LltHKBJ ABSOCBOMBBirT. . c DAILY JOCRSAHs aix etaaata cr. p JU-ithed MUr.tMWt Mooter; l r i; $ L5 lor aix aaoutbe. Delivered , rr, l auUUaad every Tbnnttf at flj) rikuoiua. t i H - if" AbVtKTiaiNG nATEB) 1)aUyH a ou dy BISO; tUe. tareae eobaqnent AJrertlaaiaaata Bade 'baa a -'B lac l oo U," ) ftt patior SV st ff foc c id veA-astnanla Ul belmar.x) bet-w n j t : o rf 'AaiTkMQN ! PMUU. BOkWdX . t, sit iimrw4 xiaa,4Vut . . wiBe taatiaa aSsenti pef nee. iJwUu. aolUtexoeed JUOnB far meat rorr.tt ' advertieement aSUS b Bl&d (A MVUM. tawir dve e t'm oe wUctd poiBU at Mat tud ot nek niuotn, CooiinaBlcaUops eeblaialn aawe ef dli ruiiw or 4 Blatter r aoUeUe. WO ..minaaiUOBBBt be eseeete Kbe po I ouedttitf onUOM OblBoUpBBU pmeonal i ,1 r!itibol4tM WB of the bbUmwt or Ikt Ul sax par taae ooe alama e ft a Aay peraea faetln ecsstere l Bay eaoey mooa eonunnatoBUoa eaa obtain the nam - a antnof by epaUoittoa at lata oatea aa hewieawnerala the ana vaeee exists. THji JOURNAL. Baataeae Ma ajar. SKW feERHE. M.C..FEB. 23 19r8. Cdteaedei Ve Beet oaiee u N- Bru. hnmMm. -ewer. M 0 - STBlBlNG IT THE SURPLUS. 'jfeVfree that Hon. F. M.Sim moor baa introduced a'bill for the apportionment on the basis of il literacy of 65,000,000 among tbe ' States and Territories for eduea- ' tonal purposes. If the Blair bill is to In- killed ' In tbe committee room, ibis meas ure f Mr. Simmons' will test the sense of the House ou the propo aition to restore to the people the money that has beeD uDjustly talceu from them. We have uot eeeu the eOBtext of tbe bill but feel safe iu sayio& tbat it does not contain t lie objeetlonable features of tbe Blair hill. ; The Democrat are in a ma jority tn the House. The parly will be held responsible if it umler- vtjakpa. to , dodge this issue. Let a square vote be taken and let the people know where its representa tires stand. .. PB1MAKY ELiXlIWSS. ' Jt r. aa abba I cat nvllimn Sill artMi! from the L'rocreasiva U roeomuietuaj primary ehsctions At. . A m mA InaMrht nri. ; mary meeiiDKi irvm lamug uuuer ; the coatrol of scheming politicians 'W"e cannot see much advantage ta ha Mined DV this, ii a iarmer does not take interest enough in nnlitlrji to atxena a wimary meei- irie'be would bardly go to a pri- f niary "election. It is iierbnps, packed conventions anu womu , probably be more satisfactory, vHi InfnlHirnnt. farmer will take . . i ii AMV au.... . Inferasf in M Aflft J 11 ITS that ftre na i uh t ni' i. hi i ii niniivri n auoiiviua hfa lrifprt and will not cire them over to wire workers and aebimers. ; But, Uf trouble is on wwe pi '' these, wire workers, trained in tne bnainesa. can take the control of o-maaftnor riorhf, nut of the hands 0 luvvv" -' o of; doeto arsoert, .right before thelt Ces and before they nanlly know what is going on. It is not lack' of intelligence on the part of the fanners, but lack of knowledge mentarr tactics. Tie Farmm ia Politic. There is no larmers' organization that ia a political Institution. There is no necessity tot a farmers' party. - The fartnetl SBooiu not oe bo mucn - concerned about controlling other people's Wte as their own. They conatitsttt- tbe great bulk ef the voters of the. ;oontrj- and if they rote ,rlgbtw their party wiU vote righfcr '-The ProfreaMve Fanner, like the JLHlanoe and the Grange, has "aotnUj to do With aman'a party affiliations. If be comes to the door of either of these organisa tions be" leave his: party bautrtr outside 5t it i oneAf tbetardt. u.tJ nrinaolesof the Farmer' JUk- ance to laW fai the je4ucation fi tbe i agricultaral classes; in we s cience of eooflotnlcal governmwit in a strictly 'ttottpartisaii spirit, v.'e want to hear.Iea beaating aAd LioTrlng ab:l4eiepdeaee, and : co men beiatoactit ont-isside, rot outside tbeiriefpestlve parties. LnJer onrl tQximLoI government Arties wiU x3sthynmrt, be ntrollodndthetr'policy shaped. : rs edd "f arrioti men ,do not i w "Ir't id this, bad and design i v .'.'.I. :jVe want to see tbe - - i true men of political par--cr,:'.vio(IrpuTcDt to take ft' rrarfyanjccntrolits . a. wun. .najur ti r"? tnrn sufficiently toyaTto their party, to dm their utmost endeavor to make that part a blessing to tbe conn- trj. i We dont want a farmers' party Jbnt no f& wait to gee. the farmers jU thU ountrv take anflt Uient interest larpolitical. master. asd pelticaj action tULkeep atnct eye on all tbattbeir party does. It is in tub for him to sow. and plow ana aeive ana ton to sunshine andHHriin aod all Heaven's generous blessings 3"1pHllsjii df lijhta)l with thsfttrd ITaTT be Have jaai'thd" equitaWe laws ana goo&XtOrmmxBrt. It is in vain for him to work-inlay in and day loati from year to year, if he-is ti sattBMt tne nar!.earniogs r his labor q the tender mercies of plun derers and tbieveaJ ; Benee, it ia daty,h owe ,to himself, to his family! to hisoocatry, to peeterity asd to God, to take aa interest Ja the ritalJy important matter of fl ooring good ;end wholeaom' lawn, and pf bavisg good government properly admiaiaterod. How is he to do this f By reading and keep ing himself informed and by taking part in all bis party does. Tbe farmer should make it a point to be present at all his party meetings or- have a tree representative there, When platforms are to be adopted he should be .there and see to it that tbe interests of agriculture are looked alter and protected. When candidates are to be selected for tbe legislature or for Congress, or any position, where his rights aad his interests may be affected, lt the farmer always be there and see to it that be is fairly represeated,1 and that bia interests are secured. Does his interest require that cer tain laws should be enacted or that certain laws should be repealed 1 Let him be trne enough to himself and true enough to his party to go to its meetings and its ouventioDB and stand p and y o and da mand it. Let. bim go there and see to it that no man is packed on him as a oandidate by his party manipn la tors, wbo is not a true friend to the agricultural and industrial interests of tbe country. Will the farmers do this! We fear not, judging them by their past course. Aud if they do not, it will be because they let-1 that tbey will be tb war ted in their purpose, aud their wishes will be ignored by the wirepullers wbo have unfortunately became masters of tbe e i mut Ion under tlie prenenl so called system or primary meetings. What then f The only remedy i primary day tioHK. There every man can vote for his delegates end hie candidates and every man can have a fair and equal showing. We know that there is. great dissatisfaction and disaffection amoeg tbe farmers, and we know that it grows out of the faet that tbey feel that they are being used by politicians only for sellisb purposes, and that their rights are ignored by so called self, constituted leaders. Bat if .the farmers are true to themselves they will demand of their respective parties that tbey bare a fair show ing aud eqaal rights. If they are the men who are to aid in electing a man to office ibey are tbe men who should aid in selecting thecandi date. If the leaders of tbe parties have so manipulated their schemes and methods that tbe farmers .can not do this, tfeen the farmers and all patriotic fair minded men should establish a system of primary elec tions, where every man (who it ex pected so help elect certain men can have a fair showing in helping to seleot these men. Let tba good, aabtantial farmers. ef the .oountry look after thsse matters. Let them, above all things keep cool end keep a steady hand on the throttle and a sharp eye .on tbe track. Pro gerssive Farmer. Cafle More fa Tesr Wife. It is a custom too commoniwitb men in general to keep tbelr families in utter ignorance of the situation ol their business. The wife knows nothing has not even an idea of the amount of her husband' for tune, whether it is to be counted by thousands or tens of thousand. What can a woman kept in each ignorance learn T She spends, aa a matter of course,' all he gives her to spend, with the fall confidence that His gone, and if she asks for it, be will give her more. If an uo mar ried woman works, she may go with a bold, unblushing face and demand feer wages ; but a good wife naturally feels a delicacy about having ber expenditures go beyond ber husband's mean bat hew is she to avoid (lis, bad al the same time indulge' tn those comforts which she and, her family ought to be entitled to, pules be; husband gives ber soma idea aft bis dream! stances f There are generous men,' who- are too lnduhrent, too fearful of letting r Twife l&rir tbe eiact state of their Cnancei.; Tbi i all wrong,, Has band and j wits have a mutual interest', every flto abotld know something .of ber; husband's finances, nnderstand bis plan sadd aid bim, U possible, with her oonr lehand ibea tbese- terrl t ) .cats- tropbes "- rrVarrftes I irPn. i Many awife. wbdisplocgicg bpr; bU8baud ppper pptl-depp"!" 5-:- ebtlrori j,--:"V wc-'I, - ?' knew bis t -t'", " -t'--. first to retrench, tbe first to save, and with true womanly 'sympathy ana generosity, neip ua w ma state lus Ailing fortune. TV Saallar. i A private letter from, one of tbe largest and most juecessfal cotton farmers of Cabarrus shows', that be laberionins to strike oat on a new receive tbUepartrf faaysivopeaad uiy sua on me bcsoi k eoroary ann fed it to horses, cattle, boga abd s neep over a nuaarea ;peaa ana think I have an abundance for jat least 16 Jajs orrverythiBg seems wjtwPH ,w. Wft jraoon and I am Jioi Dleasedlbat I ham prepanig now lor a (are enai iagerop thwyear. llare sold quite a number or grade JerseTB since ine iau aag . ,expci m ureei. in I registered h Jerseys . daring tie eprntvt Xbaaaore I nasoie stoc the better I bkeit and tbe more thoroughly convinced of the proftt over ootton."-r'rogrea6i ve Farmer, Simalktty of riaeralt. "Simplicity Irburiak ia comln j largely into vogue into this city, remarked an - undertaker to a re porter, "it affect my Interests of oouree. but I am not complaining. There b as been too much show , in our funerals, and mostly on the part Of those who eoald least affora;. 'interment private' is to be obeeryed ia tbe advertisements Jof death, almost every day. 5 either the bopri nor tbe place nor any other partita Isrs are given, Those whose pre4- eooe is desired are notified privately. There is no-display of hack and nowers, . ann grii na a geuuuBu asiect. Huge fdnerals are more or less vulgar, and in thns honoring a husband and father privation has been subsequently endured for months. I advocate simple burials, though Iknowinauy of my craft do not." Philadelphia Call. Sea rift Fmir. Darbja Prophxlactio Fluid ia noer qualled in tba reatoaDt of Soailet fever. I. eo aa g.VX Il pre Tenia ine throat frutn baoomlPK diphUerio. aUays the inflammation and subdues lb pain. Uwd to apooge tbs body it allay tbe itching IbtUmmatlon of the akin and deatrpya IsfeOVioa. . Expoaedlntha sick-room it will pre vent tba spread of cool-km, and keep tbe atmoapher wholesome. p. teehwith u iihM to Inform' IS "fuMle'that ha h oommaaoad bM bhf tmaTncM on Hlddlret.. aaa la now praparae to do art kind of werK hloB(taa te" the : MarksnUU), Cart and Wafoa baalnaaa. asd. aolMtB tba patrtmag or b la M flieoAa ao patten. Hon Sbaatot a SprtJlf. febl d wsm "iMITATIOinSTHt KIBCCKtST FUTTttff.V "BELL iboJEfELEU! Ba returned from Northern Market! With the Largest; Most Pptnplet . Varied Stock of Wishes, iiiaitionds, STERLINOi .SIEVEB AID PLATED WAKE rr seen in ibis SeotionV He he W heaUaUoB. ia Aayinx be cam poet tee pert iadMamentlia bnj,er. del dwtC ' I I I Ul IM'" 1 J 'liiM t OUESHOW WHtDOWS For all the Koveltiee and Fine Goods this week. Bee tboea Solid Gold Eye Qlaaaed for flee the new patent "Qrab" Eye- BeTtU moet tnklntnTplyof Pine Gold and Silver Ooods ever shows mlhis ehy.- '., v - '. .i Fin Bronae; ttTrmware, dobW, Watches, IManondi aftaie Jewelry, BTe pecorty, f Snperier Conn. Ta Thob, r93ATvn.;- f -- TafceneaaSShteaeaOae baa bean bmn by W. B. Bladaa aa Jaa. B. Bladaa. Uadine aa Wat. B. Biadaaa Bra aaalsatafaeeUsa Moni and Thoa, ruapauiek, tradloc aa Moore aa fWpetrtr. ta tba cwparlor (.oort of Oraraa CPaoay be reeorary of Ibe a on of lowttn baadnd an ei(htyoar dollar and vnty-aa eanta, for lumbar aold aa eHTrad tfnrtnt tba ear 1SS7. Take eeanriliat.aakawaciBiaDt baa bewa laaaad acttaat yrmr yi eparty in thla State la tbeaboraeaUUedkoUan.. Vow are nqnlred to appear and anmrw demar to the eom piata ta tae ikm aarmia aetloa at tbe BBpaf lnr Ouai'iedOi aea eooaty, te be bold la tba aty of erte-Hi' ibe ma Mowday after tbe M Hoaflay ta March. 1MKS. or ;d( - " mm ail Bt dafanlB ,eW Bnda Ui ; : -ij irf rTTx e rfei; . 8ah, Doers and'Bllnd't, f - PalnU, OJis 'ftBdillAAa. a-trae. Ccnaent a.aa Plaster, v All G rade ol COOKISO AUD J:TKi'CTJTKT:n, 15 t . ... . . ... ... - Absolutely Pure. Tbll 'poMf BTar aiea: A" ttarral Parity. BU-Bnrte, and wtioleaoaiaBaaa: Me e eeoaafBl ah tba ecdaaaay kiaaa, aa aanw n be aold la eompauuoa wiu iMBianm ar low irt, abort wtbt.alBra orpboapaate awdara. Sold oe lytn eaoa. tteiAiBaue weaaOe-M WaU-at-N. T.: . moeUJtdw For sale ta Nswbern by Alaav JttUerj mrtt Bai now eonaolidatbd his two eioree on Hid die and will, at tbe old stand atwet. next to L n. CuUer's, caUnue That Slaughter Prices Which heeommenceJ eorae tfroe belbre Ibe holidaj. ' 1 Our Stock baa been replenished in every departmeut, and if jou are in need of anything in oer line, call with out delay and you will wonder at m Bargains We Git a Hi Clothing, Boots & Shoes And all kind of ' DRY GOODS. We are making Special Drives this Month Blankets, Shawls, Newmarkets, Walking Jackets, Ladies', attd',Tei j Uttderwear. WE HAVE, WJCflj'ft.';.! which i. oolleotioaiif rtdapttfatlhi beautiea, that are being reoU atMpBlai proee.. Qur fine aati-laed Soariiat i5e. bomi any half dollar eoatf ia ether plaoee. .... - ; .; i j,ioi-m:J ' All xiux aaode will nleaee and site eatiaaetion, and prioet are ao low roil cannot resist them. , . . j .n- ; David: M. Jones of Beaufort slH hold forth at Gcorgo Athri, lUddle alreet, Next. to L. H. Cutler. We have the Agency for. '. The Old Staten Island Dyeing cstaomameni, , , 3 Duaae St. Eatabtiehed t81. All goods delivered free of expteis obargea. I I I HI Ji'l Bli i I . Il i axe GiiQei Oar store ia filled with; a : I ' PrnvialOM. Ofoeerles. Caadieel Good. "Dry OoodsCJrockerT, ,, H MOB, , a aone r 1 1 . Jl ' Oelebrated ?rjim Boots toft Or S. Parsons,, 8?Df Boots Every palri hMlM l-- i to give satts; Oonntrr marchairts J and ' tbe fcaopl generally are renaated to call and ex pa f.fl a. m. wu n .Lwr. n ix - Mt, yHktb WaaeJMU ba, V SPECIAL SALE OF ; BELOW KETiTORXt COSTJ ' Lot;'-, t-.t W5o..fH! Ooetrrire, WW.-" Whit Bhlrta...i I i8S $ :tS ifli- White Bhlrta. M -8 i 30 eerie 8Wrtw- . ' -'-.5 i i iXi iWhit Woolft,w.; M SS Bpaciek Cro. Bbirta. ,63 ; JVi C.H.B.Cine4,a MauNu. 1.00 .53 ' 4l7.-oarJet BiiirtaU...W 13 1 4.00 U45.'-aneU-liaoi,WooLM 1.10, : ' Bro. MriBO.M.&; J 'WO .i. iUlfiMl . : ..MM 1111 J 4A j All Wool tWriat 1 1.83 iSSi,- .AU3V0O1 Wbue.. 1.90 3 ,.S i tterto Of '.?, f' -h.'tre bTe draw art totrU.b te sl Job lot of Ties and Boarfs-will be'-'d ctrar.- ' " : i . . .....! - U George ' TBE L ( ctoilM amtn -our large sax neror parcAa. We will give you low figures; We job L6riurd fmiSt V . 1 , : n . mw w m m . , S mmA'Mm'm, 88.00.' r ; : "THE. VQIILO "I en Dt)S8&; StrtfATOa business men . S 1w-v.-'-rW?' 4Vf.-. -Jr..-; fc;.8 r . ... BBBaaaaBaBaaaaBaw-" .. 7 ? j p - ; a.... -- --- -rli-C l-'';'r:,' , OKNHtl AUEai fUU, BLA-irifi";,. V'lVVv Agehtb Wanted. OLDEST AND LARGEST MUSIQ HOtfSE IN"VA.' )V:. -r W altert); Moses Go. i: OI4 afAlN STB GET. I' 5 - j J V Oorreepondenoe aolloited. Catalogue our Nertn uarollna Ajreiit, At aire. . F. gUoly 'a Book junndaiem SCRIOtJER S PROSPECTUS The holiday iaaue, now ready, u matter, The cover ia enriched by an ,..i-a iyaf!Wa.i'J' '"v TX'A'TVT'.CSaf I 1 WI..Ji:.J f 1 I J?WSW.t 'A price ia aa usual. 25 cents. It ooutaiiis the moat delightful stories, antems, ana essay a dj uiauugumueu wnwrs, Among the important articles to f(Alou-8cn'l. for prospectus: Bobert LotoIs Stevenson will contribute regularly to each number daring the, rear. lie will write of many topics, old and new, and in a familiar and personal way. which will form new bonda of frendabip between the author and bis thousands or readers. In the trot paper, en titled "A Ubaeter-' a Dreams," appearing in the January number, herelatos ineieknially, rn ton neetion with the general subject, tome in tore tie g facta ooneeraiog tba origin of the famous Syory 'Btratge Case of Dr. Jekjll atd Mr, Dyde,'!, . t Railway Accidents, by W. S. Chaplain, will be the firatof eMpil)y ' important and interesting aeries of aapers on railways, tbeir adwmistraiona. aad eoustrootion, including-great engineering feats, famous, tunnels and paaaea, and nked, those branches of the subject which in this dayengage the, attepijjDtof the whole country. The illustrations which will aooompany thia. series wll be yery elaborate original, and benatiful. Tbe authors and the titles of the (uture artiolea will be announced later. "'""', v Dr.jP A. Strgent's papers on Physical ProporSona '. anof yfioal Training will bl Oontiued by several of increasing ' interest,' with as rich and auHiue illustration as those wbiob have already appeared. -.w'Y w IUnitrated Article of special interest will be those onthe QampaUn of Waterloo, by John C. Hopes; on "The Man at Arms," by JE, IL BlasUflcli; ; : two papers by Edward L. Wilson, illustrating results orrecent'Sgypisn ' research; a further article by William F. Apthorp, on V subject connected with bia recent contribution on Wagner, and many others of equalihtet est. - -Profestor fihaler's articles on theSurfaoe of the Earth wilt be eontblued,-4na -articles upon two of the most interesting groups of eon temporary liuroptkft writers will be accompanied by rich and novel portrait UlustratiOaaV .-' t-t. -Electricity in its various applications as amojire power,' Eiploalfea', eto." will be the subiects of another groip of illistrated articles of eqnalv practioal uiefeeby leading authorities upon these topics. i'; ihw ' ldeiidelatolin,B Letters written t hisfmnd, Mcchelte,tapec4irtiy jresting-timenXhU career, will furnish tbe lubstaneeof several articles 'of iejttnfceres't to musical readers,- which will be Ulastrated wfth 'po) traits ana drawings froaa Mondelssohn's own hand . r . s.t'w'rrS A The Fiction will be strong, not' only in. tbe work of weji known,, writers, , but in thai of new authors in stcurbg whose co-operation tidUnagaiihe bas .hftria aa fartaanate dnrine its first Vear of rinhlioatinff. ' A' c'eiriarti'ovp.L rntitli d .fFirtt i Harvests" by Frederie J. Stimson, will be :!begun in the, January BJunnerraaa ariy in u year noreines wui do puDiisneo oy uenry r rama aadllLi O. Banaer, The short stories are of noticeable strength and ' fresh- teal.o.:,v .;.!;. ' ".. -rv'. -'- : Illustrations. The Magatine will show increased eieellencVifllts '. illustrations. T4ey will be more abundant and elaborate thah everrIt 'is the intention of 3ie publishers to represent the beat work of tba ieadiisg arfistl,' and to promote' and foster' (he most akLful , methods of wobdngrtftig opeciai nowee -i.o enaute reaaera to possess ne Aiagasine rrom in nrst number' (January, -1887) lbs following inducements are offered: i ' 1 ayear's subscription and tbe numbers for 1887, j v'i1l f-l 14.501 A year's subscription and the numbers for 18S7, bound ;in twvol-'VV1J' ' ; i'Tumesj cloth gilt top, " fet4easl fyptfaHJW '' w ' '$.06 a year, 2Vcents a numbeh flHABLES 8CRIBNEIVS SONS Kctz Yorlf. V j .fr ,,.v M-lejr:-; I ' !crBtr.vro, I fly C?DIDMCD'Cl m-n-.- nr i f is w- 1 m 1 s a m v . f aw aWkaBE,,,., , edt , 4 rifpwlves iisttsaifS liurature of listing" I ; t ll-estadaaliie; it i$ fulty and licautlfulb- vJ JHus tratcd and has, nlrcac(y gained n i i than national circulatioa 'excecdinir 12 3 .topic :onihr,i5C JPRICE 25 CENTS A riUMBER-53 A Chyles '5crj briers Sons' S8.00. TYPE YR1TEIL " gBjfn roa CiEcnfss. KICUMONW. VA'. , Piano and Oreana on eaey inoaiLhlv.. plan at factory price." Old Ihatromeat taken in ezohange, bought, rented and repaired. . ' 5 ' . laaanaeac Stock afSUBBT BftJBtO. - 1 lu jdcUoii Bfckaof all klnda. BpaatelDIa, count to lea uiallod (jee. teleetilon It i Inatramonia. eacuara ana Behoola. tfeuuoguae Aaaortuient of Maale eeutoa... dealred. blrlnia lor aU atuatoal . A few allgbtlT need ?lenoe aa (jrtuaui tunouu muwifoo ia w law. A genu of Dobaon'a frofeaalonal fcllvar Ball BaU. V Vlollua, Accordloua, and evrytn)pg la. the i mmtim i.iu,, - - .t f - mailed free on application at the offlo of. ; Store, corner Broad and. MUdl BU., NEW BERKS, N. O, IE FOR 1888. coiupicte in itself, containing no aerial ornamental border printed iu Eold.A.Tba , ..: t'l ri-; . nnwi anaseperD uianu-auona, . appear during the year 1888 are 'tha - ' ' ." " . lh: AZ! .XV tl'

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