s. r w he Daily Journal r NEW BERNE. N. C., FRIDAY. MAY 11. 1888. PRICK 5 CENTS. VOL, -VII.NO.-35. ft locaTnewsT BUSINESS LOCALS. BUTTER OV ICE. I am receiving Butter Mini weekly and keep it on ICE. C. E. Sloveb SAY. HUSBAND, have you seen that tremendous crowd of customers at Heokburn e, The 3rocer Well, the cause of it it, they are getting Dicer goods (or the tame money than at any other Grocery Store in the city, and yon know that it is what the people want. I declare I have not failed on my bread a .ingle time since I have been getting that nice flour of bis at only if; ier lb.. nd th 't Butter in al ways sweet and nice and is perfectly delicious ou those bvt rolls. Thie conversation is corrrcl, that is just what I am doiut; If you don't think .0, come aDd try. Monry refund ed if goods not found as represented To the sinokerB 1 will say that I have i5 cases more Tar Heel at 40o. per lb. in in; qnanlity. Also the best 'J fur rc. Cigar in ibe world. majS ICE CREAM at Sarah Oiley's crtain parlor, on Broad near Middle streets Families supplied at reasonable rates. m4 Union 1)1CN1C Hams. Picuio Baskets. Picnic Bucket., Picnic Cake, and Crackers for gale at the only cash store in North Carolina, Humphrey & Howard's old land. ICE for .ale at It. C. Baker s. Iiroad street, at lc. per pound. Open Sun day from 7 to 8 80 a m , and from 12.30 lo6pn. . al9lf 1 ARUETi"8 Medoc Vineyard Cognac I I and Wine, for sale, at Manufactu rer's prioes. by Jamks Ukdmond. C.UOICE N. C Ham. at 12 cents per J pound at A. Miu.kh's. 1URE Liquor, and Wines for Medici nal and other uses, al wholesale. Jamics Kkdmond. BAY MULK for sale by 1 v. Uko. Allkn & Co 1) EDMOND S (linger Ale. Union V Soda, etc . , equal to imported. in Tonn Auiinouiated Fertiliser. (Ibo. A1.1.KN Co. U1RECT importation of French Brandy and Hollaud Uin arrived hnd rut duties nald at I ustom louse in New lierne. guaranteeing gen- Jine goods for sale. jAh Iitl'MMMl (Onslow aud Joins were pitlly well represented, as usual, at the Memorial services yesterday. The many friends f (apt. Alex. Klrkland will be pleased to learn that he has been elected Mayor of Old Port E. L. Krancks, Esq., of On. low bi ought in a ilne lot of hams yesterday and is Slopping at Mr. Nelson Whit ford V. A large planing machine was taken to the Radcliff mills yesterday. These mill, uader the iuperinUiidenre of Ueesr. Billon and Steinbelper have had many improvement, added recent ly and are tunning on full lime. The Republican county convention of Halifax yesterday endorsed Cheatham for Congress. This iqual. the two counties' Jones and Inoir. that have iaitruoled for our townsman L. J. Moore. Esq. Mr. F. L. Williams, of Connecticut, who, with his family has spent the urealer pait of the past winter and spring in our city, had bis tlegint yacht Playful decorated with 10ml nrivate signals and also a full display of ocean aiguals comprising the entire signal alphabet. This wa. in honor of ihaAav we celebrated. We hear that he U well pleaaed with our town, and we bone that with the return of another winter we ahall again look upon his pleasant face. New Fratofflce. A new poetoffice ha. been established in this county at May & 8pe,r "u,,e J. J. Speir U ine postmaster and ihe name of the office l( Jasper. This U another evidence of the faith ful work of our member of Congrese, Hon. F. M. Simmon.. No represent tlve was erer more watchful of the Intereet of bia constituent than Mr Simmon.. The people of Ihe second ihiriit -ithmit retard to parly, race or previous condition recognise this fact " and thej' are going to reelect him. The City Tax Collector' Beport. . The ' cty tax collector report the collection of 111,883.23 from all aouroee daring the peat year, Thi how him to beagoodcslleotor. Hi predeoeseor , . who U acknowledged by air U bar bee a number M Officer, reported tbe iiMtiAi nl tlS.BM .IS. which ahowa a V gala hj the Uta collector of near $400. :: And fti than ia aom amottnt of naool r .: and w think the board of - city council ahoald .aaiet by all Uwfal C neana poa. the. collection from thoaa -: I detin quanta. Vea who a w property i . mhnalA wHlinrt MT th UXM Ott It, - - it - A atlllmrlv tha th aid r- silts u mvm vww m'-j of tha U ahoald U latotad to compel .C them. It I aa ttjoatloa to thoaa who ; do py that any ahoatd b pamltlett to Memoirai Services. For the first time in maDy year. Memorial Day was a little d agreeable. But notwithstanding ibe rain a good crowd joined in tbe service, which were of usual interest At 4 80 p m. tbe theatru buildiDg be gan rapidly to till with those anxious to bear General Robert Ransom tell the story of the blooJy coctiict at Freder icksburg in December, 182. Ou tbe stage was the Memorial choir. Chief Marshal S. U Street, Rev. H. W. Battle, Rev. (. W Saii'Jerlm, Central J I. Battle aud others. After muti(? by tbe choir, Rev. Mr. llaille otfered a fervent prayer wtm h was followed by music. Ibe Chief Marshal tben introduced General Uvbeil Ransom bo m a thirly tiic or foity innjules' aJdrese, which he reaJ from uimiutcnpl, jave a very Hiaijliic account of ibe batlle of r redei u ksLur which was fought on the 13lh day of December, W4, the audience (jivm profound attention. The liiui iil bus liikeii the pains to search the olli . ml records in oi.lt r that his account of this battle may he thor- oukI'Iv reliable He held the salient point atMarje s Hill uu that occasion and bis o i) obstrvatious coupled with the official records makes bis address a valuable paper to those North Carolin ians who were Ignored in tbe account given by General 1jngstrett in tbe Century, Magazine over a year ago. We eipect to publish it entire. Aflsr the address and music by the choir, tbe proceesiou, headed by the N. B. S. F. K Band, moved to the ceuie terv where the flowers were sirewu around the CoDfedersie monument. Tbe choir then san "Guard Around the Tomb'' and ihe benediction was prounred by Rev. II W Battle The platform a: tho theatre wai handsomely decorated with flowers a' was the Confederate monument. ur ladies dVt-eive the highest praise for the interest they lake in this work, and all ea-Confi-dtrales and frieni's should aid them in this uulk of love and admira tion of oi, i f al ! ii comrades. CITY tOl'SCIL PB0CEEMSGS. May 8th, 1889. A regular meeting of tbe board of city couacil met this evening at o o'clock, Mayor Meawdows in the chair. Present, Councilmen R. P. William, B. B. Lane, 8. H. Lane and H. P. Kenaedy. A quorum . not being present, the meeting adjourned to Wednesday night al 8 o'clock. .Sii.A!" FfU'HKK, Cleik. May 'Jib, 18. Au adjourned meeting ef the board was held this evening, Mayor Meadows in tbe chair. Preeeul, Councilmen V. A. Crawford, M P. Holly, H P: Ken uedy, R P Williams S 11. Line aud B. B l.ane The Marshal s annual report was read and on mol lou leceued aud adopted. MARSHAL'S RKI'ORT. ( 'in Mh ,iiii.'- i mil t . May 4ih, nM. and Board of City fire department w e have paid debts con tracted by former boards of over 81,100. and have also purchased and paid H 1 ,210 for new hose. Respectfully submitted, II B. I.AM! S. H. I.sm M. P. HoLl.Y. 1- jiiance Committee. from M build a i n r iii- . K R. Hill for frame house on k s: ret-t as . i.t Mli t A petition permission I bis premip-s granted. Tbe Liilo f.'i jr i were a ilo w ed Councilmbii 1 that tl.o Marshal Lc a linbl lu front 1 .' Chun. I moved the coiner of Icl.l al. 1 Bell.f slle.lr I In a vole I i li t? taken ii.ei.iinndii.enl S i , . I j in s in ed insli ucl d I " t'!a e M. Paul s ' nil-' l-c I'ouncilman II 1' Ktnne.lv to m ii it'll 1 I I lai ing a I'fbl al was received by exciting demonelr. tiou of approval and disapproval Whereas we, tbe general conferee ce. believe it to be absolutely necessary for ibe good of our beloved .ion, that tbe territory now occupied by us be more thoroughly traveled over by the bishops saying nothing of Ihe vast western and southwestern territory yet to be entered and possessed by us, and Whereas we believed our blutd hithooa now lu ibe lield are alieaO) taxed beyond their strength, ihcieL'ic Resolved that, that part of the iuki of the conference which requires thai all recoldlions relating to subjects upon which comuiilleto have been appointed be referred to such committees without debale.be suspend d for the lime and lhal wo hereby agrte lo elect at least Iw o more bishops before this couteience adjiuiiis Willi uu other molues than, lo sei ure ihe best Interests of .ion nrii us parliamentary expedients, defi at the reso.u House and Lot For Sale We wjl: se.l at put lie vendue, on Muii Ja ,ui, insi . l.' o'clock, M., at the corner of Pollock and Middle streets, the House and Ixl on Haneock street, one door nuithof the residence of L. H Cutler, commonly known as the J. G Stanly place. Title assured Terms made ki. w n on .lav of Bale CI AUK & CLARK, Attorneys f r 1 ) ners N, wt , ii M,v ' did a y or To Hon M ( 'hiuiic 1 1 . Gentlemen - 1 have the honor lo sub mil the following report for tbe fisc al year commencing May 1st, 117, und ending April 'M, 1H!" Arrests made during the year. 200. Fines collected 8 DM 10 Costs collected 534 I1 Rents collected 40 10 was lost adopted The bo, ihe lull for i lly and the id ih i ( list .it the oillIM 1 1 no I, n , - 1 1 1 n as It. a nv ass h , i, May 7lh - f, und The Join a County Reso.utlcii Again A c hi ie ondi nl risen here asks for Hie publication f all the facts connec ld with Ihe resolution adopUd by the Jones county com nt ion. We hardly think it of euflicient interest lo Ihe pub lic to to into particulars further than we have already Riven, but for the gratification of those w ho desire to know more will state that when one of the delegates of the convintion 6oke of Ihe resolution uh coining from Craven oounty, Mr. C. K Fy. of this city, promptly arose and staled that he drew the resolution al the suggestion or dic tation (we rather think he used the latter term, f Mr J A Smith, as good a Democrat, as lb re is in the county. Mr. Smith being piesint verified Mr. Fuy s stalemerit. While we felt the necessity of slating the circumstances imder which the resolution was adopted, still we do not think it of such importance as to go into details about who comjiosed it, what toe vote was, how came il on the secretary desk, Aj , Ac It i no time for Demoorata to be chaffing onu another ever mistakes of the lust. The good of our com munity and section requires tbe greatest harmony and good feeling and every move should be in lhal direction. Total 672 ItO One half of the above costs. 8287.05 was deducted for my fees; balance W0o 25, was paid over lo the treasurer for which 1 hold his receipts. Reairftctfullt submitted. J M. Hakokt Citv Marshal. We. the finance committee, having examined Ibis report, find ii correct and spprove tbe same B. B Lash. H. H. Lank. Tbe annual report of the Tax Collec tor was read, and Councilman R. P. Williams movsd to strike out tbe 8156 oharged as cost on deeds for properly sold for taies. The ayes aud nays were called for and Councilman R. P. Wil liams. S. H. Une and H P. Kennedy voted ayo. Councilmen B. II Lane, . A . ( raw ford and M P. Holly voted . I . VI .. nay, which being a lie ine mayoi .men nay and the motion lo strike out was lost A motion to leceive and adopt the report was carried by ihe follow ing vole Ayes, B B. Line, V. A. Craw ford. M. P. Holly. Nays. R. V. Wil liams. S. II. Lane and 11 P. Kennedy Ihe Mayor voting aye. CITY TAX COLI.K.l 'TOR'S UI.I'uRl To the Hon. Board of City Council Gentlemen 1 herewith submit t your body the following report of my collections for the year ending May 4th, 1BM8: Amount collected , real, person aland poll t'J 41 :n License tax U.7-K! O.'i Dob tax.. l3- City scales rent 8.00 Market rents ' i Old Ux and cost 10 05 Back license tax J lo he as follow s l-irsl Ward. K i I ' ' received sevenl I : i - i Woolen one vote Second Win I 1 '! 1 n. 'f.' ceued seventy l;v. v ,.t. s Third Wail. It H 1 in.'' eighty votes 1,1. I A - ! i eigbte. n " t' s. Fourth Ward V ng.l A ' i ceived ninety six v . .1. - ml Lawrence received s.tv v s'lfil, Uurd Hinrv 1 cued one hundred in d e voles and liu hard i I'-ik. one hu nd red mid seM nt v The follow nig pers nt- in elected Counc il in m f -i t ' year 1 nsl War 1 R I' Second Wind 1 1 r G. . - Ward. L B I n. e. 1 i.ui'.h S Craw ford 1 ifth W ..i I I ' 1 uions On uu 1 1 ui I 1 1'. v' ' think- of ll.e l iar 1 we e I 1 1- , ,v.d , .V d II 1 II Win W t- ni uc Ii's I e ighly-ijine ii t .: U lllg liains Third '. . A. B It Lai.e S H finance ci nun it ti ihe d n I ' es :u ihe ri poi I ( ) IllOM I lialns was au 1 1, a Uu 1 1 si . I Ihe .' organ i .ed The in 1 1 1 ii li " v ol V A Craw f Lai for ll ..III. n d t In nd M l' II II do I rod p K en iii .1 v in nd j .u l n ' . 1 1 ,,d an ! on n: w i I e .'l l ted ,v ed that the I , . 1 1 1 1 i i w a l! i, I I. I o wtlo les"lled to I. 1 1 . t . r- bill It Wes sooll made evl dent Ihe friends of lh- measure ,v ere in ll.e niaj 'Hty . and ll.e iihih i ity g rai t fully leldtd w h. n Iheysaw the strength and the temper of the major ity When Ihe conference ny a very ,ie ided vote declared for the immediate olislderatl "II of ihe quest loll ihe 'p posing disputants 1 lean-. I the ill, ll I 'I il.e slruvule thai followed ami! ll.e nhouls of enthusiasm of C lh n les as t some strong nnl was male me ' rnicisiii was ullered. I Kldr It. A. Fiaher of mrinu. was; opposed to making any more bishops because Ihere was no spocial neea ioi i ihem. and because lbs connection w as not paying thoee in serv ice w hose sal aries were running behind Kbit r J. S. Cowles of New 'i ..i t a I vocaled Ihe election of more bishops i because the work was overlain ,g the strt ngtb of the five bishops who w.i. unatde to do iheir labor. K.lder Smilb did not Ihmk ihev v. .! r be acting consislently and as ibnslo.n gentlemen, to elect more bishops I o we are so deeply in !r bted to ou i nisn p foi salarv. Klder T. II 11 Blaikinari wss. fll.e o in nun lhal the .tieMioii of back salai ) should miter inlo the diBCuasion. but if Ihe needs of the connection demands inory bishops, and he claimed from the, standpoint that the bishops were run j long in debl that il was one reason why we should have inure bishops , Laughter Pending the discussion of Ine hi' " i the confereiu'e a I j mi ned to 1" o . i L i f lliln inoi mug I' I li a t II a. l ' ! nil'"" 1 i iii dehi si y of I'.av ur w ith ti n- . ". i-acy of action has Imeti allained in ll"' famous California fruit remedy. S mp of I igs. Us pleiisanl taste and beiieti. lal i ilects have reiidi rd it nn mense 1 y pop ular. It cleanses the svsteni iuhs cost iv i-iiess, tic li N 1 hi fi) iin.nl. N e w Peine, N C. CoInlissloners Sale- Pursuant I - a ju iuiei.1 of the Supe rior ' ou 1 1 of i i a v en count v , iu an ac tion entitle I U . ' hen. Kiecutor of H i . l v s i . ! ' . oiains. Ad in r, and other- mi I al ll.e February Teiic, :. ddgtuebl 1 was dui) .i'pi m'.i l .. i nnssioner lo sell Itie bele.r.afli I '.es I i d lal. Is 'l'here f ol e II We 1 1. 1 oi v M .i v ;h al 1 '. o i I ' k M r s, e 1 1 thereafter as the 'o.i"i i ' ..j: so, I adjourn lis inoii ing sessi t ; v ..-.;( r cash to Ihe I. ti l. i t . I 1. l a'. '.. .oil house il'i Jl ll.e ! w . I .; I ;i I ' I. ,i lying ill i iavii .,,1,1, l..t,ii.,i, al ihe lllol, . !i i f 1 '; li I . I ft k I. the cm ulh Bide i f N . lis. i . i : ii - f I 1 ; : I I k' t he nee w lib sai 1 . r.-. k I ' i i I i ' . 1 1 and thence j u III. Mild lull I' 1 1 1 It I nil I lull of J j W I all. inn :.n 1 ' I .-her line to N e u s i r i v e r ; I . ' ' . ' w i . II..- s h i 1 run 1 to the 1.,-liM ., - ihe v I., 11 A Large Lot of Clean Rice For Sale CHEAP at 1 lliicli. W I 1 1 i' l - ! i lil.' 11 I 1 ! $500 Reward! i.r.l i it i -k M I ( (IM I 111 M I - 813,883 23 5 p cl commis'n on i:i,883.23 8 9410 Fem on delinquenU ioo.uu J. V. Williams treaa. receipts li,71 W Balance wo band 818.822.0fl 61.17 i i . 1 1 : il iv. Basket Picnic. The farmers of New Berne Orange P. of U. will hold their annual basket pie- nic at Clear .Springs Farm next Thiiri- day, Ihe 17th. We acknowledge re ceipt of invitation and will endeavor to be present. Steamer Movements. The Vesoer of the K C D. line arrived yeiterday w ith good cargo ot general merchandise and will sail today si 4 o'clock. Tbe Eaglet of this line will arrive tomorrow. Tbe Msnteo of the O. I) line will sail today at 12 o'clock for Norfolk . Personal. Representative John Martin of Pamli co and Senator George Green, jr., f Graven called to ecu ns yesterday. Rev.H.W. Battle leaves this morning for Richmond to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. P. M. Pearsall, Esq. of Trenton csiiea to see as yesterday. Portraits. 1 u1 nt srtrns fmn Ufa or small pictures dose by sties -Aurora alaoe, who to teaching "drawing and painting by latest met bods, at her residence oa Johnston street. jail Id tf. 813,883 S3 Hll.AS FbU'HKH, City Tax Collector. New Berne. May i, 1888. We have examined the report of Silas Fulcber, city lax collector, and find the same correct B. B. Lane, 8. H. Lake. Finance Committee. Tbe Finance Committee submitted a report for the year which was on mo lion received and adopted. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMIT! F.E. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of City Council : nnilmss-Wa. vour finance com mittee, have examined all books, papers snd receipt stubs of the collector, city treasurer and marshal, have found them correct and have approved the same. STATEMENT. J. V. Williams, Treasurer, Ur Toim'l turned over by for roer treasurer To am't pO'l personal, real, license and dog tax To am't market rents To am't turned over by city marshal To am't turned over by former cemetery committee 87 51 12.613 40 358.60 Total 05 25 580 35 13,065 01 Cb. eUssa 4rl alT. Thi ittrr ra'x.y in tha world for Onta-Bmleea. Soree. TJloers, Salt Rheum, Frver Borea, tetter. Chapped Hands, (jnuniatna, jotbs. ana au xia VmimImm mA Mflifcfvwlw SISIPSS1 llilll or no pay required. : It i raaraateed ta rive penecs eaueiaowv, w fanded. Prio M cen ta. per hex. Ft M0bR.N.Dt. ; , . ; Jan By disbarsemenU ot treasurer, fiy.mtp'daelarie.... $2,217.50 t at ..Msata aWkrl ttfimilsl. 1 KOO.O " fir department .... 047.09 oemeteriee 1 rent city hall 1T5.00 " A nrlntV. to. ltO.75 " eandrr aeoonat--. 130.2S vi m saanawt OSI k.. Jtr hail S5000 rl w u- udaMSM m.mA rw- .-. TT aKMri nsk 1 iiM-r Mil i w.rv i BraHlt V ligiita- -.V.-i t,0t.W i t mntast and Interest. k .U .14 owliluM L ' 1.00 . .. ; o ' an an l i IIMIIW IIBMI l ww... InciadeJ U i expaadittM C Cm '1 1... eiblh dny ..( tl -''' tjenerul conference vt ..on Mrllnnl i"l" convened yenterdiiy nmriiini? in M Peter's church under increased inli'rest from the sucoees that has attended tbe business of ihe session and the jiroKross of religious interest among the people The devotional exercises were conduct ed by Elder J. Wesley Brown of New York, who read Ibe scriptural lesmm from the tlrst Psalm Kev. It A. Fisher lined the hymn, and J A . Tj ler olTered up a fervent prayer l). 1. W. Smith of Norlh Carolina con ference presented a more perfect form lobe observed, in charges and Bpeciti cations against members, which was re ferred to the iommittee on leviMon. Blder Smith presented also a measure. to prevent ibe unlawful iiliennlion and misappropnallun m t nurt n i t, ) . . disloyal spirit, which wahl- referred to tbe committee on revision. L. J. Hcurlock of Mississippi intro duced the following, which as le ferred to the committ-e on revision Whereas, the law of our connection makes the pastor ex ollicio chairman of k a irii.tnA hnArd and winrMi in some of the Slates the i . ..r mm 1.1 Sil hnve nlaced the laws . 1 ' - -- . chairmanship beyond the limits of the pastor: tbererore oe il Dunlimil hv this cenoral conference tbst where the laws of this State do not otherwise direct, the minittes in charge shall be chairman of the board or trus ,mm nd his signature shall be ncces sary to make the acts of tbe trustees i .1 .ml hn he -is chairman oi ine board and is at any time unable to be tirMPnt at a meeting, he shall. appoint a oresident pro tern., whose signature las, ahnll hA lefiftl. FMArRamnel Sherman r f Tennessee introdnced resolutions contemplating .rvt in tha memories Of l.loer I. A rrnnkinaef the F.ast Tennessee confer ence, andAbram raxton ot ine lrgmia .nfr.n-A nhn were members of the lun , I . last general conference and were faith ful and exemplary woriers in .op. v.. Honripd this life, ana re- W mm i v - e nnilii that a snecial hour be appro priated for tbe solemn service The Asm aan4 rtl A ri0 - Elder R. . Kives, by resoiuuon, wanted made the duty of tbe presiding alder to examine the pastor's accounts, -!llw tn am it. nn behalf of the church, that the pastor has the oonfer- ence stewara receip ror w iuhwii oolleoted, which was referred totbe appropriate committee. . vw l. n nawiaw m enna i dk iifl hbtdi- awitaaaM mt tha BlahoO. Josenh Oooses Introduced a resolution that the sereral Episcopal districts be contisruoui wiib on vwh wwrnw ""mr anA - - aaih nthar'a work to fat to their own, which was referred to be eofliinttCM oa omnca. daoed tht following bomb ball which null a I n 1 1 At ( t'liiil I , i 1 oil Jim l,s a I. 1 lav ing n ml V m llllilled hlPH'iy of tbe Ji'lien i utility . I, v ention. and Mr 11 It Br y an s apolo gelic slateinviit of the implie I ' uni.e lion lie bad wilb the resolution einlois nig the Scales ad iii i ri ilr ii l mil . ie iUtet that you publish a minute and i., luil,, I mo, mill ill llllt .1 ' . l liv b nl ll.e l i iv i; It. rue N ' in reference to lhal i Mr I I. k ie i in, 1 1 Win con v en I tion. This m a public mallei . and the nublic i an ioub I al.oot n. Who wrote ibe rosolul composed it' Where was it gotten nf How did It get on the secretary c lat ie How did Ihe vole stand before the com miltee was appointed'!1 How came tbe committee lo endorse it? elc. etc. liiveui the full account, Mr. r .1 il r , snd oblige "Tin M i WHAT AW 1 TO Dll I The n inptoins of biliousness aie on- happily but loo well known They dif fer in different individuals to sunn' ex imii A bilious man is seldom a break fast eater Tixi f reiuenl I v . alas, he has an excellent appetite lor injui.ia sui none for solids of a morning His longiiHwil! hardly bear inspection at any lime, if it ie not w bile and furreil it is rough, at all events Tim rliui alive itlom i w holly out i f order and I)iarrhia or Conslipation msv be a symptom or the two may ai ternate. There are often hemorrhoid" or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness anil often headache and arid Hy or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Orn,(' .!.,.- A'.'Hvr, it costs hut a triti" an 1 thou sands attest its fflicACT. mt:n. In this nty. May Huv 1V-. in tbe '.H year of his age. Hugh Hannlum i 'per The funeral will be from St Cyprian s Church at 4 p. m Friday, 1 Uh inst Friends are invited by this notic. s :. i . aae . II, I,. l. . i 1 1 r V. e .- l.lvar . , ' m ' , an tl ., t.- l.oi.. '. lor o! l.tMeir.lla k . . ' b I i.lt-tl w Mad ' i ii kV-1 . New :: ; 1 il vi 1 y Valuable Land Sale. Mite : -i ' M a v ii j I will oiler at to-. i mi!i a' ' -ii; House door ill I'av lii'io ,1 , i ..in! rial le dwelling house and I t ,n il.e i w ii , ! Monewall. and thirty II. n ' ai i's . f land adjoining ihe t "ii i f M....-w. .1. eighteen acres c I en i e I a i. 1 hi gts'd stale ' f tu lu vat ion. all know n as the I lean property. Will sell all togtlher or st)aralelv. Hale will have to 1 e n proved by the courtJ Terms made kii w n the d a v of sale. Kor futllier paru .ilais spplv to W. T t 'A IB), Si'C 1 Commissioner. Bayboro.N C . A pr il '.'0. 2,ldwtd i tb a d c map a v irjrajfrranj,'-. ICad Arcll Stret Phllad a, t ' I MIT VTI. n 1- "M r IV Tl.F.'T Pl.ATTKhV - For Sale, A limtltd suj'l'ly of Black sn.l ' .-y Cow Pr-as S. W. A F. W SM AMI WOOI Naw Berne, N. C msylOdlwwlm new'Terne theatre Friday Night, May 11. For tbe benefit of 8t. Peter 's A. M. E. Z. Church. TV a trim rSt Dramatic Tronre will. b6PBCUL rkjcbt, repeat lbs beauti ful drama entitiea "OrjT IN THE STREET," and tha original f area, " JUMBO JUU THE WIDE WORLD OVER." d m AAAta m aala at Ball welrv (tor. Qawaral sdeaisaion 25c. Re served seata 90c Uallery me. 'BELL the JElVELER" LAKGKST and MOST VARIED STOCK OF Watches. Diamonds, 'riNE JEWELRY, Etc . Etc., IN I 1 1 1 . i 11V, For Sale Cheap, Tbe Brhociner" Wster Uly. reeently repaired cnpscitv barrels. Apply iii.tirinxi m. tSDV to iv ' n c rv i o tx divv., Newbera, dr to W. O. WILLIAMS, .;, m 1 d- f id Portsmou th , N. C Bibles. We are rrouested to slate that tl ' ... Craven County Bible Society hare V large assortment of Bibles and TaaU -f menta, for sale at prices rargtna; froa 10 cent to 13 50 per yolume, M tfcair . , --Vr.t- depositary ia the store of . VV - 4 dwU OEO. ALLEN t CO. eyad thii ImporUnt and eaaaiiitai nty ;: ' - "'. --t . - , .