'1888. IJIarpeYfl Uagazine, IIXU8TK A.TKD. llerper's Magasine is an org as of progressiva thought and morsment in iter department of life. Besidoi c.Lar .attractions, it will eon tain, darinfv the coming year, important articles, anperblj illustrated, on the Great West; articles on Ameriean and foreiga industry, beautifully il lustrated papers on Scotland, Norway, S friterland, Algiers, and the West Indies; ew novels by William Black and W. D. Bowells; novelettes, each complete in a single number, by Henry James, Lafoadio Hewn, and Amelia Biros; short stories by Miss YYooLson and other popular writers; aid illustrated papers of special artistic and literary interest. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean How ells, and Charles Dudley "Warner. - Harper's Periodical. "j,-, Pkb Yeah llABPXR's Magazine -.lK) Hakpxb's Weekly 4.00 ILaEPKH'S Bazab 4.00 Harper's Yousa Pkoi'Lk . . 2.00 ,v Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada or Mexico. ' , The volumes of the Msgsiine begin with the Numbers for June and l)e- eember ef each year. When do time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of reeeipt of order. " Bound Volumes of Harper's Maga- j line, for three years back, in Lest elotk binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt ol fo.OO per vol ume. Cloth Cases, fur binding, .'0 , cents each by mail, postpaid. i Index to liarper's Magaiine, Al- iiuaDStlcai, Auaijuuai, au i iaiu.u, Of Volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from r w ,- I June, 10 June, I'.-so, ou. vol, 8ro, Cloth, t4.00. : ' .Remittances should l'c made by Post Offlce Money Orber or lraft, to avoid chanoe of loss. ( 1 Newspapers are not to copy t L is advertisement without the eiprcsc il- a ll.nr X ltrotii. rs Address rr i nnLMj t. iH'TUL'i!t; New York. 1888. (Tflmar's Vnnnnr PaT1a! An Illustrated Weekly. , Harper'a Young People intereKts all young readers by its carefully elected variety of themes ami their well-considered treatment. It con ; tains the beat aerial and abort stories waluable articles on scientific sub , ject and travel, hi-torical and bio jrrapblcal sketcnea, paper on aime tleaportsand games,8tirring oeni8, ... . i . i i i . . ' and most famous writers. Its illus trations are numerous and excel? nt. Oooaaional Supplements of especial interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of tbe forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty three weekly numbers. K v ery line in the paper is subjected to tbe nnat nrid editorial scrutinv in or A 4VVa Kinrr it o fm fnl mar nlflr jBinr IU1L UUtU i u t uaiunui uid.t ' v .its columns. An epitome of eTentlimg that is attractive and desirable in juvenile .literature. Boston Courier. Jl weekly feast of good things to ( the boys and girls in every family Which it visits. Uroklyn In ion. It U wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information, and interest. --Christian Advocate. N. Y. ' Terms: Postage Prepaied. 3 0oj rerTear. I V VoL Ix. begin November 87. Specimen Copy sent on receipt ef a two cent stamp. ; Single Numbers. Five cents each. ' Remittances should be made bj Post-Offiee Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ' Newspapers are not to copy this odrertiseinent without tbe express order of Harper & Brothers Address, I Harper & Brothers. 2ew York, Foreclosure of Mortgage. ' irv. 4. -rill all. bv virtue . f power eoavf erred ia tke mortfage ' f-reUI WMtWSWIi WW mujmmj, tmmi dr of FabrwaiT, 1886, as the court bom La Cravwa eownty, at IS o'clock, ... two tractt of land la Craves eownty lyiBgoa Ueaortb side of Hevse river, r oontaiafa-K flftr aerws. lytag oa . arris braaea, aaar Daniel w ferry, aad r.nm eoataiatac twenty aerea, aaar Few r s ferry, a-laf tbe sasM eoarayad te TiJ Ho4eoah by BKrWrage 4Md by -VT. nttmaa and Harriett FSfcfcmaa , f h day ef March. tSSi, recorded v k t , paces 41, 4t, 4 oftheiwoords eoanty. which record Is rw t . f-r a fail deecription of said " ' PkXTD norr'-'-T.',' SPEOIAI SALEOF UNDERWEAB, BELOW NEW YORK COST. N.T. Our Lot. Coat. Price. Sm. White Shirts $.88 f .85 lis. White Shirts BO .89 430. Scarlet Shirts,- .85 .56 10. White Wool 85 .55 9. Spanish Bro. Shirts... 85 .50 C.H.B. Camel's Hair 1.00 .75 487. Scarlet Shirts 1.85 1.00 45. Australian Wool 1.10 .85 71. Bro. Merino., 185 1.00 338. All Wool 150 1.25 445. ' AU Wool Scarlet 150 1.25 322. All Wool White 1.00 .75 Terms of sale, Cash. We bars draw ers to match the above. Job lot of Ties and Scarfs will be sold cheap. Howard & Jones, Neztdoor to National Bank, ianl7dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Gl'lON PKLLKriitR will disaolNe by mutual consent on February 1st, I8M6. 11 person Indebted to ltis firm are re ij urate- lo uiUe Immediate pkjuirul, mil persona holding cltlaii against the firm am not 1 tit J lo preaeul the same before wild dale On an! afler whlct) lljne Owen H Guiou will occupy In ofllc a reoently occupied uy Hltnu-ons Manly. P. 11. 1'elletler will re main ttl tlie ofnee uuw K-cupled l? the firm u. 11. UL'lU.N. 1'. H hELl.fc.-l IKK. Jan y is. iw. J'JU Uwtf a liK.vra WAM tU lo Uinkmlor Advtf f uaina Patronage. A enjall amount of work done full taol and Intelligence may produce a considerable Income. Agents earn several hundred aoiiare in cornmla alons In a single aeuaon and Incur no pereon al reaponalbullv. lLnqulre at tbe tie-real newspaper ofnoe and learn Uat ouia lathe beat known and btat eo-lpid eataOltrtj menu for placing aavertlmeut In newt tapers and conveying lo adverueera the In formation wlitch they rruulra lu order lo make their luvea menla wlaely and profit ably. Me n of giHMl address, or women, if well Informed ami practical, may obtain author ity lo aollclt advertising patronage for ui. Apply by leller lo tiao, 1' KoWEI.l. A Co., Mewapaprr Adverllalnt! Huieau, lu l-pruce HI . New Yoik. and full partli-ulara will be aeiji by return mall. Janudwlin SA8TKR.1 NOETH CAH.LIIU MARBLE WORKS, SEW BERNE. N. V. Monuments Tombs. Ad all klndi Urava and Bnuaini work a ITALIANiAMERICAN MARBLE Order, will reoelve prompt atPtntior atiaf action guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor (Baeoeaaor to Ueorge W.Ulaypoo.e Oor. BRO AO AD ORAVKK Utt. .SEW BtCRXK. A. C U. E. Kuxsa it mj authorised a.gec in Ki niton. ma80-drw 1 "IHlTATlOH ISTHISINCEBBST fLATTEKY.' "BELL tbe JEWELER" Hai returned from Northern Market wilb the Largest, Host Complete and Varied Stock of Watches, Diamonds, FINE JEWELRY, STEELING SILVER AUD TLATED WARE ever aeen in this section. He bas o heaitation in saying be can offer tbe best inducement to buyers, del dwtf 0UE SHOW WINDOWS For all tbe MoTslties and Fine Goods tbia week. Snetbose Solid Oold Eye Olaasee for 93.00. Bee the new patent "drab" Eye Glasses. Bee the most magni6oent display of Fine Gold and Silver Qoodi ever abowa in this city. Flos Bronaes, Silverware, CSooks, Watches, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry Bell The Jeweler. VJJUVJybJI--l Jk aJ.aUU BLACKSMITH aitd aajrcracTCBxa or Wrought Iron ana 8teel Cotton, Corn, and Tarn Plows. Old Plows repaired. Mew aad other Job Work done si abort notice. Kew Cart Wheels and Axles constant ly oa hand.. . . . , Br (jEOSqe s. nsHEft, Baoaa raixr, 9tw Basn, if. C tT A diploma from tbe State Api- fnltoral Society Is sa adiJ'Jotial gvT" THE JOURNAL. Arrival mad Departure Maili MAIL CLOSES. For North, Wee and Soath, via A. et N. O.B.B.at70a.ca. Fo Beaufort and the East, at For Waahinrtoa, Swift Creek, Hyde aad Beauiort Coohum Mondays, Wednes days, aad Fridays at 6:00 a. m. rot Treatoa, FoUoksviUe and Mars- ille, daily at 7:80 a. m. . For Orantaboro, Bayboro aa i Van demere. daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOCBS: In Money Order and Keriatered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p..m. in JiaUinK Department from V a. m' to 5 n. in. "I tell you, Bradley, that's tbe smartest dog in the world." ''No smarter than a monkey I saw on Walnut street yesterday, lie belonged to an Italian organ grinder. He could count." "The Italian!" "No, the monkey.' j "Anyhow, I saw him run up a i column." - RKMRWa II Kit lOCTU. Mrs. Phoebe Cheeley, Peterson, Clay Co , Iowa, tells the flowing remark able Btory, tbe truth of which is Touched (or by the residents of tbe town: "I am 75 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; oould not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all dieeaae and pain." Try a bottle, 60c. and Si at K N. Duffy's drugstore. Men love to hear of their power, but have an extreme dibrelisti to be told of their duty. WVBTH BNOWINU. Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant. Ike City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption in its first etagee. Be tried many so-called popu lar cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in lleeh, had dif ficulty in breathing and was unable lo sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and found immediate relief, and afler using about a half doxen bottles found himself well and bas bad no return of tbe disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it. Trial bottle free at k N. Duffy's drug sure. A mammoth petition aeainnt pro Libit ion in the District ofGolnmbi a has been presented to Congress. President National Bank McMinville, Tenn., writes: In my opin ion from eiperienoe in my wife a case, your Lemon Elixir bas few if any equals, and no superiors in medicine for tbe regulation of the liver, stomach and bowels. Your Lemon Hot Drops are superior to any remedies we have ever been able to get for my wife's throat and lung disease. 1 feel certain, and so does she, that your Lemon Elixir and Lemon Hot Drops have been the means of greatly prolonging ber life We have not tbe least idea that she would now be living only for these remedies. Had she only used tbeee remedies sooner she would long since, in my opinion, have been well and been aved tbe great suffering the bas under gone. Truly, W. H. Mioness. To Dr. H. Morley, Atlanta, Oa. From a Prominent Lady. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand witbont suffering great pain. Hinoe taking Dr. Motley's Lemon Elicir I can walk half a mile without suffering the least lnoonvenienoe. Mas. R. H. Bloodwobth, Griffin, Oa Lemon Hot Drops. I had for several years a severe ul ceiated sore throat, causing much pain and uneasiness, as there was consider sble hemorrhage when coughing. 1 bought one bottle of Dr. Mosley's Lemon Hot Drops, it gsvs me almost imme diate relief: nave used it only twenty four hours, and my throat and oongh is almost entirely well. It is certainly an efficient and speedy remedy. N. F. Thompson, 1 10 S. Forsyth street, Atlanta, Oa. For sale in New Berne, wholesale and retail, at R.N. Duffy's drug store. Cash must acoompany the order. Gen. Sherman haa selected a committee to arrange for a celebra tion of Oen. Grant's birthday. Travelers are rabjeot to other danger than those of vessel and oar. Improper eating at the various noteii they visit demands the proper nee of that reliable regulator of tbe human system, Laxa- dor. It is not always perfectly safe to soothe the baby with opium prepara tions, bat you can rely on Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup, It contains nothing Inju rious. .a iii To whom too betray your secret, yoa give your liberty. ''What U botae without a! mother?" Why it Is about aa comfortless as a mantelpiece ia -wintertime without a bottle of Dr. Bull1. Cough 8 Tin p. Tie douloureut or aewauzia oan be permanently cured try tbe nee of tvalva tion OO. Price W oent. A foolish friend does more barm than a wise enemy. Al-talea BalT. Tn Ban Baxva la the world for Outa. Bntieea, Bona, Ulcers, 8au Btaram, Fever Bores, Tetter, uiarpea Haada, CailhUiaa, Oorna, and all bkia KrwatkiasL aad waitrvalr oures ttllee or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aaUaTaot-ea,or aaoaer re funded. Price M eeate per box. .For ale bv R. H: Duff v . Jaa It , Dr. U. JL Ctrect. OSoe on I'll -'', erT ' I A Vcrd la S:c::3. Everybody wants to claim something az travxnnary for whatever thay baveas a ca raUve a eat. The vala ml JL B. 8.1s to weU-anowa saw for 4elaiamafclafn' It ftanda alone, Bopa-ailelad aa a Stood Reia- dy, aad nobody can prodnoa lta superior. Wa don't C(bt other remedlea, becauaa B. B. B. take! care of 1 tat 11. IT yoa have anyttainf the matter vlth roar blood, try It a KtogL botUa wUI open j our eyaa. it la nonaenae to try aod argue wilb the public, and we don't do It. If one bottle don't do you any good, no mailer how jou eoffer. we will ei . a you t f tosi. Bead tneae crllcate: mriBi blood. A rase tm Plerlda Cared ay B. B. U. Kvau.ru, Near branawlek, Oa., May . It. M y blood had been Impure for a lumbar of years. 1 broke out lo ugly aorea over my head and body and I oould get nothing to heal them or punfy my blood (though I triad other so-called medlolnes) until I found that most valuable medicine Bolante Blood Balm) B. li. B. 1 have been us1d 11 for nearly a year, a ud to thai time have taken about one doaeu boltl.a. and I feel that 1 am nearly cored; the eorra on my head aad body all healed My health Is good and 1 can eat auylhlui 1 desire. ours reaixetfuMy, Kiiwaku ui oi aa. KHO.W A llHI UtiltT. fALAlKA. Via , Mat SI, 1KS7. 1'he demand for Hoiaol.- blood Balm ( B B. U. 1 la auch that 1 now buy lu half gpuaa lots, aud 1 uuheellaUnglv aay ttjat my ruatoiuera are all well plttaee!. 11 Kkkmtu. lb 1KAHS Vt ITU suti ntTun. Mwtok . N. '.. June 3k, 1KM7. Ueulleiuen : I am pleaaured In saying 1 have been a great sufferer of rheumatism for 10 years and I have eibausled almost every known remedy without relief. 1 was told to try B B. B. which I did afler long procrasti nation, and with the experience of three bottlea, 1 am almoet a healthy man, I take It aaa part of my duly to make known your wonderful blood purifier lo suffering human ity . and rtspeotfelly aak you to mall me one of your books of wonders. Keeper Ifully. W. 1. MoatillAD its ran roB isiiil Jmrr, Oa.. May St, 187 I have been suffering from kidney disease for a month past, and the pain In my back was very severe. MyoocupaUon requires a good deal of writing at nlsbt and I suffered all the Ume. I ssw one man who aald he was cured by using Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) and t eommanoed using It, and the pain Is a great deal leas I have only need two botUaa aad believe It will effect aars by the uae of a few more bottles. Tours reapectfullr, J. B. Ooi.MAH the bkst rmiriEfl iwadk. DaMASOOS, Oa , June . 187 1 have suffered with Oatarrh for about four years, and after using fear bottles of Botanic Blood Bain-, I bad my general health greatly Improved, and If I oould keep out of the bad weather I would be sored. I believe It Is the best purifier made. V VT raapectfallv. U W. Thou .bos. TWSLTI TBS RS ArfXICTBD. BLPriTO. lad- Feb.. 1887. 1 have been afflicted with Blood Poison tot twelve years. Bavsaaad preecrletloa from physics Ins offered us daring that period Throach tbe draggM, W. A. utitallaa, I .to- eared one bottle of B. B. B. aad ataee have used three bottles, aad ass saUafled It bas 'done me more good than anything I ever used. 1 am almost well, and am eurs, within two or three weeks, I will be perfectly well, after twelve yean suffering Intensely. Write or address Jo-H Fiasr, Baker and Confectioner, Walls do., Ind. sn,nip poaapapia Twio auaerosr, Oe Jane as, ISSJ. I suffered with malarl.l blood petea seers or leas, all the Ume. and the only aiadVlwe that eons see any gee s a. B. . aenbtedlr tbe beet bleed avsdWiM aseaa, aadforleaalaadaaarBtaaaldeeaed ky every oaeta tke eprlac ef tbe rear, aad as teed la era star, taU and winter as a tew aad bleed pwrtfler. aires BATUPAonaa. t :. :: OAoix, Kw July eta. ISSJ. Tltses ral sae one boa Bleod Bala Oa- larrh aeufl by refnra mall, as oee of ry enstmnersls t' t f E, IB, for ea'.a'-'i 3 n tiiK-tf M J". R. P t-v -- .... . ... , ,, " J r-.T i ' and It Vres good aatlafasUon. If l don't re aUtaH right Cor anuff vrlte aoe. Tears. W. T. Buivnoa. A PBIACHSB CTJBKD OV DfSPEP-SIA.- Miooosvaax, Fla.. Leon Oa, July SO, 1S6. I have been a sufferer from Indigestion and dyspepsia for a long time, and have tried many remedies, but unUl I was Induced by my friends to try yonrB. B. B. received no relief, bat slues using It have found mere relief and comfort than from any other treat ment I have aaed. Hoping yon will forward to my address your little S3 page book for preeoflpUons, als evidence of cu ; es. Bend at earliest date. Rxv , I.obt C. A KMIBKIBLI SHOWING FOIt a b, a AGAiarr otheh mkm- KDIEA. . ITNAH CO.. Aprll, 1(ST. 1 have been suffering for most thirty years with an Itching and burning all over my face and body. 1 took elitbleen bottlea of ou blood medicine and It did me no good. 1 commenced last Januarv to uae B. B. H. and after ual g fl, bottlea I felt belter and stouter than 1 have In thirty years, my health li belter and I weigh more than I ever did. The Itching has nearly ceased, aud 1 am oonodeut lhal a few more botll.aor B. B. B. will cure me entirely. I am alzty-two years old, and can now do a good day's work In my field. 1 consider It the beet medicine 1 have ever seen, for It certainly did me more gooi than all the medicine 1 have ever taken. 1 had. In all, nearly a hundred rlalitga ou my face, neck and Lo. James J'ikkktu.. sottlk s riKc uuEi nt rim 1!oi';hto, Ark., J ui.e 1. JbfC. I rbterfully state the following facta lu re gard lo the uae of your medicine In my fam ily. Jrfy little son, It years of age. suffered from an acute a I tack of rheumatlam, caused by undue exposure and chilling of the blood. 1 heard your remedy highly recommended. and put chased one battle of Moncrtef a Hro , Preaooll, Ark. In about one mouili after using this bottle he became ao much better that I got the seooud bottle which la now being use ', and my eon la nearly well, aud 1 think by removing hlin to a cooler summer : IImaUs( which 1 will do; and continuing lis ue, a perfect cure will be effected. 1 con sider B, B 11 a most exoellent blood purifier. OHAS. 11. Tirt'N, H. H. Agt., Brougbton, Ark ud for our Book of Wonders, free lo all Addreei UlKlli HALM (X)BPANY. Atlanta, Us. For sale in New Berne at the drug tores of Ji. N. Duffy and E. U. Meadows feb NORTH CAROLINA, I Craven Uounty. I Buocrlor Court. To Titos. FmrtTuci: Take notice that an action bas been besun by W. B. Blades and Jaa. B. Blades, trading as Win. B. Blades and Bro., against Maroellus Mooie and Tboe. Fltapatrlok , trading as Moors sud ritspatiiok, In the Buperlor court of Craven County for lbs recovery of the sum o'flrieen hundred and fifty five dollars and eight eenta, for lumber sold snd deliv ered during the tear 1KK7 Take notice that an attachment his been Issued against your properly In ibis Hiale ,n the above entitled aoUon. Yon are required to appear and answer or demur to the com plaint in the above entitled action at the superior Court of Craven county, to bo held In the City of New Berne on the lkh Monday after the at Monday In March, 1KKM. or Judg ment will be taken against you by default, Feb. ih, ISMS. K W. CARPKNTKB. C. 8. C. Notice of Lost Certificate. Notice Is hereby given that tne Certificate of r lve Shares of the Capital Btook of the Atlantic and North Carolina Kallroad Com pany, standing In ths name of John H. Cook on ths books of said. Company, has bees lost, aad that application will be made to aald Company el the expiration of thirty days from the dale hereof for ths Issue of a new oertlAonie. MART COOK, Admlnlatralrfx of John H.Cook. eb. S. I-ftB. dSOd NOTICE. The undersigned. BenJ. R. Bryan, has dulv V. nallDed as Kxseutor of ths estate of Wm. I. Bryan, and hereby glree notice that he squires all persons having claims against ths estate of the aald Wm. Q. Brvan. to ore- seat them to tbe aald BenJ. K. Bryan, duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the lSth day of January, 1SK, or elas this notice will n pieaaea in oar or recovery. Persons Indebted to the estate must pay wiwout naj, a!8 BENJ. E. BRYAN, Executor. Notice. The nndars'rned. Sarah Whlls. haa dnlr qualified as administratrix of ths estate of Haubsa wnite, ana nerenr gives notvre mat she reqatree all pereoei having claims again at ineeatateai ue aai Heuoea wail to pre seat them to ths said Sarah While dulv aa. thenllcated, for payment, on or before the 17th day of Jeoaery, uw, or else this notice will be piaaoea in oar ei reeorery. Paraoas ladsbud to the estaU must pay wivnoui oeiay. SARAH WHITK. ' raul7 d(w Ad Blnlatrater. NOTICE. . Ths undersigned. X. Z. R. Davla. has dulv qaallAed as Administrator of ths estate of Daalal lavla, seed., and hereby gives notice that be requires all persons having claims aeauaat usraaita uw muu uaniei un deed., to present them te the said LI B Darts duly aoi bentleated. for pavment, on or before tbe Ml h day of January, 1HNS, or ems mie ssuei wiu oe pieaoea ia oar of recovery. Persons ladebwd to the estate must say wttbeut delay LtK, DA Via Jaa2i dtw Admmmtratar. Tbe BBoersigaed.E. X. B. Davie, will. on the SOU da of Febroarv, 1888, at late reaVleaoe of Daniel Davie, expose for sale as Aaetioa. tbe personal proper ty of the estate of Daniel Davis, oonsist iag of a, fiae Bullion known aa tbe Davie, koree, aad Hoaae end Kitchen Farattara. Fanaiag Utensils. Cora. Ck)ttoa, Lire Stock, eto., eto. - E. Z. B. DAVIS, Id. -. Admiaietrator. KTAtK OF OBTfl CAROUHA, 1 ; . ajonnif of uraven. i ; UofBseawixapOTOowrt. . . rfotlee is bewbyrlraa or tbe Ineorno-atkm af the txeeietor Bea Company; (bat the aiwee wi we jmn puators are uranes laaa, O, 2. ilrVw-ley, fl. P. -Willis, T. O. C. urehin. W. I, HUL A, B. Carroll, A. K. Htre-d7r . M. Chad wick, B, 8. Clark and B. N. Case, aod eeeh ethers as tber mar aeeo elete ellh them, tbat the City of New Barns she ) be tbeir principal jataea af or ration r4 rneral rvrpnee and Ohiect shall be ve fiMmKH cw ana prrmenv et n es. In n.i , lye. w IerTe and other towns 1b . . Cm as lr y irv daera prorr: nk a ri i. 9 f. ' j r'D P ' a i J t e 'at it r-' r , at. (- For Sale, One Cottage Boose ia If orehead Citj, N. C, with four rooms, with dining room and kitchen attached. . Situated on Railroad street, between the Atlantio Hotel aad New Berne House. - ' - Price of house and lot, 9600. - Parties desiring to purchase the above property will oorrespond with f - M. A. DAYI9, j20 d301 w4t Morehead City, N. C DR. J. D. CLARK OKr.T.11!. 1 , VKWttll, S. C iSle era?" iriei, etweei Kllooa and Broad. ir;.iuaw The Occoneechee Hotel, HILXfiBORO, N. O., The property oouslsta of two adjoining lots of one acre earh. Mo. 1 has a hotel building, newlr re fit ltd and good aa new, with twenty rooms besldea bual-eea rooms and outhooasa. Kooins well furnished with new furniture. No i haa a building, built Ave years aco as a dwelling house, with twslve rooms, and also an office with two rooms. The whole prop erty la well suited for a summer and winter resort Plenty of ahade, extensive lawns and water equal to any. Will sell the whole together or either lot seosrately. Also a tract or land containing S 12 acrea, three miles from Hillsboro, ou the Durham road Good gr.ln and tobacco (arui. Korprlossnd 1 rlrt. .null I.., K. H. POOUE, 1S Wtei cifiK b HI , Kuoxvllle. Tsdo., or 1). I!. PAKKH. laiiiiv tl'Jm Hillsboro, N. C. Notice! 1 li. ur tlerslened, John H. Long, has dufy ijuallileJ aa AdmlnUtialor of the taiate of Jamra I . Ixng, and hereby gives notion that be requires all persons baring claims agalnHt the eelu te of the said James F. Ixing to preat-ul tbem to the aald John A. Long duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the HUi day of January, IBftl. or else this notice will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Peraona Indebted to the estate must pay without delay. lain JOHN a Uift'O. Administrator. ROBERTS & HENDERSON Genera.! Insnra.nc8 Agents, X v lltii-im, IN. CJ. Onh tlrtii elas, t'omimniee represen ed it) firs. Life and Accident Inanrasos. Total Capital over Forty Millions o Dollars. Jun24dl To Whom It May Concern Notice is hereby given that I have lost Certificate Number 8.048 for Ten Shares Atlantio & North Carolina Rail Road stock, issued to me by aald R. R. Co., and application will be made by me to said Railroad Co. for a duplicate thereof. All persons are hereby noti fied not te buy or trade for same for above stated reasons. H. 0. 1ULL. January llih, 1888. jaU dSOd r, A. OBKXH. C. X. rOT. SIMMONS a uably Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants 8outh Front Btbkkt, 4ewiy NEW BERNE. N C. Notice. The walls of the barber shop oa South Front street hare been renewed, and a set of cane bottomed chairs added to tbe slock. Qo and get a good shave for ten cents, by good workmen, at Prof. W. H. SHEPARDB. STEVENSON fclfcCUIICT, PATENTS Washington, D. O. Twelve Years Connection with Tbe Interior Department bas given us-the deeired experience aa Mechanical Experts. Reveres cbs: Warner killer, Near York; Oen'l W. S. Roeeoraaa, Register of tbe Treasury; Oen'l Clark, Clerk House of Representatives. ja8 dtf " - Over 8,000,000 wort during the past st yean. This marreloui taooe Is due ?" Wr the s.prtorttyotOoralos over wHoUwrmaterisls, as a stUfeaerfor Cotsets. ' ' !? uPrlor .na-ity, shape ad workmanship of eirOorets,eoblned ' -with their low prloes, : y - . . v. Avoid eheap hrltaUoM made of varloat klads of eont Hone are shnlne tmleaa 'DR. WARKeSt't CCRALIXX- Is printed on InsUs of .;-! cTr. FC WIJE IT III I' " - -. r- s m - NJ Vtiii' r ir - - I!:.7;jir "1 r. t.i c. . A'.Wt. .