TIIE JOURNAL. WAIT. AGENCY FOR 1 KAMKKh. 'ame's .HI- EASTERN CAROLINA DISPAll Mm i-5 4 V '.it':-- - - 'J:- Compound URES Kervona Prcwtration, Neuralt.a Stomach asd Liver iaeae, km. LiyaprpAia a til all aBc. MH( tlx Kidaeya. BECAUSE) the acuva uruiciulti ad Odea, tao. auvu4lUmt,tnt because; i Ui bioua unii X BECAUSE It nniill lh tMjal uu luUxic. OUTIUf ttttUr BECAUSE S3? It hat tills) WOCldfrfuI IiKaJ tuid e.. PrtCI.OO. Sold by drt-.- WELLS, RICHARDSON S. CO., Propr it!c rb BUkUOMUTUM VT LOOK! Examine Carefully. Then Compare our Prices and an Average Saving of 25 Per Ceo) is Certain ! Auy one deeiricg to purtbaLM a Kl'HIN(i (H'TIIT ;I! finJ .1 t.- t, r advantage to call and examine uj) enormous t c k 1 Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, THI NKS A IN' I) 'AI.ISKS, Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, And Li- ci'uvir:' tluil I run hell li' tiar in I run Hi ll ) uU M I II e merr Suit fT I T'. KlVf lU H I'lKiil Ml I I fi I ' n 1 11, U.' I LlM.. 1 in an V jfon'l 1 (Mi A t.V I t I : 'vi. ('LililV km Huit, fi Men's onj Slides 1MI .vl.,- . liu ttiin olid lace Slier. , r,r Is'icP Siipi Ii ! r-, l"r r ; : "',. at 'JOc. Ltdil's' hr r Sli . ri-( m. 1 l-'ivr liniiihrd ,,;, n II -it-. M.iis Soft ir St.ir, .'. 1. 1 - iij.- Mi lis :il. I I.:. ( ) I lier ( i In I Hi Ii II in ( I 11 s t. n lillrli say to le true. fr A Cull lim I .1. r. . AT COST. ll;i ui): ! Irrinii,. -1 t.. . f (ioods, ( iruets, I .ail us' I nirrwiar, lluiiil MiNM'N Hone, I laii'lkf r-l.ii iii. 1 w l.ih of Null, IIIH. this BtOl k lh linlllill to l. M'l.l JAM. A. THOMAS, Salesman Opposite I a 1 1 -1 Cl.tirrli New l'. n.e, N. t OLDEST AND LAR0E8T MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. Walter D. Moses & Co. 1M4 MAi.N SI KKIIT, UK IIMtlMl, VA. 1 '''I a - t h t rsr Q Col'l'eiiJonrlence solicited. Catalogues oicr Narth Carolina Ant, ii " .... ,Mji(E4ltaIJiJ: jd3lpli Colin, At Mrs. 8. F. Stinly 'aJBook Store, corner liroad and Middle sin junl7 d wGm SCRIBtJER'S PROSPECTUS The holiday issue, now ready, is compile in itself, contain. njj no penal matter. The cover is enriched by an ornamental border printed in gold. 'Ihe pride is as usual. 25 cents. It con Urns tbc most delightful stone, hii, and essays by distinguished writer, arjd superb illustrations. Among the important article to appear during the ytar ss UTl. following Send for prospectus; Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute ngularly to v cb number daring the year. He will write of many topics, old and new, and in a familiar anil Twraci rial wav. which will form new bonds of fn ndship betw ecu tlir author slid his thousands of readers. In the Dreams," appearing in the January numDer, he relates incidentally, in con nection with the general subject, some interesting facts concerning the origin of the famous story ''Strange Case of Dr. Jckyll aod Mr. Hyde " Railway Accident, by W. 8. Chaplain, will be the first of an especially important and interesting series of papers on rail ways, their administrations and eons'ruction, including great engineering feats, famous tunnels and passes, and indeed, those branches of the subject whieh in this day engage the attention of the whole country. The illustrations which will accompany Una series will be very elaborate original, and beuatifnl. The authors and the titles of the future rtkles -will be announced later. Pr. D. A. Sargent's papers on Physical Proportions and Physical Training wilt be eon lined by several of increasing interest, with as rich and unique illustrations as those which have already appeared. ....: A . . . l i i :il L. .1 .t.i : - t lUUllraveu ATllCieS Ol special mverrct win oe tnose on me campaign 01 Waterloo, by Johu C. Hopes; on "The JUtn at Arms," by f. H. Jilaehlieldt tw6 papers by Edward L. Wilson, illustrating results of recent Egyptian research; a further article by William F. A pthorp, on a subject connected with bis recent contribution on Wagner, and many others of equal interest. Professor Shaler's artieles on the Surface of the Earth will be contisued, ana . irtioles upon two of the most interesting groups of contemporary Europsan writers will be accompanied by rich and novel portrait ilhistratlotu. Illnitrations. The Majrasie wilnl show increased ezoeUeaoe in its illuitrations. They will be mores abundnt and elaborate than cm. It is - Ibe intention of the publishers to repreaentthe beat work of the leading artists, and to promote and foster the most ski Jul methods of wood engraving. Special notice.J-To enable readera to possess the Magaxine from the first number (January, 1SS7) the following indQeements are offered: A vear'a subscritition and the numbers for 1887, .... 14.50 A year's subscriptiou and the numbers for 1887, bound in two vol .tjmesj.sloii , gilt, top, . ..... fS00AYEABi25 CENT A. NUMBER. , ' . i i HmU If itita8 cn.irT,-: c msmss eoitb,' Jt&' YdrK 1 1 Will Color One to Four Pound Of Drebb Goods, ; Garments, i I f 1 Yarns, Rags etc . j CSNTS. A Child can use them! H'kfcaT STRONGEST .1 rASTfcST tx;t CU.Oll l 'renf. DIAMOND PAINTS. . S-.ver Btdcic Copper Only 10 Cents DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID ' -t ics; t . i. uic iu ihijllua Uiavuiuud Paiuu . - :. . ; Lruii. bul J tea la. LiAMOND LAUNDRY BLUINO . y u t : a I , j ,.diat( u u.a.c olc quart ul it. c .3 li..-.j. W il . sja.'1 1 lMCk UitJibUI U-tttv k utfc.l tji I've uJ Laid, ui rue wms Richardson i co Bun,ngtoKrt. LOOK! 'i a" " 1 I i u t!.i i f r than an)1 n : 1 1 a? .il. 1 1 S i:i.- I i i. s-. i , S' ! . 1 I :. : I . . . I :. , r i . 1' h. i . I.' - I l"-i t. - a a . , an 1 1. ii : w i at a ii I w i ! ,1 1 rsr y K,r l.c . it i r t.!.r Slock (if Fancy ! I 'ilia's, ti. ion, l,adicfl an 1 I.-iw:, I'l.,:;:.. t: ! at New I I k .t. are f t . k l'ianoe and Organs on eaxy monthly plan at factory ( rn r, (lid Inntrumenu taken in eicbange. bought, rented and repaired. Inntllr h or SlIKKT It I 1( . . n. .Illrlioii It.Hik.ul allklltila Hxolal 1I "hmi Ii t 1o 'lelirlieia and lioola. lalalogue nialleO frep A na ,r lin n I of Music nliu lerllliii, II di-alr,l HlrlliK" ll all MlialOAl 1 n.li iiini nl. A Ii nitkiU) uaed Plaanaaad organ, ol iMii,lar,l m. ten from In I'JUU. Axe li la of lK.lHKU, I'roli aaloual hllv. r Bell Banj ia Violin.. A, ml: ITIll ii Mill u In I lie alu.ua I In, mailed frcf on ai.pln atu,n ai the ollii e of NKW HKKN K. N. C MAGAZINE. F , ; 1888. firct paper, entitled "A Chapter on ' 6.00 - - l:.c .Lit f ocarce ha ot-r SoLto enowrlbkt-9 l&M 1D1 Jtl Wl.en in a garden corner A I , ii I- I Toeinenj boiti u pruiMKj Ttial 11 ould Burelv briCkr reiure LLe nij,iJi oi Bpriog A id pal. cull v I walled. Aa April tame acd went A Lid May taught all IL b.-i. i.i i- A oua: of aw eel Content Hut boDDy Spring departed, A Li J June the rosea brought AlJ save two Bleeder green lea re TLe rootlet gave me naught Aud w ii) y mem ry lost it. And summer also pawed. When id tbc garden curuer oe day I found at last A very pearl of lihett - Aud enow. white flowerg-tjui With oonacious beauty trembling Upon a jrraciful atem. m Of weary t)earU. lake rourage With Faith aad Patience wait TbouK.h town to blottsom early , hull many joya blooui late iue uiesaiDga uue iu xpiiu)i tin.r May linger on the wav And like ruy marl of lilies Make sweet an autumn day Social aud t nil Duties. Ker ifrsoii of (mjuiiikui rellin' 1 inn must, be aware that lie ow e to otbersi, aud to sclety, certaiu soclnl and civil duties,, 111 n-'iuital lor tlif k i nd ottices tid protectKiii wLub lie receives Htid eujoys: liotu tlie culiiliiimit o( h 1 1 1 ' ti In- Is a Ilicui tiel ; it Ii I lie 'm. uli know, lor Mich we ci Hi side I to ! I he I lid I J 1 11 1 ,1 li 1 e 1,1 ct, tli.it u oii tlit in .1 ii in- r in w linli these ilu'.ics .ne per Cornir ill v ill in .ili-l i.il I ' i!e ,elid h:s rcput .il Kill wild (,'"" d n,i ii. iiiid the II i-.isim- rl Ii is ,ti i e en ' M ii-n 1 n I II 1 1 Ir II el, re l! ! n ll.c In -I lllli..rt;llirn t hut he !.- u ' . I hs ii j 1 1 1 ;i healc ul iii(,r.i! in .ilU l:lr, Ui:rh sh.ill j.'mei, in h a Iiiis.Im-ss I I .Uis.irl ions, in his Ii 1 el ( ai I m- Hi so icl , i '.in clasM in sorii-t serins to hae a wale of inoralu peculiar to itM-H, in its buMiness allairn, none ul whirh are exactly tilted for L.'eiirra! iidoptiim. The mi port i men liaiit, for liistancc, thinks it I list i Hal to use decept I e in voices, l which lie di lraudu the revenue ol it part ol the duties due upon incn hand ie; while the salesiiian Is valued and n-warded according to his tact in extolling his wares to Ihe buyer in K1VIIIK t tit'iu it tirti lions value. '1 hosfi w ho MtibMMt im the spoils of ofllce cotiNider that "all in fair in polihes" that ''the1 end justifies the meai h.' I he law yer encourages litigation because iit is his vocation- htH ilepentleiice fur the w ants and the superfluities of life. The di3 siclan knows when , he gels hold of a rich patient, and deems it no breach of morals to make hi in pay well to pay houic thiDg for his KHr neighbor. The parson, even, leels no compuiictioii in abandoning Ins Hock to the' wolves, and imepttruj a )iu)tcr ml dry, w hen he is persuaded lie can' be more eminently useful to the cause of v iial piety . And the far mer practices a thousand little devices to multiply his pence which ,1U .,,,.. i, ,r,u" .,m,lau,i in his neighbor. ( do not mean to charge these practices upon the whole of the dilleren' professions lor there are many honoiable exceptions in all wo would merely intimate that they are liesotting sins, human pro pensities which it requires fixed principles and indexible fortitude to resist aud overcome. If once successfully indulged in, they are apt to obtain an ascendancy, and to become more and more difliciilt of restraint. Hut there is a percept, of the highest authority, applicable to all classes and conditionsol life- w hich all commend, though few practice it. It is U "do nnto others what you would that they should do unto ou 1 his constitutes the highest rule of moral conduct, and its ob servance confers the highest honor the purest happiness. Adopt it as a rale of life. It will insure you the respect and and love of all who cherish virtue it will do more it will insure Belt approbation and self-respect. Til KIR Bl'RINKSS BOOSMU, Probably do one thing baa caused such a general revival of trade at R. N. Duffy's din store as their giving away to their customers of ao many free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article (ram the fact that it always our and Dover disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung disease quick !ycured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large aire $1. Every bottle warranted. For sale, wholesale and retail, at R. N. Doffy 's drug stoje. Oar guides, we pretend, must be sinless as if those were not often the best teachers who only jester day got corrected for their mis takes! 1DTICI TO HOTBBRS. MtSi-WDrflKjWn Soorrmis Bitte ahBMleVlwTb ns4 for ehtldreB - A teethlBf. It sootbe the chile1, softens tt gums, allays all peia, cures wiu4 Teolic. aud is the best remedr for Zdiar- msssssssc TORPID LIVER I I. i. .. ti llier liitti ktd lt uli 1 1 i . t t ...c-a il ii. Ht:- ui 1 ' ;.!..!. A Utluiil flow ul lllit fiuui I In l. r ' riiUoi to truod tirulili. a - .i o BILIOUSNESS, ' ' f.' r- ' r .i : a ' tv . p .hr b.e. e . u, , ' , e-r r.t . ! : . i r .a K Hi uM t- , . . I ( i . s ,;.'. ; 1 1 i.i i 1 i i t v r ! k i, 1 'Till .t- MLlJ inl : '. iui . l.hM ''i t 1. i t't-atl'!. ' l ' r ! iitfcl.M ..f IttB'J f v Ii U Ii ftfiit-i b . lllJB JlU I 1 .: t-r Ke i. .uUii . r I : I ' 11 1UI I M . . - 1 1 , : OIll . r I I .s . 1. 1 1 1 m ! , Hr? i 1 J ii r ii 1 1 a udii r n in r A Horrible Inlieritance Tf r !' e lit (('. . b..n :i it-1 . I - 1.18 )I ! i Bil l II n,M le l,li I I. h li. I i. r ..i ..f 11. r S:i ;ti ft f r l 1 1 1 f M In ami I.) la-t. , Vil il. ;! t In klr J It k.i!... h I. i m.,n. r .ft :i- V me m list i -tin ti t i tm Il lias limn' ui" iiiiin all lb me. 11, in. I I. a hal f'ltrn II iff i. . S U .1. .Hik f, n i ' ii aj &k n one h Win i Ij.hen ful.I I fill n Mll III nils ell " U . HI n.i,k r n i w innm f ii . ami I lhank lhat I bsvr f.-ml )i at lust Trt-aU nji in - h1 ami Sklu I-in-nHt a nihil. -1 trr. Tit KWirT fti-acinr C . Irawrrr H. Atlanta, lift. GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware AurieiiltiirHl I in p I " mi o n t H. IMows, llarrovvsi, t'ulti iitor, llo,'S hi ul Aics, Wood's Mow e i s and lCcapors, Steam 1 :n f,'i lies, t'otloii lins iiikI I'resses, Fertilizers. I.iind I'lusler, Kamil MecliiiiiK'H Tool-, iiiid 1 1 ard w are, Inline, Itrick, ( einent. I'liister Hair, I'alnt, Kitlsoiiilne, 'iir nish, Oil, tllass. Putty and llnlr. Freer.ers, Hefriperators, Oil Cook Htoves, liurckn HurLrlar I'roofSasli I.o Us, w.irrnnel to give security and sat infliction. PKICKS VKItV IOW. OKO. Alil'KN V). DK. J. D. CLAKK i iz in' r i H'r, iwsEai. a. o. OSa.i yn crun mill, mivmo Pollocl and Broad. nrl.ldal P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. Will prartlo In the Count l "f Omen, Car teret, Jodm, Onalow and Pamlico. tolled Biales Court at holt Berne, and Supreme Court of the Btate. fi-ul iltf Dr. G. L. SHACKLEFORD 13J5IVTIST, MIDDIjE strsst, dw NEW BERNE, N. C. OWEN H. GUI0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms South Front street, four door west of Craven. fe3dwtf ROBERTS & HENDERSON finenl Insomei iguts. New Berjae IV. J XJnlj finrt clasl Companies re pre en Total Capital " . Irum the Dominion of Canada to the l .iont oeion of Alaeka. and the reel of Ibe world lLuuoand upon 1 UC'J of ll 1a.1I b lir.c I'lartjareeinLkeJ daily VL- liocauo itey are lUv cry Hoot made for tLe prii.e Tbey are honeet il eery particular, frte - from all impcr aire, ai.J will keep you In good Lealib Tbey aavc doctor o nil it r and make a man bappy. keep prate in j ILe family, and Ibe cLildrn beg f. r ILein i all for a.n bi. AM, f 'Jansill p 1 feBIr and )LU will jiet a g 'od tLc Ta.sm:.! ? I'l A'.tN 1 S M 1. 1'Al i t !. M.ddle etreet New lieme .'. Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice. To Soli: 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. w. p. burrus & CO., 1 GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Makki.t Ih k m:w iikhnk, n. t uti 1 if KAKTKI!V nUlh (AKOLIVI MARBLE WORKS, N K.M HHt r . V I l Monuments Tombs Anil ail a 1 it ils (iiavr a n J H u lid ) i, t work l ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Oribtrn will receive nrouipl attenlior au.l aaliafaoliou KUarant4d JOL K. WILl.lH. Proprietor (lor. HHOAD A A D VUAYHS Hit. NKW HKHSK. N (i K. Mn.l.su ia my auvhorir.eil aK'-i I in Kineton naH0 Jr lJl.Ai.Kl' TMT T.-l ' .. . 'A. 1 1 I I I I I I I I I wwis inti(lwtfMi( Vtlantlc In KITecl &. N. C. Railroad TAHI.K So. 1" no A.M., Mon.ln . 1 1. 1 e . iN. Nr. i i;asv Sl'lll l'l I K. ( I .im njt y 7V.ii 'i ' U I 7 No. '.ii Ar. l.ve. 1 1 m a in 10 .',6 10 Os in l'J IU 4 " :i'j s ',4 a in 0 50 A r l.xe. StUtlOIIH. ( loll! Stiol O 1 m iraniic K instoii New Heme Moretieacl ( ity Dailv. ) in 4 ,'i .(7 f) i c, d'.i r, lj 7 ;e 7 41 M - i f m (i.ilNO EasT. No. 1. Mixed ft. A I'aBS. Tram, a m 6 :tli G 57 7 U.' 7 L'O 7 lid 7 4S 7 .Vi t 1 1 h :i 8 ,'.o h sr. y i,") in (hi 10 :!0 10 10 59 11 04 11 16 11 40 12 12 am fi. tikiu I.K OrlMl Wk.ST No. 2 t Mixed Ft. I Stations. ( ioldsboro liest'n Da tlrange F alling Creek Kinston Caswell Dover ( 'ore Creek Tuscarora Clark t) Newbern 1 'ass . Train, i! ;t'J p rn 1 2 o;i 1 j:i 1 :.h 12 M 2 Ml 12 12 12 HO 1 1 51 11 56 ii 2( ii :u 10 53 1 0 ' 10 19 10 29 10 02 10 07 p in y :;o I'uesdav. Tliur day an i Haluriiay t Monday, V edneaday and Krlday Ooink East. Schkdi i.e. (Ioin.i Vit No. 209. C'mt True). No. 20s. Ar. Lve. 8tatioDe. Ar. I.ve. p m 5 05 Ooldsboro M 10 p m 5S.r 5 40 Best' 2 85 2 40 B 55 6 00 I Orange 2 11 2 10 6 18 6 18 Falling Creek 150 1 5;i 6 Sfi 6 41 Kinston 1 25 1 :to 6 56 6 56 Caswell 1 02 1 07 7 11 7 11 Dover 12 42 12 47 7 32 7 32 Core Creek 12 16 12 21 7 50 7 55 Tuecarora 1 1 50 115 S 05 8 05 Clark's Jl 30 11 3y S 30 p m New Bern p m 11 00 Daily except Sunday . Train 50 eonneeta with Wilmington A Wei don Train b""ind North, leaving Ooldaboro 11:50 a. m., ad with Richmond A 1) nvUle Train Weal, leavlns Goldaboro 8 SO p m. Train 61 connect! wilb Richmond A U.fiTillr Traia, arrlTlng at Qold.bero 4:t p.m., and with Wilmington and- Wei Jon Train from the North at 4:46 p.m. Train 2 connect wlih Richmond and Pan vllle Train, leaving Ooldsboro at :i:l0 p.-B. Train 208, Fast Truck Pally, goes through (Solid to Richmond, Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia anil Iew York. S. L. Dill, Superintendent. Notice. The walls of the barber ebop on South Front street have been renewed, and a set of eane bottomed chairs added to the stock. Go and get s good share for tea oenta, by.gooa workmen, at 7 he Fast Freight Line b 1 1 H I l llti .. K.Alcra N bi lii lAftilli ult.1.. . u J atiflnia, 1 11 iu.i C fl, II.it. ,l.la Hot luili.llMKa, Kit l. k li.brttl lltf. W.f -;.! 1 1. A MLKS EAGLET and VESPER . : r . t c , . . , . . 1 1 M i A i t r . h : o f i i.t" id a. J ' - : b. L t ) IL) - -'.. Of IOQI ' b AgCrQt OLD DOHINION Steamship Company. I M I- I I l i mm:. Ii. i litine c: tier u New Urn jTho N. ( Freight Uuv FOH NKW VORL, BOSTON, jTiOVIDJiNOt, a 1 1 1 ii . . i - t ."N tut Ii n u 1 , A f I. r I li I, .- . 1 W I f. I Sew ir',i , pii-:it 7, MHt i ii in l ie, (JfiOf Ol A(lf iota (111 icWfuso, 7Vanii()rfiilirn Co. U'i. : m i. :.' !-, n ! . ,, li. I.rn : :,.,i. I : . - . . , All, . .1. I . .1 ' V . v. ,.. : , llli.mie. , . ,. SEM1--W I KI fielwBeD fiv hr:t M 1. Il Eaitiitri I-ea.o s, I 1 K 1 1 1 A i - i N.w Mm.,- U i : t , ii, Al.t-n h. ( ,., Lt'lltN li'M 11. - T I S U . i. f i AS W Mrl'l I. K h K 1, ' P C.jli. A l 'ci , 1 I, tl A T V'..i k a Hall.. 1 -i i . l E soin.j.n'n. I - : .- . M I." V"- ' . :. . I) C Mil k, I ., I,... 1.. Shi j,. I -a i I' . i r in S.i V ,! Ha.i.ii. if, .-I hi: l..,.i .V. Krliino I1 I, KlOl i . M S. i or J a j . i-.!ftr.riK. m rdA, . ,1 , W .,1 Lftdlft lr.-M,r. SaictiIKt. hrujli t:.i. - .Iii.f fiT.n, nd TAl.ijo.rai, I'Allp'li. ! Allh. diir,r.t. I ifflri.. nl I A r. ' el iroid Ereihge c! Buli md Stup rii N. C. LINE. d '. ril,s M RAT Af H.w Rrn,a THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVER 8teamboat Company. il. run i hp following sihednle on and aftt Jan uar 11. 1 KS7. Steamer Trent Will Iihv. everv M.rUv nn.l Tlurnday mornmi: ai s r, ,k for smiiin La AdBIln-irriti i,tmI . , 1 1, u 1 nj OO 1 Hte potnlv, roorn,i k wiii.p dti Steamer Kinston. W i.l icnve New Btrre '"r K'nslon on 1:e. day anil Krlda) ul li, ..k M. Knurn lng, will leave Kln.tnn '.ti Mnniliri and 1 liurnlaya: Teuohlng at a.l luierinedlat I, nn.l iDs-i on Nenaa Kirer. JJ. DIHOHWAT at Rtwberm. W. F. hTAn,T, Klnstoak D. 8. Baub, foUokavuie. w. s. 1TABD. AcentatTreatou. M. a Bkith, Jolly Old FUM. i. a. Bxmu, Quaker Brlds i jn.wHjj'n owi u imh j . - g 4

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