i I i i i i . A : v. 1.. 4 v. - I. . r.r ; , :, , :i J' ,' i . Iir.,. a, 1 i 1 Et, at i - -t I f v I AND mm smm I hLo. great .' pleasure j invannouncing my ' rn from , ; the : Northern ; Markets, i" arid "-will : 3 below, a. ferribf ttie many, t V 7 JIT A FHf L I- -A ' J tf ukxia - .aa Bargains, because bought. at ROCK BOT TOM, PRICES; for -the ith anrexbenerice of t ... . ; v. 7..; buying.";! shall .riot4 attempt a lull descrip tion, as spacdWill not permit; "but you are cordially invited to come -and examine for ourselves; a& proof of what 4Isay,: and as to whether; or not I Limply ; depends upon Two caea Oreandieg, nice it jles, Ttrea easea wbite aadereaai Checked Nainsook at ScenULt ; o hundred plecea American Sateens, figured and plain, at 10 centa, KTencn, -,-' " Oaa cm white Fignred Sateens at 3 rests. -;V-..:.' una iyuw innuii) ui v (CUM '- 028 case India Lawn, 40 Inches wide, at 8 ceBts. Teal hemstitched Handkerchiefs jat 5 cents. . . , Kalish Half Ilose, regular made, at 10 cents per pair. Yard Widk Uojckspun, 5 cents peb tabd. lit DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is complete, comprising all ti s new delicate shades of the season Yt 'I a?, Albatross, Cashmeres, Flannels, etc. etc. Worsteds from. 10 cents np WoolcLace Bunting,S cents; Canvass ( lb, worth 20 eents, reduced to 10 cents; Seersuckers, Crinkles and i, " ams in a do us same. . 5 , - ;( . . I broideries, Tlonncings, Laces and Edgings. Ladiea and Men's Collars and Cuff. Farasols and Umbrellas, gloria silk, s .X- 1 ' L.ii3s 's I 11 ; - s na a Full Line ofJmanypopular makes. 1 Will not ay more, bat inrite tU toconte,and8ee. '"Jvr: : Urr, , liitt ':ir for granted lo rrirchascrs . : :ncnt 4 that -I; buy j in i AEGE -quantitif 3 : and will ;seli;jW'as jhea aVncw ": cr Zdtinore;naits;; , t 1.111 LLi .tuu my-Btouji-iUBiuio. pux i Vcrytruly -W f1 I k ' THE Vr 5 'it- i T r clean CASn,cbuplca over itweriir vearsHn can save you .money whether or not you .it yard vide, worth 10 eenla, and they , j.?-; r , -J 1 10 cents.' -These goods ire worth v-' f 1U in Jfoire, Silks and Satins, Man's satin and serge. A good Parasol Balk's Kibo and 4 ' X ' Lit Ml Arfto by. r u cl "; - BOXES WITH KABOi-'T""'''''. l that all! tzide-awakd lopkingaftervithcir yours, pr ; , 'i i ee e m. e a&l l.je- n.J. ta. n i.-l-;.''!, tjiyboro aa I Va- r ki f a. b. crr.es Lcri-i: la LxrAuaost troni a. A lo i m. ltk sal E?il n. fermardi.. Befare I. saw one I' a! wan imafizei the St. txnard U be as urge as a lon and Ptrcs; &a a bull, .The pic tare in taj joatlfal gee paf nj taa inaJe . tiese laaprea&ions. When a dog that I supposed to be aa orer grown setter was pointed out as one of the ceUbfjUed. 'Alpine ' breed " uj cherishel laiaginaare" strnctares vent clattering . to the croon d. Manj a time had I in my earl; bo j hood oa winter's night when t was . snowing hard ontside, sat before a cheerful fire and thought that was the kind of weather when the sagacious St. Bernard patrol ed the mountain pa&aea on the look out for storm bound travelers. When - some poor wretch halt nerishinr in the snow was found. his freezing blood would be thawed by the dog's warm body; and the brandy V flask - seeonTeniently attached -to' the collar. After regaining strength I Supposed the traveler would mount the dog's back and the animal trot off with him to the monastery. Bnt it was plain tnas tnia1 J5t,uernard ne was a crack too), had he been large enough to carry mitu. .coam not trot: ne was entirely; too ' straight in ths stifles. v(t is doubtful if he oould have eten walked faRt enoueh to keep himself front freezing to death on a real, cow nignjb'orest and Servility and civility are as 'op posite as the poles. I One is 'despic able, wpne the other is in the high estjdegree desirable.' That style ol manners which combines self ft spict with respect for - the rights and feelings of, others, is ai , quality to De cuicivatea wipn extreme flui- geacA.iv 1 THS KDITOK'S PltlZB. t ' t, k MM m . a '1.' . I Mr. jl. t uawae. baa ntaea a national TeenUtion aa a mracticai onti cian.and hie celebrated ipectaclea and patent: eprwff eys-giaaaee art known thrpuKhoul the United State. . We are writing this article with a pair of hie new uryetauaea ineea. aad tney aeem to ca aa trampsrent as licht itself: and witu tnem tne nneat print ie as clear aa ia youfh.Edibt. Christian Adrocate.. All eyee fitted and fit roeranteed br F. a Duffy, New Berne,, a- 17 dim po King ofilorya The Most Charming Life of Jesus jiver Written. It is very low , priced and is beantiiBlIj, bound. Agenta wantaS in avtry ounty. B1 wagaatoany nerU man, Pon't be Idle whan yon ean be making from 78.i to $100.0 per month. ,lhersia nothing on the amert can market that aaUa any faater than It Soaa. an agent baa sold la lets than Are month one thnnand Soptea of thla book. JaUy re porta are earning to ahowlng from thlrty-Bve to clxty orders taken, par weak; One hon'- dred and. forty were sold Jb Wllmlngtoa IT. C , in lire days. Another agent told In Albany, Oa., three hundred end two In lea than a month.' VlT, :',' ;S .O'r-ht It la a book of vivid Intoraat, Ia endorsed by the leading men of the South.. , Boo tor beantlfoUy Ulnatrated alrenlar of the hook: and alee catalogue of vartona other booka.'? f. ,i - j-s - ...i , i Send ninety cent for canTaealng ontnt Inclndlag eomplete eopy of the Jook In btat binding. Addraee for terms, : i, ri. SOVTHWKSTBRIV PUB. HOPSB. " -fir: issaasiuspraeest. V. yS ""U 5 w i i NABHVn,t.lC. TKNN We are the oldest' and largaat snbscrlption book honse in the Bonth. tmr line of AJbnme are nnsnrpasaed and oar Family Blblca are the Wort eoif!platfrifap. "" " jnll dW2ni . . U HAND AKD TO ASETVEj ' The first installment now readv.v . The finest I have ever put ttpod the inarjkel.. U ft il "d t? Hit rj ii VI A -. la. one pound sections two for duarter at the apiaries hr..'. t ." r Rni.i; rn'.:" y V: ; South Front Btreet, ''' Je2Bdlo-iWCi i Neer Railroad. '.Don't Fail'Td Call On' nODtHlTSBllOGo SE2TD 7cur OHDIESTOUS. We have in stock a'Fuil Line of GEoczurxa & peotcioits i C'S. Par : 33 'dZzZ; "Afco L'Locs direct from I i - '';-'tu::tl. . a . - try. 1U12J.; Urd UU. In.. )- itr f Artiio 1 ; j .f t ;sJ fl. ' ' I' t A S3 i .v. tvtj-.t. v I . W.XL Ii..c. . 1 . PtAJCTS t 4$l.Cg ticf tlUtl. i3c. - . . . . .-..... HaT.Xi. t .sJi.V-.. V.' - EdU jit r.t Ui,,dll!d k'Bi Ial; o Uch fJ ( n. , i uuiiag a. U--Jto U ii tl.ta per M. " LkD 9a. fcTtht tier;'' ' 8U(Ja UrtBQUtei, 7i! ' . Corns 154l3w " it; "'1'.a Chikss 15. .'m-. s.'i1. i. Silt Vbio. put Mok.'. hi . I kJLaseu t Srcrs--X3aSAi' VQWtt li.CO. . ... .j A. 1 ' Shot Drop, ll.W; Vwk, tl.75. Ktaosxxs-iQ. 1 1 .,,. i Eas Dry,fl3a.; 4i,t 1 TALWw 4. Mr Ik, , u hags: head jiotel; AK.ViAboiottw)"; i i SEASON OF 188d.n" v. NEW 6 ANP:: ELEGANT i CUlLDtKO, Dpe rtoci Jotj M to October Irt. " .1 p(.tl, J 'h )nt 3 v r'i .. But few wateilojt plaoeehaTtiio Maar adTanUjree . aod : auracbookN. Orand aoenery, good liver j, and the lineat beach oa the onaat for JrtirlDg. , Oood and conenint aurf .- Splendid induce- menu for aportimea, and a quia! alaoe (or ftoae who dialiJte the soiae and atir incident to moat reaorte. O. IXatetm- era touch hotel pier oa their paaaitce each way between New Berne and Nor folk. -Steamer Lucy tnakea Mtnt-weekiy trip rota WUdtor, HamUton, Wil UamttoB, -Jameerille, riynouth, Eden ton and Elisabeth City. : , ,ij0-?- tvT further particular! addrers V , ' ' !u A. K. JACOBS, Manager? !-j20 dw8m , u Nan Head, N. C. t flcuDcrnQ Ilih Sc!:csl . ..!, . t I J' JAMES TllOJIAS A. B,i VtJiJ; f An y-p, iAsMoiate Pilnolpal, - i . i. n r .,r, I... AND V. fu-.i.t SEPTEMBER 10th 1833. TthTlON PER BCHpLASTjq YEAR: f rimary uepartment,. ,(.S2 oo Junior i-: " .TJT;,',;. 80.00 Senior '4a. "'lu-ji O 85:00 -Tuition payable quarterly or monthly la dtaaee.'l vj.'? itv-. h .-' i u v -No dednotioQ. except in ease-of pro- trnewt? sickneef.?, ,;ff July W dwrt i lltoand.Ktteb'i Hsl:l l W;'V'8PBACiB,:rrop,,:,.t Mot; IMctnreiqneenery' In f Westerif Nerth Carolina." ' ' rVirts-fci ntr jHrviiirBT vftaii'nv,." Old rort,.r..''.i .,:4itnt 8 Ultei MuOCnt,. 4 1 ,l Bwannannairoiinet.Ait..-)a'i;.,!,;f t-It OnnaH.of theMlueUIia.-. " ' 5 .. ., Toe Klver, flne troiBjMtgtvy lit f Bridget Iron HprlDM.. ' t. ' , W kitcheirareak.thaOravaor Prof. Mitchell, i f 'fl' , ft Moantatne, nloe milee. i, ? i t Pore l dryalxoapherei ao .fogs; I'sht aewa; Tratag atop at the door. ' . , api7 1 "Opetl all the yearV Ttms reasonable by month or week;; al8 dwtj U)J, i. ... JKfT iJ...-. .... VAf.'J Indepe&dezit Steamboat Line; a s'jrn vmt . i, ') si) Uz q ia iflot to i6 5i odl fio alai2i?Tia flsna ,! On! asd after Monday; the 8th day of April, the steamsr Howard wiir run thefoHowlrijt gchadetei:? 'iH'tsimxl i For: Polloksville ; every 'Tuesday- at eSfiht o'olock, returnirj ssmi day1' Tor Trenton every TLunJsy - sigVJ o'clock, fetuftiDZ FrlJay;ij -ii- . J.rl!:.:,-oWAT, At.M.t atKew Lerue; " c fJ hr'T6onlTr. ! .mijfacUua Ia tbe nl Qonorrhoa and a t'n et. Iprttertbtltaad j leei In reotr mtn4- ln It to kit imtr-r--, LJ. ST" " ; E..V ) f , 1.1 J. Y. JwiwAiJ, . ; av I me, jn.u. - r'jatswiy t. - At 1,0. are on t ' i rs.r-, u t :i ;r Coits : aciJ a tioe line I lrr A'rea -S jrr -f -r, ? a to!iitrr cf other ecuocbtte a."t;.!ri f Afail-f-"' 1 i:M Gcr raiaj A. ililNtOiS. Every pair soli wisA the .!;. t-rery pair ie warranted. ShoulJ any of t.lt.Tj ; in aey way kive c-ct, I wi.l rm0 retaracr it -i-8gd pair aai autetuent t 10 ktaihof .tr Eie a nw pair ia Mr. J. J. BJlJtLiiuf lainhoo be fir..?, to meet his many frwods anicj- : .ur.a- : g:fnve hm aatifaet;an in v ta; .r i f. lo not fo.'kct our motto: ' . 1 r- i ii r - A V. r ai tr I : t. Ho thing , ' ; " " J , . Mi!dU Stre. to L. n. Coiler's. t?VWe are aleosenU for The Old btatea Iaiand Dyeiof Eullwhnt the Urgeat and moat reliable concern of its kind in the world; established " SatiafaotiOB guaranteed. All goods carried free of express cbargee. Schedule B'Tax, NOTICE. Omct Bcoisteb of Diem, Ckatkn Co. NWBER!t, June 27th, . All MsrohanU, Traders, Liquor Deal are, Keepere of Ferriea, (Jorum inaion If erchants. Auctioneers, and all others in Craven county who are required to link their purchases, receipts' or sales, under tHcbedofe V'B" of the. Revenue Laws of North Carolina; are; hereby B Allied to list tbe same with the ander aigned at his office during the FIRST TEN DAYS IN JULY, 18S3. . The said hats must contain all purchases er re ceipts, as the eaae may be, for six months snding June 30, 18t,and should be sworn to and eubeotibed before the Register of Deeds. :. t (. . All persons . faiiioK to list before the 10th of July will be subject to a double tax. V 1 ' -n' - - '. . Retail liquor dealers will take notice that they must obtain permit from the Board of Commissioners, at tbe meeting in July aext for tbe ensuing six months, before obtaining a license to sell liquors by the retail...; ORLANDO BUBBS,; - Keiristeror ueeda,' ' jus37 d wtt .v Craven Co., N- CT, nusiriiBEYsj-'.ft sriicrATSsviiiiniASTsnsncs - For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, J Dop, Hog,' Poultry, o' v 000 PAGX BOO&ea TreeJU: ; , meat ef Aalaala aad ( , V Chart Heat Free. - fcmm-Trrmn, ronfMom, InflamiMiloa. . ' C.l i ! !., Nl i-haraa. v 5 L J. ., J".r, I ih umaala,' manga, ilaa. K V iwk Uawl C 11 and kMlioator, v , ST. 00 Price, 8Ui1 B"tUe(oror60d(iaeX . a ,60 j i.- Hal bv rssltsi ev " t UnrprhraTt WJ. Co., 10S fnllon It., S.'V. EOXIOPATHIO nl"" SFECIHC K3.iO:f ia u-. a, i or,. Tha oalr nvMaafnl ramalj for' ' K:rv::s C;L;:;ty, VH3l Wnkness,- and. Prw-wstton, from a.at-wwt or othwraua. . . $1 pt Tii, nr I . ' a4 lnr. rml pnwar, for S4 6oiJ) OaiTooTTn. orant potp.idon raoaintot- . Btiaa.lapyari' IWMm e., iw att at., a. t, . . . ..Vvi' " f'i " "! . .Alt of our Veterinary ' Preparations can be had of J. V.. JohdaS, Drugftist, N.W.oor. Broad, and M(ddla. streets, Newbern, N. C. 4, y.: ,' , , Languor ; -' Headache," Constipation , j lu-moTMDr j 1 : ' Tarrant's i 4 BeUaer AwrlWI. ' . aixl ittw evarywhara - $100 tJ$300i A KOXTH ran be mad worklnaforn. A(nts prefer ed who can furnish their own horaaa and. civs their whole time to the baal. B. Bpaiantomentamay be prontably em ployed aio.; A few vacanclea In to win and cluee. B. V Johhsou fe CO., m Main Bt., kichmoad. Y gr ' ' C -Je dwlm r The walls of the barber shop on South Front street have bcn rcpw el, srd a set tf cane bottomed cLa.cs added to the stock. Co-i rrte p-od shaye for ten cents, ty goo ! vc.rkm-n.at V ' . 1'rof. W. U.fcUEPAEDU Cohort Hanccck, Jr.y f? t'VTRIAL JUSTICE; i , r i -' V " CCi ce in ten i of Han cock 'a d ru storr , Best door to Hotel Albert. ' Open from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m.' Will give prompt attotioo to all matters pertain ing to Justices' courts. . d29 dtf . Valuaib nintaticn r 7 ! 10: LF. : Ia Jut county, half way bft rolloksvilie and Trenton, on the : V: I ' t road, half a mile from i ; ' r a i Trent rier. ,i t- t i t.; 'iiit f-.nr Lur 1. ; 'r"l ac l ' y i the tilanre t -ed to c rr. f ! ' ' . - i ;or . cash. NT. C. . a. 1 V, t. f t;. St.. .. n. Ve: u l .:;' cf AVhiw V,-.i. A. BA1TLL.. .CAi nchanja. But Bargains -rhl urs . ?IAT 1, J88S ." r .TJ-Agenta" and those who will work to extend the circuUtioa of THE WOULD, 20 per "cent, com mission will be paid on all orders for the Weekly and Semi-Weekly editions, ttnd 2i per. cent, on a!l orders for the ' Dii iy -and S.taJay flitioasj TheloVoting, bto-s ex actly the amonnts to be remitted and retained: ;Vr f; -: I . iv0lv 101 tiUtUUAgeuta Agents Edition. . - Price. Umiu Retain. Daily Bunday ......v. 100 J.75 Daily, per month.' .60 ,.44 : Daily and Bunday per month, j67 " .".59 ' 8ml-Week ly S .00 1 SO . Weekly v.... f 1.C0J rM i . .75 .85 .08 08 .40 .80 i 10 cents extra must' be collected and Sent ' for postage . on ; premium with Weekly edition. "(v .. t v W All other rates 4 and terms are hsreby cancelled, , ,..-) a .- , THE WORLD," WEBSTEB'S r OJN ABRIDGED. STATiipn sun et-cT- ' . tVT V ni,v Veil I of criitrcA 4 - 9JL"Y , - ,im SCO more Wonia and mwly sooo more Illn" j trationa thaa aay outt A.nirlcan licUonary.- , Anwrnf Hie anrmlemeetiwy fcature,Tl(rtnal with Welatera t u abridged and anquaiet fur , eaouie and.truatwortliy hiformauuo, era 'i A Bictjraphical Dictisnary CotiWnlng nearly ht,mo namea of Motaamnhy -v. Parmna, with Ihcir Batiooalitr. station, nmfna- 1 iua or oouupotlnn.rtele of l.lrth and death, ' V .M deceased), etc., 1 : A Gazetteer of tha Vcrl J ; 6f OTerSAtiiulM.h(i,l.K-atinjranl briftty dp-filv ing the Oounlrie, Ciiiea, Towdil and Ninral " KeatureaofeTerypartof theGloiie.and T)i Szplaaatory and Pmnoanciog Vuvatiitlary i -".1 ' h JUM f - . -' 4 Noted Fictitious ' Perscni nd PUoee, auch aa are ofWa frfnrred to In i literature and ConTemetloa. The latter ia not found In any other Dictiunary ' "I 4 KTS3TEH 13 THE 8TA53AX3' : Aalherity in the Gov't Printlna Offle, and with , the D. t Supreme Ceurt. It la rn'omiunN ty the SUte tup't Of Sthooli of 36 ttntet, and , by leading Collpga Prea'U of U. 8. and Cenwia. It ia the only UiRtkniary that haa lxn aled IB making htate Pnrrha.ca for ft hoola, ai nearly all th School Books aro hued apon it. A InvalnaWe companion )ir erery 8hor)I and i Sterery F iro.ids. Htm imnpas"9and tonti- - moniftli lent pn(id en nt i u-aUoo.- - . Puhllshad by G, A C merriam a to., . Z - . r?- w SprmflOeld, liass B. S. i. 11 ' ... ' ' t r ,TI " , U'THc;,acoi f .: Of all the Magazines. ? r rj0NTAI!NQ Sieri.j. P.v ,1 oK-.r I --.f, ttlr,!-) on. como.moj Art.iuC, 6c enl. ,t nj Houtehold mirtera. n t lliuttra' f O'.' ( ' I r.if?rn. int, J (Kif'Kfr.jwi''-'. " I Mi.a Ht ' I' '" - Ji-M . j-. . f America. ,miPAn.LLLLi:D offer i Tvli ;- a 'T v'tv if-,.!,,' , .1 CMiUttil A f rri:."n ir'i.-r. .r,N;. U". hf..-r t ti . lition of wi? ptt.m ,.mt .iwi Hi tl.e f.Mf dWm- In t .t auatw, lo ai.T i. Of th. Bt.n-' "lrfii. j PuM'n or i'ur'.ft. a.n!r.' ' l Ha . "la w' "an. fo, n... . . . t r'1''.-. ( . f tqra rnsii a u.l - p.-'.rn. of toa 4 atr rd k may- y fr-ilB t Wnf Aliaa ' x ct. !' onwr. ,.- . 1 l tn.iclet ' 5 f.-T r'u. t , f N r " ... - . T to " - .. ' ...... - s , ft. - i,r r - : r f . a - . . .f . T.i izloo ill . .7 two dcl: - - 1 rTitj fnr tv" ' "' . w..; t tin i .p. ci. h'. - Vi'.!c"'pfsD"-5l P . ' fcotil bj u Cr 1 - J ' -r , i I !

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