleigh News and Observer very kindly offers to help us out in our Fai. to be held in New Berne on the l?tb, 14th and 15th of March. People oin generally get help in any worthy en terprise when they show a disposition to help themselves. We have no doubt but the entire press of the Bute will aid us in making this Fair a grand suocess if we go to work in earnest about it. Now what we want is a meeting of the citlaens of New Berne at an early day to organise a Fair Association and appoint oommittees to take charge of the various departments. We hsve hardly two months time to prepare for but if we go to work right and every man will resolve to do his part we can make an exhibit that will bs a oredlt to the State and of lasting benefit to this section. A great deal has been written, and much more can be written, about the undeveloped resources of Eastern Caro line, but a good exhibit of these, end bringing people face to face with the facts that havs been so often put on paper will be a long stride towards bringing about the much desired de velopment. ' New Berne has never bad an exhibit like this Is intended to be. Many other towns and sections in North Carolina and in the South hare held such exhi bitions and they always bore fruit. It is time for us to take a etep for ward. Let as make a strong effort, during the year 1889 to push to the front and we will suooeed Experimental Fanning. Mr. W.B. Psaroe'of Lenoir oounty. who promised us a yeai ago that be in tended - experimenting .on an aore of cotton daring ' the year' 1887. called in Tseeday' and stated that he had not reported beeaaee he gave 'his acre an overdose ef cotton seed and could not get a stand, consequently he only made twelve hundred pounds of seed cotton. Now this is all wrong. Be says he did not get mora than a third of stand and had to "replant several' times to get that. " If he would pnbliaa a statement ef his manner of preparing his land, the quantity had kind of manure, now he applied it, the . nature of- the tofl and how he cultivated It his brother far mere, many of whom read thrf JonuuL, would avoid falling into the same errors that censed his failure. It is yuat as important to report failures, and more so. In experimenting n the farm as it la to report a sacoees. -' It is the failures khat farmers want to avoid, end the benefit of a neighbor's experience is often ablessicg. I ' -'J' ;'. But Mr. Pearce is m member of the Grange in hie neighborhood and says tbe question to be discussed at the next meeticg la, "Eow te-bse cotton seed for mscure."' Be viU tnen give his ax-poripnce-wiih bis acre. . ' " Wtlle wri;ing tbe above Mr. J. C '--tt, ci.e t f t! e li-ve, eserft?o farmers f J.-r.r-s c :r.'f crce la to renew t?e -r r" a. V ftd tie rj-:t land rich too fast; ft must be brought up gradually. Bs made a better crop last year than ha bad mads for some tjmfc .The trouble with the country, he says, is bumbuggery and lsxiness and the greatest of these is laziness. Be deplores the fact that ths country people are more susceptible to bumbuggery now than ever before, and that there are so many isms and schisms in the land. Be is not a member of the Grange but is a member of the Primitive Bap tist church and quotes freely from tbe scriptures to illustrate his points. A Model Farm Boms. In the northeastern portion of Onslow oounty ia a plantation and farm house worthy of the old English lords. The house with all its .'compartments and grounda surrounding, its shady lawn and beautiful flower gardens indicates at once that it was once the abode of wealth, comfort and artist io taste. The broad fields stretching in every direc tion from the mansion, and dotted here and there with tenant houses aeem to form a little government within them selves, and though based upon agricul tural pursuits is really typical of the larger and more extended politioal governments the world over. This palatial residence with its broad acrea was purchased several years ago by Mr. D. S. A man for the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or upwards of that, and the last oeDt of the purchase money has been made on the land. Mr. Aman having fought tbe fight that ia necessary for suocess is now beauti fying the (rounds with flowers and ad ding oonvenienciee that will soon solipse the dajs of tbe old plantation's former glory. Be is studying diversi fication and relation of crops, stock rawing and how to-make the farm self- sustaining and a happy abode for man. A drove of young colts frolicking in tbe fields and a bunch of fat hogs in the pens show that he is succeeding finely in this line. Mrs. Aman has shared with him the toils and cares that in the end brought suocess, and if anybody feels thst 'farming don't psy" let bim go and learn belter. With a railroad through Onslow Mr. Aman would bave no trouble in fl ling this fine old mansion with sportsmen from tbe wealthy regions of the North during tbe winter season. They would be near enough the ooasc to get the full benefit of tbe duck shooting and far enough in the interior to reaoh tbe game in the forest of Onslow. A Wedding. Editor Journal: I was one among ths lucky ones that reoeived an invita tion to tbe marriage of Mr.L. C. Fuloher to Miss Emma Sadler at tbe residence of Mr. A. a.Oglesby on Thursday, the 13th inst. Promptly at 4 o'olook tbe groom led the blushing young bride, who was beautifully and taetefully dreeeed, to the altar to receive tbe solemn ceremony whioh was performed by Mr. W. O. Murdoch, a justice of the peace, that united their Joys and pleaaurt-e for life. After the ceremony we all lepairsd to the residence of the groom where a sumptuous supper awaited us and, Mr. Editor, if you could hsve been of our number I dare say you would have en joved it. Tbe bride and groom looked as if they were v Two souls with but s single thought, Two hearts that beat as one. " At eight o'clock the musio commenced and we tripped the light fantastic toe until nearly midnight. After ewpress-. ing the wish to the happy couple "that no dark sorrow might over throw its shadow around tbeir path, but every thing lovely and fair might be theirs io life and death," we returned to our homes with the peaceful recollection that we had spent an. evening of pleas ure. A Friend. WQd wood, Carteret Co., Jan. 18. ' "Shall our girls whtotlsT" Of courts, if they strengthen their langs by taking Dr. Bull a Cough Syrup. M Wheel , headsehe joins, neuralgia, then comes the tug of war.' A wise general marshals his forces,, charges with a bottle of Salvation Oil, and the doughty foe lies cringing In the dust. J CoL' Faissa't sesldeRce Burnel. A corespondent, writing to the Star rrem Warsaw says that Wood Lawn, rho elegant country , residence of Col. A. M, r aiaon, three miles from War saw, was destroyed by lire shout 4 a. m. yesterday. . The origin of the fire is not keown, but it wee eupposd to bave been tbe work of an iaoendiary. Most of tbe furniture was saved, but Col. Falcon lost bis pocket-book containing a email amount of money and notes valued at between two and three thousand dollar. .The entire loss is estimated at 810.000. Tbere is no insurance apon tbe property destroyed. WUmisttoa 8Ur- ' ' .' " -U: '. WOlBWCbCCRgli. I ' Wr D. Ejvt et CoC. Wholesale' and Retail Druggists ef Rome, Ga,, says; We bave been selling Dr. sling's Pew Diocovsry Flectrio Bitters sad Buck lens Arnica Balve for four years. Bsve etrr basd'.sd remedies tbst sell so wi, or five such universal eatis'so t -d. Thre hsve been some wonderful cv,rc "'ti ty tbee rrd icines in this - I -r( -.i ras cf rrr"v",ed en- s -' i I o e r r f f.irpl tf ' ' I " c f I r, 1 '-t's Kew MY FRIEND. There is a wave 'mid memery 's surging That is ceaselessly sounding for thse, Tbe spray on its bosom is singing A song of thy virtues to me. And I would that this song of thy vir tues On the billows of memory oould be As stainless and pure in the future As milk-white shells by tbe sea. For the beautiful semblance of honor On thy brow like a nimbus was set. But that, which would exalt thee for ever And guard thee, is lacking yet. And I pray that tnis treasure endurmg Light of the Infinite Love, May arise like the star of tbe eveDiDg And draw thee to look Above. SaIDA PKTT1T La Grange. N. C. THE WAR CLOUD. liKHLi.N, Jsn. 14 A semiofficial statement ia issued from Bt. Petersburg tonight, with reference to the failure of the Cear to make a speech at his New Year's reception. The assertion is made that tbe Czar has not been in the habit of making a politioal statement on tbst occasion. This is only partly true, both the late and the present Cur have been wont to make a short address of semi conversational character. Yesterday evening ths Czir pointedly refrained from oonverniog with Ueu. Von Hoheveline, German Ambassador, and Count Von Wslkenslein Frostberg. Austrian representative. At one period of the reception Russian Gouerals and Ministers grouped themselves around tbe Cz&r, expecting an important utter ance. After whispering a few minutus with M. De Greis, be turned to tbe others and formally offered the con gratulations of tbe season; tbeu be ningled out three of bis Ministers for a private talk. The incident id con sidered an intimation that the war party triumphs. Among the lists of honors conferred the Pan-Slav ists alone were favored. Tbe list of decorations leaves tbe imprereion in Berlin sod Vienna official circles that the Czar is hopelessly under command of the ag gressive. The Moscow Gazette tonight says that on tbe nineteenth day after the Epiphaty (Russian style) the Czar will preside at a grand military fete, when he will de olare his policy. The Czar's action in choosing a military fete as the occasion on which to make this declaration has increased the feeling of disquiet. In the meantime frontier movements con tinue to be accelerated. Division after diviaion of cavalry pours westward into Volhynia; trains loaded with artillery and munitions occupy the railroads. and ordinary trarlio is suspended. At Kieff, Odessa and elsewhere, author! ties are buying up provisions and forage and along tbe line, of tbe Vistula be tween Dublin and Dombrava, hosts of laborers are engaged in constructing redoubts. Tbe Warsaw police have issued orders they all Austraians who have not per mits to reside In Poland must quit Rus sian territory today. All Polish ollli era are being removed from the frontier regiments and sent to take commands In the interior. On the Oerman and Austrian sides tbe movements are kept a profound secret, but it is impossible to conceal the fact that there is an active passage of troops from Posen to the Bileeian frontier. Tbe first clear expositions cf the situation of affairs is hoped for from Berr Tizs, Bungarian Prime Minister, in his reply to the interpellation of Ilerr Belfy. The temper of the majority of members of the Bungarian Parliament is ardent ly warlike. Unless Premier Tisza's sxplanation shows that the forces on tbe frontier of Oalicia are ample to re pel any invasion Deputy Preczel threatens to move a vote of oecsure. The young man who swallowed by mistake the whole contents of a package of Laxador is out again. He says be feels rather "pale," but otherwise is all right. Be will however follow the di rections next time. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is recommend ed by all druggists as being a purely vegetable, reliable and safe preparation for babies. Price only 25o. Portraits. In oil or crayon from life or small p iota res done by Miss Aurora Mace, who is teaching drawing and painting by latest methods, at her residenoe on Johnston street. janlldtf. Astealshlwg Saseeaa. It is the doty of every person who has used BoscAee't Oerman tyrvp to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croep, Asthma, Pneumonia, end ia fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use tt without immediate relief. Three, dosee will, relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 60,009 dozen bottles were sold last year, and no one case where H failed was reported Such a medicine as ths German Syrup cannot be too widely ksewn. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 oents. Regular' aize,. 1i cents. Sold by all druggists and dealer la the United States and Canada , 'Delia How it Mrs. Grenadine latelvt - Is .she periecrly reconciled to tbe loss of aer husband! Belle Yes, I think go. - Her mourning fits beautHHiiy. -- v t4- . atactic Araka auv. v - -Ths But 8aLvs in tbe world for Cuts, Bniixfw, Soree, Cloera. . Salt rhocni, Fever 8or, Tetter, Charred Psof?, Chilblains, Cores, sod all bkin L.v; r. snl p-vc HmV cures riles orror,Tr'';'ii,f' It s rnniteed to r:r. ;- -. f r r-oey re- i ' 1 - r I . Tor COMMERCIAL! COTTON MARKET, Nbw York, Jan. 17.-10:20 a. u. Futures opened steady. Sales of 27,600 bales. January, February , March, April, May, June, 10.48 10. M 10 67 10.74 10.82 10.90 July. 10.94 August, 10 97 September, 10.S3 October, 10 13 November, 10 01 December, New Berne market quiet. Sales of 5 bales low grades at 9 cents SHasriO BARtBIBT. Peanuts 60 to 13 cts. per bushel. Eggs 15 to 16. Rice steady at Si 00 to 11.10 in sacks. Corn steady, 47 to 63. Fodder, Wo. to $1.00 per hundred. Seed cotton 83.00 per hundred. Turkeys 81. 50 to 82.00 per p-.ir Tvrf&ntikb Hard. $1.10: Jij l 1 b0 a? uj. Tab 81 0081.25. Oats 37ia40o. in bulk BaaswAX 16o per lb. Bur On foot, 4o.to 6c. Fbbbh Peaic 6a7o. per pound Pianuts 80c.a?1.00per bushel Oniohb 82.00 per barrel Ohiokkhs Urown. 49c : t i.r 1 1. g stSAly 6jo. per bushel. A PPUC8 Matt. 75o per bubbel Ikish POTATOi8-83.00a3 50. PoTATOse Bahamas. 80c. : yams, 40c.. Harrison. 40j. 8HJJiaLB8 West India, dull and n jm inal; 6 inch 8a 00a2 50. Building. 6 inh hearts, 8. 00, saps. fl CO per M WHOI.KBALI PKIOK8 Niw Mkbs Pork $16 00. Pukk New family, Slfi 0i HaoDLDKH Meat 7c. C. R.'s, F. B's. B.'s and I . I - ( Fioub 83.00a6.00. Labd 8o. by the tierce. Nail Basis 10's,$2 50 Suqab Granulated, c ? CorFKB 2022o. CHKB8B 15. Salt 8086c. persaok. Molasses ard SrBurs 0a46c. Powdbb $0.00. 8bot Drop, 81. CO; buck, $1.7: KBBOSBitB 80. Hides Dry, lOc.; green Ho. Tallow 3c. per lb. The Occoneechee Hotel, HILLS BORO, N. C, For Sslo. The property oousls's of two adjoining lots of one acre each. No. 1 has a liotal building, newl refilled and good aa osw, with twenty rooms besides bust u ess rooms and outhouses. Rooms well furnished with new furniture No 3 has a building, built five years atro aa a dwelling house, with twelve rooms, and also an oftlce with two rooms. The whole prop erly Is well suited for a summer and winter resort Plenty of shade, eitenslve lawns and water ejual lo any Will sell the whole together or either lot aeirlely. Also a traol o' land containing su 1 J acres, three miles from Hlllsboro, on the Durham road Uood grWi and tobacco furni. Kor price arid terms opi'ly t K. H. POUUK, II Well Cllnrli St . KiioxvIIIh. Teuu.. or 1. '. PA RKM. lanJCdini Hlllsbcro, N. C. NOTICE. The uiiduulgned, HenJ. K. liryan. has duly QUHllfled as Kxcoutor of the estate of Wm. G. Hryan. and hereby gives notice that be quires all persons having claims agalnat the estate of the said Wm. (T, Bryan, to pre sentment to the aald Benj. K. Bryan, dnly authenticated, for payment, on or before the Sin day of January. lSKtl, or else this notice wlU bs pleaded In barof recovery. Persons Indebted to the oiale inuel pay without delav. Ial8 HENJ. K. I1KY AN, t x i cntor. Phaeton For Sale. A Single Horse Phaeton, full leather top, only bee if in use four months, and very little during the time. The beet make and as good as new. For sale by jin!7d3i C. RE1ZENSTE1N. SPECIAL SALE OF UNDERWEAR, BELOW NEW YORK COST. N. Y. Our Lot. Cost. Price. 8999. WhiU Shirts 8 . 88 8-86 Jia. White Shirts 60 .83 430. Scarlet Shirts.- 83 .55 10 Whits Wool 85 .55 2. Spanish Bro. Shirts... 65 .50 C.H.B. Camel's Hair 1.00 .75 487. Scarlet Shirts 1.85 1.00 245. Australian Wool 1.10 .85 71. Bro. Merino 1.85 1.C0 828. All Wool 1.50 1.85 443. All Wool Scarlet 150 1.83 822. All Wool Whits 1.00 .73 Terms of sale, Oaah. We have draw- ars to match the above. Job lot of Ties and Scarfs will bs sold cheap. Howard & Jones, Next door to Nat local Bank, . Unl7dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C. .Explanation. When I advertises for Christmas Gifts and New Year . Presents, tt was only a reminder to those who awed tne little amounts to pay vp. After dos time I think I must have been dreaming, for they don't pay worths sent .. , few good friends have paid sons good friends have not paid . Well, they will, wont they t don't know; tlms will telL I think ft will be after we gt the Bail road baili from New Berne, through Jones eooaty, to Onslow, and on to the sea. We will tivoee in want of a rood dear, Tobacco, Smoking TobaocO, Fins Cut, Clewing, Dr", Stems,1 and smrkrs articles r"-i!!y,the best to at,rlr.Dfor Ca . - . V, I .. 1 .' '. :vec'i 'r.J, I jr. C. NEW BERNE THEATHT. Friday, January;20. Benefit of St. Johns Lodg;. GEO. VILSOII, LKADIKO WILSON & BARKIS O FORGE WILSOIT, " THE MINSTREL KING. j " scaooLCHArr a cobs, r 09 Thirty-five Others, A Not k.. . In xTflastrsby ' MBgalnocDt and Original Bean's Efltols ! eianllug Mechanical Illusions I buperbly Mounted, Klegantly Coaiasae niulreUy ReTolatlaals4 1 Transformation First Part: Ooart Costume. ' I.juhXIV, Balloon Asctnalon; Ados la Clou and 1 iid; Leopold and bunell; Tlirce HonaMua. , M ASTKHOLIVKR.lh. Musical Prsalf , THE (JKA.N1J OntKA. ienrral admission 7.V. Raar.. ) seau. 100. Gallery 5i5c. - Texas Horses. About Forty Head at the Gaston House Stables. These are not the regu lar Texas Fi'.MKh but are IIOBSES. ? Ex amine before puri liusiDg. jio j;:2t c. A. PUSEY. WAMTEE Ti) KKNT A Dtvelling House wilL four ur livo r.niB With lot and etable iooiii for two or mon horses. Apply at once (o .', W. 15. oyau REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newborn, N. C. ti Dr. N. H. Street. Office corner of Pollock and Crave t: treets. d30 d3m NKW BERNE, N. C NOW IS THE TIL1E TO Make Amends for Short Crop: and Poor Prices, 'j Ani oner more get yourselves" Stec w i ill the world . Ah i aro about to begin repairs Or store, and wishing to make as Band room as possible, . . 1'OK TI11C KCXT .10 DAYF, beginning at noon Thursday, Jan, 12th. and ending at noon Saturday, Feb. 11th. will ofTer AT COST, at retail or whole sale, my stock of Dry Goods, Shoer Hats, Cloaks, Flannels, Underrer Linens, Tnble Linens, Drees Ooods,l Call ithin the time specified, i positively the goods will revert to tbe former low prices as soon as time i out. - , T. TP. IVB PKOPRIETOtt y ,,' "LITTLE .STORE 'BOUND CORNER. " laalZdlm Dr. G. L. SHACZLEFORI DENTIST, dw 2s'EV BERNE. If. f!. Money To Lo:n. Examine the following list and t what yon need for the oomios rear, a save money by buying from ana at SHORT CROP PRICES. and yon will have money to loan. PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOTYS' I have the Chamnion. Qranser. T Dixie, Daisy. Clipper, Atlas, Po Queen and Avery, steel turn plows, r tne stonewall, Climax, Uem and C Una Cotton Plows, and Castings of ev description. t Also, a fall line of Axes, Sbr" 8pades, Forks, Rakes, Hoes. Marl I Potato Rakes, Hubs, Spokes and 1 Cartwheels and Axles, Bod and Iron, Nails, Bolts, Washes, and v thing in the Hardware line. Corn Shelters, Grata Fans, ( Cradles, Mowing Scythes. Mow Reapers, Belting, Steam I. Machine Oils, Laos Leathers, Hooks, and Saw Mill Supplies, . Send for prices. J C. WHITI Improve Yonr SdsTr; ' The owners of property on street, between Pollock and Front, annst pat their brirk in good condition immed.. will bs dons by ths city st t ' of the owners.- v J, M. II A Janl?dSt -. Citv : To "Whom It Hay ( Notice is hereby given lost Certifloate Number ! Shares Atlantic & Nort'r. ( Read stock, israed to r Co., end application ms tO said Railroad Co. ; thereof. All fre- fed not to boy cr f above sl&lei re ' s J-""V 1 '