The Daily Journal VOL. VI.-NO. 263. NEW BERNE. N. C.. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS." ft 4 i) B: LOCAL NEWS. BUSINESS LOCALS. 'fTHE JE cakes and cracker are the X )M(, at Johs Duhm'b. CIGARS Large lot for sale on con signment. Cheap for cash. iabS-tl. R. N. Dim. A NOVELTY BOCKAWAY Oyster Crackeri at John Dunn's. DIRECT importation of Frenoh Brandy and Holland Oin arrived in bond and duties paid at Custom louse in'New Berne. guaranteeing gen jiaa goods 'or sale. Jai Redmond. TT'EBTILIZERS for Truckers and Cot 1 ton Planters at Geo. Aluc.n & Co. CHOICE N. C. pound at Bams at 12 cents per A. Mill kb h. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon IV Soda, etc , equal to imported. James Rkdmomi. -T'RUCKER.S Seed Peas, Beans and 1. Potatoes at Oko. Allxw & Co. 13URE Liquors and Wines for Medici nal and other uses, at wholesale. James Redmond. GARRETT'S Medoo Vineyard Cognac and Wines for sale, at Manufactu rer s prioea, by James Redmond. Prepare something for the Fair. March lSlh, Hih and 15ih, 1888. Quite a shower of rain yesterday morning. Lenoir Superior Court poovhim to morrow, Judge Shepcrd presiding Our truck farmers have put io their pea crop and are now preparing for potatoes. Definite information baa been received frjni Moor & Brady that tbeir force will d on hand this week. Toe cycler men can bring on tbe oysters. Rev. Mr. Pearson is to begin work in New Berne on the 19lh inst. Lie is now at Statesville where a considerable re ligious awakening is going on. Tbe repairing of buildings has begun earlier than usual in New Berne this season. Put your house in order. A great many people will be here next November. The county commissioners will be in seieion tomorrow (Monday). It is the time for opening tbs Healed proposals and plans for building a bridge across Neuse river, and for purchasing the county's stock in the A. fc N. C. U Funeral Notce. The funeral service of the late Mrs. Olivia Fields will begin at Christ Church this (Sunday) afternoon at 3 30 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. Sttamar movements. The Vesper of the E. C. 1) lino will arrivs this afternoon. Tbe Eaglet of this -line will sail at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. The Newberne, of the CD. line, ar rived last night from Norfolk. Lecture. '. At the Presbyterian Church tonight a Isoture will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Vesica tbs wonderful history of the Martyr Church of Bohemia, the land of Hum and of Liska. The traial and tri umphs of the Gospel of Christ were ex hibited here ai almost no where else. Th public are Invited to attend. Xob7 for th fair. Thsra are doubtless many people in Nswiern who are willing to contribute to tat Fair who have not been called on by ,be finance oosnmitU. There are ' only three members of the oommittee and while they have been diligent in . their work they hare not been able to call oo alf. Any one who feel willing to "contribute should not wait to be . called on but oome forward with yoar ,;v ' ". . , ' Progreei of the Fair. ' Tbe outlook continues promising for the Fair. The finance committee is doing Ita work fiobly and effectually and everybody ie becoming interested. The well known firms of Wylie, Smith &o. and Jaa. D. Itaaon A Co. of Balti morr, represented la this city by Ja. W. Moore,-Esq., have offered liberal -donations for premiums. As tbe thing . i-nvased It grow la magnitude. ' It ' will be an exhibit that will do end it to . the East. - Remember the time,' lSlh, Uth and IStk of March: . Iavj OomJn. :.s i..t- By all who bare ever heard of Levy, . the great cornet performer, the an Bounoement of hie ooming ; will be . hailed with delight, Ha la said to he . supported by an able ooneerS company, aad will be here on the 18th inst. That will be on Saturday, but the people will hear Levy just the eaate, for ho standi at tbe bead ef tbe list la his profession, '. New Bern rs beea fortunate ia hey , log g-3 tro-jp ttis ., a. They ki ti rM t-i reined, wt'-'i-r- 'ft-. ; ttO lT'-.r;r.:zS, Hold it at M or eh sad City. A communication to the Beaufort Record urges that the Democratio State CooTention be held at Morehead City. Not a bad idea. With the fast sechedule that President Bryan contemplate making for the summer Morehead City will not be more .than six hours' run iom Raleigh, and a more delightful place for such a convention cannot be found in the Bute. Let the delegates assemble at Morehead City and see tbe progress the old State is making in tbe way of a summer resort. A Merited C.mpliment. The editor of the Methodist Advauc paid New Berue a visit recently and speaks thusly of our marble man, Mr J. K W illis: Mr. Willis is one uf tbe best workmen we know, a nue business man, an earnest Christian and will give satisfao tion to every customer. We have seen many monuments and tombstones made and erected by hiin and no better more durable or handsomer work oan be obtained anywhere North or South. Ills prices are lower than northern marble workers, generally, for tbe same class of work, and Ibis is a home in dustry that should have preference We have known Mr. Willis for many years and feel tbat we cannot commend him too highly. Church Services ToJay. There will be services in the Methodist Church at 11 a. in. ami 7 15 p. m., con ducted by the pastor Rev. L. W. Craw ford. Pews are free. Ushers are al wujs in the vestibule to receive stran gers. All persons arc cordially invited to woiship vtitli the congregation. Sun day si boo 1 at 3 p. m , J. K. Willis, Nupt Preshv terian Church Rev L. C. Vans, D. D , Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 4 40 p. ru. Sabbath school at 3:30 p. m. Subject at night: "The Bohemian Church, ita Trial and Tri umpu." All are welcome at theee services to worship tbe Lord together on bis holy day. Catholio Church Rev. Father Price, pastor. Morning service at 11 oolock. consisting of Holy Mass and sermon on The Liturgy of Baptism. Evening ser vice at 7 o'clock, consisting of Benedic tion of tbe Most Blessed Sacrament, and sermon on The Con fee. inal. Christ Church -V.W. Shields, Rector. Sexigesima Sunday. Services at 11 a m Holy Communion and at 7 p. m Sunday s hool at 4 p m. All people will be welcomed to the services of this church. Ushers at tbe door. Baptist Church Praise and prayer meeting at 11 a, m. After which there will ba a church oonferenoe to bear read tbe letter of acceptance of Rev. II. W. Battle. Every member of the church is earnestly requested to be present. Sabbath School at 8 p. m. Tlioro will also be a prayer meeting every night during the week in the church except Saturday nigbt, prepara tory to tbe series of meetings soon to be held in this oity by Rev. Mr. Pearson. The public are cordially invited to at tend theee meetings. Y. M. C. A. Devotional meeting at tbe rooms of the Association on Middle street at 5;. m., conducted by J. J. Wolfenden. Second Adventist Church Elder Eugene Scott, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and at 7:15 p. m. Tbe publio are oordiallr invited. President National Bank McMinville, Tenn., writes: In my opin ion from experience in my wife's case, you Lemon Elixir has few if anv equals, and no superiors in medicine for the regulation of tbe liver, stomach and bowels. Your Lemon Hot Drops are superior to any remedies we have ever been able to get for my wife's throat and lung disease. 1 feel oertain, and so does she, that your Lemon Elixir and Lemon Hot Drops have been the means of greatly prolonging ber life. We hare not the lest idea that she would now be living only for these remedies. Had she. only need theee remedies sooner sbe would long since, in my opinion, have been well and been ared the great suffering she has under gone. Truly, W. H. MAOIfEES. To Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta, Ga. Frost a Praatlaeat Lady. I have not bee able in two years io walk or stand without suffering great pain. Dines taxing Dr. Motley a uemon Elixir i can walk nail a mile without suffering the least inconvenience Mia. K. H. Blood womTH, Griffla, Oa, - :'--Lnoa Hot Drops. I had for several years a severe ul oerated sore throat, eaaaicg muck pain and neastnese, ae - there waa consider able hemorrhage '' when coughing. I bought one bottle of Dr. Hosier a Lemon Hot Drops. It gave sae almost imme diate relief; have weed it only t weary foor hours, and my throat and ooega ie almost entirely weU. It is certainly an emeieat ana epeexry remecy. - N. F. Thowpbok, lie B. Forty ta street, Atlanta, Oa. , . For sale ia U ew Bene, wholesale and retail, at R.N. Duffy's drag store. Cash moat aooompaay the order. ' . 4 ; - . r - 4 H -'-:; ; PaTtralla,' j?. yj In oil or eriyori from hfe or email pic to re done ty V ias Aurcra Mace, who is teaching drawing and painting by latest method at ber T;JT"e cn Johnston rtreet. . fJaBlli !.,'.. TBE LATEST JfEWS Condensed from oar Exchanges. Work has been resumed in several of the Pennsylvania iron furnaces and coal mine. Earthquake shocks were sharply felt in different parts of England and 8 mi land Thursday. In the Charleston cotton fire (reported jesieraayj eignt thousand bales were buined. ToUl loss 2800,000 Two railway accidents are reported for last Thursday. One in Texas, in which an engineer was killed, and one in Illinois, in which two men were killed. Dr. Richard K. Uregory, of Greens boro, N. C, has invented a bandage for surgeon's use. which attracts favor able oomment from doctors and army surgeons. Richmond, Va., has the electric street railway in operation again. It was formally opened to the publio last Thursday. It was successfully run over the line for a distance of seven miles. Mr. James A. Rjbinson, ("Old Hurry uraph,") associate editor of the Durham Recorder, has done what all sensible editors should do, married a wife. He is receiving the congratulations of his brethren of the pi ess un bis good for tune. Last Thursday a cilicen of C hicago, a Mr. Briggs, dropped dead, in the street a few minutes after leaving his home in perfect health, and wbeu the Dews reached his wife she went into a series of fainting fits which ended in her death in a short while. Georgia railroads are lowering pas senger rates. The Atlantic & Western Railroad ha reduced its rates from three cents per mile, the rate through out tbe Slate, to 24 cents per mile, which railroad men say will force other roads to do likew ise. Eliza Randall, of Clay county, (la., who was to have been banged Friday for the murder of ber father, had her sentence commuted to imprisonment for life. Her crime is one of the blood iest on record in that Slate, but public sentiment against capital punishment saved her neck. The Presbyterians raised by subscrip tion on yesterday $5,000 toward build ing their new church. We learn they contemplate putting up a handsome structure to cost between $10,000 and 813,000. Yesterday's work is a splendid beginning. Winston Daily. Very favorable reports are made of the progress of work on the govern ment vessels at Cramp's ship-yard, in Philadelphia. The gunboat Yorktown, the dynamite cruiser and the cruiser Baltimore will all be completed in a few months, and material is arriving for the construction of the cruisers Newark and Pbiladslpbia . During 1887 the Oxford Orphan Ay- lum provided for 203 children at that institution. Now there are 221, and 90 applicants for admission on file. The superintendent estimates that there are 1,000 children in the State who ought to be in asylums. The receipts of the in stitution were SIS, 073, expenditures $18,427.-Ex. A special to tbe News and Observer from Williams ton, N. C, gives an ac count of a fire which occurred there about two o'clock Friday morning. The fire originated in the residence ef Mr. S. H. Newberry. Mr. Newberry's large frame livery stable caught from the burning residence and both were en tirely consumed. Loss about (3,000; insurance 1 1,300. All of Charlotte's new ootton mill will be lighted by electricity. There are already three electric light plants is the city, of which two are private j and one publio. The graded school commissioner have received forty ap plications for tbe position of superin tendent of the Charlotte graded schools. The election, we understand, is to take place next week. Charlotte Chronicle. The store building and entire stock of goods of ex-Sheriff W. A. Deans, at Oreenleaf , near this oity were complete ly destroyed by fire yesterday morning shortly after midnight. The fire in all probability was accidental, aa there was bo one in the store, and a lamp was left burning for the night. Mr. Dean's loss ia perhaps t6,W with bat 19,000 in auranoe; we learn . Ool d sboro Argue. ' A special to the Raleigh News and Observer from Washington, IT. Or, says: 1" About five milee frofis Makelyville, in Hyde ooantyT man-, aamed Lupton kept ber-rooar and grocery. La Taoreday morning hi Mora was found ia eabea with his aharrad romaiaa ia the a ids. : Ho ia supposed ie have beea murdered, robbed, and his etore set oa fire: Ko IrtIotn6 w ' Quito a number of people from th eijkbbf fc g tawns and oou&iry arehere attending Mr. Pearson's meetings. Messrs. Wallace Bros, have lately pre pared an exhibit of medicinal roots, herbs and plants from tbeir herbarium for the museum of Harvard College, Cambridge, Maa , and w ill shortly be gin the preparation of a similar exhibit for tbe museum of the University of North Carolina Statesville Landmark. In tbe House of Representatives, Thursday a bill defining second and third class mail mailer was passed. The object of the bill, as explained by Mr. Blount, of Georgia, chairman of the committee on PoBloffice and Pol R jads, was to prevent evasion cf the law which designates what shall constitute second and third class mail matter. He said the law had bet n evaded by pub Ushers issuing books at slated intervals and passing Ihem through the m mid as second class niuiu r un the ground that they were periodicals: that while ibo Bible and educational books had to pay eight cents per pound, the yellow cov ered wood could go through the mails for one cent per pound. The bill passed ty a vote of 145 to 116. THE JEWELS The late cool 8iini drew the Jewels closer logelher than llicy have been for some time past . and alio nearer to the fire place of the Cotton Exchange where the ja-jili eoe disptnnts the best heat at tainable from burning the decayed planks of the last year s platform The meeting was an t n j' ) able one hiid near ly a full pun i, el HtHent. The long separation of the meinbrrs led to a narration of individual experience inu h after the manner of that which followed "the tour of the virtues " Some had been to the uiou mains some to the seaside while others had roamed the luxuriant fields and meadows of the vicinage. All bad enjoyed a good time and had more to tell than the boy in "Eyes and no eyes or the nrt of seeing. '' Tbe panel is impressed with the fact hove wer that great Ionh to the country at large hag been the result of the long va cation of the jewels. Indeed so strong is this impression that a lixed deter in nut ion to dr and do in the future wus impressively stamped on the counteiisnc e of each and every member present. Tbe short crops of thin section has somew bat curtailed their income w hile no responnive sympathy has reached them from an overloaded treasury at Washington. Slight relief is now beginning to dawn upon their vision, in the efforts being made to repeal the internal revenue laws. This relief w ill be small because the Panel are only interested in the tux on tobacco, it being well known that they but seldom drink anything, and never except when alone or w ith some body. It is contemplated afier the to bacco tax shall have been taken olT to pas rigid laws against begging a chew, a matter tbat up to this time has appar ently escaped the notice of argus eyed politicians. Two and a half cent pieces will be coined in order that a purchaser of one cigar worth "two for live" shall not he extortioned on to the amount of threw cents for w ant of ability to make the right ohange as is th1) case now. Until Mich coins shall be attainable a e.ornmeroe bill will be enforced, requiring all venders of "two for five" cigars to take only tuouents for one. unless the purchaser shnll satisfy him that he hag already had one for two cents in the last purchase. This may be established by tbe evidence of two respectable w itnesses, or his own affidavit made before any Justice of the Peace or Notary Public, living, moving and haying his being anywhere in a reasonable distance of a cigar stand or tobaooo store. In such case he may be allowed to take three cents. This, it is hoped will promote the sale of two at a time, and thus enable Ibo buyer to have one for a friend who might be destitu te. The Pannel on this occasion were in excellent health, the best of humor and declare themselves prepared to enter the campaign of 1881 with vigorous blowing at command. List or Loiters Remaining in the postoffico at New Berne, Craven county, N. C , Feb. 5lh, 1888: . Emily BryaDt, Mary E. Browner, Janle Colling, Joseph Cox, R D.Guy, W. N. F. Hope, Mary J. Latham, Sarah Moore, B. L. Parrott, Jane Reaves, John P. Simmons, James M. Weeks, Zilphia A. Willis. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised, and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. M. Manly, P. M. . Delay always induces ultimate trouble and especially is this true in it application to the human system. Lax ad or always saves time and trouble by prompt use in the beginning of sick ness. It yoar baby is eick, suffering and crvina with pain of cutting teeth, soothe it with Dr.. Bulla Baby Syrap. It is safe Price a oeata. - r lath town of PoUoksville, bv Bar, C b us a wen, iDrnary i, 1533. Mr. Charleo Whitty to Visa Willi Ai Bell. All of miotoTillev. v. . - 4 ' . I. ' . - T commercial: COT-TOPI MARKET. New Yoki, Feb. 4 10:20 . M. Futures opened steady bales of 2,000 bales. February, March, April, May, June, 10.4 10.WJ 10 M 10.71 10 78 10 81 August, September October, November December. 10 8? 10 85 10 OS 6 8V 9 89 July, January New Berne market steady hales of one bale at 9 70. Sales for the week bales against 120 same week last year. DOMESTIC niHIHT Peanuts 60 to 75 els per bushel. Eggs 15 to 16. Kice steady at 81 00 to i 1 10 in sac ks. Corn steady, 47 to 55. Fodder, BOc. to 81.00 per hundred Sped cotton S3 00 per hundred. Turkeys 81 50 to $2 00 per pair TvarEHTLNC Hard . Si. 10 1it i co a2 0J. Ta.h-81 0081.26. Oatb 37ia40c in bulk Himwn-ISo per lb Hxxr On foot, 6c. tJPuaBU Pona 6a7o. per pound ..lUMS-Country. lOallc. PaxMirrs H0c.a8l 00 per bushel Onions 82 00 per barrel. OaiOXENa Grown 40c. . spring 'M: Meal 6rc. pr bushel. Apflkb- Matt 75c per bushel Potatoes Bahamas. 30c. , yams 40c. Harrison. 40.',. iKltsii I'iTaTuis-83 00t3 50 HuiNULES West India, dull and n ui inal, 6 inch 82 00a 2 50. Building, t, inch hearts. t 40 , sape.Sl 65 per M. WHOLESALE PKK'Xh New Mkb8 Pore 115 75. I'ohk New family, 816 0.1 Hhuuldeh Meat 7boc. C. U.'s, F. B's. B.'sand L. ('.- Nc KtxiUB-83. 00a6.00. Lard 8(o. by the tierce. Potatoes Early Hose seed. S-.'l '.J per barrel K N Nails Basis 10's,82 50. Hug ah Granulated, TJ.i Coffee a0a2Jc. 'HKl8K 15. Halt B0a85c. per sack. Molasses and Ht aura 904 ta Powdeb 85 00. BaoT Drop. 81.60; buck, $1.7:. Kerosene- Sia. Hides Dry, inc.: green 6o. Tallow 3c. per lb 1 IIakm.y Know What to Hay. lint I will say this much. 1 desire to reduce my stock of Cigars. Tobacco Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, of which I haTe a great variesy, and good ones too. and smoker's articles generally, for 1 have more on hand than I want and want to turn thvm into money, which I do want. Now for a air deal all areund. I will exchange any of my goods for cash for the next ninety or a hundred days to any person or persons in want of any of my good, fine goods. consisting of the very best Cigars made. for 5c. lOe. 15c. 20c or 80c. each. ('all and verify the truth of what I say . TaNMI.I. S Pi N( 11 AoKM'Y Wm I. PA l.M Kit Middle street. New Berne. N . C OWEN H. QUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KooMS .South Front slrci'l, four doors west of Craven. ft3dwtf Notice of Lost Certificate. Notice In hereby given UisU in (rllftcKtp of Hive Miert of Ihe ( itpital HUrk of tre Atlantic and Mrih Cavrollna KaDrosu, ( om- pitnv, sLandlnK in Die name of John II rw-en torn , and that Rppl loat Ion will m- m1 l't autiti i "III pun mi uir v a in i t inn i m mill I ft Th from I he dull hereof for i tie issue of s III W PiT 1 ' Mcate. M A I' Y fonK . A 1 ml n int r hI r f of Jot in H imr H Ii 2. IHSS. i&K P. TRENWITH W ihdha i Inform the Public that he has oomrmTjcetl his oM business on Middle Hi and la now prepared to do all kind of work be longing to the Hlark.mtlh. (ai I and Wsgon b tidiness, and aollplti the patronage f his old friends and partoni. Horso Shoeing aHpcrlalty. fetil d'in P. H. PELLETIER, TTOKNKY AT LAW, Will praMlr In tha CVtititle of Oaves), Car teret , Jones, Onslow and J'anllpo 1'nlleil Rtten Court at New Kern, and Superior Court of tha KtAte. ft hi dtf For Rent, The Club House on Craven street. recently occupied by the city govern ment. Apply to the JOURNAL OFFICE. Just Received; 250 Barrels of Early Rose Seed Potatoes, For sale CHEAP, AT 3F. XTLricIi's, MIDDLE STREET. NEW BEBSE, N. C. (T P. S -SUadard Stock. Dr. H. Street Offloaooraer. tt Fatlook and Cram traata, " t.'. " j: ' dM dwtm - KKW N. C. . DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIHT, v; aaiwnu.a. Jfltss in urmvsa iri. miwmi laUsMst : and BroaU. n14Avf-'5 To reduce my stock of Cigars, I wfll ; sell at greatly reduced prices tataf ' branis for the next Thirty Days. Gail and get some bargaine. JOHN DUNN. January 23 IMS'. M dtf c; WALTER 8 ; ; Photograph Gallery ! X I take great i ; -ura in informing my " friends, and Uie , .,6110 generally, that my New Sludiu is now complete. . ';' My Light is on the New Improved A Plan. 1 have spared neither pains Qr eipense in arranging this Light, ao as . U) give to all my work that Njfl Poroa- ' lain Ltfevl '. Kvery style of Lu-ture copied and en- largrd to any sue desired. A suoceeaful career of twenty-Bra s years in Nwrfolk a . is a proof of tha salisfacliou 1 alws)s give Hy work , speaks for itnelf. by it I nope to gain your confidence and merit your favors. "' Very respectfully, THOH. WALTER, N. W cor Middle and Fulluok st., in r Iu If v h druif store. jar,21dtf NKW HKKNK, N. C. i For Sale, liin- Collage llou.c in Morrbuad City, N C Hli fi'iir lo.-inn. will) dining room and kiU'ben attached. hilualt-d on liulroa.l vln-et, between Ihe lloti I un ! Nrw Berne House. Tricf of housf and lot. Siaiu Parties ilt-siring to iun hace tin- al.ov .roprty w ill cor i eKpon l w u li M A. DAVIS, j.'O diUi I It Mon-head City, N. O NOW IS THE TIUT Make Amends for Shcrt Crops ana Focr Irice?. Al.l nirii more gt-t joiirnr-UeH even lib the or Id . An w . nri. hIm wl to bein repairs on Hli-rt. mil Minion to niMke un much room a )Mnihlt, I'OU un: MAT ;m dayh, beginning at ruHin Thursday, Jan. 18th, and ending at noon .Saturday, leb. Uth, will oir.-r AT ( i HT. at retail or whole Hale, in v st.K k of Dry ti(Hd, Hhcs, Ham. Cloak Klanntls. I'ndervesta Lini'iiK. T.bli. l.inrns I ir. us (Joods, etc. Call wiihin tin Cm i. rwriHid. s IMwitiM ii,,. k.mkJbwiii revert to their (oriner low i.iL.H aa k,ii as time is out T- XT. IVES, I'lt' il'UlLKiK 1 1 IT I t: M iHK ki l .Mi i i iRNER.' lai.IV .1 . ,,, The Occoneechee Hotel, N. C.. For Sale. II" , .., , , ... ,,,,,, . , ,( i n ii joimnn lot "' '" e h. if .h. I, s. . ,, H h, i l.ulialDf, ie, i. ru ! ,i m .i B..i f with twenty r,in, l ,ln , i Miumull iiuliillDMt, looi, ri,, ,.i . .o, ,w lurultara. v. ; i,a i.i.i ,ii, k i, i n ve y, s r mm asa - li i'g I,' ii e. w.ii. i n roms, and also n i.nwuii, it,, i,. ,,, I h v hola pros- rt) i .,, .i, t.i i,,, Hiinnifr and winter ""I I' u n , ( i,i,p .ii. i, mv lawa ai ,1 Wllri i .,i,kI , ai, W . 1 1 ir 1 1 th wbol togniirt t ..ii,, i ... .nn.ieiv Arao a iraM o' iktM c.,,.iu,'i i! un i acm. thraa mt rrom ic i.,,,,,, Mm 1 n i iiam road iood grtoi o,i,k. r., 'i.rm rorprlraand lriiia h pi , I , V H l' K.I'K, tt, W..1 i- i: i . KiM.miie Turn.. 1'. i . I'A KKrt. r4 Hlllatx ni, N. C. - Money To Loan. Kiamine the following list and see what you ned for thp coming year, and save money hy bujing from roe at NIIOKT Clttd' IMtU'KS. and you will have money to loan. imown: plows: plows: I hsve the Champion, Granarer, Boa, Dixie. DaiM . Clipper. Atl, Poujf tjueen and ATery. steel turn plows, aad '-"; the Stonewall. ( limai, (iem and Caro " lins Cotton Plows, and Casting of vary J description. '- Also, a full line of Axe, Sboralsi ' Spades. Forks. Hakes. Hoe. Marl Picks, Potato Rakes, Uu be. Spokes and ims,'. . Cart Wheels end Axle, Bod and Tira Iron. Nails, Poll, Washes, and srarj thing in the Hard ware line. " Corn Shellers. Grain Fane, Grata f Cradles, Mowing 8cyth. Mowers ahd Reapers, Bel tine. Steam Fittiara' VI 1-1 r-i t . - Hooks, and Saw Mill Supplies. s Send for prices. " Respectfully, J C. WH1TTY, I UeaWniaw I - . Anaaia, . gas M siiasi a t : i . . til Mil BJi B I 1 laemdkiknn 1 1 I I Bw I a ant I I IU Dr. 0. L SHACZLEFCPJ, eivtist;,,4 UZSSXtB BTniHJT, dvf ;;KfiW BER2TE, 2f. a