; - iioleftMorfcift . : J h? - h- A jpo ! i e I rjiarrhoe , v-vummer ysentery teasDoonful erf 'iPemrfaistPam killer GEORGE S. FISHER, - K I , A I ! K S M III 1 AND MANUFACTURE!! Or ;' Wrought Iron ana httel Cotton, ' ' Corn, and Tarn Plows. rOld Plow repaired. abort notice. ,.' NawCart WheebandAx.es ootietaDt , 1 on band. BT GEQBOE 8. FISHER, .-. Bboad Strbxt. Niw Dnit, pi. C. ,u..et3 A A Inlnm fmm lk Rtata A rl- cultural Society ia an Addition.! guer- Sntoe.ot the quality of my work. aecatdwwn ?t Dissolution Notice. ., The Iran ef OUlOH A I EU.ETIKR wlU l nlv by mutnaJ oonMDt on Fettruu-y lit, ,1888. i,. AM parsooa ltujrbcd to litli firm ar rc- to nutk lmmedlkta pamDV. sod I ""t elala acalnat Ihm firm ar aotlfled to praaco t Ui aaiu befor aald data. Oa and aUr which lis Owen H Ouion will easeny th oAert raeantly oaeaplad uj BlnutMO Manly. P. B. rellrtlar will re main al lb offlea now ocrnplw b? ibc firm O. H. Ol'ION. p. n raxi.ETiKK. Jan'r 1. lMMi. jxdwir 1888. IHarper's Haguzine, 1W ILLU8TKATE1. If - t :- J - o progreasiye thought and moTement ia tyery department of life. Besides other sttraotionsj it will oontain, daring the eomur year, important artielet, superbly illustrated, on the Qreit West; artioles on American aadforeira industry-, beautifully H laatrated papers oafiootland, Norway, 8itierlaad, Alciera, and the West Indies; new novels by William Black ..4 W Tt Tl nll.. .!... V. iiuiht niur.iiiir 11 i r ir i Mil. TT A.UVWVIAS, UV1CIWCf IU eomplete ia a single number, by Henry James, Lafoadio II earn, and . a f : - T : i : i t Woolaoa and other popular writers-, ana illustrated papers of special artistic a J. l.Urarv iinL Tka ITulitWial Departments are eon ducted by George "firA.i a Tifii' w-v w-i . uiuiaai tjania, nuuam iex iiow ' ella. aad Charles Dudley Warner. i o.-f'r"- Harper'a Perlodicala. Per Year : .tLUPM's Haoaztke HARPER'S Wkkixt ITivpes's Razar .14.00 . 4.00 . 4.00 . 2.00 IlARPKR'S TOUHO PEOrLK l0tage Free te all subscriber! in tha United States, Cansd or Mexico. The volumes of the Magaiine begin ilh th Cambers for June and De cember of each year. When bo time if apeeiaed, nbeeriptioaa will begin with tha IT amber earrent at time of reeeirt of order. Boani Volumes of Harper's Maga- ilne. for throe Tears 'back, in neat cloth binding, will be pent by mail, port paid, oa reoeipt of 13.00 per voi tLTue. Cloth Cases, for. binding, 69 eeaU eaeh by BttaU. postpaid. Index to liarper's If arariaa, Al rhabetieal, Analy tkL and Oaanltd, far TeUwri 1 U 70, lneJuaira, from Jime, 1850, to JaBe, 1S85, oan vol ro, Cloli, liM..- - Ilersittaacoo ehould ba made by T -t V'H Mosey Orber or Draft, to It' cf loaa.; ' , areot to oorf this J.'P;D'D:yij. ITeqlm it abb Ettao. Ssalkb m CjiojCE'fAmU'Gr.OCEFJES PROVISIONS. Beat Grade TamOy Floor always la Btoek. Beet Brand of Tobaooo - Direct (m the factory. BOOTS, SHOES, HEAVY DRY GOODS. msanman' ' " CSJIind get Hock Bottom Prioet. . . 1 MAfiKET DOCK; . Hew BerM, X. C. $ecltdw Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Bice. 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. Iw.p. ounnus&co., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Market Dock, NEW ItKItXK, N. DliVd Wlf J uim1 roiti cueLrm UARBLE WORKS, RIW BERNE. H.C. Monuments. Tombs An ail kind Oravaand BoUdlne work a ITALIAN AMERICAN UARBLE Orders will reoeWe prompt atteatior ad (auaraotion ruaraateed JOE K. WILI.IB, Proprietor (Saoeaaaor to Oaorna W. Olajrpooia) Oor. BROAD AD GRAVEN 8U. NEW BJCRNX, A. C O. C Haul U my aatnortsed aget t in Hlnetea. matv-dyvs. ROBERTS & HENDERSON Bcirtl ImrtBei irnli, Now Derne, IN. J. Only flrst class Companies repreaea ed In fire. Lift aad Aeddsat Lanranta. Total Capital orer Forty Million o Dollar. Jun24dly. AGENCY rOR I Babbit Know, .what to Bat. Bat I will sty this much, I desire to reduce my stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Smoking Tobacoo, Pipes, of which I have a great variety, and good 'ones too, and smoker's article generally, for I have more on band than I want and went to turn them into money, which 1 do want. Now for a fair deal all around. I will exchange any of my good for cash for the next ninety or a hundred days to any person or persons in want of any of my good, fine goods, oonsistlBg of the very beet Cigars made, for 6c. 10c. 15c. 90c. or 80c each. Call and verify the truth of what I say. Tanmli.s Punch Aoknot. Wm. L. PALMER, Middle ctreet, New Berne, N. O. GEOnGE ALLEN 6 CO. DEALERS 15 General Hardware AgTiealtnrai Implemanta, Plows, IlarTOW-a, CnlUvatora, lloea and Axea, ' Wood 'a Mower and .Reaper, Steam Engine, Cotton Gta and Preaeea, rerttnawra. Lvn4 Plaster, Kaxnit feebanlcs Tools and Hardware, Linear Brick, Ceaneni, plaster Hair. Paint, Italeoaalne, Var nian. Oil, Glass, Putty aatd Hair. ' Free sera, frigrratora, v OH Geek ..Sieve, JSaireka BHrglar Preef Bask Icks, warranted te ICtre) weCwtttr and taxlxfactloa.: PStirJ.VKKT LOW. - ' i , oi;0. jlLlks cx. ThlTES,l 1 3 O 1 3-4. reaiiaad a Ac ..i. ui'it of !,-, earn m 9 a eery traaiiaae a Ac ..;. ui'it of !,-, catt of that h Ti' a-1 fearif r - in. -a THE JOTJBNAL. Arriral and Departnr Hail 2 i i KAIL ' CLOSES. for North. Weot aad Booth, Via A, If. O. &. B. t7:80e.m. For ' Beaufort . and - the Baat, at o.TOn.aa. :r- For Wahingtox,8wift Creek, Hydeand Beaufort Counties Monday, Wedae- U7t,turnainuOTan. rar Trenton. .ToUakrriUe end Mavb- ruie, uauy a io a. a. m . - mm roruranmboro. Bavboro anl Vea- demere, daily at I a. m. OmCR HOURS; la afonev Order and Recistered Let ter Department, from t a.m. to 4 p..m. UiMailing Department from S a.m to 5 r. m. Offloe open oonstaatlv between theae boor except when mail are being dhv riDuteaor sent. THE FOUR CALLS. The Spirit came in childhood. And pleaded, "Let me A," But ah, the door was bolted And barred by childish eia. The child said, ''I'm too little; There's time enough today I cannot open;" sadly The Spirit wenthia way. Again he came and pleaded In youth' bright, happy hour, He called, but heard no answer; For fettered in sin's power, The youth lay dreaming idly. And crying, "Not today; For I must have some pleasure;" Again he turned away. Again he came in mercy. In manhood 's vigorous prime; But etilT could find no weloome, The merchant had "No time" To apare for true repentance. No time to praise and pray; And thua, repulsed and saddened , The Spirit turned away. Once more he called and waited. The man waa old and sad; He ecarcely beard the whisper, Hia heart waa aeared and bad. "Qo.leave me. When I need the I '11 call for thee," he cried ; Then, alnking on hia pillow, Without a Ood he died !-. HERE AND THERE. Mr. Wesley Willis oi Morehesd died on bud day, VJta Inst, of cancer. Mr. Stanley of Morche'ad is at La Orange, assisting in a protract ed meeting. Beaufort ia building np the. burnt district; some of the buildings are near ready for nse. There are some buildings groin g up in Morenead other than the hotel and more to be built. The schr. Melvin came in at Fort Macon on Batufday the 18th inst. has been 28 days oat. The workmen to build the assem bly rooms arrived on Monday night and are to commence at once. Mr. Jos. Wallace lett on the 17th inst. for the str. Washington ; Mr, li. W. Wallace on the 20th for Bo anoke Island. Mr. Latham of Beanlort county spent some days ia Morenead re cently. and preached morning and evening in the M.E. Church on the 19th lost. A whale was caught in the vlcin ity of Morehead recently, about 40 leet long; it was sold for 600, tad made fifteen barrels oil and abont 300 pounds bone. The carpenters hvw made oo?mDaoeRie&t on ihe hotel addi Hon at Morahead; which is to be 153134 ana three stories hira. The present building U210t38 and three stories, with two wings of 180x38, two stories, ana Dtii room voxso. We had the pleasure of meeting several of the citizens of Morehead and Beaufort Dr. Arendell, Col. uennis, VY. t. Uixon, Kev. John Iiumley and Kev. E. Lv Stancey, and the handsome ladies 1 cannot enumerate. Washington claims more pretty girls than any town of its size, but Morehead can success fully compete with it. CIVB THBJt aV CBABOBU That ia to say. your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very w derful machinery- ft ts. Not only the larger air passage, vat th thousand of litu tubes and cavities leading from them. Wbea thee are elogged and choked Uh toatter whisk, oaght not as be there, your lungs cannot half do their work. And what they .do. they cannot uoweiu . , , - Call It sold, couth, croup, pneumonia. oatarrh, oonanmntion or any of too t am uy of throat aad nose and head and lang obstntction, all ar bad. All ought to bo got rid or. There la lust one sure way to get rid of thorn.' That ia to take Bosch German Byron, which any druggist will eell yon at 78 cent a bot tle, svoa if everything our baa laiiea yon, to may depend , upon , this for certain . . r - : tr . " J 'f7 a, M)l UWtWj I 250"EarTels,fiffH;:, 14:. rv "A UcrsTla C::3. . i Z .-, v'.tV :I Xrerybody waafate elatm aoaMtalngex tiaeadlaary M whatever they havens move aeant.' The valne of a. B. . U tee wall-known new tap "'tt i-rf'in- . it stands alone, unparalleled as a Blood Rem edy, and nobody ean prodnee lm' nupcrior. We don't nght other imediea, baeaoaaB. B &mke eareof itatit JUyeanavajaythlng th matter with voor Mood, try tt-a stogie bouie wfli open your eye. It la nonaena to try and ara wllb the public, and w don't Sou. It oaa bouia Ooa't 4o rea any aood. ne antler hew poe anffer, w wUI otva you a f toe. Bead these eertlfieatas: ihpibi uuoon. A raaa te Wlorida Oewa by M, B. B. gvaaxyji, Maar Branswlek. Ue May BT. My blood had been laapor fuf a awmberof yeara,' 1 broke out an uely eores ever my head and body and I eoaldlret nothing to naal them or portfy my blood (tnonfb I trto other ao-callad madlolcaa) nnUl I lonnd that most valuable medletna Botanle Blood Balm)' B, B. B. I have bean' using 11 for nearly a year, and In that Urn have takes about on dosen bottlea, and I feel that I am nearly eared; tee note on my head ' and body all healed. My health 1 ood and I can eat anything 1 dealre. Your reapeetftiHy, KliWAHU Uuivii, FH OX A DHl'OCUT. Palatba. Via., Mar SI, UH7. Tha demand for Betanlo Blood Balm (B. B. B.) la snoh that I new bey In half groei lota, and 1 nnhesUaUngly ay that my coatomer are all weU pleaaad. B. KBHifrias. 10 1 EAR WITU BuainiTuav ewtor. N. cM Jun ft, 1887. Qantleman : 1 am plaeaarad In saying I have been a treat anBeaer of rheumatism for It yean and! hare exhaoatad almost every known remedy without relict I was told to try B. B. B. which I did after loaa proonaU natlon, and with the experlenee of three bottlaa, 1 am almost a healthy man. I take It a a part of my doty te make known veur wonderful blood purifier to anflarln ha man Ity, and nspeetfelly aak yen to mall ma on of your books of weadere. Reapeetrnlly.' W. I. Mohan SAD. IT VB rOBt BvIBHBTB. Jcscr, Ue.. May , 1887. I have been soflerlng from kidney dtaeaa tore month past, and the pain tn my back was very severe. My eccepeUoa requlras good deal of writing at night an I enffered aU the time. I eaw one man who said he was cured by using Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) and I eommenoed using It. and the pain 1 a great deal lea I have only used twe botUe and bewere it will effect ajsare by the na of a fa more bottlea. Toai reepeetf ally, J. JL Oolbmah TI1K BBST PrBlPIKR A AOS. 1)ax asovs, Qe., Jane 9L, 1887. I hve suffered with Oatarrh for abev yeara. and after using feer bottles efBetanw Bleed Balm. I had my general health greatly Improved, and If I eonld -keep out of U bad weather I would be core. 1 believe 1st toe bast partner made. .' is ;. J r..- 4. Very reaneetSailVi ; ; -'i L. W. TBoitrson, : TWBLTB TKABS A BFtiICTBa Burvrrosf. tad. rb. I, J887. Xhav been Aletd with Btoe Potsoafor twaiv yaar. pave used pesmitptton from pkysiealns offered me during that period Through the drasxlst, w. A. eutelius, I pro. eared one bottle of B. X. B.and sines have used thne botuse, an am mtma tt h done me hu good than aaythhag t ever used. ; 1 am almost welL and am earn, within tweorthiee waka,I will be parfsetly weU, after twelve yean suffering Is tensely. Writ or address , -rv Josxth riawfv , Baker and CDareoUoeer. Wens 0h lad. j-.f u..t splbib irom A srmisa WwilC i. AjuqBTon. 0, in.no tt. UP. - - kiuJ mtJtmum mm mam lemwan th time, and the only medneT0" n Stock, jsto., eto that don me any goed ts a B. B. ittitn- lebteiy the best bleed medicine made, as few this tnalaWal eowntry shoel be used by every eta tn the kprtngjef the rear, and as good in summer, StU and winter as a to! ad blood mrUtsr. T ,Ur.' - --''' it' far ;.V' ii't: mt-tfr t -r.'rt..- aArnracrio. -. i - . ' "l".' " ; srrxsBarTTxa) '; ii . ,i. 'f ' . vAnis, ay. joty a:, lK"l. yie 1 n pre toi I lrwf In Ca- and B'jlves good aatialaaUon. It I cent re am all rtght for anuff wiiu me. !' "' - 5 &i F J ewe, . w. a. 31jdo. A rSlBACHBK CtJKKB 09 DgSPEP- S1A. Mxeoaarxxa. ria, Iaoa Oo., July m, lifit. have been a Buffer? bom tndlceatioe and dyapepila tot m long time, and have tried nanny remedies, but .until I waa lnduead by my mead te try your B. B. B. received no relief, bet alno nstnf tt have found more reiw and eomfttrt than from aey other traat ananflhaveuead. . Hoping you will forward to my addreaa your little 13-pnge hook for praaerlpUou, alas evidence f en-ea. Bend at earUeatdate. Rsv , Kobt a HKMARKA BLC SHOWING FOB M. B. B. AGAINST OTHKU K1- emu. fCTVAM Co.. April tt. 1887. I hare been aafferlnt for moat thirty year with an ltehlngand burning all over tat fao em hedy. I took elshteen bottle of on Meed medletne and It did m no good, eommenoed last January to nee B. B. B. and after ualrg trj bottle I felt better and t looter than I have In thirty yean, my health 1 better and I weigh more than I ever M. Th Itching haa nearly ceased, and I am confident that a few mora bottle or B. B. B. will core me entirely. I am alzty-two years oM, and can now do a good day' work hvmyBaldVI consider It the beat medicine I have ever eeea, for It certainly did m more good than all the medicine I have ever taheu. I hia. In all, nearly a hundred rising en my face, neck and body. JAUKS PlHKBBTOK. S BOTTLES COBB BBEl'B AT18H. BoUOHTOe, Ark., June 1, 187. 1 cheerfully tate th following fact In re gard to the na of your medicine In my fam ily. By 1UU eon.'ll year of age. Dffared from an acute attack of rheumatUm, oaueed by undue exposure and chilling of the blood. I heard your remedy hlfchly recommended. and purchased on bottle of Moncrlef A Bro , Preaoott, Ark. In abont one month after nalng thla bottle h became o muoh better that I got the second bottle which 1 now being see ', and my eon la nearly well, and think by ramoylng him to a ooolar aummer climate (which I wUI do) and continuing lu , a perfect cur will he effected. I con' ldcr B. B. B. a most excellent blood purlner Chaa. H. Titus, B B. AgU, Broughton, Ark. an for our Book of Wonder, free to all Addteal - BLOOD BLM OOM PANT, Atlanta, Oa for aale in New Berhe at the drug etoree of K. N. Daffy and E. U Meadow. fb The Occoneechee Hotel HILLSBOBO, N. a. Th Property soulsls of twe adJotnlns Iota of one acre each. Me. 1 has a hotel building. newly refuted and good as saw, with twenty room besides baalaea rooms and outbooaee. Koooni well rnrnlabed with new furniture No I haa a bnlldlna. built B va vaara am aa dwelling hone, with twelve room, and also aa offloe with two rooms. Th who) prop eve is weU raited for a aummer and winter reeorV floaty of shade, extenalve lawns now water equal te any. win aell th whole together or either lot separately. Also a (rant of land containing 81 13 acre, three mue rrom miMDoro, on in inrham road Good grain and tobacco farm, for prlo and wroi apply to K. H. POQTJE, 41 Wfit Clinch 81 , Knox vllle, Teen., or IX U. PARKH, lanll dim HlUaboro. M. C Notice of Lost Certificate. Notice la hereby given that toe OertlfloaU of five Bhnres of th Capital Block of the Atlantic and Korth Carolina Railroad Com pany, etandlng In the name of John H. book, en -the Book of aald Company, ha benh loajL and that application will be made to said Company at the expiration of thirty " uni we uave Hm iot in awue or new eerUAcate, MAr COOK, , "Admlaletratrfxor John H.Cooh. helit.ttss, , djod NOTICE. Th ndeislgned, BenJ, K. Bryan, ha dnly Sualtned aa fixaentor of the estate of Wm. t. Bryan, and hereby gives notle that he lequlre all persone having claim agalnat the estate of the said Wm. O, Bryan, to nre b taken to the eat BenJ. V Bryan, dnly vnuiniutwM, iJr pkjmvni, mm or oerore in testa day of Jaaaary,lShS,orelee this notice will be pleased in bar of recovery. Person indebted to the esmte must pay VlWIt,.UU, tall UCKJi K. BRTAI, Kxacator. ' , . Notice,- . .. Tae hadsrslsned. Barah Whltel haa Sntr qnallffed a administratrix of th estate ef Meenen White, aad hereorglves aotto that ana raqniraa au person naving claina agalnat th late of the said Manben White teere. sent them te the aatd Sarah White dnlyeu- wfiuoiwTi,iiT fmmjmiwu, on or Deroro tne 17th day of Jaaeary, t8M), orelae tha notice win p pieeara in par oi recovery, pareona indebted te the estate must pay viwivipnii, v SABAR WHITE. . faalTdew . Administrator, i v .' NOTICE. Thsundtslnea,K. Z.B. Davie. hi dnlv ewaliSed as Admlnhrtrater of the estate of uaeuei Awvia, oeca., ana neretiy give notice that he recall all Dersona havlna di.imi awauun int wunni we aaia Awwiei uavla, mamnmH m iawui ,.om mm vam aaKl & In at lavl duly am benUeated. for DSTmcL nn er twfore the 3Mh day of January, lHW.or elae ani notice wi u o pteaoea m oar of recovery. ' Peraon Indebted to the re tale mmtnav ttiwwi, wiu. a a. n, v v in. jn dw -..-,- Administrator.. Th wndavslgned. E. Z. B. Davis. wDl. oa the 90th dsy of Febrrjary, 188S, at iste Tesiaenc oi tJaniei uaria, expose i or aai at avuouob, m aereonai proper ty of the estate of Daniel Da via, consist ing of a fine Stallion known a the Davis none, and Uoosr and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Utensil, . Cora, E. Z. B. DAVIS, - v Administratcw. - BTATSJ Or WORTH CAROLINA, i . w - . wiB,r vra van. , in emee aerk Pnperler Court, . yt4u?e IsnTwbT riven nf tha InmrrKMiiM ef the I t c"ior Bom company: tbat tn. earne of Uii lnflorporator are Cbrlf immm, j. j. Mcwiey, tu r, AVlli'a, T. O. " hi a, W. T. Hill,-A. B. CarTf.il, A. E. mxrA. r. M. ITiadwk'k. . R. Cttl aiv K. . and atieh othr th mmr mmmn. c - ,.B mem: tbt the ( Hi of pm i 1 th'r prinripal p',ac of onrUoo I i m Mt, ni f nr-il r 8ILIU0NS & UANLY, ; ATTOEJfETS AT LAW. ; - NJS W.BERNE, N. C, Will move on or about January llkh, 18S8. to their new office, over the Bank ing House of Green. Foy & Co-, three door below Bute! Albert. "T ? - ,'. : - " i ' . ' JH TT - T3TT T TTTrT ? AJ A A-tA4AjAu A A - A Wf . ATfOBNEY AThAW, X , Craven BlL,it wo:door"8ou tk of . f , , Journal of&sa. r . ' WlU practice in the Cons tie of Craven, tar teret,Jone, Onslow an remlieo. ' . United Itiates Conn at Sew Berne, and Baprejn Court Of the K)ahi i ' febl dU ATTORNEY XT X AW. Booms fiouti tropttiwt. tons doort wmui uriTn, icsuwh l r t . i M a m . T 1 A. TT-i. W : ADVUVAV timiWMWI Will. Hnnnri nnnnnnir r TTJ V A T VVTOIV'V'OVJ Omce next door below Jonas ALofflo. Kama bnildinir nilh OuitiB A Pallatior. Openfromwa m. to 4 p.m. . WUI give nrompt attention to eli matter pertain ing to Justices' courts. , ' tit dtf - Notice. 7 -rV , v. n I a ia uuLLALivn o jrr.sjm. Feb. 17. 188S. ' On and after March 20th, 1888.1 shall be compelled to collect all nnpaioj city taxea by deetraint. ' "."'.. Please come forward aad settle your taxes and save ooet. ,'-. SILAS FTJLCHEB, f 18 lw City Tax OoUeotoc. J. B. CRABTBKB. BABU. MAJtLF. , JOHN H. CEABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Fouuders and Machinists, UAnufacturers and Dealer ia t ei&irs in iiimn)tm BetlSers e Knglna. Bellera, : - Saw Mllla. EdglawAtCet-eiTHsehlBes. with prouiptuea. ' Particular and Immediate aitenlaoa given 10 repel is ct all ktnda. We will be glad to give plan and' estlmstes for any deaei IpUoa of machinery. ' We are the assets fee the sale ef She Amer ican Baw. Alao for 0. A A. barcamin's cele brated Indeetruollble Mloa Valve. y Ws glvaaatlalaetory gnarante feral! work done by us. Irxtdaawwiy Notice. The walla of the barber shop on Sooth Front street bar been renewed, and a set of can bottomed chair added to the stock. Go and got a good hayo for ten cent, bv eood Workman, at - Paor, W. IL BHEf ARD'8. . to . vi. ,wv,vuv wum uunag in it sw yean. This tuarreloua suoom is do' . f lstlomanperitHityoffWUM eOtbeoansAvlaai.MaBttff . ' and. To uruperior quality, hap wutlieirtowinieee. r;T,w ' Avoid chess imitation madof varloui kinds of eord, Son ar geaume anlesa - arm. HAKHaK GORALIIlI ' , is pdhted oa Inside of steel cover. -'. ". i jt rot uu sr aa UAoist BEicaAiirt, 1 , -' tTAJtUOat -V&UTiLUls;"" 880 Broadway, r llow York Ctty. Dcr.ioncoT'o -7-5 : THE; DC n I Of all tha Mag-azines. gOWTAIWIWe Bteriea. Peea eertiea. eeaiawl Arantie, wOTnFt aad niawtrwf with Vrifinal w taHVM TT-y-t v'twt.i v., r vrnMi ; '- Wau, mmmtcimn U (A AfettW ' Jkegaaiae A neriem. UNPARALLELED OFTZ?, I asai ener ef "Dnmear1 wwn - lb eeiectio of rj pweTB Bhahiofj slvnatrtrnar l fa has mm M vomprm urw, eiiT't) u--.ii t. Ih 1 BUUel, a n? a tb 17 rest irjnrn 1 -4tif1 SQbMntwr of mtt Mvrir !)) Orvjroni -ewiih 11 , 1 wtajba for IMattftr, a-Hj smfc. t , - um .4, mm m eouit ") p i ., i Uj mi art) h d if- v maw wrt tr-m M iima Tr I . J rt-itiji m l ;ran(iava TAT f.r.t s fr rte t- m ft Hig t wi., far (it-M.-vL it 4 ete-.. "VTortH Oti Thr P "s v nr w-iar. w..,. ... . .. nunhSSW hsr,,. zt faslm n .r.A Cheapest Kag.ii'" in ' A - - -CTLY TVTO I "Z w - .riiTriiinri! , r a I i f - - 3 rn"iw n m i ,inapr-- i it ft .w r-i-B r 1 , - aa t t r. 1 r-f , . r. t Aovt the tmea 1 t . I III , V . . t ' .. nt- . 1 I ;t & Brotier. - .- r-i'- r

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