VOL. VI-NO, 254 new bernK'N; a, thubsda y. January 26t ihhs. PRICE 5 CENTS. V. LOGAlv NEWS. , - f ratal sMsu Alasast, -r ew Borne, latitude. M V North. 4 " - longitude. TP ' Waa. 4un rises .U t-agtb or day .V; Si ao seta. 4:8d & 9 ure. 88 minutae If rle tAL p. nW. BUSINESS LOCALS. ; TU8T ABRIVID . CraBberrie. 8weet ' fj Pick lea, ana JbIboh at eat. as - j26 ... r- , Joh D n't ' s rIRECT - loipnrtatloB of French ZJ Brandy and Holland Gin arrived : " In bond and dutive paid at Custom ' . louee ia New Berne, guaranteeing gen .' line goods for aale. - V, ; - Jag REDMOND Vu T?EKTnJZER8 for Truckers snd Co to Planter a-' ?:v;,; .4;.v Geo. AfctM & Co. Q;. 1HOICE N. C Hams at oenss per ZU'-J pooad at A. miixek s - REDMOND'S Gingnr Ala. Lemon V x Bod a, etc , equal to imported. ifVUj.;. - Jama Rkdmoso. .'-fOCHA and JaTa CoftVa, finest i VXtawaat Draw's. ft AEEETT'8 Medoo Vineyard Cognao , .. V Bat Wtaee for sale, at Manuiaotu- wi prioea by JaJUS Bai mokd. " ' TT RUCKEE'S Seed Peas. Beans and -Potatoes at " ' Geo alum & Co. - -j . - P TJBE tiquura and Winea for Medici , BaJ and other uaea, at wholesale. ;' ; " Jamcs Rkuhodd REPAIRING of China and Brio a Brao doof b y CLAkU & Moaqa.ii . ,TsxidermisU Eaat Front st , ; NewBerae Jan 14 1888. la8m Mora rain. The track farmers are planting peaa Choir practice at the Y. M C. A room- on Friday-night at the nsat bonr. " Demoa HargMt. col, a lunatic, waa 'takes io the Eastern Insane Ay urn ' yesterday. A oorreepnndant calls attention to tha . work Of the oomoiittae on "Ways and J'-'rvt Means" or Rev Mr. Pearson's men ings.' ' We trust tha people will respond liberally to tha appeal and do ever thing to make tha aaaiinga aocoessfu , ' Mr. J. B. Barrey has changed th looatioa of bis oyater saloon to tha went , alda of Middle etreet nearly opposite the . banking boose of Grtaa, Foy ft Uo. In ' - addition to fine oysters be kwept a .go-i ' supply of birds duoks. fto dtc "... Tha (our maated schooner Bertie as J :y .-'MaudV .Oapts' Phiiliua, bailing from i ' Bridgeport. N. J ," wbioh arrivkd a faw days ago. from Philadelphia, with atel : -rails for the A: - dt N O, E B.ls the V ikrgeat .aallihg eaael w eer saw in this port. She brought 300 ton- of atel rail and iacpbleof loading 300 0(0 " I o lumber. n t t. .-.I i 'Stamar KcrentcnU. ' '. .1 The Veiper of! the E. O D. line sailed , yesteiday aftegauon with a cargo f e ttoB. oil and general merchandiet--. Toe Eelet of thia line arrived lart ''Bight. ; '.- JTha Onalow Slaotknu Wi hm tiotbiokr definite from tha Onalow eleetion; - The iodioations fn nt ' what baa been heard are that a lara i aiajorityof the votes east is for aub- aorlpaaB, but it la faan-d that it will laok a majority of the registered vote. We expect aoma . definite oe a today. A Worker Todb .; ,i - - The Baiiford Expraia speaking of the Korth Carolina Oelegation; ia ODngreee : aaya Col EcnderecB tt '. he - hardest , woiker .and thinks Mr 8iromoDS tha ableet Mt Simmon bai not only 'tha ability -oat the, WILL' iTh era are few better worker than he aa tha people- w , all this aeotkih where be has a Urge. law . praotica will readi y leatify. But fof tbs fool ish enstum of keeping Be w mem bers la tha back (round for awhile- be would be heard from aarlyjf-- -' - -' - ' "'. ! i vis W-ii; Frederick Waxda. ; 'tru- L The great trgeaian Frederick Warda will i erform In Joldsboro ,oa Friday . and tiiurdiy ntgh a Booth and Bar rett jumped from Ei hmond to Charles t -i, but Warde, almost their equal. I crs tha old North State a call., Oo I riJuy s'sht he will sptwar in the naw drama. "GBton Caool " end on 8. tor day night Shakerpearea iaimorul trag ly " Richard III " Stciat trains will ' New Berne on Friday and Satur r ereoirgs. Fare for round trip in t "-i in cpera houe, $1 53t - . in Younit bo lives a few miles w the city in.i down on the t rtt laft cfmht, Ukii g position jef the car iin-idof ins-ide. " ! i r. sr po:!i k street croft-ton : T ? tr.U .Lis )?Tt ( ' re w cr. f-r The E uttr ainnvxit on Tueeday Sight W gave only abort socio of the rery creditable entertainment given by the BiKb Hchool at the thttr oa Tues day ni be, Dot because it did nut deserve it, no I oa account t oar inability to do It justice ia the limited (pace we had at command after the' eloae. And even bow wa would much rather have not tee from a competent enuo, for we feel aura that the yoang ladies and gentlemen and - the children who took pert in the entertainment would not fare badly in hia hands. We oan only apeak of it in general term, and in thie way the language used by one of our prominent citiaeoe one high up in hi profession will better apply thai anything we oao say 8id be, speaking of the manner in whiob- each one acted his part, "there ia remarkable talent among the children growing ap in Mew Beroe bow; the old town hae loet the claim to the tthens of North Carolina, but. I firmly believe the i lain generation ia going to redeem ber." It U no empty compliment to any entertainment that oalla forth iuob an expression from auob a gentleman and the New Berne High 8chool ia oer tainly fortunate in having a teacher possessed or such tact and ability to train children. The universal opinion of the large audience wae that it waa good We can uot undertake to go into particular! but we know it will not offend the otheri if we say we think Miss Louie Bubbs and Miss Chattie Cradle of the young ladies and Mr Samuel Brinson and If r. John Tnomea of the young men, acted their part a little belter perhaps than the luhera. The children, and in fact all di I to well that there is hardly room for a incrimination. The music throughout the program. both vocal and instrumental, was bright and charming, and especially appro priate for an ocoasion of the kind were aum of the eeleclions. The closing ras the presentation of a beautiful hriatmaa tree, pronounoed by many the moat brilliant eoene ever given on our stage. Much credit ia due Hies Maria Manly of the High School for the success of this entertainment which is only an in dex to the training the children are re ceiving in the school room. Wayi and Meant Committee. At Uie meeting which waa held to arrange for Uit oomlug of Her tt U. P. arson, it was thought uat to raiae oy uasoription tne amount neooaaary to ueiray all luoideaul expanaea, wniob will be luourred in holding tneea ser vices, so as to avoid taking up colleo Muos duritig tne progreea oT the meet- lugs; and the Young Men's Association a rtqueated to Ui this matter in o4id. luey have doue so, aud hve appointed a oomujitlee oounutiug of Meaara A M Baaer. W U. Uaver, K. Willis and Dr J U Clark, who ar at work and eaob one will wait on the members of the oooregation of hia reapeotive onuroh to receive subaorip- ttuna for thia purpose. It ia a matter in wbion the enure oouimunity la inter ested, and all should do their pari cheerful!; If yuu are not aula to give a large rom.do But be ashamed to give a smell one ive something aa you wouiu uudUOU)dl do if collections were MtSeQ Uuriug tha servioe and mani i eat in a practical way you deir for ia auooeaa of tbeaa uuioo aieatinga, which will soon be held. Do sot wait tu be oallad on, nut band in your- name and the amount you will give) to the committee, preferably to ins one l leoted from your church, and if you do nos attend either of the ehurohee rpre eented by", tbe committee, theo band your eontriuutioo to the fiist member of the committee that you see, Let them oe put to as little trouble aa possible, and aot be required- to sew auy Obs twice to find out what ho k willing to give; but let every ooa give something and give' it promptly. " X . , -, i ni j i .in .i .I ' ' ' . School Exerdset la LtB' Ir the oitMngexeroisea of Mr. 1 . G. ryndal 's sebo4 oa. buredayTJanary liib, at Viae Swamp Academy Lenoir oounty, . ert very intereatio and high ly ettractiva.v, V '- ' . " "H . . v Tbe children deserve mock or edit for iba manner ih ' which tbey. ncQuiUed tbemael va in speak tag r Tne people ia tbstsectiou weutout with b tat eta wall ttuad with the luxuries of lite, and bad eato dinner-'It we edet of Jot and sorrow with the obildrea; they lerioed at tbe oommenoement but regretted to part witn their -kind teacher. - iir. Xyndal atania vary biah ia thiaaeottoa as a teacher; ha has no trouble in eon troiiiD his pupils; i be Koveraa with kind net which is much better than the old way of beating It' into them with tbe rod. . i;. S a , ' t . After the school exprcises the chil dren enjoyed themselves with aautio aud d seeing. - r- " -'. ' : PA.TBOS. , - a i n " - ? Portrait. " h ; la oil or crayon front life' or small pic tu rt-s done by lea Aurora - Mace. bo is teaching drawing and painting by laUBt method, at ber residence on JobctoO street. , . .. - ' .' jaalldtf.. Berklaa'a arailca aalve. - Pkft gaLva ia tbe world for En':s". f , Ulcers, Salt i. . - r - . Tf " f r. t ' ad t ' ri !l : m i - Tut (1E5EBAL JIWS. Small-pox threatens to be epidemic in Brooklyn. f t Mr Oarllale title to htaaeat has been confirmed ia tha House by a vote of 164 to 7. The Mayor of Chicago saya he thinks Anarchy has been stamped out in Cbi ogo. V Three shocks of earthquake were felt in the viadniiy of Newburgfort, Mans last Sundsy night. . Dn Drisooll, leader of a notorious gtng of robbers and desperadoes, in New-York, was hanged for murder last Monday morning. Aa item of news states that the King of Spain, who ia only seventeen months old. has a salary of el 000 000 a year. And yet it is aaid be ia like other babies A man in New York shot himself fda,d tbe other day so that he might be oremated. Ia his pocket was found 8100 and a note directing that h b body be oremated. In the U S. House of Rapresentativet Monday, a bill waa reported and placed upon the calendar for tbe erection of a public building at Aeheville, N U , at a ooi of $100,000. The First National Bank of Auburn. N. Y , closed its doors lant Monday morning, by reaaon of a heavy defalca tion on tbe part of its oaahier, Cbaa. O'Brien, who absoonded. It U useleu to say where it is supp Me J be went to Canada, of course. A Washington Star correspondent says Jay Gould orders a half doaen su ts of o othes at a time. After they are made f they duo t suit his fancy he gives them to his brother, who can't afford to be too fastidious, and orders another half dozen suits made. Nate SaUbury, Buffalo Bill's partner in tha great "Wild West Show " which has been in England for some time, and which has met with great success, ar rived in New York Sunday morning. He says every one conneoted with the ehow has made money. Buffalo Pill baa been feted and lionind, but he is the same eld "Bill " He wears an old bat that he bought in Philadelphia. A theatrical lottery is one of ibe fea- turea of the progress of the Booth Barrett combination through the Suth The seats are disposed of by subaorip tioo. When tbe list ie completed. sIIi of paper, numbering from one to the Last number engaged, are plaoed in a hat. A boy. totally disinterested, draws one of tbe slips, and the man with hi name opposite gets his ohoice of the seats. Aud so on down till all are fixed tASr CAKOUNa 1MPR0YKMKNT. A Coist Line of Railway. Ncmbbr 18. Editob Joubmal: Tnu, the harvest it: 'Fu tepori of our ttt te C moiroliei r 1815 makes the real estate value for Craven al, 987. 879; Auditor a r port, ibfto. makes it 1,j2 07S; or $35 80 1 le lu 1000 tban tne laiid value of tbr cunt waa m 1010 (Craven and famlico are kept together lu tbia oaluulatiou) Jones waa reported ay tne omptrol- Ierlul815at $78.014; by the Auditor. 1880. at $0 U 289; or WM 745 fess in 1806 thau in 1816. Onalo, $707 927 in 1815; $868,745 in 1885; being $80 808 leu the Auditor 'a report abowa another thin, and that is tha value of rami es tate in tu towns of thee oountis ie out of all proportion to the land valuea in the) Oount; that as poopie live cler together more thiokiy populate the value of land increase. Tone. white tbe town i.roperty in Cravea at valued at $ 1,048,048 all the OouBtry-i real , atal but $677 018 Pamiioo ie aot included is tbee figorxs, but, her. town property . valued at $.l,liB. agamst $800 600 as tbe value of ib fend, ia the county . ' Th figures are official. But submitted with eome j one aaa oaiy tne very smau towns of Trenataand Pu!lockville. vet their tow a lota are valued at $M 6S6; whiie in Onslow-, the town lota in Jtcksoi. vUle. Swantborovand Eijhlsnis the mereat villagea, era valued at $4 559. . Lmoking at these figures aa toey are, hor far aa Craven county te eoneeraed . it ia aDDkrent that New Berne ia Datiaa tbe bulk of tbe land tax. the eoonty, about two-tairda; and tha- oeaaua re pot U show that half tow. populatioav re. idea in New; Berne. or withra .the sound of tta church brlla . k'f That New Berne would double aad treble in prosperity by the (tuildmg of a coast lioeff railroad, triers cannot be th possibility of a doubt; and that a Urge majority of bar Voting population, meat of tb boaiaeee - asea and th prop erty owners, are bearttty In favor Of county aid to auoh a eobema, there oan he no reasonable doubt, and there ought to be no hesitancy eoout it4 x Crven ia reported as producing oa 12 b3 .cr of land 6.733 bale or cot ton; .n 19 000 acres' SIS 58 bushele of corn; cn 433 a-r-a S51J08 buabela rice. Tbe balance of 43 000 acres reported as uodr annual cultivation, ar devoted to rr :i.i:niji crtpa, which together wj-h i' - j rro-t-icpi- hi the coonty t r- j j :;y fT ct-nt vt r - i : r i--rittfl 881 acres 118.777 bushels of rice, besides miaeeilaoeous crors and truck in reaaon 1 area quantities Onolow on 6 850 acres is credited with S 841 bales of cotton; on 28,250 acme 185.619 bushels of corn; on 19 aers 92 05 bushels rice, aud misceUaoeoue crops tu one fourth tbe value of those given Taking Craven, Jonee and Onslow to gether, not more thao one fourth, cer tainly, of teir available lands are un der annual cultivation and the preeent yield not much more than half what it would be uodrr a better yeu-m fr tbe application of labor Thie gioup f couutiee should, if populated, thru lands drained and cleared, be produ ring from six to trn dollars where tbey now produce one and tbe seotiio th-y constitute etand as umoi g the ncbeet in the State Tbe preaect is a good, sturdy popula tion, but it is loo sparse It is old, and needs the iDfuxiun of uew blood and energy. Iiisamwi excellent popula tion to stnd as a basis for ewly p-op-linit the territory, and it i- jui-l this that the uroper stem of railroadx wu'd do for the waste places of Crnven Jon- s and Onslow MRE Anon Kinston items R-v. U C Bowen is off on a trip to Edxec. mb. A good smart nprinkliut! of ci ltou wss in mnrkelon 8iiuMi lat. Th- Superior i 'ou ft will convene on Monday. February bib, Judge Hliepaid presiding. The Pink Hill and Trent farmers ar-l-Hikiug to th- lurpeLliue interrst ml n Every pine thai tits ronm 'or aDin r box is receiving ibe blown of ihn mumn Tbe fertlliz-r dealers are not piepr ng 'or a ru-ti in that line of tiusiDt-or this season Thegeijt-rtl compl,ioi of farmers about "Our.! times ' and m-r cit of money dorsn 'i off. r ureal induce uit-nte for that tritde. The firm of Cummin & (Jiuy has dtssolveil. The t'uminlnK itius. wil ODtiuue business at the old stand Mr. Gray will open in the ttr-i hrii k build lug ut the KiDg block , hi-re he w ill pleased to tin et Ins old Itiebds One of our energeiio altrn.y thought be earned j r cent ol bin fee when he attended a justice a cnun in Woodington township u a cold day ntsi week where the oourt hd to be hehl. standing, in the sunshine by tbe side of a tree. Tbe news of the assignment of Dail Bros, of Snow iiill and New Be i tie was received with -xpieioiiB.if deep re gret. The firm has been long aul favorably known in all this section an their many friends hope they mnj conn out of their d Hie ul ties prepared to re sume business on a solid biisis Our friends in the neighborhood of the new pontoffloe. ' K--poe. " are ooin plaimna that tbey have no mail route The office has been estaidisheo but lh mail cometb not The old route thai i to have been changed from Albert mid to this point has reen re lt -ad the m 11 goes on tdere whil- th- new po t uffice is left ill quiet repose Cannot our kiugrsMtn in 8inim mi si p over to th- klepartment aud g I the mailer straight ened out ? Cspl. W 8. Hird our excellent super ioieudeot of pullio schools was in town on Saturcay last with his right hand in a sling When asked whai the troubl. waa he answeied, "I am ashamed to onitbut I cut that bund on a bon- whlleealting my pork. When we think of the general oompUint of hog cholera tne Captain ought to congratulate nini self that he his pork lo salt Be fax one more yet to luutiier for which b baa been offered liv hunnr.d puua of pork as be stunts Our ruperiiiten dent emi'Be houe win not be in Chi cago this v- ar A number of ycunn nwn ae-mbied at N J Rouse E-q . s office last Kri tsy Blahl Ui utiusid r th- n - stiou of ortia icing a Y oR kirn's Clirixtiin Assis la Hon. Wo deunne strpi bsve yet t.eei, taken to insure this ornn cation Th older mm and Isdie. too, should m uni feat an interest in ibis m-tier Tney oan aid in many ways mainly hy oonirinuti'ia funds t S 'um ro m se curing a library provi.ting a pla for amusements & &o Whntever U nd to benefit and elev tethe young men nt a town, nmrally. socially and irj-l leotutlly. redounds tothe ben fl' of the bole community Parent and v-'Unx ladie should take sp--il interest in thia movement Help th youn men hi thie commsmdaMe enterprise. The once talked ui ootton u.-t ry fr Kineion seems to have me.i oot. Ihi- is to be much regretted No on m NortB larolina hs a better faiming owoairy to ark it 'hn Kmstoti M. - ufaotunng industries ia the i-n'y thing needed to make it one of fe tiii thrivina. gieahsad towns in North Caro line One thu-aod bands etuplcyed in factories with their fsmiliea u sup; port, would infuse, life in the trade make a creator dem-tnd fur farm pro duets; so that the i fanner would fiid rody money tn growing eooieiamg eine beaidae eottisa Men of capita! ooaht to Cooalter welt before they .ive up the enterpna of a etoa fantory if thev deaire. to s their .ttiwn pnp-r "Tio eetabliahmect of this ir-dusTv would oe tainlr bel folio v others ai d ooo tbe a&burba of Kinaioa would be beyoad Va,hiogion Bill. ! 5 EffeeU f the Old 8kp. ' BaLTiatoKB 4iaa 83.-Cisid weather ha v last closed the PaUpeoo ri r with c. and nlgatioo is atopoed ex cept ai the , large" eiaaa or - frou Sveaowrs aoo a rew rmifer orait wnica get up in towf &h 8tt and H-lf lea boats, ere at work and thus; 'ar have suooeeded in breakitgthe ice fn.m thia ci'jrto open waiet in Cheer-k Br A nurabr.rrcfOonera areneia oy e fee down tbe Bay.andf tbam there cao be an reH-f Mi th- V moersTUre merstps.. Ice in ssii to extend M fat Mi rroii-i r t t m u it t-r 1 river, a GIVK THKM A CHAHCB. That ia to aay, your lung. Also all your breathing machinery Very woo- derfnl machinery it ia. Net only the larger air paaaag.s. but the th naenda of iittu tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work And what tbey do. tbey cannot do well Call it cold, oouab, croup, pneumonia, catarrh consumption or any of tbe fam ily of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take B-i bee's Usrman 8rup wbioh any druggist will sell you at 78 oenta a bot tie. Even if ev-rytbiug else has failed yu. you may depend upon this for ertain COTTON HAH Bl FT. New Yokk Jsn 85 - 10: 0 a a -Futures opened steady 8lc of 4 200 bales. January. '.0 SI July. February. 10 64 August. March 10 M -w pu-tuber. April 10 73 October, Ma. 10 M0 Novemher. June 10 K7 D-oember N- w Beru- market steady of 67 bales at 9 lo 9 8 4. 10 91 10 93 10 47 10 '2 9 97 9 98 Bales OOIVI-H 1 4 1 M UT Frauuts 60 lo 75 cl per bu"bel EasS 15 to 16 It ice steady a' 81 00 lo 81 10 in sacks, i iri stedy 47 to 55 Fodder. H0o to 81 00 p. r bund red Heed cotton 83 00 (er hundred Turkeys 81 60 to ti 0 per p-ir acajnTiMa tiara ii lu. II Hi aL' 0 i ,s 81 00.). 85 0Tb 87 -40: in bulk. - ISo l-ei il Bsxr On foot. 4c to 5c. r aasii Pun rjs'c i-ei pound aaMUTe HOt- 8l OOuer bushel inionb 82 00 pel oarrel moa- -ortivn 40 mtii g 30c Mai 65- tsar nusnoi APPI K8 M-tt 75o per bushel IKISH PoTaTotS - 88 00..8 50. - ir,.a- babamaa ttOc .yarns 40c. ilarrison. 40 IhlkuUeb Wnst India, dull and u m i.ial 6 lath $2 (K)a2 50 HuildlDn in arts Ss. 00 sap f 1.50 oer al. wnoL.aaaLa phiuks niw Maw Poax a 16 00. I'uKK-New family. 16 0 i. iitiuBa Mb. at 7c. C. K. 's F H s H s aud I . C 8c FlX)CK -8 OOan.OO LaBP 81. by the tierce Sails, Hasie 10 ii 50 Suoaa Orai.ulated . i 7 iXjrrKfc 20 22o Ohkksk 15 HLT Oa85i pracs Volabs aHD Svarnt ,Oaf . rtiwnm -iij 00 HiT Drop tl 10. hurl fl i5 CBtmgMa Si' llDR8--rr il)c. greeii. V ' LUI 8 iH-r Ih Just Received; 250 Barrels of Early Rose Seed Potatoes, For sale CHEAP, AT MIDDLE STREET. NEW BERE. N C. taT P 8 -Standard 8t or k von ;k. I be nndf tlgi ed K Z. H Iti. bm dul qua in d as iinilultrsur or in- esiau- t i nl-i Mvli a son . .na nere S'es uonos lli isqulr . i I (wrsoi s b vug eialais gainst Ui sta e of th- sal- Da isl Davis. .. . o en-sent tusru tu Ibe u d a Z K lis is d ity uinei.tle t (1. io pav ant. on or tHfor. in- 4i h da o' Januarv . ISMS, or e as tula n.to will b it ie I in i-ar of r oo e. is-ur h del, ed to in su. Is most pay 1 h-MO dp s) t. Z t. ia Via. junit) ddw A luilblatrator. Tbe undersigned. E Z R Davla. will. on tne whii nay oi rorury. loss, at latr- residet oe of Daniel D-vls. expose for eale at Auction the personal proper ly of the estate of Daniel Davis, ooosist- inn of a flue tkallion known aa tbe Dvia bcrs, . and Hon so and Kitchen Furniture Farming Uoi-nsila Cora, Oot son Live Stock, ete , PtC E Z R Da VIS. td Administrator. To rrtiuoe my stovk ot t'igars. I will sell at greatly reouoed. prices m-tny br .o a for the uett Thirty D -ye. C -11 and get some Draine JOHN DUNN January U, l8-8. 94 dtf , For Sale, Oa Oottsw &ou-e ii Hor- bead C 17, with four rooroa wth dinina s a a.1 s t,nKa - - - . i UMnm4 Ww f "ea tturo airwea. aewei ith AWai.ttd Uotel And new' B rn House. rivO ft; .T a huuee and lot. tCOO P.rtk, ' ' . . . . awK parous. wwvw property wtll oorreapond whh'- ' ' V " " ' - . . . . W A TJAVTT ' WALm'S Photograph Gallery ! I take great pleasure ia inforaslng my frieoda. and toe publio generally, that my Nw Studio is now complete. - My Light ia 00 the New La prove I Plan. 1 have spared neither baiaa cr expense in arranging this Light, ao aa to give to at. my work that Soft Porce lain Effect. Every style of picture copied and en larged to any size desired A successful career of twentf-flve years in. Nor folk Vs.. is a proof of the satisfaction I always give. My work speaks for i'self; by .it I hop to gain your c.u.fideuce and merit your favors. Very respectfully, , TBOS WALTER, C.' N. W cor VI 'le and Pollock ate., Over L)i.. fv's drug Store. jaxSld-?tf NEW BEBNE, V. C. HOW IS THE TIL1E TO v Make Amends for Short Crops and Par .trices. And once more get yourselvea fTet with tbe world. As we are ab ui to begin repairs OU store, and wishing to make as much room as possible. , pou Tin: i:x 1 30 lYB, be(inoing at noon Thursdsy. Jan. 13tht and en-uiiK at noon 8 .turd ay . Feb. 11th, will ,,(f r AT O-iI at tetail or whole-' sole, my sunk of Dry Uods, Sfaoee, v Hals. Clonks. Flnnn- Is. Underteata Linens, T hie Lmeus Dr.ss Uoods, etC-C-tll uilhiu Hie tuue speciQed. M positivelj tha Misids HI revert to thait lotuier low (nice as soon as time ia "Ut. T- 1- ivbs; PUOPKIEIOR ' I.in i.K SI". KK UUND C'ORNBB.' ln llllilU SMimtlH b OKKlril 114VEM Co., January 19. 1888.J' Notice, ; To Delinqneiit Tm Payers cf funa Et on and after Saturday. Jan 2Hb, lbos I shuil i roo-ed to oollect by desiiaitit all tmn Khich msy be due' and unpaid at the time as required by tbe following law : Sbc 3tf Machinkhy Act, If the pity i hsrgci have personal ', pioperty of a value qual lo the TaX charged aKaii. si him tb Slier ff shall ' selt. and sell the -am. as be is required t e. II other property under execution, and bis fees for sue h levy or sale shall ' be tbe same as on other executions. " I hope all will come forward and pa 1 and save me from the painful necessity . of levy inx on your properly and adding ? ooet toyuur taxes. a D. 8TIM80N, . 19 i28 SherilT Craven Count. The Occoneechee Hotel, HILLShORO N C. . .li. p o .. . u-U s ,.l tw.4ij.lui.g HAS o'oi.e rieeaih N . 1 has ah t I boilulDg, " i.ewi r n o d anil gisxl as w, wlib iwenly p oiiis tes,d bi.si ssr omsaudoutbonaas, noo.. a wel fun isi. d Ith ne lurnttar. v' 1 i.a a ii I ii g i.ul ' rive years aaruasa ' dwellli g Ii u.. . aiih iwe.ve r on s, and also l ffl.-. wi n mi in nis. Tb bole pros eri i- well aniu.u lor uumer ai d winter resort I-em v . fslisd-. eiu-i alra lawns ' i d water qul o suy Wi u sea the nhola , togeiher o. eiih. r loi sen r telt Also a ir si ., I nd c touu.g W I J soeea, tnvee miles from Mlllsbori.. oo ths Dui ham road -' u.mkI gr tn -ud lubai cu arm. Korprleaaag terms ap, I) t K. H. POorjfjt -T.'J 18 Writ tlincb Hi . Knoxvll e Teen., . o. L. f. PARK-.. ; lan)Vd2m Hlilsr ru, N. C, in Explanation. 4 When I advertised for Christmas Gift and New Year's Presents, it waa on! reminder 10 those who owed ma little mount to pay op After due tim I ' think I mus have been dreamis. for tbey don't pay worthaoent w- A few aood friends hav paid some goMi frieuns have not paid. ' We'l. they will won t tbey r - ' 1 don't know; time will tell It&ink.V it will be aitr we g t ib Railroad 00 lit n-nt New H rne. through J .nea rmian. ui Onslow, and ou to the aea. We Wtil ee. "-, . P S I will continue to snnnlw all loose in waut of a giard Cigar. Tobacco, Hmokina Tobao o. Fine) I'M, Chewing, Pisw. Stems, and smoker arti. 'ee generally , the best to he b d. ehean for Cash. W L PALMER At the old sued. New Berne, N. C. tloney To Losn. ? Examine the following list and ace what VOU need for (he Aram inn tsir mvyi save money by buying fraa meat Mi KT ItOl Prtlt ES. and you will have money to loan. P OW8I PLOW1! PLotrsi I have the CbMfnnioa Oranar. fwa. Dixie Dtisf. Cliuier.AiJu Pn Q.i en and Avery.aia! turn plows, and ansi aurnr wan; valval. Vt-ID and Uaro lioat.'cxion Plowa. and CaariBirsAf inn .tfeacription. ; ' .-.;;,; - " '-ieo. full linn of Ar". ShoveU, pa ee. F.wk. B kes H.as Usrl Pi PvtwIO Kakea. MaiM R.s.kaa an4 I 0;rt: VVheasts-and -Axfee Rod and 1 imu.nim, uw. TYye, and v. thing in the BMv 'n linn. . - Corn Rhllra- -'nr.jrr "Fans I Crudraa' Moaing ftfihev. Uovh RireC , Belting," -Htm Fr Marbino Oils ..'La ' Loatheis, i H oks, and Saw Mill Supplies, Sea l f.f prioeB ' ' , R-t.pe.tfU 1 1), ' ' " itv t r nii' 1 nrtf r. 3d"3i'wU- :'r..r l'iC: -.: C.

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