e Daily Journal. H I' VOL. VI.-NO. 256. NEW BERNE. N. C, SATURDAY. JANUARY 28, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS, ? ze-- LOCAL NEWS. BUSINESS LOCALS. JD8T ARRIVED -Cranberries. Sweet Pick let, and Mlooe Met. at j28 John D ks's DIRECT importation of French Brandy and Holland Did arriveo in bond aod duties paid at Custon. louse in New Bf me. guaranteeing gen j id. goods fur sale. JaB Rkdmond. FERTILIZERS for Truckers and Cot lot) Planters at Go Allen & Co. CHOICE N C Hums at 12 cent per pound at A. M ILL KB '8 REDMONDS dinger Ale. Lemon Hod a, etc , equal to imported. Jambs Bbdmond. M OCBA and Jots CofiVe. Bnest io town at Dunn s. ARBEIT'S Medoc Vineyard Cognac J ao't Wines for sale nI M.uuftctu rtr's prices by James Rki mond. '1 RUCK ER IS See.) Peas, Iie.ua and Potatoes at Geo Allen & Co. REPAIRING of China snd Bnc n Hrao done h y Ci.asKE Md.uan Taxidermists E.xi Kci i New Berne Jan 14 18K8 l3.n Look oot for the eclipse al 6 o lot k lb In evening A new set of steps Iiwiii'cI at the south door of the eouil h"uw The tower for Ihe Are hell h-is hren completed and the bell placed !) it L J Moore. E q is adding iniorove meuls to bis dwelling on Craven street D. N Kilburn is erecting a store house 00 ibe alley way which leads to the market dock The spring term of Mrs. A . T Jerk in V school opD Deal M.mday. J n 30th Sbe is ao ezcetleol teacher f.ir children add parents should read her ounce in this issue. Steamer Mi vements. The Eaglet of the E C. D line sailed yesterday afteiooou with a curgo ol cotton, lumber and geueral merchan diss The Vesper of this line arrived last night The Meoleoof the O D linn went out jesterday with a Rood cargo of various merchandise The Neberne will be iu this evening Freierick Wards in Richard HI A special train - ill leave New Bern, this afternoon at 4 p. ui for Ool isboro in order to Rive our ciliceos an ppp r tunlty to witness 8hakrvpearv's immor tal trsged. Rohard III , as interpreted by this eminent arli-t. Mr. Warde's repdilion of lbs title tola is unsur passed, and he enj ys lb support of a oompany that i remarkable for the excellence of its individual members. This is undoubtedly the dramatic event of the season, and should be em braced by all who desire to enjoy a grand performance by an eminent star. Fare $1.60 for round trip including admission to Opera Bouse. Levi, the Cornetl'. The renowned and champion comet player of the world. Levi, with a con cert oompany, bas starve on a Southern tour end will be io North Carolina the Utter part of February. The manager of the theatre here is endeavoring to jei bin) to name us 'a visit. A large guaran tee will have to be made before he can be secured and it must be known today whether it can be raised or sot as con tract mast he closed one way or the other immediately. A lis will be opened today at Bell's Jewelry store to tee f noagh scat can be engaged to insar hi coming;, Mies Ollie Torbett, tbo beauiifnl aid moeompUahed violin let that! Wwa whb Kelloajr, here, lain the oompany ,with bio. r Tho JtawOuMeru. The DaaYillo Rogiater speaks in very oompllmeoytrv terms of the ooncert given thera by Bev J. 0. Price and the - two colored ladies of Boston. A . good ' audieoo was io attendance, nearly half being bite, '..Wo clin the following ' rraa(rontb;BrMer,eBotice: At the close of the entertainment a number of our moat prominent citiaen ; went forward tend sought introduction to Drt Price; eom pi rtnen ted' him upon " tb vsefitenoa of toiirMimrat. ' nwi.l y able raJoa and ooarrai aleted Jlm apon the proooaneed .ucefca of thl-, their 'inlual... id; the series oi ooncert. wrnR be m giving lb rough the Southern Sutes ,'. 8veTal of our local 1 mu-iein. Jaaiea and jteaiieinen also ' went forward and formed uw acquaint ance of Uis Faith, the aovrano. an i - Mm Nabar. the t-locutkxiiet. and fur twenty minute or 'snore they held quit a levee and received many oumyi intents j opt n their performarroe. vi . H, r- v:Th,will be in New Berne next To day akfct."U':'7' ' n '. In porunt tu wveo out of ten people. The BMimeDt eoottipatioo, begins, that moment the blood feewio o be impure ' and poor. ani tbe ej stem to 'dematd the nseof Laisdo'v . . - v . - - If ou went rhaTeynirbsrir bpsltby and r'.. : 1 sour tr.i: ss neoee ry. Fre.hair r'd food . triirbt tun I ' I'll-, r - ieryf-r . Tbe Board of Trade. In. loiloMiuK item is from the Oret-nsburo North Suvte: On ihis subject the New Berne Joi'h N aL bos a good article, and also diacioMs . fact that surprises us. It seems that the New Berue Bosr.i of Trade is nothing but little organiz-iiion to Kostip wnb each other about the tinsnoial con litiou of their cuumers. That ap proaches about as near to the true object of a board of trade, as a tl-a does to the siz of an eleph-nt Instead of learn ing how to collect bad debla or to avoid m king ibooi a board of trade should oombine every interest in a community , briber is active or inactive The greatest good to b done is to include tbe careful monied men, who have b their retirement from business life be come so timid, that tbey jump involua larily with fear, if a man asks him for a loan on real estate. Combination is tbe thing It gives courage. It enlarges the mind, aud gives it belter grasp. Men have more pb sicnl and moral oouragr when tney are united. Money is bolder nd will do more when protected and pushed forward by combination. It as not our intention to convey sui h an idea of our liovrd i'f Trade ih'.uicu to some extent 11 runy be true Ve remen. bt-r u uh pride sud sauft.c lion the t fT rts i f ibe Hoard of Trade lu s-(-ure the c 1111 -l torce lor the con -tiui uou of the laker Hridge road aiil) e uiiiii; " ppi uii aiions f or opr u i n uu lr Ul liver The lll.-nibers t t,r war Je.l im iii'-r lab- and peillioll-to the General iss. i I I ui. I ti.iM runr ill regard I., ii.e y i .St r Hi i le r 'ad and to ( long res i el ,11 v v I i j. pi . pi Irtl It ins fur Neuse anil I'leni riveiM. and their efforts aldd i:iuch in . help from the Jiaie aud umlJUal gov, rnineuis lu itu-st rDirrpri ea But we fear the Board of Trade has wrarird In well doing ard is not muk ing the same strenuous efforts to guard aud extend the commercial interest of the community that it did years ago r e North Slate is right in saying that a Hoard of Trade should combine every interest in a community It should keep reliable statistics of the business, hipping and manufacturing done each V- ar: investigate the ctuse of any fall Ing off, study and mature plans for ex i.ndiugine trade; watch all measures of legislation calculated to injure or impede the piosperity of the com ruuniiy. aid aid and encourage al iu duslrial enterprises. A combination of the business men of any community that will lake such matters in hand and ct upon them promptly aud intelligent ly, will do incalculable good. We are making an effort to have on the 13 1 4 1 h and loth of March an ex hibit of our industries, also the li-h oysters arid game of this section. The Board of Trade ought as a body, as well as individually, to give it every encouragement within their power. It ought to aid our member of Congress, Mr Simmons, io securing appropriations for a government building aud a road to the national cemetery by forwarding memorials and petitions. It bas dooe good work in the past and can still do a great deal Committed for Murder. I"he preliminary bearing of the case of Win H Keeling, who was recently brought from Washington and lodged io jil for striking Arnold Williams, in James City, a blow which it is said caused his death, was held by Justice Brinson at the court house yesterday. Solicitor White appeared for the State; tbe defendant bad no counsel, but ad mitted striking the blow and said they we're engaged io a fight at the time. Other teatimoay showed that he was three or four step from Williams and behind him when be threw the cart wheel spoke, with an iron olinoh on one end oT it, and knocked him down. This is on Saturday and Williams died the next Friday. The defendant was committed to jail to await the actioo of tbe grand jury . Honor Roll or Uraded School, For month ending January 20, 1883, Second Grade Loreoa Fulcber, Ad. dieOaskio Nit. Whaley, Lula Taylor Leo Sultan, Freu Wbitty, Tommie Bob erta. Third Grade Lula Delamar, Nellie Hill Mamie T lson Benie Kafer Wil lie Sjhiesler, Fred Thomas. JobnToljoo Fourth Or.de -Ida Brlston. Daisy Guthrie, Bessie Manw-ll, Annie Quid ly M-iry D.wdy. Lura Suter. Julia Siaub Calhe MoCartby. - Fifth Grade Emma Archhell. Minnie Dowdy . Kni- Matthews, Henry Mints. Louua Suter, Lewis Cox, Luther Tay lof Sixth Jid Racbel Brown. Clarita Clarjt. R.a Dail, Susie Dillingham, Daisy Swtrt. For cleansing and healing font and iDdob nt Ulcere; Sure aod Absceeee. and. removing tbe bad odore arieing therefrom, and lor eioogbiog, enntoeed and rarte rated wou'.da. Darby Prothy- f?tnlt n ftWMlatl&d . . - bate need Darhys Propnylactic Fluid io hoepitaLaad private practice for ten years end know of nothing bet ter for slvtighi0B;. ortotued and lacerat ed vrrtvods, fool and indolent ulcers and as a disinfectant," J. F. Bustis, Pro fer ."'bile fed. Cc!. Save the Euonymua. It bas been noticeable for sometime thai the Euonymua shrubbery la various places io the city is dying out from some cause. Major A. R. Dennisoc recently forwarded a twig of one of the affected branches to the Scientific American and the following reply is published in that journal by Professor C. V. Riley: Th. twig of Euonymua (latrfuliaf) sent is infested with a scale in seel Chiunapis euonymi. Comstock, described and figured Rep Dept. Agr 180. page 813. piaies v.. Fig. 8, xvii , Fig. 8. It is common on Euooymus, and has also been taken from orange in Louisiana. Those remedies which have been suc cessful agaiost soale insects infesting orange trees will prove successful against this. The most successful wash is the kerosene emulsion, made by either of the following formula): 1. Kerosene... S parts. Milk 1 pari H iur milk (not buttermilk.) is pref able, as the emulsion is more stable w hinlhus made Instead of milk water ciiu be used by adding a small amount of soap The proportions re main the same Tbe following formula is a very convenient one to use for .-mall quantities 2 Kerosene. . 'J quarts Water 1 quart Whale oil soap j p. und In eitht-r case irw milk, or soap und "..it-r should be heuie1 to boi ng and " llh (he latlt-r Ihe soap Ihorougl'l, dl 'di-il, llieu thtf keioc-ne aUrd wllll.- ooi.an l tho mixture thoroughly ai laled until 11 for in-, a homogeneous in is "f cr sin like consistent-y . Ii can b. agiialei by churning shaking or oihci wise, tut where a force pump is al hand, the most convenient method i. o. pump the liquid back iti upon itself vio lenlly , fort lux 't through a srnal I nozzle This continued for tiie lo tiftreii miu ul--s will produce a good emulsion, if prop.-r care has been taken in preparing the mi I ture. rile emulsion will re niaiu siable for an indetiuiie period . aud should be dilluied only as wauled for use Iho strength required vanes for different inseeis, also some plants will bear U stronger than others This wash can safely be used on orange 1 part lo 10 of water. The treatment should not be repealed until first appli ailon has had lime to be efficient, say ten days or two weeks. Ills beat not to apply during freezing weather. On a small scale application may be made "llh brush or cloth but the mosl con venient and tffecilve method is with force pump, using a flue spray nozzle like the cyclone or some other good nozzle The treatment of such insects has been fully discussed from lime lo lime in my official reports, anil especial ly in llub'iard's report on Insects Af fecting luu Orange. Norlh Carolina In ( oiurpsh. In the Senate Monday Mr Vance pre seuli-d the pennon of Nathaniel Ma gruder, a citizen of the District of to lumhia. praying compensation for in jury lo his property in West Washington a used by grading streets. Mr Vance also presented the pet ition of the faculty of Davidaoo College. praying for the passage of no inter national copyright law. In the House Mr. Rowland intro duced a bill to provide for inclosing the Government reservation at Fort John ston, at S .utbport. Mr. Rowland also introduced a bill to provide for the erection of a public loaildiog at Charlotte. Mr Simmons introduced a bill for ihe construction of a revenue culler for New Berne, to replace the revenue cut ler Stevens. Mr. Simmons also introduced a bill to reimburse the depositors of tbe Freed man's Savings and Trust Com pany for losses, incurred by the failure of said company. Mr. Simmons also introduced a bill to prescribe tbe weight of standard sil ver for certain ooins of tbe United States, to enlarge tbe legal lender character of tbe half-dollar, and to permit the issue of silver certificates upon deposits of the same. Mr. Johnston, from the oommittee on publio buildings and grounds, reported baok with amendment the bill for tbe erection of a publio building io the city of Asheville. News aod Observer. teaea Hot Drop. After a great many trials of tbe first physicians in the North aod South, I bad grown exhausted by the ooutinued experimental effort of doctors to cure me of Chrooio Lartngetis and Bronchitis of a most severe type, I dropped into a drug store while more dead than alive. Speakieg of my oonuition, a friend ad vmed me to try Dr Mozley's Lemon Hot Drops, which I did. and to my sur prise, after taking the first bottle it gave me complete relief. I then bought three other bottles, which on red jiy oase en tirely Of eitfht years atandrair Ds. W. A BYERS. Atlanta Dental Depot. Dr H. Mozlbt Dear Sir: I have suffered for five years with a seve e oouab aud lung trouble. I saw your advertisement of Lemon Hot Drops, and pro. ured a boitie. baviog tried every cough syrup and loasnge that I could hear of with but little benefit, Tom? surprise 1 derived benefit from the firs dose. My cough left me. also the swreOess of my lungs, by the use of four small bottle only. My ooQkh was au severe as to produce hemorrhage, at the tease I began to use ft, aod tbe relief was mi great that I shall aver feel grate faltoynu. Mrs E. SIMS, No 4 Orange street. Atlanta, Ga. Sold by druggie la. 80 cents per bot tle. Prepaiwd b 117 Motley, M. D., AtiaateGa. - b v For aale In New Reno, whobaala and retail, at & N Duffy 'a frag store,. Caaa most aooompany too order.. - ..- , 'Ml I It . II - PURE Liquor and Wine for tied ici Jtalaod other uses, wholesale, - THE LATEST K'S liud'nsrd from our L'li liiii:P-f. Kileigh Is to have anotl.tr .h? tn pany. It is ettimaUd tLut ti e coot of iLe great Reading railroad strike exceeds one million dollura a vtttk Kxptnsite siubborness. Happy Medium tbj ikud ceicLrsied trolling stallion in the woi I d . o vt ued by Oen. W. T. Withers, of Kentucky, and valued at HO 000, died the other day lurs. James Hrown IVlter is delight ing the Richtnoud p ople this week She appeared three nights in ' Loyal Love," a play written t x pr t se' y fur her. The N. '.Vt.rl.l er. v e it v. . at Si. Viiirt .Minn . n fo lhal Ibe peup!e ki pt II. 1 . 1 I.. ell tlS o arm by holding p;rt t-8 . . f let L'isi Tuesday Oiuer '1 nil calli 4 llt-nry I'iiyne. w hu 1 1 rt- near tti n fur ihepunxise of tiatliiig wuh bun fur a liislol ' cal 1 1 bre A f ter lr hi mg . Trill Oeg(tii fiandling th- pislul carelessly, and, pointing 11 hi Pay lie snapped It Of uit-e the ttlittut ti tiling tturii I (oadtd and lb. it was wb u and lodged n lt.fl in I'',) i, wt-iu tlT 's 11,11, ,1, llf 'I -i I rs I'r lit at once tAi. Uttdf 1 llitll , 11 lr J u : i. .i i lie It. I A i Ml il. si .1 I. iu. I -- I , . Niii' i v 1 1 t Ch in i n n lie K. LoUlsi. tl.tl 1 f ur ( i t vr r re 1, b. ,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 fi .1:1 I 1 W.i" I, I L f' lb- l: a th fi.:r . License Wt t i l.-.-uttl I V i.-l.r of lleodslasl wrt-li lul llu Mlnr 1 lage t.l on Milt St,rd - 1 i r t en v ille I'ttll pi t I 1 III. h lite g r N4 yeari ami the hi l ie ' o R. -Hector Tho brewer of Milwaukee .leroalel lhal their employees, n 1 1 in her 1 r k -b'ul ihree thousand, sit. ill stpar.ile them selves from the Iiiccr o 1 1,1. .1;. A strike is uiiiit'ipaU'd Winston , N ( rangemenln for ll has t t'lllplett tl hi -Ulldiri cf a si reel rail ay. Mr. Cobb says the I reel, .bur o I, .hate . market is becoming famous f"i goo I prices and goods He regards this market us now on a good and h.tfe com mercial fooling '.Ircciisburu N. rib. -Hale. Our fishermen are insklng larger preparations lhan usual for the spring catches. This 1.1. really, the most lm IHirtant industry of Ibis settiun K. City Economist. The number of tub.i'-c 1 f.i l;il in nt one North Carolina bun In il and se s now p!u 1 nl v live. This is from the D..H011 l ien l'nss A Norlh Carolina man who 1 1 v n six teen mileB from the nearest w nler t ourse and who never ' a sh 1 p 111 his I if e.has invented a steering ge.,r for sail ami steam crafts, whieh is pronounced a grand success 1'auiea 111 New York have offered him SoO 0m) fur his righn Il was not a farmer w ho invented the rail fence. " The Democratic) members of the House of Represent 'it 1 ves from Ken tucky. North t arolina. Tennessee and other tobacro growing Stales, held a meeting last Wednesday and decided to unite in a request for the removal of J. R. Dodge. Statistician of the Depart ment of Agricu It 111 e on account of de fects in Ins estimate of the tobacro crop last summer. A meeting of distinguished prclatrs of the Catholic Church was held in Washington, Wednesday, at which the plans and purpoe of the new Catholic University to be built in that city were discussed. Rt. Rev. Bishop Ireland, of St. Paul, stated that the corner stone of thr Divinity buildiDg would be laid in about three months. The centennial anniversary of the establishment of the Catholio hierarchy of America will be celebrated in tbe autumn of 1989 We hear that some of oar merchants are contemplating build inp brick aton s 00 tbe burned district- We trust that ii will not all end in talk. Our mer chants should build not only ornamental but substantial structures in which to transact business. Beaufort R cord. Work on the silk factory is rapidly progressing . Tbe building will be ready to receive the machinery in a very short time, and operations will begin appa. rently nl an early day. adesboro In telligeucer. A special to the Raleigh News and Uhs-rver irm M.-oresville, N U.. says: "Todsy (Wednesday'' while J A.Jami son, living three miles east of here, wag engaged in topping a tree in hn yard, be was knocked off and instantly killed by the falling top. " Tbe Methodist Episcopal minister of Maryland adopted resolutions condemn ing tbe President for his gift to tbe Pope. Philadelphia sharper played tb ."confidence game" on a Bethel, N. C., merchant The Bethel tn ere bant re oeiytd letter' from New York,, afgMd J. H. Ward J wforming htm, that h JWerd) hat .iaJoC. of greetibaok which bad been printed fromtolebgoTern meot plate, aad which h would eell st liberal discount, and that fa would I meet the Beihel merchant in Philadel phia to transact the business. The in nocent Tar Heel "bit," and accordingly placed 8500 iu his pocket and went to Philadelphia The confidence man met him and fleeced him out of $210. Finally it dawned upon, the Bethel man lhal he had made a mistake an t he re turned home a w iser man Portraits o.l or crayon from life or small In pictures done by Vliss Aurora Mace who is teaching drawing and painting by lalusi methods at her residence on Johnston street. janlldtf. commercial: lOriO.l HARKIT New Yore, Jan. SJT. 10 a m Futures opened dull but stesdv le of o 100 bales. January. 10 01 July. 10 bo Fehnmry. 10 04 August 10 Dt March. 10 74 September, 10 4tf April, 10 SO October, 10 1 1 May, 106 November, y a June, KIWI December V 99 New llerne market steady Sales of lil bales at il to 'J li 4. OOTItSflC niHSIl reanuts fiO lo 73 els per bushel Kggs IS to 1(1 Rice sleatly al Si 00 to J 1 10 in i-..- ks Torn steady. 47 I., '.'i r..d irr Uc to SI 00 ier hun.1rd .-, , to-.ioii SI) 00 per hundreil 1 u r k t it i 1 Ml to Oo per pai r IcueKMiM! llaid. J. 10 lu a- (I I Tam -?1 00tl yj Oath ;i7:.i40c. in bulk hathw ax - 1 V per It. BKr On fool, 4c.to Ck F11KHH I'una -0a7c 1 ei poun.'. I'EANl'TS HO,- ai'l O0p.r bur-l.t- Onions 00 ir barrel Ouiokcnr tirown. 40- spni MkaL (ijc per bushel Ai'H B - Malt 7.V per bushel IklMI I'ciTroHS -J3 OO.lii j0. ftiTATuBH -Bahamas. HUr van 1 1 arr isoii. 40 -. W HOLES A I. K rilll'EB Niw Mltse Pohk $!H 00 I'oiik -New family, 810 0J HlluLLPEB MKAT 7o. C. R. a. F B's. B.'sand I. C FifK-8 OOafl.00. LaKD olo. by the tierce NAU-d iiasis'lO's.SS o0. St'UAB Oranulated, 0 7; (V iFKKK 'Oa Jc. t IIKLMK 1 IV HaI.T -HOuh.V. per sack M0LABHK8 AND HTBCrS iWatftc. POWPKH $0 00. Shot Drop. tl.tO, buck tl Kkuosknb- e!0. Hides Drv, loc. : grwn (V.; Tallow- 3r per lb Mrs. A. T. Jerkins His several vacancies in her School, which she would be pleased to have tilled by girls or young ladies adapted lo h, r t Issses SI'KIN I ll'.UM l.cin' un Monday. J in. J HI. Jan .' 2 1 For Rent. A good Dwelling House on ( raven street, next to residence of I. J. Moore Apply Pi Hi L. J. moori-: Lost Reward. On Tuesday, the S4th of January, a small bag containing a (sx-ket book and (i i e dollars in silver. Tbo pocket-book contained a twenty dollar gold piece, a twenty dollar bill and a ten dollar bill. I he gold piece has a mark on the dale side extending from near the centre down through tbe dale and to near the same point on the opposite side. The bag was lost either on Ellis's still yard or the lumber yard of the Radcliff mills. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of said bag and contents 27 lw B H IPOCK. Just Received; 250 Barrels of Early Rose Seed Potatoes, For sale CHEAP, AT IT. Ulrica's, MIDDLE 8TREET. NEW BERNE, N C P. 3 Standard Stock. IVotLoe. To reduce my stock of Cigars, 1 w ill sell st greatly reduced prices mary brsn s for the next Thirty Days. Call snd get some bargain. JOHN DUNN. January 23. 18S8. 84 dtf For Sale, One Cottage Boose in Morebead City, N. C , with four room, with dining room and kitchen attached. Situated on Biilroad street, between the Atltotio Hotel and New Bern Hooee. . Price of hoaM aod loV $000. Partle desiring to porcbase tho a bora property will cxHTespond with , ' 4 ; N;V-;:?;;il;JL davi3 : v m doi Wit" " Wow T. r WALTER'S Photograph Gallery! I take great pleasure in informing my friends, and the publio generally, that my New Studio is now complete. My Light is on the New Improved Plan. 1 Lave spared neither pain or expense in arranging this Light, so a to give to all my work that Soft Porce lain LfJect Every style of picture copied and en larged to any bim deeired. A successful career of twenty -five years in Norfolk. Ya., is a proof of the satisfaction 1 always give. My work speaks for itself by it 1 hope to gain your c.mtideuc. nnl merit your favors. Yery rts 'ally. i lO.S WALTER, N V cor. Middle and Pollock sts. . (ver DufFv's drug etore j4r.21dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C. HOW IS THE Tint T' Make Amends f:r Short Crops and F:cr Prices?. A' I or in ire get yourselves even w Itll the W oil ! As e are ahi ul to legin repairBon ft'-r.. t.1,1 wi-huiK I ' rnahe us much l ' "Ol I p' St. 1 M e , l'K I II I M I :ut IAV8, beginning m i, 1 Luri- lay, Jan. 12tb, an I t 1,0 ing a', i .i, Saturday . Feb. lltb, i;l. Il. i A 1 ( i i I . ni rt tail or wbole--ale. inv M... k f Dry (i,K..ls, Shoe, Hair-, t lohk- 1 lanut Is, I'udervest l.inel,-, 'I .ble I -lien.-,, DrtsS li'Kids, OtO. fall within tiit lime sj ecilied, as positively il,,- g.....:- m l revert lo their ' i no r I v i i a- s ii -,a time is - ut lH' 'I'KI I .H iu ''HI'. 'U"''M' i i'UNKK.' I 1 1 1 1 I ..-.I. : . , ' ' ' ' 111 I- kil K.N C. i , January 19. 1K8J. Notice, To DtlmtjueLt Tax Payers of Craven Co. On and after Saturday, Jan. 2lh. l1, I shall roceed to collect by destraint all tans w inch may be due and unpaid at the tune :is required by the following law . Sko. ,U, Mai ium h At i If the party charge. 1 have personal property of a value equal to the Tax charged agairihl hun, the Sheriff shall scire and eell the same as he is required I j sell other property under execution, andhisfeta for such levy or sale shall be the saiio' as on ollu i executions. 1 hope ail will come forward aud pay and save me from the painful necessity of lev iri; lu your property and adding Oo-t t ) ju r ti v. s H. STIMSON, IK u' i si,, r,ir l raven County. The Occoneechee Hotel, HILLSUORO, N. C, For Sale. 1 lie .-nierly oollHS's ol lo adJolniDg lot. of ,,s seie , I, .,, , hM . ,olel hulldlDg l ewN leiuinl an, l n,K.tl as ntw, with twenty rooms i.esules I . nn. , sk r urns aud oulliouaea. I'.ttonis el i rniMshul win, new furniture" .No S lias s in. inn, k Mil ii n vs j ears ao aa a il toll in k hoiiar. u ii ii t ha ruoms. and alao an ofTlee wi,,i two i "i,is. The whole prop erly is wen sniirtl h.r a mnimer and winter resort r.nny ,.f m,h,i. rxtensiv. lawDa si. (I water filial io snv W I II sell tbs wbol. n uellier or eniier l.,i sensrslely. A law a tri.ot o- Isnrl coitUlli'.cg Sll 1 2 a rres, thr. n.llrs troni lliiui..,,,,, ,,,, ,iio lmrhnin road t.tssl nr. In antl i, ,!,,,.,, fia). t, p,ie,nd it l mi s p j l y l , y. h. poiti K, ISWriM : -1 . Kimivllle. Tetin . r IV i'. I'AKKK. au.ri!:ui lllllatcro. ,N. -. An Explanation. When I advertised for ChristmasUifts and New Year's Presents, il was only a reminder lo thoau who owed me little amounts to pay up. After due time I think I must have been dreaming, for they don't pay worth a cent. A few good friends have paid some good friends have not paid. Well, they will, won't they? I don't know; time will tell. 1 thiok il will be after we g, t the Railroad built from New Berne, through Jones county, to Onslow, QDd on to the tea. We will see. P. S. I wi;i continue to supply all those in want of a good Cigar, Tobacco, Smoking Tobacco, Fine Cut, Chewing, Pipes. Btems, and smoker's article ' . generally, the best to be had, cheap for Last,. w. L. PALMER, At the old stand, New Berne, N". C. Money To Loan. ' Examine the following list and see : ; what you ned for the coming year, and ;' 1 s.ive money by buying from me at ' SIIOKT t'KOI rmc8. and ycu will bave money to loan. PLOWS! PLOWS! PliOWSIC I have the Champion, Oraag,''Boe,v Dixie, Daisy, Clipper, Atiaa.CPoney " Queen and Arery, steel tarn plows, and the Stonewall, Climax, Gem and Caro lina Cotton Plows. SDll fiWlnira l , -A ,1 ,' I description. . .,,t ..... - , Also, a full lute Of Axos, Shovels, Spade, ForkiRakea, Qoea. Marl PicV., Potato Rakea.Hnha. RrtruVaw I Cart Wheels and Axles, Kod t iron, naua, tJMtt, Washes,' ar : thing la tho Hardware Un., rvw :k1l . . : p L W w, ltlVIKIIf UrSlil fl' , Oradloa, Mdwlog BcyU-se, 1 ; TP-.. .. . Tl I . . r . Machine Oil, Lcq i. Book, aad Pw L..1 f Send for rrfrs.

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