if - Ir. ? JV 1 I' I Si i- $ t r . Sl 'o my Friends, Patrons C"" AND THE Public Generally. I take reat pleasure in announcing my return from the Nn't!iTii Markets, and will quote below a lew ' tin- man Genuine Bargains WOW READY AND WAITING I Bargains, because bounlit at ROCK ROT TOM PRICES, for the clean CASH, coupled with an experience of over twenty years in buying. I shall not attempt a full descrip tion, as space will not permit, but you are cordially invited to come and examine for yourselves, as proof of what 1 say, and as to whether or not I can save you money simply depends upon whether or not you give me a trial. JUST THINK! TWO cases Organdies, nice hi !, aid wide. w;:!i lo ct-nt, and they AT going at 5 cents per yard. ThXM eases white and cream 'necked .Vimsonk .it cents. Two hundred pieces American Sateens, figured and plain, a( 10 cents, good as French. Ob ease white Figured Sateens a! in cent-. The.se goods are wort li 30 oents. Two cases India Iiawiw, w hite, at ." ccni. One case India Lawn, 10 inches w ide, at n: Real hemstitched Handkerchief ai .' cents. English Half Hose, regular made, at Hi cents pet p.i.i. Yard Wide Homkitn. ." ci-.m.--- ikk au My DKKS8 GOODS IKI IM'.MF NT is cn.plete, I'oii.nhing all tb BOW delicate sliudes of the season in Moire, Silks and Satins, Nun's Veiling, Albatross, Cashmeres, l'lanncN, tc . etc. Worsteds from Id cents up; Wool I,.ur I'.untui, cents; Canvass Cloth, worth 2(1 cents, reduced to Ginghams in about same. Mmbroideries, FlonncinH, Laces ami l. l:.- ml' Ladies and Men's Collars and Culls. Parasols and Umbrellas, cloria large siie, for 5t cent. Or. Warner's Health Corsets. BONED And a Full Line of in. my : ti'.ir all to come and sec. Wholesale Taking Ifor granted TTholesale Purchasers own interests, I shall make the simple an . nouncement that I buy in LARGE quantities for CASH, and will sell you as cheap as New t York or Baltimore Markets. ' Don't fail to see my stock before pur ; causing. Veryl. truly yours, O. MARKS, ' Pollock Street New i Berne, N. C. i ftlarks Hi o nls; Sccrsuckeis, ( rmkles ami nlk. .--at.ii and il'-- a rood l'arasol, Ball's Kabo and Circle Hip WITH KABO. in.d.e - . W;l! no .n more, but invite Depnrtinent that all wide-awake are looking after thefr THE JOURNAL. Arrival and Departure Kaili KAIL CLOSES. For North. Wart and Booth, ru A. A H. G.IL. R.at7.S0a.m. For Beaufort and th Eaat, at 8:00 p.m. . For Washington, Swift Crxtk, Hydeana Boauf ort Coantie Mondays, Wedne dara, and Friday a 1:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokjrilla and Kara rille, daily aT:, a.m.. For Orantaboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Regietered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p-.m. In Mailing Department from lit. m' to 5 d. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mail are being dia ributed or sent. It bag Struck Chicago. Miss Lacy," exclaimed the young man eagerly, aa the lovely girl made , mom fur him to Bit down bv her j fide, "may 1 abk you a question!" "1 1 think you may, Mr. Hank I mson." said the young lady tinrdh , hut with her heart thiobbltig wild h. And the iuldtuiited oung man i i-kc! hei the question about the' ifii and a half and the gg alu hug llkli a she Is m h Talbot is pronouced Tolbut. Thames is pronounced Tern:-, liulwei is pronounced liuller. Cow per is pronounced Cooper. Ilolburu is pronounced llobun. Wcmy ss is pronounced Weeuis. Knollys is pronounced Knowles. Cockburu is pronounced Coburn. liroughaiu is pronounced lirooiu. Norwich is pronounced Norridde. St. Leger is pronounced Sillinger. Ilawardenis pronounced Harden. Colquhoun is prououuced Cohoou. Cirencester is pronounced Sissis tcr. (irosvenoi is pronounced drove nt) i . .Salisbury is pronounced Saw Is -huiy. He.tiichainp is pronounced Heech am . Mai) lebone Is pronounced Maria buh. Abergavenny is pronounced Abe Kenny. Marjoribanks is pronounced March banks. Holingbroke is pronounced liul Imgbrook. AIIVKk TO lOTIIKHa. Mas. Winbujw's 800THINU Hyhip ttliould always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens Dip gums. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Miar lura Twenty-five cents a bottle. uiarl7dtuthRalwlT The World Stands Aghast AT MY LOW I'ltlOKd, And wonders, Bow is it that I can tell so much lower than any one else? I'll tell you: I hare determined to he easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK KOB SMALL PROFITS. My Motto is: FAIR DEALING. Come and buy from me, and jou will never regret it. K. R. JONES, New Berne, N. C Bibles. We arc rfquei-ted to Hale that the Craven County Bible Society have a larp axfortment of HiMrs and Testa mente, for Bale at jr : c ( k rargirip; from 10 rente to 2 .IG rcr vlume. at their depoeilary in the store c f a4 i-f CEO. ALLKN A (.'(). Jas. W. Waters, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with P II. Pelletier, two doors south of New Berne Journal, ml dwly NEW BERNE. N. C. Round Knob Hotel V. D. 8PIIAGI B, Prop'r. ROUND KNOB. N. C. Moit Picturesqae Rcenery In Wtttern North Carolina POINTS OF INTEREST H1AR BY: Old Fort ..-Distant 6 Miles. St. Bernard Moootaln... 1 Catawba Falls S - Mod Cut . " 1 ewannanoa Tunnel Pinnacle of tha Bios aUdga. " 5 Potato Ton 7 Tos River, no trout ashing l onagwm iron Bpnnsst 1 " Kelly's Iron Bnrlnss V Mltcbell's Pak, tbsOravvor Prof. MltehalL tas hlchest point east of tos Boefc MonDtalaa, alM sallaa. Pars cool dTT atmonnharei M ft n.hi dews. Trains stop at tbaAoor. ; - anl7 Own all the rear. Trmi reavoiiabla by month or week. al9 d wtJ Y. T. IIILl & CO., u a.s rr ACiraxaa or Rubber Hand Stamps. SELF INKERS AND DATER8, For Bauklof and Oommereial Cae. Amw aertsUoa f Hit aer Staaaps mad to order on shortest notice. bud 15 teuU fur IX pas Oalaiofue I HlostraUng same. ! ALSO JOB PRINTItlQ Of Every Description. Wc aihkf a epecialty of Printing Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes. Tags, Statements. Cards, Circulars, Etc , Ltc, I. ! 1 (lihl f Piincf -.1. . i' ill 1 J I - rrppf. 1 . GIVE US A TRIAL W. 'i. HILL L CO. s nth I iin.t Sirct. hour I Hh rj. .-1 of Craven, A i.'ll' lit HM- . C EDUOATL! hDDGATK ! What Better Can Be Done For The Children? AURORA ACADEMY AUKOKA. N. V U T. BON NEK, Miss E. O. Lunoht. . I'lllM ll ll.. A hMHT A NT. ,V i :v IKXT, Th Kail Hewlwi, v mill ! Ktti. . ION ;i op. Hprliig bMSlOD U1 opt-n ' 1 1 H lit) chief June li. 1HMK. Hoard aud lulllun inctlrrHU Cupllflare charged from Urn nf t-iilrH!ir lo t-ud f sum. No dt'dui-noii -., t in of protracted 111iim. r or rurlber lulormallon applyto K. T. Bi'NM K Prlncii.-l Notice. 'I he walls of the, barber shop on South 1 I ront street have been renewed, and a , wt uf cane bottomed chairs added to tlx' Btork. (io and get a good share for irn rents, by good workmen, at Pkof. W. II. HUEPARD'S. DEMORE8T 8 -f-THE BE&I Of all the Magazines. ! CTONTAINING Ston.a, Potmi .nd other Ltter.ri ttrctlon combining Arlntic, Scientific ana Houtebold mtTt.rt. , JUuBtrated rith Original Aterl MCngrar- intim. i'hotoirartirt , Oil I'icturrs uhH fine tt ootlctdt, inuking 4t the Modrl MttgaMittc A turrica. UNPARALLELED OFFER I E h coyr t " lVuvin-st'ii MonlMy Maearti. ' roniali,- A ("uiipon Or1i. tnlitlitif ll rioiiiri in II, wrlwctK.ii f any iMi-mi 1 1 1 ualrmtnl hi iht yy ut the aliet u,nuficlurrl - VV hutracrflrt or 1'urrhasrM t.:n.f VV t tf roupUD villi two-ci-iil r';iij,(i saV fm iioBlimc. HI receive l-v riturii - .A' ii. nil a cuiiifilcle pattern, i f tL pi e an a k i n u i u e v may corilaliilriat 1 1 1 12 Tlilt I'd paralleled Uflr givlu to lutiacn in PATTERNS (valued al from V' 12 el to AO tt rarhf, clur Ins tin? year. of t lie ktinl and (tuc cttlred. It a toLaldemUoti Worth Over Three Dollars, nr ticar' y doutile the actual ni1 0 the laaiij'-. which 1 of line If. Kh It ai.y brtUlaijl fuatun aud b ltd Btliaw tlun Cheapest Maaxine in America. ONLY TWO DOLLARS per rear, (Deluding tflrc full alie. ent pallma. of attt asiM kind Mlected, worth nearly double the tubaciipUoa 6cbd twenty oents for lh carrmt Dumber wU Fatter CoupoB and 700 will certainly ubacrtk Two DotUrs fut ft year and get ten lime lta Taioe. W. Jennlngi Dmcrt( Publisher ,t5 1 4th St., NewYorV. Sold by ftil N awadaaiari and Potmaatr.. Beautifully Illustrated. 25 cts.,$3 a Year. i ITS BOOPE.-THR AMERICAS MAOAZIHl mrw prfrDO to Dttion) tcnio and aoDa, ud lta 1 iterator anS art r of th taishsst stsndard. Funeral A m.rioa n writer fill It pf with Wlfl vuiir of UtretiDS kteh of tnvti and adnni or. ril nd hort ctohe, deftorlptir aoooonteof oar ftnou roarjtrmD nd vomu, brtf nuji oa tb foremo.1 probleau of the period, and, la snort, thi atasuioe l Distinctively Representative of -' American Thought and Progreaa. It I. rknowld(d br th prs nd pnhlle to b th Mpalar aal Calertmlnlas of Ska a Is a claa aaontalle. IMPORTANT.Ji3 Illaatrstcd Prtmlnn I.Ut, ud Bpeta. Id, oocmtDl. n Cah or Va.laa.ble Preaalana to Club Kslaars, will ba aea a racalrt af lac., it IkU paper la anenUoned. a9 Ras-panal'ala avad aarratt pnn wwatoal t ollll a-Ba-aerlptloaa. IVrlto a "a " wa-iri lutlaiasf 3s, TEE lliZ&XOAIT JCAQAZOTE CO., 749 Broadway, New yark, . Piao'a Cum tor Con- ' amption la alao the best Cough Medicine. If you' haT tt Oongfa without dlaeaaa of the. Icings, m few dosea are all t ytm need. Bat If you ne- gleet this smt mstni of aety. the alight Cong Buy become a eeriooa' tnaiter. and aeTtral bot tlssj wlU be required. I i'-jsae if. nsoV ltsmedr for Catarrh Is tba as uss, and CBawpeav UBoli ttf dJomhls at ant trjr fnaU. i i (00, , E. T, HaselUMrWama, fa, 1 j ound To win Good Goods! Low Prices ! Honest Dealing! Will Tell! Swarms of Customers Daily Visit ' DUFFY'S NEW BERNE Bargain House KXAMINK HIS 1MMENSK Ali(iKE liATION JK KIMO.N IM'KF. HAKUA'.NS, AND (JO AWAY LOADKI) DOWN WITH GOOD THINliS HoldliT AT I'NUEAHD (K I'lih'KS. A dttrription Iit" would not do JUSTICE TO OU.l MAMMOTH STOCK, I Tin r. foi i- i' i i 1 1 1 all puicliusiTM of Kiy (iooiIh who c -,ir lo Save a Dollar, To call and examine for youritidvoa. You will find a corps of polito and attentive clerks who will take PLEASURE in showing you thu Attractions. We have some NEWS for our Wholesale Trade. Ever with an eje to your interest (your interest being our intered) we have secured the agency for TliOS. M. HOLT'S old and it-liable Alamance Plaids. Will quote you daily Factory Prices. We are still the Leading Shoe Dealers in the city. From FIVE to TEN CASES NEW 8TTLE PRINTS always cn hand. Stock complete in every department. You will admit that we and tt if to roar interest io eee If m 1888. Harper's Young People An Illustrated Weekly. Haiper'8 Youug People interacts t all yoaog readers by its carefully selected variety of themes and their -well-considered treatment. It eon tai as the best serial and shorl stories valuable articles on scientific snb jecs and travel, historical and bio- ! graphical eketcues, paper on athle- tic sporta and gamee,stirring poems, ! etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its illus i 'rations are numerous and excelent. J Occasional Supplements of especial I intere to Parents and Teachers will It i feature of the forthcomiug voIuuji-, tthicb will comprise fifty- tbiee weekly numbers. Everv line i y m tbe jiajier is subjected to tbe most rigid editorial scrutiny in or der tint untiling bcirmful may enter An j ; : on. ol ever thing that is ,ilti;icti c and desirable in juvenile 1 1 tent I tire. 1 lot. ton Courier. A wekly b aM nf good tbiugs to the l' and gula in eveiy family wbuli it vim's. liioklin L'n. inn . It is nnlii lul in its wealth of lirtiins, in lr in ;it ion , and interest - i'hnti;ui Advocate. N. V. Terms: l'.istage l'iemied, .'! (M) 1'er Voar. 'ol. Ix. begins November 1 , 1 S- .sT. H)eeunen t'Ojiy sent mi ieeeiit of a two cent stamp. Single Numbers, Five cents each. Remittances should be made by 1'ost Oflice Money Older or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without tbe tit press order of Harper Brothers' Address, Harper & Brothers, New York, The Century Magazine With the November, 1837, issue The Century commences its thirty lifth volume with a regular circula tion of almost ifO,OO0. The war Tapers and tbe Life of Lincoln in-, creased its monthly edition by 100', 000. The latter history having re counted the events of Lincoln's early years, and given tbo necessary survey ottbe political- condition o, the country, reaches a new period. with which his secretaries were .H most immediately acquainted i iKier i ne ajiiain fT Lincoln in the War the writers now enter on the more important part of their narrative, viz.: the early years of the War and President Lincoln's part therein. Supplementary War Papers, o Mowing the ' battle series" by distinguished generals, will do scribe interesting features of army life, tunneliDg lroui Libby, narra tives of persona) adventure, etc. General Sherman will write on The Grand Strategy of the War." Kennan on Siberia. Except tbo Life of Lincoln and the War Articles, no more imoor- t tant series has ever been nnriprf nken . 4 by The Century than this of, Mr. Kenan's. With me previous pre paration of four years1 travel and study in Kussia and Siberia, the author undertook a journey ol 1$, 000 miles for the special investiga tion here required. An introduc tion from the Russian Minister of the Interior admitted him to the principal mines and prisons, where he became acquainted with some three hundred State exiles, Lib erals, Nihilists, and others, and . ibe series will be a startling as well as accurate revelation of the exile . system. The mauy illustrations by the artist and photographer, Mr. George A. Frost, who accompanied the author, will add greatly to the' value ol the articles. A Novel by Eggleston. with illustrations will run through thejear. .Shorter novels will fol- f low by Cable and Stockton. Shor- ter fictions will appear every -J v- ?, month. ' ;' ' Miscellaneous Features- ,. -V will comprise several illustrated , -articles on Ireland, by Charles Da - Kay; papers touching the field of , '?' the Sunday-School Leasous. K ii. ' illustrated by E. L. Wilson wild I V Western life, by Theodore Jloose-' ? , ' velt ; the English Cathedrala, bjr, : Mrs. van Rensselaer, with illastra- ; lions by Pennell; Dr. ; Buckley V?'' , :. valuable naneraon tlreama. f?nirit. J'-v- nalism, and Clairvoyance; essays in""11, Afitintam ort. travel anil blrt(rrarri -V in.- poems; cartoons; etc. & " ?. .. . - By a special offer tne numbers for-fv'"' the past year (containing the Lln-1 coin history) may be secaredwitk''"! the year's subscription from No- Lj; rember, 1887 twenty-four issues in - Hi all, for $6.60, of, with the last year's v nnmbers handsomely bound, 170, rnblished by Tms Cetttcey Co, - :" 33 East 17th street, Ke w Tort.

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