... 1. - - v -' t 1 He Daily if : - " VOL. VII.--NO. rJ). NEW BERNE. N. C, FRIDAY. J VSE 18. V( K : CENTS. Journal in 1 1 5 .15 V I 'hi LOCAL NEWS. BUSINESS LOCALS. 7INE Philadelphia Bulter. ul.1v ov Cent. 8 lw John Li l IT E only wiah U) tell you tuai ll.v k M BL'HN "The Grocer ' haa reduced ttie price of that Fine uulter to 30. per lb. He keeps it constantly i u mi I t Hold Refrigerator. It is very line try it.. Ha is selling "Mooiaj ,h the fii.t-ti parehed .CoBee on the innkn. at ler lb. And notwithstanding the rapM ad ranee in Hour.be is still selliDK the nicest Hour for 3c per lb of an Uuw in the city. Your friends jeC lm Many IJood HoisiK tn -nt.- 'IMlENew High Arm Davis V i 1 1 -al 1 Keed Sewiog Machine is a house bold treasure, which once taken iniu your home ou will uevtr dispense with. J. M. Mine & Co . kliJdle ti will show you what it can do I)l l!K Liquors and Winea fur Medn i Dal and other usee, at wholesale. Jamkh Ukummm, 1 KOBOK ALLEN it CO , Agents ol V I Whitley's Improved Champion Steel Mowers. Price only t-'M. Every farmer should owu one. and cut buy for hia stock. Self Hake Reapers m l.m prices. . I PI'HK I'ain tlreen and Land I lasti r ' v'Ceiain death to potato huite. fur ale by Cm,. Ai.i.k.n C... 1KIMDNU'H (linger Ale. Lemon V !Soda. etc , ecjual to tin ported . Jamkh Kuumim. MA ' K palieuce. lake a seat if lam crowded. I do my own woik. I rrll Kooda for cash. I handle my on inuuey which enables the proprietor 1 f the only cash store in North Carolina. New Hern, bt Humphrey A Howard a old stand to sell goods at astonishingly low pricea which causes large crowda and compels the propr letoi to adopt the miller's rule. ICE 1 I iU SA1.L AT U i broad street, at 1 cent On Sundays am mn only HA K IU S. per p fiom : 'II lid . ::.i to m, 12 :io to i, and ' ::n to r, apr l'Jlf A HKEii S Medoc nievard t irinc y and Wlnei fur aale, at Manilla, tu rer's pricea. by Jamich Kk1)M"M'. OlltKCT iiiipoitation of l'remh Brandy and Holland (iin arrivtd in bond and duties paid al Custom louse in'New Berne, ttuarauleein p'i n jine goods for sale. Jak Hkhmi'M, li P. Williams, Ktip, is improving a is residence an South Front street The steamer Kinaton w ill leave today al 10 o'clock, instead of 12. the usuil hour. Do not forget the Y M. C A excur sion next Tuesday It ia to be a real floating concert (Jraet and weeds are grow ing rapidly on the academy green. It would look much better kept mowed. The Ladies Auxiliary to the V. M. C. A. will meet this Friday afternoon at 6 30 o'clock. Business of importance to be transacted. Visitors from Pamlico counly . in plain that Ibe side walk at the front of Pollock street is in bad condition I t it be attended to We are glad to stute that Mr. Juiiuh A. Bryan has bo far recovered from hia late illness as to be out. He was drivtj I down to his f (lice where he apt lit an hour or so j esterday afternoon. That was a man of nerve yesterday who ullowed liimaelf to lie hnislod to Abe tqn of the hixiial service pule w here vthe weathef flugs are diaplayed. The object of hia ascension w aa to paint the , pole. The Uun Club fired off twelve rounds on Wednesday instead of fifteen as published. Dan. S Jones, Esq., broke the entire number. At the previous shoot he broke fifteen, the entire num ber. Friend Heirenstein will have to g come back and try him. The Y. M. C. A. excursion up Trent rirer promisee to be something delight ful. Hie Association has decided upon thU i 4k plan for r'siiina;. funds for necessary ex pen sea in paying rent for rooms. o., and our citiienB should aid them in Ibis work. The members are deter n iced that all who go on this trip hall have a nice UnS. .The Sunday School of St Paule Oath olio Church took a run on the teasaW Carolina to Riverdale yesterday where they had their picnic. A pleas Bttime was enjoyed by all, and the '.; . presence of father Rislly the former ? PMtor, totelber with that of father "ih Price' added mueh to the pleasure of i A-ilabS day. A short rna up the Neuse on f,;lh return was delightful to all who l' g wW 00 bor, i ,i Stestaer IfoTements. ,: J Th lUnteoof the O. D. line Mils this t taraooa at 2 o'clock instead of 13 ss asoal. Truck received up to the ; . wour of aaUiCK. ' ;r;';v - Fvrtraiia. . , la ii. or Crmyim frean life or small ' ""plctana dooa by Vise? Aurora Mace, 1 ho la teaeaiuff drawlof and palnUng ''- by laUtt t&etbodi, at her residence on Johnatoa treat.. ' Oalldtf. CLEVELAND AND THiiRMAN .ii:K Dl IliK l IIl tl HI MM i l; 1 1 1 ( u tM luv a. . 'cu. Hi'... , nscnWoi m.:!v Jiki..zrJ in WeJLtt VI ar I mimi. I a II, II.!. IL t- 'mil,.:; lijii I..J. i !.t A ' , ' '(.mi ii. ai. i ; Mo'.ir t: I fin 1. Slate c from ra !. lie?. out, 1. .'. el id li v, r Mia Mm , llj lad I. '. a lei. ii. il. n'.' -t n nr. . leporl of rgucuk L I. prrn.aLeljt it iniLiendcd tieLc-ral lJal ,liLa if M uasai L use I lr . ( r i H 1 -..j.-f-rrv'. . ! of ll.e eau.c iletalv oLt dr.rale from ,r OO' leMjeLt hc.i c l.e Hi'- Metil.t pat!. f i I eltti v I i c L r I .. 1 ii l.u i. . II. l.f ( ttUo'f aa i a !o tr j K r a r.l wd pel i. t o I o.f. f i r . V .fioiti a . Il S IMS I, . 1, i, I V I all a al. and I n t ii. u'h 1 1 I. 1 l j;i,e I l.rr .1 ll.- had .it ' ll.hli to at. 1 i l!.e 1 ';l ' aea.a.al. e w I I ti a ii v iiUKtli a t The io : be ca.ie 1 1 I I r ( io Sl.lle- I I. el I . . It .. pu r p -pr f p plat. m in iioiuilialioli i a: Y lu-ii A .a I biii . a:. I : lul f I :ie d l'reeidei.l Ibe t ban w aa man ( 1 1. 1,1- Slll'.o . 1. tati ai nouni e I ll.al WSI to NCW . rk Mr. 1 1 iin i r I 1 ' .n 1. 1 1 1 the platform an 1 the w i lb pi d on g ed a i . 1 i s I .t II III ball v aa lit . li 11 d ' . aa d.-l w ll. ll.e lunlod Piled Let ia. n . m d i. Hi After I. . a with !.l n at i .i ! 1 I I 1.1 v f ,1 I In- I I ,-tol , 1 j Mi M K t Io- noli 1 1 1 I. :ai, 1 al.d I.: I. j ...lat 1 in 1 III' t-d lion..', I . I Illoli .i ;i- u ii oi i in ,ia, y arii tin- 1. 1 .-ah- of ten 1 1., i, aa i. t The I "llllll! II I I . i Ii ll 1 -1, ,, ol,., i 1 1,1 l a. ia( 1 i ' i.n.i-d i : . ..aat II. I. ll d .11 hi, I adopted a .1 tai ill plank as intei preled in loa inr saag e. 'I III- 1 'l I I I I' I, 1 1 Tlllllad.- 1,1 O ', , 1' . I, plat f i l ill " I, ii li i l. : a i n like that ad ptt-d in 1 1 by I'r eai d el.l I ie i I a lid wbl h was leu 1. ea r li I y e ndui aed . ltolh lioimaii and WallerHon apoke, an 1 resolutions ndoiung the Mlllshill and neon mending lis passage were unan mi' u a! y adopied amid K'eal p plause Keaoluliona i in oinmcD d ing the ad mission of ihe Territories of Montana Washington, l'akita snd New Mexico as States were also adoplrd. Kesolulione of sympathy with the Irish w ere carried . and w ere also othera of respect to the inemory of the late Vice President Hendricks. Ihe latter by a rising vote. At noon the contention took up the matter of selecting a candidate for V ice President Tarpev. of Califinna. resented the name "f d'l.iiriiiiin . no i.tion of whose Dunn' w i in-li i w ill, g'eat cheering, d here i i . i 1 1 1 ' f i ra v , and l i ray a phturi w ;. .iiaj 1 a i lii.iv s name c rented in u i li eon fiiai .11 l'attnaoii ml .i tengaiii limn Cell. Llai k ilhdraw in an a cand idate in Thurniaii a favor, but 1 '.itlersxni did not withdraw hi-name. IIohhkI he feared Tbu r mi. n in ;ht die and ( ben the Senate rni-l.t ..i oorl.ei - (ir.iv In fi i cheer i rig A ole nominated A I 1 i , '. '.her Ingalls. IlHIIie of I iilV. i 'i a tn i d g rent TI, i, i man w as s till, eli ill 111 al l lii'd ll.. ' 1 1 1 1 '. i 1 1 ad journed sine lie. The Janus City Case. Court baa just adjourned for the term and the (Vise w inch ccuctins the people of James Ciiy so mucli ha again been continued, this lime on account of the illnesii of Mr. Bryan. the plaintiff. As far bark as 1 sooii after the Journal first made its appearance in New Berr.t . suggesled that the L'nited States Rovernment caught to re lieve these people. The government put them in possessing of proptrty be- longing to private indiridnals; naturally they supposed thst a goyern ment which gave Ihern their liberties could give them a good title to the property which they occupied, and un der this impression tbey have built houses, and made quite a village. Tbey have a representative io Congress now who will do nil he can for their relief and, it is hoped, will be successful In his effort. ICr. Simmons' Speech. We copy so much of Mr. Summons able speech on tariff reform as bears upon the internal revenue. The Con grestiondl Record does cot do him justice in iu report of this speech. Parties who were present assur us that ha had a Urge crowd present nd that the speech- was frtqnsnUr and loudly spnlaaded. This does notniroear io the Eecord. hut the speech ia- there and it wm , snake any North Carolinian reel Ciaven County Bonds. Tieaeurt-r Patterson has reccn cd a:, ii.ijuiry fioiii KraLkfort-on ttie Ma.o iitiuian about Cnoen oouniy tot. !c TLe gentleuian making the lnqu.rt . lends making the t niled .Stales L a home and wanla tu KiXeet iu tafc iLttroet tearing tonde So loDg aa lh rouny oiumistunera uoe iheaickiLt; fund fur ihe purchase of iheae bocde .t ' a to ihe imeresl of the county that tl.t remain Lelow hr. but au U'L aa II. t are beiuw par we know of no Leller .i sealiiieni Tl.e biar a.x prr ici.l .nlereat payable annually, and for t m I I eare unul over one It.ird of ihe IcL: liac t-ctii paid. iLe iLlereal baa bei-n pioinpilv uitl 1 nleaa llir comixiia m . e i a and bear d of j upln ea abou 1 d re fi.aral pon.r f u iu r r lime l le) la x t-e f r i !.e pa ) me nl of inter eel a i. 1 ai u k : l& f J Ii 1 w Ii u h la not a I l I ; r I a I . i- w a aee it-aaju w hy these I :. ul 1 i t i 'in man I a pr em lu i. . I!ul ll la not our -lii;of. p Lo .ui ! .li ia We piefel for ll.e ilitenat I Hie 1 ' ui.ly ttlol ihey alioiild drplei lata a. i . 1. aa I lit- i I . Iia I olupll V I I I aae ' I. da a a I a y i I I o I u I . pa il i IT lt,e at,, u I I M el e an t,e pu ri l.aai oil I . I y meels i ta ..l, i , tt li pa) Uig the Ihlt-real e at. ml I v enly I m i. it ll.e i t aeli I I ale of . i 1 1 w Ipe I on I i 'HI a S. . ! i.g ha ll.i y I al a i 1 .Mt'oll I. t I I la V u 1 . NiiPii lul. 1 I .i a i.d li - i. r i 1 1 . i- I Ml i ! . 1 i I ket up v 1 1 .e ii I1I. ( V Meaa f I'l, 11 ., I ' i . I. i "iiiily iiia hi ll.,. i iiv Il.it e I 1 III'" llita -f 1 'ttll.l 1. . ' ll.lt ell pleased vi ,ll, I Le Mat. , . , Mll.lt loll . f I . I.-t I. nil til k'l'l Kinston ltt-ms. Many t lailni a in town attending i mil menceinenl. ton numernua Ui mentiou A T. Hill. -.stj , Kites notice ibal he will list the taxes in the tow n of K in sum from June 0th to -uib Mr. Ed. Chad w li k. Kl leha I w io . Jaa A. McDaniel have returned home in time to attend the commencement. Mr. Thomas Mewborne baa opened a new stock of groceries at J K Nunii a old stand. With all new he makes a fine display of goods. The Board of Kduralinn niel Monday and transacted some routine business, and adjourned to meet in spocial session on next Tuesday, June l'Jlh. The building of a poor house w aa ron sidersd, and the Board instructed tu re port to a meeting of the magistrates an the first Monday in Jan 'y, "J The iioard of Magistrates met and continued the old administration by a rising, unanimous vote. The full limit of $.00 on the Poll and Iin- cents on the hundred dollars were letied. and 10 cents, no -fence At a meeting of tin- M i A on Tuesday i tening th following young men were added lo the niem bersh i p roll. Jaa. A. Mil'anie, K H Lewis, .las L. Murphy. K I. Kubanks. .1. K Hi hi Ion , io,. i M (ea and .1 I : l.allctt The A u ror a , oi i cap. .n,l ent lamia t. hate been for twenty years one of Ihe "cranks ' aho-.il which be has been w rititig. If so. it must be that Bishop Key has convened him. and now like Peter he should strengthen ihe Prohibi tion brethren and not moke the mi proseion of disrespect as heretofore ll the Boaid of Comranaionsrs were present Monday. They granted retail 1 1' i nor license lo u . S. rields Orders were granted for ?1!9 110 to feed prison ers S.KI iU to tnc itegisier ol nee, is lor sundry purposes; and SISU.OO to pay to pauperB. The half fee bill, expenses of February court was giiW 00. Mr. Pulaski Cowper. of Raleigh, was in town on Friday, adjusting losses by the recent fire in the Y. M. C. A. rooms K.F. Whitehurat was insured in the Hartford and received So.VI 00 on his stock of drugs. The building was in sured in the Lancashire, and received 8150 00. The farmers are about at despondent as tbey ever are at this season. After serious damage by rain and grass for some weeks, many localities were sorely injured by hail on Saturday night. Mr. John Rhem and others of his section will plant the entire crop again. I he general opinion n tnat toe most favorable weatber for lbs balance of the season cannot afford more than an average crop. A very large audience was present on Tueeday night to witness the exercises of the primary department of Kinston College. The children acquitted them selves well, although tbere was more love, courtship and marriage in the se lections than the little ones could ap preciate, as ia often the case on such oc casions. The art exhibit on Friday night at the college will be very fine. 'flfsrltt Fvtr" Having appeared in our village Darbys Prophylactic Fluid was rjssd for disin fecting the College buildings. The dis ease never went beyond a single case, ither in the Collegeor elsewhere where the Fluid was used. Rev, Pres. O. F. Prioe, AnbtjrB. Ala. Darby FlaJd dicpelf all forma of apt demio diaeaacabf daatroylog thaapbere er Eend peiaon that canie conUgion. i ! v i ii i i. 1 1 nniM.s .. .a A Cla II ; I. l: ' 1 ' ' ; iJM aa.i.r; tilLir a L aan. '. A a .. f I 11 pel pan 11 ,1 I' e i I u a i I ' t 1 1 1 , a l Sal .1, " i ,ii. . a I I . d . io 1 thai t a 1 1 u lid f ... . V ta x i s for a I .-I. e I C r een ,1 , a I a The i u I )' Ibe i, sun g al.d oil li. "1 I f in t a h t n up. t t t as ii, a le :,t .ii, if n-al li e p. II tax nil Co i i i P and i tin I i ' i i 1 1 1 J M dog tax on ft -males ' 'n cool ii ii H i f u r nish bad ges I oi The le-ense lax same as last v ea r a in.. i ; ' o luted to i: barge. a. i I Ile i i 1, aim I 'n mot urn I he si i urti d lo , . I I a i 'I 1 1 ii, et, l h in ad t a 1. 1- 1 I e May , r ll I , w i 1 1 g , .-Mill. . 1 ' , I I ile I h par I n .. K-iiph inat . . I I hi am e H tininoi. ( SnllllIlM II 'I In mas Poln-e 1 I' 1 A Craf..rd I Sir eels an 1 1 ' I . ll, no a- 1 ' :r Hi' I i , LM', 1! H Lane Jm Whams aid Ilk ph I .rat , 11 I I ' 'rd nun i.d I I In h . A I lie I 'W I I t 1. I 1 SI e. .Ill,' li 'i ellU'ti Mia A I'm ;. i I I I ii. ,11. ra lift if lh. y-enr M i I, l I, , t 1 , , , a tt e I ' a , I ( ' " , il j (in mot , ii ll' , . , a f New I" me Lng ine l.u; iliv ' I - , 1 ' wire I e ; ferrt-l bat k f i Lull , i if rmaln n I The nsigi.al .n '. i v til' was read sr. 'I i n n I. i. , iijl- 1 n' I election for hi- s ., r-r i -v . . inni .: ' clsred in order K P. V 1 11 lain- i, -., i--,,. I ': Crl 1 rincb. J. H. Tin n a- i i ' .;,' .! V, W I Kcunlree V. A. Craw f. i 1 r o i i " r .' V Will isms Mr idounlm w a- fi i.i. I : be ir.t'n gible. be holding a state , ficp A ballot being taken Mi. Cln, h a declared elected to fill the vacancy On motion the finance committee w as eropovered to obtain funds fcr the rm rent ei pen.es of the city. Also, that the name r-f Mr. Clrjrh be substituted for that of I'r. Slotcr on lbs (landing committees Minutes read and ar (,r t ed . snd meeting adjorjrned. S. I O.'-IIKH City Ueik. ADVim TO MOTH KHR. MBS. WlHM-OWs SOOTBTNO Strcp should always be used for children taethiag. It soothe the child, softens tb cams, allays all pain, cure wind - 1 colic, aad ia the beat rrnVdy for 'diar hcea. Twenty-iva centa a botU. tHarl7dtthatwly -IirnduL' ( umiltl"li HrUci a - - : . J ,i.c C -- Tlc f . . . l v . l .tl.L. b. .MLt J hi 9 . . '.H IL-e .1. 'itl. LrriJtilj i aMt 1 a IL ct not .f l.6li )Ltit-Uihfri.rrc:.'C f r lb! .tf 'ur li.e put t 1 fttli It fltt Irrj .f&l. I. frtU.oI bLid frhf.l-t; c J I ! Li ) s bit tk' I r 1 lit- 'rl.t 16. : L ,p LrUtl ILbl. hi t I . r r ! - i n i aa . sa .i r .1 a 1 ID p II. a I. a nn : : . I . io 1 I I t I t ... 11 I h Help, i i . I 1 1. ! . i : .. a ' i tn all ia aei T f r t lit I I h .1 app. l.u- f r a i,d- if .. II '. a ll.e f 11, a t I eh L a 1 a a I . e I . a i, 111 la In mm In a i n 0 t 1 1 -1 1 a 1 I I f 11 I I I 1 I, a I 1 1 1 t -1 .. r a f 1 1 I 1 1 . '. 1. . '. ii I at a . 1 oi Mr 1 a V a I e 1 1 1 ' 1 ll I I III!. I'd 'I ' I. alipuliol , i l ; i a a '. II , r l Li i 1 -e luav I t a 1 1 I a i 1 , 1 1 1 J I lii I ll.e I 1 t I e lila iiflrll li e ! I ! k.J. llirl I. t . I I, n l.ea 1 ai l.e al. e ai, I II I. lei I, t lo ll, ia all llih ll III 1 1 , . i i ,. i ., ,. h . .1 n , i, . ,1.1, 1 . f .- h f Ail itisas . t el I,. .1 f 1 a u ial.il.lt 1 H I Ifc'e 1 I ol, I I I X I I t M 1 1, tali I l.i j a pa I, Mai, I. ail. it I ,ieu I 1 i,.t ei n r of I e x aa Millei ex Coteiiior of AiLanaaa I; I A 1 i I i V i ,.n el in, i of 1 loi ida ho xl.ain. en Itoteilior of l-.li la In ll Crdon. Coternor of lleorgn, li x Cn gg. llishop of the Lpiaeopai , huiih and Chancellor of the 1 niter a , l y f the ;-Hulb . and 1, li lid reds of oil,, i 1 lalinguished men of the I luted Slalea in ail pioffHsions and in every dcpail inelil of science have had llieir sight restoretltiythe una uf HawktaaCrys tal v ed J .eiises. All eyes Jilted and lit guaranteed by I S. l'ulfy, New Berne. N. C. udml (X)MMEK('IAL. c r i . Ni Y"iih June 0 r ului es dull. Sales of IU l'l bitUs. dune, y i;j Lecemher, July, 1 il oo January. August. pio'.i l-ebruary, September, 'J.'Kl March 1 t lol.er, '.Ml A pi il November. Mat New Her in' n, 1. 1 ket u ., : N r.--. ited i ,,.l '.I J', ' i : ',i '.i fi'j llll'll-MI ,TI 4 It k U I I- Sf i , l 11 i " 1 nil. fr, f I -ii tt a r eholl aes 1 "ddcr. to 1 o, TviiPKNTlNI Hard 1" h ll 10 dl. f'.' Txh-JI .I". 1 ' t T- -1 ,.i ,0c. in Lu 1 k Hikhw x i I ', i ; ; .r II llur - On foot . i, v to 7, Khkhii l'oMK- 7:as' imi i.,,ui,d I I t M . I ' ,11 lit I V . 1 1 -I 1 .' I 1 1 I . I'SANVTH - ,a'.'0-, tier bushel Ohics. knr Orown ',.ir a t i p. . MKil. unbolii'dl. PoTiToas Bahamas I'.., ' i ' a i Hill VOI.KK - W est 1 ml ia . ,1 u 1 1 and n' inl ,n( , J (i0a'J .'hi. Building in-h heart., ti 'J'i . saps.l '0 in r M noil K. . hhd. Slo: i . r M WIIOI.I8AI.S PHIfKH NKW MKHB PtlRK 81'' o". Hhui i.pkh MfaT- 7rsc C R. s, K. B's, B.'s and I. C - . .. '.Oafl.OO. LiRP 'Jo. bv the tierce. NII.B Basis lO's.jr.' ML Bl'OiR Oranulawtil. 7; V' 'FFKK Cal ic. t'llFKKR-lfi. 8iI.T0aH.V. per sack. MOLASAKS AND HYRUP6 s0at&O , POWDIR-J.) .00. 1 Shot Drop, SLRO buck, $L7f, I KlROSKNI-9j0. Hides Dry, OiMc ; gren 4 Tallow 4c. per lb. ( For Sale Cheap, An 1 PRIOHT ENGINE, seven horse power, in thorough repair by Crahtree A Co.. Oin and Cotton press. All in good order. Can be seen at my resi denre in this citv. CAROLINE A. BANOERT. jh7 dw'Jw New Berne, N. C. YOUR VEGETABLES AND EARLY FRUIT E. A. WHITAKER, nuitUAM, m. :.. - : If you wish to get good prices Send I in small loU. Reference: Bank of Durham. John Williams, Lioad is pre ! l'Allt LOW . cleaii- i guar- 1 d '. m Dr. Leinsier Duffy. Ti yiii;'. Experiments. fUt- SaU 1. 1 the .11"! I M ' 400 BARRELS NEW For Sale VERY CHEAP, at Mill Ml ( 1 1 ; i ' i l i ; V T. - L E, GE & CO. Drug s. Paint.'. Oils, .1 ,t a A N I ) ; a i: n i . !. ' I : ' THE A i EASON 1 1 cfrijeratrrs. Ice Ecxes, lc: Cream Freezer:, , Water C::Ier:. Fiv Fans, ! Wire Lich C: vers, Lc. WW mi m; 1 ITLM HI V ING i i ; m L. II. ( I TLKH, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NKW BKKNK. N. O. $500 Reward! rny li e shove revnnl for any case I Li in I . ilysneiwla. sick hsadaithtt. : 't 1 Inillnesiion. coi'stlpatlon or cosltveness vre S i I eiinnol riirc wlih West'R Vegetable. LlVfr I'llls. win ii ihe illi-ectlorii are stitetly (xim- lilted (Tiih. i'liey htc purely vegetable, aad I never rritl to tlvo sstlsfsctloh. Large boxes' curtaining i suar coateil ptua, fsHh-t For sale hy nil drupe's'. Hewace of donnterfeUs an,l imitations. The seruine mannftotured ' only hy JOHN C. WKst CO., m Mad- . sv - 1SIH1 Ol ., , ,111 hk.i, III. Sold by It. N Dl'FFY, druggist, New '".".s- BTne, N. C ap24 d wly TIIK MOST . i EFFICIENT 'iirU MorningJLaxativ& Tarraal'a 4 aer Asvrlaat. J - " , Seltzer Avrleiit. Sold hv TaMut rtt.. V. aaU Dragnets every wbt proufl to aeaa u. sti ... - - '- " 9 -; '.' -.' ' " - '