1888. Harper's Ilagazine, . j ' IXXUSTBATED. Ilarper'a afagaiine is as organ of progressive thought u4 mevenient in every department of life. Besides other attractions, it will contain, daring. the eomiag year, important articles, saperely illastrated, on the Great ,wnt; Article on Americaa and foreign industry; beautifully il-qju- ted papers ntiootla&d, Norway, Swiuerleed, Algiers, aad the Weal ladies; tew Bevels by William Black and W. D. Rovella; novelettes, each , aomplete ia a eiog le number, by Henry James, Lafcadio Hears, and AtnelU Bivee; abort stories by Mies Woolaon and other popular ritex; and illustrated papers of special artistie and literary interest. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George -Will Urn (J or Us, William Dean llow n ells, aad Charles Dudley Warner. . 4; ' ; Harper's Periodica?. Pkb Year : llAEPKB's Magazine f4.00 i HXEPKE's Weekly 4.00 IlAUPKE's Bazar 4.00 S Haeper's Younq People . . 2.00 ' . Postage Free to all subscribers io , the United States, Canada or Mexico. .' ; ,' The volumes of the Magnine begin with the Numbers for June and l)e- aemoer 01 eacn year. nurn uu iiuir i ii apeoified, subscriptioos will begin . 1 .1 . w u - . . . e k - Bound Volumes of Harper's Maga- Sine, lor inree years uacv, iu neat ,r cloth binding, will be sent by mall, j.pot paid, on receipt ol ?li 00 per vol ft tune. Cloth Cases, for binding, f0 Cfnta each by mail, postpaid. Xuuex 10 Uitrper lungiiiuc, jii- !tt phabetical, Analytioal, aud Classified, u ' for Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from ' Jane. 1850, to June, lHo, one vol., V '- -.Remittances should be made by ' Post Office Money Orber or Draft, to ..vai1 iilianna rf Irian " WVIW VMUW V. .vwu. f : Newspapers arc not to copy tbis "'; advertisement without the express ' V order of Harper & Brother" Address HARPER A- BROTHERS, New York. . Hftrner's Youner PeoDle ., I cj X An Illustrated Weekly. . ITn waarvABt a T y-v l rTf I4irvl'lk 1 1 1 f a-V A U t Q :! All yoaog readers by ita carefully Selected variety ofthfinesaDd tbeir i." well-considered treatment. It con . tains tbe bent nerial and abort storieH f IWIiatIU VIVIVU va Ljai'B-a,-au uuu re ject and travel, historical nod bio -.graphical sketches, papr on athle Ui ar-nrfa ann ornmnii srirrmtT not-mn ut e. r T., ;ii.-. ADQ UJUOb laUJUUB vr i licit). no inuo rOocasional Supplements of enpecial . V will Ka a fftafnrft of th forthcoming "S t t : . : 1 1 -.. r - Y 1ULUC n UILU w 1 1 1 vuui i inu ai ' in rna n.nor ia hii 111 ai'iAii 111 i.iih .a s 1 aJ 1. I der that nothing harmful maj enter ; vttM cninmnA. .V' .im. An enitoine of evervtbinc: that is Attractive ana aesiraoie in juvenile ' rtlfot-atnrA Rnstiti Oonripr. A war a a It 1 rr faaof rf tmnn Mi infra tn the boys and girls in every family which it visits. Broklyn Uu j " ion. ' f! It it wonderfol in its wealtb of fi pictures, information, and interest. yi. .1 . XT "V .i fc-i on ,; Per Year. ' Vol. Ix. begins November 1,18 87. h j Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a tsi mnt nramrt. ..J.W v Single Numbers, Five cents .eaco. ' DatNittannaa Qhnillrl hA mflflp Yt ihniiiiLimuniu ...... w . by . Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. pNew8papers are not to copy tbis , ; idyertwement without tbe express ttrder of Harper & Brothers : Address, ri Harper & Brothers, New York, ForecloBure of Mortgage, :m. AmtmaA will anil, bv virtne - MMWS of sower conferred in tbe mortgafre herein men turned, on raonaay, vue iow daf of Februanr, 1888. at the court bouse ia Craven county, at 12 o'clock, Ii., two tracts of land in Craven county lying On the north aide of Neuee river, ona eontaininR fifty acres, lving on Earrii branch, near Daniel's ferry, and one containing twenty acres, near Fow ler a ferry, being ths aama conveyed to David Hotcomb by mortgage deed by Geo. W. Pittmaa and Harriett Pittroan i the 6th day of March. 1884, recorded book 89, pages 41, 4 J. 48 of the reoorda Craven county, which record is re n!t tA lor a fall daacrlDUOtt Of Said s of land, v - ' t --i DAVID BOLCOHB, Mil Mortgage? Dissolution Notio. Ths firm 'of GCIwll PBLUTirB wUl dia-lv bymaia.1 act ob Kb a.r 1st, tsaa. AJ1 rrnai IndeatX to tkte Arm an re-a-tataa W nure im wad late paraecBi. Bd aaiasais fcrtiMal etaUaa a Blast the nn are nocia to praacnl the seaae bator said data. Ob eo1 after whteb tlweOweaH Ouiob will occupy IM offi r-ciiUj occupied (7 Simmons a alanly. p. H. PelleUar Till re main ai to offlee now ooeoptad b Lha firm O. H. GDION, P. B PaiXETlEB. JanyU 18S4, JSOUwtf A OBTd W1NTKD to CBBVass lor Ader A uata ratrvBaa. a au.li amoout of ra dqoa -tth tact and labauig.iim may prudaea eorjldr-bl Inoom. agent aara aoTeral bundrert dot'ara la eoiaoiia aloaa la a si gl- ajaaoa a.d luaur no person l rvapofialbi It. r.uqalra ai tn 11- .rest Bawapapar effloe a-S kcaru I ai oms lath bast aaowa aud b at .q'llp j eauwlwh Bwala fur paclua a verUMUtnli lu oawa papers aod 0011 vayu.g 1 ivrwKt thaln-tor-g which tba r qutr Id rd-r 10 make their love men's wisely aDd proOt abiy. Men of g addrea. or od o, if wail tnf-rnad ai p'a ileal. aay obtain author ity to anil It .dveritlug patronage for ua Apply iiyleiiert . Gi , P tt--waU.A 10.. Newapapvr An verllsiug Huie.u. lu spruce St.. ew York, -od full parUcalar- will be aaoi oy reiuru malL JauWdwln STEVENSOIi &2x:ULLEN. PATEMTS Waalitaicton. I. C. Twelve Years Connection with Ttie lutcrlor leiarlnient has given us tbe desired experience as Mrcbanical Kx.erls RKKENCKS: Warner Miller. Ne York; (Jon'l W 8 Kudrcrani Hegitilor of tbe Treasury . Ueu'l Clark, Clerk House of HetrretDtaUiee. j8 dtf tuvrm suaTM lakoli"! HARBLE WORKS, SEW BEBNK. N. C. Monuments Tombs. and all kinds Urave and Hondlui work la ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLt Orders will receive prompt attxntio atisfaotion Kuaranteed JOE K. WILLIS. Proprietoi (BucoeMor lo Ueurge W . Ci-ajpooie) Oor. H HO AD AD CRAVED SU. NEW BERN Rt iV. ( G. E. Mll.Lru in my ftuthori2d aet ia Kinm-or nai df i T. A. GBIIN, C B. roV. SIMlldNh A HAN LT Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merc-iants' South Fhont Hthkkt, 4eiwly NEW bKKNK. N C, " ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Floor of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee and Spicea, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. The Larftont and Belt Selector Rlork. CANk.D FHIJIT8 AND VBGETABLi ever be tore Drought to Mew Beruo. Alao, a full vaneiy of other goods, usual, kept In a Ftrai-Cloas Htor-. Goods delivered at any part of the free of obarge. TERMS CASH. Middle St. neat to Humphrey & Howard. New Heme, N C. marZ7 a mxf ' Imitation re the sincerkst tl atteht. ' ' "BELL ibe JEWELER" Has retamed from Northern Markets with tbe Largest, Most Complete and Varied Stock of Watches, Diamonds. FINE JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER AND PLATED WARE ever seen in this section. ' He bas o hesitation in saying he can offer tbe beet inducements to buyers, deldwtf 0UB SHOW WINDOWS For all the Novelties and Fine Goods tbis week. See those Solid Gold Eye Glasses for 88.00. See the new patent "Grab" Eye Glasses . 8e tbe moat magnificent display ef Fine Gold and Silver Goods ever shows in this city. "- - ' ' r . ' -Fine Brenaes Silverware, Clocks, Watches, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry. i elell Tho, Jeweler. 1HK JOUKaVAL,. ArriTii and frepamrt aula -1 HAIL CLOSER. For North. Wee and South, via at N. 0. S. B. at 7 M a. m. For Beaufort and the Bast, at 8.-00 p. as. For Washington. Swift Creek. Hydeaad Beaufort Cottnuas Itoadaya. Wedaaa- daya. and Fndaya at KK a. tn. For Trantoa. fMUokavUle and nay villa. aily as 7U a. m. tor Onncsboco. Bayboro an 1 Van d em ere. daily at t a. m OFFICE HOURS: In Money Oraer and Registered Let ter Department, (ruru 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Deportment from V a. m' to & 11 Oi. Ofhoe open oonatantly between these hours exoept when mails are being dia ributed or sent. Eadafs Boom. First Eastern I guess yon re mem be" me. Wemet iu Los An gels. Beoood Easterner I remember you perfectly. You are the good angel who sole me a corner lot on wbicn I made a small fortune. Isold that lot lor 960 000. You know I only paid you 130,000 for it. "Yes, nod as you did so well I don't mind confesiDg thar nearly till that f30,000 waa clear profit. I bought that lot (or a couple of hundred dollars. By the way, wbut became of the man you old tot'' ''The last I beard of biui be was io the almshouse." Omaha World. Miranda "Well, Eliza, bow do you like your uu'ibaud T" Elizu "He is a villain." Mirandt "All men are; but what has he done T'' Eliza "You know be was a wid ower. Well, I've found out that all bis love letters to mo were copied verbatim frm the ones be nruie to bis first wile when they were court ing." Mir-tnda "Well, I wouldn't mind it. That's nil past and gone. He never will send jou any more." For cleansing and bealiog foul aud ludol.-ut Ulcers. 8ures and Abeceeare. utid removing tbe bad odors aru-ing herefrom, and for slousbing, coDiusrd and lac rated wound. Daibys Pro, hy lactic Fluid is unequalled. "1 have used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in hospital and private practice for ten years and know of nothtux bet ter for slougbiog. cootuoed ana lacerat ed wouDds, foul and indolent uloernand aa a disinfectant. " J. F. klustiB, Pro feasor Mobile Med. College. There is indeed no man so se questered from active life, but within bis own narrow nphere be may find some opportunities of do ing good, of cultivating lriendrhip promoting pence, aud discharging many of those lesser offices of hu manity and kiudness which are within rescb of even one, and which we all owe tooue another. Sunday National. Hub the ''painful poiuu ' thoroughly, when afflicted wiih neuralgia with 8l vmioo Oil. the if real pain anuibilaior. Price 25 eta a bottle. Dr Bull's outcb Hjrup cures croupy oouh thai sound ao like niile drivn iDto the child's coffin. II K who possesses a friend whom be can trust, one who is found laiiblul through storm and sun sbiue, lias one of tbe rarest treas tires which tbis world holds. When you tell a secret to a friend remember your fiiend baa a fiiend, and that your frieDd'a friend has a friend. Medical men often puzste themselves over tbe larse sale tbat Dr Bull'a Haby Syrup enjoys. Ita great popularity is due only to the excellent qualities D" wased by tbis household medicine. 21 CMS. If you want to feel well and lively, ue Laxador. All druggists keep it. rrtce only sooenta. Dr. G. L. SHACKLIFOED. DENTIST, 2VXXX3X3Xaa S9l!tFI.ZIX-'r, dw NEW BERNE, N. 0. Itasnradatbom with ootpala. Book of par OeoUn sent FKM. B. M WOOl J JIT. M.D. ontoe M WaaabaU at. SPECIAL SALE OF UNDER WEAK BELOW NEW YORK COST. N. Y. Cost. . 8 88 .. .50 . .85 Oor Price Lot. 3999. 213. 430. 10. White Shirts White Shirts Scarlet Shirts White Wool Spanish Bro Shirts... $ .85 .85 .55 .55 .50 .75 1.00 5 100 125 1 25 .75 .85 65 100 185 1 10 1 85 1 50 1 50 1 00 2. C.H.B Camel V Hair 487. Scarlet Shirt '-45. Australian Wool 71. Bro Merino 828. All Wool 445. All Wool Scarlet 838 All Wool White Terms of sale. Dealt. Ws have draw era to match the above. Job lot of Ties and Soarfs will be sold cbtep. Howard & Jones, Neat door to Natiaeal Bank, .-. . 1aal7dwtf NEW BERNE. If . 0. DrUaH. Street: Offloe corner of Tellock and Craven trewie, . .. d80dw8m SEW ITT.rz, N. O. n. k- a O Ifl it anS Geor Ach IIWH ,'TBB Bas now consolidated hie two atoms aad will, at the old atand oa Middle atreet. next to L H. Cutler "a, ooouaua mm. ... mm a TuSl Ul8USlsl6r 0 fitCBS which he commence J some time before tbe holidays. Oor Stock has been replenished in every department and if yon are ia need of aa) thioK ia our line, sail with out delay and joi will wonder at the Bargains 'h Give You IM Clothing, Boots & Shoes And all kind of DRY GOODS. We are making Special Drives this Month Blankets, Shawla, Newmarkets, Walking Jacket, Ladies' and Men's Underwear. YT HAVE RECEIVED A New Line of Neckwear which is a collection of csptivating beau lien, that are being sold at popular price. Our floe satin lined Scarf at 25c beats any half dollar scarf io other places All our goods w ill please and gire saiibfacti jo. and price are so low you cannot re ml them David M Jjl-s of Keaufuit si III hold forth at George Ash's. Middle street. Next to L. H CuLlrr. We liave ibe Agency for Tlx Old Maten I k laud DjeliHf Kslablisliioeut, H l)un St EnlabllBbed 1819 All (jicide delivered free of express charge. J. P. G Davis. WllOLKKALB AND RcTalL'DEaLKKIH Choice family groceries PlOVI8IONS. Best Orudis Family Flour always io Stock Best BraDds of Tobacco Direct from the Factory. BOOTS, SHOES, AJID HEAVY DRY GOODS. Call und net Rock Bottom Pnoer. MA UK KT D' K, ew Heme, N. C. dec!7 dw HAROWARE. 8ab, 1. O'e aud B inds, Paints, Oils and Olass -intf, I'crnent aud I'laic.r. AND All Giadra ol COOKING AM) UKATINQ sTOVtS, LT BOTTOM PRICES I L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BRKNK N. r Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Urooeriei, Caaned Oooda, Dry Goitda, Crockery, Etc. We keep a fall line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. G. S. Parsons & Sods Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to je aatis- f action. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing We will give yon low Qguree. We job Lorillard Snuff. . ROBERTS rBRO., 8otk SVonI at.. Vast Bents. A?. O Notice. To nnden'&nea. ftarah While, hs bIt quailffed a admlaiatratr x of tbe a ate of Kiai-B hit-, ana Berrb g'Vas oeiasa Ui' t abenqalreallpeaouba lBgelalmaacainat m iisif oi uie aai iwhnu w mm ui r aewt them to tbe aU -arah a kite Saly ao- fivnwiwi iur paymenv wb or Dartre uie 17th dyof Ja isst. nr ela thai notice will bsweadetf aoar.fr or.iy. " fHtr-ans lae true tm im eeKW Saast pay witboeteMay. rT ' SARAH WHTT. ',i'r raaWdlw AeariaiemtoT. Notice; : a all la i as Admlnl taturM tha-eatate of asae e. IDg. aad hereby irea cotle tbat ba reqnrrea all weraOBa bavt. g elatns atnt tbe eatete'of tbe saul Jat r Lf tapiawBttbe-i to tbe .14 J aha lrirtn y antbentlead. fer r m-et. a or beforv UB lllh rtay or January, 1R .4 el VU1S BO we will e r4 i in rar r reeorr, Prrmt Indebted to lbs ee'ate most py wliv'-"tr CLOTHIER Harper's Weekly. - 1 .-.. Harper's Weekly u a : well-estah- lished place as th leading illustrated s . 'v. aewapaper in America. The fatrue , V 7 . . of its editorial eumoieuta on v-ur'eut politiea has earned for it the respect -. .11! J aua eonnaenoe 01 au lwparruu rea-era, and the variety and exoelleuee of its iitnr.r- ennrenta. which inllMle serial and ahert stories by tbe best and most . I.. a. r,. .ne.l Of POODle W the Widest range Ol tastes r r e auu ponjo l us. ouppicujcuw nv queutly provided, end no expeo.se is Spared to bring the highest order of ! artistie ability to bear upon the illas tration of the changeful p'.ases 1 home and foreign history, lu all its features Bsrper's Weekly is admir ably adapted to be a welcome guest in every household. Haipeis Ptrriodicale. 1T? Tl VV1 D x a a . , HAKPEE'8 WEEKLY ,..$4.00 Harpkb's Magazine 4.00 BlBPER'8 BAZAB 4.00 Daepee b Yotjno People.. 2.00 Pottage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of tbe Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mention ed subscriptions will beg n with the Number current at time of reoeipt of order. Bound Volumes of Uarper's Weekly, for three years back, in nest cloth blading, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by eipre, free of eipeuse (provided tbe freight does njt noecd one dollar per volume), for f 7.00 per volume. ! Cloth Cases for each volume, suit ! able for binding, will beeext by mail, I noBt-Daid. on receipt ol 1 1.00 each. Kemittances should bv made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid cbaDce of I068. Newnpapers are not to copy tbis advertisement wit out ilie express order of Harper & Brothers Address HAliPER A BHOT' EltS, New Foik. The Century Magazine With the NovpmtMT, 1887, isue The Century oornmeuevs us thirty filth volume with a regular circuit lion of almost 250.000. The war Papers and the Life of Lincoln in creased its montbl) edition In 100, 000. Tbe latter historj having re counted tbe events of Lincoln's early years, and given the ueoenHnry Nurvey of the political condition of the country, reaches a new period, witb which bis secretarieo were most immediately acquainted. Under the captain Lincoln in the War the writers now enter on the more important part of tbeir narrative, viz.: the early yearn ol the War and President Luicolu'n part iheieiu. Supplementary War Papers following tbe '-battle serieV' tiy distinguished generals', will rie scribe luterenting features of army lite, tunneling from Lib by, narra tives of personal adventure, etc. Oeueral Sherman will write on "The Grand Strategy of ibe War." Eennan on Siberia. Except Ibe Life oLLiucolD and the War Articles, no more impor tant seriea bas ever beeu ondertsk n by Tbe Ceutnry than ibis of Mr. Kenan's. Witb tbe previous pre paration of four years' travel aud study in Russia aud Siberia, the author undertook a journey of 15, (J00 miles for the special investiga tion here required. An introduc tion from the Russian Minister of tbe Interior admitted him to the' principal minea and prisons, where he became acquainted with some three hundred btate exiles, Lib erals, Nihilist, and others, and the aeries will be a startling as well as accurate revelation of tbe exile system. The many illustrations by the artist and photographer, Mr. George A. Frost, who accompanied tbe author, will add greatly to the value ot the articles. A Novel 1y Eggleston. with illustrations will ran through tbe sear. Shorter novels will fol low by Cable and Stockton. Shor ter fictions will appear., every month. Miscellaneous Features J will comprise aereral illustrated articles on Ireland, by Charleo Da Kaj; papers touching the field of tbe . 8unday -School Lessons, illustrated by E. L. Wilson: wild ; Western lile, by Theodore Boose- ; lt the English Cathedrals, by ,. f.la-nl ho P-attnaatla T Tn,.t, 1,1.?.. "J -av aaaavrija A-l JUIir V valuable para on Dreams, Spirit. nalism. and Clairvojanc; essava ih oritleUm.art,tratel,and biograpby: . . " poems; cartoons: etc.' I Br ft epeeial tier tbe nnmberstor lie past year, teontaininff the :Lln. coin -bisrory) may be .aeedred with the ffcar'a nbacrlption from Ko- vember, 1881; twenty four iarmeB in all. for 1ft HO. nr wit h f ha it -' -1 - - o nnmhert t-Ddfom brand. "17.50. To Wiom It Hay . Concern- Notice ia faerrbv. tivea that L have. loxt. OrtifloaH- Number 0t8 for Ten. Snarea Ail -stu Sf Nurtb Carolina Bail Bu-d atejek. iaued to rae by said B E.. . . 1 ... 1. - J uo.. ana appiio-iion win nisum me to said B.droad Co for a duplicate thereof. . All persons are hereby not:- a 18 w waoe tor . Bbovesuted rfiaaonr. ' rr 0 itjLL. January 18.b-l888 . .' jal4 dSOd . ; nuiio, -j' loirarmra K.j.am.ami 2" Br ..." -a' a v. nu a that ha equlrea all uer.o .a h-.ri a o a m afalrst as Uie f tna a a nei J R nrjan ooiy .a'Jeuile e f r pj ment, -id or be lore lb bih f J' urt . ixSK, r eise UU1S uotloe eel roil inucuwu w ui t ! e.i ..k...... A a. ll.I-'W. .U..' )al HKNJ K. bBYAH.Jux Cdtor. GEORGE S. FISHER. BLACKSMITH ' and MaNcracica-A or WioukI.i iiou ttou htel Cottou, i com nun Turn Plows. ! I u J T1 I 1 i kjiq riuw leptireu. New and other Job Work done at abort notice. New Crt Wheel and Axle eonaUnt- ly on hand. Bv GEORGE S. FISHER. Beoad Stuekt. New Berne, if. C. fcST A diploma from the State Agri cultural Society ia an additional guar antee of tbe quniity of my work. u- c28 dw2tu J II. CKABTbEE. BASIL MANLT. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Fuuadera aad Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers la mm AM) MACBIKISTS' supplies. Hullders or BukIdcs Boilers, saw Mills. ardglDK & C'ut-olT ftlacbla, Wear preriarua todo (vast.i:gs of all kinds with promptness, 1'aitlcului D" Immediate attention given to real f fil kl d We ni h i 'd ut give plscsand estimates for auv ie'-i Iption of lUHChluery. We re Hie agents 'or tn sal of tb Amer ican Saw. A ! for O t A. HarsSroln'a eele hiat. d lijileslruoiible Mica Valves. e give saiisiactury guarantee frrall work done b) i. J.i21d2awwiy Dl.. J. D. CL.ARK i hiwhd rMllook .ri.iiai and Broad. MLaXdBV anil to obtain patent in Canada, Rag land, Fraooa, Germany, and all other wastries) Their spewi enctj is onequiiea ana low imuium r imv paeMd. Drawtnir and poiflatione prepared ud fllvd In tbe Pateot Olfi.w on ehori nottoe. Teraa rtry reasonable. No cbarne for lamination of MMlsll or drawinire Advice toy mail free) Patents obtainwi through Munn AOo.aranHIat4 Inihe HClKrVTlPIC AMERICAN, wblob baa tbe larrest circulation and te tbe moat Indaantial newnpnpr of iie kind published in tha irorlttV The advaniaces of eucb a nolioe arery tratanttf onerHlands I bis larce an1 pVndirlly itloitratad MWIplMr Upubliahed V KKK LY it t3.00 a yaar, aadta admitted ic he (tie heat pa pr deeoted to aofca mechanics, inventions, enftineeriDf worka, and other dppartuienii of industrial rirnjraaa. pmlv liB'ied in sny countrr. It contains the namea of all palenlees and l it le of every inventioa pataatad sen wwk. Trv it tour tnontbe for ooa ili'ar bold hy all ne wsdeolfir. If you have an invention io patatil wriwa Munn A Co., pu blither of SoiaoUtta Aaaariaa!. U Broadway, New York Uaodbcok about pataota mailad (raa. Notice. Tbe walls of the barber ahop on South Front atreet have been renewed, and a set of cane bottomed chairs added to tbe stock. Oo and get a good ahave for ten cents, hy (rood workmen, at Phof W. H. 8HEPAED"S. Over 9,000,000 worn durlog the past six ... f. .a j j - . -vJ"m UJW - l!Lk . - V,JSJ2'lf ' .:otCor.. . -to the nperior Quality, ahaps and wark-manatlTi - - .... , r ,uma heIr.J0W J50- m V . . A4phnitationaadsof vadom t . Vv.' on? attune onies ' 4"DR' WARKER'S CORAL1XS" P inside fiecmsr. - ... ... -1 ' rur ALC BT ALL AAfV''J 1" 1 T$. M ff Thonund pplloaltone for piuou i Cs H D,tl aitcs d FoFijro oai& H trim, tbe publtabere of ib ficiealiA JM AiiAericD ooniinue Miolu MlMtora I for naunia. oasMte. tiemark. eon-- BBBB-s-amBmpa-i rirbls. mlo.. for the UmUd is1 n m b a a itl'teiii T?ti! s - X"-ir - Lii -