V" - ,5" , V 1 1, jf ' li ' ' If USES Mcrrooa Prwetratieav Ncuralfii ' V XlftoeneAsaii UM Disease., Rne, asstawav Pe ! uiUliB. . osuf t nuaaey. hlaaA. CwrtEktf all dtt- t9 buvn ur kiMi?f- - , tat ( It tut hr -l -! ' Prio SI.OO. Sold by dnuMfteu. WELLS, RICHARDSON 1 CO., Proprietor BUHLUOTOB. VT. M-aaatteMetkUttx. I'-" 04 Si Ml, ii nakk. .Aa.fHlIW uanWetseMlaUUm " r sHSJames M Foil line of the above Shoes for sale by . - Howard & Jones, ole Agents for New Berne, 4. ..-.. , mmmm !KKa..nlMmStO?t 4-Jlit ftkdllW f1ut-4 tMlil. Ojrf SEMINAL PASTILLES .ijoJOa.h ioaaanieaM ttef arwofnUTttaSMrSiffirelj tUooaand feet wraj udlwiaat iwn MMtAfU aukittmantor J and tWxikati Sonrn Maa to t -nrAMt and fail Isanlfrrawaih let Ki3jnkollnIl' "'lannittKerJJi lJSSrxTIZ il.VkOaiOBriOUI,rrlkirrakit'44aiikhla.ac. RUPTUaaO pMtaOiJg aa IW FRtS 3NSEY Girlsand Young Ladies Uset Grange, HXT. C Full corps ol Teaclici n. Ni ' Jinililin. Ampl- .1 1 ri 1 modal ions Hoarders. ' Write for t.rrnif) i jaulO dwtf MORTII CnhOIJSA, oaruiet Oounty In the Haper or Courl. M. JL lAogdoti, Hareaa Ammen andAllccli. ADtmeu, bla wWr, I'lalnlifT", eamuelA. Waber and Sttllle a Weber, his wife; JarsM H Uoas, Jr and Pannla A., Balll L., ntavfjle I,,, Agnes H. snil Alice Dt Qoaa, minors, UefendaDU. Tbd defendants above namid will take Bottee tbat a spMtal proeeedinit, as above entitled, baa been oomtnenead before tha Clark of tha (tapnrtor Uoort of CaiUrat . aoably for tha Partition, or sale for Partition, of eartaln land and town lots situated In HUalls Township and Ike town of Meanrort In aaid aoanly, belorglng to the estata of Vb, I . Lancctoa. deceased: and said defend ant WIU tartber take notloe tbat tber are paired to appear at tha ornea of the Qlerk the superior Court of eald eoanlr.on the lb day of May, 1888, and answer or demur to the eom plaint la aatd Special Proeeedlnc or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded la said complaint. This etta day of April. 1888. . - , ISO. D. DA VI, C. 8. P. C. B. Thowas. J PlalnUffa' Attorney. apl2wew Stats or Noeth Caboliha, 1 r .; v CraTenCoonty. J la Office Clerk Soperisr Court. . r a " a ' . m . a a netioe nareay f iven or in woor ooratlon of the aet Carolina Fiab, Oye- x. tat, Game and Industrial Association; ', : : . that tha names of the iiaoorporators are 1 1 Chaa. Beisenetein ?.' A. Patteraon, O, - V H. Galon. E. H. Meadows. Alex. Miller, K.B. Jonee, Geo. Allen, J.W. Stewart, Ben. Bahn. W'm. Dunn, A. W. Wood, ,v-k'T. K.-WiIlivJn6. HurhesuT. A. Green, V ; rteo. 8y-Iv and O, E.-Foy.d aoch , ' oUtera id lhe7 may esaociate with them; f " . - that the principal place of business ahali ' y be in Mew Bei-na, K. U, and its (eseral , purpoae and -tmaineas ia to hate poslio . exbibita otthe prodooU and toduataiea - X' . of Eaatern Norik- Oarolina' etc.: thai ;. the durstiou of tbs eorporatlon sbsllbe --; thirty years: the caplu) stock Utwenty . ; -" fire thousand dollar -with privilege to increase earn a, divided into one tfcoe and share f the-pen- ralne of twenty five dollars each ehare." a, .. .-. -..-. . E. W.CasPSjrrsa, - - si 0 d ml w-'-'rit- ' j-v - 0 8. C . V' m . I 'it ' .Umlii- - , , . Tba aaderalr-ned. Csrrte. But, baa drily ) tunned aa avaecotiiz of the estate of Wil Ham H.HI I Land hereby fitree notice that sbe teoolree all Mrsntii bavtng claims aaalttet the estate of the said William B. HIIL to pre sent tnena to tba said iarna mil, -elniy ("ihantiMtei for payment, ta e before the 4 1 car of Varrh, 1M, ) this notle I l-e p'enW) tn barof reoOTary.-.., 1 - ! indebted, to in estate must pay wS, ,o,,t rieiay. - - ... flit;. . CARR1K EILI4. TlHVUlx. Will Color Orva to Four Pounds Of Dress Goods, 1 Garments, I ( Yarns, Rags, etc. J A Child can use them! The PUREST, STRONGEST and FASTE8T of all Dye. Warn ted to Dye the ral goods, and Eire the beat colore. Unequalled for fnuitn, XiMvu, and all ftj Dytimf. For Gilding or Br 0111114 Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silrer, Broue, Cop par. Only tO Cents. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID Is the beat thing to sac in ntirinf Diamond Painu. A noide, witn cantd'a net anaa, cents but so ceo ts. DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUINO Only to ctn. for a package to make one quart of the beat Bluing. Will not spot or streak the Bttcstntbnc Aaa drugtl for Pye Book and Card, or write WELLS, HICHARDSOK t CO., Burlington, ft l'.8'".in. i ttr? un4 i oticrett iw j ask your retain r tor li J.UIK4 MKANt 4 (SHOE or U JAMKl MEANSi s3 tUOE,-iJint Voyoorneed Kwiuvh; DUDC gtaiuilto UUsfiotaHU ttMBl? ebJMtUa aaftiAi OR OM JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE Wm not wear loaf Mtb & JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, Twins Uii tn fcr man whose occnpatiunt are iiuh u t ad !lcm to call fur a Inrhlrr and more drrkr l,o Uiail ll.e JAMM JtlKANS S3 MIOfc. Our t Shoe has etabllallrd ror ilMlf a pcrmuiu nl r,-putanuii lor coinfurt aud OurabUH; hut li as no tMn r t - 'f i.as eve, anuwu in u.o hislorv ,.i tttraa, Nuctrtiill are at)le lo aj-ln.. !i il !(. JamM Mraol S4 hhiia l IwEt etui tyli.-i . and It is i-s durable f, Buy bl.oc 'i Hi h clLt i ,'tr luaiiu rarrnn .1 W c"iillt-iil! a-, rl m ".. i!al rr tlK. I the Jainrfc M. ana t4 M,io u i l H' ,i,J ar.0 ,!,. !:. I.jc li u.rrlo twen rrtalkO .1 loi.r f) II !.. u :.i.Ki.la I. ! ! i"""1 1 n rlt,l!v I. I...H. UI I '1' " r.t 1 k. n i 'i k.,.r. 01..1 guiri'i no ' l,r-aklik lu. !. h rl 'i i! e.- !!. ln.I Inue It It worn J,n,.a ki,iU ami I 1 1 Nl,., tr tt,f Prjl m I 5 ,i.i.i:r, In kf l ii.ih ly fl.rrliktil II )'iu I" i t ,.i,..,ii.iri1 in I'llit-r nJvirtistil M,. , . , ur -a ' ' i .,-t.i In ,tli )'U I'.l 11 19 kalt r 1.. I'll kin" s II. ii t- I I'r l,.i.lr,a "t tulim. IffTl.rT II.B'i l i ',' tt.jA l V.. I :i,.ii!, 'I iirar iliit (ite kulfl I'Y 1' ,,,st ,r" ' 1 IliniUKliiiiit Ilia I'll lid Malia, '"! kr !l I i l'"''i ily k M li HI your rt ai 11 lu an pl. w im EANS Sc CO. 41 Lincoln St.. Boston. Mas. - -- . i iiiiiniaaaia or rknaekjtkuiM rau. SauTwlh!rJ LcrdTS'irtr. vtatt tvitoutjaHi tj btuiikckw, or urn pnvjn rteiiuio Mai pnnripw Bfaici lirallun IL. Ml ti Idlaiu. it. mmtiAi ncc i.a'c 1 1 vlthuul deiaT. Th. aaaniaj Imnin, .rll,. h.n.n omnna nunt 11 ulanlmaunj' t irmmu oflua anlinm back. Uc oatua 1 i ".Ti : 1 . . V. " ."1 'nlaad raUMllrlaiuabuUinrauatkaialkaaul TBUTMtirT.-t3TTitoiitTir.e,i HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mpo Cw-itT I ucniu rv . Tantn street. BI IAJUIB MO. Trial of our Appllanoe. Ask tor Termsl SCHOOL, JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL. Notl'-o to I lie Stockholders ot (In- Carolina City Compiiuy, nntl otlicrs. State of North CHrnllna by lite Attorney Oeneral on the relation of tl eu Maaoo, vs. H H. KMoii and the Carolina CHy Qompany. In obedience to a jadgraeDltf O.e 8 n pe lior Conrt of Onrteret connty. at UpriniTerm Ibss In the nlxive etitilaud aetton,-i(otlo la hereby given u all pernon npldlng earttf) cales of stock In the irlina Ulty Uompany, tApreaant them to the nndersisnetl at his office In Beaurort, N. C, on Thursday thaUth dar of Mais, 1888. All persona elalmjng to be owners of stocJt lu said ooanpany, for wblob tba eertlnoates have been lost or mlalald.are also notified to make proof of their several claims before me. All persons Whohall fall to do so will, by said lodgment, be forever barred from partlclDaiion In the dlstrrbn tloa of th assets of the Carolina Olty Com pany. All person clalmiDg lota In the plan of Carolina City are notified to present their deeds to me for inspection, and all persona claiming to be owners of lota In the said plan and have failed to receive deeds are also aotl flfd to make eatteractory proof of the fact before me that deeds may be executed to them for the same, All persons having booka, paper, certifi cates of stock In other companies, or other property or vning 01 vaine Deionging to sain Oarolln a 01 tv Company, are hereby notified to deliver tb s same at onee to me. JNO. V. DAVTS, Receiver of the Carolina City Company Beaufort, N. C April 18, 1888. al8 dw Foreclosure Sale. On M ) If DAT. HAT the TUt. 1888. at the Court Bouse door In the Utty of Newborn, North Carolina, between he boors of twelve o'clock, M . and ooe o'clock. P. M.. will be sold to the hlgbest bidder at publio outory, roraasn, vne lot or iaaa in me city or ivew bern aforesaid, situated . at 'the sontbeeat corner of Broad and ateteelf street, which aid lot la known in th plan of said elty a Lot i 0 m Der (iwi; use aaoarea ana inreet togetber with tb balldlngs and Improve naeat thereon.- The said aed will be made paraoaat soalDdcmewtaf theeopertor Oestri of Crsven eono ty, N. O., at rail Term, 188T,ln a certain action woe re us. enema j. lrodiey, exeoatrtc ot L ilade, ee'd, 1 plaintiff, and Va, Hi OMrer, ai. B. WlUtard and wife Bat tle, MsryT. Oliver, Hannah A. OUVr and Martha Oliver are defendant, March 7lh, 1888. . s M. 0 WHITE htUHST, , OomialaslotieT. ClABX A CLAkKAlty. B17S4W NOTICE. ' Tb aadarslraed, Oeorr B. winia,hdnly qnallfled aa Admin latrator of tb estate of Ana m. Willie, and bereey five notle tent ha requires all person kavlng eialm acainst the estate of th eald Anna!. Wll l i, to breeent tbero to VA Bald -Gexv B. Wuu, duly soiheotleated. for paymenttOn or before toe 1ft n day of April, 101, or els tfc't notle will be pleaded la bar ef recovery. rersoDS iDaebtco, to the estate mri'ipay Wlthent delay . ,l Q aAX K. WILLI SV . apitaeir v r ' Adntlaatrator. , w-V"n iimi K.Ma. ln a7 THE30URNA17. BYBOS'S SlPOLEOli'f FAREWELL. . Farewell to the Lind, where the gloom of my Glory, Arose and o'eiuhi wdow d the earth . wth her Dime, : Sheaha&dotia ne now. but the page of I -. flitVjtory - The' brightest or blackest. is filled with my fame, I hav warr'd with a world which van quish d me only When the meteor of conquest allured me too far; I have coped with the nations which dread me thus lonely The laet single captive to millions in war. Farewell to thee, France! when thy dia dem crown 'd me, I made thee the gem and the wonder of earth, ' Bat thy weakness decrees I should leave j as I found thee. Decay 'd in thy glory, and sunk in thy worth. Oh! for the veleian hearts that were wasted In strife with the storm, v, hen their battles were woo Then the eagle, whose gaze in that mo ment was blasted, ) Had still soar 'd with eyes tli'd on victory 's sun! Karewell to thee, franc! but when Liberty rallies Once more in iby regions remember me then. Xhe violet Still fcTOV, 8 in the depth of tli V .ii.. valleys Though wilher'd. thy tear will unfold it again. , Vel, yet, I may be (He the hosts that sur round in, Aud yet may thy heart leap awake to my voice Ttirre are links which uiuat break in the chain that has bound us. Then lurnthee, xnd call on the i turf cf thy choice' A Lost Loeonietite. ' lu tbeconstiuctiou of the Knu na l'dcillc ami Atcliison, Tojifka A: Sauta Fe railroads," eaul il. Ij. (!artr. a railroad contractor St. .Joseph, the other d,.y, -one dim 'cult of freqaeut occurence wits met with, which, a8 fa. a my experience Kes, is uuupuo in railroad history. i rt.(t.r (0 th,, troulilci ariNiuL' trom luicKsanu8. Mom estern Kausas to the mountains, quicksands arc to 1011,1(1 111 uear'y every stream, no Imiitter Low small, and to success-, I f 1 1 1 1 1 h r 1 1 1 1 r a t . i m rpfinirti.il an at , DUU lUTe OUL OI HI 1 l)rOIK)rilOll 10 tha ai'rci fit' LlrtlQm tl K.t itrriuutttl ...... . I V B triiwl Ililfl llrifinfr lull I hp, t to I ' longest 'piles disajipeared without i touching the DOttoin. then nilinR with earth and stone was attempt ed, and met with equally poor sue cess, as the quicksand was ap parently capable of swallowing the entire liocky Mountains. The only means of crossing was found to be to build short trass bridges across them. This was very expensive, but was the only thing to bo done. As an instance of the practically bottomlessnature of the quicksandf, I may cite the case of an engine that ranjoiYtbe track at Kiver Hcnd, about ninety miles from Icnver, on the Kansas Pacific. The engine, a large, freight, fell into a quick lor sand, aud in twenty minutes had entirely disappeared. Within two days the company sent out a gang. of men and a wrecking train to raise the engine. To tlieirsurprise they could not find a trace of it. Careful Bearch was made, magnet ized rods were sunk to the depth ol sixty five feet, but no engine could be lound. Il had sunk beyond human ken, and from tbat day to this has never been discovered. Cattle and horses are frequently lost, the only animal that is safe being a mule the onlv animal tbat never gets canght. No greater in stance of the same intelligence of this much maligned quadruped can be cited than the skill and care with which it avoids all unsound bottom. As its hoofs are much smaller and narrower than those of a horse, it would mire down in places where a horse could safely pass. Recognizing this fact, when ever a male feels the ground giving away nnder its feet, it draws back instantly and cannot be induced to advance a step, although a whole drove of horses may have imme diately preceded. Those who think a male is stupid" are much mis taken." Scientific American. THBIB BVSUSSS BOOHING. Probablr no one thing has caused raoh a general revival of trade at R. N. Duffy's drat store as their giylng away to their ouetomeri of so many free trial bottled of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade ia simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cure and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yon can test it before bnying by getting a trial bottle free, large else ; Every bottle warranted. For sale, wholesale and retail, at B. N. .Duffy 's drug store. T. E. L1AGE rGO. Dnigs. Pkints, . Oils, AND OA RO.N;SE 8. Eto. . Conntry1 merobants eoppHed at small' margiri.' Cheat) for Cash li our tntxtot -JiyeosatirUI.',;i'I s& MiddU EL.Kmt to let Houm. HO HODSEHOLD SHOULD BE VfTHOUT mrsPEPSiAa RESTLESSNESS- STWICTI.T rlMTlSkl SAUt.Tl.tSS FSMIL) MtOICmE P H 1 LA D EL P H I A Pri'T, OHF ! ' T!. I,. I .. Inijiurltlea in the i u ) pr!LKe illt-tk li-'illlv LKl IllSjlUaa! tlCttUli ,lf,.I. 1 U- 1. a til-nil li j t - ml l ll. u . f 1 l,e in. ! Mil- 1 , imrLl. ultu ly ! n t L e, i i .,. m. 1 ..r ' '.t I. Uinmer iLiiiiilLa, I" iiirm i 1 . t : t !i 1 n liurlllt s, wliii li j -ii u ah ) (. i i, i ,i : r .m eitse A hurn.lt as t.,,...l i'i.i'.r'.tf " :'. i i, ,)rtlt le cf tiklut-rul ,mmi :h ii t. ... r u i cury tr irotuhli is in- hhui t 1 1 i r iiior I Dipurith'S an ! i t t-i-f v l r l, ni! r . t r mlud aud Ik ily Tt.e I-et .Mir : n. r i. I t . k now d to I hi" TM Is v v f i ( ; "" . s lu regard i- M -niJci r 1. 1 r -. f i : .- i. 1 1 1 li if ! ' v i i h fc: e it f( h it.;:: . ,t. i, a f,-il"Wa Mf V rn A hit l- . 1 : 1 1. . , V Co , 1' 1 S rui"( Mitt l ,No ik t . - M 1 1 !i 2titi, I f . i ;i it . r i it... u "i tif iitlMTH ti.. Il.ltt ' iP . .! he ! o write you tills 1-1 1 -r " t.i. 'i t u .u. ..a my IttBiliiit'iir In nny w t,m , , ,br 1 i sUiSWiT un InyVilrt ft- i.i U ,t!i u in it mi i tO I hO f tit t 1,. It' 11 !i -k-lill. il I . I - r l.f laJl 1 sufTYietl aricat l ftin n t. 1 li.f ; t . i.,. . i f nun llln, nil i.ivrr ri, y n 1, I i , ! : i, ! i n my ti'iitl vtllht'i.t bt-Mf i . i ;ti. ! i i i i w M In ,..-'r n .iidll ItMi A f ! t t i i.a,- n i i' Hjual ruiiit'iUcB lu ni li i Hk-'c uin! 11 u linf i,,. rnilcf, t.y the, i-.Tiialiii f Mr J U I mr. Uatiftt-r of ) t,ur N v . : It -ni, r, 1 i.mM - i, txi(llt) K. K. N , and I ini) ioi l r; 1 ,ly rti, 1 very mxn w aa min r I . f n. t "Job's (''mfiirUTn ' Niiw n 'i n B!n .f n,y ftfTllcilon can li- u rn 1 furl airi an I . h- . r f ill 8. IS. 8. Is a fl ne Umlr h f' In n t uaae. I iUp undJ mid in v u pj'fi it- is t 1 . li J N Clii-ney, h well ki uvm l,fl n wrllt fruin J.Uftv Mm , it..,iKln - I hm M 1 n con v iilfsci nl ft i i Cftw.-H with 11. i' U'M 1 1 -tutu. It In in y J n.s-M i h'i-i i f-i. i , tin r d) wiitcr , If . -lie will ttikf ;i ft I -t I ;. s I n the iprlnn. tlmi r pai a. the w , ,a f r lli atr&lni of (-umint i " Mm. Boot I LIU' in, Ufi 7.;m Mini Islfti. ! i, WhfHilliiK- West Virginia, wili.f, 11mh, used 8 S 8. f. r the hl'-xl. 1 v an tsftfily any that 11 l-fat nnytMiiK ( hA i ;. f - han- the MchhI uud uiJLkt a nt w Itiliia, iiii i ii i it r -fc.-n " Wr il. H Hamlin Wlnsi.n N r, wiltii "I IIW II I'VtTV Slirilti-' ll tt.HUtn I'llll .M li ii up. kIvuK ne uii'-tH and tliKnilon an I uut)llng nit to Mhih I (he totiK. trvln t in i VMtltiK bol HUimiter 1h 1 n usliif II I :t lnixni sin -UK of in" 1 . uii 1 t swy uf inliikl Treatise on IIUxkI and Jklu Idasee niai-t 1 free. TaK Swift Sriiciriw t'i-. Urawrr 3, A t lan la. Ot. GEORGE ALLEN & CO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, llees aud Axes, Wood's Mowers and Iteapcru, Steam Kngines, Cotton Olns and Presses, Fertilizers. Lund Plaster, Kaiult Mechanics Tool, and Hardware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, Kalsoinlne, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. Freezers, Jtefrisrorators, Oil Cook Stoves, Kureka Burglar Proof Sash Locks, warranted to give security and satisfaction. PRICES VEUY LOW. ' GEO. ALLEN & CO. ROBERTS L HENDERSON Bener&l hwu:t Agents, New Berne, IV. J. Only flrgt class Companies reprcsen ed in fire. Life and Accident Incurance. Total Capital over Forty Millionao Dollars. ,Inn24dly DK. J. D. CLARK M XVt'BEHS. B. O. Oflles jo Orarnn struet b 'twees Poiloes and Broad. .r-,MrI P. H. PELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will praetlo ln tbe Counties of Craven, Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. United States Court at New Berne, and Supreme Oonrt of the mate. , febl dtf Dr.'G. L. SHACKLEFORD ojkrvTiisT, dw. : JTEW BERNE, Jf. a. 5 QWEIT HsGUIONk EcWMB-rSoothaitMt Street, four doors west trf Crsvin. ' fe3dwU Wanted fo Pcrchase, 50,000 Bush. Bice. 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & CO.J61, an( vespee ' ',,1 fr,lal ill - ul r.a i iup aoharlnla GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, v i i it i? V . - VT 11 tlU K, . t Uia C d If KiSTEEH HOlTJi LAEULIHl MARBLE WORKS, sew Bunt. . ( Monuments TomDs. And a . i lindk ' r an .1 lu l il n niiIl ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt n 1 1 i k an I satisfaction guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS. Propileloi Cor. HHOA1) A.D CHAr If. O K. Mil. 1. 8b if niy author iz.t-il at-i I :n K uiHlon rusKo d t w f-r- niSWV VUV w u war Mlautic At N. C. Kailroad T1MK TAHl.K iVn i In KfTtitt 'JOU A M . Wed in i- 1 1. 1 t 1"". lf-i. (i, iti I. art Scilt l'lI.K i, in.. U i.M Nn. 'i 1 . Tj'tu. .ii.i 'U Ar 1 ,vi'. SUtlioiiH. Ar 1 vt , in 4 'i'i I iolilsboro 1 1 VT it in ', 4H 'i 4 I I. (irange HI ::'J '. '4-' ti 'J I (ill K iimum 'J '.s '," oil 4 M :tt New Herno - in J' '.'I '.'J fi in Muretieud l ily it in .17 1 liiil y I'li ci'l Su r 1 1 1 tt v . i"lN'i Kast Si hi in i k (i INnWf r No 1 " N- " ' Mixed I t A .M,i,.,l Kl A I'aHR. 'rram. Statu'im. 1'nHe 'Irani a in e 00 (ioldbboio i ' in (I L'7 (1 ;i:'i Heel's 7 I t Ti ll Ml 7 I'll LadraiiKe 7 U.t 7 'Ji 7 n 7 L'a l alliriK Creek 7 OU 7 o.'i 7 4 1 7 51 Kinston 0 ;'.'i ll 4J 8 Oil H OS Caswell ll i".i t 10 H ail V 8;i Dover .', 44 Ti .',4 MM J U Core Creek r. is .', 'J,l it L"J U yj Tuscarora -1 " J 00 HO U !i Clark's :i Ti'J 4 49 1U 20 am Newbern am 4 15 I'ncBdav, Thur tl? an i Hfttu rday. t Monday, VVedn4vlay aatl FrKUy. Train 60 connect with WllmUtOatr t Wei don Train behind Norm, leavlta kdatboro ll.bO a. m.t aud with KlchnrorW 4.0 riTUia Train W eat, leaving (rvldaboro ftjaj fvm. Train 61 connoata wlib RlchmoM OaBTtI) Train, arrlTlnff at (Joldsbcro i S5 pA),rand With Wilmington and WelJon Train from the North ai p.m. Train 'I oouoeota with W 1 1 inlnirton and Weldon ThroUK- FreiKhl Train iSo, 8u, laav lug (fOltlatoro hi 1 M' p in. S. L. DHL, . )u perintend ec t . J. II. CHABTKKK. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers in hNGINES 1KB MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES. Builders of Knglnes BolUra. Saw Mills. Edging A Cnt-off 'Vlarhlne., Weare prepared todo Castings c-f all kinds with promptness, Particular and Immediate aUenllou g'.ven to repai s of all kinds. We will bt) glad to give plans and estimates for any descilptlon of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the A nier lean Saw. Also for O. A A. Kargamln s cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work done by ns. jT23d2awwy FREE , A HO-PACK LL18TRATED PAPER, Descriptive of the Soil, Climate, Pradnr tlons, nanBfactnrlng Iadnstrlee end (tlnernj Wealta ef Vlrglatn ana other Souioern States.- Write to V. B. BEV1LL, Gsn'l Paas. Agent, BOANOK.K, VA. Escloalng J-cent Ptamp. mZ?-lm Come to Beatrice. Nebraska- Cheap home, tnlld ellrnate. rich soil, good school; populat Ion 10,000, will donble In two years; values will also aoabi. will soon be chief aaannreetaring elty ln tb State. Im mense water power. Kigh t .railroad onUt, with other surveyed or building, oome. take advantage of her magic growtn. Kzenr slons from all Kaatern point at half rat. For circulars addrees . BOARD Of TRAkaK, mar2I In Beatrtee. Bets. WAKTKI-RKU&ai.sC, ntW to BU VntU Tree sa Vine, deev tat nvnrv setratv ln tb 8onth an. eomnslealoa tar, iatrge com missions given, writ at ewe for term. i u. uiwoLAK m ami jn arsary bm, ereeex bottslfi C. Baar.71m 8TEAMEBS. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line UT 119 Beraa. tLnalerst arts, Caa-Uann Pttlau, aud Sorfolh, BnlUaWatra, Phltadeluban. Saw lark.Bealaa, ltie.-Ut JCUaabeia City. H. C. THE STEAMERS f liiis nt.e wu. iuu on regular neriedHlo uiue. c l.rrr terj MuNLaV, WkDMl-i 1 ai.j th.i'Al ai r ulTR Y. M.. a. H, trV L.Ifc i Ulia HL I .S .Tlultt K Hi. &lld iUiorrLi)miuih. h. (ijfih k iflubie tviid , toafUiiar .Hit: uflfring euptriur lavClllUc ior UlCiv trtt.LfXT US I HLi o Uit,L.B.rrfc tlal hi . Uilt-IL Oty.fcl ! ... Ii pn.i, I f i f i ai ; . i w : . , Oc ,JttLicU uLi uavJt U . l'.ftiLa.. -voa u- l; via rinausrti ' alu..:.a 1U,V' , a' , aa Ji- .uwa li"'" ev i :a l j. ln, h it., fler U , h. t : rt- ... 1 1. .a.. , n I I . A rin.to I'. l I- c - - I t I b.. ' .. :r . 1'L ..a w ;. A baUlo, St. I. I I . t .. . L . - I .- ...1. a N.u'.Lrru K K. . ' 6 A M lliera 1 ilkiia. ln,Jtk ItXiaiaatU i,u i Ln LLnu ly nt,y t. t t t. .e nl Iui.r I t L J larflt Afant In Mai tkgi . o :i 1 I clfcl.1 Ageut, lu L-s kl .t w uL , N . i I - ! t i I ! .' -A li I. I j ' 1 1 ' ii ! i.. I ' ' : : Ai ci l i i t k i. , i t 11 i ' ' t, :.i i. It, t ' A r I . I -1.1. I k nl 111 N . I I'..-. Agrnt. ,: l. I i.e. t OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. MM i-W r.l lv I. I. INK. TI, - Old Doiii luloli A l tra lit sti I p 1 oi ,aiiy' (Hd aittl fatvillc Wales Hunt?, t la AlLctnarlc a it I t aa It mil. Y ll . f I k . It a 1 1 I in nit, ' 01 k , I' I. II il r I 1 1 1 1 1 , t oil o ll I'lot lllli. r and a a I . i ii - l , , ik ( It) Aud h.i i.if N nli. J.km hi. A Vtit M HI! I 1 1 1 oUaiur MANILA, ScDtbgate, SUaiir MWiii-KhE, Lift, fritchett, ' an . f i .i. ' h 1 I I-, n lot NKM lit I v I , x a V n:. i. , .. , N . a li h K . 1 , - 1 1 1 h h i i !- i I i.t i tlon . l!i i: ' l-'U-itii.t-r-) "f : t- N a j j,, I1 ' " I I : i at - li J 1 1-1 1 1 i . a i. .1 a i he i ii i 'KB ' 1 1 i: r .xri.M- ai.ti I ' t i I : raj . fi.. iu m ji KK.N K 1, 1 I 1 A m and Ii. a a : i.g ft 'iiit- f" I lalll I " a iieiuirt' f'.r Jvr - ; K u: i a i u linn v :u, : i t.i M I t"f IlK . 11 II. T f t . I i ' t- 1 It . JL ik a lid M AM it. ' Oil ttlll! I'H llltl.lt 1 ' !' fur l lil iaa fcl.-l B Ioi luafe t i. r 1. 1. : i . i t t :; , i : a, , , i t sf our pal rona, ai.d oi.i a :i .fl .. i : , i a,. , v lur lliej sl iwt w n.in a ii i- it-n phihiili-tt vt f emit rt !,.,.. .ish i . a t w an for .l.r.u li l;.r ' ; . i ' Tdfl H h k ut., Nor a. fi,l afv! i-'i ' . t ii . ' 1 1 aa '. . i. . la I k' " . 1.1..I ,. , .. ,1 ihl f, , i.MifnM "iik i, : . r i . . , . , ' , . ,,, tevi,- i ri, '' ' iii ' i. ."' n, I ' ' Ii 111 JH. Atn,l i ! I I I I i r it .t 1 ; iv-. i i, a k . . n . i ' a I k n k , . a ; ' !!- .ii.l New i . i S I It, l : - ii u ad afv i. a n FOIi NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and ai! yv'.iA IS i oi l Ii unci -4t 4 fUi i L t data viil r ci t a r alg b i I c Naw I r Nw Hsinf it rn:u 7, aNoktii kivkr, Ofloe of Aew York and Baltimoi Transportation (Jo, llsntihiili sbfDltl rmm bar tha tti 1 la ocai ha beat Mpm I. in fa ui , f New V.rk mafeiD ail j OnDtiac thn w uti Hnliiiiiurr f ,if ttfm bariaa ll laatda, an j on i j m. t . i.hi.p SXMI--WKKK1.Y ST K A M Kliti Betwaifl Sew Eerie tnd BaJtinicri orlblk) laTln; Nw lit-T. f f r HaHim..ra Tl'MI-AV FHliAV a i l m laaa haltin.(ra f0 Niw Honif WKli.NKM'AVs tii.d SATlliliAY p AtBU tr HI f ,ilfV LVHSN KHSTBk. Osl ' aVai.rYcor . laittii .st , Hal t M AS W. McCiKKU R. Af t Norfolk. & W. f. Olyda Oc . i'clladalphia. II Soul bara, Tort . Balto Trar.P f.ina,piar Ntnaria E- SraOipaoii.JJoatoti, fj ( 'rntral wharf B ti Kockall, Prrvitlfrif H 1 V O Mink, Kail Rir. lrrirk wharf Bhlpt !? Ho ion. T nesdavi and Saturdays NfW Toil daily. Battlm rT,W ft1iitdayparjtl KainrtiaT Fall Klvar, Mnndais, WodnMdaya Friday. rroTlJiira. Satariaa bronjth bills lading givn, and ratai(oarab 10 all potctB at tfca d.ffrorjt offlcaa of pan let iToid Erealage c! Bulk id Skip rii N. C. LINE. d Mar Ml, a H 3RAY A Hew Braee TIIM ' NEUSE L TRENT RIVER 8tamboat Company. Will mn the following Ached rile on and eft. January 1st. 18S7. Steamer Trent Will leave everv Monday and Thursday morning at Six o'clock for Hroltha ana Adams ueeeKs and all Intermediate porats, returning same day. 6 1 earner Klnston. Will leave Kew Berne for Klnston on Tawav day and Fridays at IS o'clock, Mr Bsewnn lng, will leave Klnston on Monday aaxt Tboradays: Touching at all In tea-mediate) Lanaioga on jvenae Kjver. J.'J. DI806WAT at Bwwva.'" W. 9. STAJrxT, Klnatoa, -' " D. a. BAaana. PoUoka-vUl. - 7' W. K, WARD, Agwnt at TrMtaai.' . ,' IL. O. Bjotk, Jolly 011 ruai. ... J. B. BAjnxn, Qaaksz Bridg. . - JMWHJTi: OerBTlfaaagac. ' k ekTierw v KlMtoawB ,v .:v l.ti"i.i ! 4..-' v-.a "

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