. : ' A ' l!atun ii aa organ of s iLoQgkt ul movement is -rto.eut of lift. I Besides ...uonijV it wiH -ooutais, ' i cornief jew, important . . ; rtly illustrated, oa die . .. . ; articles . ei . 'Americas i kin try; feastifolly 11 , , tr s on tiootllnd, Norway, .J, Algiers, and tht West . novels by Williss. Black . D. II q well; novelettes, each a in single aamber, .by - James, Lafeadio Hears, and i Hives; short atones bj Miss a and other popalar ariter; pirated papers of special artUtio : i.rary UueresL .The Editorial m imenu are conducted by George Curtis, William Deas How , nJ Claries Dudley Warner. Harper's, Periodicals. , ,; Put TsUii : -PIl'S UiOJLZVXX 14.00 TIPER'B WXEKLT. 4.00 , ' iEPEs'ii Bazas.. . ........ 4.00 : aepk'8 Toxnia People . . 2.00 roUg frss to all subscribers in e U lilted States, Canada or Mexico. ;. '-BJpssassas The volames of the Msgasine begin ,.h the Numbers for Jane and De- oibcr ef each year. Wha no time 4 specified, subscriptions will begin i.h tht Camber current at time of '.vl of order, v "'-, Duand Yolames of Harper's Maga- 9, for three Tears back, in neat h binding, will bo sent by mail, t paid, on receipt ot 13 00 per vol t. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 is ens'1 -by mail, postpaid. Index S Harper's Msgssine, Al- Ikbetieai, Analytical, ana Classified, ! r Yolames 1 to 70, inclusive, from J one. 1850, to Jane, 1885, one vol., t ro. Cloth, f4.00.' ilemittanees should be made by I'et Offiee Money Orber or Draft, to void chance of loss. Newspapers .are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BBOTHEB8, New York. i 1888. rpera Young People An Illustrated Weekly. Harper's Young People interests l!1 joang readers by its care J ally - rlected variety of themes and their well-considered treatment. It con tj. I as the best serial and short stori es I liable articles on scientific sab s and travel historical and bio ; blcal sketches, paper on athle . , ' sports and games,stirring poems, ., contributed by the brightest 1 most famous writers. Its illo's- . ations are numerous and ezcelent. occasional Supplements of especial interest to Parents and Teachers r, ill be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty f.ree weekly numbers. Every line 1 the paper is subjected to the est rigid editorial scrutiny in or r that nothing harmful may enter $ columns. - An epitome of every thing that is ::xactire and desirable in juvenile Iteratnre. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of good things to : ' s boys and girl tn every family Ueh : it visits. Broklyn Uu . - 3. i' .; 1 ' , ' , It is wonderful in Its wealth ; of flares,' information, and interest Christian Advocate. N. Y. ' - Terms: Postage Prepaied, 3 00 r Year.' Vol. Ir. begins November 1,18- Specimen Copy sent on receipt of . t wo cent stamp. riaria lumbers. Five cents h. : Omittances - should be made v Post-office Money Order or .-.ft. to avoid chance of loss. " TfoaDers are not to eopJ this . ; bement without the express r cf Harper & Brothers ::resH..V-.'' V Harper & Brothers, ''Y'' :"irew York,' . . :recloiire of Mortgagee i n Nrn'ffTied will 011, by Virtoe -r c r f erred ia the rxortre iosed, on- Mosdsy. the 18th ; roarv, 18S8. at the court , rru couoty, at It o'clock, i cf land ia Cravea oouaty . ciJe of Keoee river, it f ' v scree, lying oa .. r r rafciel'e ferry. and r t - j ars, neaf Frw-i f e conveyed to . ., ; 4d try ! t 1 irao i .... i m cH WiMt D to Onvwufor Adr- prM. m luuwbt. - -uu Ihi t 1 ( , ..a 0t rt im c. - ,. r c;l..i and lott WiM cut i ibt pkprr. kua uaveyii( to .tivtmun lu la- B.a intrtr Ibvm wlMriy Dd profit tiy. tern D ( ud 4uraM. or umva, II wail Ity to auil lit tvuviiig mir !( luraa. Apply bjrkwiM tu Oa v P KuvtuSi, Nrapper Aavwrtluac d cwu. in epracw k, -- York, -mi tu4 pttrtiealBr. otUbe STEVE2IS0& &1JLLEU. - ' ; ' WatU'DgtoiT EL. v. Twelve Years' Connection with -1 Tae isiierior Uepartmrut has gives as the desired experiaoce as ' Mechanical Kx rts BOTEIMCKS: Warner Miller. New York; IM'iW.i Kueeorans fiMtister ot the Trewtrvr Oeal Clark, Clerk Hoose of RettreaMitative.-: j8 dtt wtm lOETi.cauuii ? qabdle :v;onits, VXW BZK5E. 5, C. a 1 Monuments Tombs. Sad all kind Grave and Salldlns work la ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLf Orders will receive prompt attt&Uo satisf action guaranteed JOE I. WILLIS, Propiietoi iBnooiMor to Oeorte W. Olarpeele) dor. BROAD AMD GRAVEN 8U. NMW BXMJfM, It. I O. E. KiUJCB it mr authorised aget in Kinetoa -a80-lvS. t TO ADVERTISERS. A lot of Wh oe papers divided Into STATU AD SlCUTiOW- will be MDt on applleaUon-FRKK io thaaa who want their advenlalnc to py, wa oaa ofler ao b. ttar medium for ihor nigh and effective or taaa the various sections of our 8 KL.K T1O0AL.LHT. UfU. P. R IWKLI, A (X) , Newspaper Adrerllalng Burean. deoXI dwlm lv Spraee street, ew York r, a. aaaaa. o a. ror. eimioiis a mahlt Green,. Foy & Co., BA17SEES aM Commigiaii Herfcants1 t . South Faom SramT, iedwly HEW 8EBRB N. C. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spleen, Butter and Cheese, frdm the best dairies. The' Largest and Heat ftsiectrd "Hock m.liiiiniiFN aarn vananaai. eve feelore orouakt la (tew Berne. alien, a inn nhneiy or outer sooos. aauait. kept la a rtrsi-Clae store. . Ooods daliTt-red at any part of the free of charge. rrnwa nian Middle . nest' to Dnmpb'-ey s Utfwara. tsernv C . atartToen ', "Imitation btbi sracutsTrLATTxxT.' "DELL tbeJEirELEn" Has retemed from Korthern Ifarkets with the i ; V' Largest, Most Complete ; tnd Varied Stock of Watclies, piamonds, . ' FINS JTOB! STEELING BILVEB AND ?i ,fi PLATED VABE ! p! ever iees'tn thU'eeetloo. He has keaitstloo M aay hi he can offer the beat tDdoeeaMBte 10 buyers, del dwtf VVaVU.ia',lJLL' ?; OTamSH6HDOT7B For all the HevelUes and Fine Good tbie week. " i . 8thoss8olid Gold fTio GIsasm for Sew the new patent Grsbn Ere- 8 the rnoet mtirDlflceot dwrlav of Flso Gold and Silver Goods ever shown ia tbie city. i- . r , . - . Fine ,B meres, Enverware, Ci-vte, Watcbet. Diamonds and Iue Jewr'ry, nil: JounuJL,. ArriTi.1 tri Cepmrre Ciili -;: ';':--!'L MAIL-CLOSES. :- " For Korth. v cm and tuuUt. via A. A N.C.E. a.at7.tJa.tu. .. , , For Eeaofort aad the Cast, a 8.-00.am.' - -'.v..:-- v , -, ., for W6Li-?rton.8wift Creek, Hydeand Beattion QouAtiee Monday?, Wedoes- oaya. aad rrtdays as e.-vo a, sa. t tor Treatoa. PoUoksviUe and stays ville, aaily at 7 a. m. ' For irrantaboro, Bayboro aa 1 Van Semere, dailv at a, sa. , OFFICE HOURS: ; la Voaey Oroerand Reeiatered Let ter Uepartmeat. froa I a.m. to 4 p. m. , tAKauutg tMpartioeat (fobs a. sa to a . m. - . . -Office opea eoastaatly between these hours exoept when mails are beinf 4ie nouted or eeav. . ' A Uo4 Tklar for Beys Msnnsl trsioin g is one of the few good things that isrw good - for eve rjbo4jf It Is good for the rich boj, to teach him res'ect for the digni t v of baouful work. It is -guod for tb poor . hoy, to increase bis raeuitj lor Handling tools, if tools prove to be the thing be most ban die - for a living after waids. It is gxxi for tbe bookiMb boy. to . draw him awsv from twok;!!.. tat moat or ail, u is gvtxx lot the noa book ieh, in showing him that there is something heeao'dowell. The boy utterly, pnable, , even" if ho were stodioos, to keep op In book knowl edge and peroentsge with ftbf brighter boys, becomes diaobnraged, duUayd moody. Let him goto the work room for an boor, . and ,flud that lis can make a toi or plane a a roogh piece of board as well aa the brighter . scholar, may, very likely better than his brighter neighbor, and you have given him an impaltte' of self respect that is of ODiold benefit to aim when be goes back to his studies. He will be a brighter and a better boy foi finding oat something that he can do well. Mind yon, it is not plan. ing tbe board that does him good; it is planing the board in tbe pre sence of oi her boys who can no longer look down upon him when rhey see bow well he can plane He might go home after school and lane a board in tbe bosom of bit amily, or go to an evening school to learn to plane, without a qnar ter part. my, without any, of tb invaluable effect upon his manhood that it!will have to let bim plane side by side with those who In men tal attainments may be his aa periors. American Magazine. How Fatlrrae Operates. After a study of some years, Professor Mosso, of Tnrio, fiudo (hat when fatigue is carried beyond the moderate stage, at which it is decidedly beneficial, it subjects the blood to a deoom posing prooesa through the infiltration into it of sobtftances which 'act as poiwrnn, sua wnion, wuen injected' into ine circalatioa ot healthy ' animals, lb duca uneasiness and all the signs of excessive exhaustion. When with in tbe resiMtinc power of the nub ject, fatigue has its pleasures snd even joys, tbese being tbe ezpresr wlon ol the orgaalc eonscionsness that bodily loss of tianns is .being balanced by reoonstraction.MosMp'n experiments were r' performed on Italian soldiers, and tbey proved, among tbe other resolts, thst tbe stature snd power of tbe modern warrior are fally equal to tboae,6f ne ancient . iioman. Arkansaw Traveler. ; An experienced apiarist declares that tbe 'modern Improvements tn bee keeping, inclading the movable combbive, the honey extractor. comb foundation, and the methods of wintering, make bee keeping a pursuit which may be indefinite!) developed. Indeed,-, it may ba so followed tbat, from its wide diffasioa over onr country,' and from tbe value of Its products, It msy be trory 'caned .great national in dustryt - V" ' A would be wit ones asked an old German: ;,Grjtz, what 4 do yon tnin a or wnen j on tnink or notningr I tinks of you," was the quiet re i AeaanaSaaaeaaa3aa rr, ' lars nIlow did yon enjoy the opera last evening". Lucy It was divine. , I. bad tbe, nobbiest hut fa the honseP :; 2 -- , '. WW 1 mfWW9 i IweereSet.tKimaawfe 1 oat amle. Km fwa. ; fcHWtl. aw't 9 I A. in Hf.aJl, we SaA e'.aJ fcfc I I V Tee tinders' roel. aarah Wstla, kaa Strit qnalltTeds- edmlatatretr z C iba ee ate of Meona W hit, and barrbr ee neHtce tbt abereqolraaall awaoeisae tnf claims. rained. Mia stele or I oe aaKl iteanea nite xo , re seetthemtotne.au) arah bl doly o- tnntle.t lor atrnoni, cm or oemre ue I7U1 O.r of J- B7 im, arm 111 bss'SSdrd Dr i f re wev. Nml ids bt to im eaute in net par ttnoatfWsy.. . - B.iunwiiiia, ffcDl7dl , AjJ w 1 u '.ira. tor. Tha nder,"alI Jit S t-T -.a ? qnallfle-ISa A' ( " i - 1 I r Bas now oonsolidaibd his two stores and will . at the old staud oa Middle street, next to L H. Cutler V, oootinue Tl . t f fa el I m m bl fjp 1 i 1.1 wiiti I Ut which becommeaoeJ some time before tbe holidays.!. s. sif'J'o ' Owe tit.k bae been- replenished ia every deprtmnit.: and it voo are ia aoed of Ah) thukrf la oar iioa, call with out delay and yoy will wonder at tbe V .. 1 ts -i t ClotMn, Foots & SHoc3 r 'tA.uA all kiadeof .-..-i.T . Wf are making , Special Drives this Hcntli . - IS . .. . Blankets, 8hswls, Newmarkets ' ' Walking, jackets, Ladies'; and ITen'g ' . . ; , WB SAVE EpEiyitl) At New Line of Neckwear whioh Is a collection of captivating beauties, that are beinK sold at popular prioee. Our fltj1 satin lined Boarf St 20a. beats any half dollar scarf ia other planes, ; ' ,, ....;: . - AH our ods will please and gio satiafaotion, and pripee are so low you oannnt resist them David It. Jones of Been fort sllll holds forth at Gecrgo Ash's, Ifiddra street, Next to J H. Cutler. We have tbe Agency for Tbe Old Htaten Island Uyelog Kstablisbmvnt;, 98 Dnane S. Eatabliebed 1819. All goods delivered free of express charges. J. P. G Davis. Wholes ali akd Retail Dsales nr CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS. Best Grades Family Flour always In stock. Best Brands or Tobacco Direct from tbe Factory. BOOTS. SHOES, ' t-AKD HEAVY DEY GOODS. ' Call and cat Rook Bottom Prises. j - : JiAitUKT boi ' - - i iw oerne, a. u. , deoJT 3 lb; Cans Tomatoes; ASP 1,250 , . . ',aV ;t ....r'e. iff Cans Corn, test quality At TE? Cents A Can 'f :. , (No seconds sundarfl goods.) H4 .; New. Berae. H. O.j 1 .. ,' , 'i . ; -t l, i i t 1 .. , ! ' .," 1 11 .. .? ii..i,n; 1 i ;:.r.MinnDVflnf: r; ! S,i jfi..r 'ii?, elii'.'S,''.'" ' an Aorej aa ssnnai, . PalnU, Oils and Glass. ',J lme", Vetnent' audi iPlaster,1;! , 'i'i. - .. si ita ;. ' . ; ; i'lB'Vf 'i4'iilr!f:: All Grades ot COOKIHQ A51 tH-;GUTi;Ei t26;4!28Hidd!8 Street,.. a - ' aa " - - si Oar store is fil)eg wUh ProYlstwna. Groceries. Caaned . Goods, Dry Gowds, Crockery, ' Etar We keep a fnll line of the - ' Oclebratcd Pricca' Bests end ' UUVWB .... ' ' 0 tit Xu.r w 3 C k Bw . r r r7fvi ""HfJ 19 tivff'V T-- ' ' Trr , ' ILLUKT.; Va ..!. Uarjer's Weekly Las a woli-eeub-Hbhed j.lac as the leadm? illustrated newspaper in America. The fairuets of its editorial comaienta on ennect poliiios has earned for it the r-peot and confidence of all impartial readers, and the variety and exoflleuee of its literary contents, which include aerial and short stories bj tbe beet and most popular writers, St it for tbe perusal of people of the widest ranee of tastes tad pursuit. Supplements sro fre- quentlj provided, and no expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear spun the illus tration of the changeful phases vl home snd foreign history." la all its features Harper's Weekly is admir ably adapted to be a welooue gutit jo every huusehoid. -, r ?C!; ;'f fr, , -1 , i r HarpM s Pe ridlcal; ; , ITaIIPKsV'B WEMaT.;iCt.i.v..t4.00 Haefee's1 M aqazihk '.v.: 4.uo U ABPKfS HsZAS . . . . . . . . 4.00 HAEPKB B TOTJIfO PBOPUS.V 2.00 ' PokUre Free to all subscribers in tbe United States, Canada, or Mexico. The Yolames of the Weekly begin with the first Number tor January of each year. ? Wsen.no time is mention ed subscriptions will bog a with the Nombsr enrreat at tints of reoeipt of J .... . . : " ; ' - oraor. . . . . . f . Bound Vp lames of Harper's Weekly, for three years baok, iu Seat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postago paid, or bv exprevs. free of fxpeuse (provided the freight does njt fxoed one dollar par volume), for f 7.VU per volume. r--' .. (loth Gases for each Volume, suit able for binding, will be sett by mail, post-paid, oa receiptor f l.yo each Remittances should be made by. Post-Offioe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.. . . ,. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without, the express order 01 Harper Urothers r Adreas"Vl fsT.'-. Q 1 HAEPEK ft BROTH EE9, ; New York. The Century. XIagazine -With tbb Noverni)er.,1887, issue Tbe Uentury eotnmencaii .its tbirty fiftb Tomme with a reiralar clreula tlon of almost ,250,000. The war Papers snd tbe Life of Lincoln in- ereased Its monthly edition by 100, 000. The latter history having re counted the "events of LlaooloV early years, and gi ven the bectxisary sorvej of the political condition of tbe poantry, reaches 'a new period, with" wbbb his seoretarirs t were most immediately acquainted. UnflCf the) MptalB : ! v ? r-BJ llAcolxi In the War the writers now enter, on the more important parv ,01 toeir narrative, vis.: the early years of the War and President Lincoln's part therein. ; Supplementary War . Papers following tbe battle series" by distinguished generals, will; jde scribe interesting features of, army life, tunneling from Libby, : narra tives or ' personal ' adventqre, eta General Sherman . trill write on !he Grand Strategy of the , War." Kennan on Siberia", -i;. Except the Life . of Lincoln' , and the" War 'Ar tides, no more Impor tant series has ever been andertak n. by Tbe Oentnry than this of; Mr. Kenan's.' With the previous pre- Daratlou or ronr. tears' travel and study in Russia and ; Sibetla, the antbor undertook - a Journey of 15, 000 miles for tbs special investiga tion here required. An . introduc tion from the. Bussian , MinUter of the Interior admitted him to tbe brinetpal mines and priaons, where he became acquainted with some three hundred hi ate Exiles, Lib erals. Nihilists, and -otbers-and the series will be a startling as well as accurate revelation of the exile system. Tbe many illustrations by the artist and photographer,' Mr. George A. Frost, who accompanied the autbor4 will add greatly to the valaeoi tbe articles, r-.- r. k'JL lTovel by Errlestoa. ,? with illustrations trill run throogh the 1 ear. Shorter novels will fol low by Cable and Stockton. Char ter fictions will appear every month. . -. t ; Kiscollaneoui Features- will comprise several HlnstratPtJ articles on Ireland, by Charles De Kaj; papers toucbinz toe field of ttie Kandaj -School , ; Lessons, iKostrated by E. L. Wilson; wild estera life, by Theodore Eoose- Vflt; tbe Etdmh Catbedrhls. t r Mrs. van lnwu!aer, with i::-:ra t:?r.s by r-rcc:i; .Dr. Ej.VT.-y's TfnaMe ps:' rs oa Dreams, V , U.i r!'.tn, snd Ciirvojasf'.; f. .j, j-, rt' I '1 lllt'f I . - . ' Iks a 1. 1. . r c i 1 fc..i..':6 A. ..: : & isji'.x . Lji ti.-.k, 1 - ,rJ to tie l t Co.. an.1 i-.. t.,.t a m.l u : : . me to BiJ u.ili-i.&i Co tar at., thereof. AH (.t-iat, aie Ltit . 1- . . liMi not ta buy or true tor i i.r above stated rtiasons. nr n 1 " t .... v U KM " C4..'t January 18 h 1x88 '. j,;i..l ; NOTICE. .; 1 Tbe nnetsU ned BerJ. K Hryan. bi n!y OUxltfl d as t eulur ( lb ei-taJr of w ui. U. Hryau aixt be'n jt ( Ve. uuu eUial ! aoul.oa all raru) br e u sxic.t lbe reute uf Ih oi l m.n, Brit'i lit tra se Uie tn the aa S liei j SL hirsa duty sutl.euiie ie I r imui. m it m-iure itie Sib rf J murr, V 4e lUitactioe will b- p'e-'l In tiart-T .eovry - , tenons li.dvbivd ts tb sukienaet psy vriihoul de... laU MKNJ. K. BETAS, kx eutor. GEORGE' S. FIGKEH, BLACKSMITH Y i - afAKp-raoinBia or " " WronfcLa I100 Wh Me4 intton. Corn sod Tnru plows. Old Plows repaired. r w and other Joo Work, 'done at short ootice. -"".',' ' ' ; '.: 3tee Cert Wheels snd Asles epusUot ly 00 hand. . ", 1 ' By OEOROfi 8. FISHES. ' Bboao iSmsKT. Ksw Bwi.-tf- Cy fJT A 'diploma from tbe Bute Agrl cultural Sooh-ty Is an additional guar- aotoe of tbs qnliiy of my work. - ' f -j.. ' eSBdsrSm ' .., . HORABTblX, SABTIt XAlTLT. JOHK H. CBAbTEEE & CO. v..: -fc N G I N E J2 R tl .n , Fouodera and Machlnlstg, '' ; ltaaufaetarers end Dealers la ' BeiUSers ef Bnclsies. Boilers. '," ,. Saw Hills. B'alM Ost.etrMeeataMM. We ere prepared to do castings ef sU alads with atomptiiseaj-, .j. s;;', .f r.itf t,' Psi tloalar an-i tinaiediats asteaUoa glveat torspai sf4kli 4a.f j ... k, WsUI bjeisd to give place and sstlmetea for any desai ipuoa or PAehlnery We ars tbs agents "or ttie male of tbe Amer lean Baw. Aleu fi0 A A. Hargamln'f sets biaWS iudestruotiBlealiea Valvesv t , We give Satisfactory gasraniee rrsH purt( done by na,. m . . , -. . JySSdSaw wiy AtW 1 aw Fortf yaars t iion of note .., , .rfiain ti,n,o Hudra4 ! Thouannd arrIUiitia f r patwata st , ilia OniteMj ritatns aitil I traira oaeW twnoe) in vt If taSL L DtlbOl Amerioma froiilitine to a t aa aoltoitoroj "-wrs f in eKtADtina . lor paLsisitat, oa ia, t ra.i itarka. oopr- . riirhia. ate., for lha I1 t Miles, aavas " to busi ptaiBt in Oaosxia.. Kitniand, kraswa,... vTwruiavuj, suu wner wturiej 1 uvir sixpwrw . ta ata-ju sa4.af iMUllatM vn wmwtm ' paaaa4. . ... Drmwiace aas) aisKfmtssMM wpr4 an 4 filast -i hi tha Pataot Offioa abort aotiow. Tanai vsirr . raaoaabta. Mo cbsrsj for MtvntaatlM f to-aWt - sas ipa-ti.AV a4irva Ha Mail Imb Ti v ."" PatanUobUtntvl (hroorh M nno A Oo.lMBsHlavM ?,. Intbal lkN 1 1F1C AMElill A N.wlut b s.aa -iba lanruutt oirauUtiaa aa4 ti oaoai liw-usjt ; u"win i rear w in a puiiaiiwB iiiej wwrifs Thst Ail VSmtBSraal avJ suak at aAtiAA, aean navinLaaek ... aaisMiaDds t T I bis tarn and antanrlidlf' llloafratbt iiiriwMr . ' v.. m pa di it wa w snn.i.auv aa a yaar, ana a ' admiUwd u. ba tba best paper davotad Vo sAiooety. maohAD roa.- IntaauoM, Vitfinewriatr worka, aad' otber dapartinaaia of Industrial pracroaa, pntv , tlanad iQ an aountrw. U eon tain ihanamoo of r mi satsato4ai and tttla ef awarv iavantioa laaLaaism aob waek. Try it four moat be lor ame iWijva' ' If yoa have an inveatloa to pataal writs) ta) g ' papa at i.H PuoiH-iiwre sm ootaautaa fjaariaa -M Broadway, Saw Vork ...TT.ij: Ueadpoak abo-at bmbi smailasi iW K f 2 Notice. The walls of the barber thopna South Front street have been renewed, and a set, of cane bottomed chairs sddeJ to the stock; ' Oo and set s good hsve for tea cents, by Kood eorkio. at ' x -f Mi Paor , W H 6D EPaRDB, D R.r J. ; D;v CLARK , wwwatiis'si. , twee a Orevae ewee,eereer PoUook and Broad. .. . '.. r-Jt"A4kmj J a. XLan-t.' i f J lToft'ss- aH c;or ucf,-. r'.aj, t., f .1-7) ' V .'; !' ' 'r 1 - . ' 1 .A, V "V : -' - " 4T,' - ' ,e v. :. - j me r , 1 j t . 1 - " r i he rn . r

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