t ' TWiewltaalmw niHiraaaa Jitai aim ,Jaa"'a-t'ia frtoji 4 . w ana Ika xito ar lkr hmo. 1ka tMwr. - .a5y,'.a5a U J4 mm Pull, line, of .the ; above: Shoes for sale by iiowara c: Jones, bole - THE BEST; WAY-TO;SUILD A,BEII)a SxxyxrLa: Snoes cut Cost flt F. T. PATTEI1S0U S -.jit a 2" 'IIIDDLE STREET STORES; teilir A BOOM la tb right direotioo ml be (ptoRkr b' kf-K Tour parhr at the above BamMi Htoree, where you will flad barxaiM OiantlemitD ' FuruiithinK Ooode. Oluvee. Neekwr.8iiiru. Unnel TJo'ierwer, Hu, Cape, Boo.i, Sboee, Dm- - A Railroad to Wilmington via Onslow " , la jnt bow aniwUoK be, publto tniod. While eooeomy U the order of the dar. and rv T. Pettrreoo e etorea ere tht plito-e purvf i le' ie. mutto t greiit dnl l.ur a r-f Oioa-ftaniH Bleaoliiegs brown Dotumuce. . 1 hnat of Other iroodai: .' :." A foil I'D" of Boy. Yob the aed Orntlemne Ready Mde 'Gloibioft at Bock ' 1 Outturn priOrwr , IiliiirM'uiua for trifl--ao to apak. T aooda wre - not roede lor the EO WN PRIUCE OF GERMANY OR ANY OTHER 1-QTEN : T1TK hntfAtimrABinirii4 - v - : Bo euro to eiee oa a Otll and you will find low price and good qualities. ' '' ,) Ho4V' ft 8ol;iny Vimro"H Dmw 8hx nor SitoiHlty . ' P IWu; ;nn;.l i DAMLas ." t"- y Wmmivi Stables- ..V bWm ' -: A,Xyh' tJPPLt, ef GOOli ' II0B3ES, MDLK8 and PONIES aiwyn-u'irhiiDh will be eold VEliY LOW for CASH, or on timji with ood w'o'arkj. ' s' i : 4to,BrjQGlES, BOAD 0APT8, HARNESS, WB I PSr ot07 I"will be to tnr advanrtige to call n me before purchasing. A load la the Stables at all boar, day and night. V.V ' D,.il lftfa.t 'tfaar Kami V H . . ; v C t k -r lsa MMvuil ArVbi y . 3T . T a. 1 SkkH'tS toakrxj wO r' b tw pitwortiop sl. ) a f-iltru ML tii l Tt 1 I .LLLOe a Html 1 rl 1 lOQDBOr aalii i loangor lVlid k, 1 w(i fori aJitVcirin many ti gtiakoi at, 7 ratio' pmat4irl: a mat. iouiiriii njoTireci o ae? t4 I niy R.i-er.Ti.s nO f Mronnu r from I rvnm l.ttsi nanT Arraouraan r-c.ts ti i, wa at, e n Lf A isureatioea. Kx-wrar, (Twr-BnUJ rv '"a J. vanoa. w at l; uaat foa mm oa s - tof vrasrtMiiibiA. avsia swm 7 j k.lw hwbl-aaaf R-U i la- . . s 1 HAVE riKJlOVED TO. THEIR feH - PTf-'4 JTH OF i r:c SAiiTw.;, tobacco, erytLlna In a aa -f V- ; ' ' O ) l r :ixiBNER5 -J 1 I rtn-r. I .i-- ar a i tm"TMis ttnora Aa jouriwa,-rv. 11 .... 1. J . ! 1N4 M toiOE or l J 4 I S fciu. niiwMva ii.n Mjeri . . -4 WIS not ws so locf as ths we . war-;? r "PHiurlateinrawlvwc rxelieBS sr. ear at .1 I i. y fur ft t, r and muca dmHr aba. thaa I .J XIEAK3 3 Sr.OJi. Oar til c abLei 4 ff fc.ilf a iwiaMOfut reynum lor eoejiurt. . r t c.ifirurv rat u ea no viocr irmjui svar kdwi hi ws V rr t.iernI(. .,ooup;p-t.tar an able ta approacA i Tirana fcl-.oe u 14 im nyu-h. t -Hi -raws-fa t:ri;M Ki wrefU rrr i J s 4. V c eifMre !y ' svrry yiui -aa r-.. bid" T" mi e. fho a aiiusl b t -lA-acrea " i sptv'i ear iUru as maile at r.Bp rf ?r ha. a ?r-a.'rn an arcanees calf vasia. i" I frfco! v-iawk aottom rnu-i. -11 t liaa a, ' v. t 4 i-vnlrr pa 'hreaiine In. being Brry.vtwr-sll -itiIIi-or. . . . -i JjmKt I : ata i Fn wars me am in mis enneT la tie'rslv)y wa4. If yo .ara kar appi'lBl" I her a.nwmxl ftlaact, jrwir rarierituc wlu m I mr ym t It u aar la kor Mr T I a kadni r a ajramm. rMhar (ban lima bv Ota f Hum 1ku k' ra tuM ar lb heat nuilan ls.M.rrwMt tba I Tit tot a lr. and wa will alaaa ttkM - aaaily vifhia far raark, 1 MUT buiaoctenltury.if M vulaaoaiia fuauUear.. 1 . . ' V n JAME3 MEANS & CO. ,t l Uncoln 8twBoon. Mam. ; Agents for, Hew Berne. to praottoe true eoonomj. mui(n wt lulls Way down prioe io Oalicot-e, Soawla, Tble Covtre. Quilu, and a - , uivaa wucpa k,vw vvi uv,a.,t v WMililiHMHMtill vinui iaa LiaMMtM. tA i , aiti kit wh uwumaH au vaaou' .u oiiiraiB, u tohlaaX iailTrloi xui.t UakaaBUKSRuEUIlhatlaJ .;i aro tlninta, enai ast Win rak aueauan la buaoMaa, m aw paia erliaaa laaiauta ia ear way.- Iimadc f onaaauM aMbeai yrlnerplal. By Sirart rarmliMliaB ta Iha Ml 1 diaaaaa ba him iar tntiaaaaeta fisMwrUmrl drkr. TtouuirJ wraawraa StaaaaT lumwni oi u. noroajianrKa a.waaatMraaiinaalaaaamaof liraaragiaa hanoraaaiiliaarrul Mil npwtiy gataa both i TeTxra arr. oa mqu, n. u Kw. w. ram, a HARRIS REMEDY CO- Kn CBOiiT . ' 06W W-Tmth8treei.eT.Loain.im. Trial ef OMrpilanoa. Aeasar Terwial ri' a,.,vf I 1'. Si THEIi! FOER STAND. ,8ulr aji ciOAns,raB fi - -Uj- i..y (".! 4. .-0 all' ff Hi: Si. W- Uaa t a -is I t-"wia kaakia J :rJ K.rrature of lasting interv ;.!ue.it Is fully and beautiful! t.J end has already gained a mxe circulation exceeding 123.000; I'",' T0 KTCmi tQ iris . 0 KKIXt WBIU mCABORATSO If you coald epeak. D priesri eellf ' i Whet w i,id , ad' atoriee yen tonli tell. Of broken hearta aod maddened brain. Of waned lives and juUt's deep stains. Of misdirected energies, of talents flung mental agonising pains, of physical deoaf. ' . - ' - i - - TnyUtl.w1taVte4ttJ(feit4 .' WiiA ooarate high wnd young hopes - bright. . . " Bis father hope, his mother's pride, Perobanoe anon yen bed has dled DUnced dscmded. In Us prims. Wracked oa the. fatal rooks of crime. Maybe marder has lain . WtikburatinK heart and ficnsied brain. And seem npoa yoat walls ed white Hie gory victim UtRTOiib the night. Till with bis deadly-terror's yell, Yqefd riDK wad echo, dismal cell. Too may hnveheld a man whose name, For honor oooe. bad goodly fame. oy aii respected ana loved well ; Yet in his gray old age be fell. And Derbarjeatthoaahtaof haooiar veara Tne floor was wet by his hot tears. Tho thief's pale csrpee, the murderer's veil. The old man's tears, y dreary cell, Semhovering, floating, through thy gloom. . Like ghosta around soma haunted tomb, wnue in my ears toe dsv's last bell Re-tchoea like a funeral knell Leaning Towers. The Leaning Towr of Pisa, in Italy, is due of the architectural wonders of Lbs world. It has been made famijttar to most readers by lectures and by descriptions. If it were the oulv examule of that kind ofltuilding, the plan and purpose of its builder would be much more of a mysteiy than it is now. The date of the completion of thin tower ia given as A. D. 1350. It Ktaudn close by the caiuoilral of Pisa, which was nulohed in the early part of the twelfth century. Its situation, and the ut,e it bus always served, prove that this was built for a bell-tower, or belfry, campauile, to the cathedral. It was then, and is now, the common practice in Italy to bnild the bell tower apart from the church. This tower is built entirely of white mart le, und in eight stories high. It leaua thirteen leet eight iuche from the perpendicular, in a height of one buudred and eighty three leet. The quesl-iou baa olteu beeu raised whether this was the resulta of aucident or design, but there can be little doubt that it e-as accidental, and caused by the setting of the foundations. Thin r.eeui8 reasonable from the fact that the upper story does not lean so much as those below, as if an attempt were made to remedy the defect ia the progress of build ing. Another circumstance which leads to the same conclusion is the fact that the largest bell, which weighs six tons, is hang, farthest away from the overhanging side. Again, this is not the only tower ot the kiodjra Jtaly, builf at about the same time. There are two ol them at Bologna, one of which was begnn -lo A. D, 1110. It is over nine feet ont of perpendicular, and is one hundred and sixty-one leet high. In this case foundations settled so fast that Aba tower was never com Dieted L The other tower at Bologna," Is three hundred and twenty-one feet high, and leans otfff six and a hatl feet "from' the perpendicular. Gentleman is a term which does not apply to any station, but to the mind and the feelings in every station. The man of rank who de ports himself with'' dignity and candor; tb tradesman; who dis charges the duties; f iife with hbnor and Integrity, are alike en titled to it; nay, the namoiest artisan, who fatfllls the dbligations cast ppon him wth vlrtne and . with honor, is mora entitled to the name of gentlemaa than, the man who could 'indulge . in 'offensive and ribald remarks, however bighbU .fir; ' - BhiUh Ton look a little massed np, Brown, Browi-r-i ehauld say sol iv last had a row with my mother in law. andlH be haneed if sbe a Hint pat t me oat of the bouse. The houe belongt-to berf ;oa know. Smitb-Toa told me a day or two ago, that your , mother lu law: was very leeble, Brown Yea, I meant leehle for fter ,j f '.i. ei SJ -p. I What has be done 1 ' That wa STapoleoa V test. What have yon done t Tnro op tba faces . of yont picture cards I . .You Deed not omke months at the public because it baa not accepted, yoa at your own fancy value. .; r.f . ; .-r EOB.TS L EE2TDERS02J :,Kow IJcrno, IN. C7a Jin tit-- a H t S ScbsriPATioK IaeaBed Ibe -rai-bar ef Tlaraafs," tin am tiiera ia no Badlaea tbroaan wnkch dianan eo often attaeka thtnuem aa bv thaataorn. tlon of poiaoeooa gaaee la tbt rataniloa of oaeayeo ana anew matter in w tumMti and bowel , It la caoaed by a Torpid Uver, not eaoaan bUe belag ezenned from tb iood to Brodoee auu'a own ea.tha.rve, end Is generally aoooaipavnted witb such re. salts as Loss of Appetite, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, etc. The treatment of rooetlpatto ees .not oonaiat merely In unloading ihe bowel. 1 lie medloine must not only act as a purgative bat baa tonleaa well, and not produce arir-r luoseaTeaWreoauveaeas. lo aeeore a regu lar habit of body wltnout changing the diet orjalaorganlaing the ayetem. '-My attention, attar suffering wtib Con atlpatloe for two or hree years, was caJled to Simmon Liver ttegulator, ana, baTing tried airooel everything else, concluded to try It. 1 Aral took a wlueglserul aud after wards rvouoed the ooee to a tcaepoonful, aa per direction, after each mraL 1 found iL a ll haa done me o much gaud teat I contin ued It no til I took two boule olDce then I have not experienced anv difficulty 1 keep U to my house and would not be without it but have n use for H, it having cured me.' Uito. w.bims, Aaa t Clerk Superior Court Bibb Co..Ga. TIKI ONLY TBI G'NCINB, Which has on the wrapper the red SB Trade mark, and Signature of J. U ZK1L1M i CO. How a Dying CLuld Was Saved ! Cldsto, HAJtTLToV Oa, Inx, Sept, It, 1887. Tb fol lowing u a tro evwount of wb.At yov B. ft. ftaM dona for our ltttU dAughtr. Uaaa I, now four ye Art old. When 12 months old a lump&ppstaredoD bar htl, which alow ly grrw lavrgar. The ftunlTy phyalolan ihuui;nt it wua oauawd by a pleoa of nruhen gi a or needle, but failed to bring anything to light. Tlie child becavnae feebler all the time, aiming to Iom the um of her Ing, and finally quit walk Ing entirely. The middle anger and thumb ' of either hand became enlarged, the flesh ba mming hard. The hip Jolnla became Inrolw ed, ao that when MTenteaa mnaiha old aha could not tand, hawing loet the uae of leg and arm. Partial curvature) of theplne alto followed. The nervous ayatt in was wrecked, muscles concraoted, and there was general wasting of flesh and muscle. At eighteen months Of age she was placed undt-r the treatment of a prominent physician of Bos ton, Mass., but at the end of ten months aha had declined to such a degree that alia was In a dying condition. This was la April, ISM We took the child away not knowing what to do. In tills dreadful dilemma we were orer perangfrded by friends to try "one bot tle" of Swift's Srcciric, which we did, and before tt had all been taken we saw a ohange fur the bettor In her symptoms. We kept it op, and have dona ao to this day, and will keep It op. If the Lord wills, for many days to coma, for It has broufiUt our dying Hasel to life, to vigor, to strength and health again. The ashen bua of her cheeks has changed to a rosy tint. She la able to walk Any where, bar languor and malancholj have passed away, and aha Is now a blithe, cheerful, hap py romping; child. Should yos wish to tn ereasa your testimonials of proof of the Irtua of ft. S. S.. oar namei and what wa have said Is but a portion of what we owe to yon, should yon wish to nee them. Kindly youra, Bu. V. Swift. Geatbudb B. 6 WITT. P. O. Box 66. Treat lae on Blood and Skin Incases mailed free. TMbwirrsVraciTic Co., Drawer t, Atlanta, a a J. If. AT1IEY, a pi omluent druegUI of l1! e-1 1 y Sinrlua-.. Mian., ani n: -Your piUaarlolagaitlera In Mils ntate. The sale of Tutt's Pills exceed those of all otrs combined. Tbey are peculiarly r.dntel lo mala rial dia.aaoa. Our V 3 sl.-laos all pre acrlbe lliem." SOLD i:VEIt"VliKHi:. Offioe, 44 Murray Strb.t, New York. GEORGE ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Ajpiealtnral implements Plows, II arrows, Caltivators, ' ! ('clloea and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Unirines, Cotton Clin a aud Presses, Fertillaara. Land Plaster, Kami. Mechanics Tool svnd Hardware, Lime, Brick. Cement, Plaster Balr, Paint, Kalsomlne, Var nlsh, OIL Onus, Putt and Ilnir Freegera, Berria:eratora, Otl Cook-Stoves, 'Eureka Burfrlai Proof 8ash Locks, warranted t give aeodrity aud aatlsfWctlon.. : PBtCKS VKBT LOW. 1 ;?0TV AiajLKH , : ' co. ; it:n. JoriEs, f Wholesale and Betail Dealer In i Sfc-IaVt e"t M?e -vC-r-i airs General excliiiidis BAGGLNQ f AJM TIES Ctc. Consignments of Drain,; C.Uon ana other Produce solicited .r: -'r , lrr-; t Attestton 'Oqaraateel. Cr. "i Tr -t'-i Ms Plls T12AMli8,. Ilydo Lino Ccrnpany. KXW BMUI.W.!q. VHC. 1, 18S7. VriSTKH aOBMDVLMOr THK MT1U Mhti OrZS, To go Into enact an and after iiec. 1st, ugl, Mon&ut Leave Mew Berne at 8JEVJC.N A..M far Bar bore, stopping at Adams Creak, bsuae Ureek. Van dam ere and B tone wall. Tweed Leave Bayboro at SVEN A. M. fer (ew Berne, stopping at SvoaewaU.Vaade mers, Smltha Creek and Adams Creek. Thursday Leave Mew Bene at SEVEN A.M. i or Uayooro, stopping at Adams Creek. Smlina Creek, Vaadeoaera and Btooe rail. riiday-Leave BaytrOro a rig V EN A. St. or New Beme, stopping at Btonewall, Van demete. bmlUis Creak and Adams Creek. Br tnts arrangement we are able to nake ekjf BOtMiecUon with toe Northern steamers, also having good accommodations both lot passengers and fr Ight at v ry low rates, and ask tne mere riant andr-producers along Its line to give It their cheerful support. Krelghl reoeived ander cover every day of the week. For lurther Information enquire at the office, fooi of Craven street, Or any of its agent at the following jj.ao, a AbE LEK, adams Creek. s L MoUOMUAL. (tmlths Creek D. H. A b BUTT, Vandemere, C. B EOWLKK, Blouewali. FOWLEK A CO WELL, Peyboro. ap2dw W. P. BCKSCH. U 1 Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. Commencing MONDAY, the 12th day of September, lf7, ibe Steamer HOW ARD will run the following schedule For Trenton, every Monday and Friday ; Returning every Tuesday and Saturday. For Pollokeville every Wednesday &l 8am, returning tbe same day. J. J. LA8ITTER. Manager. J. J. Disobwav, Agent at New Berne. Sealed Proposals for tlie Con-! struction of a Bridge Across I Neuse River- r TAT. OF N'UKTM O A ROM N A tK A V T lUUM'Y i uttKe board Couuly t'oiiimutttloiiera. I New ru.;ov. WU., 1 ,-vt-h The Htiat J Of 4 -oinm.HBiioiif ra af i rn t-i, I ouniy licifby Uivitt-a ut tiled i.rujMdiB Un t'OLi St 1 Ui?t i U( mUk bill M III La 1'ridttv ucioet .NrUbe Klvri In raveu t'ouiny, ul amuf con I i- mt in piate wlli.lu i w t iiillt-a of llit-iufl ' iltiuise in ef heme, i't Uc deUiruiiLit-d t l.e tuild roLUiniaBioiJf r; at. U) prtpal lu i iMjiU.n plans uiiu i cl Hih'i sloi furiiltli- wK Luaurittl nuj lulldiiiK "-"I brldgf, and i lie valiiU'iid (hibI of i bame. The raid 11. ide Ut ti ao 4'ouiriit itt'i aa lo permit lln -ab) aud UDolmii m t d i-uA&ur, w hen going In t.j p.aiU-t dUcCt one, ol aw kinds of velil it-a, Khil fur i lit aafe aud con veil lent paarifH aj! aniiiio.la mid pet eon m lo aud fro, aud bhuil )u all itapecta uoulorm lo vhtj regutreiaenl aud uat of a flm -claaa HrldKo. hald Itjldti aliall aJao b provided wlib a Draw of audi diiutjuaious aud of such coustrui-I ton lo penult the p&j-aag:. without delay, of all hlijoUi af team or al. venaels. r-ald rropnaala, with plai s aiul apec lflos I I lous properly aealed, ruidi ear-ed to I he board 1 of tAimniiaaloueis of lYhven i outtty, aud eu- I dorte..l "MtH.eu I'ropohals Iti coiibLruci l n n iihlg acrofi ouae HI ver,'" atial 1 l filed wlli the kiK of 1 he ea id Hoard nf Coii iul bi.ii is at hlb ii.Il'-f In New Itcme, on or le fore (he t' h Mo, dtty hi Fehmary, 1H wIiph said piooaala will ho opened for eiamlnu 11 !. i ne bord reat rvt a the right ( i eject auy an- all hide, and agrees to pav the huim ol filly dtilifm ur aucLi. plttn eint ;'ffina hoiis as nih te adopt-eil. M v older of Ilia otmrd uklamo i.rnHK. Ilelslsi of erds. Kz-ofTlelo t lerk. The W iliutiiflon N. (' ) MeaeuKer. (iolds txtio Argus ail Kaltluh Newh and idtatrver vili phase nuuliati, for sixty das, once a wet-, the above advrllaemeni, and aeud ulll ur su'oountof Uriine. properly tuade oui .gnlnsi the ouny of Cravou sud verlflel, U the i; lerk of the Hoard of Coiiimlasionti s ororaveo iVmuty.tlNew Harne N l deel lawtU O Ut'B-. Clerk. Craven County Eailroad Stock For Sale- Stati ot .Noktii (' koi.in A Craveu Coudy Uommlsaloner'a Office, Newbein. Dec. ITlli, IK87. Bealad proposals ftir the porcpaae of Ci even County's ntock In the AllanMo and Nonli Carolina Railroad rompanv, will be received b' the Board of Uommlaaloner of Craven County at thie onioe on or before the Klral Monday In February, n- t'd slock con sists of twelve bundled and nlneiy-tliree shares, of I 00 racb. Persousdealrlng to purcbasr will ttste Die nnmberof shsrvs wanted and tbs price tbey wlll pay per ab a re. Maid proposals will be properly sealed, en dorsed "Healed Proposals for Purchasing Oravea Dounty Railroad Block," and filed with the Clerk of the Board at the tlms above specified. tue Board of Commissioners reserves the rlabl to reject anv and all bids. By order ol the Boaril, oulando nrnns. declT dwld Clerk Bd Com- i TFisViiii'iir is Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLS No. 0. In Effect 0:00 P.M., Monday, Nor. 14. 1887.. Qolsq East. Bohzdulx. Ooinq West' No. 61. Ptuaenger Train: No. 50 Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. a m 4(5 Qoldsboro 11 7 am 5 40 5 81 8 S4 6 41 La Orange 10 89 10 42 6 41 Kinston 9 58 10 08 8 83 New Berne 6 10 8 S5 m Morebead City am 5 87 Daily ezoept Sunday. 10 59 Ooinq East. Scbksulx. Qoma West. No.l. No. I t Mixed Ft. & Stations. Pass. Train. Qoldsboro S 88 pm Best. 143 168 La Orange 118 188 Falling Creek 18 44 18 49 Mixed Ft, A Pass. Train. a m 648 711 745 814 8 60 915 10 611 7X1 7 60 8 84 ,8 53 088 Kinston Caswell Dover Core Creek ,Tusoarere Clark. . Kawbarn 19 03 18 80 1141 1146 11 16 1181 10 10 10 06 10 43 10 48 10091019 9 68 9 67 10 89 10 84 Hi 46 10 50 1188 an am 980 Monday, edneaday and Vrlday. tTwa.dav.Tnar da, an- Haturoay, 1 Train IS eon a seta with WUminctoa a Wei. wns Train, e-w4 Morth, leaving Ooldabore usan a. m aia witn men mono, at i a v Ills TnUn Weat, leaving Ook'sbore g-SO Pijn. Trala SI aaaassss wita Btchmeae tMaavfne fraia, arn-rtng at Qoldsber l.-SS Ms., and with Wilmington and w44oa Train iroca the Horth at :4$p.Ba. . Train 1 eoaaecte with Btehssoad and ban IB through Freight, leaving weldabere MO SvBa. - -r . r-ialo I eonnaofa - with Wilmington and aaV ion raatena-ar Trala Serth boandleav. li.ftroldaaor,i.tt 53 p.m. - ... I rein l.ewnf,s with WfJnfDgtoa end a,oon Fr" lrla feOath honnd leaving ( Kosboro v o. i0 p.m. ' - Ca La C.l, 8TEAMKH8. EASTERN CAROLINA D1SPATC:; The Fait Freight Use Mew Bersaa, aLssaiaram WrtU tUm FwlMU. aaA aoilx, BalUMtr. PblWalpUsw Vw TaiA.sssKam EW.-Tte JaUaBjtlstaa fitojr, THE 8TE AMEE8 EAGLET and VESPEP. of tnla Una will run on ragnar aebadule time, leaving Kew Berne every sfojar. WaDHKBOAf and K Kill AY at FO UK KM J tor Jbilxaaetb Slty, and ret lira en Uae Jotiew. lngdaya Thee steamers, in connection with tbe Atlantic A.N. C. it. H,. Norfolk boo them iu . x.vw iuia, run, ana morion It. tfc. Sfid the Pennsylvania K. & . form a reliable and '"a.w .u- vuojuii .uperiur larillUnS luf quick traniporleilon - - No transfers ax pt at Elisabeth City, at which point freight 1U be loaded on aaul to go tnrougn to deallnstion. Direct ail goods to be ahioned i-la F.ala... raroillia Ulapalon daily aa follows: -'-rioin .Sew Vork, by henn. R. B,. Iter j 0. orth River. ' . ,t Krom PhUadrlphla. by Ihlls. W.Afialie. . tt., uoca wt. iitauon. , Krm Bal'luiore by Phlla., Wll. A BaltO, H. . it,, rreaioeni oa. Hlallon. hroin Boa ton. lit i-rchauiA UlaanTna..' jiMaiiou Co Y ork and New KnglasS ? Kaieaas low Ld Uiue ijuitker than by as 1, trips pel wetk will be run. - m - - - " o. umuifl ui nl . . V. K K.J, General i'lafflv Manager. ,. f GKO. HTKPHKM4. lJlvla-onkr.iu.ht a -a I' W A U ll ijt , , B H. V'tObLE. General Frelirhl Aa.et W w'T 1' d N K. K . Norfol V. 1 11 t . Ml Uol 8. GeueraJ Freight Agent. B K. K . .Norfolk, V. OLD. H K.N VH BSOM, Agent, :t feb20 dw W WVI SAW f a ' OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Old Dominion Sleainshlrj Taaa . pan, 'a Old aud Favorite Watew Houlr, via Albauaarl and hra.pcak. Canal. rXlh ioilolii, Ualfliitora, New lolk, Plalla lclhlat Boalon. Fro a- Ida at- r, Ai.,1 l! points, North, Kaei and Weet ' 1' i iMil lllfl M'lMHV, J A." unu; furlui r i.dtlre, 'bu ('AMY Steamer MANTEO, Capt. Sonihgatt. ' Hum: NEWBiKNE, Capt Pritchatt, will aall from NOHrUl.K, Va , for NIW HKKNK. via Wiiaiiliigiou. MUNDATBaad KHll'Als, in uk i n g clot oonneoiioa with tb hieamer of tbe N. A T. A H H.to ,for K'D.i.iii Trenton, and all other landings mi the Neum aud Trent Rivera. Keturulue. will sail frtim MCW HRHNK .for NUHUlLK direct, 1 OX DAY'S and KR1DAYH, ui MM: a m . maklug oonneoa ! tlou with tl, i. li K H, ijo.'s ship lor New York, ll m i- o.'s ateamar- lor Halllmure, ( Ijdf l. ua Rnip for i'hllaa I del plii a, and M AMI. ( a Rhlps for Bos ton al,d I'rovldeiH-e dur uullrlni! elloru lo pit.ar our patrons, , and our almost oerrect aervlce for tne paat j lwele y ears. Is Hie l at gtiaraDlee WSCSS miei all riitppers as tt una we will do for lliem in the futnie. tli der Mil goiKla ra folk. Va O l. S. B. Oo., Mo freights rot receive 1 "ot 8 a m. on sailing- days. Kbipmant after I'aaarngera will ond a nood table, comfort Blue rixmiK. and rvrij courtesy and alien Hon will Ii i-.l llitiu oy the officers. .K 11. IIOUKKTIJ, Agent. Jrl EBSK. ( I l.l'Ll'l'Klt A TtlKKF.K, Agents, orfolk, Va. ' n- STAN K( IKI). . K i 1'. Agt.. w TorkClly. Change of Pier in New York. The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PfiOVIDENOE, and all point Northand WeNt Attar tbla dsts will raealvs ralgbt Is Nsw fnr Nsw Bsraaat PiEK 7, NOHTII KIVBlt, , OrJUx of Ktu loth and Baltimot ' TrorMpor.o.ion Co. Uarihant, ibonld r.mambar tkat thlala oas -ha Ml Steam Lla.s oat ot Maw York, maktn -all; aonnectlon with Baltimore for Haw Bara 11 tnaide, and only ona cbang a. SEMI WEEKLY EEitweso Few Eerie iod ltiion ' FRIDAYS At 1 j m Zateava BalUmcwa fa - ' Raw Hem WfcUNfcSDATS dnd SATURDAY . ' iaifgrssa fnllaw.. rnniv rnoTiu nan) vssav BOLlfhtNt NalM AR W KMliRninK Asr't NrtrlAlw Va TW neta Aa l- bkll.J.i.ki. aa aw h arras - f York k Balto.Tra.ftv. IslBa.Ptar Konftrtrr' W Uaamaas Dn.i AS i a I h. M au. rjsMupwvii, aiuetwil, WO VwUUwl Wasters. 1. II. Rookwsll Providence B. I. D.0. Mink, Fsll Bivsr, Oerrlok wharf. ' t Bblpileave Bastoa, Tuesdays sad Battrdav - ' i w.. VAk ...ll- " Baltimore. Wwlnasdar BdSatarSa' Fall Klvsr, Mondaya, Wedaesdaya ; rndays. ; i rroviaenee, natnrdays. , krosgh bills lading given, and ratea gasraa -. to 111 points, at lbs dlffsraat naase ef paalsa. Iroid Imligs el Bull ud Skip ri N. C. LINE. d WarSslvB H 3RAT At R THE . . ,v. t r - NEUSE & TRENT RTVXB Steamboat CompsJby.tV;" WUl run tbe following Benadaie on aad alte January 1st, 187. ' Steamer 1 rent - --' Will leave lew Berne tor Trenton every Monday and Friday Ml s, nth, rettfVnlrt, will leave Trenton every Tuesday and f.t ardar. touching at all points along U-e rl ver Steamer Elnetoa. , ,.' -. - . - ; . Will teare Vew Berae for Kinston en Ti t days and Fridays at li o'clock, M. J,fi Ing, W leave Kinston on Mondsts a Tburedamt , Tonchlng at an roterroetf XaneUags oa Senas Alvar. : , - ST --rvvj. j, CJSOSWAT at Fevnara ?. 4 4" W; r, SrAnv, Dnstoa. - t ' D. B. BSaBOS. muoksrU!k, 1 W. E. WARD, ArnlatTTectoa. M. C. finrrH, Jolly Old I d J. B. BAVT, C- r 1 ; " JMWl 'i -; v- - - w .