. V -f , r he Daily Journal VOL. VI.-NO. 269. NEW BERNE. N. C.. SDN DAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. v. v' LOCAL NEWS. BUSINESS L0CAL8. W0001 WOOD 1 D'T Pi116 Wood, ':lf UndU per load, delivered any wher in city. flQ tf W. P. Bcksus & Co fTHE JE ukM and crackers are the - IkMtjtt' John Duhn's "tlUARS Large lot for sale on oon- J aignment. Cheap for cash. . febft-tf R. N. Dcfty A NOVELTY EOCKA WAY Oyster XV Crackers at John Dunn 8. FERTILIZERS for Truckers and Cot ton PUnten at Geo. Allen & Co. CHOICE N .C. llama at 12 oents per 1 -1 . A U I 1 U X pOQ DQ sb A iuiLi&B o. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon IV Soda, eto , equal to imported. JabUCS Rkdmond. 'TRUCKER'S Seed Peaa, Beans and 1 Potatoes at Geo. Allen & Co. 13URE Liquora and Winea for Medici nal and other uses, at wholesale. Jambs Redmond. fi ARRETT'S Medoc Vineyard Cognac VJI and Wine, for eale, at Manufailu r.r'a prices, by James Rbemond. I ATRECT t imooiUtion of French Yj Brandy and Holland Gin arrived in bond and duties paid at Custom louse in New Berne, guaranteeing gen utns goods for sale. Jab Redmond. Dr. N. H. Street has removed hie office to Middle street opposite Hotel Albert. Cart. K. R. Jones gives notice of country bams. lie baa just captured a fin lot from Onslow and Jone . A special meeting of the county com missioners is called by the chairman to be held at the court house next Satur day. 8am K. Eaton gives notice of spec tacle and work in his line. He baa thirty years experience and knows what to do with a watch or clock. Try him. Rev.R.G. Pearson is expected in New Bern on next Friday night and will be gin his preaching here on next Sabbath morning at 11 o'olock, in the Presby terian Church The annual union meeting in behalf of the Female Benevolent Society will beheld in the Baptist Church on Sunday night, February 11. The usual annual collection will be taken. The Fair Committee on Taxidermy re quests that all who bays specimens of such work and are willing to plaoe them oa exhibit will please notify Miss Alice Duffy or Mrs. Moulloo of the fact. Let Taryont who has anything in this line report it and add to the exhibit. News was received in the city yester day of the capture of a whale between Cape Lookout and Shackelford's Point No information as to sixe was received zoept that the bones were four and a half fee long. Ha was purchased by Watson ft Daniels and D. Bell. At a. meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Bern Academy, held at the President's office yesterday evening, permission was granted to use the 'Graded School building and grounds for the Fair to be held oa the 18th, lith and 15lh. This Will necessitate a suspension Of the school for at sast a week, but -we) ara satisfied the children will be perfectly willing to this, and tbey will . oertainly leers something by attend ing the) Fair of the resources of ' their section of the State. A better pleoeeaa not be found ia the city fori the exhibit. Now let all work together for Iti mooes. Personal. .Judge Montgomery arrived last night pa hi way to Washington where he opens court tomorrow. -- W.' B. Rodman, Esq., arrived from BaHigh last night. Steamer Xorements. ' The Yeeperot the E. C. D. line ar ' rlred yesterday with a cargo of general , merchandise anA ; will sail tomorrow afternoon at 4 oVlock. T, The Eaglet of this lino will arrive this evening. The Superior ConrV . V Court win open tomorrow, Monday, at about "140 p. m.' Jojge Orares having to come from Bertie was unable to reach the city last night, and. will not arrive until the freight train oomee in tomorrow. ' - - l - i - Got tha Ootn. air. H. McCotter, the green grooer oa Middle street, eaptared a raccoon la his store yesterday evening. For sometimfe he bad been annoyed by, what he thought, large rata between the ceiling and c;pr floor. Tester day he went up stairs, took up a plank of the floor 'and set a steel trp la less than half as hour s'terwsrds he beard the trap fall ec i w fcfo be west to n r ims It found a r -5, ft racoon a' nt two-thlrdi rc " . ' Et 1 v c f frxl. Where Believes in Feeding the People. The familiar form of Dr. G.W. Black nail was seen alone at the southwest corner of tbe beautiful park at the rail road depot yesterday about 8:30 p. m He had no brass buttons or other uni form to denote his rank aa an internal revenue officer, but a Journal reporter approaching was struck with tbe ob servant and thoughtful attitude of the doctor, and after a warm shake of his hand and receiving assurance that he was in perfect health, made the follow ing inquiry : "Well, doctor hat sturnj blowed you you down here r"' "I was already here, come down last night." "Have you been to Morehead City V" "No sir; going do iu tonight. I had just taken the task upon myself to locate a breakfast house here at this depot. The people waot breakfast when they arrive here iu the morning. Yuu know 1 never did approve of making people travel hungry Now here is the place (point ing to the corner of the park) for the breakfast bouse, and these buildings (pointing to the railroad offices) ought to be the kitchens The train ought to run right along aside the house so pas sengers can step otf and get a good breekfatit " "Who in going to out up this break fast house, doctor '' ' ' "Oh, I don't know that wnybody will. I had just wumtd, as I told you, the voluntary task of pointing out to my - self how it ought to be done. There ill always be a demand for something to eat, and no one likes a good b reak fast belter than a hungry traveler. " "Such, for instance, as you used to give them. ' 'Oh, yeB, yes! ha. ha, ha," "Are you going to keep the Atlantic Hotel this summer V" "Oh, no. We haven't secured' any keeper yet. but it w ill be kept in first olass aiy le ". 'Have you hevuii work on the im provements f 'Will begin right away. Ten car loads of malciUI have already gone dawn. " The doctor is delighted with the prospects for Morehead City this sum mer, but we think a breakfast bouse at the depot in Now Heme is the absorb ing question with him just now. He is is well skilled in the art of hotel keep ing, having made a fortune at the busi ness and retired, andean point seme enterprising young man to a good thing in this breukfast bouse. Union Meeting. During the past week the meetings at the Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches have been well attended and already we seem to be on the eye of a great religious revival. The Devotional Committee, raised by the Young Men's Christian Association, held a full meeting yesterday afternoon and determined to hold Union Seryioes during the present week entirely in the Presbyterian Church. It was thought advisable, in view of Mr. Pearson's ishes, that these meetings should be in the same place, in which tbe general work would bo conducted by him. The pastors of the associated churches will take charge of these meetings alternate ly, and all professing Christians are ex pected to give all the aid possible in making them profitable. a large cnoir nas oeen preparing to assist in the meetings, and there will be good music, so helpful in devotional worship. Church Services Today. Baptist Church Rey. Henry W. Bat tle, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7i p.m. At the nigbt service Mr. Battle will preach tbe annual sermon for the Ladies Female Benevolent Society. Sunday-school at 8 $m A. M. Baker sup't. Seats free and the publio cor dially invited to attend. Christ Church V. W. ShielJs.Rertor. Quinquagesima Sunday. 8 a. m. Holy Communion; 11 a. m. Morning Prayer; 4 p. m. Sunday School; 7 p. m. Evening Prayer, ah people win oe welcomed to tha services of this church. Ushers at tha doors. There will be services in the Method ist Charon .at 11 a. m. con ducted by tha pastor Bey. L. W. Craw ford. Taws are free. Ushers are al ways in the vestibule to receive stran gers All persons at cordially invited to worship with tha congregation. At night too congregation will join la a union service at the . Batttist church. held under tbe auspices of tbe Woman's Benevolent Society, v.vs Presbyterian Uhuren- lurv. u . (J. Vase, D. D., Pastor. Beryioes at 11 a.n. Banbatb-acbool ana Bible uiaaa at 8:80 p.m. Union temoea at the Baptist Church at 71 p.m. Ail persona are cor dially invited to putieipats) m these service. ' - -i . r- T. M. C A. Devotional meeting at the rooms of the association on Middle street at S o'clock p.m. As the meet ings at tbe various churches nave been well attended during tbe week, and with bacreMiDl interest, it is hoped that onr your j men rosy be i q iickonp I ht-'st! a f-,1-1 e:in 1 -, rr---uir THE LATEST NEWS. Condensed from our Exchange. The American Newspapers and Pub lishers' Association is in session at In dianapolis. Interesting arguments were made Thursday before the Senate Agricultur al Committee on the bill to tax adulter a ted lard. Tbe Ways and Means Committee of the House have decided to report a bill providing for tbe purchase of U. 8 bonds with the treasury surplus. At last reports ordinary quiet war prevailing in the Pennsylvania coal dis tricls, but none of the collieries have re sum' d work, except the William Penu The Kings county, N. V , Democratic clubs celebrated Tilden's birthday Ibursday night. Many prominent people were present, and it is reported as being a notable event. A very disastrous shipw 1 1 ck occurred near the mouth of the Columbia river. Washington! Territory, last Sunday. Hixteeu dead bodies have been recovered and six others are still uuheard from. The Euglish Parliament assembled Thursday. The usual search in the vaults beneath the House of Parliament was made, and it revealed the presence of no dynamiter. Everything was quiet. The condition of the German Crown Prince was much worse Thursday, and it was found necemary to perform the operation of tracheotomy, which wao done successfully, and the patient if progressing well. Albert, the Philadelphia pedestrian, was still in the lead in the New York six days race at 1 o'clock Thursday morning Up to that time he had mad Bid miles. It is reported that there is plenty of betting that Fitzgerald's fa mous soore will be eclipsed. It is said that the wonderful quadruple press made for the New York World marks the highest point yet reached in printing press manufacture. It prints four-page paper at a running speed of 70,000 per hour folded carrier sire; also six and eight page papers at 24,000 per hour. Prince William of Germany, ia op posed to war. He says: "I know that a section of the public, especially abroad, imputes to me a careless, thoughtless longing for war for the sake of glory. God preserve me from suob criminal giddiness. I repudiate all such accusations with horror." The Beaufort Record says: The old Atlantic Hotel site, or the public square, would make a fine camp ground for the State Guard encampment this summer. Two vessels avriyed this week from Elixibeth City, loaded with brick. The briok will be used in the construction of stores on the burnt district. Clement Arthur Day was executed in Ulica, N. Y. jail Thursday for the mur der of his paramour, Johanna Rose Cross. The murder was brutal and tbe man remained a brutal bravado until his end. He smiled when the death warrant was read and yawned upon the soaffold while his legs were being pinioned. His neck was broken. The Wilmington Stsr: The ladies of Grace Church have reason to congratu late themselves upon the success of their entertainment, the Festival of Mouths, which closed last night. The receipts altogether were quite large, and will probably reach a thousand dollars. We learn an effort will be made to secure the services of Sam Jones for one or more lectures for a worthy object in this city. Tbe Charlotte Democrat ssyi: Rev. Mr. Pearson, the Evangelist, is reported as saying one good thing in his dis courses at Statesville if he never says another. He said church bells were a nuisanoe that railroads were not run by bells, nor were the mails delivered by bells, nor poetoffices opened by bells all knew the ftme and were prompt in being goyerned by it why could not ohurch-goers do tbe same, and not have to be rang up by a bell. very good. The wortbleesness of tbe publications turned out from the Government print ing office was (resented in the Senate Thursday by Mr. Vest. He said the upper portion or me uapttoi was crammed to the roof with books, and he had been informed by the architect that it a spark of fire touched the material the gaa from It would blow off the roof. And yet there was a continual stream of these publications pouring out of .the Government printing office. The money might as wefl be taken and thrown into tha Potomac river. Ia the House there waia rood deal of legislation affecting the coal interests, and much time was occupied in considering a bill requiring subsidised railroads to maintain and operate seprata telegraph lines. report of Dr. F. Scarr, cemetery keeper shows that during ihe month of Janu ary, 1838, there were 14 deaths in Charlotte, of which only three were among the whites. We learn that aa epidemic of diphtheria is prevailing in the southwestern part of Iredell county along the Catawba river. Four burials took place near Ml. Mourne, last Hun day, and among the bodies that were interred was thai of Mrs. D. ('. La rence. Margrave & Alexander, the well known dry touda merchants of this city, yesterday riled an assignment for the beneht of their creditors, witn Mr E K. P. Oebortie ai assignee The liabilities of the firm amount to 818 000, mo-llv duo l.i N nlheru creditors. Marriage Itrlis In Onslow The tirt .lay uf I'tlirtnrv ,i- xn.a day iu Onclow aud on, tha'. wJI K,i g be rcmeml ered as l li - most enjo able of many se-ohr. Aa the setting suu gnve .vi l.n t- t.t the close of day numerous friends aii i relatives asnemblrd at the horn- uf Mr binl Mrs A ('. Hugim in tbe lutl- tOWIi uf J ,1'kb IM lite 1 1 1 wltljeHH lilt Cerem ,n y winch a to Ulille 111 the holy I Mm. 1 i 'f mat 1 1 lie ny t '.el r '. .. untile r Miw A ".nee W. with Mr I'.bin M t' .: llIlK Ull I Ihe r ii. . . M.n- IV ke.:e IJ l.e-setne. with Mi W W. lijh 'I In inmiii' vuiri-i ml: u : in iheihiu.h which w at hiiei -n..-ly dec ral- 1 wreathe of cveiri" !.- nillotical. in', r wov, n mi 1 luiri i:. i. autiful f. -: . i.e around thr w.ill- A ' 1 am u:;.,' hi ii" wh i f, ill f th, chin, h. 1 " h .11. tif 11 1 1 to ,:ut Will meuli in all of tin in the decornlio.-i . simply say lh.it t and the tarty m i:.rr in v :,i I, ! c'l the ri,-i, 1,1 .' w I, i I'hir.i.i ; i, ere arranged a1.; nklll both uf lie i. those w h i e i ru i ! t! Wo 1. M J. decornli itis v i . in !. Ah the h..ui fi r tin- near the In ,1.- r.iii,; ,iii ing, and th hri.la! III, ,1 tl - fo ,1 l, ined lit -,le,l the house of Mr Uni em 111, to the church near by. ea ' h b I 1 1 e h II 1 hi l.l,--nili.ds 1 1 le 1 1 1 i li f I 'oi 1 111 n e: e I Ml A 11,1 1 e w groom preceded I v tie .i and giooiiinnen. Mm- i Miss lluggnin and Mi Mlfcs Kugen le 1 1 ugk; ins kN GoIIiuh, Mibh Klin Ward and Mr. Uray, Miss Annie (iillet ami Mr. llav those of Miss lesesnu hiiI Mr lliisli. Mits Oeorgie Smiili and Mr. 1 )avt ( 'anady . Miss Klizi l'etletier an 1 Mr. Henry Canady. Tim brides and bridosmalds were dressed in cream colored ( ash- more, a uniform well suited to the oc casion as typicil of thp spotless beauty and purity of the lovely maid ens. The brides were each character ized by lovely tips waving above the beautiful ringlets that clustered around their brows. Being a citizen of the county I may be suspected of being partial in my judgment, therefore I will give the opinion of strangers visiting our county who were present and par ticipaled in the pleasures of the evening. Their verdict was that the brid-s and bridesmaids individually and collective ly represented a degree of beauty, noticeable in any crowd and worthy of special mention. The grooms; and groomsmen wore the customary eve ning drees and appeared to great ad vantage, but as they wre all apparent ly men of marked modesty, and as I am never profuse in compliment where men are the subjects, I w ill purposely avoid them though many things com plimentary might be said. As the bridal parties ascended the steps of the church the organ pealed forth a soul stirring wedding march re sponsive to the annuo touch of Miss Annie lay lor. anl the parties, separat ing in the vestibule, marohed up each aisle of the church keeping time with tbe lovely music, and as the last melodi ous echoes were lost to the ear. the He v. J. T. Baker prooeeled with the solemn ceremony which united the fond oouples in the holy bonds of matrimony. Ihe young couples now fully launched on the sea of married life, returned to the house of Mr. HugKins where they received tbe congratulations of their friends and relatives. Tbe hour-for supper having now arrived tbe doors to the dining room were thrown open and beautiful indeed was the magnificent display of costly viands, the table, tbe full length of the large room, groaning under every variety of savory meats and beautifully decorated with all kinds of handsomely ornamented cakes and fruits in pro.'ueioD. When the waiter first came face to faoe with the richly ornamented table he scarcely knew where to take bold. In fact he enter tained somewhat the game opinion ex Dreseed bv the annts of Dara to David Copperfleld when tbe latter, seeing Dora most handsomely dressed, was in the aot of embracing ber "She was made to be looked at but not to be handled." But answering to tbe promptings of a naturally good appetite increased by the great variety of luscious fool before bim, he soon discovered that what had been at first so pleasing to tho eye, was, by all odds much more pleasant to the taste; and the manner in which be im proved the opportunity, gaye ample evidenoe of the conclusion at which he had arrived. The people of Onslow are noted for hospitality, but the open- hearted and generous manner in which our host and hostess received all pres ent, and tho beautiful style in which they were entertained, gaved a ami ran ce to all that nowhere in the borders of our county is there a more hospitable household than that presided over by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Huggtns. When supper was over and the table cleared away, the enlivening tones of the violin announced that the hour for dancing had arrived. The dancers already impatient to begin, soon found their way to the ball room where, in the language of the poet, they "chased the glowing boon with flying feet," even beyond tho small hours of the night. Every stage of the evening wae most enjoyable and i all passed off "aa a tale that tt told.'" On the morning of the following day the haruv couples detMtrted to their respective homes 'where, it b the wish of allr they may live prosperous nd List of Letters Remaining in the poeloffioe at New Berne, Craven county, N. C , Feb. 12ih, 1888: Mary E. Allen. Mary Bryan, Hue Brimage. Mrs. E. B. Bartlett, John Detrick. J K Ellis, Sarah Jones, Henry Joues, R. A. Sladec.o. Richard Jackson, Mrs. Annie Lewis. Benjamin Larry, Roee Moore, Nile. Nilson, Lucy Perry Mary 3. Roe, Jessy Taylor. Mary Ann Woodon, Wm. J LaurhorJ, Gapt. Jno. 8. Owens, care schooner Casper Heft Persons calling for above letters, will say ad verliBed.and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery i each letter advertised. M. MaM.V. I' M etice. There will be H meeting of th' ' in iiiissioners of ( raven jouliIv at the court house on (Saturday the lhth at H u 'cluck a m. Ji M i A IlhY A N Clilli'i . NV llrrue rrb lUh l1" Portraits In ml or crayon from life ,,r email iilclurrs done by S'iss Aurora Mace, who is leaching drawing and painting h lalst metiers at her residence on John-tun street. 'janlldlf. COMMERCIAl; IITlin MAHHKT. I el d que HI '.U Siilei l M jf : no. I UtU I e. I aloe !.,! , Mar. h Apr I M i New r 1 ' 1 " A u,( UBl '. " - J : ' Mi Hciitembcr in M October. I" oil 1" 7 J November. '.' s ' 1 1 7s 1 lecembcr '.'I s" January . J lj7 I ' i I n- murkel unlet ales rf l i hales Ml W to D U5. Sales for the ', ,!. 1 -7 Vile- ttint ; H.'irix mi l, lllft i, M IHIM KM I 7IIH1K1 I', .units ltd t , 7j cts per bushel Egt:i. 1.1 to 14 luce steady at Si 00 to $ 10 in sh, lis t drn steady , 47 to y odder, so,-, to Si 00 per hundred Seed cotton 83 00 her hundred Turkeys Jtl ,'i0 to S.' 00 per pair TcnrRNTiNi-llard. 81 10 dip JlNi a'.' 0J. Tah-1 00all.6 Oats -37)s40c. in bulk HltBWii-H,-, per b Beep On foot, 4o.to rc. Khbrh Pons ria7c. per pound Hams Country. lOallc. Piahcts NOc.aJl 00 per bushel Onions 8,2.00 per barrel. Chioeens Grown, 40c. , spring 'Mto. Meal 6o. per bushel. Aiti.eh Matt 75c per bushel Potatoes liahanias. S0c , yams 40c llarrinon. 40-. IlUhll 1'uTATORb 83 0U;i3 j0 Shingles West India, dull and n m in&l, 0 inch 82 00a 2 50. uildinn.& inch hearts. $a 40 , saps.J 1 ,65 per M. COUNTRY HAMS, i iu. INEST IN TH K AT K. R. JONES'. (862. EATON 1888 THE JEWELER HAS A FINE STOCK Or Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 80LID SILVER AND PLATED WARE SPECTACLKH. I keep a larger stock of Bpectacles than any other store in North Carolina. I take particular pains to fit them to the eyes of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at the bench for over thirty years, I believe 1 can do as good work as any watchmaker in the State. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON. Middle street Opposite Baptist Church. fe!2 dwtf New Lot of Stock. CAPT. W. A. ENLOE will reoeive en Wed nesday, 15th inet . two car loads of North Carolina Mules and .Horses, which he will sell at rook bottom prices for cash, at Mrs. Smith's Lot oa Middle street. New Berne, Feb. 10. td H. H. T00KER, WHOLESALE DEALER IN . FISH AIIO OYSTERS, : iiw mn, . n, Will gira strict attention to or rjrm. snj Ell tbe ftme tpon bMtnr. tlOimZ-n Notice. en th in- a UfKUi, Or veil CouDly. New btrriac, Feb. , 1888. rvcLrUuic b Imx ta uuw due, All peraof VV, ; Lig l tit sail.t: M . .1 p.t-feAr CtUI sllld Settle, If WTlliftON, Ie7 t ljd v -t r-Lrr.fT l nru Couuty . Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. i )fhcj next door helow Jui'rnal offloe. Same building uh CiuKU Jt Pelletier. Open from tl a m to 4 p m. Will give prompt attention to all matters pertain inK to Juslicvs' courts d'iV dtf Notice. A , ' ; in. I i ii. ,.t Hl'M- IMHhl A 11 .1 Ml ,,,,,,, ,.u) tl..!l 1IOU-S u, i.os must ' l . i 1 II 1 ia 1 . ; I T -. r H 111 l.l.l i A II iWAKI'. a . ai. . At: . h: arw 1 H.ikM v K.n iw What to May. Hut I ill h tl. i- nni'h 1 desire to '''. i . j t k I i i r T haccc, "a" 1 , - f "huh I ;ih! v! . i . i. . i ones an I Mie.k, r - i.rf e. t. nerally , fi r I lihe in. i ' 1 1 I hi. : !,,,,, I unt and 'Mil,! . li.n. . ,. , , 4 mh I do i.i N f r , - I, .leal all ''" 1 1 .'.in., ' uf my li in f. r en-1, f i ; t,. i., i..ity or a hundred t.. a i m-h m persons in ant . .f hi.) f m y ,' , .1 line Kiiude, iiMolii i; . f 1 1 . . , l,(i .t'uri. made, I ,r f. ; . . . 1 .ill in ! . i .! f ,t I s:t i I i.l v s m i r. i Mh.it. .i r. . iu. n . i M.il, For Rent, ' 1 1 ii"' "ii ' mini U ee.1, recently , ., - u i. I I, tl., ,u, ,,veru loent A c ii,, .1' ' ' kN.:. i .1 I'H K. Just Received; 250 Barrels of Early Rose Seed Potatoes, For sale CHEAP, AT J irix-ioli's, MIMil.l. S1KK1.T. Nh.W Hh.KNh N C. V 1' S SUiiiiinrii Sti k. To roduce my stiM'k of t iRars, 1 will sell at greatly reduced prices many bran-Is for the ncil Thirty Days. Call and gft Some hartrame. JoliN Dl'NN. January TJ. dtf WALTER' 8 Photograph Gallery! I take great pleasure in informing my friends, and the public generally, thai my New Studio is now complete. My Light is on the New Improved Plan. 1 have spared neither pains or expense in arranging this Light, so as U) give to all my work that .Soft Porce lain KIT ect. Kvery style of picture copied and if larged to any size desired. A surv-eosful career of twenty-five years in Narfolk, a., is a proof of the satisfaction I alvrays give. My work speaks for itwlf, by it I hope to gain your confidence and merit your favors. Very respectfully, THUS. WALTER, N W. cor Middle and Pollock sts., t ver IufTv 's drug store. jn21dwtf NEW BERNE. N. C. ' Money To Loan.; Examine the following list and see hat you need for the coming year, and save money by buying from me at SIIOIIT CROr TRICES, arid you will have money to loan. PLOWS: PLOWS! FLOWS!' I have the Champion. Granger, Boss, Dixie. Daisy. Clipper, Atlas, Pooey Wueen and Avery, steel turn plows, and the Stonewall. Climax, Gem and Caro lina Cotton Plows, and Castings of eyery ; description. Also, a full line of Axes, Shore!, Spades, Forks, Rakes. Hoes. Marl Picks, : Potato Kales, Hobs, Spokes and Sim,, Cartwheels and Axles, Bod and Tire Iron, Nails, Bolts, Washes, and rrery-1 thing in the Hardware line. Corn Sbellers, Grain Fan. Qrei AGENCY FOR uraaiee. Mowing scythe, Mowvn aad , Reapers, Belting, Steam Fittlsursv; Kacbine Oils, Laoe Leathers, Csu Hooka, and Saw Mill Supplies. , Send for price. - Beapsictfsliy, ' J C. WHITTY. Dr. 0. L SHACKLEFCUD, dtr ' . . inrw r.r.:::, r. r. -. ' 7 W If - ' ; t ( ? r r-rrr. . V.