1 SUmtft. 1IIOMCHEBKT. . DALLY juOJUULLia six column -r, t-OUanat ateily. axeapl Monday al Ufl Jor alx moutiit lsriivared y uparlbrat Mdfcnu per Mtit iWJEKkjT JOURNAL, a SI column f, U txibllaaad avery Tmril al 11 .m A uVBTlSIXQ RATES il'AlLY h-Ons . uooaday 11 W; otic for each i. i ,u.-m i.ai-uoaW ? V. ; ' - I'UftinU tit-1" haad of "Buitnt-M ," IK ttiU parlor Ural and a tcutt - iitljtriMt inanition 1 iwi mimiu ili beluaa.ixl between ' t t-. 1 1 rn. I aay anon iuuacauT)annaasorDetni not lo exceed a iibss ia to laaactad (nte Ail adduioua btaiw wUlfcaaMkrcadaoaBiaper Una rtruMll lor Iranaisnl adveruaeme u 1 ant t auavda In advance Hniixr aJe taw WUlba ooUecied cruui'oi. a m and as aaca ajjoavaa Jo in m ud loaUoiin eociadnix ui ol .: eaaanoa a nwaj analtara are noucitea No wuaaMatlai a oat be exueelod lo b pub liaavaal IMt Mtt'm oDioeuouabie uiku a lata wtwanoirts Ua ut of u. author n Aat wilt nnAaa nora liian one i-u.uilu c ii i Aay nama taallnc ak leved a: bl hol aauuaeoDuaatueauos can unitiu il can,. , a aaiaor by application at iina uit.t ttaWMC Vaaaratn in nne anoe eiiai iWE JOILRNAL. tL aVOTVaTM. at, HltTKH. ttdllor. SfJtW BXRNE, N. c. MAY '.' !( al tan foil office a N-- I., r n aa aaooad-claae aiiui V'l, FARMERS' OH(iAMHIUs ' W publish in another column a Call to the farmers of ( 'ia en ami ' Pamlico ooanties fro i. an o'g.uiit-r Of the Parmer's Alliance . ' All Our fanner r-ailci nni- I. !:, .thiM time thoroughly t: :i . 1 1 1 - the position of the ,1, I : , the qnestion of larmii "i'.u . tlona. Having j f n t th.ii . ' taiH Arnnrlifiiri a I inn vw ,', n. itoknow somethiug of the il tln-ul ' 'I ties and trials as ell as 1 1 . :'. .1- Ores that atteinl tln n.tt 1 . iible and useful of all ali.n ' That the rtV;if kind -l .si: u. 1 . 41 ... (-........, 1... I.I. ..I law a 111 u 11 i,iiii' i" ' . . j . . . . , , mucn trooo. no inuii'ii:: i.niiiii ''' Will deny; but oiganialii n muM '"i . . A. I . , W I 1.1, UIMI.I ...1 , . ., .A for Hi the evils and diflicult m-j- ih.ij Ian In IL. ..nil. f ., ,r r wxil I , i , ,1 I I.. AMJ lu lliu Jiuni v . t., . i v u 1 1 , . .... , ' IidiTidual effort, t hi ilt, nulu-! i . ; : good jodguient in diannng, m.i Bnrinir. ulantniL' ami culm .iimr. proper Care of stock and I. urn im rilamAfily niul ;t nni u-iiitts i'iii rs. ' flAaftinn of cions. wfll l-h l u to wuuav . uink mil iiiiani iini,i,iii . rlArtrJ ttlt.hin himself I'.'i! no man livAf.b lint) )iini,sfll. I lie i nih! ' kintiofan organization "ill Nnn farmer together for coiiMilIat inn and ' interchange of views: loi en - oouragement in fsjuTiiiifiit.il .mil m i. vensi re farming , 101 i -oi i .n nm m i ' neigbborhood schools, and to coii .- .t 1- . 1 Bluer me auvauiagos m n-i,i i bitratlng" aod adjusting their dii ferences ritnout going to i.i ; i. r t.a naanuA rti' iiowleln Fi 1 11 llie vih "" ,-..v.v .... i -J-- '-r 1.,...., .i..i i ,. I .. laBOVpD vl ino ui uiun iiiai their interest, and for recomuif inl ine and urging the pa snngo of mh h laws as will promote agi ;culli;ic And Ueveloj) the irsonicis ol I lie eoantry. But there is d.mgei ol ;,-o mia h oreanization. It takes moiiev to keep one Of any kind in uoil.ing n - A 1.... ..I il ,,,11 Lirufjl j duu iii.iii i-i nn iii ..ui absorb the farmer's net earnings and he will soon come to the con elusion that it is all a l.ucc ami Only a money making sehcine on the part of some shrewd rascal. Again, it is unnecessary lot a larmcro uiLnui.,uiu" i" "-"i ' m a r . i 1 1. 'I- . .. ' . the sick, the afflicted ami ilnlis M 1 . 1 . ...... I..... ErHNNH . in i Ullll lllUllli-i ill ii 'I'll ui iuiii, ..i. ...... V; the work of the ( Imn li of C!iit and societies formed for that pm mua Via firiiipr ell; rill i!,l Iii ..neglect the duty he owes i. lus ' church by trying to do . s r, : t, another organization Our larmers ongui to oigan r. but thev must keen steadily m icw ' the legitimate objects of their or cannation. it tuev atiem t to ''array themselves against all other classes, they will fail, lint if ihey Will - CIMXIUragC luuniuudi okiii, " thrift and the use of good judgment .tnej will anoceea. i DOHirEXPKHI!IIB.T I f'-'-'-Tftm cannot afford to wete time m " rDCTlnienting when yonr lungs arc in - QJQcr. vVOiUWIviilu Bl aj o dctiup, .; fint OOlJ B cold. Do not permit aoy i'. 4mitto impose npoD you with some . -. ohesp tntiUtion of Dr. King's New Dis ' Trr lot oonsumption. cooghe and eoll..Iat M aura 70a get me genuine. BtcaQM beH make more prone ne mtt ten. fou hr bai omethrnK just as " . . . m TVtM ' h. A " ajOOQ V' JUII HID BlUin m " . " . ' Kins1! Kw Piaory, which i guar anteed to Itb relief In all throat, lung - mmA afTaAtiArw. Trial bottle free at E . Dsffyli drug tore. Large bottle H. To tat) farmer. f Crarea Caatj. j Me. Editor: Please allow me I epaee in your valaabhj paper to say a few words 'to the, farmers oi Craven and Pamlico poun ties. ! Farmers you have keard ol t lie Farmers' Alliance and it is uow 111 uu. 1 will try aim give you some of the intentions ol the order. J. To labor for the education of the agricultural classes in the bCieuce ol economical government in a tirieuy uoii pariisau i-piru. 1'. To indorse the motto ; "lu things essential, unity. a:.d in all things charity. " 1. To deck'j' a L.r'.'.el st.Le, u.eutailv, uiui.il. . .NL.-iailv .1L11! hiiiiucially. 4 'JV' cleate a t- ::T t;i.ilrl!iauil mg ft r euataitii:.;' c. .:l i.tl,cer in :ii :i. u taming law ami culei Ct. lu constantly Miivc to secuie en til e Lai moil an i ood vv ; ! 1 . 1 in on '' mankind a:, ill UUlMIl C- 11 ! In 1 I , Mij..!t-ss m : ,,in. u aii: I .1.. U l.l.i a.! I.!;. I I alulill uli .. I he I I 'all.tls ,ilr ; a: 1 Mil. 11 'll I al.,1 ,1, :t! vi , I j w v !,(.! . i- I 11:11. .1 a 1 1 . 1 : 'r-' III o I .1 I 1 1 ii W I I . In I hei I i'e t : - . - ! e I . i- s ,. 1; 1 1 , . ll hall, the di-ai . - and ed .ir .1 1 I ' 1 se i n.ii 1 1 ; , ' eon st 1 ur Wi.. I I 'lialis I " l i I ollell 1 1, IS. t , 1 nil. a In . drills 111 1 la- H III. .- i.gl.t. gi.tl.t ing honest and goi , I 1 1 1 1 i ii I mi . - ' ' lav o: ah: 1 illt I 11- 1. 1-1 -. a 1 to ,.' I'! , lili'o I I I a- 'I I 1 ., I 1 1 : 11. 1 : thought I -I, .,, iiiii, n.i : S..!i.i 1 I a- 1 ll I I I - l.t ui,. I.'l A .1 1.1 11 I. I a 1, 1 1 11 - j : o ui a 1.1 1 - oliil-I hli.-lllf .11 lul l he lielieli t ol t h loi the In i 1 h ' , ! is ,-t I What lal nn I .:: ." ( i a v i I- ai n. i ;nc :: and In I 'ami,, o v,iii hear ,'..-l hood We have the Al,. a l oll U I "I my come to sa be al vv hat am. .: g lv I espi el I ill ly . l; i . 1 ir mi ..i Ml gain, in g (11 I av bt Ii. '.ss. Onslow County It(nis. A lal, ui I up o .' I e .1 1 1 1 New I i v aw null being it n I v i lie. i ' y i . i . i . , i . v i ,;i in ii "I i ,ai 1 1 mol e. '1 he pel Jo use I . - in I . i s eoast art doing well imw . eaiight at New nver hi oil o III i.J w ere die day last w ei I, in 1 Mi a: ai ami I.i oi ii, 1 1 ; i agi - ai , ai ii ,1. II av to M s- !,!. i ( ai.ps Mr' 1 1. 1 '.row n ami M is.s i . m in ii Wil li lins. Mi. Ib'b. 1 1 Mool e o M iss I-:. la I lek , Il - I, ii , ; i , 1 1 - e v ei a 1 o! heis ere null r led la-t wet h . The lormer was a iinnway inateli, ami d dn't the oiing couple catch Hail ( ol ii in I 'ia h a -p v laud when some one lound it out f I--, y i s. Mr. .1. .1 " ard of .wansboro, one of on: prominent merchants, is in I he l.ei.liri v business: has t or o acies in small gram with some Ml or KM i head ol t he leathery tnhe; i - buying all t he t iiiic. ;u,d though he says In- In ns don't lay much we saw Inm yesteiday tiudgmg nlong with about Ihice pecks of hell fruit in a laige box on b s shoulder car ry mg t In in iroin the pen to his stoic. l'ol I t if- Is I't g I.i. , llg to ,, mill. About or are t-puken of as candiilales alleaiiy in elir county affairs. ( iil I'fopie vi c bellev c arc ; ino-t 1 v loi .1 ar v is lor ( iov ei nor lirst ..ml A i allder I.i-Xf. ( ie eland for I'll s.ib I,; and divided het ween Mc I Mammy amlC.icen for Congress. We are ill lavoi ol P. Murrill. 1 '.( . : (or fhe Legislature, but if he wants 1 to be shcntl again we bcl.eve liei can bea! any man in tir County lor that iosi;ion. .1. N . Spicer is spoken ol i r Shernl, also A. I', l'aniell. jr.. 1 1 . K. K ng and 1 . '.. (iilman. i:-'. for the Legislature, etc. (hir pr-ople have been blessed with ;i gloiious ram. and the farm ers are now looking better. Some are done chopping corn and will soon commence on their cotton. Mr. (1. W. Smith is one of our largest farmers: he has this year about .r00 acres in cultivation so be says; has lf( acres in cotton, about ."0 in peanuts, '2 in melons and Irish potatoes, 2.1 In rye and other small grain, 4 in sweet po tatoes and the rest in corn. Mr. G. D. Mattocks has CO acres in cot ton. He says this is odIj a little over half of what he penera.lj plants in cotton. Ilia corn is terribly injured by the curlew bags. One field of 23 acres in corn entire ly mined by the bngs. Mr. Kash Mattocks has a good crop so far. Jones County Item. Corn crops are looking well, con siderinjf the cold, backward spring j Oar neighbor, J. V. Wooten, -F,o . is ieastine on new Irish no. tatoes. Manv farmer- av thm- w.int tn plaLt a large crop of Held pens il l they; cau obtain the seed. Our' neighbor, K. M. Foscue, Es., Las hit' or severity-five bushels lor j The closing exercises of Long liianch Academy ander the sujer-1 iotendence of lUymond L. Brock, j took place at Oak Grove Church ou the fth lnst. A lurgj crowd jires j cut and a tine dinner. The teacher was made glad by the presentation on the part of the st inleuts of a u lee cine. 'I he indications ai e, we are going to have a real old tune tiotly con tested campaign in Jones this year. A re w e id good turn for the tight f Let 11- make no mistake in select ing our candidates. (iie us genu me Democrats whose political records ale w it h"ii! sjin 01 blemish, and then let eei man d" his duty and we Wul siiii r.se out-clvcs a', t he le-li:' Lie " o;.i 1 .1 1 :n e I - th.nks tin law . 1 1 ! i gal d to shut t . Iig pal 1 1 idgen nigh! to he repealed, as they have tn i n I'.iiling up Ins on n and he is - 1 1 : 1-' t t o 11 i.e ami 1 in prison men t 1! he K;h- ..lie. lie thinks the law w 1- 111 a 1 1 loi the Northern spoils men and he city gents who hae ii.'hii g 'o do 1 liiiuigli I be winter st a -mi hit hunt. lie wants a til ! , I III the I .egls I at lire to look .Vtei this tinny W le..lll th ll dill il'g the p.l-t '. w el 1 months I her e h e been stolen In in tlie sleaim i w.oi -house in ln-ntoii 1.1. Ml Pi-, ol polk and I. .11 . 11. se en 1 1 1 1 ii-ln ol II, mi , lilly I '.- ol silga : and Ii e baxes Ol I ob.iee . lies ides t bis. several smoke houses have been broken ' and robbed, and Vel the thieves , in- still at large. There seems lo 1 be an oigaiiit'd gang, ami every I good eit ieii. vi Into or i-olored, j should aid 111 bringing them to DOVT 11 ilail lol 1 of yourn run on V,,u ll.ll.l. II IM H liul.l ll,ln,r ll,,l il i.iv run n.toeaur.h. . ), ,, ,UI11,,.,ia. ir coiimi mniion , , -.... i, a o ... i. ' . u,iii, m ,i,ruF.,p. . li,llll,,,in S I niif eroui.. ( 'on s ii iii plio ii self ,h dean, t-' '1 lie l iealhinn h)iaratus must he kept healthy ami ler of all ohdtruel ioiih nn. I elf ennive iiililler (liloruirc there i tr. .utile ahrail. All the ilueasis of these pHrls. head . n.ise throat, bronclnal tubeii and bint" enri he. delightfully am entirely rured I y the ime of lloselife h (lermau Syrup. II vim don't know lliia already. IlimiK .... 1.. .... J .. I . . . I . ,1 ii nan ii m.i iijuuaaijuH oi peoiiie run lei and know how it in. themselves." Motile only 7 a renin. Ak your 1 ru tctiit. Notice. The Annual Meeting of the Slock holders of the Neuise and Trent Kiver Steamboat Company will be held at the Hoard of Trade lioom, the 2'2A day of May. isss nl -j m ml dwl I I). S. KOREKTS. SAT. V -- X -- L T. E. MAGE & GO. run Drugs, Paints, Oils, AND GARDEN 8EEE8. Lie Country merchants supplied at a email ma'Kin. Cheap for Cash in our motto, (bye ui a trial. Middle .'J.. Ajf fo Ire J!ou.k, nntUwly A;lf IlEH.xy. A'. C. PREPARE YOUR HOUSES lor tho SPRInI ALABASTINE, (all thades ) j Averill Paint, unrantrrd to give pat if fait i, a: . ' White Lead, Oil, ; c 1 i n..ii ! UldSS ttllU rUliy, i and a fipl line of PI'ILPINC. MATE-1 Rl A 1. st ;i TT HI THI E.s. i . L. II. CUTLKH, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW HERN1I. N. C. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER HAS A FINE STOCK OF Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID SILVER AND PLATEDVWARE. s rE ctacl.es. I keep a larger stock of Spectacles than Dy other store in North Carolina. I take particular pains to fit them to the eyes of parties needing them. Having worked steadily at lha bench for over thirty years, I believe I can do as good work as any watchmaker in the State. COME A5D SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON, Middle street. Opposite Baptiat Church. iN12 dwtf P017DER Absolutely Pure. 7i : powui i Lrur TkriM A mar vei rl PUj '. 1 y si I fV i art fi , H :. 3 wi,"irs"Uir'llfl Mo xl uijj irt ' i iih i , i r. ( iri : i ht b inns, and od- Dot Vf b' i J '. Ii ('oiiit.fllUoli 11 1, tlit? 11J U UHlidw o: w it-ht at,. ; i w r . : i n . . :-i t ( i.i.i-Lil p.tWilf f hu.il iHilV '.I, ft:. UuUI LAKIHa, hiVhlHl-O l-UttlJI N tifl!ivdW ru! hh! 'ii New (.tn. ! A In M.llt-r IIS USi; FOR KIDNEYS. . : . ii . t : i . r " r : it' 1 1 n . t . . i . t : n- 1 i u u. . i . j t j u ii Id : i t , - t ,lh WM r M ' i M V o. , on!b'li It , 1 1 I I t .! iU n ' i. ' . 1 1 ' ! . . I. hl.l 1 b M ftr- If' a - 1 I ' ' 1 r i frit vi r t , M ' . ! " fr H ! 1 I . t U.im i f- ' - - . 1 . I : 1 ' I li H . Ii h .i i i, sin i fi iifr P- I it i , . : iHlll ID It (. I I ,t 1 ."t.i , I C 1 I . ll I i 1 I , s- ,. Iln.,.,1 I Mi 1 'i 1. 1 ..-,1 H 11 II ,-, a ii e n lir : i m: ll r I, , - v. I eir bull- ill Ni- i 1 vi-1 III' I.I I he il I ll K l'ull, HI..1 I. 11 Btoies t.l Meadows, N GEORGE ASH, the Clothier, V"ll'd ' "'""'""''v !"'" that he bus now ih. AKeney of the c. 1 ehruteil Battles $2.oU tallskin and has eiclusive control of the sale of these Hhoes in Newbern and the enj ain tog counties. These Shoes bate been mid here for a nu.nber of years and have iven uni j versal satisfaction, all who used theni ' SRreeing that it is the best Shoe in the ' world for the money. I k i v wit'ii e try pair 1 sell iho fol lowing Kuaraiitci Every pair in warranted, should anv of them in aDy way. within a reasonable time. nivi out. T will rjpon return of damaged or i v a new pair in ex change. We have just received a full line of these Kboes in L'ont;iefs, Lace and Hut, ton. and will keep a full etork of them constantly on band. Our line 1 rerirli Cnlffkin Shoes in Congress and Hal, at $a50 are still the great favorites ri(h those who desire a fine easy neirinc i-h i- of good wearing quality We have jii-t opened a beautiful line ot STR A W 1 IATS AM) HANDSOME SUMMER CLOTHNIS emhramnfj all hinds c f Corkscrew F, French Serges in light and dark shade?, stylinh Cheviots. lifue Flfinnelfl.AlpBcaf, Soerpuckers. Knotted I'oneees, Mohair and elecant black Sicilian Coats and Vests, which will be sold at rock bottom prices. Da not for : cur motto is Nothing Bui Bargains GEORGE ASH'S, Middle St., next to L. H. Cutler's. I t-T We are also airenU for The Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment, the largest and most reliable concern of its kind in the world; established 1819. Satisfaction guaranteed. All goods carried free of express charges. SIMMONS & MANLY? ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERN E, N. C, Will more on or about January 16th. 1888. to their new office, over the Bank ing House of Green. Foy & Co, three doors below Qotwl Albert. Sit Gftas given anlvcr mt aiitacfion la tna oara of aoaanrlMsa and Gleet. I preacrlbaftacd tet) aatela ifooiaruaaa- iiMa.i. iii- Sold W DretaHta. - . " J. V JOHDAif, rAgtnt, New Berne, N.a- ' - ' T maySdwlf- SHOES, ariaatrajaai HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. J)K K l'. V. 1 .-s .N r h r iKlAlMKM UtJUtt'Ui.lciJh,.!' FIR l'UZM.rfb I ll .Vl .. t .Nt-Ura glal. - cHtlSriic . I ut 0 I ll. c btc .-. . . . Whltrl 1 1 llkt'tiM Al-DlH Ui'.f. t( Li.r li! jCt 4.! liljfi ill 4 : , lij u.isn dct-ii unrt dt-a: 1. 'i Age lcr It U L . ijOftB cf t- 4 Sel J s iry Los- & hiul j. CHUiW-. l t.y r I - Ar I Uuli C f !n I. i ii j ftit- I II- it U I I t t a hbus -LtVlDt i 1 B A t.. rt?ft : , l-l.t V K 1. 1 lHAMtt M II V lu ri.it .,: - -1 t y ua oi ; i 1 ' t i t ttl.. Ml il j tt U I f e i rl'.: : u'b i.i : :'..: a L'l 1 i dnit'k . i ',1 ii ; WEAK ! Of iLc t..-:: r , Ur -i i UNDEVELOPED PARTS i-'-'l V i' ii- m'i r .-.: 'ia i i ..!, s'v Weil, i Should Smile II II I 1:1 . ' ,1. 1 tl.il v i ii r i Id 1 i. ai I full :i lir , : in Wbi-.tj f I ii i I i,ii . i A lnUM ui., u il I Jll! t I In mi se h ,k a- f;, ,, '. I i.n l. to euli on haii f i r an v 1 1. lliO I ! . 1 , 1 , in e hiir. DoiA Fail To 0u ROBERTS BROS., SENDYcCmDEr.STCUS. We have in stink a l ull I me of groceries & provisions. 1 C S. Parsous & Sons Boots and Shoos. Ponitentiary Boots &. Shoes, AIko Shoes iliieii fl.Ili ihe I '.ohtou f.ielorieH We Hie helling hll .ri!i ieH I I ''Cli from the MiIIh hi .Mh Iiihii veiy .,u-, S'e ii Im. j .1. I,-. i ilh.i ,1 hi i Cad A A x ROBERTS BR0L, ; South tYonl (., A'eto iierno.A'. V j - TxlOMB.0 rLNNEil &. CO., l) ! M IssION niKIK II IS, Cotton and Naval Stores 11(1 A 112 I'rnrl si . N . toil.. I.s I V IILl.-4llh.il Vis VI A I. - GALVANIZED WIRE NETTING. niivr ami ciiPACKsr kkm i in iiii MAItKKT FOK I'lll lI KV , I, A lll'KN "11 LAWN. IN HA1.KH, 1 ,i 1 Khl' l.iili 4 Keet HlKh. only I Mi pi i Lale n Feet HtIi. only. .V iilt ,i r I'ak 0 Feet Higb. only ('....- j,er l aic, (liber wldtlil Irom '2 1., A 11 in Top Mi-amle pru-e. AddreBH orileih niul - ,rni i-.i,ii n, -ll' I' M. WIKK K K'l'l IMI i'i i . ajO' dw'ni i-I Reade sn.. New York. HUMPHREYS' ra-mniPEEiTs-Boos Cloth &Cold Binding 144 Parct, with BImI Kngrtiuir, - aiiLEn ran. iMm. r. ii. iim i urn, i t WRT OT WniCnVAL KOS rTIlEB 1 RU E. 1 IFffTmt, lon(ration, 1nflHm.nilinTii .9.V SlVVorma, Worm I-evor. Muim C.ihr Oying I'oHc, or Toe. .hi tig of ltifitui .tf5 Diarrhea, of Children or Adiiltn .35 liiwnlorv, (..npiutt, litliun- (wlic .V5 'holers. Itforbua. A fpmiuini ,2(V )u(th, Ckld, lirorjchitii .555 Hvm.rtrh, Sick ilfaR"h Wrtifi-n Vl HOMEOPATHIC I)i'pepta. bilious Stomach.. NunprnMFtl or Painful Periods V hltci. too Prnfii Periods .as ii.V V5 .?.V .AO I'roun, OoQca. liifficult BrpillnnB l4MaH Itheam. Errnipeln. liruiiiiuDO. Hbearaatlam. Kaeum.tic 1'iliii. hever and Acne, (-'hill.. Malaria PIlM, Blind or Bleeding .AO Catarrh. lnflneD7.a, i '.,d in Hi. Hod .fto JO Whoovini t'ongh. Violent iVmtha . 441 General llelilllt y , Chiral eakneal .AO KlaneT lllaeaae . .! Kerrooi Orblllty 1 (Ml SfHl rtnary Uraknen, Wftting l).d .nir niaeaaea of Ihe Heart. Palpitation 1 ,O0 SPECIFICS, tSokl bj DroKpiBt, or ient postpaid nn reoeipt of prio. Ht IJHli 'Mtiit-l VO, 1V9 rmtUm tti. a. I. Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Monday, the '.' .li day of April, the steamer Howard will rn'n the following schedule: For Pollokrville every Tuesday at eight o'clock, returning same day. For Trenton every Thursday at eight o'clock, returning Friday. J. J. LASITTER, Manager. J. J. DiflOfiWAT, Agent sA New Beret). Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL XUSTICE.- Cffioe in rear of Hancock' drug store, next door to Hotel Albert i t Open from9aJn.to4v.iB. WiUttye prompt attentioD to all matters pertain ing to Josticra' ooorta. . d 29 d tt AN, ilk &W fimiMni c5 ivEW-BWHi, NC., April 18. 1S83. Special Time Table FOR TRUCK TRAIN. N 2iCl-ALL RAIL, jipltu, 1.1 r.i T ine Table No. 8 of eif.ial IS. 1SS8. Leave Newbtrn 11.00A.M Olatka 1189 Tuscarora i M " Core Creek 18.81 P.M. I;er 12.47 ' ' nrwell I f7 Kiu.-ti u 1 l',U I ..lIlPK' '.-reek 1 53 l-.ln.n.-e Hi - le 2 40 An.vr licldsboro 3 10 Sifcij nir-i.u L It l- iraiu a. e due V) ar rive 6 l lit ilibbl i ! hr. I , Hum Kl !;' -.lond 1 4fi A M. W - r.tt.ti lie 7 45 1. 1 ,"lr 1 (j (10 I'i.oi.Jdphia 4 00 I'M Jt r-r y Cny . 7 00 ' 1 l'ier ?7. New 'i'ulk . 0 0J 1 U'.ly liourb Newbern to New York. lln li i ii.; tins train will follow No. ii, t , Niwhi-rn. uDlese oilierwite or iel i v I r ion .I ispntcber. 's I. I ILL. Supumttndenl. 3f?P$ t !. 1 I 'd' i i the CjKNI'INE Hoarl Top Lamp Chimney. A i ! i - 1 1 ici .s. snnihirtire iniiint ii ,n lis exact Label isone.'ichl'e-'iil '1 cpC'liiiniK'y. A dealer m.i y say and 1 1 : . : . k he has ... as goou, i i i i v n i . r. i I l diiiiJTop. i Ke i ohiy By M-CSETH , CO.. P.Iisburgh. Pa. NOTICE. -r I. i;,.,, mi-1; vv : Ii b iluly MHIe nl h A ,1 II , ! 1 , 11 f H I or of 11 ell. , nun ni-i t-iiy n , vi iiiilli-t) . i. , I ,i-i s, ,i s 1 1 . 1 1, k e ml in w I i' e of 1 l,e mil,! Am, VI . VV 1 1 I I in in in On. miM lie... H. a I. .-nil, -hi,'. I, l,ir ,a nieiil, i.n -' '. .liiy of A, .1, Issh, or i-lmi I II .i-lrtl tn l,ar of rroveiy. I '. , u, i-fclan- iniitit iiay '.I " H. WILLIS. A I in 1 ii 1st rulor. S ll '1,1 11-111 "I 1 Notice t 'In- NloekfuildorN ol ity Company, (be Carolina and Ot be i ., sin:,, of .N.,,11. t o,. I . Ill I .'ll on 11,0 I .hi l 11. e Alloriiey of 1 .1 en .Mamin, a II I. ui o ai.il lue euroiina i'iiy (jonipanv. 1 .,I1iii, i. In a Jiiilnmelit i f the Hltpe- i ,, - r i ohm oi i ii 1 1 i ,-i run my a I Spri nj. ri in Ui 11, .. Hl'.ne i iilllleil aialon. Nulleela n. i . la (iini in ul I pei so n n i.i 1 1, lug cert III . ui. n ol Mo.-li in the i iin.llua flly tXimiittliy, - I,, l ien, in itii-in to Hi,. tiii.rrt.itf!ied ul hiti , "He e lu 11, mi loi l , N . .'ill Ii iiiHilnv the 21th il;., , f .M h , . I ss- A 1 1 pi-i hoiiH elalliiliiK lobe "M" iM,fhi, i, a, miiiI , onipHiiy for which n ,- . -i i , n, i, i - h,i e-1, .,-1 1 1 1 in 1 1, i in ihl a 111. aie , !" mii.lio make pOMif ir Uieli several , -uoa,- l . fo:,. me. All pi'iBiniB who shall In . n, In k,i 111. iiv kii'.iI i ii.lKiin.nl, j lurever I I, n,. I lo.io p,i r I Ir , pil ion iii i!,e illBtrlbn- 11 ll I I i- li -M l ul ! hi- I ll ol Ii a I 1 1 y Cuill- I I'll,) A , I n i i . i h in ,1 i: . I In the plnti nf ' in. la.. i i ui ur iioiillea m preneni tllflr a., I-!., I,, loi lm.(,.i inm anil all peiaoiia I in let i.. i.i. ,,i,,m f Ioib In the Bui,! plan Uni I I an- IhIioI iiii,-i-i.ivi. tleeiiB sr olao null- , I, ,1 to liiala- nillB'lirtory o, loflhe fact I-. i"ii. I.,' 1 1. i ,li-i a- iiik he exaculeil lo 1 I l , 11 , f , I . . K .1 1 1 , 1- . A., p 1..,, .1, l.nimi; hoollH. papers. CPllIft- , , nn ,,j -i,.;-l, in loin-r i oinpiinleB, ur oilier i I". !' ' ' V oi 1 1, 1 1, k i if v nine lie loii(;1 lit lo salil ' iii.'liiai ' :l loinpniiy. are heiehy nollfleil '" .1. , I V , r 1 lie tin me in mien n me. J.vu II. HV1S, I Hi-, i- w r i f I he 1 :i roll iih I'll v C'ollipanv I'., HI, I. ,11 . I- A 'l II 1-. HK.W. alSdHw V -I. I 11 I A II, 1 ISA. ' Ai O lei I in. nl M . .1 I 1 1 -1 -1 . Mill, I A ,ii li. i i . Ina wife. In the Mupcrior Com t. .i-i.ii and Alice It. lialctlfJa, V N. saniiii, A VVelii r oral Sallle A Weber, his wil.. Jan, i s 11 i,o,k. jr . ami Kinnle A., Mniiie I... MatiKle L , Agues H. and Alice 1 1. tiiias, iniucra. LicfeDctanta. ITie ilefeiulantK almve named will take notice that a spenlal proceeding, al above entitled, lins luen commenced before lha I'lerl; of the superior Court of CaiUret co uiily fur l in I'ut I Hon. oraile for Partition, of certain Inn In and town lola altuated In HtialiH Township and the Wmn of Me an fort in sai l enmity, lielorglng; lo thf estata of Win. I I am tf.li hi , deceased: and said defend ants vi nl fuiiher take noileo thai thef are reipilred to i ppenr at the olfli-e of the Clerk of Hie Miiperloi-Court of aald count-, on Ibe Ziih day of May, iksih, anil anasrer or demur to the complaint In said Heelal Proceed lug or Iho plalnlillB will apply lo the court for the relief demanded in gmd complaint. Xhia bill day of April Ihsa. .l.NO il. IIAVI'), C. 8. C. ('. it. Tiiom.i. .Th.. 1". ., 1 1, '..II Alio-ney. ap!2w6w - Tic ia, 'i-rs at . 1. Carrie Hill, hoe duly i,ulilie,1 as Iv-nlrli of ih en ale of Wil liam 11.11,1 n:i,; iie. eiiy i.ve noilre that sua lexp-ilrc all peikiiiiB hnv-tnu; claims agalnat the etlaie of iu eald William II, Hill, to pre sent the ui I'i the saul i a.tlo Hill, daily1 autlientlc.te t far payment, on or hefora the 4tti day of Much. lssn. or else this notice will tie p a-!eil In i.flrnl ocovery. I'erKinn i n,l la o,l lo the estate roust pay without .Ii'Ihv. a.-il.'iil ' c A KKIE HILL. Executrix. eztfri.nca preparation f mora tban One HuadreA . j Tlloa.aDd applfcationa for patfiia la tun tniica i-uaies aBa rorvtjra cona tripa. the publi.bera ol tha SeWautv Araariean cODtmna to .nt Allnii.rar- lor polenta, caraalai t-rmda-niarka, oodt -I nc'jta. bt.. for LhA 17artii KLalM ..4 f' to obuin pvru in Canada, England, tna, enre i uiiugua.J and taelr iaailrtias ara aaaar pr.neM. . - 7 - - . ". , Drawinrs and reclflcaUoti fjwparM an8 alaf In t Lie P. o nt OtBoa oa abOP(-aAia. Tanaa very Tf awn .b.v No rharce forramtrift44aal aaadals - -or drawing. Adrioa l (Mil fraa. J . Patent. obuinrdthnmt-h MnnoCo.ranallol -i n t Ii S I KrVTI FIG AHK RIC Af. whioh aaa " ' ttm UriiA5iL ciroalatiOBaaa ia Iba mo. I lntlaentiaft ..,,.,'. ncf.niinnr nf It. kimA nnhli.hait In th .nrtit ."-T I'D adrana(ai al anch a moti avaay patantaai oDtertanda. . , i -- . rir 'l Ihn lanra in nliTiffliny IrTnsiiiaea naajaiiaiief' It pnbiiabed WKEKLT at 3 .80 araar. aaa ia ,.L t . a.liQitUd to the best paper aa.ot4 to aeiaoo. ciftniianiii -iifKira, -ewatnaanag aaoraa. anay ) l t plher ditiar. taenia nl ftidoatrial prosiaaa. pan iisofm ill nj w.Rirr. con, .id u ummvw at ail aaf alaar ana tatla ot aVarv invarrtloa aataatad . aaeh. aeek. Tit it four awattu far aaa dollar. .. -- Sold br all newndatera. . - ii Ih yea a an mrswUfm' to rattans wrlW aa 'Wtitin A Co.. fblishTa al SoiaatiAa Ajaaneaav ' , itaadbook (Baal palaatsataiM fraa. 'p. - " - - lu-e I i.jn a 1 he 1 x fc'i i:n iv;i:-in.L GEO. t I tij 3rrarm' Aif-jkr! ti .rrtVrrS"J eipTi.iic lo um BfeaatfiriLLii'Jfijlflll pirn la-TJ

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