GIOEGE HSHER, BICKSMITH . ahd lujrcrAcrcua p -Wrought Iron a Ettel Cotton, . - Cora, and. faru PJo vra. " Old Plow repaired. ' ; Kew and other Job. Work don at abort notice. ,s. , ; New Cart Wheels and Axle oonnUnt. lye ;:' ' ; BtGEQRGES. FISHER, . Bboxb Btkiit. Kiw Buuts, if. C , j 3 A diploma from the Stat Agri cultural Society ia an additional guer anUe!oX the qnelitj of my woi k. . , 4te3iiWim Dissolution Notice. - Tbe ra al GCIOM A PELXETiER will dtaeaive b7 SUtuaJ oonsent on February lft L, tssa.-. 4 J ASpowu Indebted to this firm are re- - qeealew to bi( Immediate payment, ana persons holding elalma aalntl the firm are W1Hifl to present me same uemre saia asm. ,0 ani after which tlxeowenH Gwoo WUI oseupr the offio. s rroenUy occupied 07 Hliawnmt A Manly. P. H. r'elletler will re h&Ib ftl IhA nfflre now ct ruuled br the film a ,r ..' ... . o. 11. UL'ION, y. a FfcLLKTltK. Jaa'y IS. ls. ' avainvanuuiA, i CfaVen CVumy. I U i lor Court. , TTnos, Fitxi'atkjcl: Take notice that an action baa I'ftn began by W. U. Blade and Jaa li. blade... Irad'ng ' aeWn. B. blades and bio., against Maroelins ' Moot e and Thoa, KUspairiel, tradiug as Moore and FlUpatrlok, In the Superior t ourt wf Craven Ooanly lor llie recovery of the aumofllfieen hundred and nriy flve dollars and eight eenta, for lumbe r so d audueliv ered during the year INi? f Take notice that au atmclituent has beon .' tesa.aacalnet tout property in tin. ftiaie ,d . the above entitled action Yon are required , te appear end answer or demur loiue com plaint In the above entitled action at the , tlapertor Ooartof Craven county, to beheld i lathe Ottyof New Berne ou Hie liith Monday aJter the 1st Monday In March, or Jtidg i ntent will be taken against you by default. JTeb. 6th. im. , F.W.LHKl'KSTtll.C S C. T VW1T nTi ' The undersigned. C- K. 1'tlmiT. haa duly anallned aa Jalxeoulor of the cfciate or n,d ward H. HI 11. and heretiy gives noiit e thai be laqulrea all persons hawnK ciuitu. hkhId.1 thAMtAtAArumulH FiIuhiiI li Hill to tre- . aantth.m to the said '. I . 1', duly ' authenticated, for payment, on or before ttie ' - M day of March, )8K, or -itu Mils not loo ' Will be pleaded In barof nc ivtry. Persons Indebted to Uis tmifiniibt pay - without delay, mi do C. K. l'Al.MtU, I I cutor. . Foreclosure Sale. ' ' On M OH DAT, HAY the 7th, lSKH.ut the v Court House door In llie L'lly ol Mewbern, ioraa Carolina, bet ween 'lie nours of twelve o'clock, M and one o'clock, 1'. M.. will be ."sold to the hlabest bidder at public outcry. for aaah, the lot of land In the ritvnlNVw ' leni aloreeald,-situated at tliu boutheast eorner af Broad and MeUrnlf urerii, whjch said lot la known In Die plan of mild city as -IjOtWumber (1U3) one llumlrca and Ihree; together with the bulldlutja and ltnpruve mentt thereon. The Bald sale v. ill be made parsuanttoajudgmentof ibe Kupt-rlor t'ourt ' of Craven county . N. ., at roll inm, In.i7.Id a certain action where In Hm.iii J. lmdley. executrix OIK. Blade, dee d, Is plalnttlt, and .' "Waa. H. Oliver, M. B. Wlllard and wife liet- ' tie, Mary T. Oliver, Hauuali A. Oliver and Martha Oliver are defendants. rilarah 7th, itws. -i 1 JI. r. WlllTEliritST, ' 1 b t:ominlMsioner. CteVkk A Clabk , Att; lu'dlw - ' Mortgagee Sale. Pnranant to a power of u certain , asortgage deed executed by Clara T. Justice, executrix, and registered in Craven county, BookM. pages 191, lV2nnd ltia, 1 wll . on HAT DRDA.Y, April 7th, 18(48, at 1 o'clock, M., sell st Public Auction, for Cash, the water front Of Lot No. 1U8, on East Front slrtel In the City of New Berne, known as Hie residence : of the late Alexander Justice. A N.N IK JL'riTlCE, Mortaattoc. We w Bene, March 6, Its I luTdtawtd ' .. t) Mortgage Bale- ' Bv virtue of power of sale to me given In a certain mortgage executed by A. R.Duunlson to George J. Meadows, Commissioner, dated Kept. A. AJ. 1886, 1 will sell at the Conrt HouaeOoor In the County of Craven, certain iota on South Front street, adiolnlng Kdw'd BrowB and others, and fronting on Trent River, known as Lou No. 'i and part of No. ja. yor a mora fall description, reference Is had to said mortgage, recorded In book 111, page SOS, In the Records of Craven county. Terms of sale. Cash Said sale will be on the Sixteenth Bay of March, 18.-8, at Twelve, at. r ' TWe llth day of February, 1888. U. A, MKADOW8, Commls'r, U By hie agent, K. (J. U1LL, Notice. Kot'ee la hereby given to all persons ha lng claims against the estate of Mis. Eliza beth MeKlnlay Koberta, deceased, to present the ssese to the undersigned In the city of Aanlston, Alabama, or to their attorney, John Hughes, In the city of Newbern, N C , on or before tbe ISth day of March, 1889, or tola notice will be plead In bar thereof. .- . EDWARD . GRAHAM UOBKhMB, JAMES R. KO BERTH, Bxeeotoraof the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth MeKlnlay Koberta. - Kewbern, B.C., March 13tb. 1888. t)w It H. CRABTKEK. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CEABTREE & CO. j ENGINEERS, ,'FoTjjider and Machiniats, ! Manufacturers and Dealers in 'tHGIIES 1ID MAGSI5ISTS' SUPPLIES, ' XhUIdera of Engines. Boilers, law Villa, EdglnK & Cnt-ofY Machines, ' We are prepared to do Castle gs of all kinds With promptness, Particular and Immediate attention given to repairs of all kinda. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for any desol lpUon of machinery . We are fhe agents for the sale of the Amer rn Baw. Also for Q. A A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We Wva aatiafactory guarantee fcrall work done by na, Jyl3d2aw wiy Tho Occoneechee Hotel. HUXSBOEO, N. a Sale. The property eonstaaxMf two adjoining Iota f one acre each. No. t has a hotel building, cwlv refitted and good as sew, with twenty .-.nm besides busl tees rooms and outhottaee. cims well furnished with new furniture , i hneabnUdlng. bnlltave yearn aaroaaa rg boose, with twelve rooms, and alee with two rooms. The hole prop - w ') suited for snmmer and winter Plenty of shade, extensive lawns . .r equal to any. Will sell the whole r or either Jo separately. -Also- a , - land containing 8 1-9 acres, ihree ' Uilleboro. on the Dnihamroad n and tobacco farm. For price and n Kestainch StKnoxvllle.TeBn. . A or D. a parks, , n " HillBbcro, N. C. : General Hardware "i - . - - ..... - ' AffTleultarsJ Implamtitfc Plow, ilsvrrowa, CaltiYsVtora, Uem void Axea, VTood'i Slowora and. Baper, Stam Enirloes, . . - -Cotton GiaBauidPreMgN FertillBr.Ljtiid PUaSter. Kaunit Sfechavntesi Toole tuad Hardware, Lime, Brick. Cement. Plaster Hair, Paint, KcJeomlne, Var nlah, Oil. aiasa Pnttj and Hair. Freexere, Kefrljceratore, ; OU Cook BtoTei, Eureka Burjflar Proof Bask Xioeka, warranted to frlre aecurity and tatlslketion. PKICES VEKY LOW. GEO. ALLEN A CO. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE, N. C, Will move on or about January 16ia, 1888, to their new office, over the Bank ing House of Green. For & Co-, three door below Hotel Albert. Dr. G. L. SHACKLIFORD J3 12 INSIST, XaIZXXJ)XUXI Tt.UDT, dw NEW EERNjS, N. 0. Dr. N. H. Street. Offioe on Middle street, opposite Hotel Albert. dSOd w8in NEW BERNE, N. C. OWEN H. GUION, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooita South Front street, four doors west of Craven. feSdegtf New Lot o Sfock. Capt. W. A. Kuloe has rtceived two car loads of North Carolina mulee and horses which he i I sell at rock bottom prices for cash, at Mrs. Smith's lot on Middle street. New Berne, Feb. 10. 1888. Earper's Young People An Illustrated Weekly. Harper's Young People interests all young readers by its carefully selected variety of themes and their well considered treatment. It con tains the best serial and short storiea valuable articles on scientific sub ject and travel, historical and bio graphical sketches, paper on athle tic sports and games,stirring poems, etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its illus trations are numerous and excelent. Occasional Supplements of especial interest to Parents ' and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty three weekly numbers. Every line in the paper is subjected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in or der that nothing harmful may enter H8 cola urns-. An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in iavenil literature. Boston Courier. A weeklv feast of eood thin rye to the boys and girls in every family wnicn it visits. urotivn Un- ion. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information, andintereet- christian Advocate. Y. Terms: rostaee Preraied. t3 00 Per Year. VoJ. Ix. begins November 1. 18- 87. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a two cent stamp. Single Numbers, Five cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to codv this advertisement withont the express order of Harper & Brothers Address, Harper & Brothers, He w YorkJ THAPEIEHT The Original Wins. C F Sinmons, St Lomta, Propf M. A. SunsMas Lhrer Uedtoae, EeVd gl4 the U. 8. 0rt dsVuts J. H. ZJlin, Proper A. Q. Simmons Lrr er Replater.WdbyEeuMiiasB, ' vr.Tv "V."" It yean : avee eaaiuan row, Biuousmaa. PvsrapBiAicK HBABAcaa4yoe iT.klUaWaewrk. K. Church, Adams, Tenn write. : "1 -. munkl sheold have been dead Bat nraiwm ss. A. Kirn kaOM Liver Medicine. I hew eonMuews bad to evbetlrate. Zedis'. staff" fee yea Medi- e, tmt U don't answer taw r. 1. n -1 wjm. m. ,4r"",Meniphia, Ten... eave: edicine, and have need half of M. better l&m Kernl.tor aad cer tainly ao non ei Zeiha'a auxtare. BL-Lf ill 1 THE JOURNAL. ArrirU tud Departurv ffilli ' 'L- -4 ' , aaaps-BaB . ( - roNortA.WeataBd Booth, wit A. M.aS.S.atTJ0i.a. v - For Beausf on and (he EaveA. . at 8.-00 a. nv. .. v ' t ,'. For Wahingtoav,S wiftOreek. Bydaand Beaufort Counuee Mendaya, Wednee daya, and Friday at SAO a. m. For Trenaon, PoUokawiLle and Kaya Tllla, daily at S0 a.i. t5i ror UrantoUaro, Bayboro aa 1 Vea aaer. daily at aw rn, , ' , OFFICX BOUB8: I Mom Orrlar and Ra-fatr4 tti- aer Iepartiezit, froaa 9 awm. to 4 p..m. an wailing LeparHne&x from a. m iotB.m. ClfAtm ititM AAn&tantlw IiiIm.iii Konra exoept when maila are being dia- ruHneaof aent. Protectlar Toaag Tree fro Eahhlta. Not the least of the enemies of our young orchard trees is the rabbit, ana we rear he win be such. as long aa our Osage Orange badges remain. The rabbit will not injure the trees in summer, when he has an abun dance of sacoolent food; but in winter the tender bark is to him a dainty that he will partake of if it is not made distasteful to him or he is not frightened away. To frighten him lrom the trees is not easy. .We have tried effectually the plan of trying white eloths aronnd the tree, and found to our sorrow that the rabbit soon ceased t fear them Making tb snow into a solid mound about the tree will keep away mice but not rabbits, thoagh it is often said it would. The rab bits will mount the mound and nibble away. Besides, we don't have snow half the time during the winter. The best way is to make the bark distasteful to the rabbit. He likes neither blood, nor grease, nor the odor of flesh. Hence.when you butcher, take the waste parts of the animals, and with these parts rub the trunks as far np as the rabbits can reach. The rabbits never nibble atree so treated, Whilft the grease or blood remains.-Amer. ican Agriculturist. "Just think," said Mrs. Welkin to her modiste, "the very next day alter my new black suit was sent home, I was called to go out of town to a funeral." "Wasn't that nicef" was the absentminded re ply. "No, sir!" exclaimed old Mr. Get there to an agent who had rntliless ly invaded the sanctity of his private office; "I won't look at your cyclopaedia; I dou't want it; I won't have it. My boys have all -got bicicles, and I'm not going to buy anything new for them to break their young necks off of!" He who can crash his enemy, bat forbears, is born to be a conqueror. WHOLESALE GROCER AGENT VOR Hazard Powder Co. a. Lorillard & Gail & Ax Snufis BOLD AT Hanufaictiirer's Prices. MIDPLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. 0. You Hay Put a Head ox THIS ADVERTISEMENT, Bat Spring Cleaning time baa oomt jut the aame, and one of tho moat import ant departmenta of the household re quiring Attention are TUB. FEATHER BEDS. Joa. O. Harvey hai all the improved machinery neceaeary. to renovate) and thoroughly dint, ateam and dry feathers rendering them perfectly odorleea. All feather beds ought to be renovated and cleaned one every two yaara,ao aa to prevent matting and becoming bard, soiled, Impure and unhealthy. work called ror ana delivered to any part of the city free of charge. - Teetintonlala from phyeieiane, mer chant and housekeepers, well known citiseus of Hew Berne. ,' GET READY FOB TUB FAIR JOS. 0. HARVEY, Proprietor. feSSdlm At Maj.Dennieoa 'a Mill. . AGENCY FOR I IIakclt.Khow What to Sat. Bat 1 will ear thto much. 1 deal re to ireditea my etock of Cigars, Tobacco, smoking xooeeoo, npee, oi. arnica i have a great variety, and good ooea too, and amoker article generally, for I naa more on band than 1 want and want to turn them into money, which I do want,. - Now for a J air deal all around. I will exchange any sf my good for caah' for the next ninety or a hundred day to any person or persons in want bf any of my good, floe gooda. oonaUtiBf of the very btwt dears made, for oo. lOo. IDe 890. or cOc each. Call and verify the truth of what I aayv s ... TAKSTLL e ITr-! i"-v. Trtew p f m n , ' - Of eottnnerciai ruiai have baret abovt : , M ajticb aad faat, yet the M" " troprletor of f i '!' , ,'' . . - . . ' . . . -' .V -: " p'j f: i- - : ' ". '- V ; fS Dargain House - . ' - i e BAbled te annoonce that hit eonoara has weathered the etorau He ha returned from the DRY GOODS CENTRES OP THE NORTH WITH THS LARGEST, BEST SELECTED, AN HOST COMPLETE STOCK that ha haa ever before brought to tbU market, and ia now ready to grapple with financial depression. Read The Attractions: Shoe Department. Shoes ! Shoe ! Shoe; ! Ladle ! Cental Mia! Boyd All at y lea. aiaee, price. Bought of maaufaotu re r 'and telling at price that will or prise you. Dress Goods. An almost endleea variety. A 40-inch all-wool good In faahioaable shade at 45c. per yard. White Goods in all the noveltiee. To be seen to be appre ciated. ISic. Satinea, the beet ever offered in the city. About 50 rolls Straw MatUag, ril grades, 100 bolts Pants Goods, Cassk meres, Cottonades, and Doeskins from 8Jc up. 100 dos, Corsets (Job lots), all bargains. ' -18 caws Prints, from 3c to 6c Domestics, Plaids, Hosiery and Notions in .quantities almost Inex. haustible, all of which mast be sold, if low prices mean anything. TolIiOi7h:!:sd33 f: It will be to jour Interest to see oh before - purchaaing, as we, are satisfied that ' wav "can : sat ' yoa money. We ire Jobbers and man ufacturer's agentf for Shoes, KV 0. Plaids, Clark's O. BV.T. and other staple articles. ; ; V - - . , Call, we can convince yoa. . Watch oar 'ad. for a list cf stntmers la rri-'i. re f- -' ' f r ' i i i H U ) 1 1 l t.: AVi' W " " . tB ym wHh niduliihafiaiat mi anea, Saa ft eaa It wtl n . sbs m - -e h m soom. a ' r.u. araw a. sen i cue I PROSPECTUS FOR 1888; The holiday iasne, now ready, is matter. The cover is enriched by an price is u usuaL 2 5 cents. It contains the most delightful stdriesy poems, and essays by nistuiguished writers, andeofierb illustrations, : . 'r.V j- u- Among the important artioles to appear during , the year I988 are th following Bend for prospectus; ' " , ; Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute regularly to . oh 'number, during the year. De will write of many topios, old and new, and in a familiar and personal way. which will form new bonds of frendship between the author and his thousands of readers. In the firct paper, entitled mA. Chapter on Dreams," appearing in the January number, he relates incidentally, in con nection with the general subject, some interesting facta concerning the origin of the famous story ''Strangp Case of Dr. Jekylland Mr. Ilyde."- ! Railway Accidents, by W. 8. Chaplain, will be the firatof an especially imnn.ttnt mnA intarAafin 9 cpripa nf rt.TiAr. ft, Air ailmiffkiafealiAn. Anil construction, including great engineering feats, famous tunnels and passes, and indeed, those branches of the subject which in this day engage the attention of the whole oountry. The illustrations which will accompany this series will be . very elaborate original,' and beuatifnl. Tho authors and the titles of the future . ; articles will be announced later. y - Dr. D. A. Sargent's papers on rhjsical Proportions and Phyaioaa Training will be contiued by several of increasing interest, with as rich and unique illustrations as those which have already appeared. J , YllnatviitA) A4tftlAl nf miuit.l 1 1 1 1 o r a .4 u.!11 ll,naA in ft, a P.m..Im a 9 Waterloo, by John O, Hopes; on "The Man at Arms," by E. H. Bluhlloldf two papeVs by Edwaid L. Wilson, illustrating 'results of recent Egyptian " research; a further article by William V. Apthorp, on a . subject connected with his recent contribution on Wagner, and many others of equal interest. Professor Shalor's articles on tho Surface of the Earth will be continued, and articles upon two of the most interesting groups of contemporary European writers will be accompanied by rich and novel portrait illustration.. Electricity in its various applications as a motive power, Explosives, ete. will be the subjects otanother group of ill lstrated articles of equal practical interest, by leading authorities upon these topics. . . J. Mendelssohn's Letters written tt his friends Moicheles, at a peculiarly interesting time of his career, will furnish the substanoe of several, articles 'of- Seat interest to musical readers, whioh will be illustrated wirh poi traits and rawinirs from Mendelssohn's own hand The Fiction will be strong, not only in the work of well known writer but in that of new authors in securing whose co-operation the magasine has l. j : a -r . l : a ; i i . . vecu ev luriuuaMi uunug iw hid. vcei vi jjuuiiuaiiuu. j. aerial novel, euullva "First Harvests," by Frederio J. Stimson, will be begun in the January number, and early in the rear novelties will be published by Henry James and II. 0. Banner. The short stories are of noticeable strength and .fresh- ' ness. ' ' ."ti;, u A Illustrations. The Magazine will show increased .excellence' in its illustrations. They will be more abundant and elaborate than ever. It is the intention of the publishers to renretent the best work" of iheleadine- artist. and to promote and foster tho most Special notice. To enable readers number (January, 1887) the following inducements are offered; . V. " A year's subscription and the numbers for 1887, . '. '.. 1 fw.CO A year's subscription and the numbers for 1887, bound in two vol- v ; - -umes, oloth gilt top, A CjOO $3.00 A YEAR, li CENT3 A 1MUMDER. ' Semit by bank check-or money order to CHARLI SCRIBNER'S SONS, New, York. Bobert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. . Offio ia rear of Hancock a drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. Open from a.m. to 4 p.m. Will give prompt attention to all matters pertain' fog to Justices' courts. d29 dtf The Art of Adyertising! " ror Slow wlU Insert lines (H words) In On Milium espies of Dally, ' Sunday or Weekly Mewsnapera. Tbe work will all be don In 1 0 Hays. Sent order and eneek to OEO. P. ROWEL.Ii & CO , io sratrcB st.. sr. t. 171 pag Kawspaper Oataloga aent' br aaal ivrivma, jmww&w ROBERTS & HENDERSON letjril Issiiruci imts,' Now Berne IV, CJ. - Only Ant class Companies represen ; rirs; IS aaJ Aecldsnt Itnranea. - Total Capital' over Forty Millions o V -v. Dollar. - junzMiv EcasHlijIUcstrated. 25 cs.,J3 aYc:r. f ' , .-II . . 5 -' V TT tarWFnv-THR AarERTOair maoazits fm pWniM t. a.tional topie. aaS Mma, aea It. itrv.r. ft.4 H ar. cf th. Biawa irtudard. .Tooua Aaiiail writ. 611 tu pW. with a wle Tvnell rf IB'. eun nketcho. mt tr-flj m1 edwe m. rial ftnd fbort Mortoa, eeurlptiT. amrautsof ir fimM ooefftrrBMa .d women, brief oa (nwnwl problaBS ef Uw psnod, aad, la soork r ... Distinctively HepresentatlT of f, 'r ' American Thought and Progress, ft h Virw1FM by tS). prrw wni rmWI w M ih. w r-r'"f .oil gftiwfcalnlag of th. hAr. innonTAriT.JS: Itn-rve) rrvwinra mm In. 4av-tfer t b ck r Vloftt fmlana fe i - MtaMF-rta, W. i ! m oca. rtCOipt Of f7 T evajfxaeaev ps ne Wf.,f e AmRIGAN momma ROLLER OF, American Jji j operated ainivar te tre pzum rrwa iwi M.4 M Vnt TI h t rs. t'tt a wau w r'l "rVf m nwnwrci ava.w" r - - - al lea lita mur - e bn A snukivei iutraieias sutel t; c f A u u,a Bkb:ic It taira w1" i V t a. O IULCEE8,.iLTI8,f CLli!,J OpaWrf priayfaOaal, ropQaW tWwwrn. aVS UiJ irrsasB. hoi-Liuf fTtuiaaar, Of 'Btirvfj or c t -. it. e. va HA r Jl rrt 1 lltHfBMT.JJ I '. 4 t ! J CtY I .H at Tf J- , . lAkMTWdRKl '-f MAhli lldOlil Ij Dil i SjacaMl r bpexrkU TnaV a J w sa in BenJlCTiriLLY CAR? ' tScUgit. il w wturt t mmt CO D. 1 w w ' rr i w a i l complete in iteelf, containing no serial ornamental : order printed in gold. ,- The ski.ful methods of wood ' engraving. to possess theMsgsiine from lbs first DEPalOREOT'O T ; ' THE DEOl . '- Of all tho Magazines. v- 7T0NTAININQ Steriea, Pmi otk.r Llterarv . eftrsMieaa, waibiei.s Artistie, Seiealia. ea HaauKaM aMAM. .. . -. ino'i J'totoarwewree, (HI tetmm and hom, -aeioawwewree, vtt -erre ai. jlae W4mtm, mU 41 Me Jferfei irs.eeMH, .wnsf turn . Mmfmrnimm -Uaarrfew. UN PARALLELED OFFER ! Kach aepr ef "DranrMfa VflMbtv VfxAM" entaln. A Cam Ordw, wtrtltn. th. boiaw te . th. boldw te . " ' Mi. mimxkmi or asv watuw iiiihi m u. hnhla. departarwl la tdM I nf th. bItm Iunaract1ire4, SatMcribm or PanhaMn en4te( n. coupoa wiia a two-mai na, . tor MUl, WUI iwoeiT. WJ IVWW 1 aeomplett puttre. of Ui ana kid. incy vutf tram tlx Miwulas. rv-inttntn. tb. nuc fbla C.panlMot OSrr (Visa culsa as aabeinbers fT.lurd al from S3 a Ma. ta M aU.auJ,i. iuw. tut hs jmiM tbt k ird i,4 . a culirM, k a tonMtiarauut Worth Owe . Three Dollars.' utrlf aoaMa th. artn .1 tf the Ifvailaa. wktak k erf HwU, wah Ma iki " fcataiw. aa ssfid ftllnrtlo.. Cheapeat Jffagavaine . In Aanericsu ':': OSltT TWO DPI.LARS pw Vear, hMfboliit twrfr. fill ttt., mt putwna of Iim and kind HoMta, worth-aearrv doabl. tltt aubwniHiu BflC . Bond twwrty eraU fw th. nrmit nwmhw wllli Tnnm Coopoi and to. wlU rabKrio. Two lxiiar. tvt a roar and tvt urn Mat U. vaitie, W.Jemfert OeiM-?, Pufc'kher.15 . 14th St., rWYor'i. - - -. eold br all KtwMtOBtera a.4 PoMtautm. nenflTTT-'' l.pno w , , out rm. 1 .B.M.W- EDXTOATE! EDUCATE I ""'-i1' -:' V i I-.. - -: ....... What Better. Can Be Docs Per The Children! , AURORA ACADH'IV AUltOUA, K. V. ' B. T. BONNES, .. . ;.v rir- Miss K. O. Lakqsto, ' t At.- k r. The Fs'l Pelne will open Pert '. j sn4 cUc F h. H, --."ti iu open Feb. 8. 1' ' t The New L. ....