1 ; 1 v w Z I2iIMIMuEGwS. ; JAKOS, GuilBent A Co." tAHon.; ; CIIEAPIlSTXASS.f EICES 1 . - BESl INSTALMENT PLANS! - ; FIRST CLASS. INSfrBUMENTS! : WRITE FOR CATOLOQUE, PRICES, ETC. , l.&Li'G&kfil & Co. C " T bmtm mm tW UM-emMm a-t iMn abi . ZZlLiT u sWint Ammim It. and Mr- .hal-the Jam.-, aww94ifKalwtMtr C"i-atacrta u uuM id onJk, wMtMiWUMU, at I a yi i a ' i. iii i; r tj m , w - .'Full linn nt Vi 'oTtTTA C Vl r oo fnf onln Vwr aV KU AAXLO UA LAAO ti UU Howard & Jones, Sole S THE BEST WAY TO " ; ' IS TO SAVB YOUB MONEY" 15V jOixyi n is Slaoes at Cost At F. T. PATTERSON S 1) f c J MIDDLE STREET -STORES, THEN A BOOM 1 Im Ik A traut.l-in will hA f nafidtratAd hv mftkinL vntir rmrehnnAa At tha oHiva named btoree, where you will nua bargains in oeutieuifti g rurniahing Ooods, Olovaa, Neokwear, Bliirta, Flannel Underwear, Huts, Cups, li.xrs. Shoes, Urn--'. brellaa. Trunks, .yalisee and Rubber Ooods. ; VA Railroad to Vilmingtotl via Onslow ia just now agitating the publio mind, while economy is the order of the day and fit. raVMVQX.a Itoreeare. the plaoea to practice true economy, multum in purvo ia his moltpr-a great deal for a little. Way down prices in Calicoes, Olnghamt', Bleaching, Drown Domestics. Shawls, Table Covers, Quilts, and a tort of other goods. ' '. A full Una f Boya, Youths and Gentlemen's Roady Made Clothing at Rock Bottom prises. Millionaires' suite for a trifle so to speak. Th goods were ' - not made for tha CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY OR ANY OTHER POTEN TATE, but for our own market: Be sura to aiva ua a oall and you will find low prices and good qualities. t Bolaad et Spinney Common Sense Shoes our Specialty. C Horses, EU3ules & Ponies .Sr.L.?P'ry;'Stables A FTJLLVBUTPiY of lQOOD I10B3E8, MDLE8 and roSlES always oa hand,. VlucIv wIU be Bold VERY LOW for CASH, or on ' . Ime with good security. ; ' ' ; Also! BUGGIES; KfiAi) CARTS, HARNESS, WHIPS, etc. It will be to your advantage to call on me before purchasing. . A man la he Stables at all bonrs, day and nfhtf ; ''-::iE:lt:; ."; J. W. STEWART. i .AV'hv. iijBroad .Street. Nevr Berne,N. 0 . . -UWUVMU' . " ViId!kLil!HlH3EI ' rf imtiM tlwidua Hi m mai " S ZT t IbrW" truta. and ail W v'"f " iBoacmJFaiin lp toMwxi thxu-n ' ."" nill f f iT.v '. 2. aatTiaKaiiiDithaiaii : , Ll, jTiklESlV Vj; foil wNSmlia7Vi.T?i? fflSa, i, W1 .... .''IW.'.'A i1lllUlllliMlaw( ' '? 1 nnorkM-V . , , iMaMU ' WHal S1V. TWaaal -. . . . I Will marrow. Jt ,w.rftL.iiiunoiii mi i. Tk. n - - ' ..!. ".! v. ... t . i '. oa . Ma hrm I aa .I.T3T. IK 'rlfi - l ' ! ORGANS. j T, "Beethoven' - I Cottage Queen." - P. 0. Eoi 508; NEW JER8B.1. C. the JAittKd MKANS M MlOE or u JAM r.a MKANetvlf - 110E,OK.nJlngLoyuoTleedi raaitrrtil) nofeeiuuMBiikuowriUAipappeanpiAUUyoatte Tha J JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE Win act wear ao long. Oat JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, IVrfttitw it Is md tcf mrn wh 'M AcrnpAtKms are inch u kaJ iht'in ur eal, fur ..jhUT and mors tires? ahue than tl JAMKS MKANS 3 MIOK. Our $8 Sfaoa hti cktAblibltcd for itartf a jK.Tin.wif iu re'.uUtion for conilurt and durability euch as n-j miu r Im Khb ver known in tie hi lory of Hie trade. No corr.t"i iun rc able to approai.li ft 'lite JarmH Mcaus tt4 bhou is U-ht and ityliah, sad It 1 ai cliirubk it mv of its weicirt ever maiiu- furturrd ' Ve v-nfM i.ilv assert tt.ut lu every vijai ro- fitfi !be.Jiiif MfHn . hhe is . " imiid-n-wcU oe8 wiiu-:i fiav niii.cno own reiaueu ni $6 or $7 It t'!t a Ik i i"p ana feniUtM cu Taiup )l Kas a Kr1tvy emaU toltum luaidp ll Ills Ae a stock tup, mid ri juirv-fi no " lrt-aJiv lu1 U rkfi-ff Tlva'i.NV tbti first tittk U 18 vrn. Jamci Mrans and o Situ s were th3 first in this - .. .,1 H If .,. hits iM-t dippinlrd m otLer adVfrtlked Kboei, yuur uperimco ouyt.t lo teach you that It l miVr tu tuy shoe ntd by tti3 leaders of a ".yetem. rather than ttioae made by ti folluwrra. lheae alioea or avid by the beat raUilen thnturtiuiit th I'niUrd mules, and w will place Umib easily witlita jour r. h, ui miy bUto or Turltur, if you Will aena ua a oiuu euro. James Means & Co. 41 Lincoln St- Boston. Mail. V O kJAAUtiJ AO A DttlC UJ Agents for New Berne. BUILD A BRIDGE sk kaaaaa , TCumrr.o aaws, t37r unt nt,q REMEDY CO- 9r ftroost -ik-wu W vwith ai.isAgT.Lotrm wn . i Trial (X our AppiMuw. Vaa for Tarwast ALL KIUE3 OF h Sundrhs 6c, "VfY a a. ri.OOD liLyKWER inTaloable for the r' r : -rst line of riXE CIGAP.3 in ;t-j.' 11;l:'.:r,!a trade e.efecia!ly looked I.::iO:: LIQUOES for m'edicina THE' JOURNAL. THE STUETIC OWL. The owl aits perched on the hemlock tree Ai wide awake as an owl can be, The sky U olaar and the air la still, And he hoou to the night as long as he will. Ohl the lfght of the tun is no light for him,' Give him the-moon and the starlight dim, For alt the hour! of the garish day Deep in the thjcket he blinks away. To-witl.tofwhool there V another shout, From the midst of tne foreet the cry breaks oat; It comes from the heart uf the doddered oak And be knows full well the voice that spoke. 'Tie the signal shout that his mate has made Away! it U time for their nightly T-aid Softly and sldw through the gloom tbey go. Wingihg their way bTerJfield and wood, While their eyeballs stare with a fiend iah glare At the thought or biooa. Woe to the mouse that is outof his bole, One saueak and the victim is swallowed whole, And struggling and raw in that raven ous maw lie lies by the eide of the delving mole Tbe little songsters are all at rest In leafy covert or cosy nest. Not a thought or care or dream of fear i Th h their deadly foe is hovering , - near. ne blow and the sharp beak drips with j gore A ni , tbe hapless miustrel dingo no more. i Savage of heart with a show of sense, Made np of feathers and sheer pretense, 1 Light-hatiDg creature, mopiDK and dull, I Mere glimmerings of thought in his I muddy scull: What title has be to wisdom's crest! Out on the own! he's a fraud at bvt. But when at last he baa met his fate; Like manv a spciier men call great, Aloft and mounted bis praise is beard, And tt-thetes asy : "What a levely bird!" I Hartford Courant. I 1'uulc at a Hull Fight. When any accident occurs to a ; large number of pwople, the general I sjuijiathy is usually lessened when I it can be proved that they have assembled for some wicked or foolish purpoM'. Said a young man who was thiown from his carnage on Sunday, "There! my mother told me something would happen to me if 1 went to rule today," and he seemed to bear his bruises with greater philosophy from the conscious ucss that they were deserved. The peo j ile engaged in the panic described below might well adopt tbe same sort of resignation. At a reoent bull fight outside Sargossa, after two animals had been despatched, without any special accident, the third, an aui- mal named Salado, jumped over the barrier into the amphitheatre and crushed an oUi man and a boy. A terrible panic apd tumult at once ensued. The spectators leap ed to tbeir feet. In the twinkling of an eye, the space about the ball was vacated, and the crowd rushed into a corner, trying to protect it self, byjneans ot plants and sticks, from his charge. Salado made a desperate rush for a young girl, who, with a shriek, fell to the ground, bat one of the toreadors, with great presence of mind, trailed a red cloth in another direction, and thus diverted his attention from the girl,, who was dragged unconscious to a place of safety. The ball next trampled underfoot an unfortunate vender Of drinking water, and made bis way into still another portion of tha ring. A young tnan In one of the boxes tried to shoot bin. bat the three ballets lodged in his flesh only increased his fury. One of the men then attempted to ran him through, bat missed . his aim, and the ball charged him furi ously. The man stepped aside, and the ball's horns penetrated the wooden paling ao deeply that, before be could draw them oat, two men had plunged their swords into him. Even this did not kill him oat- right) the enraged animal staggered some tairty yard, and broke down a nnmberor benches beiore expiring. Youth's Companion. Wife (pleadingly). I'm afraid, George, yon do. not love me as well asyoamsedtooo. Ha8bAntL-VYBjT W Because yon' always let me get op to light the fire. ; ' ,il. Nonsense, ray jorei Yoar getting tip. to Iigfet the firs makes me love you all the more. c -- - ,-CXTK rBEX A taiica-, That ia tour rent luBsrfc '-Alw all youf bremthirirniAokiDery-. -Very W0b derfnl macbiwiry-ltr 1; Wor only tbt Urfrernir pngft, dtjI a ihootaniu ol liUle tnbea an4 caviUei leiiig from tbera.,-t l wlA--1-;C 3 i- - Wben the ra lo?;3 trifl !cKoked wila matter wbiob -ought net to"b there, your Imm &Bot halt Ho their work. Aad VA-hat tbey do Uey oaanot do well. eyju v - - Call it cold, eooeh.'croop, pnennxmla, oatarrh, eonnirrptioa or any of the fam 11 V of tbroat and no and brad and lang obstruction, all are "bad; All ocght to begot rid of. Tvr i JdfI one jnre way to pt rM tf l t. ' Tl st Sa to tske Y c V .- a ( '1 ! 1 ' . ) f f y DYSPEPSIA. 18 Uat LuWry experienced when we sud denly become aware that we poeaea a diabolical arrangement ailed, a atumach. The sioinacli la the reservoir from which every fibre and tissue uiuai be nou'lahed. and any trouble with It ie sooujelt through out tbe whole ayeieni. Among a docen dys peptics no two wnl have tbe same predomi nant ayinuiouis. Dyspeptics ol active mental power and a bilious temperament are subject to Mck Headache; those flashy and phlet mauo have loualipatlon. while the thin and nervous are slmuJluued to alo-a aay forebodings, brume dyspeptics are won derfully fomeiiul ; others hate great Irrita bility of temper. Whatever furw L spcttia may taKe, one thing is certfaiij. The uuderljluig rauao lit LIYEU, Is lu and one. tblnt: more is e jUfllly ' eitalii. no t vtlll correct Aridity ol the t jpel fuul (uu. Allay IriliaUou. Aaalst Ultrallou. txuA ut the same time TAUT Till': I.ltKIt TO UOHKIlti, lll: A 1.1. Ilillllt 1IIUI ULKS fcOO UlslFl'I AB. "n irrb6. 1 of Aufi. IV.l I Liver lu c .hit. i tif. r:i i d) Bprplic Some uf lr. bteiuer til tn try HiiiuiioiiB tt fi.l toi tlie rclit-f u . i w lio l vttd IL la - ! ir-i tit r ( hrouic s 1 . i i- r lUnulaUr w !i rt-nurtd VS to V . K tttUbll. U hue givrii or uttit-rw im and 1 fr i r. hImi w run ui!. See l liui , mi , i i ia. ti ICS I itt, Willi n i i5 1 :i fi'M.l '4 wiupi-t-i. I-1. 1- i a i f : - i I'! II. II Ll A .. I'llla,ltlilla. I THE iHGURABLE CORED ! I! -ri.!v?vi. i it, h 1 t. ?4. lT flenl It'TTirn hnri, yr-nsf Ll(.-p 1 v ir ilru l otK-l i n in v in .x- ' i -in c. tii kn i.il ariuU b I irlniafi-w 'i L I i,l lIi-oit, Wuultl I t-i.i 1 lr for n i i. )ai t II I l.u.l a i cti cri u -..i .K 1 ii.ii. i'ii. -v.l lunnia ri ti is tail' 1 i ilt 1 1 I f t if 1-nUn-i y ihipu Illf W l.rll I I -r lilt I will! J-.nlffb ti.r-. in. 1 whjIii ry i-r ti t ll h. itn-1 1....1I L.-.rJly drt( olioi.i. illi r I Lii'l ri.t-:i l Ihf ruurwi df S H ti 1 hhs Mlln: hi. 1 tiiiolniut Mini llil a Hlml M'l i-il'r 1 I rK : I )l b3 la Uill vttlual'li me !.t iM f"r l.ili.i. in v....k .Ir.i rale tx-ultU It U t li--uxl. il iiit-du iiit wilIj nit-. 1 1'un i 'i if.Jiy hh.S 1, W W'MJtuH Sr.MiiHKi Ki, S ' . April 'J, 1SH7 Ofr(lrni-n I i.l I t ti a 1 lit. t had A sort: im my Iff t t liffk. It Krrtiduialiy leD gri-wlii( vti.rw.. 'I LO Many atrial. B wbom 1 had cuan! i 1 mi u; 1. nal'! U io m any K IbI f;tll a yts, nc I lf Kau ualiiK S B At flral It liiM .iTir.l (he (..ne, uud It iKtcatiif rtioin vlruli ul iI.mii t r . ho much s. In il.nl 11 y f a t 1 1 v tub lfd that I htmultl iMivc oil llio iiii .iu me. I i f atnU'tl III lislutf lli H S h A( ll.enn! of w.) mint lis I lie 1 1- v ua n 1 Irv 1 v l.tLinl 1 lilii k ItiK that UiatllwKhmii(.f in -i 1i u 1 In., 1 left off l ho iiicdliHit ; bin In Nt-Mir.tmr, leu moll ill-) Hf -r. 11 v or y si 1 Ml )t t nk iMf out appeal til. 1 at inn- Ih-nu uyoiti 1 n .s S & , and ni'W Ihul la al 1 1 w.j ;i;k .1 1 11 I lin syrv fhlih in t S s lu-s ,),.u- nif mora (rin.f lliitn nil tf.o 1! - t r an 1 . lUi hiijl ctiioa 1 ever lk. iuaii truly . A It HHaM'S. WivsT v. N " , AjTll I.', 17. (leni If mpn Tw t t r 1 iiri yr,ir u.'t a tan N'l t llllif ell IliV f ii It kS MHi (I'fW i" 44 111 1 1 lurvf . 1 I i'ii ll IMf Hb'l m . m-ral btwllh W.ih MV i-..r St i I. n.lx-r I lHtti.ii a ouuikt- of S ti H, vtlni h I hnHMm llnuil (o th pti snil time wild (lit- Ixippl.-st rttttull 1 In- cum i-r liio t-iitln l i1lsup.('tiii-l. thertt lifh.tt ii" i.ii-iu'c or m mi'lotn of a caiicertiuB t hivrm'ttr left. K y uincrul heall h la vhk! 11.1v , iiii l my a pt t 1 1 f lM i r t han V ha been In yenr. 1 am KJ ytutrn aiil to da I am working lu 1 1 1 1; r. I 1 plaulliig oirn. Yi-'ura truly. Junas Lma.aA( 11. (vvnilpnien I had a son1 on my umt lip for etuhl yearn. Keft n 1UTrriiil ilm tori tat tm ( r1 in vain lo beal 1L Ofiti ga 111 r a amall vial for tlvo tlollara, w hh It was a " or Lain cure ' It is nelleaa to any that It dll ma do ffoii. aIkui two jfare avo 1 lifamt quIU unciAnr. aa iKopl tfiouKlil I had a can oeir.and I tHik a uourM of elKtitcen iK'Ulfu of 8. S B. Th result ha Imhi a romiiU't rur- 1jheulwr or cancer healed heaufifuh ly, Icawitt scarcely a wrcopllble Hour From inat day I hare Iwn in cicellent health, the 8ecinc havinn purified my Idood tlKirouKh ly. IncTfiaae.J my ap tiu and perfectcil my ff iffeatlon. I a word, I feet llko a new woman, and. lies l of ull. tha cluht year ulcer U gone euurcly. Vuuxa smui-relv, M us W 1' Canbos. Trenton, To.M Co., K) . vlt. ', if7. TreatlM oo 6 nml Skin rMran mallfd Cr. Tmt bwirr KricriKK' 'o.. lirawar K. ALiaaLa. Ua. GaiDBfl 15 Founds. "Ikmbocnncrcnl iuirrrer from Torpid I.lver bih l.vi..-,sla. F.very t hi IMC I nto IUairii.-l wtlli w.uuUI I I ran now dlirf-. n -y kind of food) never have n lit-utlin ..e. nml k.v.yalii ed lirieen iioiiii-w I u ui-lirhi H. J. B 11 tl-r.i;, tulnaulila. N. C. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Money To Loan. Examine the following list and eee what you need for the coming year, and gave money by buying from me at SHORT CROP PRICES, and you will have money to loan. PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! I have the Champion, Granger, Boss, Dixie, Daisy, Clipper, Atlas, Pouey Queen and Avery, nteel turn plows, and the Stonewall, Climax, Gem and Caro lina Cotton Plows, and Castings of every description. Also, a full line of Axes. Shovels, 8pades, Forks, Rakes. Boes. Marl Picks, Potato Rakes, Bnbs, Spokes and Rims, Cartwheels and Axles, Rod and Tira Iron, Nails, fiolta. Washes, and every thing in the Hardware line. Corn Shelters, Grain Fans. Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes. Mowera and. Reapers, Belting, 8team ' Fittings, Machine Oils, Lace Leathers, Cant Hooka," and Saw Mill Supplies. Bean tor prices. . . n . . -Respectfully, J; C. WHITTY. HARDWARE. Saab, Door and Blinds, Paints, Oil and .Glass. , , iLtnie, Cement and Piaater, r' j ?ft-f-.-!!4.r. i'-rr".:' r " . -1 lT"B0TT0MlCESl;i M s rills II. OUTLf-U. afrEAMKRS, Steamer Howard, Independent SteambotU Line. Commencing MONDAY, the 13th day of September, 18S7, the Steamer HOW ARD will ran the following schedule For Trenton, every Monday and Friday, Returning every Tuesday and Saturday. For PollokiTille every Wednesday at 6am, returning the earn day. J. J. LASITTER, Manager. j Disofiw AT," Agent It New Qsras STEVENSOli ftllcCTILLEZr, PATENTS WaliiiKtou, 1. C. Twelve Yenni CoDnection wilh Tli- Intiriur lt iartmeiit linn iveri UK the deeired eirlelHc nr Mt-iliaiiiial Ei,.-rl. KKfKkKNi'lcs Wafuer Miller Now iork. Ueu 1 W. 8. Koei-cmu. UtKirarr of the Treneury (ieD l Clark Clerk House of RtfLireBeuUllvoe jn- J if 1 HHH. Harper's Weekly. ILI.l fsTHATI.I). llar'ir' Wrtkly Laa a m li t.-tal. In-Led j. la.ee a lli e UaJili llluttraUii iiewsfiaj.er lu Auu ru-a. '1 L fttlrIlrr of It editorial (-ouiuit'tila tin currriit politico liaj- earlied for it llie rij.eel ainl coiifjilence of all impartial n adt rs, ami the variety and excellence of it literary collteiitB, which iucludo serial and ihort stones by the bebt and ui"c1 oji u lar writers, fit it for the Jm ru.-ui of jieojilc of the wident range of lacter aiid jierttuiUi. Suprilenieuts are fre HUelilly provided, and no rxpt-UM i pari-d to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the iltus ' .. . r .1. -I ..I .1....... ... irailOll OI IUP i lliiuciui puiu-en oi home and forelgu history. In all its , features Harper's Weekly is adunr-, ably adapted to be a welcome puect in ' every nousetio.il. !l;irpern I'cnoilli ills 1'EK YEAK; llAiiri;u"8 Wkeklv -. Haui'ku'h Magazine 4.o 11 .,,,, n . . u A i ii i 1 1 A ui r. it ri nai.iin " HAUI'KH'S Yul'.NU 1'EiiI'i.K. 1'osta'e Free to all utilizer ibi re the I'niti d States, ( anada, or Mex in ICO. The Volumes of the Weekly beijiii with the first Number lor January of each year. When no tune is mention ed subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Kound olumes of Harper's) Weekly, for three yearn back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for f7.(MI per volume. Cloth Oases for each volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of IH.00 each. Remittances should bo made by I'ostOffice Mooey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lotts. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER k HUOTHKRS, New Y'ork. Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 7. . In Kfleot 6.00 A.M., Wednesday, Feb. 15. 1888. Going Eabt. Schedule. Goinu Wbst- No. 51. i'twen7er Trains. No. 50 Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. p in 4 55 Goldsboro 1 1 17 am 5 40 6 44 La Grange 10 39 10 42 6)1 6 41 KtostOD 9 58 10 08 834 8 88 NewBerne 8 10 8 25 10 59 am Morehead City am 6 37 Daily exoept Sunday. Going East. Schedule. Go in a West. No. 1. No. 2 t Mixed Ft. A Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train, am 10 Goldsboro 8 28 p m 6 46 6 51 Best's 1 48 1 52 7 11 7 21 La Grange 113 188 7 45 7 50 Falling Creek 12 44 12 49 814 8 84 Kinston 12 02 12 20 8150 8 55 Caswell 11 41 11 46 9 16 82 Dover 11 16 11 31 10 00 10 05 Cora Craek 10 43 10 48 10 29 10 84 Tusoarora 10 09 10 19 10 46 10 50 Clark's 9.62 9 57 1188 am Wewbara am 9 20 . Taeedav, Thnr dav an I Hatnrday. tMoodajr, adoedar ana rrWay. Train SO eonnaeW WHh Wlnnlacton Wei- don Brain tarnnd Norta, leavlnt eoidaboro lUH a m. SMd with RtehmoiMl D avUle Xrala West, leavta Oaldabora IctO p.ja. Train kl eonneeta vrltk Eieknoaa iHaaTltl. Trala, ai ililaa Ootdakers 4:M m., aod vrtUi WUmlnftoa and weiiioa Train Horttaai 4.ttn.. Train leonm nneeu with Btebmond an Dan - villa lrttdik rrabxnt, lenvlu QUbiiore aA S.-ID n.n rrain a eanneeii -wibb winmnfrrm sna Wa.on Pwiaenirer Train Harta koon Wav ing OoMSbovo at vsip. am. ITain. Weldoa n a etraoeoM wlta wUBtiMrvOW ana FrMfht Tnla Sotah boand laavlnc QoafUberoak : s.,Lapmt.i. : Llii Wlalna ta tefwrm ue PnbBe that be feaa mrnmenofd r '.i bnif r, im H'ddle 8t arid IS now prTT"' " 'l t'fl ff Wnrk 8TEA-MERH. , , v EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fat Freigtrt Line ' ajrrwKU ' i N.w Ivu, Itasurw rf)rTli nilaia Polaits, and Horfolk, Bmltimar Paildelpfcn, Saw trk,BiUl, Ktc.-vim Jtlljuabeta Cltjr. n.f. i TUE STEAMERS EAGLET and VESPEE of Uii line win run on regular Mhda time. lt vi ijk ew h-rne evsr lffTNDAV. luf h.lla.UH;Ui C ll kLil re ItovrB tax I lnij ay. , , Tiite kiraui.m iu coijuecUou wltk"traS Aumuc A C. K. K.. Nuiioli Nuauiarn K. H , Mow 1 urn i turn, aud .Nullum K. HJld Iht IVuu.y Uniim H h lurm a reliable and rs:ular llii uttering aunur laclUUtit U uloA lilifHltM.Lluu m No Iraiiaiei. xij.. kl tllaaueltl OltT.M vUiai poiui treigi.! m i.e ioaU4fauata to uirouali u. droiiuiiiuu ii. 7 llrecl a.il (inxla w l i. ,j.d via rnllllB " liroilua I'lelmUL Oa lv u. luju.i; a Y rtiui Ne Vi.ik y ftiii, R H.. Fier'W, urlli hlttr h M.u. I'liWaUri.l ll.:... . W. A BalMX. rt. K . lA'a l -Ulk.l ! I liIIj bll.l IU. I r I y I'Li H. I'lC.l.lt-l. I . ta I I I . W .1. A BAMO, B. t 1 1. ui Null. .K I. rlu.li M.Llhrril rl R. 1 n.ni It. ml !. Ii ii. l.ai.ta A Mlucra ilaiaa- l""'li"i. 1..H .i.j Nrw illglud li ti. lut u. aa . lei iLau by An j oli.er,i, 1 H t' f d u !e of four lf'lB.t- HtlL W. J M Vl . I.-. ' 1' H K iMUh ! I I loll AgBJll - ' . K. SIH I1KV I c . I A I' K H . i'l .a li b i . ' 'h I i.fi.f rui r 1 1 I' A N K K . N.'i( .. t it-kglil Agelil, Ll Aeul, M Y, II 11 I 1 li H ' I it 'kUl Ajput. 0 V'l".k K ui.' 11 KM 'I li-' ' N Ag-Btlt, N o.rua. ft. t". OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SI JUi-WKh KI.V LINK. Tti Old Io tul it lot. Pi iiiahl ( oui ld a atd Kit oillt Valer Houlf, t la Allnirlc and 4 lititrk( ( a ik I . - - fmji "ooik. u.uin...... is, v. i.a, Phiia d ".... f.... i.u... r, Alul " l'01''1" -N"'Ul. d West " (.i, a,, i afir, i , . . n, " ' ' . lnm M AN 1 LU, C i- I i i, ! a H V attli , Sonthgale, Steamer NEWBlKNE, Cajl Pntcbett, I. III an'.l Ii . lu .Ni 'Kl i .1 K , V u for NKW HH.ll.Nr, -.a vA,j,i, i,k...i, IU"MilrD aw) IKlliAs, li.akli.l tl'.s.- iioiiiit-uUmi wild ll.e IMeauift i.f n.,. , '1'. M. H ii to. .for Klliaton TleliUiu, ajid all utiier innl i.K. on llm Ni-um antl limlkilin. lU-luriilng. will aall fi.nu NKW HLKHK ........ ' . . . i. i . wiiah aaa r 11 1 1 ' A 1 . hi mm 1 1. a k , iig ot: lloi) with 1! for N w 1 ik )l for rlHllltii.iri.. i ; .1. I ili-l li Ih. am! M A M 1 . uui and I'luN ulix a auatr -I. , for I'bliM i ai!, a for Hat- our ii-i 1 : 1 1 i.k i-f'..i la l. i a mi our iatroia, i Hi..1(iur aiiii.M.1 l.i-t o . i h...v..- i... i t w ,-i n f y t a I a Id ll.t l.i-al uaiHliI we cau ifT,-r a . 1 I , '. 1. 1 . t u i .. u , u . u i . i .... ... .lir in : n l : ., . i .. i.. i lull-1 li. , t ....la. ral a ..f i I 1 i M H (', "Jor- 'V link. a r-ri-iKiii. H"l rm-.-ut. I ,,i M.laiBiit after S a iii. on hH . 1 r. a; .la a i-aaa4.uiii.ia tt n i no n j . .(1 La 1. 1. . innroTt kI.h. r iMntia iiti.i nr i eonrtay and altrn ii. ui u i.i i.t- i. ,i u,-ui l.y llie olIloBra. 1 H Hi iHUCI-H, AjujI. tf is. ks. 1 I I.I 1 I Mi A II II I- K, A lli-l.la, ,, iu,a,'va. n lANh'iii'. I ii ul NewurkllltT, CiiaD?B ol ner in Hew lork. : The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEW YORK, nnriTiniT nnnnrnrunn n i N KM U I I I r. Ii I r viwava. A NV I l a l A-I 11 o i i and all volnt i"i)riii ana Mt aflar taia data will rac.lva ralcbl Id Ni for Naw Barat. at ! PI Kit 7. NOKTI1 KIVKR.' - I ) ffLM ilf Vi) VV4-lt it1 UAifiaMkva 1 Transportation G. Mrt bao t ibouJd rmenibr th&t th i Ib - h bait Slam llcei on t of Nw nrk, mtki L.ily ooDDwctlon with l.alt:morr f. r hi Bnt ii insiar, do oniy one cB&rjf . k 8EMI--WEEKLY 8TEAME l.tfits lew Berne ind BaJtimorr -' orl.,iaj i , L.Tlni livw Ili-rc. (or Halunon TtrnrtarW t.-t r KiiiA I ini I t in opiTt k& umAM fA n.w Darae w Lint r..tjM i r, ana oATVavAT " a. p.aa. Aff.al. ara & follaa-a , El'BKN FOSTER, O.n'l Ar.naar. ' .1 to Litai si , Bal't. f ' AS W MrOaRRK'K Ar t Nnrlnll V. 1 ' "' . w. r. uija. uo.. rauaaaipbia, 11 EJoeA - , aarvea. ... Tork A Baito "ran. t.ln.Plr r,oria river t- . ?. etampaoo, nofion, na t. antral waari. E. H. Rockwall, Proldnre R I. ' ' P.O. Mink, Fall RiTar. Darrick wharf t Skip. laT Boaton. Tondtji and Balnrdajt ' " Iw Tork dailv. " Baltimore Warinaariava and Hatnrtlaa Fall Rlv.r, Mondaj-, Wadnwdaja .. rridaj. rroTlAaaee, Satarnj. " krovh bill, lading flvan, aad rata, fuaran. -l'- - ts all Mint, at tVia itlCr.. I nflri. nf paaie. iroid Ertiluge ol Bulk ind Skip tkX' N. C. LINE. d 1 Mar to It S H 3RAT A Haw Rre- THB NEUSE & TRENT RIVEIl N.it.rVVWt-; KtaamKa.1 nnaaeiw ja ol'.-a . Will ran tbs fouowlns Hohedoie on and aftw' ' ' January 1st. 1187. ; .i ,nrt ... u axv ' Will leave Hew Berne for KlneAnn ant fka.e i 1.1 days and Fridays at 11 e'oloek, IUtAaiaa " u, wiu tanve ninsion on NoMV'aM l Tbnndaya: Toneblng at all lalsmsdaals aaaawj.iiaa n vuai WTW. . at v if. J.DIBOBTAT'atlSalA'ff1 . W. F. M AJTI.T, aDnataav ' IX a. Baasfja, rtojroaavtna. 1 w , v "W. K. WARP. Aa-aniaatrantaa. - - la. Ot XTttt, fUT Old VtoUkr Va T " it. B. Bawkb. Qsaker BrMa.;A . . a?aw . i Clnete V" , T, - DRJJ; D. ClHK ' t ' r. r. J3'm -It

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