1. 3 Mine's E louno WEAK NERVES vhifh i.nvvr fila. Containing Celery .tud Oct i:vc v I'uderf ul nerve Btimuiaiits, it RHEUMATISM THE JOURNAL. FOItEYER ANDFOItEYR. :jut ComfoOxii jii. nn.s tba I llllbk of U thOU art to tile. ilT.aSf rS'''LX SKS1 I d ream of what thou cans t not be 1 ,1,1;tll ooiw.uou 111. My life is cursed with thoughts of thee. .f-'i (."il" RrWllTlirt.f lair i , " . c ii Forpvpr and forflYflr. CY COMPLAINTS Mv heart u full of grief end wt I et?e thy face wher er I i "EY CoMPOrJrn auick lv n-sLiw-n t-'Vktu ix'iubiiu with its uave I would alt-e! it were not o -a it Uic Lwbt jcinedy 1 i ifcj ) .aiL f u (Comb -EPSSA CONSTIPATION - I lip forever and forever! Perrhance if we had never met. I had been spared this mad regit-! DYSPEPSIA. I ft iLut iuibt-ry txptneuced w i.t t una tloiii bocuiue awiaTt- tL.nl we i-ohhcwi dltebollr&l ttiTUUL'eliJcDt raj it it b fc'. ui.iib.cJ. . Ttt- bittv.! t v. it. rtht j u:: !:'i.j wMili kti.l 1 1. 1 1 (-.. !..t- win. i : :js tv mi: (. u Uiiuujgh- if I" V : . i 1;U". e I lit (-t i.e I1 fcd uil. . - lit ij l n ; . n. a l'BLK-b!.i' u.1 it t u. I it. f'vWri a J id n ! . .i-Ltis l 1 1. ;-c-i . t 1. 1 mr tul'jn I to SU k IlttdttUf ; u. ee ::t.' y aii : I, lt-g malic lihvt- ( vutllullaii. vi' ,r I'.c lL:ii mid LieM:, uic .(;:. 1"' cj luoiu) foreboding!. ....- ..: - s.;--1 ' - w'U.. J r t fui : v Ii'iit '.!.! & " n ' ' " - " ' J . lit- L-lMiy r : , 1 AGENCY FOR 'Mh 1 1 I, ulrull ,rt ia. i.,r,w Xbia endless striving to forget Forever and forever! l.ti-i i.'ji- O ...11.1 . . . URCS Nervous Prostration, NtrvoLj Hd.:..: Neuralgia, Nervous Wca.i:cbs. i:. sad Liver Dlsce.es, k l.c acinus i: I . 'pcp&ia, and Sll aflcttiUD. if li.c . ..:.(, i'erchance if thou wen fur away i u.w l""d 1 not see thee day by daj i --w 1 might apain be blithe and gy ' K' Forever and forever. HlUi'.j 11 uus. II, l it Kli STKAMEB8. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The I aat freight Line L KUuJON 1 KINSEY S( HOOL, La Grange, 1ST O. , '." I" Ah' no: I could not bear the pain , iTusgis-.f 1 t never seeing the aain. ChaKDSON&CO. Pr.ps I cling to thee with might and miu forever ana lorever ' Ah, leave me not! I love but tbe lileesing or curae, which er thou be. 1 '.'). b as thou hast been to me Ki rcyer and forever . 1 l UltilHjil. Fxtenshe farming S I i . K IjS 1 1 . 1. K , N. ( '., J unv 1 Mi:. Kdi i ( '1 he iicsei v.itinu if"i: . 'fit.;-' ilh-'i ;"5 - : 'rmmr For Girls and Young Ladies. $90.00 for Board, Tuition, Music. Inherited Diseases. r. i r .! e . r s '. r N n 1 1 "ills ( Mr t I i ni.li .tl, junr: I'.i. ':n t . I. i i'..., :.. JOSEPH KINSEY, rrincipal 5 it f nr. tei2 szj ? C - t- T ' ' -J r '" a SO ?c . 7 o t-r- ' - ' 5 r- . . - f - o F & - : 5 : o crq y B cr W3 P n: s " a o T p p a a" P crq P 15 2. & 2M cn tr ESS f.'fef tEr7 - s fEra Sg wH? Ut1 Q ? "'IK M ID, l UwhU I If. S-VMT 1 r . f r full : ! r P - - fJQ O P yj ? S' P a o 13 " p p fti CP H H P P S o S p- 2 o 0 O P i t LOOK! LOOK! Examine Carefully. Then Compare our Prices and an Average Saving of 25 Per Gent is Certain ! Aoj one desiring to purchase a SI'KINO Ol'Tl'IT, will firi'l it to t!nir advantage to call and examine my enormous Ftork of Clothing, Dry Goods, Borjts, Shoes, Hats, Caps, TRUNKS A-IN D VALISKS, Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, And be convinced that I can sell you (louJ el.rnr than any other home in the city. I cn sell yon Men's good Blue FlanDel buiu lor 1 T V A pod t'assi mere Suit for $4.75. A man's good Woolen Suit only?!"; an,l I can give you good suit for 3.00. A boy's pood suit from ?'J..r0 to C.(0. Child' knee units, from 4 to 12 years, from tl.'25 to f 1.50. Men'i good 8hoeg, $1.00; Ladies' nice button Shoes, !0. Misses nice , button and lace Shoei, 75c. lie Suspenders, 10c. per paifjNeck wear from l"c. to 2."e. !nder Shirts at 20. '-Ladies' nice Slippersfrom 45o. to 75o. Linen Jlandkorchieff, 5c. Fire hundred doten Hats. Mens, Boys ami Children's Wool, Straw SofVot Stiff, 5 jents up. Mens and Ladies Hosiery, 5 cent? up. Other .Goods too numerous to mention. Give up a call and find what I ay tab true. JVA.faH line of Jerseys; an all wool Jersey for 45c. AT COST. Having determined to close out my entire Stock of Faney Good, Gorget Ladies' Underwear, Hamburg Edgings, Gloves, Ladies and Misse Hose, Handkerchiefs, and white Lawn and Piqua, and a large stock of Notion, thia atock ia bound to be sold at New York Cost. J AS. A. THOMli-SaTestnaii. Opposite Bsptist Churoh, New Berne, N. C. SnPJDIJEBsS MAGAZINE. f R - -V'JKI (iBAB?, CENTS A NUMBER. Jl K-&mti. tfibaiik eJlicfcor tnotwy order U CIIAMBS SONS, New York. SilKTTHi: I IVI.lt III UoKKIM. II I A I 1. o I II I K 1 HOI X 1 t aon ills i-i'f it iii mr i.irniM iroin Kuiiit-N ami un k.k - ,. ,. i;litli galls is a bubjTt upon winch ' '! '' ' mr Ijriners cuiilil fieinl uiU' h iio ' - - . fitalde thought. It liuitsi Hit- vt In n lV ' '"' . ,' ; " a I sec t lie once line il,mIaliniM ol h " " "iir tarmerH walnufj a ; 1 In- ynl d 1 1. i , t 1 1,. . i i i i hi Htttailily -iiToach)HK upon mil 2i . i si iirhis. ii no oilier tea.son. we ..-hi to have loo much pn.le J " " " IN A " ,-' '' li-.nc Icully washed ainl uiimIiI l 1 1 ii i t . i r out 1 1 e i e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s I o i u p l!io!ln-r l.irtnerc, take more pmie ; i oiii pi oles.sion. Let ca' h one :r to have the best latin. Il.ive sf-telli III IU1I Bulk. I'lalil a cer tain i: inn liei n ai l en ol e.n h ciop .mil nrike t Iiiim' .ii les ploilure the amoiiht ilfMieil. Maliute even tiling you p!.iiil, .iinl inainire it with a 1.1 in j,' in ,il mi e, one t hat the cio is will led after the lirM year. Com mercial lei 1 1 1 ier lias no Im.si uchu on poor land, land devoid ol humus. It ). a good llillif; 111 Its place, hut itH place in mi M-hlom louiol. S miiht leain lo make one acre pro dlli e I l.c amount we JmiV make oil two. '1 he intensive hyslem lor us to follow. It IN the riglll MMcin ll tool w.in abundant, lint with us lalmi is scare' and we must adojil it or have badly prepaid! and cullivati'd crops. 1 1 ave a lew acres well manured and well prepared and we can reh with confidence upon a good y icld. Now, liKither laiiiiciN, here in I he the point at which many ol uh Mumble: because we make a good application ol manure this year we (eel that ' t ought to last and amsw er lor next year. Thai won't do. iMdn'tyou cat a heatty dinnei y est ci day 7 I'll wager that you will feel that It would be unjust if your good wives were to Nay to each ol you, ' No, you tnuMn'l eal today: I fed you well ycMerday and thai must l.t.st two or three din 1 know you are hard worked and don't get any p-M, but you musl 'lecollect that I led you yoHteiday.' i liiotlicr faimiTN, you treat your and your capital that which Mippoits you, and out ol which you niUHt obtain your sum ten unci, upon j I 111) SalllO pi IllCljlle. j 1 It JUnC in it right that you! UKAI KUSIN should wu.stc aw av and imo erish . the lands iutruNteii to yout Kemem tJeneral Hardware ber that your rhiltln-n will one day Attr'iilturul i ln , , ( , H l ive io tut ine noil tutu miii nave moovet iKlied or im.iroved. I ask ll,M "UU istor. you scriotiHly, which Nhall it U-t -, ,,0,"H a'"1 Ax.-h. HnWAltn I'. .InN Ks, in l'l'Ogrt'HNivc Wood n Movert ami Ki'iipcrs, 1-'. inner. Hleam I ,i z I iicn, Cotton J i ii m unci I'ressrH, A.N Mul's l'A I 1 1 1 It Why, w hat n rrl 1 1 1 icm, land IMiisier, lianilt the matter? Mc liimli s TnuN iin.l Hardware, Llttlo Son .Me an' Dick was Um, Itii.k ( . incut. Plaster playing' we was Abe Lincoln an' illir paint, KalHomino ar nplittin' rails; an' w'en wo got that I Illsl) 011 (JlaHH ail(, ii(r b.g board all chopped up mamma rec ltefr.rern.orN Oil came out an took the wood m the . ... ...... I.OUHOfork.ndl.n'. , Cook .Stores. I iireka Hurglar "Hut VOU d.d'nt w ant II,o Wood ' r.M.fSaKl. !,, k,, ,rrftr,.e.l to didvou'"' Rlt e MTiirity iwiil Hutisl.iction. . o .'' I'Kll liH VKItY LOW. "Then what aie you trying lor? ' titl). ALI.l'X tV to. 'I'vejost found' ont I I uln l p rr tjt-it t Trr'TT'D ben playin" 1 I've lieen workin' XiLiJjUil liXV, 'oo' boo!'' A T T O 1C N V. A T I. A W , Craven St . two ih.orn South of Jouroal olTice. W 1 1 : j rarl Ire u W.f Cm nl f Cr a ei. Car teri! Jfin ' M, . w Bn.l I'll n. I , , , CnHi-il rUnti l iuirl i.l .Srw Iterne. mill 8uiireine Cnurl nf L hlme. , ,t( Dr. G. L. SHACKLEFORD uirs i iis'j , IVXIXJ XJXjH HTIl ITS ET, dw NEW BKHNE, N C. OWEN H. GUI0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms South Front Ftiert. fourdoorg weat of Craven. ft3dwtf From th Dominion of Oanada to the I'ocorosioD of Alatka. and the reel of the orld. tLoueaiids upon 1,000 of If. aarwaan W. Ia.smilb Hlc C isrs are btijckt-J -,,. uti. Luirs Sonb Cjollsu daily Wl" hrisuM Ibty are ll-t Huii.u. uj Soifoik, Ul timer. cry licet Luae fr llie jric TLt HMUJ.iiiis. iiW t.ik.llnlM, arc huiieot in eery particular, fce tic u. Ktiubctk Cttj. Vjp. from all impurities, akd will kefp you & io Kood health. They ..ic duclor e oiilo "HE TEA MERH the f t r i , i ) . bj.J iLc U.iivJf.u tr; fur JUHJ LiLi L alia V JLOX JUIX tLtrlli t a' f ,r A 1 ).aM) tjf TaueilJ f ! l. .t 1 tHJp aliJ JU Will grt h gvOS UCC 'IaN-:: 1 W 'H AuKM'Y 'it.. at , Wm I. I'Al.MKk ttb A ' . t l. :.l ! f.o rti: i. I t a jj f I nri , . r . i , ., '. ;i ! Ir-..! r 1 : : . f r i,- '.:. . i 1. ' - M tl ! 1 ' : l c. : u 1: mi "f ,, ! in uwLi : :1(it-f i .i r t u 1 : ka itn i. j . t.f r l.r ' .i j il : a. (ist . t i : t wM.r If . v.l . 1 - h U. 11,' :.,; i ill. A .1 ulliu.l.. J ' i.t.st If., r dm V, 'IJBn 'r ti ili.if f i:.t la piut. ;! fn.fn 1 t.e . Lain f tK-1' k , !,o a .1 . f ;,tif ' ; t&r f t.l li t-cr :.,uu t f r i ::f r C at r ..T ail f 1. 1. I "'ft t ! ' r a rifr r:ia 1 at i r ,,t- . !!.,,, rial I t fit- m a. :.li , ; ra : . I s fi i . su Ji fata afTt c n t v. , r ' , . v i ; . , j. u ; . ; (l , B1 'f ' ' li.-t11 '.': B to i I' e r ..(-.!) " - fa-c r i: i' i . 1, a-f c. . us ! i i, Mf. l:. , !s - , c-t . , u. , - , j lfl , 1 i.g i i i . i 1 1 . jt t f. scutes Is ft a i.l ;,M , f ) 1 1 1 1 nsn 1 1. 1 . i -t t a . 1 J ! '. .nt ' t bsl.nt hut pn 'll a rfiM It. vll-'i iprilrnr La atleilr 1 an ! i. fa . . , i i an f rt'n.fn!? i il.r w ill 1 fainoiii Mm Lfl hpti, ,n-'. a J i. o v i-ft-t a Lie i 'in i ,i riil Dftf ui e n at. 1 1 1 li f r a.i I i .J j 1 IL aft:; T 1 It la ft .m:i.j( . f limallinatii altir An Irilfrr-sa-li-K Irn.tl.s . n li. ,4..l ai, 1 fsl:i iMa.avt" w... i t- ii a.jfs 1 frno I ) m., IrnMliig 1 i.h Mw in Hrti'iri' Uii-t 3 At. a : i a. GEORGE ALLEN & GO Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice, To Soil: 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & GO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Mii.i . : ; i V Ml. KM.. V 7KK VikTU ' tKt'LIli run on rfLiir fcUedDi t- Ntv i-tii.c err WiiMja., : a tirn.iiA m H'U..)I. a - 'i '.i.JL wL U.C luliOW- " e i. t-cilun via i Lie n Nt'!t R IHOUltiClU ki. It i . . a a ; : , ; H K. ii aXad ,c,: i r -.. a f flltiLte ktid l. Ctti a lo . i la aWaleru h - . '. ' t i u U K . b 1 i! thrift 'J i aa ' k a J "rH jLlifXHal-J t - : 11 a n ty ii ) a rJu.e , .f luilt " ' a i Ttalf.. Aajui .tcl,l, ' 1 OLD DOMINION MARBLE WORKS, Steamship Company. r V M Hi I . . ( I Z- - - viSi i - i, -i m - i i iv i mm:. ' ' I '1 l I ii I ., .SI n in . I, Ip ( " " ) "l-l I Ix.llli W.I,, 11 - " ' ' 'a I I ',r in. rl i .ii.i I-,.,,, . . I, c ' . n. I . '"I ii . I , i i I , ii (li,. I I'.t . I -.-1 'ii. I KAN;J.'l. Monuments Tombs. n , t a iiiainavrain! Mul tllt'lt ti ii ITALIANiAMERICAN MARBLE Or.irH will ivi vwt prtuji t Htt i ii Ht;l sbtiHfttctit.i! t,-u nrnn ttM'il JOK h. WILL1H, J'ropi Ii mi (). -T let that cold of youri run on Vou tbin it is a light thing. Hut it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or consumption. Catarrh ta d mounting, ropumonia is dangerous. C-onBumplioD is death it self. Tbe breathing ayparatus roust be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All tbe diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, oan be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boscbae's German Syrup. If you don't know this already, thous ands and thousands of people can tell you' They hare been cured by it. and "know how it is, themselves. '' Bottle only 75 ceDts. Ask your druggist. Valuable Plantation FOR 8ALF. In Jones county, half way between Pollokiville and Trenton, on tbe Quaker Bridge road, half a mile from a gtod landing on Trent river. The tract con tains about four hundred acres, one hundred and fifty under cultivation, the balance well timbered. Well adapt ed 'to corn, cotton, peas, to. Good buildings, good water, food neighbor hood and healthy. Cheap for cash. Apply at Jc uimL offioe er to VT, K. WARD, apS dwtf Btoa, N. C. DR. J. I). CLARK UENTIHT, niwiui, , c. OSBss jn OrmTsn url kilVHl Pollock ( 'or. II IH-Ah A h I h 1 I A A -ii. .VAH HKKM(. ( i I Mil i. mi it ii, k ii Hi. r i7.iit ni'i I in kiiinioh nmho ilvu Jwt -M ar v w r V ' u w ww Atlantic V N. C. Hull road r.WA. TAHI.K .No Iu KlTi'i t 1 "ii AM, I i . In, . .'ui.i -.!., ls-s. ( i..l. l.M Silll 1,1 I.K I i I'-'. W'K-T N 1 1, 1 . n n,li I Tl , c 1 1. .N , i. ,0 Ar. I.M'. SliiticiriH Ar. I.ve. p in 4 i, ildhlmi i 1 1 R nl :, ; fi 1" ( irange HI .Ml 10 , Ci i .1 ; 1 l K insiim lo l'.i in a i : ;t '. 1- New Itcrtio s :ti, s ,-,4 'J ,.-1 fi 111 Mnn lieftil City 11 iu (i 'V 1 ail . tinlN'i la; r. S' ll-'l I.l' I" IN'I U'LST. No 1 . No. 2 t Mixed I t it Mixed Kt. & I'hsh. Train. siaiums. 1'ans Train, am ti ill) ( iolilstxiro s ,r,o p m fi '.7 7 o'i Best's s (14 s 1(1 7 Jn 7 'Mi I.a Orange 7 IU 7 -14 7 4s 7 .Vf r ailing Creek 7 0(1 7 1(1 sll s :,u KiiiHton '' 'i'i fi 4- s ',0 s ,Vi Caswell r 5 Ifi '.1 1 "1 1 Hover I ' ,s ri lo 10 10 iu ;"i Cure Creek 4.1 1 :!0 Hi ,'iJ 11 (M Tuacarora H .'i4 4 0c 11 Ki 11 4'i Clark's :: ;i 4J U 12 am New hern a in :i (0 I ui-iilH . Thnr ilar mi 1 HAlimlav. 1 MiilnlHv . W ,itni-SilH aiul r rl.liiy (J.iim: Kast. SiitKpri.it. C isoWkst No. 'Ju'.l. Tnu k. No.-os." Ar. I.ve. Stations. Ar l.ve 2p m .'1 (i'i (ioldsboru H lit p m .."1 "i ft 40 JHest's I'.'i 'J 4c '6 55 6 t'O l.a Orange 1? 1 1 'J Ki r lh 6 1H Falling Creek 1 'ifl Kill ; 3fi 6 41 Kinston 1 25 1 :td ;fi Mi 6 T,(i Caswell 1 02 1 07 '7 11 7 11 lover 12 42 12 47 7 H2 7 32 Core Creek 12 10 12 21 7 '.0 7 'm Tuocarora 11 r)0 11 s 05 8 05 Clark's J 1 M 11 39 s LiO p m New Bern p m 1 1 0V ini, 1 h ,,U,d 1 he kn 1 ' I S Kill! I li-ll 11.1 ' " . sli 1 1. . Kl.iMIII.-l i-i r'i riiiiss 1 1 I ..:.. i, ( 1. 1 1 11 in - 1 1, r I 'H I 1 1 , , . , ' 1 I Iii- .n.l 11 . Niil 1 1 , . 1 : 1 fi K, 1 1 -in fin t .1 1. Ilin il r il., . 1 I. IV. A in, I LSI l:. 1 Ii 1 .1 k 1 . 1 1 and Broad. r7-ldwx ROBERTS & HENDERSON Geteril Insurance igsnts, New Uerno, IV. CJ Only first claas Companies represen ed in fir. Lift and Aetlisnt lawaoea. Total CapiUl over Forty Millions o Dollar. 7nn?4dlT 'Daily except Sunday . Train MoonnooU with Wilmington a w el don Train tx-nd North, leaving Uoidsboro 1 1 :S0 a m., and wllh Richmond A 1) nvlll TYaln West, leaving Goldsboro 8 W p..m. Train 61 connect, wild fclcbmond A UmtIII Train, sn-lvlnf st Oold.bcro 4:Vi p.m , and with Wilmington and We Hon Train from the North at i 45 p.m. Train 2 connects Willi Wllmlnfi n and Weldon Through Freight Train, leaving iJoldaboro at H:)KI p.-B. Train i!0H, Kast Trnrlt; !ai:y, coes Ihrough STlld ti Richmond, Washington, Baltimore. Philadelphia anil ew York. S. L. Dill, 5urerin tended. Notice. The walls of the barber shop on South Front street have been renewed, and a set of cane- bottomed chairs added to tbe stock. Oo and get a good share for ten cents, by good workmen, at Prof. W. H. SHEPABD'S. Mil 'll.l'f! II f, U,;P lk,,lr, f s- - -1 fc. n,-riiu I1 1 1 : f T Ne w Htsf l. riif N. ('. Freight Line KOK NKW VOKli, BUoTON, PROVIDKNOi; HIci H . i '!.!! I fS n 1 1 1 aiul vwt A fir 1 I. : - 'us ut . 1 1 : c 1 1 e. .' 1 e : g t : ! (, f v f , S w 1 . 1 i, t tk I'I I iC 7, NOltTIf 1 c I 1 : it. Ufjlot 0 .Nir York tin. I Haittmoi Vmiuyortatxon do. lUl I.-. 1 . !. b. I : 1 ii, all, !, i.e. 1 II lli.i.le. .1 .1 SKMI-W KI k!.V ' 1 I A M K KS Between New hm uj Ealbnon f. ik) LaTiic New ) - 1 e. ' I. 11. 1,. hi TtKHlAV hi 1 A - i j;. l ,. , Ha; Uniort f,, New Urn,.. U i t..N r i o ,, .1 '-ATI K 1 A 0 IM iiip f H'llIN h'Mllt.-lc ii .(-r. V l..L4 M , U1 I a AS W M I'iKMi'K, i in oTf..L . a . P. Ctjtl A Oo., I liilvUii.!,!. 13 Mom b,r YcikAlIntlu T-hh- I. It rr NaartbfUt. F. Sural H,.f i. i ri.ira. vi Lftrf E H H Wf .i, l'r.- idn.i t. K I l O MU.U. Kirr, li. m.. a wharf Bh.j.a I'ftu - .. I ...-a.:,., .mi J aiDrdfi Nw . i k .iail H al i m i V , ,1 r i and Hat urdhj Kivi; K.ur, "; laU.i, vr4di.ojtn K : Kl a hrriftfi t,,i,a . to Mi (.'.: i : a iroid Breakage ol Bnlk tnd Ship iii N. C. LINE. .1 Ma. it it h i U A V As V.w lime T1IK NEUSE & TRENT RIVER 8teamboat Company. A in mi, u.e r.,, lowing Hcheduls on and aflat Januan Int. ik:. , 6 learner Trent 'M-rv M..nilv anil Thurada moriilnk; al s.x o clork for MnlUls and " Aiiaina t'eeeka and ail IntsrmiHllale polnt.v rel u r n 1 i.k sa me ila , ' Steamer Kin. ton. A i.l leave New Berne for Kinston on Taes. i ''. lays and r rldas at 1! o'clock, M. Keturn- . -ng, will leave Kinston on Mondavi and V rhurtiiajB: 7'onohlng at all lulerruedlat t" LandliiKs en Neuse River. . J J. I'isuswATat wewaera. w. r. Stajtlt, Kinston . .,. l. 8. Barbus. FollokivUi w. K. WAHD. Agent at Trenton. '' ' - ' M. c. BMrTir, Jollv Old Flabr. 4-: J. B. Bawks, Qnaier Bride. J M W 1111 E, (Isn 1 Htat(e I ' sbTiaw a 1 niton. N t7 f ? - . ' . ; li r il ft v . i'i.. ki ll rate, gnaraa 1 tf' i .i. I r ttl r . of '