ffoniy Friends, Patrons AND THE Public Generally. I take great pleasure in announcing my return from the Northern Markets, and will quote below a few of the many Genuine Bargains MOW READY AND WAITING! Bargains, because bought at ROCK BOT TOM PRICES, for the clean CASH, coupled with an experience of over twenty years in buying. I shall not attempt a full descrip tion, as space will not permit, but you are cordially invited to conic and examine for yourselves, as proof of what 1 say, and us to whether or not 1 can save you money simply depends upon whether or not you give me a trial. JUST THINK! Two cases Organdies, nice MW, ;ml wkIc, worth 1 cnA. ami tln- ajw foing at 5 cents er yard. ThrM caaea white and cream eheeknl N.uiitiook at ." oout.v Two hundred pieces American Ha'eenw. tiRiired and plain, at Id rents, good m French. OuetM white Figured Hateens .it Id reiit. TIm-m- khmI are worth SO mats. Two cases India Lawns, white, at a cent. v. One ease India Lawn, 40 inches wide, at s eeni.s. Real hemstitched Handkerchiefs at cont.s. English Ilalf Ilose, regular made, at 10 cents per pair. Ya.bd Wide Homespun, r cents pek vakh Mj DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is complete, comprising all the new delicate shades of the season in Moire, Bilks and Matins, Nun's Vailing, Albatross, Cashmeres, Flannels, etc., etc. Worsteds from 10 cents up; Wool Lace Hunting, H cents ; Canvass Cloth, worth 20 cents, reduced to Id cents; Seersuckers, Crinkles and Ginghams in about same. Embroideries, Flouncing, Laces and Fdinc-. i.aHina nnri Men's Collars and ('nils. Parasols and Umbrellas, gloria silk, large bIzp, for 50 cents. DAUB! Dr. Warner's llealth Gcrsets. BONED WITH KABO. " And a Full Line of m;iny popular makes Will not pay more, Imt invite all to come and see. iyiiolesalc r To vine fnr rrant.ftd ,AaatMe O Wholesale Purchasers -v . . i own interests, i snail mane me simpie an .nonncement that I huy in LARGE quantities at " M k GKF J T 1 a 1 1 ww a a! a.-. v a, m 1Tam -IOr UADU, ana will eii yim b uiicap its now York or Baltimore Markets. ; Don't fail to see my stock before pur chasing. Very truly yours, O. MARKS, if . Pollock Street. New Berne, N. C. satin and serge, a good I'arasol, Ball's Kabo and wi&; Circle Hip Department that all wide-awake are looking after their e. . il. . - 1 THE JOUKNAlu Arriral and Departure Kaili KAIL CLOSES. For North. West and Bouta, tu A., ft N. O.B. R. at7:80a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 8:00 p. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUoksTille and Mars ville, daily at 7 30 a. m. For Orantaboro, Bayboro an 1 Van- demers. daiir at 6 a. m. OmCE HOUES: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 8 a.m. to 4 p..m. In stalling Department from V a. m" to 5 p. m. Arabian and 1'trslan Horses. The general run ol Arabs are no doubt firstrate horses, ae far as they go, for military purpose, but they are too small to mount satis factorily any but native cavalry. There are, of course, exceptional animals which have size and power enough for anything, bat they are so few that they may be left ont of the general estimate which we take of the race. For any soldier whose weight is such that he can be mounted ou an Arab he will be found the hardmt, soundest and most docile of war horses, lie will do an enormous amount of work od very little and very indifferent food and will always bear himself well and handsomely. In one point only le he, more than other horses, sus ceptible ol disease, and that is bjs eve, which i- 1 i a bit to cataract. llisgieat i li.tr actei lstic is his un daunted pluck, which is never more clearly shown than when by in cli.ince he is ill, w hen all veteri nan surgeons will allow t fiat lie is i iiio.st admiiable patient, resisting iiul throwing oil the effects ol ill ius$ or tieatuieut in a w ay that no Iioim ol another race can eijual. l'ersian lioif-e.s have always been found anions the most jeiieralh useful icmnuutMin India, and they take their place both jn the ranks (if cavalry and in ,'uu teams. They have more power and size than Arabs, with much of the same con stitutional good iialities, and a matter of great importance to the tate they are generally cheaper in price. Tli Moat Agrecablt- Ae well aa the moet effective ujvlhotl ol diBiwIling Headaches, Golds and r even, or (,'leaneiog the System, 18 by taking a few doeea of the pleasant ( aliforuia liijuid fruit remedy, ISyrup of Figs It .IS . Duny, ageDt, Mew Kerne, r ( Subttcrlptlun (look Curiosities of the Itible, of Places, Persons and Things. "Ha and hand, woDders in the sea and on I he land. Family Bibles of the best printing and binding, from 5.t0 to 822 60, une jualled in the country D T C'AltllAW A1 , l'u Limner 's Agent if J. J. BAXTER, of Pamlico, formerly with ('apt. K. K Jones, has 1 now taken a position wab GEORGE ASH, TUB Clothier, unit would invite his friends and the general public to rome to see him, and if they EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS and SHOES, 1 LOOK AT OUR SUITS, NOTICE T11KIK HIGH QUALITY, And learn tbeir ijow rnicEs, , They will paeily be convinced of their UK A I- t'UKAPNKSS. am) NONK WII. - IMSI'l Ti: The strong claim we have to our motto: j Nothing But Bargains, , We are Hole Agents for Newbern and ' vicirity of the celebrated A. A. Battles' $2 50 Calfskin ' Every pair is sold with the follow ine guarantee: ETery pair i warranted: should anv Of them ill anv Wit wfthfn raBAnBKI time, give ont, I will upon return of j j , . aamagea pair, ana statement aa to length of wear, sire a new nair in ex- Change. Juot received, nice line of WHITE VESTS and other eeaeonable Clothing. Also, another lot of those fine silk lined Prince Albert Suits, at GEORGE ASH'S, Kiddle st, text to L. H. Cutler's. 17 We are also agents for The Old Suten Island Dyeing Establishment, the largest and most reliable concent of it kind In the world; eetablwbsi 1811. Satisfaction guaranteed. All roods carried free of express charges: SHOBS. if: Good Goods! Low Pricet! Honest Dealing! Will Tell! D bund-To I Jin! lives of personal adventure, etc General Hberman will write ou The Grand Strategy of the War." Kennan on Siberia. Kxcept the Life of Lincoln and 1 the War Articles, no more impor Sty Arms of Cusfflinfirsitiiut8entititia8ev'erl,eeuunilerUk,'n ajwailll hi W"'""'"" j bv TLe (jentury than this of Mr. Kenan's. Witu tne previous pre paratiou of four years travel and Daily Visit DUFFY'S NEW BERNE Bargain House i 1 XAM1NK 11 IS 1MMKNKK AtitiltE liATION Ol SIMON IT RE j MAKiiA'.NS, AND (in AWAY I.( ) A VKI I WN WITH LOOP THINUS IlOl'UHT AT I Nil K A UP OK PRICKS. A d s( ripluii) here would nut do JUSTICE TO OUR MAMMOTH STOCK, Therefoie we. invil all purchasers of Pry Oottdn who are to Save a Dollar, To call and emu n f"r ) ourni lves. You will lind a corps of pohle and att nti e clerks w ho ill tske PLEASURE in fthi w i y u ih Attractions. We have sonip NKVS for our Wholesale Trade. Ever with an eye to your in lor out (your interest being our intaretl) we hTe secured the agency for THOS. M. IlOI.r S old and reliable Alamance Plaids. Will quote you daily Factory Prices. We are still tbe Leading Shoe Dealers in tbe city. From FIVE to TEN CASES NEW STYLE PRINTS always on hand. Stock complete in every department. Yon will admit that we reel and ft ! to ytmr inte; toaee if wa The Century Magazine With the November, 1887, Issue The Century commence lta thirty fifth volume with a regular circula tion of almost 250,000. The war Papers and the Life of Lincoln in creased its monthly edition by 100, 000. The latter history having re counted the events of Lincoln early years, and given the necessary survey of the iliiical condition o, the coantry, reaches, a new period, with which bis secretaries were most immediately acquainted I'nder the captain Lincoln in the War the writers now enter ou the more important part of tbeir narrative, viz.: the early years of the War and President Lincoln's part therein. Supplementary War Tapers, o Mowing the ''bailie seiiet." by distinguished geuerals, will de scribe interesting leatures of army life, tunneling from Libby, uarra study in Kussia aud Siberia, the author undertook a journey ol 15, OOO miles lor the special mvestiga tion here required. An liitroduc lion from the Kussiau Minister ol the Interior admitted bun lo the principal mines and prisons, where he became acquainted with some thief hundred .tate exiles Lib erals, Nihilists, aud others, and ihe series will be a startling as well as accurate revelation ol the exile Mstcm The many illustrations by the artist and photographer, -Mr. George A. Frost, who accompanied the author, will add greatly to the val ue ol t he art icles. A Novel by Eggleston. w ith illustrations w ill run ihioiih the war. Shorter novelNWill lol ! low hv Calileand .Stockton. iShor . ter fictions will appear ii month. Miscellaneous Features will ootnpri.se heverul illustrated articles ou Ireland, by Charles De Kaj; putters touchiug the lield of the Aunday-Sehool LeasouB, llluBtrated by K. L. Wilson; wild Western lile, by Theodore Roose velt ; the English Cathedrals, by Mrs. van liensselaer, with illustra tions by Pennell; Dr. Ihiokley's valuable papers on Dreams, Spirit ualism, and Clairvoyance; essays in criticism, art,travel, and biography poems; cartoons; etc. liy a special ofler the numbers lor the past year (containing the Lin coln history) may be secured with the year's subscription from No vember, 1887, twenty four issues in all, for $6.00, or, with the last year's numbers handsomely bound, $7.00. Published by Tiik Cknti ky Co. .1.1 Kast 17th street, ew York. i Notice. NOKI II CAK"UNA, r veil (.lou lily t H up i 1 : i .. 1 1 IVt lo Bi ll lHinl fur uiet-u .laiiiDi Harrlkon. ulniluiKiiHtti r j : . I -r t W . H aiftti s. Wli l iin K. Hyiuftn and ol i.ei n i.i .is i jw cif hilett w. HymRii. 1 1. William K , Kranoli M . Ikien It . H. ri . Walter K. , Henry 11 , i'uiirHn 11 . Mnry H. Kenneth IV. liotieri V , K uiia , , 1'reaion K., Annie M , James V. nnd Kllza teth h. Hyman uixl Mary M. iVnilrr. M--klah Brow n, Oeo. K. Hmwn. Mary K. Nor man Ha rati K. herron. Fili-lle Hunter h.Jia 1. Hherritd. He h I,. Mherratl, and Mln nie Mherrad. Take notice thai h ' SH-rlal I'rocood liifi ii 1 1 tied as alio e I inn len 1 null luted In 1 lit Muperlor t'ouii of h 1 I 'raen county, for the purpoae of aelllnK a Intel of about HiK) ariei of land Hllnalea In aald county de arrited In the petition i lo make aaaeta in Hie hand of aald administrator to pay the dettitt, etc . of aald Robert W. Myuian, deceaaed, and that you are required to appear al Uie (urt Uouae In Newbern. In said count v, on the 11th day of July, a 1 H.find aniwt-r or demur to the petition filed In anld "Trot eed- Thli IMh dP of Mav. Jksv K. W. CMtl'KMKH . t'lerk Hupf rlnr Coin t Craven I'onnly, N C. iih KEV A HTK INHOft, Altyi for I'elltloner. maylfi dV EDUOATE ! EDUCATE ! What Better Can Be Done For The Children? lAURORA ACADEMY AURORA, N. V. R. T. BONNER. . . Principal. Miss E. O. Lasoston, . Assistant. The Hall BeMlon will opn ftept. IS, 1887 and elM Feb. 8, 1888 B pntif Beeilon tl opto Feb. 8, 188H, and oiuve jQDe is, imn. Board and taltlon modtnui Paplliara charted from time of entrance to end at aeaaton. No deduction eiccpt Id r"or further Informetlnn appljto R. T. BcNNKR. PrlnclDHl Bibles. We aie requested lo sute that tbe Craven County Bible Society bare a large assortment of Bibles and Tests nents, for sale at prices rargine; from 1 cents to $8.60 per volume, at their depositary ia the store of - r. f 4 4wtf GEO. ALLEN ft CO. " 1888. Harper's Young People Au. Illustrated Weekly. i Harper's Yonng People interest! all young readers by its carefully selected variety of themes and tbeir well considered treatment. It eon tains the best seriaj and short stories valuable articles on scientific) sab jecs and travel, historical and bio graphical sketches, paper on athle tic sports and games,stirring poems, etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Itsillus rations are numerous and excelent. Occasional Supplements of especial ; interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming j volnme, which will comprise fifty -j three weekly numbers. Every line j in the paper is subjected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny iu or- der th.ii nothing harmful may enter its columns. ; An epitome of everything that is ' attractive and desirable iu juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of good things to ; the 003s and girls iu every family which it visits. Broklyn Un. ion . It is wonderful 111 its wealth" of pictures, information, andiuterebt Christian Advocate. N. Y. I Terms: Postage Piepaied, M 01 j Per Yeai . I Vol. lx. begins November 1,1.S ' ST. j Specimen Copy sent mi iccelpt ol 1 a two cent stamp. Singlr umbeis, hive cents each. Remittances should be made by Post Oftice Money Order or ; Draft, to avoid chance of loss. I Newspapers arc nm hi ropy this 1 ;ol ert lsement without the express ' order ol ll.tlpcl , lllothers Address, ll.irpci lllolhlTS. New Yolk, I NSS. Harper's Weekly. I I I l .M'KAi'Klt. Harj.cr'H Weekly has a wi-U-r nljib hhhed place a the leading lllu8trated newKpaper in America. Tbe fairnetw of its editorial comments on current politioe haw earned for it the rcttpect and confidence of all impartial readers, and the variety and excellence of its literary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perunal of people of the widest range of tastes and jiersuita. Supplements are fre quently provided, and no expense is npard to bring the highest order of arlistio ability to bear upon the illus tration of the changeful phases ol homo and foreign history. In all its features Harper's Weekly is admir ably adapted to be a welcome guest in every houpeho'd. 1 1 a I'lx'i . IVrioll tU. l'KU VKAIi ; 11 A K PICK'S W'KKKI.Y !?!.()() Haupku'h Magazink 4 .(K) Hakpku'm Bazar t.oo HAliPK.li'.S Yol'NO TkoplK... 2.00 Postage Free to all subscribers in tin I'nitc d States, ( 'anada, orMexicn The "oluniefiof the Weekly begin with the first Number lor January of each year. When no time is mention oil subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will l.e sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per vol ume. CToth Cases for each Tolume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $ 1.00 each. Kemittaoces should be made by Tost-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy Ihli advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers Address HAEPEK k BROTHERS, Newlcrk. preperetlOD of bio ba One Haadn I Tboeetad applleetlon lor peuau ia Un Halted SUtee and Forein nonm- tnea, tbe pobliahera of the ScieaUS Amerloaa eoatiaae to eei ae aoikettora for Dateata. oareata. nine miiha a nbta, etc, for tbe United Statee, and Detente in Canada, Knfiaad, Fraaea, obtaia Kjjl, I After Fort reeiir . . . .1 HWi ieeee la tfce HeOUU. Ac enoa im aaaaaaled and taeii laolllUeeaie aaeai -' u ' otner wraatnee. i oeir l Paawd. . , , i Iralnce and epeeifieaUoas prepared red HaS" f ' tbe Patest Oflloe oe ehort aotioe. Teraje er reaaonabla. MoehartefetaxaaiiaaUaaaf ladels " or drawioca. Adrlei bf puil free. . PalanU olHamrd IhnxuriTMniiiiaOa.areeeileed f1' " fnthe SCIKKfTiriC AJtERICA W.whlll bae , tbe larreet eimlatioa aad im tbe awe laSaoattal - ' newipaper of iu kind pabliabed ia the werld. .n.-u.fri Tbe adraataeee at aaaa a aotooe Tory aataalaa Bdentaada, !:- . Tbn larte aad jplendldlf fflnrtrated Meipetiei h pnbliebed WKkKLT at axdS a rear, aad ia , . admitted la aa tae baatBaperdeeeted to eeteaea. aseebaBiom, iareatioea, enaineeriaf wortta, aad ; aaerdepartaeaa of ladaatrial proareea, eta. . liabed ia aay oonatrr. It eoetaina tbe aaaee of : -, all aatoeteet and title af ererr inmtioa aateatat! . " eaeb areek. Trr W foat aieaUe Sat aa Seetoaj . Sold br all aeaadeaJera, -4 , ...... i ra bar aa tareoMea ta Retort HM '''- r Haadsw, etoit pat(l Jts, y-." 5 . ' ' ? v'f'ir'V mi-. A5 '? r - -X:-. v-kvW' V-'-

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