Foil ij Friends, Patrons AND THE Public Generally. I take great pleasure in announcing my return from the Northern Markets, and will quote below a few j the many A Genuine Bargains MOW READY AND WAITING! Bargains, because ( t TOM PRICES, for the with an experience of buying. I shall not attempt a tion, as space will not permit. cordially invited to vniirftelves. as nrool J ; I to whether or not I ftimnlv denends unon give me a trial. JUST THINK! Twn piuiah Oreandit'H. nice M l - are going at 5 cents per aril. Three eases white an.l cn-uni lie k Two hundred pieceH American Sa'i- good as French. One case white Kiguml tt.itms .it 30 eenta. Two cases India Lawun, while, at cm! One case India Lawn, 10 nidus wide, at i-m:- Real hemstitched Handkerchiefs at rents. English Half Hone, regular made, at lo rents j i p.i.i YABdWiDE HoMKSITN. . ' l'.N I ' ' AKI My DllKSS OOUOS UEI'AKIMI'.M in ..mi,lite. -..inpriHini; all the now delicate shades of the seanon m .Moire, SilUs and Satinn, Nun' Veiling, Albatross, Cashmeres, Flannels, etr. etr. Worsteds from 10 cents up; Won! Lair Hunting. rents; Canvass Cloth, worth 20 cents, reduced to 1 nts; Serrmi. kern. Crinkles iiml Ginghams in about same. Embroideries, FlonncinP, Lares and lalgmu's Ladies and Men's Collars and ( nils. Parasols and Umbrellas, plm i.i nil, sat m and m large size, for W cnts. Dr. Warner's Health Gorsets. BONED WITH KABO. And a Fall Line of manv popu'ar makes. W.ll n t r-a mmi all to come and see. Wholesale Taking for granted TJholesale Purchasers own interests, I shall -nouncement that I buy fir CASH, and will sell York or Baltimore Markets. RmV fail to see my stock before pur chasing. Vera f fnlTT Tynnrfi. ...MARKS, ...f .: . . Pollock Street HowiBcme, H.' R..' at ROCK BOT 1 1 14" I dean CASH, coupled over twenty years in lull deserip nit von are i'aininc for ay, ami as you inonev or not vou ami Kit 1 sivc 'thcr (it w can win nil nit', w (! t li l'l cent s, Mini tllt'V I .t : II six k .il tclltv is. I nil I li I .Itul I'l.llll, a! Ill CCIltM, crll!-. I hrNi' ikiiIs arc worth A gnod 1'aruMol, Ball's Kabo and Circle Hip I ut invite DepartmeDt that all wide-awake are looking after their make the simple an in LARGE quantities you as cheap as New THE JOURNAL; Arrival and Departure Hails MAIL CLOSES. For North. Wert and Sooth, tu A. et N.O.E. B. et 7:80 a.m. For Beaufort end the East, et 8.-00 p. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hydeand Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokarille and Mays rille, daily at 7:80 a. m. For Urantaboro, Bayboro an ) Van demere, daily at 8 a. m. OFFICE HOTJB8: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p..m. Id Mailing Department fromtta. m' to 6 d. ui. Office open constantly between theae hours except ( bos mail axe being Jia ributed or sent. Chicago Market Eerie. CukiGO, June 8. The action of tbe local wheal market today did not leave j it very clear in tbe trade or the public ; just what tbe clique dow at work id the pit 8 try lug to accomplish. Tbe market hero appeared firm, and after jc advance went all to pieces. New York aa apparently bullish early be cause of ibe covering by shorts in tbe old crop options, while other futures were about c lower when tbe Ex change closed bl noon The conserva- , live element kept aloof largely, and the j transactions were nvt as heavy as the i tluclualions would indicate. Tbe bulls see tbe situation and are encouraged by , light primary receipts, while the bears are watching the accumulation of wbest at Ibe seaboard and the light clearance July sold at Nflic to open up to 86!. and then down with hardly a rally to H4ic. Lalrr lh prices returned to tiM and Hnin v riit lo Mi . August sold early at sj.c. and down to MJc. reaching to s4: Iiecrmber Mi?u up to MSc, down in '"lie, and returned to SojC Coin wan not excited at any lime, a! lliouKh iheie was a fair volume of trad tug m the pit l'ricra were advanced early but lored below last nights prices, with realiin' pales by tbe i row d ami the elumii in w heat cause. I pruee to ga olT about ic. from the top prices of ibe morning. June Bold at 'On', and July ":c. and Sojc AugUBl .5c. and :6?-. clneiDg atbnl t.itu prices for the day. i lals ere rather qu lei and d u ! I June lelivery an weak aud lower. July h'.iady early, and finally lei lined. but ther futuns were in l materially . hanged The publication cf ll.r sin. kc i f beg products in this city made a larger showing than was expected, but are 411 000 000 ounda leas than June 1ft. Last year reoeipts of hogs were light and prices 5 cents higher. There was little disosilion on the pari of operators to trade, and the small business that passed was chiefly or a scalping nature. Atthecloee pork was 2je. lower, and Bhort ribs 2)5c.,but lard 5c. higher. July pork sold at if 14 05a$H 12i, and closed at 14 074 ; July lard sold spar ingly at 47ta&4 52 , and closed at :.Jt. July short ribs sold at Jf7 50a7 H2, and closed at 87 62j. The parking since March in 705,006 hogs, against 77.VOOO hngi the same tune last year What sort of imirality Is that which geU offended w hen aeked to pay a debt which the debtor prom ised to pay long before the tiige of dunning t SIBERIAN PRISON. HK June numbor of the ( rnlury AiaouztM codUuds I the schxidJ of Ooorarc Ken nan's ilhistrfttd paMTS 011 Hibena and llio Kule Hy tcm, whi h are attractmK uch altciilinn. ' The j articles arc Ih'iii PXton sivoly cupiixl lnU foriK 1 papers, anmiig others the orpan of the Kusian lit- rrals, published at tleneva. by whom Ibey arc very hiphly C4minended 4mmv- ln ihis Junenumber Mr Ken 11 an (rtvca an Intireslinn acmunt of his visit lo the for wardinp prison at Tiuinen, wbcro bo found double the number of prisoners confined ban there was room for. ww In rep.y to a question from Mr Ken nan an tn b"W many prisoners died during the year, tbe warden replied : P " Abnul three hundred. We have an epi demic of typhus almost every fall A prison sri overcrowded ran not be kept clean, and as for the air in the cells, you knew now what it is like The local author Ities here have af-ain arid again urged the Hovernment to rnako adequate provision fur Iho large number of ejilcs crowded in l the prison during the season of naviga tion. but thus far nothing has been dune be yond the building of two log barracks " Id the overcrowded women's prison Mr. Kennan says he found no criminals all of the occupants were voluntarily going lato wnishmeDt with their husbands. THE PBtSON-TASO AT TTTJMXK From a iltttk mod if m tfOt, Bm Ut. Ken can describes tke marcbicg a7 of an exile, and girea, slao, a frapbJ pW tore of convict barge- The UlnatraUoM st this article are rcmarkabij inteTestiaf. I HMSIMStMMma- j om Wtar of P I tMia rttti. -Jan w !.. y.nk A I OoundToVJn Good Goods! Low Prices ! Honest Dealing! Will Tell! Swarms of Customers Daily Visit DUFFY'S HEW BERNE Bargain House KXAMINK HIS IMMKNbK AtKiHE IIATION OK HIMON l'l' RE II AUO A INS, AND ! AWAY LOADKD DOWN with tioiii) thincs jioimht at 1'NHEAUD id I'RK'RS. A ilrscriptioii here would not do JUSTICE TO 0UB MAMMOTH STOCK, Therefore we invite all purchasers of lliy (loods who care lo Save a Dollar, To call and eiainine for youreelfes. You will tlnd a corps of polite and attentive clerks w ho w ill lake PLEASURE in showing you the Attractions. We have some NEWH for our Wholesale Trade. Ever with an eje to your intereat (your interest being our intereat) we hare secured tbe agency for THOS. M. HOLT S old and reliable Alamance Plaids. Will quote you daily Factory Prices. We are still the Leading Shoe Dealers in tn efty. From FIVE to TEN CASES NEW 8TTL8 PRINTS alwaye on kind. Block complete la every depertnieat. Ton will admit that we .Tiji'MI C X A h and ftls jto jmt l&UWiiy XI. T.'IilLt & CO. iee a mm eseewe ,i was Rubber Hand Stamps, SELF INKERS AND DATERS, fur Banking and Ociurxercui L'a-e All 4cxlpiloii of Hit btr bianaps maile u ordsr 00 sbotl'et nonce. (eutli Ir be :tloj 1 lluslralliitf same ALSO JOB PRINTING flf FvfirV tlfiSCrinfion " s-WBIJ UBWl ipilwili We make a specialty of Priming Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes. Tags, Statements, Cards, Circular, Etc , Etc, and guarantee satisfaction iu every respect. GIVE US A TRIAL W. T. HILL k CO. South Krut Street, Four Doors WVet nf ("rafen , HEW Utli.K A ( ' $500 Reward! 1 Wr will pay ihe abevs rewurd ret aii e of lit ef eoiuplutul. dytpt-psla. 1 fc I. e ad a lie. ludlgcsllou, oousllpalion ur etwiswurfcn we eaouut ours wllh Weill Vegetable Liver fills, when lbs d'reellont am mildly rom piled llh. 'J'ney are purely segelatile. and uersr tall to Ktve FalislaetUiu. l.aige oii- eonlalulDg 80 suttar cvMiied pills. '2 rur ale by all druggim. Heware ul e.iuii-i f. u aud lmllaltoua. The yen nine iiiim ii'a : u -ed only by JIIU N ('. W KM & i'i ' . vi; Mail laoll hi., l?blca(J, III. Hjld by R. N DI ' FFY , il rngk- 1st . New U -rne, N. C a .4 d I y Tilt HIOwT EFFICIENT Morning Laxative - is - Tarra ui's Ho)lM.r Arvrleni. ly Ttvrr&ul a Co ,H V , WEAK., UND EVELOPCD PARTS lid ftUliJfUillxl. Full UeVrilOTJ UKMKDOf),nrTVFAi7i.iS Of Uabodj uUrvd ttu ham at .H frm.ERrK Steamer Howard, Independent Stoamboat Line. On and after Monday, the '.'ill day of April, the steamer Unwind will run the followiriK schedule For l'ollokeville every Tucbduy al eight o'clock, returning same day For Trenton every Thursdaj al ight o'clock, returning Friday. J. J. LAMTTEK. Mauager. J. J. DlSOSWAY, Agent at New Iierne. J. J. BAXTER, of Pamlico, formerly with Capt. K. R. Jones, has dow taken position with GEORGE ASH, TUB Clothier, and would invite hia friends aul the general public to come to see him, and if they EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS and BIIOES, LOOK AT OUR SUITS, NOTICE THEIR HIGH QUALITY, And learn their IjOW prices, They will easily be convinced of their KK A Ij C1IEA.PJNKSN. and NOSE Wili.. Disri ri: The strong claim we have to our motto: Nothing But Bargains. We are Sole Agents for Newbern anJ iciuity of tbe celebrated A. A. Battles' $2.50 Calfskin Every pair ia told with the following guarantee: it warranted; should anv of thorn la an 7 war, within a reasonable time, giro out, I will npon return of damaged pair, and eUtemeat ai to length of wear, give a new pair is ex change. Joet reoelred, a nice lino of WHITE TESTS and other aeaeonable Clothing. Alao, another lot of tboee fine ailk lined Prince AXbvt aaia, at GEOnGE ASH'S, r9 Middle . best to L. H. Cutler 'a. S7 We are alao agenU for The t)Id Staatea IeUnd Dyeing Eetablishment, the largest and most reliable ooneern of IU kind In tbe world; established 1819. 6tisfact'oa pnaranteed. . AU goodi carried free of express charges. ; SKCXESS, Harper's Young People, An lllHstrate(f Weekly, U arper' s Young People interests ; all young readers ' bj its. carelnily 1 selected variety of thelnesajid their well-considered treatment -It eon : tains the best serial and short stories I valuable articles on scientific sub jecs and travel, historical and bio I graphical sketches, paper on athle tic siiorts and games,stirring poems, etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its itlns rationa are numerous and exceleut. Occasion al Supplements of especial interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming i volnme which will comprise nfty threi eeklv numbers. Every line ntlje paper is subjected to the m0Bt ngid editorial scrutiny in or der that nothing harmful may enter its columns. Au l-iltoiiic til exclUlilDg tlnrt is .it tractive aud desirable iu juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly least of good things to tbe btiye and girls in every family which it visits Broklj u L'u. ion . Il is ouder I ul in U.n wealth of pictures, information, and intereut- Christian Advocate. N. V. Terms; Postage Per Year . 1 X . Iifglll.-. 7. Plejiaied. '( (H) Nd ember 1, 1H Sjiei .11,111 t'i'Jix M iit mi leceijit of .1 tMi lent st am 1. Single Nuiiilieis, l'ie eelitu each. Ji'Uiittaines .should lo milde I V lVt Ofliiu Money Order or l)i.ift. tu avoid chance of loss. .Ni iv.sjiajiei.i aie nut 10 copy this :iderti semen t without the express order of Jlarjiei iV Hrothci.-. Ad.ln-.vs. Il.iin-r ,V l'.rcitheis. New York, IIDUOATK! EDUCATE! What Better Can Be Done For The Children? AURORA ACADEMY I'llOKA, N. C. U. T. I rNNEIt, . Miss E. O. Lanobton, l'KINCIPAU Absibtant. The rail Besalon will upon Sept. 1, 1S87. anil 1 I w Keli. . IhXX Hi'rlnK Heselon will rip. 11 Kel. x. lHKh and 1 rl..i' June H, IKKS. ltnaril and tulllon intnlerHte j i'upllsare cliarKd from ttrtie .r t-iilranrs I In end of session. fJo dwlucllou eicept In niNi'H of prolracled Ulneas. j ror further Information applyto I K. T. il'NNEH. Principal JQffiROH MAGAZINE i Beautifully Illustrated. 25 cts..S3Yflar. IT0 AOOPE.-T11R AME1(1CA5 MAGASm fi prf0roo to natioDAl topic and mmi, mv ! iilAratara and at t art f lb talbt tliartard j Vrnou Amtnctn uriUn fill us pifM with ft "wiAm I nr, itrul and hhorl h tone a, dBcriptiv aooovnta ot I our famnui t oiiDt ri nieo ami women, briof aaaajv ok thp fttreinoat prul-Itum of the period, arod, ta StMlK I Lhia Adagazme us Distinctivoly Representative of American Thought and Progress- It li acknftwUrtged t the prrM and pbMe m b thm moat popularaDtt culertUklalF tkblckaf eliMs monthlies. IMPORTANT.-JKS llliMtrt4 Prfnlan 1U(, e 1. ' -eaanfa Cnak or Vluabl Prilam to Clob Utalaera, will b mo! rvSsp4 oef u iMim paper ia meilom, HelonBtbl and aMrvtla ifenm Writ m J WMaea to aoiicit anaacriptloMa, mc for e&ctaalvo territory, wot TEE AMERICAS KA3AZOTI 00., 749 Broadway, New York Notice. NORTH PAROMNA. I I'raven -TJously. ( Sopei lor Court. l'ct. to ell lar.d for aaretn. Jimcs C. Unrrlaoo, administrator of Kobert W. Hyinau, .. . vi. ... William R. Hyraartaad oUiara, balra ol law of Kobert Wi li) mu, To William R , Fransta M , Halan fi Hobart W.. Waller U., Henry U , Uaacan M., aarr R - KonnnLh f Robert y.j-Vjotorla ii ( Preaton K.. Annie M .Jtmrl P. and I e.iie-. beita H. Hvraan. anrtllaiy MtPendr,H ' klali Brown, (KK). K.lrwn, Mary K. Nor- man. Sarah fV t)herr,- Katelle Ranter, Kl la li. Uherraa, 9tp if arrd, and Mia- s nte Bherrad. Take notfoe'thai a "Spaotal I'mcefdlna' ' eutlUedaaabov baa bten InaUinted la thL Superior Court of ald Craven oonoty, tar , lh purnow of aelllag a traot af about ft09 ac e of land, altnatea In aald ooanty (-;, aerlbed 1b the petition) to make aaaeta IB the 1 ' handaafaatd administrator tn pay thadebta, to , of aald Robert W. Hyman, deoeaoKd, and that poo aro required to appear at tbf ' OoartHooaeln Newborn, 1b aalJeODaty, omfr tha lltk day of July, a. U. lt88.ao4amirerr ThlalSlhdnvof Mnv. !. - K, W. OARPENTKItr JifM. ' Clerk BnperlorCourt .4, Craven uonatrt N C Attjsforl'etlUonaf. friVXfHiSwf Bibles; r v are f Ltfvvsivu .iu wta.,twii iimt: flravAn ITnnnl ftThla Rnmat kavw a large assortment iof Bible and Tcsu-i . meat, tor sae Vt prfoes"'" ginK rem - 10 oeaU to per rolame, at their depositary In tbe store of 'a4dwt GEO. ALLrNA' CO.