Journal VOL. VL-NO. 288. NEW BERNE. N. C, TUESDAY. MARCH 6, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. Dai ly Mi LOCAL NEWS. i BUSINESS L00AL8. T?OB SALE. Two First-Class Walnut X1 Cam Organs cheap. V j - . : -C L. Quraux & Co. 08E PTJKE Ioe manufactured by Bit. J - Jahiaji Ic Factory. . THHE JS eases nd crackers ae the ,1 beet, at Joem Den's. ,t-A NOVELTY BOCKA WAY Oyster i , x Crackers at John vluk b. T?EBTILXZEB3 for Trackers end Cot' -a ton Plasters at - Geo. Allen & Co. .v PVIEECT imporUtiOD of French kJ Brandy end Holland Gin arrived to bond and dntiee paid at Custom louse .in New Berne, guaranteeing gen ." jine gooda for aale. ' . J as Rkdmokd. D EDMONO'S Ginger Ale, Lemou J.V Soda, etc., equal to imported. James Rjcdmomd. .''rBUCKEBB Seed-Peaa, Beats and JL rotatoeaat Geo. Allen & Co. 1 ARBEIT'S Medoo Vineyard Cognac VJI and Winee for aale, at Manufaotu rer "s prioea. by J axis Red mond. FUBE Liquors and Wines for Medici net and other uses, at wholesale. Jakes Redmond. T EPA1BINQ of China and Brio-a XV Brao done b y Claeke A Morgan, TaildertniaU, East Front st. New Berne. Jan. H. 1888. Iaw8m CHOICE R. 0. Bam at 18 cents per pound at A. Millek a. Prepare exhibits for the Fair. The oitr oounoil will be in session to night. The Fair opens today week. Be ready. A large Beet of oyster boats at Moore ' dfc Brady's wharf yesterday. Mr. Chas. Riaenatein offers Margin aafe for aale. Sea "ad." The Atlantis Hotel at Morehead City baa been leased to Mr. Chas. Beerinan, proprietor of the Kimball House, At laota, Ga., and aaeooleu. Tbe arrival of a cargo of coal foi Mrs. E. B. Ellis on Sunday has raised the ooal faaeiiKt- Plant of coal now to keep warm and prepare for the Fair. All lb Fair UskeU have been plaoed la tbe hands of Mr. C. Rsisonstein, who Mf baa them oa sale. Be has already tfispoaedof a number of season Uokets. The regular semi-annual meeting of the Ladles' Memorial Association wil be bald at the house of the President, Mrs. John Hughes, today at 19 m. All member are requested to attend. ' Tbe Laflla & Band Powder Company represented here by Mr. Chas. 8. Hollls ter, has offered one keg (35 lbs.) rifle powder for the beet exhibition of game at the- Fair,, and one-quarter keg fine ducking powder for the 2nd beet ex hibit. , Two other premiums for the Fair bare been .offered by a lady of New Berne. A bog each of Dr. Swan's Beautifying tablets for tbe beit worked battoa hols by any lady under twenty fire years of age, and for the prettiest bouquet of flowers from any lady under eighteen. .'. , .' ' Personal. . j Dr. King and family, and Dr. By am sad mother, f Dorer, New Jersey, ere ' la the city. They are treTeling" South for their health and spealt e though , they , might spend sometime in New Berne. We bops our climate may give them benefit. ' ' Vesting of Transportation Committee, , ' A meeting of the Fair transportation committee was held at President Bryan's offloe last night and all the arrange ments perfected for transporting rial tors and articles for exhibit.' AU that is necessary now to.make preparation to receive and aooosamodate the large crowd that will be hers.- i " fUamer MoYemente, "C . The Yerper of tbe Si d D. Lias tailed yestr risy aflernooa with cargo of oot ton, 1 ber and general merchandise. Tbe r ' let this line will stall tomor row t . .4 moon at 4 o'clock, 'f ,v T teres of the O. D; lias will ' si... morning at W o'clock for,,Nor to Schoc e 'AnttitM. ' f':3 I'v' Tbe . Warren Hall,' CapU Henry W" t, from Philadelphia, with steel r".- ' r tie A' & N. C." i -Tii'H Tl C Lsrl. i C Uter, jr;,Capt.Palaier', f.--Ir rr i f r I C f ( . : 'iadel.LU, wiihacarfro of xoal - C B Clie. r': ' - -! n Erie J.' Ehecton,' Capk Jameslj " Utmore with a cargo of Tertili- 3K."&T. U.8. Ce. "r;. ' '3 H. Hi'es, in taw cf steam fl wrerVr Joph Allen , f : if r. b A C.'e wreckers . 1 'a t' e sel that '' i ii r " 3 r:ua i ; . y The Floral Committee. We announce in this issue the Floral Committee for the Fair. We trust all Mir citizens who have flowers will aid the committee in making a handsome display and in properly decorating the buildings. There is only one week for work. We must all be up and doing. The indication are that a large crowd will be here. They must not be disap pointed. Bureau of Information. Rer. 'Mr. Bull has charge of the bu reau of information during the Fair which opens next Taeedsy with head quarters at tbe southeast corner of Broad and Middle etreets. It is impor tant that our people render him all the assistance they can. Every boarding bouse should report to him how many people they can provide for and lodge. Our visitors mustJse .taken care of , and if the work is begun systematically it can ba done decently and in order. There may be many houskeepere who will be willing to take a few boarders during the Fair , if so tbey should report to Mr. 13 J 1 1 Low inaoy and at what price. The Meetli s Continue!. The pastors of tbe several churches have ooncluded to continue the meet ings that have been so successfully con ducted by He v. Mr. Peareou, hut will continue theui at each church instead of holding union meetings. Rev. II. W. Battle is conducting the services at the Baptist church in a very earnest manner and much interest is being manifested Dr. Vass is continuing the work at the Presbyterian church uh bis usual ability and eurueetuoad. The services at tbe M. E. Church are sus pended until Thursday night owing to the fcichni-69 of liev. L. W. Crawfoid lie whi unable to pi each on Sunday hut attended the church and administered the ordinance of baptism to quite a number of candidates and received mtny into the church. We are yet unable to announce the exact number of conversions during these lutelings, and will not be able until they ur closed, but the Baptists. Method i:ils Hii l l'n-hby teriaiis have all b?en greatly levivod and much good accompli)ied. County Coramissionera' Proceedings. The regular monthly meeting of the board of county commiaaioners of Craven county was held at the court house on Monday March 6th, 1888. Present, Jas. A. Bryan, Chairman; W. (1. Brlnson, Bam. W. Tttham, Thoe. II. allison nud V il. Watson. Upon application and for sufficient reasons, Alice river was plaoed on the pauper list with n monthly allowance of 1.50 until further ordered by the board. The tat"&harged against the lots on Scott's alley listed on the estate of Wm. Colligan, deceased, for 1887 and valued at $900.00 was remitted on account of error, the said lots having been listed byLitzIe McCarthy and the taxes paid for tbe year 1S87. Demand was made by Dr. James B. Hughes for the payment of county vouchers No. 967 and No. 088, iseued Nov. 13th, 1886, to Josoph Nelson for f35 00each. J. J. Windfleld notified the board that he would erect a saw mill on Swift oreek about three miles above Willis's bridge and requested the board to have the draw on said bridge widened so as to permit the passage of boats to his mill. Tbe matter was deferred until the next meeting of Ibe board. The name of Betsy West brook was strioken from the pauper list and Com missioner Watson directed to issue to her rations to the amount of $1.00 in lieu of vouoher issued to her. The double tax charged against Ellis AWilbry Pickle on one half interest in ths McLean lot northeast corner of Oravea sod Pol look streets in New Berne for the year J8S7, was remitted upon tbe payment of ths single tax for 1887 and all unpaid taxes that maybe due fox prior years.' -' . , Board adjourned to Tuesday, March 6th, at 11 o'elock. Floral Committeev?, , The following' gentlemen and ladies hare' been appointed a committee oa floral decorations for ths Fair:. MeMrs. W. B. Boyd, George Hender son. Mr-DeW.-Stevenson, Jota Ives, A. M. Baker Bsro. Radoliff, Dr. Geo. L. Shackelford, Dr. John D. Clark, Misses H. S. Allen, N. E. Mitchell, Mary Rob ert, Florence Bryan, Bonnie Bishop, Lillian Robert,. Singh ton, ", Emma Jordan, and Mrs.1 M. EVYasa and" B. P. Williams. - ; fka Skin Caa Ba Kt ft ft, Whit, snd free Trom taint of perspiration by adding Da'rbys , Prophylactic Fluid to the water used in bathing. It removes all cCTnive smell from the feet or any part of t b dy. Used as a tootb-wash it wilt harden ths purrn, preserve the t?-l"i, cure toothache and make the It - r 'ri cod sweet. Curee chafing ' 1 i" ' -a, piles,, soald feet, THE LATEST NEWS Condensed front onr Exchange. Athens, Ga., is stirred up over the ap pearance of MormOn elders in that city. Business failures during tbjj . past week 844, against 270 for the previous week. Total net receipt of oulton at all cf the ports since September 1st, 4 913,225 bales. Monaignor Bernard J. A. McManut. an old Roman Catholic pastor of Haiti more, is dead. The latest reports from the German Crown Prince represent that his con dition it alarming. A favorable report has been made for the establishment of a life-saving sta tion in Virginia, an i two in Noiih Carolina. A coun'.y ccurt judge in Illinois has wjrked up an international question in ccnuecuon n ltn insane paupers irorn foreign uovernmenls. A favorable report has been ordered by the Senate committee in fsv ir cf extending the provisions of the tiht hour law to letter carriers. The Kerneraville News and Farm sav There is an effort beiuK made to get Rev. Mr Pearson to visit Href us boro The Huiumerfield Academy nithall of its c-n It uts e deM royed by firu lift Kiiday night Teleniiius from varioy" n.iiils in Michigan luport tho wcrisl tsu.nv i-toni of the teason accompanted Willi aeveie ales. Thecouriti io 11 1 led with units six or sevcu feci, causing much inter ruption to railioad Iravel and trallio. Tho Nalional It.tbebbll 1. Hague, ihe Baseball Hcoreit' ABSOcialum uud the Baseball Players' Brotherhood met 11, New Y01L l:ml Friday. Some changec will bu made 111 the rulos for lbbf, one of the most important being the udop tion of the double umpire system, hav ing an umpire behind the bat and or.e at second base. A large nuumb;r of Knight.iof Kabor engineers from tho Reading system are In Chicago, who had gone hither to take the places of tho Burlington strikers, but they have agrood to return to their homes if tbe Brotherhood enginesrs are withdrawn from tbe Reading road, and this agreement, if enforced, will it is thought, bring the strike (o a speedy termination. The News & Observer says: The noon day prayer meetings held daily at tbe rooms of tbe Young Men's Christian Association, which were inaugurated about three years ago, are stili held regularly and have continued to grow in interest from the first. They now have a good attendance every day and the occasions are always interesting and beneficial. The Goldsboro Argus says: A force of fifty hands and over is at work laying steel rails on tbe A. & N. C. R. R. line in this city, which when they reach the covered bridge, about two miles out, will give a complete line of steel rails from here to New Besne, a distance of 59 miles. This excellent work, with the exception of about nine miles, has been accomplished under tbe present administration.. The bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association gives for the first time official statistics of the production of all kinds of steel made In tbe United States during 1887. The aggregate amount to ths enormous quantity of 1,720,725 net tons, whioh exceeds by 80 per cent our production of all kinds of steel in 1880, in whioh year we for the first time produoed more steel than Qreat Britain, whioh country had hitherto led the world in this branoh of manufacture. The Charlotte Chronicle says: Five colored children were burned to death, one aight last week, in a cabin near Greenville, on the Air Line road. The children were locked up in the cabin, as usual, and it is supposed that the tragedy was caused by some of tbem playing with ths fire. The bodies of the children, burned out of shape, were; rescued from ths ruins of the cabin by means of long; poles. Tbe oldest was aged nins years, and tbe youngest three years. , , . j The Wilmington Star says: The sea- coast railroad will be completed by the first of. Jane, so ths contractors say. j Ground was broken for the Wilming ton, Onslow & East Carolina fiailroad last Thursday, at' Soott Hill, but no one seems to know It ho threw tbe first! shovelful of dirl, The Cape Fear and YadkiA Valley railroad ; will be oom pletad to Mb Airy in May, when the annual mestfcij of ths stockholders will ba held at that praoe..'' -x Mj j ;' The Conoord Times talis ths following story . 7 "A near- had U-en prpwlln g around in Greensboro for. some nights, until one night recently a policeman followed it up, Itrocncame to a ben roost, and was proceeding to appropriate chickens, when the policemen raised his pisiol to fire. Tne bear with re maikatle promptness said. ' Don't shoot. 1 n no bear." ll turned out that a negro had procured a bear skin ai.d adopted this novel way of stealing chkkena Stonewall Iims. T R L&nden of Smith's Creek and Miss Annie C Lee i f Yanoeboro were married on the i'ii nit., Rev. Mr. Pe graru officiating W. . Lukens, of the firm of Lukena & Co. of Philadelphia, who has been spending several weeks in our village, the guest of A. 11 Whilcoiiib. has re turned to his home. The saddest news that has ever been reported by me to the JoI'KNaL is the death of Mr. Thos. C. liadder at Smith's Creek on the 2J luhl. Ho vas the boea saw ti auj bup-riuleujea bvih of Ku glel's mills, aii 1 w lull adjusting some vf the ma hiLti) he lol his balance niid wjt. throw n oi. the drive beel and the back uf in; l,fi.j w j Vitu off, scat leriut his hi aiiia in evi-iy diiecllon. The lua hi..j. , w.i3 iu (ull ppeed. He was a in .-t u ; .::ui useful man snd was an excellent m l indulgent father ana hu-bau.l 11 de! iC.atf co:. 1 It i II I : a wife iu a I (t.iee -m ill rhil dre:i an! I - t ' ( o i irr";i i n. I,lc I m- . I i"UIIl li I 1. 1st of t elle Kt'lll.i.l.l': liurne. I la' lu. p jrl. til . .1 Ni' -u:i'y. I' . M .i. 1.4.1. Iiubi liiyiiiit 1.. ..i.T: i i iii.. Sn.ii. Buils, Louidi i liit. Mai. ' I i.ei k . V.'il lie lin'l.,11. .):i K 1 1.. V 11 1 mil, lien Js:.. : ii 'i I'liiri', llalily !-::.::h. J. I! t ;,l. ( VJ Vri li r, o nl W'i.i- Si;i, ui i.r-. K jert Sultan. W. 'la, I i. 1) Vi-ntrrs. Mary Ann Vo...:. ... i'si ttoiiH ('nihil,; !i r h u n iii-t. will say ud ertiscd .ami i e it :il- nt 1 1 m I . The re nu lal io.ih iki w n- u i i Unit nue (Ul shall be c i:li'i !"il mi Hi" (icln cry if eucli let! t l a ! i i 1 lc . M. Mam y I' M (.1 IO I 11 A ( II MK That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very won derful machinery it in. Not only the larger air passagi". but the thousands of little tuSrs iii.d cavities leading from them. Whfn-thofi are cl"gi;e i and choked with matter which ouht not to be there, your lungs cnnnol hnlf do their work. And what tbey do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, c.ounh, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the fam ily of throat and nose and bead and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There in just one sure way to get rid of Ihem. That is to take Boschee'e (itrman Syrup, which any druggiBt will sell you at 75 cents a bot tle. Even if everything elee has failed you. you may depend upon this for certain Resolution of Respect Adopted bv Polloksville Lodge No. 175 A. K. & A. M : Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in His inscrutable wisdom tore move from our midst our Jboloved brother, Bazwell Jenkins who died on the 12th of January, 1888, In the sixty third year of his age; therefore Resolved, That while we bow in humblo submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well, we sincerely deplore th death of Bro. Jenkins, whom we knew as a faithful member of this Lodge; n good husband and father: a kind neighbor and useful citizen, and highly esteemed in all tho relations of life. Rasolved, That wc tender to the be reaved family of our deceased brother our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in this their sad allllction. Rssolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this Lodge, that a copy be sent to tbe family of our late brother, and that a copy be sent to the New Berne Journal for publica tion and the Wilmington Messenger be requested to copy tbe same. CYEU8 f O8C0E, Jno. C. Park sr, Committee, J. N.Foscdk, Tori raits. In oil or crayon from life or small pictures done by Miss Aurora Mace, who is teaching drawing and painting by latest methods, at her residence on Johnston street. janlldtf. ADVICB TO MOTH KB. Mas. Wis slow 's Boothinq Sybup should always be used for children teething. It soothes ths child, softens the gums, allays all pain, curee wind colic, and is the best remedy for Jdiar- nosa. xwecty-trve osnts a bottle. mar71 dtuthsat wly BfARBIED, In ths Baptbt Church at Pollocks- ville, February 29th, 1888, by Rev. C. S. Cash well, Mr. W. E. Wooten of Duplin county to Miss Julhv Hammond of Pol- locksmith a The attendants were: Miss Emma Bee ton of New Berne, Mr. J. D. Wooten of Dunlin; Mist Ida Simmons of Duplin, Mr. usorge travel ox roliocksvllle; Miss Bettie Pierce, Mr. W. D. Barns; Miss Allie Smith, Mr. Robert Simmons' of Duplin; Miss Ida - White, Mr. George Harrington; Miss Beulah Bratcber, Mr. Joha Horner! - Mies -Minnie Lee Of Lenofr;MfVWm. 'White v' ,h . . z .V After tbe ceremony supper was given at the residence of tne bride's mother; Mrs. Hannah White, and en joyed by all present." Tbe bride and groom left the next morning for their future home at Outlaw's Bridge, Dublin county, with the best wishes cf the'r many friends. . - - ,. Vrr:?.. COOgERCIAL: COTTSN B1RKKT, Nnw Yoki, March 5. 1020 a. M Futures opened easy. Sales of tfl.tQQ b&lea. March, April, May, June, July, 10.16 108 10.88 10.88 10.40 September, October, November, December, January. 9 96 9 75 064 9 64 9 71 Auguel, 10.48 February. New berne market quiet. No sales. domestic ainair. Peaxiuu 60 to 79 ots. per bushel Eggs 16c. Rioe steady at 81 00 to 81.10 in sacks. Corn steady, 47 to to. Fodder, bOo. to 8100 per hundred Heed cotton 83.00 per bund red. Turkeys 81 50 to 82 00 per rwlr TvarajiTuiB Hard, 81 10 dit tl B0 a2 00. Tia-81 0081.86 OiTb-87ja40o. in bulk BerawAi 18o per lb Liar On foot. 4c. to (k. ajcan Poaa 6a7c. per pouuJ liAlib-Country. lOallc PSAH7lf.80c.a8l 00 per burl., . Onions 82.00 per barrel. Obioskmb Grown 4oo. , avium boo UKiL-65- per bushel. Armas- Matt 75c per buehel PoTiTOie Bihamiie 3(X urns. 40c, liarriwm. 40c. IlUSIl PoTAToCh -jf.3 OOnD j0 IS1ILNGLK8 Weel India, dull and n jm lnal; 6 inch 8002 50. Huildingjfi n h hearts. $i 40,8upo,81 65 pel M w uoLasAUi paich lijw Mk8 PoRa 15 7.'i. i'. uk New fumily. 8 10 U.' fiiiuCLDKH Meat 7ac. C. R. s, K. B's, B. e and I. ( -,c 1 Uii'M 83 OOafl.00. LiUl c. by the tierce. I ul aTok.-- Kirl v Kjhc m-kiI E.l '.J ik-t barrel R N Naius Basis 10 b. 8 B0. 8uoab (Jranulaled. 7 i o CoKKKK 'MuTJc. C'llKEHK 15. Salt 80a85c. per Hack MOLAS8E8 AND HTBUrS0a46c. Powder 85.00. Shot Drop. 81.60, buck, 81.7V KkiioSknb-Uic. Hides Dry, 10c. ; green 6o. Talxjw 3o. per lb. Coal! Coal! ! A rargo juet received ex h( hiKiner ( has. 1. inter, jr. Etrji, Stove and Client nut, 87 00 dtfliverod. i: II. EI. I. IS' 6 -t Coal Yri. For Sale, A MARVIN FIRE TROOP SAKE, three by four and a half feet, with vault, drawers and book repositories. In geod condition. Apply to nifldilt CHAS. REIZENSTF.1N. "Imitation istiih iinckkk:;t pi.attkht.'' "BELL the JEWELER" has tiik LARGEST and MOST VARIED STOCK OF Watches, Diamonds, FINE JEWELRY, Etc , Etc., IN T11E CITY. OUR SHOW WINDOWS For all tbe Novelties and Fine Goods this week. Bee those Solid Oold Eye Glasses for $3.00. Bee the new patent "Grab" Eye G lasses. See the most magnificent display of Fine Gold and Silyer Goods ever shown in this city. Fine Bronzes, Silverware, Clocks, Watches, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry. Bell The Jeweler. Hula For Sale. One Heary Bay Mnle for sale by dw3t GEO. ALLEN CO. 1862. EATOII 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A rax STOCK or Watches, Clocks.' Jewelry, SOLID SILVER AND PLATED WARE. SPECTACLES. I keep a larger stock of Spectacles than any other store fa North Carolina. I take narticalar naina to fit tham to tha eyes of partiee needing teem. Ha ring worked steadily at the bench for orar tktrtv nan. T IxllaM r m as rood work aa ur watcbawkar la aha 8tate . t; , r-- t- t-: ; COUX AND SEE ICS. t .. i ; 3 &aiL K. EATON, - t . i - - - Opposite Baptist Cbnreh, felSdwtf ' !pr.iIT.ILCtrcct; OOos an Iliddls street, crpoeite Motel i::i:x'-1 :r -": a'-. Robert Hancock, Jr,fi TRIAL JUSTICE. "4 Office in rear of Hancock 's drug storeC next door to Hotel Albert. " . Open from 9 a m u. 4 p m. Willfifa1" prompt attention to all matters pertaia ' ' mg to Justices' ovum. dztdtf ' Jas. W. Waters, c ATTORNEY AT LAW. ,, Offioe next door New Borne Journal, mldwly NEW BERNE, H. a Notice. horihenext l.ity Ihtjt I will Sell, for Cah, ths btoik of OrooerJeS pf sSjft--. General Merchandise of Daft llros. at store on Craven street. All perwrc indebird u. ihr firm by DuKor am iuul arr rt j iirsled to make psymeiit uhuut delay ar the business -: uiuet br neliled . i wallac rt:;. Ajtaignee. You May Put a Head THIS ADVERTISEMENT, . hut h.rn. ( 'iehi.iijK 11,1,0 has oome Jnat'' the same. an. I ,.f u,. tUiM)t imf)on. am drimrt,,,. i i, , f (l. uljol j re. 'Iuimiik mi, m,, i, ,,. rm: fi a i iii k ukds. 1. Harvr, !,,. u uuprOTSd niacliiucry necessary In rcnoTata md lborouKlilr duel rt.-am ai.J : ry feathers .o.iurniiK uieui perreciiy odurleeg. " -4 All feather bd oukI.I to be reuorated and cleaned on, e every two years so aa to prevent Dialing and hard noile.l, impure and unhealthy. Work caJled for and delivered to any Irt of the city free of charge Testimonials from physicians mer chants and housekeepers, well known citizens df New lWrne cji:t kkady KOK Till: FAIK JOS fe25dlm O. HAKVKY. l'roprietor, At Maj. Llennison s Mill. WALTER'S Photograph Gallery! I Uke great iletimirp in in.rn,in.. , frirmls, and the public (jeuerally, that iiij 11,-w niuiiio is now oomplete. My Light is on tho New ImproTd I Ian. 1 have spared neither pains or expense m arrai,KinE this Light, so as to give to a my work lhat HuU lain Llfect. Kvery style of picture copied and en larged to any size desired. A successful career of twenty-five years .n Norfolk, Va., is a proof of the satisfaction I always give. My work speaks for itself, by it I hope to gain your confidence and merit your favors. ery respectfully, THOS. WALTKK, W. cor. Middlo and l'ollock sis., Over Duffy's drugstore janldtf NEW UKRNE. N. C. Mew Lot of Stock. (.'apt. W. A. l.nloe has received two car loads of Noiili Carolina mules and horses w hich he i,l rell at rock bottom prices for cash, at Mrs. Smith's lot on Middle street. New Berne, Feb. 10. COUNTRY HAMS, THE FINEST IN THE, AT K. R. JONES'. To reduoe my stock of Cigars, I witt sell at greatly reduced prioea many brands for tbe nest Thirty Daye. Call and get some bargatne. JOHN DUNN. January 23, 1888. Udit Just Received 250 Barrels of Early Rose Seed Potatoesr-";' For sale CfflSAt, . AT t ' ' : ' i' -1 '.- -MA . .-V- 'Wk-

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