4- 1 ' ! V? I": 1 .; tf .1' V I- fbniy Friends, Patrons AN J) Public Generally. I take great plea-ui return from the North quote below a IV nf Genuine Bargains MOW READY AND WAITING! Banrains. because 1 TOM PRICES, for the with an experience of buying. I shall tion, as space w cordially invited to come and yourselves, as proof of what 1 to whether or not 1 can ae simply depends upon whether give ine a trial. JUST QTwo cases Organdies, uiv m I are going u o cents per aru. Three oases white ari.l crcun In i W i Vi Two hundred pieces American S,i!i-i-iih. figure! good as Frenclr. One case white Figured Nuti-rn-. it w n ' 30 cento. Two cases India Lhwun, white, .1! rm: One case India Lawn, 40 inches vx nie, ,1! - . i. Real hemstitched llaudkerclnefH ;ii 1 itii!. English llalf Hone, regular made, at in rcntf Yard Wide Homkhitn. .' 1 1 n i i 1 1; a i : My DltKSS GOOIS I KI'A K'l'.M K N 1 in , oinlcie. cniiriMnt: all the new delicate shades of tlio reason in Moire, Silks .mil S.ituin, Nuii'h Veiling, Albatross, CaslimereH, Flannel, etc . etc Worsteds from 10 cents up; Wool Lm-r Lunimo. cent: CanviiHH Cloth, worth 20 cents, reduced 1 " n 1 1-: Sn r-m kern. ( 'r 1 11 k Ins and Ginghams in a boat name. Embroideries, Flooncmge, Lace ami 1 d Ladies and Men's Collars and CulN. Parasols and I'mbrellas. gloria s;!l. s.i' ami m:;;i A imoil r.u.i.sol, large siee, for .r0 cents. Cr. Warner's Health Corsets. mSSEl BONED And a Fall Line ! til to come and set n; . ir. " ' n r n Wholesale Taking .for granted that all wide-awake llT7fco!cale Purchasers are looking after their Voxni interests, I shall make the simple an- HDuncement that I buy in LARGE quantities Jib CASH, and will sell you as cheap as New York or Baltimore Markets. . .; Don't fail to see my stock before pur- chasing. Veryl truly yours, O. MARKS, A Pollock Street Hew Berne, H. C. SWJ&r fcs . THE mi announcing my in .Markets, and will the mam' uht at KOCK HOT- clean CASH. )Ujk'l oer twenty ears in deserip- not attempt a lull 1 not permit, hut it you are a m ine for say, and as you money or not you THINK! v ;U il vi ii If. i '1 1 1 1 1 11 (in 1 i, u ml I lic i: . . 1 1 1 . i in I 1 . 1 1 ii , at 1(1 crn t H, l!i i'imi.I- .if f wort Ii Ball's Kabo and Circle Hip WITH K ABO. 1 tin ir r . lint invite Department THE JOURNAL. Arrival ind Departure Mails MAIL CLOSES. For North. 'West and South, via A. ft N. C. R. R. at 7.80 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 8:00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hydeand Beaufort Oountiea Mondays, Wednee days, and Friday at 6 :00 a. m . For Trenton, PoUokaville and Mays rille, daily at 7 40 a. m. For Qrantaboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOUE8: Id Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from (I a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from V a. m' to 5 v. m. The Production of Apples. No farmer who has the land to1 spare should be deterred from bet ting out an apple orchard of good froit by the fear of uoiuarrket, or, in other words, overproduction Tue population in constantly iu creasing, and the apple is the king of American fruits, sought lor everywhere and only 111 exceptional c.ies. and limited districts 18 theie in iiD) je.11 such an excess ovei the demand as to render an orchard of good fi uit unprovable. As many as .'0,000 barrels ol Ameiican apples have I een sold in London in a single week and the demand lor them is tAeadilj' liiei easing. And England is only one of the many countries to winch they are sent. The inaufac t iircrs ol pine vinegar in this country also cake a market for an immense amount of the common varieties. I he fear of apple growing being overdone has been entertained by some people, from time to time, for as many as forty years back; never - iheless a good orchaid has continued to bo a good thing to have, and it is quite sale to predict that it will be the same heiealter lor liist class apples of good keeping qualities. The amount eiorted to countries other has grown to euch an extent that it is slated that the value of it is almost equal to one seventh of the estimated merchandise value ol 1 he whole amount produced. WHAT AM I TO DO ! Tbe symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They dif fer in different individuals to some ex tent. A bilious man is seldom a break fast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for eolids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time, if it is not white and furred il is rough, at all events The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrlxea or Constipation may be a symptom or the two may al ternate. Tbere are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acid ity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all Ibis if Dot effect a cure try Green Ainpmt h'Uiuvr, it costs but a trifle and thou sands attest its efticarr. Little (leorgy (to a sponging old uncle) "I Bay, uncle, you'm a sort of cannibal, haint .you'" I'ncie "Sort of canniball Why w hat do you mean.Oeorgyl" Little (Jeorgy "I thought you was a sort of a cannibal, 'cause ma said you's al'ays a livin' ofTem somebody.'' DlsLlnauJihril Men. (Governor John Ireland, of Texas, rlimon V. Hughe, of Arkantas. 8. I). McEnery. Governor of Ixuisiaaa; E. B. Turner, Judge I'. H lkurt; Ex-Oov. Hubbard, Minister to Japan; Marion Martin. ex-Lieut Governor of Texas; W. K. Miller. x Governor of Arkansas. K. A. Terry, Governor of Florida; W. D. Uloxham. ex Governor of Florida; John B. Gordon, Governor of Georgia: Alex. Gregg, Biabop of the Episcopal Church aDd Chancellor of the Univer sity of the South, and hundreds of other distinguished men of the United State in all piofeasions and in every depart ment of acienoe have had their sight restored by tbe use of IJawkfi'a Crys lalized lenses. All eyes fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. Duffy. New Berne N. C. a7dml V. T. HILL & CO., MAM'FAlTVhKKs C'F Rubber Hand Stamps, SKLF 1NKKUS AND DATKRS. Fr Har kt ' njf n rl (Vtii it rr ! 1 a,r Anr riff IpltoD of Ilu. Iirr Mamps Tint.),1 to Mfilpf on ibnrl al m: i 1 i : out rm t ing umr ALSO JOB PRINTING Of Every Description. We make a specialty of Printing Letter Head., Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelope. Tagg, Statements, Cards, Circulars, Etc., Etc, and guarantee) tatiafactioB iu eyery teepee I. GIVE US A TRIAL. W. T. flILL & CO., doatk Front Btn, Tomx Doora Weat of Crarea, KKW BtRNE, N. C. GEORGE ASH, Dound To Win! Clothier, Would respectfully inform the public that he has now the Agency of the cel ebrated Battles' $2.50 Calfskin and has eaclueire control of the Bale of these bboee in New bern and the en join- iok cuunties. These Hln ee have betD told here for number of years and have given uni verttal gaUefacliorj, all who used them aKreeiut: that it is the beet fSlioe iu the urld for the money. IkivswiiIi 1 i en pair 1 sell iheful Iuwiiik KumnnU't Every pair is warranted bhuuld aov of them iu any way, wilhiu a reasonable time, give inn 1 will upon return of damaged pair k'vp a new jiair 111 ex change. We have just received a full linn of these Shoes iu (.'uiiKrets, l.ace and liul ton. and will keep a full stock of theui constantly on hand. Our Hue French Calfskin Shoes in Congress and Hals, at 5U are still the .-.... I r. uu ir ii Ii 1 iw.u wkirt Hnairn a . ,ine eaev Kearll)K ,hoe f gool) wearinK 1 ,1Uaiity.' I We have .11-1 opi ned a heauliful Ime t STKA W J 1ATS A.NLI HANDSOME SUMMER CLOTHNIG embracing bII kinds of Corkscrews, French Serges in hunt and dark shades, stylish Cheviots, lilue Flannels, Alpacaa, Seersuckers. Knotted Pongees, Mobair and vlegant black Sicilian Coals and Vests, which ill be sold at rock bottom prices. Do not forget our motto is Nothing But Bargains GEORGE ASH'S, Middle St., next to L. II. Cutler's, lr We are also agents for The Old Htalen Island Iyemg Establishment, the largest and most reliable concern of its kind in tbe world; established 1819. Satisfaction guaranteed. All goods carried free of express charges. EDUCATE I JDUCATEI What Better Can Be Done For The Children? AURORA ACADEMY AUItOUA, N. V. , K. T. KONNEU, . . Principal. Mlbh E. J. LaNOhTO.N, . ASMKTANT. I The Kali heaiiloti ylll open supt 1SXT. ' and i lise Krli. N. 1HHH Mprlntj Session will open Keli. S. 1KKM and close June lit, lHXJt. hoard and tolltnn moderate. Hupllsare charged from time of entrance to end of session. No deduction except In Bases or protracted uipeas. Kor further Information apolyto R. T. h ONNKK. Prlnolpal. Round Knob Hotel, V. D. 8PBAGVE, Prop'r. ROl'ND KNOB. . C. Moet llc(iireque Scenery Vttern North Carolina. In i llllSI'j OK IMTKKEKT MAR BY: Old fort Distant 5 Miles. ' fct. Beriianl Mounliiln " 1 11 Catawba Kalis ft " Mud Cut . 1 -i flwannanoa Tunnel 8 ' ' Pinnacle of the Wue Kldse.... " " PotaUiTop "7 Toe Rive-, flne trout rUhlDS, .. " " , Rrldires Iron Hprlngs " 1 ' Kelly s Iron prlna;s " S " I Mitchell's I'fak, the Uraveof Prof, Mitchell,1 the hlKhest point cast of the Kocfcy , Mountains, nine miles, I'uie riKil dry atmosphere; no fbgs. light dewtt. J rnih slp al the door. apl7 i Open all the year. Terms reasonable 1 by month or. week. ftlSdwtJ The World Stands Afehast at jui iiJ rr rmvaa, . And wonders, How it it that I can tell so much lower than any one alee? I'll Ull yon: I hare determined to be eaeily satisfied for the oath, and WORK FOE SMALL PROFITS. . My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Come and bay from me, and yon will nerer regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. C. I Mit O kaagtwa slvr- llwk 1 TO t BlTm. 5 oanot Ooanrrkaa ao4 I tflest. I fmsoribs !taa4 (stsataiai '.J7 ilnt It to an aaflwnfe. mibik i t nnnw it m aolt ty firautata, " . V. ToROAir. Awnt. New Berne. SSCKS. Y a. ea sb aj Good Goods! Low Prices ! Honest Dealing! i Will Tell! Swarms of Customers Daily Visit DUFFY'S HEW BERNE Bargain House KXAMINK HIS IMMK.NM! Ai.i.KK (lATlON OK SIMON l'l KK HA li 1 A INS, AM) DO AWAY LOA 1)101) l)f)WN with (ioon things Miroirr at I NHKAltl) (I)' 'l(l IIS. A discrilion lure wnuhl ii"t do JUSTICE TO OUft MAMMOTH 8T0CK, TliaTTore w in v itt ull iii tiri-tirH t.f iJiy OixmIm win) jro tu Save a Dollar. To call and examine for ) Mirsclvcs Vpu will Oud a corps of oliu am) ' attentive clerks who will take PLEASURE in showing you thv Attractions. We have some NRW.S for our I Wholesale Trade. Ever with an eye to your interett (your interest being our interest) we have secured the agency for THOS M. HOLT'S old and reliable Alamance Plaids. Will quote you daily Factory Prices. We are still the Leading Shoe Dealers in the city. From FIVE to TES CASES NEW STYLE PRINTS always on band. Stock complete ia (rery department. Ton will admit that we Uid it b to yonr iQtereat to eee If ere HEALTH IS WEALTH ! READ CAREFULLY. Lib. JC O. Vtar'a finny ad Bbais TRiiTHiKi, guarDU6d specific (or fluie rla, l'lirlnesa. OonvuUloui. Kits, Nerroas NeuralL'ia. Headache. Nervous hrosirmllon ; 0 used by me- ase of tilooiiol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Meiiiai Uepnssioo, SofienloK uf ibe ilrain resultUi Id lnsault y j)d leadiug tu UiUery, dtcsy and death, I'reoaatare Old Age HaneDDtttii, Losk uf icier iu either fttx, luvuluutary Jobui h and poraiatorbtes cftu6.-d by (! er-exertiou if uie brsio, MJlf-Hbu8,- it u;w luJulgeui-, tanh box cju uiufa one uiudUi'0 ireatuitbi. S .ixi a box, or . Uoii.t. ni fo il1. wi.i tie mull prepaid ou r. - eliil or pi ce. U K t. I A It A VI Kb. M HOXKS '1 c: by lb Ht Ul 1 "e. 'WJthc?a,ii onlt-r rt.elVfd . tuxta arcoiui unit d Willi $5 Wl, i tiit part ijbei nur wrlllfi guar- 'ii.il tl.t UioLtt- i( tiio l ebliueut - : ti cm t (i uarfiiileei leuetl only by !. N. WY Y V, drugi?!, tole agent. New Berue. N. C . p4 dwy WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PART9 Of iLtr .h1j t uioipitfd und niik:Uina. F ull irUetr Urf r-e-.n f n-w.KKlE MFU.DO.. BrFFALO.N X, Well, ! Should Smile If U.t in 1 , e t r i ii in 1 n i i . bl J (). WliKt Kilnii'l bi-ttt tin nil, and that Alalabliiif will joel make your eld bouse look as good as new. Iion't fail to rail on him for any Hi ing on nred in the Hardware line. Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., OK SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We have in stuck a Kull Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons & Sons Boots and Shoes, Penitentiary Beets & Shoes, Also Hhoos direct from he I Ionian factories We are hcIIiuk all K'&de FLOUR from tin' Mills id Michigan very low. We also j id l.orillnrd and (lail & Ax SnulT. ROBERTS BROS., South Front (.. Neie Berne. N. O THOMAS FENNER I CO., Cotton and Naval Stores I I II A H i I'earl SI . NrtV t lK, 1 si , I I :-ili l lis hAKH, GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING. HI -I ami rUl'Al hsr KKNCK In THK M II K I Y i iK I i 'I I 1 H V. c.A ItDKN OH I. A US. IN HAI.Kh. 1,1 HKT UlNtl. 4 f"e t H fii.'ni.v S4.HO per hale. I eel lli)ii. only . A. OS per lwr. I, l ii i II. only o.ja per uele. i ii her will' hs from li lo 0 It. at pronorllonat .r:ri'i. Aiidrevs orilera anil eorrespondeDce l" 1. H. WIRK NaTt'INli X) . sp'.i'il in 112 KeadeBv., New York. HUMPHREYS' H0KI3PATHIC VETESINAB7 SPECITICa For Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 300 PAK BOOK en Treat meat of Anlaaalsaad Chert Bent Free, miFS-Feverf. rnnceatlona, Inflemmaltae, A . . Xplnal MeDlnaltte, Milk Fever. II. It. Hi rains, Lameness, Rheanaatlaaa. ( . . Hlmemper, Naeal Dleehareee. I. II. Ilolsor (jrsst, tVeraie. h. Coughs, Ileevee, PDeesaeela. Y . F. Colic er nrtpee. Bellvaebe. ii. -Mlerartta.ee, Hemerrharee. II. II. I rlearV and Htslney nieeaeee. J. 1. -Eruptive lleeees. Mange. . K.-i)lseaeea flMceetloa. hiable Case, with BpeeWlfiS. Hanoi,), vit-h HaxelOUandnWkialor, . IT.e Price, single Bottle (over HOdnsesX . ,eo Hold tr Drnigtslsi or Hent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 10 Fulton Sc. I. f. nTJUPEEEYS' HOMIOPATHIC flff SPECIFIC No ijO In w fMit The oslr sneesaafal ressedf lor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, nd PruttraUoa, from mw-wiia at other sum -ri pr vnl, or ( natai aaa uuir vtsl prweer, far 4, f u sv Danoeirra. er sent pMtnaid on teeeipi al price. Haaipar.y.'SiaeaHn ,ietMac,a.s. , Steamer llowardr Independent Steamboat tine. Oa and after Monday, tbe 0lvlst W -April, tbe eteatner Howard ill. ru the foll6win tchednle:;; V." O..X. '.' For Pdllokgville yerj;TpeiUv' t.s f eight o'clock, returniBS eaflle 4T V ' , For Trenton erery Tbnrad&y at efgfct o'clock, returning Friday. - ' . ':,' -' U J. 3. LASIXTER, Manag-er.. -; J. J. DiSoeWAT. Agent t New Berne. 1$ Hobert HancocV. Jr.: Office in rear of QaDcock'i drag store, Brt door to Hotel Albert. " Open ( ji 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Will g i prompt attention to all matters fruin-. bg to oenioea'coorte C9d!f - V, -I 1 LA . at .4.

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