THE JOURNAL. STEAMKK8, STEAMEB8. I . - . i . . r i - - .PIAXTOS. 'Guild'.Bent Co." CHEAPEST CAS3iUG&'! . ... .: 14BE3T INSTALLMENT PLANS! X-kz C, UtGaskill & Co. aVteafafcM-ri(tatai..l ulaln. al.oui AMB. aarifMtf lllaMa. TrMr haea .m ly auaueadrd aadiaeM lha ra.H(. of ll.rti !. . - EfWoeu-n;. eVIEAMS 6L CO. Full line of the above Shoes for sale by Howard' & Jones. Sole Agents for New Berne. V f V THE BEST WAY TO BUILD A BRIDGE ' ' IS TO SAVI5 YOUll MONKY 15V ; DSTaylxisr Slioes ctt Cost At F. T. PATTED V -V at. ' lIIDDLE STREET STORES, THEN A BOOM ' ' In the right direction will be iaaut;urated by making our pun liases at the above " named Stores, where you will tind barKainu iu (it-iitl.-m.-ii V I'urnishing (ionds, " r. s Olovet, Neokwear, Shirts, Flannel Underwear, lliiln, i.'jpj lino's. 8hoes, Urn ' i .brtllae, TruaksyaJisea Dd Rubber Goods. A Railroad to Wilmington via Onslow r " tiaat nowagttBt1bsr the publio mind, . .'I1 SHU I... iMWIWU Wicaaie irre .rauiri to uioohd VI UUetyUiiuiil J , rr14(l UTT. Jl ' i purva , Is kl motto a great deal for a little. Way down prices in Calicoes, Ulngbama, Bleaohiogs, grown Domestics, Shawls, Table Covers, Quilte, and a s ; host of other goods. A lull lina of Boya, Youths and Gentlemen's Ready Made Clothing at Rock " Bottom prioea. Millionaires' euita for a trifle so to speak. These goods were ' not made for the CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY OR ANY OTHER POTEN .''. TATE, but for our own market. He suravto give us a call and you will find low prices and good qaalities. " ' - - Boland tt Spinney Common Sense Shoes our Specialty. i v - - dorses, Mules & Ponies lejo E-iverv OTaDies. A rUjiNfBUPPLT.of GOOD HOUSES, MULES and PONIES always on' hand, which will be sold VEEY LOW for CASH, or on ' fme with good security. ' A.lsonTJQQrES.OAl) CARTS, HARNESS, WHIPS, etc. ,It will be to jont advantage to call on mo before purchasing. A man In the Stables at all hours, day and night. z'r ---c J. W. STEWART. - jec8 ,r , " t mr 1 mo itununad inoi ZZ wtnxe maiM to p. -w t Hnma iarpq proportioB j rri ta bmitb by ue of L PASTILLES. , V am. tin rWii liiw-1 honnin Uity,U7paBH SourtgorM tV.ora in i law .AL. I r.wAWjR;-.' Brl -k l J 1 -JMW f . JT w vftt . . mil - s, is . rfti iAOfiri0 loong or Jflia- -A lor Fight ars in inftnT f fttwoimeiy rr n ma toth restore jiiTitaw h tnll njoymftnt.of and Vitro rou iwui r f-niTi tic n tt-1 an firMrOOm i . v "no, we fk tbatyoa Med us j f- fe.n&UMS can fear FRU : AND DEALEU Ili : X riONEER BLOOD BENEWllnvVluabie for, the ' ' . - '' "'1 ;: ,' . j -he'-' ': Y' . 1 It selected and ijbeapesl tine of Jl$T3 CIGARS In i j i t received. The wholesale trade especially looked ; ccalty cf SUPERIOR rLIQUORS " for niedicina r---- 'i rci!h care and dlfrtch. v- - . . - .in .11 .1 - - - y- 1 ! ORGANS. Cottage Queen; FIF.ST CL1S3 INSTRUMENTS! P 11 Pot rcflfl ITW fiPPVP V P i. u. uujl ouu, jiu ii, u. u. in. i h tui i lit' 'i,-s .sfkk s au jmx reiujerlDt t;i- jA.Hi-H !.!:AiS i4 MlOE ur tlx JAMK8 BOOt tCilUllU- UilicAd UU7 kLUlJp AljMAf. plfllttlj UA tti SUM. JAr:ES MEANS S4 SHOE iV- V lD Dot wew to long 41 tttt S3 SHOE, i rtocausr 11 is made f'r mi n v . .5 ocroitatiom r .orh M l'Ji:.(iu l" (.ill n ii l.-iiu r ii-i.l uirc drvtt ihu tiias I tuc JAMhS WFAhb tii MiOli. onr tl 8ko hu 1 etaUl)n J lur 1 n. .1 J J r ii. nt I l rt lnutloti for cumfurt 'id durhliilii v su. Ii i.i ; ' : ! c Lhs ever koovn 1c 0 i lu&lurj ul Un'uaJi .v ti ' ; i ur,- sl.l to appruEcb 1 Ii 'fw Jmni i'un- t M la t: and htuIi, ami : is .3 iili. ii... i . I Us vM.tiit ever uianu t:nfi(r"1 i r t ..i,'i I-i ' . m; t' al m t'very vital re- i nx't Tit- .luii.-! Mnii- if 1 Shoe is e-4Ual to tlio I iiid-m v, vii t!. . i N.i li.;:.cno beii rt-taiUd hi , f fl it f 7 Itl'hMil'i . , t ui.'l t aiiilcm calf vauip II Us a -t.'lLl!v t. t. r 'i.i ma. i It His Lit a I ai-w kn'c, a 'I riulri-a no hrt-akius it," bt "t In rti'i ll en. v liic I" I M t if i; " v '.rn. Jf,n M-aus m.1 ' a , s wire Hie first In I'm cithii y t. t. xU i s-v, i nn.ri,'J 1( you haie l 1.m1'I.iii il i i .lv,riiM-d h.'i.K t. yi ur exieritinj i '.kM i ( c Ii )'U )"t it ! all r to bt.y atiuts tuuda ly t i- leii'Via t a fvsitn.. tt.mi t'l.jse niade by Uio I !l"w,-r. ' 6) a m, ai.ld l l!ie lcat ratailera i tl.i"U.-l.iut United hiul,, and v.e will nlaoe tuem 1 ejclj iti. n yvur reu, I., iu axy ti-; w Itrnloi , 11 Ju aLi,d u. a r :ir B ra I while economy is the order of the day Broad Street, Nevr Berne,N. 0 . Avoid Ua IrapOMUoa oi pj mil sOU rn qm wrianB innvMi, sua uj lyuacaa with tvUcPtton to bumiMi, or mam dI OriBeDa11asKDCMlairiVaV. PmrM eTon rienUiae BMdxtal prlneipfei. Bt 4.r4 PliosUioa to th MM 01 diseMt Ui nM rirtflucfMla fell wilhoot dcltw. ThtktiiMl 'nannArrf ih humu arfnifn Tfatond. Tht waKednbiMtir element of life tu fien bw, t bnwnm rtksfTald rmpaiiy gains both stmitUaiOastal HARRIS REMEDY So. Wri Ciracsr Trial of our Apptiano. AK for Trm J - -J ALL KINDS OF SUBS ' d I - d UtH a, -T. yr. 4 ; ia vijatjiwt. THE TWO GLASSES There were two glasses, filled to ibe brim. On a rich man's table, rim to rim, One ww ruddy and red ts blood, And one aa clear aa t&e crystal flood. Saul the glass mt wine to bis paler brother, "Let us tell the tales of the pant to each Other. i can teu 01 banquet, ana revel, ana And the Brpadeet and cra&4eat aaolapn . . . fell under mj touch as though struck bj blight Where I waa king, for I rultd in muht From the heads of kines I have torn Lbs crown; From the heights of fame 1 have hurh d men down. I have blasted many an honored name; 1 have taken virtue and ?ivtn shame; I have tempted youth with a sip, a tate, That has made hie future a barren waste. Far greater than a king am 1. Or than any army beneath the sky . 1 have made the arm of the driver fail, And sent the train from the iron rail 1 have madv good ships to gu duo at sea, Aud the shrieks of the loe-t v. nc tm el to me, For Ihey aaid "IWbold'f How great vou . , - oe. Fame, strength, wealth, genius, before you fall. ror your might and power are ot t r all . 1 io ' hu! fale brother," laughed the wine, "Can you boast of d-ede an gicat as miner Sit id the water lans . 1 cuunol bonet If a Slug dethroned or a murdered tj el. Hut 1 can tell of a beait ouro ead, l!y my cry stal drops made light uii.l glad Ol thirtts I've quern lied , of bro I t e laved , Of Lands I 've rot.le-,1 and eoulu 1 ve HaVed . 1 e leaped tliluiinh the alley, daelied dowuthe mouiitaiu, 1 lowed in the river aud played in lie fountain . Slept in the tuiinhu.r und dropped fioui the bky , A ud every w here gladdened the land scape aud eye. 1 have eased the hot forehead of fever and pain, I have made the pan bed meadow gn.w fertile uh grain, 1 run ir-ll of the kiw erful w heel of tho mill That ground ( tit Hour and lun.oj at my will. 1 t'ftn tell of manhood dehaaed by you. That 1 lifted up aud frowned anew. 1 cheer, 1 help, 1 strengthen and aid , I gladden the heart of man and maid , 1 set the wine chained captive free. And all are better for knowing me." These are the tales they told each other The glass of wine and its paler brother As they sat together, tilled to the tin in Un the rich man's table, rim to rim. Maine Farmer. The Fountain of Youth. For the last six years ever Bitico the foundation of Chamberlain the ! Uirf.nv- (nHiana liavu ariilauvnroil ti ! IVJU a A U l I IS U CJ nu v v utiuu v v a " prevent the whites Irorn getting possession of American Islam), which lies in the centre of the Mis souri river. It was always supposed that their reason was ol a mercenary character, aud that their object was to cut the timber with wlrch the island is covered, and turn it into the bright, yellow gold which they do not covet so much.; But a different reason has lately, and by accident, been discovered. It has always been supposed that when the Spaniards failed to dis cover the tabled fountain of per petual youth among the everglades ol Florida, the romantic dream end ed t here and men grew old and gray as of yore. Not bo, however, as this narrative will show. Un the nppor end of the this island, hidden by drooping evergreens, and shaded by stately cotton woods, is a spring. It bursts forth clear and beauflful, and with a murmur as soft as a maiden's prayer glides from its island home into the yellow, gurg ling waters of the Missouri. The water retains the same temperature winter .and summer, andj its volume retains its uniformity throughout the year. It contains, in all probablity, the different car bonates, and. that Is the cause of the youth-retaining qualities which Indians attribute to it. The secret was let oot a few days ago by an old hunter, who was familiar with the Indians and the spring long before this place existed in the fervid imagination of John. II. King. They have thrown a sanctity around it, and for years bave'been in the habit of drinking of its life giving principles and ol immersing the younger members of the tribe in its mystical depths. They imagine that its source lies amid the perpetual fires that radiate from the centra 'of the earth, and that fountain is presided over by the -father of the Indian race,, who ia doomed! throughout all time to regtriaCB the temperature .of the- Minn? for the .benefit of those who dread to see the ' footprints of old time mar their . classie ;atnreeW St Paul Gobe.: ' . A toUHOman at college wrote as follows to his (father; "My dear father, I hare only time being rreatlj rushed with my studies io I'M yYu woSdYend kU!. The fatter replied: -"::y .eear soa,;i have cnlv time being p-eatly TORPID LIVER nieai 1 A feeling ol n..n i.-.aa at,d ia:in hi ike ., j."" Bad breath i .u i :.i:e 'u i:,t r..i,ut:i at.i) s i uumhv:, .4. HtMl r ,h 1 1 f i . .t l . i - u 1 i,auae. 4i',nMs. ani n..Wnso. asm 5 HeajlbutD ..o ' aiuri . ' WMjmiim ,.t c. .iul ulJ bt.-. uy w tnd. 7 .Dei.isi..n : a .l.pi-illuu lu lea ve e el v I. j ; '.jnihin A Datura! How ,f llltt- tit'in (lie Uwer iiouniiiii ipucujiiiebi,!'.- , EIL' l'S A J ? 'J.'j, ' i.,. iu'T', o: 1 1:1 '' '": ' i : ! Attn :., i ,,, , , k-iioi. . ' ": Vt t. 1. . - : . , ,, , i.ivn iw... "'" i i " ' . Iihs i jrl J. II. mm . . . I ii .. exerial vt-iy iltiil i , i,i lel'.olis o( ; tun, t , 1 w . r a . ti e Lii.e, I. .ui .. r Mil- Hi The Oil) 0 w! 1 i i U - 1 sir - a .. f Ul . I .U r ,. ..... I, l ' r i.i.d m . l H M k - -r- - It i V i i . A uj; u. t I. -h y .ui., u , l ' i . irncir l a i- in f . r i -,. : nre I vw ; a, i nu.kt- ! i' -1 t T 1 vf rt lm .1 1 lit S ) i r 1 i- t, . , i Iticrt w us j. i P in nu in i all UW.! I .. J ' ii M a v s i ii ' i i ft. i ll H ' :- ..f l '. . I . . ! f ' I fpfl h . t l -. i ll 1.. . t ti n ; r K v . n t . i n m i'.i'i i i . a !'.! : a . - n ii'!".,. i;., v,,.. i ,.. (,... . f v I" !" t - . II -111. . M'. i .. . H ttti.l nf" . 1 il ISfc, 11-1 t l Hlnl 1 1 ft i-ifi 1 f... i in- i i CUI .-,1 I., Ill 1 II H..-M.1H nu 1 -it-m .il l' A I ui-l aiil i i i me l 1 n i rf n't . v ci . 1 1 i! II.. KI.1 1 , 1 l letn(f:t of aui'rrfi i' J " ' -leM-cl (-tl I v fltl-M t i r- I. ou KLrntn iuC Lii - 1;.i 1. 1 .1. It rdii lui " It ' 'd-!, a i t i . Ml,i.,l .1 f j , in j ,.ur n.nt ih..1 hn ... r , ij. -I, m , ' a. . r . , . . r. r.: .-1 ,.. . rt-.ltliii; in I ,ln i.l. I. r lit M l. ll. r H I.l.l.a 11: In- I. Ill UI ll-K t .(.'li iihca In t-'.s i . " ." i i ; 1i.SM Who kt,, Hit- Bui --l l- i'il:il.i p-riiuii riil 1 1 rtii p'' ' " i - ' ' - T 111 wili-i 'Nu' )..i,r i1.iviii f S Ml 1. - n In ! '1 fi 'in : . ill J '.'(-rr,ait.;ll, ftttit war of pr ii U y i n . .ltd ru t. Is iniiii.' l.ivl hi, ,1 u a tin- m i n lii, U ttif ol H P In -f ft I 1 t oid. r. .'f c 1. 1 ii ii " i. i ' i-i " a j-olsoiilnn tn It v t f rn, ; .n .'. y 1,1 ui ..ff. r .!!- . i 1 1 realise . -ll Hi l ' -l V. I"-'r-i-a m'tl.fil flS. 'lilh. I L' C i ' I t ;n i i j. ., . u. a, t.a. For Old and Yoniig. rnll'd I-lior I'ills n I n-. Kr.:j on I ho rkllt. tlie l Ii1 ii l in ii i ( or t it f 1 nil Old age, tta ujtou 1 1 ikii m man. fJClv fon to llii ii NKitiia h, how la, Kldu? n till i I'i.i'likr. Iu I It vmv rsjftnti tltelr ti r f ; t hfii . nt: tial 1 1 1 r wonderf ul . r -.i mr tli I per form tbclr f BiM'i tuim iar, iii j utitb. Sold Everywhere Office, 44 Mumiy St., Now York. Money To Loan. Examine tho following list and spp what you need for (he cnmitiK year, and save money by buyingYroin mo at SHOUT CltOI' IMtlCKS. and yon will have ir..ncy to lian. plows: i'i.ow-: ri.ows: I have the Champion, (1 ranger. Ooea, Dixie, Daisy, flipper. Atlas, Poi,ey Queen and Avery, no" I (urn plown, and the Stonewall, Climax, Gem and Caro lina Cotton Plows, and Castings of every description. Also, a full lino of Axe. ShoTels, Spades. Forks, Rakes H o" Marl Pirks, Potato Rakes, Hubs. Spot es and Rims, CartWhls and Axles. Kod and Tirs Iron, Nails, t'nlts, Wahep, and every thing in the H.irdwhre lino. Corn Shcllcrn. (ir .m Vans, (jrain Cradles. SloKing S i1h-h. Mowers aDd Reapers, HeitinK. S:. am Fittings, Machine Oils, lcc Leathers, Cant Hooks, and Saw Mill Supplies. Send for pricr f. Respectfully, J C. WHITTY. HARDWARE Sash, loors anil DliNd, Paints, Oils and Glass Lime, Cement and Plaster, -.. - -.. . - Aliaradea of COOKpsO AKD UEATIJfO STOVES, r ATi'BOTTOM vPEICES 1 1.. "IT. 0DTLER, Tult Pills Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line of September, 18B7, the Steamer HOVS- AKD will run the following schedule For Trenton, every Monday and , Friday: Returning every Tuesday and Saturday. For K,lloksville every Wednesday at 6am returuinK the same day. R ' J.J. LAMTTEB. Manager. 1 J. J- DisoswaY, Agent at New Berne. i P. TRENWITH , loforin the Huhllr mat be i.a. Hi Hit !.,.. ii Lib ttld L'USlUt-bfc Oil M lddic M Wlfun l.imi.rts bud Boll. ".le Il.e jiatl. l.ajit ..I li a ui.l ft.. ..da aud liart.'i.r ur"'l V'i ' " , ., . . . ., . Atlantic N. C. Railroad T1W T A H I K Nu 7 TlUf TAHLK A'u. In ErfbCl ' 00 AM.. V'edl;e 1 et.. 15. Wv .Slll M l.t (i'.lN'l I. AM .SCIIH-I l.t ' IVi W'llM No. .I. .iM"ir No. ,0 Ar. l.vf rotations. Ar lie p III 4 .',.) (inldsboio 1147 a in b 4') 5 41 lau liriiutt- H ;vj Hi 4J ti 'l ti 41 Kindlon 'J in i 'i A ' ' U4 K li New lifrij.- .0 Vf) t 'i hi la. 1(J fi M-in ht'ttil i ily a in J iJ7 I 'ally tneii uiitiav . 11 P 1 1 1 ' i "1 . 1 1. - I Si 'I i 1 I ' I LK i 1 . V tM iuliy . i n 1 U Muni 1 i A Mii.ui Ki. A l'rtrr. "1 I mil M:ti l,r 1 'ar I raifi :, -rn a in ti Id (m-Iipi i.. 2 Vs ii m u.Cl. 0 4'i ' c: Mt 14"! r.v 71a 7 Li r,i Litif 1 1 i 1 r ,,.,iv v 7 4 7 ' 1 alliiin it tk 1'J 4 1 1' 4 J ; . s;t " ;'i Knihiott u iv !')0 s ' ( HHrli 114: 11 4 ' '1X1 ,J r' y :'- 1 'uv''1 11 1 1 -' , . j sm ' 1" i l( :im- ( ..!(( H k 1" 4 f in 4" . .v. , Bf i Hi VJ 1U :.4 'luh'itrnftt Hmi.i in l'.i ' jln 4'i 1" rr i ( lark r- V :,7 I i!?" 1 1 1. J a in Ncwlu'iii it in 'J L'11 i f k ; I 1 1,1 (,. m v 1 l.i.i .In v n ,, 1 1 . 1 1 : ii 1 M I a t 111 V . V Ci, 111. J t I Ulll - 'J'l i! Ii V oi HHifcU w II Ii 1 1 111 1 Ii U Hi A W t , tlini IfitMi i iid Nurlli, IdHVliij; t . .lnt i I J V' H iii , a.ul ullli Ki 1iimiid A 1 1 u v ii.t TrK.ii U tht, i-a 1 tig Mililittx ti Ii . tn . 'I i rt Hi : 1 i i.i.n U 1 i L h W 1. mi i in a A 1 1 t 1 1 e T t fi i ii. n i i u.ja at ) il:- ( i ' i 1. in , i. iui w ' 1 1. W 1 . iu : f k "'' V t-. lwn ritiii V.rll. Hi i i i ii in 1 r ill ll V HI IH-.'lH W ! I I. I.. ' M. i .Ii.l HI..! ! ':i u . i i lr; it r i i . l ..-tt . i.n t , . .Mr: .. .i - I ! U I. 1. T. hliil fli. I).. , to V'.:.t : Hl.'l U I,v'i l 1 I it I H t t . ( I r. km I ii. .1 1 :.i i , 1 1 1. ! , i . i , i , , .t,t :i.k S. L. Dill, SuperinWicdiii I STEVENSOIn & McCULLEN, PATENTS Wai-liiiiKtou. I. C. Trtflvi. N earn Coiine. linn w illi 'i'lii' lutiriur 1 i'iui t incut haHt.eii uh the d.iiretl exj.t'rtriH r hi. il i Ii.iiik ill lA.rerti. liRi KkKVr Warner Miller, New Voili, (ien I W.H. Hi.r- cratia, ReKister t f the Treacury; (ien I ( lark, flerk lloiibe vt lie presentatiTes. jaS ltf Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice. To Sell: 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Makkkt Dock, i:W IlKKNK, N. t! mtt !i d w-tf B ASTKE!I NORTH CAKULIIU MARBLE WORKS, ew herm:. jt.c. Monuments- Tombs. ad all kinds Orara and BnUdlac worka ITALIAN1AMERICAN MARBLE Order will raoeiv prompt attwtier and aatisfaotiaB guaranteed JOS S.. VILLIB, Propiietor X ' tSmooawor to Qorf W.Clmrpoo) -S., ;OW-i BROAD ;i'M pRA?N8t. eastern Carolina dispatch . The Fast Freight Line brrviu Nw Bub., uun North CaxlJBa ' p.i-u .ud -orroi, BaJUanar. x'; Phlladelplaia. New, : te.-via KUubMk city, n. C. . THE STEAMERS PA ilT TIP J TTfOTlTin - JUSXJldJX ttllU. V HiOiTXtXb ' r thu "ne w1u rL,D on rBuiar schedule ' time, leaving Nt htrw even MONDAY. " " whDMibua v urn kiuaY i kouB P. M. - .or miwueui cny ana iciuru on me louow ;"" ' lug days. TlieaM) slr&xuera in li unei lion with th Atlantic a N C. K. it.. .Ntrfu.t buaUiarn K. K . .New York 1 UU. niij .NorlulK K. HaDd the 1'eliDBM Hi. a Jl it (. ,ilu a rol labia avaid reifular line uSer.!,. (, r.ur acllillSS imr lOaUtU on caut 14V 1 !;ref l ai ! kl ,la tt I ... k.m.Ail via kuaturn t aioi;na l!e).al. :. Ua louum; li.'in -New Y..k,ly I'tu:,. tl. K., flor 17, I ion. I'l.naa, , i. . f. 1 w. A Hallo, it U .!. a -1 - :o. i i, ii i,ai-;.i. r. . . w :.. a baito, u. Ji l leBion.'. a; .1. rum orl.-.k : . k ;.n.eru K K. 1 1".:, I :. ! , . , , P 1 ItieTe J IHUk- j-.rtall :. i -. 1,: evt t-Uglkud It ll. halee aa ,o V a I. : I ll. t ' . t ot her : : l.e u.atij Ijy iujw t . i. e i fuur I fi.r!.. Aent .1 Atfbl N V . V. Iiel. ae t I. . . e e t .e 1 -e I . . t v, , h v:i.-.-s ...i ul i k i. ,-H m -.1 --iii'iii n- i , , ,. '" , i..n. .a . o r I . ( 1 .V N K 1. N..!..,k a Mi ii i i . : - iri-i,, i, i ,, ,,,! .rlli v n ll U .,r r t l lii. 1 .-m Ak v. I c 1 lit Mil, OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SIM i-wi.i k i. t, s i:. Tin Oltl I :n I ll I M, nin.M,! ( ,,,,, m ii ) ' 1 ki nu. I 1 m ui lit I r Kuuti, la ll.f mm I c aiid i ii it A u t ( o io i df Ipl.l A iui all ....I li.-.i.,,, i',,,. 1 Wot-1 . 1. -M ! Stealer HkSill C.;'. Steamer Nl'A'Bl.K.N'l, l..' f.'.-.iitt. w ; . I an : . Ill KM . r 111 PA 1 m :t!. tl.i ' r N h w 111. HI..1 i i.. ilon A 1 It r. . ,,il,. r r H t ("1 K 'l.Mo iuii.l t,B fii 1. i- i IU ! t, I n : i.f.' . m , l" M'hhcl K .:. 1, i ra ' " N r v h t- li M II I I'AH jil ' i i it: "iiiifce) B Bill (Ml i s MeMiiier- i - U s 1'bilaM b t .. : ; b Iui lita- ' NUI'Air ui n.m f l Nf j r U I M u .r hit: i ; ti. n i-. i , ., .I. iphlH. M A M 1 U'h Hlid JTi 1,1, -i. i , I HI f li ll ( '. I 1 I , aa! f ' i .1 I H Hii.l on r h ; 1 1 , ( -m p, j ;, , l M I' i t I H I h . 111 I , . fTer 11. 1 lilpi', lh k h 1 . thrin In (!,( Ii.liiit' ( 1 1 il-r itl . t; . ih ! fu.k. ll h rt Igh t ii 1 r '( i H H 111 . ( ii MM 1 i 1 lit; .in n I'umh-i ki li fliid i H I'.C KMllliS, H ll l t i 1 ' I' Sf ! i i- r i ii r phi rona, ful ll.f HMl 1 1 f can i " : . i tlu lor r-:. . pan u nfler 1 iH'.-.t-. i ..rtifoM u M -n hint at li-u Hull M .1, !. J.a.,1 ll. m ,j i It H H h K l. Ax ul aA lft,ihh. I I J . 1 1 I I 1 1 i A I l l, f h, AH', . . i . H A 11 TA r KI 1 i f. i. ,i Nrw c! ner n hew Ifcri. Tlu N. C. Freight Lino FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE ami ail Uit'.iA I01"ttl HIMl m.1 1 fter ihle da i will rnciis j, 1. 1 ii, . for N H-rt h i IMKIC 7, aNOKIM id I . U, Ui?lo o A fir l'trJI( inl Y:;.:.tyitf 2V a nf o nation Co . Ilf r t liAii t Li ii id rir tt t : i n r 1 1, -a , , lit t' I M'HOi Lit. , 1. 1 I i w V-rfc i'. h tii. Iwlly r. in nee tloc Willi I', : t f f. r .Na- Iui i. 11 LueidP. aiitl i.ulf "I. . ti.-iliaT1 SEMI-WKtKLV M'KAMKHS Betweec Kew fierce ind Eiltaari LmtItii N w lUrLf f i i Ha!iim-.rf TT'FlAY FRIDAYS mlpm LtrT Balumri fo Kmw Heme W LUNKSliA Y S diid bATl KlA 6 p. a AfCDta arn A.e fnllfwn- EUBEN KUSTEk.HMi'l Janimer, AS W. McOAJiRMK. A't. NorfoH, Yd W P. Olyd Y )o.. Vb4JrV(llphl, II Soy i bare. Tora Balio Truns. Iir.e, Tier Ncrka.iivf E. SampoD, Hi'iK'D, 6.1 ( ct.tra) nbarf K. U hochwcll , pr. -Tidfi.i K I D 0 Mink, Fll KiTcr, lrn. I wharf Shtpi lfT Iioion, Tupudnys and Saiordaje " Nw Yuri dailj. " Balnmir', W r1 and toMay Fall HiTcr, Mocdajre, W&dDftdaje Fridays ' rroTidiEre, Satcrdaire. h rough billa Udirif citii, aad ratetf aara.a to all point af fb dilTrDt MCcm of paniei iroid ol Eiilk icd Ship rii N. Z. LINE. d a - Mr I a w H lm . N . - rn. f THK NEUSE & TRENT RIVEE ,r, Steamboat Company. ? t Will ran tbs tollowlm Schedule oa aod aflat ' - Jan oar r 1st. I1W7. r ' Steamer Klnatoa. ' Will leave !tew Berne for KlBiton on Tteea- -f -.v.. days and Fridays at IS o'clock, M. Betaro In, will leava Klnstoo n Mondays and ' Tbnradaya: Tonohlng at all lDtrmad)at ' :N, Landings on Neoaa Rirer. T. ' J. J. DISOSWAT at Hcwbsra. W. r. 8TAJLT, Klastoa. D. 8. Baaaca, PoUokmUs, , W. E. WARD, Arnt at Trail torn. x. a bujth. joiir uu nM. i, B. BAJrxa. Qnaker Brld(a. 1MWBTTK OtilHsuitr,, , kTdarw Clnatoa. n ,j DR. j; D. CLAKK i .fc. " . . c. V' i o. r. v- J. " 53 C-aT!

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