a: , wl . AND Public Generally. I take great pleasure in, aiipupgipiy return from the Northern. Iarkgts,ji4, WH1 quote below a few nf Genuine AND WAITING ! Bargains, because Imul;.ii at liOOk ()T TOM PRICES, (or the rlean CASH, coupled Wtb-d4i experience of over iweuty years in )UyLDC- I shall imt attefnjii a full descrip tion, as space will mi pi rniii. but you arc cordially invited to mnr ami exauiiuc tor yourselves, as pmol ol what 1 bay, and as to whether or not 1 can save yon money simply depend. upo' whether or not you give me a trial. JUST THINK! ' Two cams Organdies, nice st Ii M goiBf at 5 ceuts pet yard. Tbr finnnn wlittn an 1 try p ' Mr- li 1 1 eciit Twp kandred pieces Auieiieau Sateens, thjrurtd and plaia.nt 10 cent., plu French. Oil Mm while Figured .Sateens ,1 io cents. 1 lime goods arr worLli 30 Mats. Two ladia Lawns, white, at cent -4. Oft NN India Lawn, 40 niches wide, at S rent.-. gai Waatkefced Handkerchiefs at cent. KagUaB Half liowj, regular made, it Hi cent" per pair. YABD Wide IIomjitn, o 'FN i im: a Mj DBiHS GOODS UEl'AliTMKNT is . nmplete, c .in pr inin k all kbe aev delicate ah twice of the season in Moire, Hi 111 ami Satins, Nun's YaitiBf, Albatross, Cashmeres, Flannels, etc., etc. Worsteds from 10 cents up: Wool Lace Hunting, n centa.; Canvaa Clotk, worth 29 cants, reduced to lo cents; KecrMiekern. Crinkle and QlBghAfia la about same. Embroideries, ITouncingH, Laivs aud J-.dint'v L4iea aad Meu's ColliUTs ami Culls. 'CPaiaeois and Umbrellas, gloria silk, a.i'.tu ami -cri A g..d l'.raw.l, large size, for 50 rents. DABJH Cr.Varner's Health (knots. ijrj BMfffiBa BONED WITH KABO. ad a Fall Line of manT popnlar make. Will not pay more, lint invite ail to come' and see. tolesale - Taking for granted tfholcsale Purchaser?. dun interests, I shall make the sirnpl? an nouncement that I buy inLARGE quantities fc OABH, and will sell yon as cheap aft Hew ,, XTavV at PolfimnrA Mart fWJ&mw. tniiwmv a w M n9ii'i fail' to see mv stock before f - clicking. k v ww- wwjr iiiiujr O. MARKS Pollock Street Hew Kerne, H. C. ; ! THE the many (I w risywoith Id cent.- 1 1 1 1 ' Ill's Ball's Kabo and Circle Hip Departiwfflt that all wide-awake re looking after their fits. w pur- -vrw j i . Bargains THE J0TJKNCj Arrival and Devarture Mail MAIL CL06ES. Ker North. Wm) tod BouUi, rU A . ft N. C. K. R. a7 80 a m. For Bwulort Mid the t. l 8 .00 p. m. For WMhluoon,BwiftCr)k, BrlMd BcAoiort OoantiM Moa(Ufi, Wedne- dai, and FritUjikt 6:00 a. m. . i For Trenton. holloUriile laiO Hajt- Itflftfl ItAflntl TUle,kUyt7a0.m. i Uy For Oranteboro, byt-or n l Van d em ere, daily at 6 a. iu. OfTlCE H0UE8: 1 In Money Order and RKivered Lmi- Ver Lpartm eat, from Sn-tt. to 4 p .m ' In MniBg Department from V a m ' to S d. m. Offioe open constantly between these koar except hen mail are being il is ribtited or aent. i !-J- - --J t I Thlakiac and Doluf. i'othing will so eQectuall koUo doabu, re)ieTeaua(enae add remw e onoertainty, tut a habit of promptly perlorniing the ne&xeat di4j. Miu L of the hesitation and perplezitv which hioder udranceioeiit apd1 oonfase mea's lives comes from iarpiy thinkiDg. when they ouU to be doing Thought and action hould nerer be separated. If ae tion is orten Jfast and illjodged for; w ant of thought, thought is often i vague.f and abortive for want olj iit'lion. Men pause and speculate u tutn. ktint mux' 4 wn , tint h Q Tl I n ' ' i ui.v in m v i hi i.i .i w t J ' j the wonder hat they ought to do or can do in oeitain uoiilugtucies, ( amv Bw-Ufai rereaus uteose-or me 0thei n the contrary ftfceytipcoaiu more and more donbtfaLfcnd ier- plext d. Mean whiljs, tbeflret teps arb fitul untrodden that would iia e Id! to otht-rs. Thev' Iiave been -'..Hiding al the tool Of tliB -fti'liler, I....Liin' ...iT'liftnw 'ufrK irn 1 n. f mi ........... , V . , . . . . I I I .Hid m ai veiling 1h to reach so idgh a jx m n I : wlnli- the lowest rounds, so ( lose tu then leet and so oasy to ASi-end, have beea juite. neg lei (mI. 1 he nearest dul) , w heu performed, sheds a light, ie caliug iin ni'Xi. ami running away me the shadows doubt and uncer f.i'.nty wlm h h.i e lumleied onward ,'li'gJl s. Nothing is mole amiable than' Uuc inodeM. aud nothing more nontmptible than that which isj false; the one guards utue, the other betrays it. True modesty In ashamed to do anything that is re pognaut to right reason; (aloe modesty is ashauicd to do anytlnng that is opposite to the humor of those with whom the party con verses. True modesty avoids every thing that Is criminal ; lalse mod estj everything that is anfastnon able; the latter is only a general, undetermined instinct the former is that instinct limited and circum scribed bj the rales of prudence M. Jovia, a French aeronaat, is ...akhig a balloon nearly 200 feet in tli ron 17 ti tliA air ac.rflHa t.h Atluntic next aatamn. SnbKcrlptlon HovLii C'urnwities of the Bible, of i'laca. ftraoDiand Tbiagi. ' Se andXo4" weaden in the eea and ti the tafra. Family Bible of the beet printing and tindiDg. from $1 SO to 822 00, uno- lualleit in the country. , I D. T. CaRiiavvay. I tf Fuhlieher Agent. A temperance ' Vertnrer in S'ew Hampshire Inished his discourse1 Uius: "l inally, my hearers, win should any of yon drink ardent spirits! My son loin lias got as good cider as any in the country, at six cents per juartl'' i ADVIfB TO nOTHEHI. Mas Wihsiiw'h SoonroiO CvRrt' thould alway be used for ohildree teething. Ilaootheethe child, aefttnt the gumt, allays all pain, cures win 4 Oolie, and is the beet remedy for diar BOe. Twenty-five cenu bottle. " BatUdtutbaatwlv - V X L T. E. LlflCE & dO. Drugs, Paints, Oils, ANDGARDBTJ iXtElCI Etc. Country merchant s applied at a mall margin. Cheap tat Cash is our tnotto. Olye ns a trial. ,. ' IMSt St.! Iftsrt to Jet Bouxt. mTdwly KSW BERSE. If. C.''!i RobeHanK.''., trial JtarrtdE1. ' ' Ottioe in rear of Hanooeh ' drng- store, next door to Hotel Albert. , Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Will giro prompt atUDtioo to all matters pei rtain ingto Justtc' courts. . d2Sd dlfTl Bibles. We are reuueeted to Ut that tfV CiTen County Bihie 8ociey - hfytft i ---V'f large assortment .or Uiblei atu esta- rnenu, for sale 4 arioM Wrglaf ' fsoVi ta 8.50I er rolwtne, at their r . a aeprntary w mere oi . .t a - m ' . -rt i a4 dwtf j XJEO. ALLEN ft CO." if iQl . . . Lon Prices J Hon wt Dealing ! Will Tell! j , i r , . t DwlfiHar OuSlClS 01 UUlHlI0l .-, Daily Vitil DUFFY'S HEW BERNE Bargain House KXAlMl.Vr4 HIM IMMENSE AC11HE oaTION cfc' B1MON .Pl'HK rUKOAlNS. AND rn AWAY LOADED DOWN WITH OOOJJ UUNON IlOUUHT AT lflF-A'ifD OF PK1CFS. , A deocHptton here would not do JO&TlCX J( 0D, uaoTH STOCK, Therefore w Wtlt all purcnanen in Vti Km4p wh "' uj Save a Dollar, .: To oall and eiuiuue for jouraelve. Vou will tii id a eorp of pott aad ,u'nt,Te rU wbo Uk ' 1 PL F ASURK j'11 "bowipg jmu th Attr actions. Vie have ome NEWS for itor , ii i i lift Vholeudo Trcib .-,...,.- ijin i . .i. ! 1 v.H I. ii u. r - .CD II ' II. !! . K1il H -l.'lf'1 . i l'l ' u It J .JillJ (rmr friinn beiag oor tetat!1! we etjti 1 ho ml. to Alamance TUldfc , , fOi ."1'' ... . . . T i . ,i ..vo. B91 .ii; i i si l .t'. v, ; factory, fnsM t-i V r, rt . .' .I- ' We are still tka . ....... .- . r ' - -" .'X 1 teadinir 6ho Dealers " '" In the citjax it 1 1 n"" KJ" ll.T StOoJaejBeiwiNWaW.surtlU SM. Wi.Ww av,jaji ww? jj, rt,Us fi 6t4 Vi . di iA of. .'t?U , lI I thnrl .."tnrnw w,. v1 k . ii. . . u iis a ia9i i . i.i itm www - . a, d-JbtoHV,ale ITV I , . 4 , a - ia 1 , ,m f,.ljt itlaifl 14 atlf 'ti'l BU Yll WWJ a ; -" -, ' wi,v.ui eiHo'f . n i r .Tsumifi iMgsja-s ogj . " , 3DO SlTlXs? J. J. BAXTER, cf FamUco.l formerly with Capt. K. R. Jonnt, hae ; now taken a position with ! twmtSTir bM I GEORGE ASH, TZXB t . M IOTmIGi . V tafeiithe1sUvitidat)brt stories 7 vJuttiiwrifclusM auleatitic snb kud would invite hi frinids aul Uieyecd aiitrWCrytprjtMl aDd bio general public to come io m- Pgraphiw! Bkatoiies, paper on athle ! " biin. and if they , Ui.' aM to 1 ganietft irnng poeu.s, 1 EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF Vi4utefl by the brightest I DRY GOODS and SHOES,'" anit'oiost flwon wrlteis. Itsillus TOHTi AT OHTJ qttITQ ;rHti0n8ar-numeroii4wwdexceleiit. ILUUli. Al UUlt oU 1 1 O, Occasional Supplements of especial ( NUTlCK TUtlk i interest to Partuts and Teachers HIGH QUALITV, ! will be u leature I the lorthcoming i And learn their volame. hlch will cninpnse !i(t- ' IjOVIT inc:kjM, tine. i-kl nutii!i. Keiv line j Ther will eaetly be cODviDce.1 ..f it.Ir'in til'- ; t.er is Mibjected tu tlie IttAI, ClIKAfM h. mbi J igni rtljturnil M-rutiny in or ttJlj , (lcr tJiat nothing liannfiil ma ciilei' NySlJ niSPI'TJ. JrHumaN. Ti.m uifArur iKlftim WMl.MVAftin.inn.lt.il HcUibs Out Bargains. 'IfW are Sola AgenU for Nel.ern and A meufcly least Vt good tilings to tmiBttyof the celebrated .the b h and girls m even lamilv A,A.LtUes'$2.50CalfldnTo1;,u:i) u ikTery pair in sold with th Mli.vi.ng guariatee: i J vfcTy fx, i r u warranlnl ; r-l,,,uld him OCthem in any way, w ilhin a i. iimrj..ule Jtpje, give unt, I will upon return rf famagetf pair, and taten..-n! n- f Jns reaeived. a nici) line nl W 1 1 1 I L VEalSand other Heaoiinhle UothiiiK 1 .SSS AUO, Dother lot of thee., line ullt tin. I 1'riftoe Albert suit, at Harper's Weekly. GEORGE ASH'S, lt,,-MKV1, ... Middle nt., next to I. H Cutler i ' We ur alao anuuU lor Tim U.U i fltaten liland iJyoing KBtahlishmeiit. I rffMt .nA m.S MliaHa etmnarn of . llilTLSt U, "Vtugly. ins W-Ii t .-tab iu kina ln the World . establifhed ''w" . . BatisfacMon guaranteed. All' goods aacrifd tree of express cbarRea. WEAIt. UNDEVELOPED PARTS Till". MOM XT JPIC IENT Morning laxative betuar Aperteac. . 8..ffl bjrTanrnutft Co., h , anil Druggists evtry wUor Oaufetn lon(lITgw.izzBassii)i.n.i Ml 'I. Notice. DUill H t'AKt.l.lNA, t'.riwen Ot.uuly. I sui . m.i v. .in. I vi. to Hell 111,1 f..i ...-. Jau C.Hrritu....liu.i.ii.iiat..i : 1. "j W-Hyn""' x,,. j William K. Hyinaiia.i.l ..!...-ih l.-.i- ..: of Hkibert W. Hj until. , 1V..w,,,.l.,;n, R'- K.?n,u 1,"'-n 11 ..K'J".rl ' y , , r h 1 1 1 ... . iiinij ii., .iiiiian mj j n , heiiii.'in i .. jviMn-i i i . , .i. ...I m ii . l'reston K., Anuie M ..lames I' and Kll. U.'Ui II. 1I Horn :iiil Mi y M I't niler, 11. klali'Hmwri, ileo K. hm. n, Marj K. Noi itiu. fciuab J-. hcrron. Kilelle Honutr. Kllall. Hlierrntl. Se it I., i-ltei rail, autl Mln DleJSltarrad. Xaka niHlr.' llml a ' Hporlal I'r.xxetllnii" entlllrd as aloe Ijtt ii Itisllluled iu Iliu Superior Vurt or nail ten mnnty. t..r Ilia purpoe of selllug a tract of aoonl ;(l inn of land siinalea In said cmmli cde wrlbed Id tliapet4t1t.ii) Ui iask abe.'lsin (lie hands pf said aemlulstrutur in pay tli i.k, ew , of said Roheil W. Myman. deceasetl, ilid that you are regulrtxl U) appear at the Court House In Newl.ern, In naid county, uo tftsrlltri day of July, A.!!. IFRS.hhiI sumr r demur to the pel i lion 11 led in an Id 'Tro . .'d- TJifc Uta day a,' May. isfc JlJ J it. W.C4K4PtNtHrt a J M t M Ciaveni :nty H t . liKEBH 4HH VKKSON. , Att js for reimuejp. mayld dnw $500 Reward! Ws will pay the above reward for any case (.lire oonplnlnl. dyipspala-, slrk rieadaohe. udleTstVn. pooslU'aUon or eosUveoew we easMteassvrW wKb West's Vegrtabte 1.1 ver yuiaiaitiasi ;tb dtraotlons ara stttcllr -rtflad rllh. Tbey are purely vesetable , as sweriavte give satlsfaetloo. I.ante bcYts eontalnmg socar coated plus. 25c. -iFor sat byall ArOggtsU. Beware of couutertLlis ana laaitsitlena. The eaeine tnawnfserurrd only byJOHrJC. VVKfciTAlX, Ml W. HuA-i ison St.. Cbtcaeo, 111. 7 Bold hy K.N DUrrrsdni(rtles,"New rjie,.X3. apMdsrir The Original Win. 0 1 G. F. Simmons, fit. f .mil Pmhs M. A, Simmons Liver aVf etiicine- av. i- av. ir c rTa"4r' 4' W'j w V. a. wW otrKATI J,, H, Zafcin, rrop'r A. Q. tvifmcooai Uat. a JtWnlanr V.tMU V-iU-.a tiirtd licwgrsTioN, lUuosurcss.' I VYsnrsta,SicK Hdach,Lot te. T. b. Reams, Pastor M, at, rarch, Adaas, Tsmr.; writes'! "t ftbouldXtsvc bcadwiiltt " ' tat Gentflne M. A. Sim W liftl Mcrtck. I filw tnetimM htvA tn mh&litt '. r a! t ni a t sW. ii , r asws j. asv. wrarw, nrjiror stf iBw Memphis, taa, ijrt .JftlJ i Troerrea a pacKafre ol your Liver , Mtdioae, aad ttsnre DM 10 ti tt work like a charm.. I waut , taialjri f as more ofZeUia's , : ; W t '(i:1T. WtiaITT. TwrQfwbVwmwt JHim ti. ll ewcrfs.. ...it. loo ai . ase aw hi&ii oi cmo.om. yjo 1888. ?arer Young People itjPlBtrated Weekly. Rrner'A'otr'2-ri rt& interests , ai 1 u n g reidaf s b yH8 ;iarei nil y . i bukctud variftt v ftiiems and their Ail .- 'iH'Mn- ui e ei i n :i. ; 11 .1 ; in attiaitive .iod .l,e.rabl- in jum inle litt-rat uie . Hohton Cn'.u ici . 1 1 I- v jn del !n! ii :t wi.uthol pK t ore, in lor 111 Al .i.u, a ml i nt ei eht ('hri-: : in Advoc.ite. N. . '1 Cltii- I '. rtta,:e iVi Ve.u . it-ii. oo l.l'l 1 . 1 s. S 'Of :meli Copy m ii' 1 i ; . i r : .I nl i t u ' i rent ' air ' N I II ' V I i 1 1. - 1 ..- . .. I. ! M ' , ''m '" J '.'111 I '. t'.l!:. its ., i u . . I be lii.ide tu (r Ollif..- M..i;e nl.i or r , 1 1 r . !.. avoid eh im . nl loss. ID I Hi I Ills il! the i'Xi!esM 'nil .irtUi'rni'iil. i irdi i o! Hai . A i ! i ! r i sn I i ai j 'i I.i..; Ii t i . Nrii oili. if i I'aii . is.... ii. i .M.. . . i iimii ae' i u iirTiuitic 1 1 1 iimi iiieti newspaper in Aiiailia. The fairnetM of ts nlijeril cyrxjitij ' ' V tin curreut' politics J,as earned foritthe rcsjieot aol ooot'iijlenf a(,V latf-iriial renders, raid A s fjtrb-tN : and rtioelMvi' of iu literary contents, h Ich. vn.'l udc eeriul am ullOrt stt f ls ly lhe.fc. st and most jrUjoilar writers, ft it fuj tbe pi ru.'al tt pi trpla of the wfjiiastpunpc of tasten aud pcrsuits. yupplt iuenUi are fre quently provided, and no eipense is spared to lring tuc highest order of artitditj ability AO liar upon the illus trat urn of .the chjingeful phases tit home find foreign distort. In all its foatiru Harper's Weekly jg adnnr eVtly Miapt.-il to be a Wrcomo puei-t in cveiy li iii'-t hcM. 1 1 n r (! I'fritKliiiiN Vh.il h.AU . II AIM KK'S WFKKI.T 1.(1(1 HAKI'KK'X MaiIAI'IM' 1.00 llAKl'l I!' MA7AR I.Od HAl!l'Kli'S YriVKti I 'l'l ) Pi V. '1 00 Tosta'-t I-'roc to all Hti Ucriht rs in I'nitt ti St atcs, (. ,-iu Hd a, or .M e xicn The Volumes of the Weekly hegiu with the first Kurjitior for January of each year. When no time is mention ed subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time ef receipt of or da. . v . Kound oIuiCiefllarirr"s eckly, for three years lack, in neat cloth binding, will be. bent b.. mail,. postage paid, or by express, free of expense .Hoth, Laes ror.eatjl v alls for 'tiddflijr will fcesentby mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1.00 each. Kemlttances should he made by I'ost-Offiee MoneOrdcr, r pxaft, to avofdttiarictrji'lbsA; Ncwstapcra ale not s copy this adTeWserrien't without fi , epres ordrr ol Harper tX JJrothera -AddreM" ' j'V i ,w lathi -ilT-rri'" M'f2awm&&ai koofssd srpHsatHui ) Voilwt fiuus and erain soon lgjLAl tneritin m ) SyaotMaars at aos Biliattn contlnos to Set a soUelhir l aarasajaas-knarka sear tf-obtalD pataau l .bataUay i VTaM, Oanh&n. all mam MinlrlM Ithatf anMtia wHtm ... tl..lul fi. .. U i iaoaa aQate4 sMttelrissiHass ai aasar- f )um .... . rt -r.-'v In tb. PaTent OSn on tbori none, i raoas rarr raaasaakla HMUM swaSSSiiaaUaa ST awaala aramn.',AtlTKia kf mn Jraa. . ikli 'ikMi..ia.iiniMti MnYM MMtM tfitseUoHUtawl fkrearh I lltha ( IPA'Tl WIT. A M K. frfcJC A .wb IO taaa I u nil treat at w ma i so bm idhmdhh ntnpapat 01 It kail llabad, ti tte'warla. tb asat' rkSdV'SrrnWrl's Uanbliaid U'KEKL. ! a,fr. aad fe. ;- wmmmiA to btt ttia bMt HnM dntd t aelaaaa. iaB,lrrt.ic..ieifaa ' , N (bar SaeanmeTrtayA Indwanal prorreaa, pab liahad ta an. ataiaun la aoatatnatk aaawa of alt pttmtaai ana tui af rrarr hi ran ties AaMte) r t, nasLBaawi' sar see oeussvx Bo a ? ail waaalra,. i wm . ' If aoa bars aa i.iftkm rsUkt Writs &Kaii Ti t iijH ifWssiiiaw!iafnivV: ' I provided trjWTrBirf 'tMt fkcedd olume, suit- .1 I J - - 1 I