V, (wound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED A HERVE TOMC. Celery &ad Cucev, tHe pr .inutmt u tTf.iieui are the t-esi tuid MJti Ncre Tonics li KtreutLciu laid tin: HtToUe p SUsUl. I'liqi AN ALTERATIVE. llu-bluo-l urifyiii; tujil curicLlu 11 J LAXATIVE. Actuj(fiuUdijtuiurtiy i. Hit Uuv t, :i ure LnUiuiO ..iiAeiiuuiA. 1 jruiiiolt4 rejfuioj La.t.ii lthtrci-ib tits the -HoLUftcI.. uul O-caljii. J DIURETIC. .li lib (XilUt-jeitloil LLt Latail ttliJ lli ast -in e dmrvtiouf iLt Maicru McOi.-i b.rv uibUiuJciruuncJly ltL uUit-r - rtt-tuvL- ivunjtlitse for dit-uae of U-j a. .-Int. b 1 1 call be relied on k' Khc . -.I k relKf oud spwd cure 11 uudrbdc of UaUmuuLftll La mml ihcvi o ' . Ull IkvOOUC m tiu Ue Osed Una rwtlXnlj i;L -wii-riiftliif (jouoDl for tarvuWa iu : prtii ulua Pntii : 00 Aid by iiru4giu wcll s, Richardson 4 co , Pr-v- BL'KUNUTUN. VT THE JOURNAL. 10 A USE KOSL. r - 1 lujoc lha HuOiiij dre a feiul with ihe thy petalo J Augustan tiruwe thine odor Due M i x d 11b ihe three tlmee in 1L g . d W ILC li i ilc I L TLri.ciK.i diaughl 11 ttei VS tl ur el then if hoet and utl h 1jvc t .Soiia by TLee cftr. d Hal -.ill t'.cd 00 the half ditiuc (J royal Uuw AuJ yet and yet - I love thee Lel I la our old rdtri- of Ike Wti, Whether about inv lLalch lliou twine 1 'fliers, that t)c lLibld of mine, WLu lulls tbee od tier Itwcj brel U royal itoee 1 . j LOOK! LOOK! Examine Carefully. Then Compare our Prices and an Average . of 25 Per Gent is Certain J I tilUlug .Mg-ara There Lave Lx-eii 60 iuau. l.ile aluruiB about utilizing the wated water power ol .Niagara Falla that one LritAt-ji lu ai'cp' rumors of new pioHitk)jB ajj likely to be rarrieil out . 1 be latest one wtucb appear, to Lave uuy Uu king, tbough not altogellier un original hleit, l to tup tbe .Niagara Kiver at M.IU1C diBtauct) atnie tlie (alls b TORPID LIVER ! kitwwii by Ittrte uiaitiid uti uH 1 1 1 r . a ire . i.s , t, ; i.i : - - ' 'S n.j 1- i.t. 1 'i. el : J. . , t '. k B ' J ii t r i-i-K-a. ' Ht-afc.i.t. t " . .i 1 1jHUOh ll.M.ft- " i r fell i. Hrhiii un . ' sts ' 1. 1 ju;. , : . t . L-' w . t ' . 1-J . i " , if i : h j hl i -i ' - .: ' '! V :u. " .. h :' P; 'ca - c t.cl) U, 1 1 fj lul '. A 11 mural (lu f Rllr 1 1 u ut I Urr tif i,lUl lo ato(1 hn.llli 11 LI. .6 t ';'s''l'llri!,! ! t-eu I lb : 1. BILIOUSNESS, d hra.ee in.tPl (t 1 ; M oi l 1 1 k , Hie k.iid j rilJ : i A fief " : . . . t. - I iraill lfei., it I.' Il.elr Saving Auy one detinufr to (uretik SI'KINd Ol I I I I' will fin. aJuliUge to enll aiiJ examine 111 enoriii.ius t k f Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, T K l ' N ICS A IS' I ) VALI MRS, u 11 Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, An.) Ir tl. I ill. I 1 .! Mn ? .1 ft -I ..'.II. '""I ( .iii 1 I lau n t t.V'itl. M. i.i' I rt.- I! vtm ( iut liillbi- 1(1 I li f cllv. 1 cu M II )fU Melip i lilue I ' I.I iii 1 ! .Suit: mere Suit f-.r A n.ai.V .' I W ... I 11 jrive y.ii :i ).'".. I Mill I.t ; on A ( 'liild'r kin e hUil.s, fi in 1 I ' 1 - f a r , I r " 1 1 1 I S Men'h good Slieh. 1 mi. I..:..-' . l'i" Luttoii an. I laei- SI,... , ..-. N ie u.- in i.l' 1 -. 1 "'' ! " 1 j ' N"t " at ''Oc. I.sdiei-' In. . .Sli J ; fr 11. I . I. . . I . : Kite IhiixIm 'I d..m 11 I I at.-. M.I.-. - an i 1 Soft or .Still, .'. nil- ut.. M. ii- an 1 l.vli. .- I .-i. r . Oilier (mhmI.i loo iiiiin. 1 u s 1 iith'li. ;,.- ii- a .-all aiulfn..! l.al I any to be true. tt A lull line ! .! ! y an a ! I m n I . I . rcy I , r -I .',.-. AT COST. -- Having determine.! t.. i-Ii.m . t niyenlir. Slock ol Fancy ( Joods, ( 'ortiet.s. I.&dict.' I iiiirw.ar, llainl.ji' I.L'ins, (il.ncn, I. a. lien an.l MlKri h Hone, llandkcn lii f-. and white I .awn at. I l'iii:i. an I a larg.- M..ck of Nolioiii. lb in block ih hull ml to he . !. I at New ut k ( . ..-1 . ,lAS. A. TlliiMAH. Httlesuiali. I I at. li c l.t.- I I . Ill .. teh.. f-. Wei Su a , Opjiomtc I a j . 1 1 1 Clittrch. New Ji.rne.N.C OLDEST AND LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. Walter D. Moses & Co. till AIAiN STKI KT, HICHMOM). VA. tP-.wirit. iQiy itilt T ''S J Piaiicw and Urbane on eagy monthly plan at factory iiriet. Old Instrument lahcn in excliane, bought, rented and repaired . Immense Kiok of slim r ll IM( . . iiK-.rurt mil U.K. lit of ullkliula Hcll n -i.l.lil l. Tcb. I H' i b h 1 1 l NelniolH. 4lUloKllM n.Hlli-0 free. AhNoilnirnf of Mnalc ttenltin j. Iim tllMii II di-nhe.l Mrlliics loi ll MihIokI I n. U un. .in A t. .Mktlv UM-il llli. mill Ifixan. ut Nlaii.lui. I iiutkeH. fi f, I,. H2mi. A ;.-II In i.t l . . .II H I'loft-HOoiiltl hllH h.'ll Uu .. 1. AilfgviS ' I. .1 1 1 1 H. A ..' t .1 1 . .iin f cr lliU.K In Hie ;.lSaaC- Mn.le.l line. Dorrespondancn solicited. Catulogunn mailed free on B.ipliealiou at the oHlce of oifr North ('urollna Au'"t, Adolph. Colin, At Mrs. S. F. Stanly 'sJBook Store, corner liroad and Middle Sic , uieaus of a tunnel ilriveu aloug tbe 1 lde ol tbe river 1 he water w ould t distributed b liiean ol lateral underground conduit to tut bines placed on the bunk below the lalU. These could give power direct to milks, lactones, etc., and by ele in cal t ranstii iMMon , lurnisb light and powci to Itiitlalo and neighboring towns. It Is claimed that by adopt 1 ng this ay st e 111 the see net y will not be disfigured, and lhat tbe amount ol water drawn 1 ll 1 II not appri ci ably lessen tin- i:i.mtily (lowing oet the la!!- l! I, as always luen a souk i- ol ioiidi 1 to tlios. w ho li.ni' studied the gtound that s. n.e pi. ill has not long ago been adopt ed wh.ch would inert the engine, I llig I r . j u ; 1 e 11 1 1 li T s Million; ;ni.a;t:lig tin g 1 a lob ut ol N ; agal .1 'I he li I si al I c u. p! s eh' . e 1 1 ai 11 ly Hot nitlie right line, ihe ,-niall power taken oil by the papet nulls, etc , being aci'oin pan led In ,t d i-pi o .01 ( nm ate 111 111 I y . Niagau: is not to Ue iin a-uied by htindreJs ol thousands ol horse power anil millions ol motley, it is true; bu t t he. v isitor 's first nnprrs sioti is a 11d reallation of the iiinoiint ol waste perpetually going un, which might be avoided. The I State and the. country can afford to ; pay ii good deal to keep up the show . ' but surely there is margin enough, I without reducing Niagara to the condltiou of soino of the smaller falls, when- the water is tamed on from a dam for the grat 1 lical 1011 ol tourists w ho can nllord the luxury Klectneal transmission of powci, wlm li was thought uot many y ears ago to tie a mere dream of the cranks, is now shown to be id prac tical, economical utility, ll has been adopted sticce.sslully 111 n many places and under sin h ditb r rut conditions that it is reasonable to loiecast a great Inline lor it. So lar as is known at present, it ik the most promising mode ol utili ( ing the natural hirers, su. h us winds, iiirieiils, tides, and ter ! restrial eb 1 tnciiy . I.ng and Mm .lour. lllll.KO.OB. .la's tjllr.) l-ll .1 H- .. u 01. 1 .1. , 1. , i k : 1. : r.r... r . 11.1 . 1 1 . e . lo-.ir lilt I l.l ,1 IM. 'l.lltttvdcll'lOll A Horrible Inheritance From the Dominion of Canada to the PuaaescioD of AUcka, and tbe reet of ' tli e world , thousands upon 1,000 of H W. Tansu.l'b line Cigars are nmoked daily. Wtj' tf aut they are tbc try HeBt made fur ibe price. They are In.. lied in every particular, free from all injpuriliee and will keep you id good Lcallb They ua,c doctor's 61 1 1 e and make a uiau tiappy. keep peace in ibe family. SDd tbe children beg for ibem. ( 'all for any bhiND of Tauoill e Cigars and you will gtl a good uLe TaSMU. S A'jt.M'Y Wn 1. PA1.MKH Middle plreel New lieme I Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice. To Soil: 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MaKKKT 1 1. K n i:v mkic.m:, N. ( 11. 1 1 .1-11 KASTKItl IllKTH llKIILIKl EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line Ut-fi.c. l.aiu r. Nona creli Huli.ti .ii, Rorf.lli, Ualtluer. I'l, 1 1 .1 , 1 lr, ,. ,v. ork.Bo., S-ic vi. llul.ili Clly. N.. 'Mil. ! K A MLKS EAGLET and VESPER . 1 a: r "L'K K ' . lie foliuw - 11. .b : ' t . r v, . : 1 . c . r fa v . : . - v VS tJ'Ml'A 1 a: . i!t s I L t-fcf fc 6 A Lttl.; .. A t 1; rt tw k t .. t.p 1a :.h J h l K a 1a.i ' ' t -al .r libJ : 1 L ) 1. -I -..III. lv i': . Ml 11... - I'll ft. Ill I I'-'! vln h.xis:t r i J U I'.rr T. . A l.a.lo H . A tiiU, 1; OLD DOMINION MARBLE WORKS, Steamship Company. M M II l- K I . V I "s I . ' I I - V I . I M ol.l I . s,, "..)...' I I. .1 ,,.., 1 1 , 1 1 . i i.i n I-:. I c W l ' U rt i, , ' II il n k I MAM , O.-in jdr le. , i. r J h 'tin K f J It 1. . I .-r v ii. e i .,(, t i It lift 1 Ui III.' n nil IL n. t-.il. li,- Lavl f llrr, U ndi -ii - It w 1 realm 9 tlx Monuments Tombs Ari.!i . I tide Uri r kiul HulldlUK wort d ITALIANiAMERICAH MARBLE ()rdrH will rweiTB (runi()t attenlior .. . ( -... ,. .i nun satiisiai.tioii ubi iucdu JOK It. WILI.IH, Proprietor dor. IIHOAK AU I'HAVt. Ht$. .VJCV l)KH.K. N. (, II ' l.l I.M I I '- H-..1 i- ii . ' -i I l.l i I...I r eHlroi... " r Hit, j ,. i . 1 1 1 f. 1 1 I I Milt II- I II., . , ll, ,r j i i K . U 1 1.1. K a I . in y i in K legion ulhoriz.'.l agei I i ma HI) d , w - .1 .r. 1 rthlii I 'Ik. t. Sv in Bi I. V: l .k.rr I Al.n W V WW uw ww jun!7 d wOm NKW nrCRNE. N. C. SCRIBNER S MAGAZINE. PROSPECTUS F . 1888. The holiday issue, now ready, is complete in itself, containing no Rorial matter. The cover is enriched by an ornamental border printed in gold. The priee is m usual. 25 cents. It contains the most delightful stories, poems, and essays by distinguished writers, and superb illustrations. Among the important articles to appear during the yearlsvs !iri. ie following Send for prospectus; Robert L0Ui Stevenson will contribute regularly to c ch number during the year. He wiH write of many topics, old and new, and in a familiar and personal way. which will form new bonds of frendship between the author and his thousands of readers. Jn the firct paper, entitled "A Chapter on Dreams," appearing in the January number, he relates incidentally, in con ectioB with the general subject, some interesting facts concerning the origin of the famous story "Strange Case of Dr. Jekjll and Mr. IJvde.'' Railway Accidents, by W. S. Chaplain, will be the first of an especially important and interesting series of papers on railways, their administrations and construction, including great engineering feats, famous tunnels and passes, and indeed, those branches of the subject which in this day engage the attention of the whole country. The illustrations which will accompany this series will be very elaborate original, and beuatifnl. The authors and the titles of the future articles will be announced later. Dr. D. A. 8 argent's papers on Physical Proportions and Physical Training, will be contiued by several of increasing interest, with as rich and unique illustrations as those which have already appeared. Illustrated Articles of special interest will be those on the Campaign of Waterloo, by John 0. Hopes; on "The Man at Arms," by E. II. Blashficldf two papers by Jidward L. Wilson, illustrating results of recent Egyptian research; a further article by William F. Apthorp, on a subject connected with his recent Contribution on Wagner, and many others of equal interest. Professor 8haler's articles on the Surface of the Earth will be continued, and articles pen two of the most interesting groups of contemporary European writers ill be accompanied by rich and novel portrait illustrations. Illustrations. The Magaxie wilnl show increased excellence in its illiutretio&a. - They will be morea abundnt and elaborate than. ever. It is the inteatwuof the publishers to repreient the best work of the leading artists, and td tsrttnote ana foster - the jnottski.ful methods of wood enrravinr. SpecljSyfcptlce, To enable readers to possess the Magazine from the first numbej(JaUM7f 1887) ihe following inducements are offered: '. A year's gnhscflpUon and the numbers for 1887, .... 94.50 A year's OTbseription and. the numbers for 1887, bound in two vol- ames, eloth gilt top, . . . 6.00 ;,'$3.b0 A-YEAR,. 25 CENT3 A NUMBER. : CHAEIXS S(miBI SOUS, Hew York. , Ilia. tlll'IDIl H I'MIAH Mr. A K llanken has gainrd a nalional reputation as a practical opli cian, and lui celebrated Kpectaclcs and patent rpriox eye glaaae are known throughout the I ' n ited SLalee. We are writing thin article w ith a pair of bis New t'ryslalw.ed Lenses, and they seem to un aa transparent as light lUtelf . and will) them the lineat print ia as clear as in youth. Kditor Christian Advocate. All eyea fitted and fit guaranteed by F. S. lully. New Berne, N. C. j7dlm. Valuable Plantation FOK HALF. In Jones county, half way between Polloksville and Trenton, on the Quaker Bridge road, half a mile from a good landing on Trent river. The tract coo taint about four hundred acre, one hundred and fifty under cultivation, the balanoe well limbered. Well adapt ed to corn, cotton, peas, etc. Good buildings, good water, good neighbor hood and healthy. Cheap for cash. Apply at Jut knai. office or to V. K. WARD. ap3 dwtf nton. N. l Round Knob Hotel. W. D. HPS! AGUE. Prop r. c ROFND KNOB. N. C. Most Picturesque Koenery Western North Carolina. In POINTS OK INTI-HI-HT MAR BV Old Tort. IMatanl M lla 8t. Bernard Mountain I CatawM Falls Mad Cut 1 Swannano Torinel " Pinnacle of Ihe Wlue hiJt Potato Top Toe Ktve1, flDe trout Dabtcg I. Bridges' Iron BprlDga 1 Kslly'slron Sprtns; Mitchell's Peak, ths Grave of Prof Mitrhell. tbe blgheatpolnteastortbe Bonky MoDDtalns, nine mile. Pure cool dry atmosphere; no fof . I if hi dews. Trains stop at tbe door. api; Open all tbe year. Terms reasonable by month or week. al8 d wtj GEORGE ALLEN & GO 1)1. A I. F.KS I.N General Hardware A fr I c ii 1 1 u ni 1 1 in p 1 e in e ii t h I'Iomh, Hun n h, ( ' 1 1 1 1 i ut o r, 1 1 oes iiinl A , H'.hiiI ii Mimrm mid lCritper, h to nn i I " ii c i n en. Cotton (iiiiH and I'iohch, Kertlllzors. I.nnd f'la-ior, Kainlt j MerlianlcN TnnN and Hardware, I.ini Hrlek, eineiit, I'lastcr llulr, I'alnt, li alsoiiiino, ar iilnb, Oil. (Jlnxs, Putty and Hair Freeie m, 1 ri ejern t ors, Oil (Jook Htov', Kureka Hurtrlar Proof Hasli I.orks, warranted to lilvo securilj and sat isfaclion. PKICKS VKItY LOW (JEO. A LI. F.N A CO. P. H. PELLETIER, A T T O H N K A T LAW, Craven St.. two iI'mth South of Journal cftiop. VA' 1 1 1 .mrl lo-p !n I hp l onrl'n i ' h e n I hT l4rl J"i)s. ' Miiii.w rimI J'hth I w . 1'dI14m1 NUti' oi.ri Hi Huirni iV) tin of th KiAte itfrT. nl lel'l iltf Dr. G. L. SHACKLEFORD Diors'ins'i', MlUULiE BTIIEET, dw NKW PKRNK. N V. Bit O hugtren anlrer al Milif&ctloa in tb" oIOoboitImm mt Oleet. I pnscriklad fssl ssls III isiOaiiisail It to an saSanrs. j.ntna,u 1 Diisl i,S. PKica.ai.ee. . SsM br SracgMa. J. T. JokdI, Aceat, Kew Bene, ,u,. .. . . - ' saayiawif S jOvwsilavl I aMbi.a. OWEN H. GUI0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bo .MS South Front street, four doors wmi of Craven. fedwtf Atlantic fa N. C. Kullioad TlhiK TAHI.K Nu. 1 In Krfeet 1 ml AM, I i i.lai . J u lie .Ii. 1-"-. t;. i-.., I t Sfiin-i i v i"i.i V i.'-T' No. ''I. ! !.; ' J't.l-'.-. NO. '.II i l.ve SLations. Ar. I,e. j. rn 4 ' ioldHhor.. 1 1 Ms a in :, r. -i ' lji (iraiiac iu ' hi .rs n o'.i c. 1 1 K iiinoii hi l a 10 24 7 H" 7 4 Newlterne s it'.l h T4 '.. . I f in H..ri'liea.l i 1 1 y a m 0 .'ill l'ailv. li "IN.i Ka-T S. ill'I'l I I li .is.i Wkst. No 1 . No. 2.t Mned Ft A Mined Ft. & Fans. Train Mations. Fshs Train, am 6 HO (loldaboro .'0 pm tl :.7 7 U.'i Best's H 04 ,s 1(1 7 ''() 7 110 I.a (Jrane " H4 7 44 7 is 7 Ml railing Creek 7 or, 7 Id 1 1 s ;hi Kineton '. '.'i fi 1'J N .'.0 H (V" Cm well S Mil ,'i ;(.' y l'i Id (hi llover 4 rs : 10 1U80 Hi :i"i Core Creek 4 :'4 4 'M 10 59 1 1 04 Tuacarora :i '.4 4 I'll 1116 11 4o Clark's :t SS ;i 4'J 1J 12 am Newbern n in 00 luesila v Tl.ur lv id i Ha I u relay. iMoiidnv. Weiloeailay and Friday. I..INR KaPT. SCHKDl 1.8 (ioIMI AVl-.' T No. 20. hnttTri"). No. Ar. l.ve Stations Ar l.ve. 2v m 'i o'l (ioldsboio M10 pm ":,X 5 40 JBest's 2 .'i 2 40 "5 .'. 6 00 I a Orange 2 1 1 2 Hi G1M 6 18 Falling Creek 1 50 1 5a fi Sfi fl 41 Kinston 1 2i 1 :io 6 50 6 50 Caswell 1 02 1 07 7 11 7 11 Dover 12 42 12 47 7 32 7 32 Core Creek 12 16 12 21 7 50 7 55 Tuscarora 11 50 11 ity s or. 8 05 Clark 's J 1 HO 11 3 :;0 p m New Bern p m 1 1 00 DR. J. D. CLARK DENT1HT, ninniKi. a. o. OSSss d Oravsa sui. IiIini Polloek and Broad. r;-iaA ROBERTS & HE2TDERS0N New Berne, IN. CJ. Only flrtt class Companiet rspreeeo ed in fire. Life a&& AeeUnt luvanes. Total Capital over Forty afUlioas o Iaily ncept Sutiday. Train 50 MinnwU with W 1 1 m 1 nctnn a Wei- don Train t-ind North, leaving Ooldaboro II Mi a m., a.id wtlb Klohmond A ll nvlll Train West, leaving (ldsboro 8 SO p. m. Train al con nwu tub Kicnnvoad A i.iitiii. Traia, arrtvtaf at Oold.bcro r.m., and with wunjinguvn ana w el ion Jraln rrom u. North at 4:46 p.m. Train 2 connects wlih Wtt sot ng t n and Weloon Througn Krlght 1'raln. leaving Ooldsboro al 9-M p.-B. Train ?, Past Troot; Iially. gors through Srvlld to Blabmond, Washington, Baltln "ip. I'lilladelphla and New Iwk. S. L. DU1, MpertBten dent. lihnge c: 1'ier id New Urt. Hie N. Krcilit hi m I'OII Kl.W VOIIIi, BOSTON, ITiOVlDKNUlT AflM iLl" iln;1 will ii-. ; fir gi .. f, pVt ( i Nsvi Huli hi IMLK 7, .NdHiM 1(1 I K, Ofiof of JVfir York an i luiUxmot Transportation Co. LI'Ti l.silli ehi'Li : Te'l Ml ! - ' 1 ; 1 . , br i iffini I. !, f v . a . i, i, n i, Sal 1 J Ci li I W.i va . I . I ' . ' . S, w 1 ,. llf. 11 1 llflllf. l, .! I 1 I ' , - SKMI- B.twees W K 1 K ! - Sew Eerib : I M K K.s ut fiaitinore It)fi 1 1 tif; h -a Ii. :te I t ' KK1HA I , . i: I.. Now Hfiitf W I. UN tM'A -( i m. Af ut" tire ft t lie wo tl'HIN KOM IK, im lU.i.iiii.r. f, AT I K 1 1 A r.A; t I. d l.l ! lui i M .!l' ll It '-'. I i a 1 J i tj I 1 Ft n Sa ; nrl m ft a ,1 i t e ar.d fl rjrda t .'I',! W td I. syj Notice. The walla of. tbe barber shop on South Front street hare been renewed, and a set of ease bottomed chairs added to the stock. Go aad get a good shaye for Un cents, ey good workmen, at w ? FaoJS W. H. SHEPtVSD'S. AS W MrilAHKIl'K , At P Cljds) A ('o . 1 !.; b a r Yuri h Unite T n i - 1 . 1 1. I'lr N, i r 1 1 r r, . Snmien , 1 i in , : , I t- t t : w ft I f M Hofl.l IT, ,.1. i. r- K V ' Mink. ! In'- - I't-r-;. k 6b I ps t en e 1 . ; ti i.pi N-w . it ilu. " HillTV'IH WkI, rroi idlers' , SatordftTi hrorjjtfi bill lading !"! . And nita t r a& to all p it. la at ib d:ff'rr. t rffl - n tlf p fi L Us iroid Ere&k&vge ol Enik ui Ship m N. C. LINE. d lol li H H IKI At K.w Rrnre 'I'll K NEUSE L TRENT RIVER 8teamboat Compauj. Will run Hip fv.:w;i)K Kr.vdolr on and aftar January lit. IX:. Stcamrr Trent W.,i I.jiv. pverv M.i.iImv aii.I It.nrRilay mori. in al s' ..i..rk i. i Mi.nii. aid A(tmi.ipil.s un. I a:i ; 1. 1 . j n. .ri. i f pi'inli, rel am Ing a&me ila.v Steamer Kinston. Will leave New Berne for K Inst.n on Tues days andKrtrtajii at 12 o'clrw-a, M. lie turn ing, will leave KlDaton on Mondays mbd Tbundays: Tnnrtitne at nil Intermedial lAudlngs on .Venae Hlvrr. J.'J. 1U808WAT at Kawbera. W. r. BTAirLY, B3astoa D. B. Baaaus, PoUoksvllla. W. K. WARD, Agent at Trantoi. U. O. Bairn, Jolly old rialtf. f B. BAjrxii, Quaker BrMt. IMWHTI'B. Oeal Muut ebTMw KlawtoauH ,v . -T- i - ; ----

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