3IAirOS. . piAiros. 1 .:iId'MBent;&Co ArionvM " ' ' " ....... . JAPE2T CASil fBICS! -' . JBHT JtrSTAWHEKT PULES ! . vl: :. ' iVlvJJST, CLASS INSTRUMENT C. L. Gaskill & Co. 1 - 0 TU inm ,m r)M WMt-antar M. Ulato. abo.t . VI eTnrum tllaMb Tfcr k"'. -eM L 'Trti- artt. ( T "'"- J"? w r it. r. !! i' J Howard & Jones, Sole : THE BEST- WAY" TO s.I"TO .flAVfl Y0T7B MONET BY -IS-ULyinsr Slaoes at post n i :r t n i V 'A II V A t,T ' fit IIIDDLE 1 8 JBIST STOEES, THEN A ; BOOM la th right 4iro(iofl( wflib itwaKorate by fcaki tig your purthtees at tbe tbore - ... 4 Li,.aa tnkaM anit fnvlfl nf himiina in f JenHnmiiH 'e P.ift.lol.Ua. n.J. gnl2Ju pbVlVB wnftwaw J van w ewu veiwt buhvuivu a. uiuiouiui WAOJ, Olo-ee. Neckwearv8hirtt, Flannel Underwear, Hate, Cape, Boots, Shoe-, Um 4rellai, Truaka, ValUea and Robber Gooda. ;A; RaiirtmingtOai via Onslow U 1dt now agiUtlQC the pftbllo mind, while eoocomy is the order of the day and K-T. Patterapnv (tore are the pieoee to practice true economy; multum in jurvo It hla toottea' RreM deal for a little. War down prioea in Caliooee, Uirjgbatna, BleaobiDgit, Brown Domeetict, Shawls, Table Covers, Quilts, end n bof l of other oode. . - , A full lint o Boys, Youths and Gentlemen's Beady Hade Clothing at Bock Bottom prioee.' .Millionaires' euiu for a trllU-ao to speak. These Roods were not made for theCROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY OR ANY OTHER POTEN TATK, but for our own market. I o iure to lre be a call and you will find low prioes and good qualities. li! and &. Spinney Common Sense Shoes our Specialty. - - " f A 1 DLL SUPrLt .'wi GOOD r ! ; :o:cjiy.ivei'v 'r?j8 on Land," which will ior 8old VBRY LOW for CASH, or on ' o i(h"goo4ecorIty.f Cv -' BUGGIES, ;EOAD;0AETS, HABNESS, wniPS,' etc. - I ; v ;;i ie to your adranUgo to call on me before purchasing. A n an in the Stablei at all hoora, day and night. .-- u J- . f t "if ...V; .'t-'',V'1. ' ' ' ' ,:il:. V ' J. r,r.tl6 Ma.lii, - n fi ' W JMRaf . i "WW-1 4 c 1 f a. T.rs e: f . ' ' r-1 rr '. 1 f ORGANS. J '.'Beethoven;'-' 'i - Cottage Queen. . . ' ; . - P. 0. Box 508 JEW JERK, I, C. matter Ihf rtia JtMl aiKAHIM OA kHOK eT the JAM MILAN M S bUOIkaooordlaato jweeeeo. huarelf MgiiiyitBiiHMWif ayuay apaaaaaaiaaaieaiiaw JAMES MEAfJC S4 SHOE WIS aot wear ee ton at lbs ' JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, Jacan:e tt h madt r men whou oenrpatjorn rt .nek as luid Ihcm to call (or a ligliter and mon dreaijr .txa ttea the JAMES MEANS 03 SHOE. Our t MM tea eitabiuhcd for iisrlf permanent repotaUoe for mnfott aiHI aurtolinr tmcn u no otaer ine uaa ever inm urn liiatery of tUe trade. No com net i ton are abt t anpraaeh it- 'I he Jamet Meant t4 Shoo ia ll1it awl .tjuslv, and It ii a diiratle any !ioe of Hi wefett ever uana faetured. IVt confldenlfv assert that In eTerjr Tltal re pert the Jmt Meann 4 Shoo 1. oqu to tU .-iind-aewed h.e which have hituno been retailed at 6 or 7 It hae rxmpola top aud eamleM calf ramp, t hi a Krfectly (mouth bottom lunar. It nti JA a iiloeklrB. and roqnlrea no " breaklns In," biln jertwMvensy the flrat time Ul orn. ... , J:im M. am and Co 'i 6hoe were the flnt In thl. I'Kintry to lieeltfinlvely adverttted. If )ou hava been disutipolnted fcl other advemmd Kboei, your experience nnglit lo Itarh you that II ll ialer to buy aboea mad. ky l ie Iendrr of a yem. rather than thoae made by too t'llowen. 1 tteae ihoea are .old by the beat retailer, throughout tha United dtnlii. and we will plaoa them eily wiili.o yoor reach, la any btata or Territory, if yoa ill lend ui a poatal card. James Means & Co. 41 Lincoln St.. Boston. Ninas. Agentff for New Heme. BIT1XD A BRIDGE TTrn nnnrn I I PIIAIIL1 -'A Stables. IIOESES; MOLES 'and PONIES WJ. W. BTEWAET. Broad Street, New Berne.iy. 0 A Ui (1 1rS UniXMeUftD Oa Oj arr Uv troubMa, ftrvd eVi (Vwt, w hoae P 7 Aim it- to eiiwj tK-ir -.- 'in. IoA-9 Ht KA.rUtjai.liV the aJ i HJD tlrw.ewn,,, doew iv4 WHfefl i UJ3 euieXi..n lo buffmcoa. v ewe mi f riMPiiviaFne in trry viy, oartw4 on arvBUiM mal BrlrJr-W". Br earke res nrnwMont Lb twat Cl diMMC kn afwnrbg fcruaotvi fct Wttbotrt dlaw, TtwUtBreJ . fww-MKenf ttM brrmaB onrajiimn Mttlor4. Tc t- afiiTTr eismms m i iu arr rjicn bark, ni ptttem -boonittur1ev&a iiieoty BauMbothtteiii,ihti wii Tt y rwt kciii oih q H AHf 3 REM EDY CO.. ffrt Cinirat Trial of our AppMano. Aii tor Tormftt $s iiuiesoronies V m v 5 :..;f, -::MvDri!2Si3tf ALL HIND 3 OF "A "- i t.llW ELOOD HEKEWER inraloable for the c':r?rr t Ji"e cf riNII CIQAL3 in .-ale tmv'e especially looked , : I.IQVOrs for ceJic'ra THE JOPBN - JPEICTICII COCBTSHHV Yoa eey you love me.. Haybe eo ' I would Dot aoabt roar word ; Dot others before bw, 70m know. Bare saoh tweet loro to are hurd Who are not loved , now. as wi would Be lored bj those tbey wed. Yoa eey yon lore ma. ' Bat will yoa like my bread? You My yoa me. Yoa wuet know xoar wotaa on sweet to near; Like tender mneio, toft and low, Tbey charm toy willing ear. Bat if yoa win all nay heart, Pontes my rety eonl Promise to do a nuabaneVa pert Swear yoa H bring ap the eoei! Yoa eay you love me. And yoa atk If I eoold Ioto too too. I own will bo an eaty taek If only roa are true. This, tnu alone I stipulate, Tm all my bean's desire; That I may sleep till half-pest eight, Ana yoa anau nuua tne ore. Somerritle Jenrnal. Ha! art. : The circamstaaoes under which malaria prevails aa a local di&ease, though enfficently marked, are yet in some degree complicated and perplexing. It is certain that the exciting cause of the disease is something present in invisible effluvia from the surface of the earth. It seems almost as certain that decomposing, or rather de composed, ' vegetable matter is the source of the infection; yet the ap pearance of malaria in Bach a place aa the rock Gibraltar, which is characterized by an entire absence of vegetation, presents an apparent exception which prevents us from definitely deciding that vegetable matter alone can produce the ma larial infection. Moisture is necess ary to produce the poison; yet moisture alone, or even with the necessary degree of heat, is not sufficient; on the contrary, it ap pears that if only the soil whence malarial effluvia have arisen could be kept permanently soaked with moisture, there wonld be no infec tion. The soil must be for a while sodden with moisture, then dried, belore the invisible effluvia the marsh miasma become dangerous. The heat necessary to produce the poison must be somewhat greater than 60 degrees; somewhat less than 80 degrees; between these limits, but outside them, heat does its poison-generating work. We have in these conditions alone a certain power of influencing ma laria, as has been shown by repeat ed examples. I remember that in my, boyhood f aguish fevers were very common in parts of Kent, near the shores of the Thames and Med way. The difference between the country and the towns in this re spect was a subject of constant re mark. But now, as 1 learn from relatives living in these regions, malarial troubles are much less prevalent, drainage -having had a markedly beneficial effect. A simi lar change, on a larger scale, has been produced throughout tbe eastern counties of England, where formerly aguish, fevers were onee very common. Xt'Aeema. atrange now to think oFafueaa one of the cuiel death dealing-disease of parts . of JDoglapd, insomuch 'that even in London, where pow It la unknown, uunareus iormeriy leu victims; w In SwitzerlatuL-the drainage of swamps has almost entirely . killed out malaria in certain rtjrlous where it was Woe prevail- .hey widen. ed theUbaimela.rijej running oof of lakes in such sort as to-lower the levt oT the' lakes t,hua lowered drained the sWanrp' rOo the other band, the Dbg land el Ireland; arw free from lhalaria wuetJuerbecana peat moss does , not ooBtain the Kisonons materials; or M cause tne gs remain too : constantly; inoia.' tnra ' sodden: la ; not i clear. Xt taj stated also that malaria la niilaiowtt in the regiQa of jthe Dismal Swamp, Elevation' haaTa': jnark4, effect: in regard to the prevalence1 of malaria, ! not . only -locally, j batgenerally, 1 Thus in certain , shore Jtracts it naa been noticed that near tha sea level there' ,iaoi Tnalaria, Whife? again, above mcertain height; s 3W or 400 feet, malarial 1 absent but between these the disease Is destructive and prevalent. -I Yet -elevation alone does not prevent malaria from ap-pearing.-ILAProotor. 1 ,-. , , - .'Wife I am so worried about that cough of Jours, John, dear, ; i-IIusband : , (fondly) Don't be abolish, little one: it is amere noth- Wfe-Itinay be a. mere nothing, John; but I dojwlsh yoa would see the the insurance man to-day, , This yemedy Is becoming' eo' well known and so irn'ar aa, to joeod no special mention. All wfeo nave neM Electric Litters sic 2 t?,e eameeongof praise. A purer ndicine does not ex it and it is rawact4 to do all that is cHlmed. Elr'-'e T ttere -wt!l nue J1 dit ifPicf the l;r sod k.i inffs, will rpraore pim;.le. I. &'t 1 turn and fWVef ',6CUor.r0l Yr hrpnra r,,vd. Ui.l drirer--'"'' ' ,v " 1 rrerf r t " l 1 I ITS' Nl DYSPEPSIA. a ITHIctlt vtorraaL. .AIH.TLSSI f AMI IV Mf MClHl . P H 1 LA DE L P H I A Price. OH E Dollar T a ; jaqj ilah ill, of the human 1 i. il trr. S 1111- 1 1- Nt t !, thr U:t aiifl I i I liCUltlj UllJ i ! ' 1 1 ;i hralthw ... . . i lunii i 1 III. GtMl.St. SATED HIS LEG SCROFULA Of Till BONE CURED ! Lmriini, Oa., August 11, 1WJ. TW tWITT Sl-W.' IFIt in , All nil m (ift OontiemeD 1 lt- tt-tit aftlk u-l with Okeermttuo uf ltk i- e-rr alme 1 warn m chltd, tb dlaatM uudoutrtrdly iKliitf bny wlUtft, ai m; muihur ncrTorvd frotxi tM-roful (Mia y m ptomtV Aa I eulvau rd t iuvlihMxl mr avffik-tkn InrrenvaM urull nuOawly latwauM hrraliaf aud painful Leyoul Ht puwetw of word U iwrll. My right k Mrtaowievly boasunc fearful It liKrid, Ue Utt Ima beini lettjalnfully aft t.'irt. KiuAiiy. aUiomttuurtefa yxa ago. tl.e ulfrra tm toy rtifnU leg btvl eau-a iluouib tlt fWob Uv bODA. lu ordr to ( my Uf ib4w ton determined u amputaie my leg !. tkM knev The uiwrattion wa u fully iMrfunneMl by lr H V. M. Millfr, f AUanu, and Ir. W. P. Bud. of UU.oi.la, liut the luMof my lo ui only leiu()rvry r lf. Tbe polaoo was atlil In my nyaicin and auoa bgi,u to show lUelf Muin- ahort ilia after Utrgr ulrerw nvi'PearfMl on my If ft lot, Covering tt front the knee t ih luftt. rrquBtly while at work 1 oulJ lm tnu ad aVy tlM blood wbtrh ouawd from U.e hugm anlAam. and tha aore and rolionluu holt wenr ftO offeDalw that my fellow wurk mrn I not autnd the teach and wuuld iuu r from ma. - l.aat wtDt-1 was perauaded to try nun Aa a taai effort I conaentaM to do aud about aawea moniha ao 1 iM-uan takiuji tha PfHiiaai. I aoon baarati to t l the jthhI trM-La oTiba niadltBaoa, th offeitnuo running tmgaD o crew lea and Ivea and flnallr reaaed. lh tifteara h . aaf lUtah iMX'tiue firm and aoltC aad au aay. aftar walnit twmity -una tottleaTT ana a Umm and au-ut a man of my ate aatttara la la !.- I an a-vri.i y year lit,aut (eelaiHr yuunavranil .tionr tbaa I OM artaeB 1 avaa tweuly flvt. 1 weigh about 1K1 aounda. Vothiaf U to be aren of about MM lei terrlbl. dlaeaaa. cw u Mmina torture I aurTenxi ler ao asaair yt aaeair year. wl tK. Mr, nt tlM uarfwtly A(la4 a lotira. I want tha world Uj h.aum at trie almoat anlrafiulout cur acTacUMi lua ly HSU, aad t call apoa tbuaa wfco wlab W a now tha particular, directly froaa aaa U wrlle. and I will coaaKW It a plcaaura aa wr-U aa a dut to anawar llinlr letter. 1 re'or to Dr. W r. Kd, of Luuuala. aa to U tratb vt lu elatemeat. Vory gratutull Tuura, B. Uaua. TreaCUa on nirod and Stln PUaaea mailed (re. Ik bwirr rnric i ,1 Drawer 1, a Uojita, Qa Honey To Loan. Examine tbe followine list and see whet von need for the coming year, and eave tmooy by buying from me at . shout crop ;ru i ci-;s. and you will have money to loan. PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! I nerO the Cbamiiion, 0 ran nor, Bom, Dintei Daisy, Clipper, Atlaa, Poi ey Qf ea nqd Ayery, steel tarn plowg, end tnOrtoneWall, dlimas, Orm and Caro lina Cotton Plows, and Castings of every description. i&teov n full line of Axes, Shovels, Bpadea, Porks, Kakee. lloes. Marl Picks, Fotnto Cakes. Hubs, Hpokee and Kims, Oart Wheels end Axle, Bod and Tire Iron. Naila. Bolts, washes, and every thing a the Hardware line. - Corn libellers. Urain rana. Urain Cradles, Mowing Scythes. "Mowers and Keepers, uniting, Steam - t ittinRS. Machine Oils, Lnoe Leathers, Cant Books, and Saw Mill Supplies. Send for prtoee. Bespeotfally, J. C. WHITTy. Hardware. Saab, Doors nnd Blind, Paints, Oils and Glass I4me, Cement aud Floater, A.HD AlljOrtidee of COOKING AND II BATING STOVES, L; ;H. ; CUTLER, " 28 j& J2tf . XditKUe street, 8TAT or MbaTH CABOLTirA, t . .. . tJennty ef urartrn. f InefneeClTkapeiTerCtewrt. ( . Woe ! hrjfrn ht tne hrerptn. of the Kxeeanor fioae Oompanyt (haa the aamee of the tieuui pw store are tjeartee Una. C. iV MSor)ey, B. T. -Willie, T. O. ( nrr-bliL W. T. Hill," A. B. Oarroll, A. K. J. irf-wttTr. M. (-r.edwVik.K.8, Clark a4 K. ji rd enea e.Jifr thr may wear. eie with trem: th.t toe ( 'T of New Parae eaa I be their pHrv nal rjiane of or-enttoa end He rl r",'t- e1" ahail ee " atSTLESSNESS. woTi rl prnrn tl tvee, la K W l'1iM4 0;'"lnlfl a.i r p ir fwnj iji-. . n t v f.f ( ST AH12BS, Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. nnmnumninr MONDAY, the 12th dav of September, 1887, tbe Steamer HOW ARD will run tbe following schedule Fnr Trenton, everv Mondav and Friday: Returning every Tuesday and Saturday. J. J. LAS1TTEB. Manager. J. J. DisoewAY, Agent at New Berne. Atlantic At N. C. Railroad TIME TABLK No. 7 In Efleot 6:00 A.M.. Wednesday, Keb. 15. 18S. QoLNaEa-BT. SauKDfiJt Ouu West- No. 51. 1 a&aenger Ttuxnt No. 50 Ar. Lve, Stations. Ar. Le. pm 4 55 Ooldeboro 11)17 am 6 40 5 41 I . (.ranee 10 39 10 42 .0 2 7Z ,t 021 8 41 Kinston v aa 10 UJ o iA 8 38 Hewberae 10 n 10 5S f m Morehead City am 5 37 Daily except Hunday. OOlliO EaST. SCHKDl'LK (iolNL. WKr-T. No. 1. No. 2 T Mixed Ft. 4 Mixed Kl. & Paae. Train. Slut ions. fane. Tram. am tt 10 (iuldeboro 8 23 p m 6 46 8 51 beet'e 1 1 62 7 117 21 La Grange 113 1 2s 7.45 7 5U ralliriK Crt-ek 12 44 124 U 8 14 b 34 KiUBlon 12 02 12 20 B50 B 55 Caswell 1141 11 4(1 U 15 U 32 Dover 1 1 IB 11 21 10(0 1005 Core Creek 1043 10 4S 10 2U 10 34 TtiDtuora 10 0U10 1U 10 46 10 50 Clark b U 52 9 57 11X2 am Newberu a in U 20 I'ueada v . Tl. u r da v a 11 . Kat 1. rda . 1 Monday, edueaday aud If nday Train Ew oonoecla wllla Wllmluvuiii A wi don '1 rain txiud North, Jtwtvinf OoidaiKru 11:60 a. m., staid wllb KlcliUiond A 1 uvilie Train Weal, leaving Ooidaioro i &J p. xn . 1 ram 01 coouetu wun Ktcbiuuna i iufitif Traio, arriTlnj at Ooldsbciu i H6 cm , and wilL VVlImliiKLon and Wallou Jialn from u.e NorUi at 4 46 p.m 'JYaln ; oouuecla wltn Richmond and l-an- a!heiuIp.T'!" ""V'U ula'"u' , J'l.lu 2 ronuecla with W llui lot 1. m ai.d W Hon I'aaaeuaer Train Noith bound Itav lbg (roldaboro al t i& p. m '1 rain '1 oouuecla wllb W llinluloa and Weldon Freight Train buutli bound leal '.lb (iol'lal.oro at p m. S. L. Dill, la perlnten debt STEVENSOI &McCULLElT, PATEWTS 'alilrK(oii. I) V. Twelve Vear. Coiinei tinn with Tin- Intrrlur leiartiuent lias given im the d em red eiperieni'e aa Mcclianlial Kx,.Tlrt. Kkkkhknckh Warner Miller, New York, (leu I W. H. Koeecran. Register of the Treasury; Gen'l Clark, ('leik House of Ittfpreeen tali Toe jns dtf Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice. To Soil: 200,000 Tons Purel Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MiRaKT Dcam, NKW OEUNB, N. V BjattSvtf P TREHWITH W lane, to lafbrtn (he PuaUe that be haa eorameeowd bis a4d anarlavMa en Mldale HU, and Is bow preaexed to do all kind of work betoof lnf to the BUrkarallb. Uail and Wagon buatneas. and sollnlu the iirunage of hla old friends and partona HorAhoetne a apenlaltr. fnblilwim IIITUR KCIT1 C1I0LIH1 UARBLE WORKS, IIW BE RITE. H.C IS'..' . Monuments Tombs- i ITALIAKlAllEfJCAJi UARBLE ' 'i .ii -t Order arltl reeeire peejaaaa atteattoi an4 aatiafaetloa rearseteea - . j rw' '. JOE i: "WILlali, rropHeXor - inauiMH te qesne W.Cw?sl ., 1 : ' - 11 Oar SJCOaLD aiAfi CZATTX 8U.' , ' Jrs.vx, J. c 8TKAWr.BrL EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Faat Freight Line . BKTw 't:'-; New Berne. Kaatera Bertk OaJrellM Polatu, aad Merfolk, Bttfavre,"' Phliadelpkia. Raw Vrk. Boaiaiai, . Kte.-'ria EUlabeth City. , , : THE STEAMERS - EAGLET and VESPEB or this line will ran on regular sehedele time. leaviDu New Bvrne every MONDAY, WlCDNkeDAY and r-KILiAY at rOOaP. for IvliaaoeUi Cny and reiurn on tne follow' log oaya. neae aUamera m connection wltk the " AUaUc A C. H. H.. orlulk hentnern K. K., New Vori.rhlla. and NurloU K. K-avnd the Pennaylvanla K. H , lurm a reliable and ': rfurnlar Hue uflBrlny auouruir laelllllea foa :! quick trannporuttluu. No tranaiera ncxjit at Ulaabetn City, at which point freight i, i be luadedon eausto gu through to deatlnaiiou. lnruoi ail gouda Lo be .hipped via Kastera - (larolina lepau-Li cn:ly be follow. : . . Kioiu New oik.by fcliii. K. K.. Pier IT, North Klver. ; fruiu l'L,!iadcihla by 11. ha.. W.ABailO. '' w u i-b .i iii..,. aM rroui bi'iui..ie i y i-nu'a . W:i. A Balto, ti. it,. I'mUrni m hiatiou j. ,t,m r'"'1 N01ioinr51mihernH.il. r,tl" Woi..ii by Merchauie A MineraTrmna. 1 1-.nu1ioL.iu sr 1 oik and New Jtiusland " " H K. Kale, aa , (. w si. r .,uH ker than by any i c n fc hedule 0 four -i. I ti J raff.c Agent ol her .1 l.c V ben ik . h "U I 1 1 1 a lel ui . . . JMl. B W I,"' . 1. K. K , u u is. 1 I n t:i. Mtt laiKt-: ufco SIKCHhS. I : e..ui r 1 eight Agent, ' . A t' l; I. , I : . 11 H i'i.hl i.ei.n,, !!..,!. I Agent, N.T. 1' A N K h . N. II- L a 11 1 111 1..: ...:. 1... I I c Agelii. V n H It " .! I k .1 I Ll .'l I'.si i.N. Agent, .Nrwberue. N. O. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. SKMI-WKKKLY LINE. Tttc Old leontliiluu btfaiuaiilp in an)'i Old and Kaeotltc Water Hviilc, t la Albemarle aitd ( lie ta)takt a b 1 . Kurftilk, llamii.oie, rt ui k, I 111 la dcliiaila, Uullun, I'mm liltuci, AnJ all pomW, North, l-.al and West On an, 1 kHm 1 I 1 . " 1 1 1 H.l h H 2Klli , untli uil:.rf iiol.it, t!,t' Steamer MAK1E0, Cajt. Smthgate, a : Steamer MWEiilNE, CapL Pntcbett, will aall fi. II. .S.'lil'lk. h. (orNKW UKHM , M. M il..uKloii. Mi ..MlAYS aud rHlliA-- i . . h a 1 1 . ; uunueotlan With II, e flMili.i o of Uie N, 4 T. K. H.U.I " I i I I.B1..I. I renin n, and all other laudluKa uii ll, f .Ni-ui..- ami Tifi.t Itlvrra. Itfluriiliig aa'.i Imni NKW HLKME for MiRMii.k diifii. '11 hsiAH and KrUliArv al N 1 n h a m . luaklii cornier., iio.i wiiii ii. e n. n. ii i aii lua for New iotk H h r 4 o. a .leaujer lor hkiiiiuoie, t'.j.ie i. i... hi.ip. (or 1'hllaa dniphia. and M A M I, i,, . ai.;a tor Hue Uiu and I'liiv ulence our ti l, i '. 1 1 iit ( -ria to j 1 1 ae our nalrona. and our aiiiio.l il.n , ii, e lor me peat lwive J i-bil In 11. Li Hi gliHii,t,! e we calj ii Iter all i. '. i i a. t. . m v 111 do lor U.r in ID tl.e fi.l l.l.i j tltr u i ui t .if i ) 1 1 h . H. ()o., Nor- folk H h 1 1-' n 1 1 1 a in L it 8 a iii. i i , hm: i ' ii t tl ,i niiipaieut after .'a.-1, ii-' . i riii h K " t a l 1 1, comfort a hit) km, nip itini - i y o4iurltjy and a l Leo llttti ,., it j.ii,,: ii.uii I) u. ra. 1-: H Hi iliKlflH. Aueut. aUx-W. 1 t ; I rilK tt It'KNUl, 1 A La. ,N kt (tiJM. Va . A II r I A r ' 1.1 I t i. i.t Nevt oi k ( "It y . Change c! fter in New fork. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YOKE, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE aud a.. L-oilil rNortli W ohI a flat l hla Ual will rscelf s fisif I I In Maw far Naw Hfiet al riKU 7, NOKT11 ItlVKK, Office oj Mete York and Baltimot Transportation Vo alartb&ni boo Id ram air bar trial tbla ta oaaj ba l tSvaan. Lib a ro i of Kw Ttrk, makla -all; ounnariltia wnb Haiunit! fur Naw llaaaa 11 taalda, aud only on thaiifa 8KM1-W EEKLY STKAMKIIR Eitwteo Ket Bene and Ealtimori orlol.) Learlni R.w II. m. f. i Halumur. TUESDAT FeUIiAVSai 1 m Haltiiriore fo ' KW B.ni. LbN LM'A VS ilud SATDRIJAT P Aseete are a, foll.w,; EUBBX I'(IMTSH. Oan'l iranacer, 0 l.nhi M , Hart. M AS W. MciliKRICK. Ar t Norfoln, Va W. f. Clyde (je.. rblladalphla, 11 So I liriN Tor Hallo Tran. f.lna.rier Nortt rlrer E. rtaapaoa, rloaion. tS ('antral waarf. B Ii Rnetwrll, ProTldenr. K I. P O Mick, r ail Rlrar. Iiarrlc. wharf Sbtpa laare- Boaioa, Tsaadaa aad Satarday Naw Tork dallr. ., llaltimore, Wadnaadaf. aadaataraa Fall klrer, MoDdar., Wedneedaya 1 rnar ' frr.. Ideiir., Satardar.. v hroacb am lading (Ivan, and rateagaaraa te all pntnt, at lb. dlffarent nlllca. of paale, ireid Breakage o! Bulk axd Ship rit , N. C. LINE. d '7i LINE. ..wautnaTa. THE NEUSE I TRENT RIVER. Steamboat Company. Will run tbe MlrrwlBt Bebedale on and aft. ' JejIBaV 1SV.ISS7. - Steamer Treat T. Will leave erery lloaday and Tbtrrada' eaorniac at nix o'eloek for HnlUia and -Adam. Oewakt aad all intaaaelat woiatc,. t Staamar Kinatotw. . WIU lTe Hew Bereie Sna fflwatna in Vnaa. - dari awd rrMaM . II o'clock, M. j,atL . leer, art J let. il.ilei cai Aiondai. and raeradarer Towrbtrir, at alt luteimn; ,.e LakaMuae on rjauae tunr. -I -., K I ? , A t at Kewe. a W. T. BtAMVt, ICBstoea. f - 0. a 4rm, rrLitmaw. ' wT. K. AEB, A rT!t t Tracoa. M. C twmt, jf y ( i r 4 1, E. Ion, r -i . - s J v " : , 4: r i if i . f. .' r.T-fc . ..r), aihe 1 ' 4 1 I. t It "II " - ' -J. i ' c. o. T; V-z.tm it p-t at t

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