- ..- i. iToniy Friends, Patrons AND Public Generally. 1 take great pleasure in announcing my return from the Northern Markets, and will quote below a few of the many Genuine fclOW READY AND WAITING! yJBargains, because bought at ROCK J50T TOM PRICES, for the rlcan CASH, coupled with an experience of over twenty years in buying. I shall tion. as snace w not attempt a 1 not permit. ; cordially invited to ; yourselves, as proof to whether or not simply depend: give me a trial iinon II QT TUim f m .... .1 . ....... . i . . a WU CttAOO Jl gauu 1LB, ll 1 1 . i AM going at 0 cents per yard. ' - Three cases white an.l cream lit'ckril .N.uiiMxik ,it .i mm a s 4 .. i.. .... ?--' OlIMN White Figured S ilcciis at 1 Utl IWaiiouui IniliA I.:iu.iik uliiff :il - n I .. tit I UDe Caoo lUUItt .uann, I" miuic.s I wo nuiturru pint en .tinei ii-.in miirt'iiM. niiiru .tiiii ' mnoA aa 1iVnph ; Heal hemstitcbeu liautlkcrcliierd at ('cut.-, a V.oD'Hah Half Hone, rofcilar inadc. at 10 cimiNm i er nan. j V a on wmv I J . 1M fu it i ' v . i'i."V'i' M. w n it . ..'.....' . ... .... Mj DRESS GOODS HKI'AKnihNT is complete, ...mprihinj: the ew delicate sbades of t he season in Moire, Silks and Sail us. Nun's Yelling, Albatross, CasbmereH, Flannels, etc., etc. Worsteds from 10 cents up: Wool later r.nntin, s niils; t';tuY:tHs ClotB, worth 20, cents, reduced to 10 renin; Seersucker, twinkles and Ginghams in about same. Embroideries, Flouncines, Laces and l;.dm::v Ladles and Men's Collars and Culls. 1 : Parasols and Umbrellas, cloria silk, satm and ser;:i-. A L'ood Parasol, t m r BALPl1 tr.Yarnot'$ Ilsallh Ccrtets. BONED - -c-ii i rsmr.nv'nr.rri1flr . Sf IUU UIUC VIiumm i all to comeand see. c .. Wholesale fTaking lor granted that all wide-awake Uholesale Purchasers are looking after their cim interests, I shall make the simple an nouncement that I buy in LARGE quantities f:rlCASH, and will sell you as cheap as New Ycik or Baltimore Markets. rca't tail to1 see my stock before pur chasing. Very truly yours, O. MARCOS, rL Pollock Street NewCBerne1 C. Marks. THE Bargains full hut deserip you an and at I save thcr : eoilie of ul eAiuiiiur ioi say, and as you money or not you can Will . ... i ..... I .. ...... I . in ......... ..... i , i .... . . . 1 . 1 1 yi mi , ui l li l ' ' i r ll l .-, It r I ii i it vy ('('lit: l.(iii, ... I i . III 111 ('I'll Is, Hi cviit". Ilu-fe Kxd ire worth rMitv .... . . . Mine, ai iciii.1-. I v i . . .... . , ... Ball's Kabo and Circle Hip WITH KABO. rBskes. Will not pay more, luit invite Department THE JOURNAL. Arrival and Departure Sails CLOSES. Fox North. We and South, N. O.K. B. H7.80 a.m. For Beaufort and the 8.-00 p.m. Tit A. l East, 41 For Waahington,8wift Creek, Hydeand Beaufort Counties Monday, Wednes days, and Fridayi at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokaTille and Maya t ille , daily at 7:80 a. m. For Qrantaboro, Bayboroani Van d em ere, daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOUKa: Id Money Order and Begisterd bet ter Department, from 0 a.m. to 4 p..m. In Mailing Department from V a. m' to 8 d. m. Office open oonatantly between these hours exoept when mails are being dis ributed or aent. Kinston Items. Mist Annie Foy of Jones count) i ? isiting Mrs. F. B. becton. Hotel Tull has lately been beauiltitd and protected by lightning. Miss Anna Pearce of New Berne is spending a few days with Mrs. Henry Dunn. Kichard Baule, t'tq . of the News and Observer wu in town Monday and Tuesday . increasing hie liet for the cam paign Mr. W. G Harper lust the other of tiia twin cliildrerj by Ilia mih wMch Hi death Naturday. burirJ Sunday afierncxiii. )lr J J. liiurll liae J a L e I Irmiitd Ihol l.c in t uiiiltd lo eeveral hundred dfllhlo by I lie dtrstb ot one of bis in- euruuee club. Mr 11 "11 am and faunly uf Ml. (Hivr, bave btn spendinii a few dajB mill rtlatlTes, Ihe famdies of Meeie. II. ii. Howtnand I.. K. Duffy. luwu ordinsDoea fur Kinston bair Uu4y uupeared. Some changed bavr beru Iliad) lor the bller, and if well enforced we will have a clean, orderly I own. Mr. Jue 11. Tu) lor Ln ugKl in He fir .-l cclloiJ bltBBon cf tbe tieaon on J una "J 1 et. ll bad thedded olf ben found and uiUMl have oened iih early as the Joih. I'rcf KjLl ii Maiwcll of Kc-tta.'a. Dunlin county, hae recently lelurned from Doslon v.l,ere he has been taking an advanced ooume lu hreiiolnT un.U r 1 t Kucbanan. A tmall colored child in wu Lud drank about a table spoonful ot lye Tuesday afternoon and died on WecLoea lay mormuK- Mothers should b very careful to keep such out of raah. K. L. Miller, Esg., arrived from New York (Saturday. He has lately Kradu aled in a law school, and has come to spend some time with relatives before entering upon the practice of his pro f ess ion. Mr. Abbott has been shinning drain tiles to La Orange for the uiwu an i to farmers near by. This is one of the many industries which we need to give our town permanent Kioulh. l.el others be inaugurated. Mr. J. Thomas Midyelle and Mikb Sehkt) Dunn were married at Mr. N D Myers on Wednesday morning, June 20ih. Dr. Harper officiating They took the morning train for Waahiugton , ' H. C, where Mr. M ban been tilting business. Mrs. Ueorgie llartclield , wife of Mr L Krank liartslield, died suddenly 'llies day night ths lith, from heart trouble. She was a most excellent lady and leaves a host of friends aa well as a tie voted family lo mourn over bar de parture. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Ravnor'a young est child died on Tuesday. Us death was unexpected as the sickness bad not seemed severe. The disease peculiar to j the season make it important that we guard tbe diet of the small children avoiding anything which is heavy, htat ing or inflammatory. iTho Prohibition medul content at Worth's bchool honse Saturday night was a grand success, livery seat was tilled and tha three 8j classes did splendidly. The winners of the silver medals were Misses Annie Jones, Elizd Hodges and Annie LL Worth. The next contest will be Saturday, .laly 7, 18S8, at 8 p. m. A new mail route has been estab lished from Kinston to Trenton tri weekly via Cobb Mills (Cohooa V O) and Mr. SpeDCer Phillips (Hown's 1' O). Bids for the route will be re ceived at tbe Kinston office till July Sd. for service to begin July 16th sad end June 30, 1889. We suggest that those desiring to carry the mail bid just as low as they can afford, and then if some man in Washington, D. C, or some other distant place gels it let hitn come down and carry it himself. One of our most attractive widowers called on one of our visiting young ladies just abort while after she ar rived on the morning train, staid till tbe dinner bell rang, returned early tn the afternoon and remained till tbe supper bell rang but refuted to eat and left only to return in a abort while and remain till the ;iater nours ot me eve ning. This has been much tbe order of things for several days, and the situa tion is becoming distressingly lovely and must soon come to tbe crisis for bet ter or for worse. The Prohibition Association met in the court boose Fridsy. A. J. Loft in. Esq. moved that we do not put out a third, county ticket but each member vote as he sees proper. Mr. W.H.Worth offered an amendment that we endorse tbe Prohibition tickets of the State and U. S. and put a county ticket in tbe field. After a lengthy, spirited discus; sion tbe smendment was lost by s Tote of 18 to 17 snd tbe motion carried by 17 to 15. Resolution were then passed by a vote of 19 to 13, that tbe members "will not vote for any man who is op posed to tbe local option laws of tbis State and is not in favor of electing others wben demanded by the people, unless we believe him to be sober, com petent and law abiding." An effort is beinft made to change the mail route from Sutton to Comfort, and let it terminate at Rtchlsnds in stead of Comfort, leaving off Comfort and going through ths new road, which makes tbe distance Kioh lands only four mites further than to Comfort; tri weekly mail any way by the Trenton- Rkhlanda route. Thi won Id make tbi route of mnch mors) rains to both Kins; to aad Rffrlr- Biohlands is tbe center -, of , tba richest township in Onslow ooaniyv and should be connected with Kinston by - a tri weekly xaaJL Ws hope Mr. MoClammT will unite with our Mr. Simmons in putting th sough this change and thus add other laurels to their present well deferred popularity. With these items we part company with the Joubhii. and its readers. We do so with best wishes for the editors and its many readers; I'ortraits. In oil or trsyou from life or email pictures done by Miss Aurora Mace, who is teaching drawing and painting by latest method', at her residence on Johnston street. (jaBlldtf. ADVICE TO BOTHKBl. MKB. WlMfcUjW '8 BOOTHINO SYKur should always be used for ohildren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oo!ic, and is ihe best remedy for .mar-, h.ir&. Twintv-flve cents a bottle. -tarlTdluthSatwlr ulmripllou Hooks. j Cur.Mlitb of ihe Bible, of 1'laces, 1'ereons and Things. " Sea and Land." wonders in the eea and on the land. Family Bibles of the beet printing and binding, from $A 50 to $22 60, une qualled in Hie country. D. T. Caiman' ay. tf Publisher's Agent John Williams, ' In ln vT permanently located on Uroad lmiet nrar ( raven, where he is pie- pared l. (1.1 AN. DYE and R EPA lit ! all kinds of CLOTU1NU at LOW ' PRICES A specially is made in clean ing I Jt. lies' lini-aes Salitif action euai- I anteed maySOdlm Important Notice, 1IAV 1, 1SNK 'lo Ap-iiti ami those i lio will wotk to xlei.tl i lit- circulation of THE KL1. per cent, com mission will be iaul on all orders lor the Weekly and Semi Weekly editions, ami 1 A per cent, on all orders for the Daily aud Sunday editions. '1 he following shows ex uctly the amounts to be remitted and retained. A gents Remit. 1.7'i .44 Agents Retain. ? .75 .25 .06 Edition. " Puce. Dally f 8 00 (Sunday . 2 00 Daily , per moiilh. .f0 Daily and Hunday per month. 67 .59 1 60 be collected .08 .40 .20 and .Nemi-Weekly 2 00 'tf Ll.. 1 I lit eea ly . i . vv 10 cents extra must eenl for postage on premium with and terms are ! Weekly edition. fry All other rate I hereby riinrellsil THE WORLD. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. STANDARD AND BEST. 3H0 more Words and narly tOOO more Illns ii&Uoofl than lioyoltier Amerioan Dictionary. Ath(,n( Dip miw.leinttnUry fimturitu, original with WrlnUr1! I nabridg-fi Hint uneqUaled fur , i.ni lse and trustworthy Inf ormation, aro A Biographical Dictionary "iiliniiiiirx nearly lit,ini na. 1 Notnrihy I'itn.iu, itti thi-ir iiHtionahiv, flutlon, i.r-( --1. .ti of iieciiiui)ii, dato ( liirth and a atd, (if tilTCUW'lj, tl'.p A Gazetteer of the World ' f ever SfcVm 1 lUt-t, 1kUuij ami briefly dHcrib itig i ho 'iintrH, Citi a, T n, and Natural hAture of Tory part of iim slol, and ". in .iplautory and Pronouncing Vocabulary of the named uf , Noted Fictitious Persons and llaoea, much as ar otU n ni erred t In liUrature and con to real ion. The ialUT is ml ffmod In any other Dictionary VEBSTERIS THE 8TAXDAE0 Authority In the Gov't printing Offlce, and vtiih it4B U. S. uprcm6 Court. H im rwommcmlfd ! the SUlo &up'U of Schools of 36 SUtes, and I y leaiiing Collog Prej tl of IV H. and Canada. ll i ihe only I'ictionarr that lias ho'n aelected In making Kiat Turrhaara fur Schools, and ncarlv all tlie bchool liooka are liased upon it. An lnrauale oonianin in i very Bchool and , at every Fireside. H(cimrn pacs and tosti- monlalft sent prepaid on applioAtloa. Published by C. & C. MERR1AM A CO., SpringHeld, Mass., 0. S. k EDUCATE! EDUCATE! What Better Can Be Done For The Children? AUEORA ACADEMY A.UROHA. N. V. K. T. BONNER, . . Principal. Miss E. O. Lanostoh. . Assistant. Tbs rail BesslOD will open Sept. 29, 1887, sod cUse Feb. 8 18K8 Bprins Ksaalon will open Feb. K, m. and eloa June IS. ItWt. Board and tuition moderate. Pupils are) charted from Urns nf entrance U end of emslon. No dednetlon except In eases of protracted Illness. for further Information apply to K. 1. HOI (INNER. Prtnelnal. Bibles. We ate requested (0 state that tbe Craven County Bible Society hare a Urge assortment f Bibles and TttU ments, for sale at prrsj raging frcm 10 cenU to tS.SOfpwoinme, t their depoeiUry infce iilot " -1 a4 flirtt ' GEO. ALtEN CO. J.:BA2eTER cf Pamlico, formerly with Capt K. B. Jones, has now taken a position with GEORGE ASH, the Clothier, an A would invito his friends aud general public to come to nee him, and if they the ; EXAMINE OUR STOCK OF DRY GOODS and 8IIOES, LOOK AT OUR SUITS, , NOTICE THEIR HIGH QUALITY, And learn their Liow rnici: . They will easily be convinced i f ilu-ir ItKA l CHEAPNKSS and NONK Wll,- DISl'l Ti-J Tbe strong claim we have to our motto: Nothing But Bargains, We are Sole Agents for New beru and vii inly of the celebrated A. A. Battles' $250 Calfskin Every pair is sold with the following guarantee Every pair in warranted, should ho v of idem in aDy way, iihin a reaaonable lime, give out, I will upon return of damaged pair, and statement as to length of wear, give a new pair in ei change. Juki received , a nice Inn- uf W HI IK VEBTiSand otbt-r ReamiuBlile iMdlliing. Also, another lot of thono fine ml k lineil Prince Albert Suite, at GEORGE ASH'S, Middle st., next to L. U Cutler h. Ci" Wt ars also ageDts for The Hid Slaien Island Djeiug Establishment, the largest and most reliable concern of its kind in the world; established 1819. Satisfaction guaranteed. All Roods carried free of express charges. WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS rwih. had olaniM) aud Irenifllieiied. Full uarlloir THIS OCT. r 35 w i wlrt m Mmm Tom leriKMorhn. ia 1 OO Blaul Lilllll1" UmI1 lot Bmbrotta? Sumplo!. 1 nn at Uf Wt HP mat wllh 1.4 t m i.n B30 Mw WddlM OonndruH, 50 r. a."? I'M w Mmwiumi Tiicki. lOU FotiM T1HS. . All ft rnilr 4J.t mm. In limp Ci World IT0 Co. 122 Hassan St. 8, Y nul riM. Notice. NOK'l II CAItlll.lNA, I ruvrli C'ounl'. hllj i-1 lot l in 1. I't-l. Ui Bill land fm su' .Uiiii'H C. Mrrli(in. Kii minis: ml"! i I : .i.i-rt W. Hywen. vs. William II. H inuii an.l uii.rrb I i :i of Kolierl W. li j inun. Tn William K , Kranols M , Helun 11.. H.ln rl . Wller K.. Hrliry H , Dun. i.ii H . Murj 11 , Keimt-lli I'.. llotM-ri V.. H UM la 1. . I'reston K., Annie M .James I', and KU.a lieili H. Hymau. anil Mary M. Tender, llezs kinli ilmwn, Deo. K. Hrown, Mary K. Nor man. Karah K. :liern.n. l.slello Hunter, .lla 1). Hlieiru.l, !cib I., b her rail, nil Mm tile Mlierrad. ' Take notice UiH a "Spcrlsl I'roree ilium" entitled as above has uten InntltnU il in I lie Huperlor I'ouil ol call ( raven county, fur the purpose of aelllnjj a triicl of annul I'm nes of land gltnateu In salil cmnty (ile arrlbeil In thepellllon i to make assets in I lie hands of suld silnilnlBinilor t. pay the ilelils. elc , of salil Rntiei t W. Hj man, ileceiited, and thai you are rcqiilri'il lo ;ijr al the DoiiiI House In Ne l.em. In said coll nty, ou ay lin ll. IW.uiiil answer er demur to lllKB This I"! pt-' 1 1 li in llleit In said "rroi-ted- of May. )SA. ll.. W. I'AIII'KM KII. Clerk fuperior L'ourl I'm ven i 'on nty , N C K K III A Hi K KNMIN . Alt for i'ctillouer n.H HI iltiw Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock 's drug store, next door to Hotel Albert. . L Open from 9 a.m. lo4 p.m. Will give prompt attention lo all matters pertain ing to Justices' courts d29 dtf DEMORE8T'8 "T" THE BE8I Of all the Magazines. fSONTAININO lories, Pesms snd other Lltsrtn eHneliees, eombieing Artistic, Scientific sno Hons notS intriers. rifwstmfeil frith Original Ktcrt Exffrnr iul, Photofravirrrt, Oil Picturrt and fin ITeeMleHU, making it the Modrl Mafatin cf America. UNPARALLELED OFFER I Eicb coot Of "Dewrtreft'i IfouDily Miiuliie" ConUInt A Ooapnii Orntr, entitling the bolder 1 IM MlCCvrOn OT UT DU?ni lllUJt.riru in me twh loc department In tbt Dumber, in ny of tbe sitei mumfftctared. 8abMribn or ForehMen nenainj tbe Coapoa with t two-eerit tramp ror vonMg, wtii rroeive vj rrium tie kind they may lect, from tbe lianiine tyDuiDiia tbe dLuduui tbe order. 12 Thte TTnpar&Ileled Offer iftTlm wbeorben Tint to PATTERNS (valued at from W 12 8P ct. to SD cU. each), dor- Itur th yei the rear, of tbe kind and size desired, I ni coutaenuun Worth Over Three Dollars. nrir Soeble tM sctaei eo 01 o. wafca Ol - live... wm ir saf kriUkat I festvss aad seW nncxioBm, Us " , Cheapest . X.galn in . America. OITLT TWO DOLLARS IMMIb Hretrs fnll she, est pttterns. of rizer srertfe assrly doable U mb9atr.tk,s ll ismI wl. for Cfcs el i sut ne.lbef Tfils Psttm OsvBoa Hdmm eeruialr sovserlos twm Dollsri foi erssraaafsttsaUBMsKsTtlae. . ,leiMUri0eiiisriT, fdMbhw.ISt Utk 'SfewVfA. 4 U lrKerislrtSif'ssassteT, CE7C) - :' C-18S8. " .-' -' v Harper's Young People An Illustrated Weekly. Ilarper'a Yoang People intereisU all young reader? by its eareitlly selected variety of themes and their well-considered treatment, rltcon tai us the beet serial arid short stories valuable articles on Bcientifle sub jecs and travel, bUtorical and bio graphical sketches, paper on athle tic sports and games,tairrmg poems, etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers, IuhIIqs I "rdtiAnu aru t n m atVaii a a rA aroblaii t Occasional Supplements ol especial interest to Parents aud Teachers will be a feature of the lorthoomiug volume, which will comprise fifty ; three weekly numbers. Every line in the pajer is subjected to the I most i ij-pd editorial scrutiny iu or der tlitti nothing harmful uia enter it columns. Au eitouu' o! even thing thut is ' attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feaM of good things to the boys and iiulf-in even family which it vim's - r.mklui 'u. ion. I 1 1 l dude! fill in :ts wcallliol ! iiicturex, information, andintereht- Christian Advoi-itte . V. Tcriniv I'ostap it Year. Vol. I x In j-u,- pa.ed. 00 i ill lifl 1 , 1 S- II ( ' ( I J I Milt I 111 II t'l'lt Of stamp. a ! wo I'd) Nu rn In i s l'lC Ct'llt I I'c made Kemitt.iiii i'.-j Mimil li V l'o.t Oflici- Moni'V ()nl( Draft, to iivniil chance ol kihS. Ni'vsnin"rs arc noi io i ojij id ( 'i 1 1 ciiien t willioul tin) i-x otilf i ol ilarTi .V Uiotln'is AilillT.SS, r or lliia resa a r h i New .1 ul lll'IN. York, 1 HHS. Harper's Weekly. I I.I.I STHATi:i. llarjur'ti Weekly has a w. 11 ctub lihlieil jilacc ;ih the 1 aiiiri llluMtrated newspaper in America. Tin: fairness nf its editorial commcutK on current politics lias carried for i I the respect ami confidence of all impartial readers, anil the variety mul excellence of its literary contents, which ineludo serial ami short ntcrics by the 1 est and most jinpular writi rs, lit it foi the ptruFal of jieople ot the widest range of tastes and permits. Siijij K iiu nt.s arc fre quently pru iilnl, mid no expense is spared to hriii' the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illus tration of the changeful phases ol home and foreign history. In all its features Harper's W eekly is admir ably adapted to he a welcome guest in rv tv hoiisi-hu'd. II. iin l,'riollial.s. l'Kli Y K A li : II Ai;ii:u.s JIakiku'k llAUrKK'tf II Alil'F.K'S W'i:i:ki.v l.00 Mauazink 1.00 liAZAR 1. 00 Ynr.Ni; l'lOni'i.K . . '2.00 I'ustnge I'rco the I'tiil' il Stal to s, ( ' ill mi hscrihers in in a l a, or M i lien 'I'll.' uluiiiiH of tho W eekly begin with lie fint Number for January of each year. When no time is mention ed subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Hound Volumes of Uarpor's Weekly, for three years hack, in neat cloth binding, -will be sent by mail, postage aid, or by cxprefs, free of txpense (provided the freight does not exceed une dollar per volume), for 7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each Volume, suit able for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on reoeipt of 1.00 each. KemitUnoes should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy tbh advertisement without the express order of Harper & Brothers Address HARPER A: BROTHERS, New York. gligfj prepsrauoa of more ThoaunoT spnlleaUons for ptUalo la tbe UnlteS SUtes snd Fmim soaa. tries, tbe publishers of the SeteotlSe . AJeoriose eontioee to set w solicitors for Detent, esveats. IiiSs insihs eMiv . I nihtl. ete.. for the ITnltMl Butae. 1 " Sill 3 nun to oetsia peteeis la Usui analsss. rrsaos, Oerasear, Sao all ottasr eonBtiiee. Teste nsert eooeto ueqnsjed sal lasii UeiliUes ere Ksew Drwini snd reeolftestlMM prsfwreA s4 tM "; ia tbe Patent Ofloe os short sotioa. Terms eerr reeeonsble. , lie ebirte for eunrlaatiMel MS It lie ' -or drswiBe. Adrios b suit f ree. . . . Patents obttinwi Ibreeeh MsnsSOessesstlesel 1 . In tbs SciKIVTiriC iAkKRICAB.wbioh has , the lanrast airenlaUoa sad is toe meet lataset.U Bewepaper of lu kiaS snblisbsd In the wortoV Jki BDdeeatsnds. . . .. - ei . . This larsa tvl nlenAlinr fnastrtsed w M,pablisbsd WEaKLTM tQO a fear, ssS a admit tad to be ths beet eener aerated to eeiemoe. -4 meshanios, inrsnuooa, eeaineeriBff arorka, aa4 ether deperVmeBU of hdoetrial pi aersss. eab- .-.. lisbed la any eon d try. It eon taint tbe Bamas ttjih') ell aataatees sad title of ererr Inrention patesteA eaeh weak. Try M fow meilix ler oos Aeuesv " told b? all eewsdaalera . .. , jrl . If foe. hart sn tnroetlim to . , Wansj Oeerohliir at SoissviM Amenaaas 1 ' sl Broadway, R I or- ia r ' yaUaftiieot s6ijt pHk'af iw.J.Sttiir'

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