7 ' '' AsHOtTieMBST. IIS Lit H Eft iat DAILY JGUKJULta mix eoiaaaa , d (00 deep, sbUahd .ur. xMPt Mouir i I . "Too wjll get mint her cutting j w par rear. tui fw.au moatbi Dit-ere4 1 and will you toll me what you cou tonrMMrtaMatMniiuir wooui eider is the profit per acre that you THKWJCIK-T JOURNAL, a M coIqbsb I realize! FaHna,wi vvwrr lum j v , Anyf grrapiin batks (daily ul Mu4ir itw;&ue im tmcQ suuaqucut AJtartifeaaeata ander tiaaU of Busiuras MtV WHW for nt and 6 cents for fair saharsaaal lnseruon e a4varUaMDaala will beinaer.ed between a&i Aatar at aa ma anllaaniftfarrtMiaor I'm tin urn 1 n r i r i i il uUMw be inserted free ah additions a win to waxttMu prii.. iu tbl8 market no ieg8 tnan iLrruKr Currr:Itfoo .on 0 120.00 ton. Us4swtttsoollecu-d promptly at it 'Kut that 16 not what we Ought to 1 aMJP' Mi IB Pnsaawleallsas onnnlnlnr utm ul a di aaaaVM of ami matters arc solicited .No MMuaMUoo most be exoected lu be duu jlaaaS that contains ototeettonauia wreom ties Wttaaolda U n me of me iull.m or AAA WUl Beaas mora man our column i. ft ii AvjaaraaaCaailiiK aaai-ieved . n. i.-ii aaMaaaaaniaiiioauoii can obtain hi iiu-t- o . ae Mar ay application at tuts utf ai.j . aawWwhaniiB ta TRE JOURNAL. tvmn. m, iiasrui. Kdllr. ,fW BRRNE. N. O.. Jl'NK -J b CataraSallke rHiolnn The Finger- Itoard to Succt-ss "HE WHO El'NH Mi li 1 A I). It will be remembered by the reader of the Progressive F.irmn . that we published two 3 ears a'c tb4 yield of hay obtained by ('apt. B. P. SVilliamsou, trom one acic el land, on his farm near this c 1 1 . We remember the cotiwnendiible ioterest with which our hrethieu Of the press copied and u peated Icrtili. eis, careful, hbeial seeding, the Statement, that here 111 initialise can giow large and profitable Carolina, 12,571 pounds ol cured ki had beeu harvested from mm Mje of land, lie has 1 i h 1: rested. FIFTY ON U TON.s nl M A I I : 1 ' TWENTY Kit U A'H-. tbfl first cutting. Twenty yens ago ten years ago, it was thought that the cultivated grasses could Ot be grown successfully and profitably in central Carolina. There are thousands of our farmers today who. laboring under this de lotion, are wearing out splendid grftSS lands, iu corn, cotton and tobacco, buying Western mules with which to work it and buy rig Western hay on which to feed them. But says one, dpt. Wil liamson manures his lands aud makes it rich. True, and every HJBH uiuni IftUU 1 (ill iiw 1 li nwiii. Xfci Oapt. Williamson, like all successful farmers, manures Ins ' land- We have seen him at it. yft have watched ins methods. . . He 1s our door neighbor. Almost ? . Vejry day we notice that ho goes Ub lv:uin 4l u nun inivun uu iinu each, time from four to sir pound 1 A f MnhtmAiA llrnin Vrrt il t rrr iind .4 , "! LiA - - t a .. 1.;., -., .... I. eattla - and horses. Ins splendidlv quipped farm iu all its apjoint menu, show what this leitilier will do. . So greatly were we linpies.sed ... with his success and so important hi achievements that we sought ".? an iBverriew witii capt. . aim ' w"iiVe bis views and experiences a l 1 v: t. ir. . OS Wl UVIDCl auu unci no a 0010- aria fnr it We ask everv vounf farmer in the State to lay aside the prejudices and dragging slavish method of the dead past and come c ' on, into an atmosphere of new thought, new hope and new life. Bat to the Interview : f VHpt. Williamson, I learn that yoi have just harvested 51 tons of a carea Jiaj irom .4 acres 01 your T tfdU Vim farm anil fir thA npnAfif v ormyresaers win yon Einaiy give the leading points in your ex- perlence, by which yon obtain these raanltaT7' '"' t ClDt. W. said : '-Land must be maaI tilth onn wjaII furfilwad V gtow good crops of grass and c ClOTer. Any still or c lay lana in IHig 0OUI tVUj Ulll Vi lAivvui 1 ai vi j that will nroduce 25 bushels of t.' 1 eatn or 1,000 pounds of seed cotton with the use of 200 pounds of good V aamoniated guano in the drill, is ' aiitable ibr grass and clover. "i Cammeoce to prepare it as soon as ; y HMIW(aiuueiiuiuj ui .iuiubij. DTAf deep ana close witn one or ... . vilw an rnn hralTA bit lSAltAsor deeper, follow the brenk ' ISJTJiUh 10 loads good stable ma . ' nsre, harrow this well into the V. lind. break aeain about first of ' ;. March' ahout 3 or 4 inches with S)sll pTow or cultivator, then sow ?: Ol 400 pounds of good ammoniated - -7gaan0 or 300 pounds of pure ground boat) meal. Harrow and cross 4 harrow this Into the ground until 'v'yjat. seed bed friable and tmoylfi f nough to sow mustard f ur nip. ied in, then it is right to sow grajftjeed and clover seed that v art, smaller than mustard seed. Uood-ttaonrinv, good tillage aud v liberal W&ditlg are essential to get I stand of gnst. Without the stand , yoa caflnot get the crop. After harrowing in the guano or bone ' meal, . sow immediately the ieed 'and J bruRh in with a light thick brush Ao ktirrow puU i Pant l CT T.ft to a At aiinMitr cutting of one ton or more to each acre; if only one ton, that ill pay for cutting and saving tLo crop, and leave enough to top dress each acre with at least $5.00 wortb of commercial fertilizers or stable maDure which should be put on in December. The profit is, the tlrst cutting of erase which Is worth, to do with it. Ve should keep stock either cattle or horses, and feed it, save the manure and sell the cat tle and horses. That is the way Kentucky and ot her States are get titiH rich." What do vou retard as the best ami isafeht method ol cuiinL' I1.1v, iecially of mixed grasses and vi heavy grow th T"' ( apt. W : "Sunny weather you table talk. uiiiBthae to cuie hay. 1 prefer I lCvery day table talk can be the gras getting too old, to cutting guided as the members of the family in rainy or cloudy weather between (may elect, into profit, frivolousnes.", fhoweis. 1 wail loi tattled, suuuy jor loss. Many a boy aud girl re, weathei. Start the mower at o p. ceives golden nuggets of lnforma- 'm., cut until night, then start agaiu jtion and iusight into the tnrrent at 7 a. in. next day aud cut nntil 10, affairs of the day from entertaining a 111., that you cut the day beloie, con versatious which paieiitx lead and all you cut iijj to 10 a. ui. ue.t 'tluiing the meal hours, day, will do to t L 1 11 twice aud g A company of buoy people, once :i:t"o oi ks by . p. m. Open t he j boarding together, and having lit cocks the following day. as soon as 'tie time for reading or study, under the dew is oil, aud the hay, if you took a light method ol turning to h. e had good sun, should be right profit the three tun em daily that ! t. gi into the bam by 1 p. m. they met round the dining table. Is n, 01 is it not, our opinion i 1 hey chose to greet one another at that clover and other leading gi.iss m.i I'c rowii to profit on most of the soils, especially led clay soils in Central Carolina?" Witu good tillage, a dec use ol crops of cIon er and gr ass on most of the lands in all this sc. -111111 of our State. "Have you eer fried Lucerne ?" ('apt. .: "I have fried Lucerne, sown broadcast. It was not satis factory. 1 am informed it should be Miwn in drills. ( lover .mil grass are less trouble and good enough foi me." "What do you consulci the best varieties of grass lor our ordinary soils, and in what proportion should t hey be mixed V ('apt. V : "For upland seeling, I prefer Tall Meadow oat grass, Orchard grass and lied Clover, 15 pounds red clover seed, L'O pounds tall meadow oat seed, '20 pounds orchard grass peed to each acre. For bottom or low, moist land I prefer Alsike elnvei (i pounds, timothy -0 pounds, led top 'JO pounds to each acre. 1 prefer to sow from the 1st to the loth of M arch." lie said that a grass crop or clover crop could he grown with as much if not more certainty 111 this section, than any grain or cotton crop, and he had very little fear of failure in following the methods in dicated above. --Progressive Far- met. Jones County Items. 1 lit' fill toll ITU is lUIill) lll very inuL'h. We h:nl Icii the l.i.st tew il;i8 very hot weat hn . Mis. .1 . 1 ). M.iv anil ilaii'rhtt r of Kitiston, are at Trenton viniting relat ives. We had in the vicinity ul Tren ton a fine .shower of ram on Friday evening last. .Mrs. Jioberls and children from New Berno are vituting Mrs. '. V,. Green at Trenton. Several of our citizens have been spending a few days at Moreliead during the past week. Mr. C. M. Pollock informs nie that the J'iney Grove section of .(ones county was visited on Friday evening last with a heavy rain, accompanied with a destructive wind which blew down and scat tered fences in every direction, while the thunder was terrific. Mr. Pollock says he stood in one place and counted H'ven trees that the lightning struck, When you enquire of our farmers about his crops the answer always comes, my cotton, etc., never men tions his corn at all unless yon par ticularly mention corn to him. The most of them consider their corn a secoDdary crop while it ought to be the first, Ja6t such neglect as this is the cause of corn selling here now at IK) cents per bushel and very little to be had al that price. Departed this life at Trenton with heart disease, on Wednesday last, William E. Ward, Esq., aged 44 years. Mr. Ward has been sick for several months and whose death was not unexpected. Mr. Ward was a member of the Ma sonic fraternity and his remains were interred with Masonic honors on Thursday afternoon last. Mr. ard leaves a grief stricken wife and five small children together with a host of friends to monrn their irreparable loss. We hear of cotton liloomi in. every direction Ja our connty, -while' oni old friend Willie I. Bntherlandi reports corn sUka plentiful on bis farm the Oth of Jane. Mr. Bather land is old man in years bat a real lire, progressive farmer who baa bad considerable experience in Lis calling aud says the snre road In dnpcABB i d ftr a van farmAr tA ! raise his own supplies with stock i enough to be well taken care of which will bring about the good old , prosperous times of which we are all wishiDg for but can't overtake it. What to Talk About. A lady presiding at her own table ! has long been known to mike her cooking, her methods, success or experiments with one and another! i n trrcH i An r flu tiic.r nn ohiph tiliu balanced almost the entire oonver sation of the meal. To follow such a course is to cultivate a profligate habit of conversation and to foster criticisms that might be better be .stowed. Food finds its ultimatum of use lu uiinistring to physical ueel8 aud is out of its sphere when ! made a leading tojuc ol Imaktast each with a Scripture text or other selection of a thought In! character, at noon each brought some item from the business world, .1 cm rent event, scientific fact, literary or art note of some obson a Hon of his own; and at the tea table, anecdotes, funny happenings of the day , stray witty sayings and all enlivening talk were 111 order. The plan uite tll'ectually secured its most desired end, which w;ts, the prevention of "shop talk," that mosttiring theme among those al ready wear led with their woik. (I001I Housekeeping. IIOS'T EXPKni.TIEVr You cannot afford to waste lime 111 ei et itut-iiiniK when your lungs are in danger. (.'oriBumption always Bee ins, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer lu inrpose upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because be can make more profit be may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't bo de ceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guar anteed to give relief in all throat, lung and chest affections. Trial bottles free at It. N. Duiry's drug store. Large bottles $1. Trying Experiments. Thr public run 8--roely te ttlamed for try 1 11 k unHlrunii Oirown In 1U way. Hut llif 11. you kuow, Ibe public Is easily bunilMiggcd. iin. I la w iIIIiir to try RnyUilnif H H It. rec oinmemlB Ufcelf, rtix-a not tltc'it iht l reinr il ii-ii. untl MtAnris on lie own inerll Wllm-sti 1 ho fol IowIiik. KE.HOHTKI) TO ALL. MKKI1I1AN. MISS., Jlllv Vi, 1W. For a number of yen') 1 bav sulTered iid loui ht;oiiy Irom th- enVcla of blixxl polaon. I bad iny treated by aeveral prominent physlriana. but received but little If any re llel 1 reorted to all aorta cr patent nietii rlnep, HpendlDK a large amount of money, but yet aet ting no letter. My attention waa atiraoted bvtlierorea said to have ben af-recl-d by 11. It. IV, and 1 commenced taking It merely a h an ei perl men t , Laving but little faith In the result. To my utter auiprlae I soon commenoed to Improve, and deem in v self UKlay a well and hearty peraon-nll ow ing to ilie excellent (iialltleH of H. H, H. 1 ranDot commend It too highly tu those suf feilnR from blood poison. .1. U. UlRMON. Trainmen M. .V li. 11. H. AKTKR TW ESTV VEAR8. KAI.TIMOBK. April a, ls7. I- ur over twenty years 1 have been troubled w ill ulcerated bowels and b eedlin piles, and grew very weak and thin from constant loss of blood. 1 have used four bottles of fl it. 11. and have galDed 16 pounds in weight, and feel belter In general health than I have for ten years 1 recommend your H. B. H. as the best medicine 1 have ever used, and owe my Improvement to the uae of Botanic Blood Balm ErroKnim A. Smith fiend for our Book of Wonders ftee. It treats f all blood dlseaaes. Addreas lli.oob Halm Co, Atlanta, Da. For Bale in New Berne at the drug stores of R. N. Duffy and E. H. Meadows. may THE SEASON Is .At Hand For Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Fly Fans. Wire Dish Covers, &c. SAVK MONEY HY BUYING THEM FROM L. II. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. K. C. Languor. . Heftdache, Constipation . Tan-ant's Seltser Aperient. oM trr Tarrant 0tx, FY, sjrs1stlsW7Wfcera made worUng for as. cents prefened wbooan fnrniak their own horses and (Ivs their whole time to tee btisi- aesii 8 pate awmeats naj be proatskhly em- Dlored also. A few vacancies .in tovns and alt lea. B. r. JoHKaoa COw KI Mailt 8t., anenaioBat va. .eas uwiia ; Absolutely Pure. 1kt y Ci-r oarer TariM. A marral rl I , ruin; ,..1.1 ,.u, buuw uisiwvu7uwv. u w rejueni aeonomcaHhantbe ordinary kinds, and ean I aol be (old In 00 in pell lion wlUiUie mniuuula ilowlL, aort we lent, alum or pnoapnaia P5wder. Sold only In oani. RotaLBacm owdbbOo.. l(WWall-at..N. T noru-lrdw For gala in Newbern by Alex. Miller. k ' I This is t !:o Ti ip of the Genu ne Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. All others, similar ;i re imitation. lis exact Label isoneachPearl Tep Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has ..: i : ' is as good, I I 111 11 AS NOT. Insist upon the Exact I.alcl and Top. For Sale Everywhi m Mali oiv iy GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. Round Knob Hotel, W. D. M'llAI.I K, I'rop'r. linl'NIl KNOB. N. C. lit I'iet ti r'Mii" Sf'iir Wfktorn North Carolina. in ruiN i s v i vi i in Old Kort. I N R A K Ft iMblaut i Mllre. .St. lleniaril Muuiilulu ' 1 t 'at a wba 1 ul It, Mud Cut . I Hwannanoii TntmH t rinnacle ol the ltlu.-HKli.1 . Potato 'l op . Toe Hive1, flue trout ristilLK 'i Bridges' Iron Hprlngs .... I Kel ly s I rou brings v Mitel, ell leak. Ilie t;rave of llof M.tii.rll, the h'glit'ftl point east of the lto Ky Mountains, nine miles. I'uri devi s. cool tlry nl m plir-; no f I lit Traill!) klop al (lit 1ntr. Hp 17 (Jpen all the year. Tdrmi reasonable by ninnth or week. alb dwtj Dsr. STABKEY L PALER 'S Til KATMEKT Ul IMIILATION. TWA DC AAHn' RTCJTTCptO LU0d rob etivet, PtoilaU'tt. tPv For Consumption, Allhmi. BroD hltl t, Iyapela. 'tarra. Hay Kr, Hi ad - ache Orljllll), lihenmatltm, NnnaV lla iiud Ml I i 'h route aDd Nervous Iison en. "I'hi Coinj'ouiul OxKen Treatment,' lrs. Klai key A' 1'alcu, Mo. l.iJV Areb btreel, I'll t la delphla, have heen using for lha last seven teen ycais, Is a sclentltlo adjustment of the elements of o.wgcn and Mlroiten niagne tlr.ed, and the compound Is ho condensed aDd made jioilHlile that It Is sent all over tbe world. lUui. Hi A i:k iv A Pa i.kn luive I he liberty to refer to the foiiowlna named well-knowu persons who have tried their treatment. Hon. W in D. Kelly, Member of Congress, Philadelphia. Itev. Victor I.. Conrad. Kdltor Lutheran Observer, I'htla. Rev. Charl.a W. Ciianlng. D.D., Hocb s- ter, N Y Hon. Wm. I'ciid Nixon. Kdltor Inter- uceiiu. Chicago, 111. W. 11, Worlhlnglon, Kdltor Nw Houtb, Ulrmlugliam, Ala. Jadgt II. P. Vrooman. yueuomo. K.n. Mrs. Atiry A. Liver more, Melrose, Maas. Jndge K. . Vonrbiti, New York City Mr. K. C. KDlRlit. l'lilladelphla. Mr. Frank Slddall, Mercbanl, I'hlla. Hon. W. W. gmyler, Kaaton Pa Gdwird L. Wilson, S.'l Broadway, N Y., Kd. Pblla. I'boto. Fldallk M. Lyon, Walmea, Hnwall, Sand- wlcb Islands. Alexander KHehle. lnvernesn. Bcotland. Mr. Manuel V. Ortega, Fresnlllo. icate- cas, Mexico. Mrs. Emma Cooper, t'lllla, Hpanisb Hon duras. C. A. J Cobb, fci-Vlce Oonsul, Caalblanca. Ma rocco. M. V. Ashbreok, Red Bluff, Cl Janes Moore, Bupt Police, B laud ford, aelshlre, Kngland. Jacob Ward. Bowral, New Booth tTalea. 'And thousands of others In every pari of the United State. "Compound 6iygen its Mode of Action and Results," Is the title of a new brochure of two hundred page, published bjr Dre, Starkey A Palen, whloh gives to all lnqairsrs fall Information as to this rsmarkabl cura tive airenl and a reoord of several hundred iurprlslng cures In a wide ranee of chronic cases manyor inem aiwr oeing aoanuonaa to die by other pltyslolant. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Read the brochure, DM, STARKBT PALER, No. 1529 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. may2dw SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NEW BERNE, N. a, Will move on or about January 16th, 1888, to their new office, over the Bank ing Hoateof Green. Foy ft Go-, three doors below Hotel Alaert. Jas. W. Waters, ATTORN EY AT L AW. j ... " - - ' , OfBoe with p. n. PIteticr, two door outhofNewEerB Joormai,: ral dwlr HiW BEENE, R. 0. ' r -r our j. rices. ' ' vtriHr' ''-''' T HOWARD JUST RECEIVED: White l'icjue and, 'uLutj!c Four lu French Hows and Greuadiue Scarf 4 fur liidbriggtli bltacLtd .1 aud Gauze I'n lcrwtar. ?ai.t JlrawilH. iin- t.ct Xi lot of I. 'I , w;iuj Shfipers. Full line el ("oliars ainl l'J. di'z. initial I'jns 1 ut ' u fi , 1, c w reel v 1 d, ll.it h in 'iair. M(ii's 11a and Kuhher king Suits, ('overs for ( a 11. !L ' ii a 1. i lliap .1'Klt -. h'ligl-, M..U:! g, HOWARD & JONES, Next I mi l'.l dull HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. V 1k. K C West's Nmvi and Hkai T h till ii km , h gim ran t e t tl Hpeclfti- lur II , m rla l'UziuvMi i '4,ii v ultoim. h 1 1 h Net vnufe INi'urnlgia. lirBUiii'tif Nbivuii. 1'rnnlral ln cnustil h the iisr i! uli'oh.'l "i tutiurco, Wulu-I iilnrsB M i-li l ii 1 e il i b i 'ii , Sufu-ulDK of l l.t- II in lu rt'feiill liif; ' u UiMuiill Hl.l leailliiK tii ill im-i ilt-i-B uud ili'Utli. I I tiui I u re tilt! AKi . llI li-li l;i Kh. IrfibB of iiifr lu lllil-r x . I li vol u ii lur ) 1 .osB' fc a in l r'jriUH ti it i Im a causi-il h) ' v vr-t x erl lun ul tin- uiuiu, Blius, or tivwr llHluleiirr I "h l.n i' Hi iKllllOllf llllllllll K llfltlllllit ? H H I'HI T m! x liutl leM for to. IKi, at'ij I l lonil v-1 1 -ii,l on ri-oelpt of pr.ee. WE Ul'tltANTEt: MX HOXfLN '1 1 cute any case. With eiu h milt't iirc:i,I h V uu or Bl x boxes, aci-om pb nl 1 with i i we w 111 .end the purchanei nur w rltI-o kuhi ault-t- to i efuiul the inom-y if I h e 1 1 cat uu-u l dot-fc not efTii-l a cure. Guarantee iaBueil only by M N Dl'KFV, druKK'nt, sole aent, New Iterne. N. C ap24ilwlv " Don't Fail TTCa0n ROBERTS BROS., oh SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We have in stock a Full I.iih- of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C S. Parsons & Sons Boole and Shoes, Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, AIho Shoes iliroil from llio iHwton factories. We are selling nil K'a'l,,Ii 11. ''I K from the MillB in Michigan very low. We iiIbo job I.Trillaril Htul (iml V: A i S nu II ROBERTS BROS., 8outh Front jt.. Nne Berne.TV. V HUMPHREYS' I SL EUlfJESITS' BOCK Cloth & Cold Binding' j lt ratM, vtt SlMl lafiwlat, eaav siilid ran. a. a., lsie. s t. XtsTraORsraxsos. enm raica I Sevrs, OonsMtion. InflamnAtlonl .35 3 Wtnsl, Worn Itiw. Worm Ooltr .9A t ('rylnt Collr. or Tealhlnl ol InlanU .til 4 Dlarrbea, of Obildraa oi Ada)u 5 Dysentery, Griping HiIiom Oulic . JJ Oaolera Morbus, vomiting .t.1 7 iairhs, Oeid. Bronchitis S iearal(la. Toothschu, Fuoachc .23 t HeasarlMis, 8lok Haaebt. Vortlro . HOMEOPATHIC lOillrsaeaata. Wiobs bimoli . . . . IS I llwupfrwl or Pa In Ail ferlo4 i K l-OBpTboosB, DiBonlt Bmttalnf J i4MH Khenia, Krripls, Krnptions.. . u k if as bam r-nnnw irsriijas !S n aanaiallaai, aMuuue raina 14 I F?verTSTne. OhlllTalalana 90 17 film, BUnfer Blood m . I Caurrb, InflDMsa, (Md in U Hoad .0 Whooplns Cnh. Violont Oooihs . .ftO 14 O eneral Debl III y , Phrnoil W ukuow .40 77 hliaoy Dtaeaae ..90 Ul LrlaarT Wealue. w.win. Bod. . MS ervens imaim v ...... .......... a w UVIOIaraoMOf Ine nien, rsinitaMon SPECIFICS. I00IA ay DrnamsM, or snit onpid on roipt of sJ3vsvutrtmiucuaii. is raosa n- s-t. All of the boT mdklDt are for sale atF.S. Duffy's dmg etore. Middle street, New Berne, N. 0. All of oar Veterinary Preparation! can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. oor. Broad and Middle etreete, Newbern, N. C. Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Monday, the 9ih day of April, the steamer Howard will rnn the following echednle: For PolloksTille every Tuesday at eight o'clock, returning same day. For Trenton every Thnnday at eight o'clock, returning Friday. J. J. LASITTER. ManagAr. J. J. Disotwar, Agent at New Berne. Bit O ban rtven nnlver aal aaUst actio la tb ' enreef Ooaotrhcaa and Gleet. J Mcscrlb; It aad feri tale fa raeommrnd- arkl Ma mt ttaasisss. 1..T. JOSlUaUr Ant,Kvr Berne. N.O.'.:. . maytnwlf , hive :. !..t 7 'ewa)l3?L W - I TP S P-. I f atfierirarfts & JONES. Hand. Lawn Tier. hot wiail.er. l l'ude Bows. 1 a r k 1 ! per pair, all Mils, l; I. Ml! Size .stk'S, lllltll ili.l Celluloid all letters. Tr-iiik- li Oil Silk 1 t I ay until ( ,.;.!.. 1 ,'i i-Ir . i! Dour to N.itio al Ikuk. j ii i UMniii ; Hash, mam.y. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEEHH, Fuuuik'ri nuil Mai. ti fw tin - r-H hi Machiutfltft ul Ihlora in UNGUES and machinists supplies Itnlldria of Itollrra, Kat Mill.. i..iKinK v ui off M4 l.lfket, Willi 'J Ul U pi lnij 1'a 1 1 !i 'ii h r un '. ti , ii.i i u re j hi t t 1 hi I k : i.m Inilloli K 1 vtIi We W III lu u Jb1 t 1 f 1 ,UIH Mini -ftllUiatMi rm n ii iltntri i i 1 1 1 u 1 1 of iimt liiuery . U u i-f t lie HgfiiU for the WaU' of llie A uer-l'-iu. mw. . ..) for 1 1 . a. HurifHitJin h oti lui.tcil : lujtli lift lliir Mlcu itlrM. w t- t-1 h.ii ifuc!ii g nit r hii frr ul I wui k The Wcrld Stands Aghast AT MY LOW 1'ttlGKo, And wondrra. How ih it tlmt I nan sell mi much luwer than any one else? I II loll you: I have determined to be oitfily aatihlifd for tliw cksIi, anil WOKK UU! SM Al l. ruoriTs. My Motto is r'Alll UKAI.INd. I'DttiH and Im y frmn me, aud you will in i r ri-tn-l ! I. li. H. JONES, New Heme, N. O. 1862. EATON 1888. THE JEWELER H.lS a KINK STOCK Ol' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry SOLID 8ILVEE AND PLATED WARE- UPKCTArLKS. 1 ki tti a larger stock of Hpnctaelee thaD any other store in North Carolina. I take particular pains to fit them to the eyes of parlies needing them. Hat ing worked steadily at the bench for over thirty years, I believe I can do as cood work as any watchmaker in the Slate. COME AND SEE ME. SAM. K. EATON. Middle itraot. Opposite Baptist Church. falldwtf WALTER'S . Photograph Gallery I I take great pleasure In Informing my friends, and the pnblio generally, that my New Studio is now complete. '-- My Light is on the New Improved Plan. 1 have spared, neither pains or expenae in arranging this Light, ao aa to give to all my work that Soft I'oroe lain Effect. Every style of picture copied and en larged to any site desired. A successful career of twenty-fire years in Norfolk, Va., is a proof cat tb satisfaction I always givo. AIy; work' speaks for lUelf; by it I hope to gain your confidence and merit your favors Very reepeetfulry, - TOOS. WALTER, N. W. or. Middle and Pollock atm, l... TltT- J . janSIdwtf NEW EEBXR.-&.f &T Will be at Morehead City and fjeaii fort during the summerr " -. " $500 Reward! We will par tbe above rem ani for any Ma " of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick btaJactrav lodlgestloa. eonsttjiatluo or tlwn as we ' eannot are wua vM'e Veia4le lAvmr Pills, when lbs directions are strictly oam- J . piled e-lth. Tbey are purely vefcctali:e, and. never rati to a-tve aatlafaotlon. Lare tiena -oontatnms; 80 ajenr enatet ptlla. S -e. Kmt -. sale by all drnggiM. Beware efeonnterle I u and Imitations.- The reoolne Dianufartured .; only by JOHN O. W E8T4 Ot., k,1 w. Wad kKMt UL, Cbleapo, lil. - ' i . ' Sold by R. N,DVrFr,dropeit, Nev Barn,"N. C. T .V-" r T ; ' tp24 d wlr . 'W' ''. --