I ' a ' iioie ':: Morbus J aire jjiarrhoea. summer Complaints YSSntSry Cured bra teaspoon fu( of P&jyi)ais?dm hller in.aMttle Afil(or Supar and Water, GEOEOE S. FISHER, '.' BLAOKSM I Ti l AND MAHTJrACTrKltft OF Wrought Iron ana Ktecl Cotton, Corn, and Turn Plow. Old Plows repaired. At New and other Job Work done short notice. New Cart Wheels arid Axles constant 1 on hand. V . BT GEORGE 8. riSHEK. Bboad Stkkjct. Naw Bkknk, N. C. ' O A diploma from the Bute Agri Cultural Society is as additional guar- antee'of the quality of my work. y . (Uc3dw2m .'V' .Dissolution Notics. The Arm of OCION A l'KLLKTIKR 1U dissolve by matnal consent on February lit, tm. AJ1 person Indebted to tnls nrm arc re quested) te. make Immediate payment, and persona holding claims acatast the firm are netlAed to present the seme before said date. Oa and after which time Owen H. Onion wlU oecopy tbe offloi reeently oecopled uy . Simmons Manly. P. H. mistier will re main at ths office now occupied bT th Mrm O. H. orioK. ? ' P. H PJOJ.ETIE& JanT U. lass, j d wtr -if. 1888. Harper's Magazine, '; ILLUSTRATED. 1 Harper's Mu aiine is an orran of progresaire thought and movement in every department of life. Beiidoe other attractions, it will contain, daring the coming year, important 'artioles. auperbly illustrated, on the Qreat West; articles on American 'and foreign industry; beautifully il lustrated papers on bootland, Norway, Indies; new novels by William Black and W. Howells; novelettes, each complete in a single number, by Henry James, Laicadio Ilearn, and Ameue Elves; short stories by Miss Woolnon and other popular writers; and illustrated papers of special artistic and literary in teres L The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Hsw dls, and Charles Dudley Warner. ' Harper's Periodicals. ."rr' Pee Tear: XlAEPKE'S MAQAZTKE. 14.00 IlAEPEB'8 WEEKXT 4.00 IlAEPEE'S BAZAK 4.00 Haetee's Yotjito people . . 2.00 1 Postage Free to all subscribers in tbs United States, Canada or Mexico. .'The yoluates of the Maguine begin with the JT umbers for Jane and De--ember of each year. When no time 4 ppeeiled, subscriptions will begin IJi the dumber current at time of receipt of order. j Uouna volumes ot xiarper s Aiaga- Ine, for three years baek, in teat loth binding, will be sent by mail, st paid, 6b receipt ot $3.00 per rol- e. Cloth. Cases, for binding, 50 Is each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magaiina, Al- ' abetical, Analyfaealj aad CUsaifisd, r Volumes 1 te 70, laolusire, from ' ne, 1850, to June, 1885, one toU, ' Triittanees'hoTild b made by LQmce Money Orbe; of Vrdl, to 1 flfc3Wfloaa.if-'-H-r" , :.pers w-enot leopy this T'oBt without th express ' JTsrper & Brotbert. t&mps umu inn ciicun;; (JAR OLE VORKS; KIW BUXL X. C Monuments Tombs. I oJell kinds Otue til nulldlct worts iTALiANUftiERiCAN karble Orders will receive prompt atwuitior 1 and setisf notion guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor i iBuooor loCieori W Claypooi' 1 Uor. BROAD AKD CBAVKN 8U. NKW HERNS, fi. i U. C Miuii te my authorised ejr t la Kitnioti re80-dvs. 1 AGENCY FOR 1M.J2 1 Hardly'Know What to Say. But 1 will iii this much, I desire to ' reduce nir slock of Cigars, Tobacco Smoking Tobaoco, Pipes, of which I have a great variety, and good ones ' too, and smoker's article generally, for I I have more on hand than I want and want to turn them into money, which do want. Now for a fair deaj all around. I will exchange any of my goods for cash for the next ninety or hundred days to any person or persons in want of any of my good, fine goods consisting of the very beet Cigars made for 5c. 10c. l&o. v)o. or 80o. each. Call and verify the truth of what y. Tanhili.'s Punch Agency. Wm. L. PALMER. Middle st-eet. New Berne, N. C. GEORGE ALLEN & CO DEALERS IN General Hardware Ajrricnlttiral Implements. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoc and A-s.es, Wood's Blowers and Reapers, Bteaaa Knaytaea, Cottan Olns and Pressea, Pertlllaera. Land Plaster, Kainit Mechanics Tools and Hardware, Lime. Brick. Cemeut, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsomine, Var nlsb, OU, Glass, Pott and Hair Freexers, Refrigerators, OU Cook BtoYes. Eureka Burglar Proof Saab Locks, warranted to Ifive security aod satisfaction. PRICES VERY LOW. OKO. ALLEN & CO. P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will prartloe In the Conctlee of Craven, Car' lerst. Jones. Onslow and Parnlleo. United States (Tonn at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the 8tat. febl du Nottoe. The nodarslsaed. John B.Lods, baa dafy Jaaliaee as AdmlnUtrator of the estate of unit Y. lxng, and bereby fives nottoe tnat be req aires an persons m asalnst tb aetata of the said Jai to nrasent them te tbe said John I having elalms r. Aooa o. Lioncaoiy aniaantleaiea. for Dae-ment. on or before tbe 11 lb day t- Jaaaarr. 1WS, or else this nottoe will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Peiwaas Indebted ta'sa estate must pay wltboat daiay. tall JOHN B. LOKQ. Admlnlatrator. EDUOATE V liDUOATE I What Better Can Be Done For The Children! AUROEA ACADEMY AURORA. JT, V. B. T. BONNER, . Mbs E. O. Lanoston. PawoiTAU Assist aitt Tbe Fall Hesslnn will open Sept 8, 188T, and el.se Feb. 8. im SMprlnc Bteslon will open Feb. 8, 1888, and elose Jane IS, Its. Board aad tame modem t. Pnplla are ehamedfrom time of entrane to' end of session. Io dedneuon except In of protraetee uinees. for fnrtaer Information applyto Pflneiawl. The Ocdoneechce Hotel, HILLSBORO. . C The yepany eonatsse of two adjoining lota J otoneaereeacn. jiib"o"i", aewlr refitted and good aenew, with twenty rooms besides bwet ess rooms aad ostbohsaa. Boents well famished with new farnttsre. Wo t barn bniidlsg, ballt five years acoaea dweWng boase. wttb twelve reome.snd also an ofBee with two roome. The whole prop ertv Is weU salted for a enmmer and winter resort. Plenty of shsdevextensive lawns aad water eqiud te any. , will eeU the whole taeeUMC auher tot erreely A.leo a tnet f land containing 88 I I seres, Utree miles froia Hlliarioro, on the Partem road Good erela and tobeeeeerav-,jPer priee and termsapply te , , i A t-uU rodr. ' 1 w 1 1 iii i a m w- n. fi an i iii THE JOURNAL. arrival and Departure Hails ' MAIL C1XE8. For Worth. 'Weat and Boata ria A. M. C. R. J4.at7JMJn.sn. For BoanJort and the East," at 8:00 . nm. For Waahinrtosi,8wiftfeah, Hyde and Beaufort Ooantaas Mondaya, Wednes days, and Fridays at S a. m. rot Trenton. FoUaksrille and Maye- vllln, daily at 7:80 a.m. for Urnnteboro, Bayboro as 1 Vaa- d em era. daily at I a. as. OmCB HOURS: la Money Order and Eegiatered Let ter TJwpartra est, from 9 am. to 4 pm. laMauinc Lepartmeat from V a. m to B n. m. Office open constantly between these hours exoept when noaiUara being dhv ribatMor Wk ellgiBS Kewt Is not Reperted, , How comes that baao ball and horse racing sews is reported with great care and fullness, while the leading religions events are either ignored altogether or indifferently reported! Is it not because news paper editors have learned that persons who belong to the theatri cal or the sporting or the mercan tile public bay their papers accord ing as they find in then full prompt, and sympathetie - treatment of theatrical, epxting, and market uews; whereas religions people, as sucd, do not discriminate in- their patronage of newspapers with a corresponding exactness! In other words, do religious people feel as keen an interest in religious, news as tbe base ball public feels in base ball news, or as'the horse-racing publio reels in the news ol a horse racel Do religious people to any considerable degree, choose one paper rather than anotber because one paper gives more prominence to religions news than another, or treats it with a more sympathetic apprehension? Yon can go op one bench and down aoother at a base ball game, and every man in tbe crowd will tell you what papers ol tbe next morning will bave a fnll and glowing account of the match then in progress, and which will dismiss it in a few cold lines, and very many of then will make tbei purchase of a paper on tbe follow iog morning on that basis of choice Now I apply I that modelof treason ing to religions people. Out of ao audience assembled in a city for some notable religions occasion bow many will be able to predict the relative prominence that will be given to that meeting by the news papersf And how many will go to the newspaper stand tbe follow ing day and buy a paper, confident, without looking it through,, that it gives a good acopantoitbe event! In short, it is not. after all, a qnes tion ol supply and demand. A Good Cause for tjratltaae. A Greek, the wisest man of his day. once cried with honest fervor: "That a heap of things theie are that I do not want I ' How locky we should be if we could get ont Of discontent and envy into his habit of loving the good we bare, bat to have all the good we desire ! Well, we think, we really ought to bave snob, and such a thing. If that is so, shall have It. But we will not whimper meanwhile. We can pnt on the airs ( eocrates, and con gratalate ourselves that we oaa be jolly without it. The pump handle sees a good deal of the, ops and downs of life. A Wenaaa's Discovery. "Another. Wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a Lady in this county . Disease fastened its clutch ee anon her and for seven Tears she with' stood it several tests,' but her vital or gans were undermined and - death taxed imminent For three months she coughed iaeesesntly aad eoald not sleep. Mm boagnt of aw a bottle ot Dr. King's New Discovery for Cona-nmpuon aad was so mach relrevwa -on takio first dose that she stent all night ao, with one bottle has been miracalooaly cured. Her cam is Mre. Lather Lutz. Thus write W. C. Bamrioh A Co., of Shelby, If. C ' Get a bottle free at K. N. Duffy's drag More. H.H.T00KEE, WHOLESALE DEALER IN FISH flriD OYSTERS, JHSUIaVII.(; Will give strict atteatlon ts orders, and fill the same n post best terme. - fl0dw8m Dr. Q. L. SHACZLEFOED DENTIST, dw NEW BEE2TB, K. 0. NOTICE. The nnderslsned. O. K. fHlmer. has dnlv qoallfied as Kzaentor of the estate of Kd ward a, Bl U.and hereby gtree noUee that he quires all persons having elalms against, theeatete of the eald Edward H. H1U. to pre sent tbe tn to tbe said C K. Palmer, dnly aatbentaeated, for payment, on or before the 84 day of Mar eh, 1888, or else this noUee Win be p'seaeq in narw leouteiy .- rwrsoae maeotea to uie estate man pay Wltbont delay. . . . , I OUT W . aJW jn X AJaW AiCSaj JLA vUSUTi For 81 0 ws WlU Insert lines fUS words) In One MUl Inn eonlea of IHiUy, Hnnday or Weekly newspapers, Tbe work will all be done In ltd j a Send order and check to. GEO. P. r.OWCLIi & co . it rrrs fx., 9. T. 0KWAEDIISTHEWPE1), mm wwim it, I sabeeribsr, J year.. .I.S .. &. .Met MsHheerlners. I year. One eopy, I year, free to the one sending a elobof tea. , 11 . - Klgbt paces, eolampa weekly. caaa leaanes bnomut) w akian75. Mortgage Sale. Brvti toe of power of sale tomegtveniae eertaln sorteag executed y A.ft.Oeanieaa lo Qeorge J. Meadows, Commissioner, dated Be pi. a. A.D ttsbb, I wul sell at the Coart Boose Door In tbe County of Craven, eertaln ku on booth Front airest. atdlotnlag CdWd Brown and otheraand frontins oa Ttent pUver, known as Loto Vo.86 and part of No. aa. rw more run description, rererenosis had to eald mortgage, recorded In Book 81, pace edt. In tbe Beoords of Craven county. ? " Terms of sale. Cash. Bald sals will be On the sixteenth day of starch, m, at t welve, This lttb day of February. 1888. U. a. MKAD0W8, Oommls'r, td By his agent. K. Q. HILL, SIMMONS ft MARLY, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW. NEW BERNE. N. C, Will move on or about January ltth, 1888, to their new office, over the Bank ing Bouse of Green. Foy ft Co-, three doors below Hotel Albert. Notice rf Lost Certificate. Notio lis hereby given tLt tue OrUQeftte Oi rtvt-Mir. of i.Le CapiUbJ toU)ok ol ADtvoiU nod r- onb ('-roiInft Ke.llrod fom patDy, at-i rtlra In liie uaioe of Jobu H. lOik ou Hi - bojtsi of (uld CokupHuy, itM listen h ihit npp Uwtion will be mtdw to tmid ompojiy i.f Uie eiplitttlon of thirty d fa from tn- tl.tt.' U ri'-Ji for ibisia of a nw eel iilirnie. MAHV OOOK, AdmluULiutrii of JohD ii, cook. Notice. Toe i.iitl- in m.v i . N. J.1I1 V hue, hue dul qualified u ..d.k. 1 : t . ; h 1 1 x it ihr ale of KeuUeu Mln. 1 i. 1 hi n t 1 o.ice thnt she rtxiiilrt-t. ull ,o . rri . lugclain.B hgalnat tbtt . bUtit ' J 1 he b . 1 ! i 111 e.. vv J ii p 1 ,i t' aeal Uicin i" Uiu tu '1 ..1 ..li hitn duly au tlienllcHid t.r pbyineni, t!i or kiel(.re the 17thdnyof jAnutiry, Ihnu, ir flae th is r-otic will be p:eud d in nar 1 f i i.voiy. Pervoiia luil.bld to U.e tulnlti muel pay without dbJtiy. HAKAU WHITE. (Bnl7dtiw Administrator. NOTICE. Tlje UDde:ilKned, K. .. H. Davis, baa duly qualified as Administrator of tbe estate of Daniel iavla, aeoa , and hereby gives notloe tbat he regulrea all persons b.vliig olalms against meesUi'eor tbe aatd Dan lei oavla. deed., to preaenl them 10 llieaaJdltZ K Davis duly auibeotloated, for oarment. on or before tbe SSth day of January, l(t88,orelae lb la notice will be pleaded In bar of recorery. r-ersons inaeDUd to tne esisie mast pay wimeuiaeiay A. a. k. da via. Jan2& dt)W Administrator STATE OF NOHTH ( AKOI.INA. County iof iravrn. In office Clerk Buperlor Court. Notloe la bereby given of the incorporation of tbe Kiceialor Hose Company; tbat the names of tbe Incorporators are Obarlea Lane, O. J. AloSorley, H. P. Willie, T. Q. CburcblU, W. T. H1U, A. B. Carroll, A. K. Hlbbard, F. M. Chadwlck, K. R. Clark and E. N. Case, and saoh others as User may asso ciate lth tbem; that tbe Olty of New Berne snail ne taeir pnneipai place or operation ana its general pnrpoae aoa oojeot snail ns ths protection of life and property at fl ee. In eald Utty of New Bernaaa a ei outer town in nuTi.il oroiina as uiey may aeem nrone: r; that tbedaratloa f the oornorauon shall be thirty years from the date hereof; and that H may noia OTxme rty to ths value of M.OUfl. Febrsary SUirlsW. CARPENTER. C.8.G. febTSOd By J. B. wiixis, Deputy: ROBERTS & HENDERSON Biseral hsvuci Agist., New Horn, IV. CJ. Only first class Companies represen ed in firs. Lift and Aeeidtst Iniuraoes. Total Capital oyer Forty Millions 0 Dollars. Jun24dly iTHAPEIGUT 1 ne unginai Win. wC;ro,Slmmon' 8t- LonU, Prop! M . A. Slsiaseaa Liver Medicine, Bard "JJ7' Cmui nsrsAie J. H.Zlla,Prop'rA.a6immoo UrJ 1 .'. by Zeula 1868. I M.AB.L. If. aa fo. mm. 1 enr-d iMonssnoet, Bsuousrbss. , vrsrimaiCBHaaaacam,LoT ' "mv. arroaum, arc 1 Hev. T. ML R Mm. Pmm.11 w Church, Adaaia, TenL, writes: 1 1 aaeaus asve been dead est TT Oeaaliie M. A. Siav eaens Uvsr atediclos. I have snratrtiss Bad ts eabawtele "Zsula's stag" for vow Meal gas, bwt doal answer ths jPtsTOOeWat. : Dr. J.R.Orrves. Editor 71 WM.Meaphle.'reaa.. Say: vsd S DKkm of tsmtLJ--. edldna. sad bar 1 half s it It workt likae. chana. Iwaasae better XA-nt aaralator ssd cot. l talalyae 1 solZsi IZsumatittar. ?JLf rrviaji ' t U 05cO ytii mi msi mm Win vayify th the Livanai SIDNEY Jinnii ueEIALIHuv OB ef TOUTH. Prepebue, WuS eiAaperit, Ijxil-tion.l ef Straiurta aaa Tired Fealias as. solatatf nad: Umw, bio. las aad aei . raeeiv aw fares. LnllnMlMailiMl . a&d avtiolifl Brain Power, LA01SQ liMrtotViMraBZ-l 1 Bud tn UK BASTEB'I 1EOST TONIO S Kf. enedr an Olra a elaar, health? emnplaihBi AH atmia mt eeunuw feitia enlr add te is pnpe Wrtwr. DoBetetfliaBt. dt OmaTKit ust n. iiiiTcr I ivr pill ) Oar rJensttpetton.lAver Oem plmlnt mod fttefc Mdaab. Savsl Vnm anS lrewi hook all oa raoalnt a. two cants la peatar. THE DR. DARTER MEDICINE CD. ST. IQUIS.WO. ''Um CODHTY GEiT" Th. beat MUbiumi la th. WctM WTH. mrm af ! taat ti' a. "4 t prrnm tm Prtt:4( Onra Milia. V row . ' -"' -dm W.ar t w Hlla,r"W " ' . - BOBTH CAROL1HA,' i i. - V ' . - - Craven Coaaty. i Beperlor Court. n)Bmrnwuui t. !-' ;' Take notice ahatea aetiea has 4een heron trad 'us aroellua t Moots ana rbos. jntsi I Tboa. FitSDStrica-. trad Lea- ast atuore and Fltanttriek. la ths Bdtenor cenrt r of ca-avea county tor uie recovery of toe ease of fourteen hundred and eibty-fur dotlare aid eevsctT-Sve eenut, fur lumber sold and delivered )ifriB tbe ear life?- - lvke poilee that an attachment has been laanedasatnst our property In UtlaSiateia the above souUed action. Yon are reqeued W erpasr and aiuvar or demas .to ute earn- piatb m auo above entitled natron -as 'Uie baser tor Court of praves eonnty, td be held la tii erty of Mew Berne oa the 12th Moeda j after (he VtMonday In March, 18a. or Jud;. mentJsiUAissakenasalrist yon by default. febUldiy i.. a. W. CAKPKaTEB, C, a R " $. W.CZA0siB - ' BASH. JCAKLT. J0H1T H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founder! and Machinists, afaaufaoturers and Dealers in xlHBIJES 1KB MACliLIISTS' SUPPLIES. HaUdera ef Engines. Boilers, Saw Mills. Edgrtns; At Cat-ofT Marbtmra, Wears prepared to do Castings or all alnda with pruauptaees, Psxtlcalar and Immediate aUentlon glveu torepalisof ailkliida. Sl- We will be slad to give plana andesUiuaics for gnv desoilptlon ul niacliluery. We are tbe agents for the sale of tbe Amer ican 8a w. Alao for U A A. Itaranilii a t-te-brated Iudeatrucllble Mica Valvra. We give aalialactor) suaranti . U rn'l w k done by ua. 1)2; Jl'aw wi) Over 9,000,000 worn during tbe past six years. This marvelous sueeess is due 1st To the superiority of CoraUne over aX other materials, as a sUffeuer for Corset. lnd. To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of otr Corsets, oomblned wilU their low prices. Avoid eheap Imitations made of variou kinds of cord, Hons are genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S OORALINE" Is printed oa inside of steel cover. rot 1AU BT ALL LEA0INB MERCHANTS. TfARITESl BKOTHEKS, Iroadway, Hew York City. DEMORE8T,'8T" THE 6 E 8IA Of all the Magazines, . SONTAININfl Bteries, twesM swd anartiherae. sHrsetteiia, eaahoua, ArtMtia, SoabA aad Heasshsto mttkin. jt. . ., yifaMarwted with OHfinmi ! Cprare. ing; hayraa, Oif yetwrVs mn4 Jirn WVwta,MjciM U IA Jfewef Jfagawine pf jtmtritm. s U N PARALLELED OFFER I XKb txrpT Of "DwpfjtwMt't Voathly Vinttu,i eoe tains A Ooapon Ordsr, otlttn)t th bolder to -. ths twtweUM or acy psura iiioKratea is um M la um s. iMhloa sMpwtmsnt n that bUBbtjr, arf th siitai tBnflhaiard. Bnbwlbwn ot ptmshMsn Mttdlnf ut uoapasi wim wo-cn suup Rn-MMfWlU raCVTWSJ hr rcion wmu saSotup .a.ll. It. buuMiuusi aaiw vsvsw fbu rj.MraUaWd -Cl orw. 12 sK PATTERNS (rained at tnm J et. toSSv eaohhdar let tha ytar.aftht kind and Mnl&airad.h) ennialaratloa Worth Over Throe Dollars, aaartr doebla th wtaal eoct f ManilB. whkh to ef UtU, wKh hi krttUaal fattoral aad Kad TurarUona, Cheap t Hayaaiaa In Amerlcsv. --- OSXT TWO DOLLARS sw year, hadadtag twatr ln afee, est sensrea ef Utf kad bad ealaaMd, worth Brty don ait th mlecrlptict Sand taaatl aaata Snr tha nuilaut avmhar wfth PaUara vvapo ana jrrm win aanauuy aaaaBjHMj l w veuan Id a rear aad gat ua Usaw ha vala. W.lssslsnOnawm, PstMw.tS L 14th SL, NewYera SeM hy aU wasatlan aad reataMattra. Beaatlfimj lUBStrate J. 25 tH.,$3iYttf.' IiT . " aowuaj MAUazUIB TeM arafiraiii, s aaUeaa tesia and aanaaa. anZ hteratat ,4 art ara rf thahlahaatldara. '" Amarto.il writan 611 It pa vita a Viae rlarof laiaf-atinsakabihatal traaalaBdadaaB. vw, aerial and .hart rtarlM, daritrXiaie gar taaMmtmatrySMa rad vaaa-C briTaaTarTow thiiZlJLth I ttstlnctlret- RerwMnniJaW.'v American Thought and PregrflSS.' RtoasreewVe A by vtrm n , aa ami iuj "'wiam M sae num. iriDnriTsiiaji a ty a va dva a - . ta la Caaah or V .! riii.iin. . 1 J-. -"' eewtle T'-m 1888. Earper's Young People Ah lUustrated, Weekly. Harper's Tenng People Interests all young readers - by its carefully selected variety of themes and tLeir . well-considered treatment, it con- -tains the best serial and short stories v TBlaable articles on .scientific sab- - jees and trayeL historical and bio- - graphical sketches, paper oa atnla- . tic sports, and gameSrSturing poems, etc.. contributed br the brithtest and most famous writers,'.' Itsillns- txations are numerous and exceienc riwaiiiyaol flniinl.mt. ' tun oi uuuuHjiunuia cBimua. interest to Parents and Teachers v ill I mT A .11 A t Will SS) ICAMllO VI tUO lUabUWiUiaJg - DaI fl ainh awkialh fivf11 SaAMnnlaat' -ttfwa. iviuoiD nuivu rr sa JUXJ a9v iUiJF" tKwAAi nrAAAlrl to nnmhnta a. TP ? tin a V in tbe paper is snbjeoted to tne ' most rigid editorial semtiny ia . or der that nothing harmful may enter IMS WIUIUUSi - -- ? - An epitome of everything that Is rf ii lxsl aiui d. "iwoiuu tvutinr. v A weekly feast of good things to tbe boys and girls in every family ' which it visits. Broklyn Un ion. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictuive, iuformation, sndinterest. CLribtiau Advocate. N. T. Ttrms: Postage Prepaied, 13 00 Per Year. Vol. is. begins November 1,18 87. Spct'imcu Copy sent on receiptor a two cent stamp. Single Numbers, Five cents ouch. Reinittancoio should be made by Post-Oflice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are uot ao copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers Address, Harper & Brothers, New York, The Century Magazine With the November, 1887, Issue The Century commences its thlrty 11 ah volume with a regular circula tion of almost 50,000. The war Papers and the Life of Lincoln in creased its monthly edition by 00,f 000. The latter history having re counted the events . of Lincoln's early years, and given the necessary bui vey oi me political oojiaiOOQ OI the country, reaches a new period with which his secretaries were most immediately acquainted. Under the captain Lincoln In the War the writers nowventer on the more important part of their narrative, via.: the early years of tbe Wsranjl President Lincoln's part therein. Supplementary War Papers, following ths ''battle series", by distinguished generals, will de scribe interesting features of army lifetunneliog from Libby, narra tives of personal adventure, etc General Sherman will, write on "The Grand Strategy of ths War. Kennan on Siberia; Except the Life of Ltnooln and A V ttv a if a tno war tnioies, no mors impor tant series has ever been undertaken by The Century than this ; of Mr. Kenan's. With the previous pre- ' paration of four years' travel and study in Hussis and Siberia, ths author undertook a Journey of 13, 000 miles for the special inveatlgaV . tion hers required. An introduc tion from the Iinssian Minister - vf the Interior admitted him to tha iniubiuat oiiuHa sou nniDDA wnirsu ha luuiama aAnnAtal.4 mb! . I. . . . .1 I : !.. . . .. mirr uuuuicu Oiatd) rAllt3Q,-Ajil-- oiaie, . ximuiBUB, ana mnrri, and tbe series will be a startling as welt " as accurate revelation of the exile A srafom - Th miaa llln.tli. h. i- the artist and nbotoirraDher. Mr. ueorge A. f rost, wbo accompanied -the author, will add greatly to ths ' valns oi the articles. - i - - i. -. A Hovel Ij Eggleston. ' with Illustrations will mn f hrnrTrrH the vear? Shorter novels will, fol--lor by Cabfe and Stockton. Shor- . tcriflctiona. will , appear every 'Sj EiscellaaeoM Teaturet. will comprise severnt illnstrateil articles on Ireland, br Charles Da Kay; papers touching the CelJ cf the t.'SafirJay-Schoor'' Lcssots, lllnaf enful V T. W;l... n a 1J J ' vr iiouu, w k iiX Western, life, by Theodore Boose- velt ; the English Cathedrals, by . ittrs.-TaB Jiensseiaer,- with illostra- uona oy . nnell; Drr Eacklpy 's valuable papers on Dreams, f irit- nalism, and Clairvoyance; ess, its Lt criticism, art,traTel, and b icgrajty poemB; cartoons; etc ' liy a special offer the numbrr f.-r thepast year fcontainiD2 tie In. - coin history) may be Kr-c j - ths.-year's sabscriplinn frc-n :rc. vcml'cr, 1537, t-- f j - J UlTCTt'dlnfhBt .,Fnov1T''e.To . . - i - Ol iX l1. TA .1 . a-

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