ti 'J :iy Firieiids, Patirons AND Public Generally. I take great pleasure in announcing , my return from the Northern Markets, and will quote below a s few of the many READY H WAITING ! Bargains, because bought at ROCK BOT TOM PRICES, for the clean CASH, coupled with "an experience of over twenty years in buying. I shall not lion, as space will not cordially invited to come and examine for V yourselves, as proof of to whether or not 1 simply depends upon give me a trial. niOC- "a"! SIMPS' V Two eases Organdies, Dice styles, UA (nog at cents per yaru. Three MMI white and cream Checked Nainsook at 5 cents. rTwO hundred pieces American Sateens, figured and plain, at 10 cents, f,jodM French. On CftM white Figured Sateens at 10 cents. These goods are worth 50 cents. ' 4 - Two cases India Lawns, white, at 5 cents. , Ons ease India Lawn, 40 inches wide, at 8 cents. ' Heal hemstitched Handkerchief at 5 cents. English Half Hose, regular made, at 10 cents per pair. Ill) WlDB H0JO5SPT7N, 5 CENT3 PF.B TABD. MyDBESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is complete, comprising all tho new delicate shades of the season in Moire, Silks and Satins, Nan's Veiling, Albatross, Cashmeres, Flannels, etc., etc. Worsteds from 10 cents np; Wool Lace Banting, 8 cents; Canvass C; th, worth 20 cents, reduced to 10 cents; Seersuckers, Crinkles and C ;-;-ams in abont same. Labrolderies, Flonncings, Laces and Edgings. Ladies and Men's Collars and CnfTs. Farasols and Umbrellas, gloria silk, satin and serge. A good Parasol, large size, for 50 cents. LiUVcrnsr's t:::llh C:r::!s. '1'vJ.liJ: A:h ilJ j BONED WITH KABO And ft FnH Line ofjmanyjpopnlar mW. Will sot say more, bnt invite all to command: see. T:.!:3 fork granted;, that , all t wide-awake :I::alo Purclusers wejootinglaftei .-their ;n interests, I shall ; make r the simple an- -cedent that . I huy LABGE quan : C " CII, and will sell you as, cheap as Hew ":crrdtinoreIIarkets. i! 7: - f :t fail tel see- my $to'ck 'before- pur- Very' truly iyours n THE attempt a full descrip permit, out you arc what I say, and as can save whether you money or not you yard wide, worth 10 ceuts, and they Ball's Kabp and Circle Hip 9 v- Ml THE JOUEKAL. ArriT&l ird Dipaxturt Hiilj mail closes. For Kortli, Vital and bousJi, Ti A. N. C.R. B.at7.30a.a. For Beaufort and tk Kant, at 8:00 p. aa. For Wlunxton,8wiftCrftk,Hfdkd Bestnf art Counties Mondays, Wednee daT, and Fridsrs at 6:00 . m. For Trenton, PoUokirills sad Hare- TUia,uyT 30 a.m. . For OranUboro, Bar bore aa I Taa demere, daily at I a. an. . OFncTnoTjiia: la Honey Order and Registered Let tar Department, from I a.m. to 4 n-.m. Xa Mailiaf Department from a. m' llt.a . , Office open eooetantly between these boors except when mails are Wing dis tributed er seat 5t Selfishness aid Self-Blladam. There are people who have no law bat the Inclination of the mo ment. With them the most solemn promises are bnt cobwebs, to be swept away bj the cunning whisper or malice, or the bieathof eircom stance. Principle, honor, duty, are bat as reeds, to be snapped or twisted or warped to meet a present emergency.- The annoyance or discomfort of todsy, though self- incurred, is to be avoided at cost of criminal wrong toward others. Uow should it be else with those whose life has "no governing prin ciple bnt that of personal ease T who can find reasons and excuses for everything that tends to this! who have no memory for the sacred obligations en which it tramples to promote it! Bat alas for the day .when con science shall remove this self seal ing filth from the eves, and show that to be a lie which has been de lusively hugged as troth; those self seekers to be foes who claim the holy title of friends. Alas for the day when the grave comes be tween such mistaken ones and the reparation they fain would make ! Cotton Mills of the South. Cotton mill building in the south is being pushed with almost blind zeal. Within two months announce ments have been made of sixty new mills. One at Athens is to doable its capacity from 5,000 to 10,000 spindles. K thread factory is to be bnilt near Barnett Bhoals G. A Merchantville, N J., projector will pot np a large amount of knitting machinery at Monbo, H (J. Spar- tansburg, S. U. is to have a 9 100, 000 mill.-New Orleans Times-Demo crat. A man from the country applied lately to a respectable lawyer for legal advice. After detailing tbe circumstances of the case, he was asked if he had stated tlie facts exactly as they occurred. "Yes, sir," replied the applicant, "I have tpia yon tne plain itrutn; yon can put the lies to it yourself." MS. SaXSON (raDtnronslvt t "Beautiful, beautiful, Miss Clara! 1 am passionately fond or music. What was that yon played!" Miss Clara: "Lysberg fantasia on themes from Don Giovanni;' I will play yon something else if you like, Mr. Sampson4." ; Mr. 8.: "Thanks. 'White Wings' s a great favorite with me, Miss Clara.'- t Dk Bacon (in cigar store): "Have a cigar, De Kent Here is my favorite brand yon know the kind 1 have been smoking for the last month or twor' " '',-' De Kerr (shndderingly): ."I do. De Bacon. I'll take one oat of that other box." ' , Lemon Elixir. A PLSA81KT IJQfOa CKI.NK. ! ; U. Lemon Elixir Is prepared from t the fresh jaioe of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonlos,t aromstio stlmulsnu, and blood pu rifiers. .; . . : Fifty cents and one dollar. pert bottle. Bold by druggists generally, a Prepared , by B. Mozuct. M. D Atlanta, Qa. . . For billoagnets and constipation, " take Lemon Elixir. - - ' 1 : For sick and nervous headache "i ......take Lemon Elixir. :. . v, For sleeplessness and nervoainees ' -Uk Lemon Elixir, v .. For loss of sppetlto and debilhy ' take Lemon Elixir. ' ; For fevers, malaria and chills, take Lemon ixir. , , -4 .'. Lemon Elixir will not fail yon in ,; v any of the above named diseases, " all of which arise from a torpid or . diseased Htm. ; - - - -h EdJtoriaL iO-A V- I have tried Dr. Mosley's Lemon El ixir, and find it all that it Is represent ed to ne, t. r, uttlifield, i c i vt Jesop, Qa. , Sentinel.' From the Galveston Christian Advocate: Dr. Motley's LBmon Elixir has deser vedly gained a wide reputation in the malarial districts of Texas, and has proved a blessing to many households inthe State. ; - 1n I T. 1 utlsftctloa In the. mr of OoDarrbaa and Gleet. I prescribe It nd feel ile In rtcoinmend ln It to all r 1 i,. rr.irr 1 rjjf9 ICIAL. :, . , COTTflJf, Niw Yosx, Jalr 14. Futures closed Steady, galea of 11.40 baiee. July, 10 41 January, Auguat, 13 44 February, Sept. i.80 alarca October,- 53-" April, " Kov. 8 58 ' Hay, December, I. SO - Jane, ' New Berce market quiet, I m 64 t.tt 60 M ' " OOJibiTICJBi.MKBT t Our. dolL Dot Binek 1 nark at K.UK(U la bulk from boaw; email lots eommaad aiher prieea. From atara and ware. house ?0aT3o. , Fodder, ll.00al.J5 per hundred. -TuarKSTuia Uard, 11.10; dtv.fioa Taa ll.K. ra - OarsMaw, S3a40e. la belt, BaxswaX 17aie. per lb, . B )a foot, fc.to To. ; . Fvxsal'nu 7ii8.par pv0h4 J Um -Country, llslid.: lard lUe. l KAvass-tOi per peck. Pi'Lis 40.aSLOO per bushel. FiUKa-3oc. per peck. Woofc-15a30o. ' ! , - , raajiOTa--Waf 1.00 per btaakA UaiCaajtS Orew 4J.MV-: anrlr s Maab ?0c unboltedl. BawaLCIrWeat India, iallaud Lm laal? 4-kwh tJ O0t 60 Bttildiaa I liuth hearts. SMS.sape.tl.tOtoer U 3TAVI-JI O. hbd. f lOall - k. waoLasALB mem. SlirJbH Poax lis 00 -bhodudm Mrar 7ia84o. a it.4, r. wt. B.-S aid l. o.n FLt)tj 3.30a8.0C. . Laid-. So. by tbe tieroe. Nails Uaiu 10s,J M. . SuOal Oraanlated. Tie Oorriut 15JSo. Chusk 15. 8lXT 80aS5c. per aok. Molassks a an STnure0a4-u PowDa tiK). iao-Drop. 81.50 hick, tl. 15. Ciaosxxa-Ic. - aiuia lry,88.; trfx, I , rAtJjO- . 4 b. .1. 6,000 POUNDS COMB HONEY ON HAND AND TO ARRIVE: Tbe first iottallment now ready. The finest 1 hsrstrer rnt noon iha market Iq one pound- sections two for! n quarter- at the apiaries of UUUi A CO., South Front 8tieet. j20dlm NearRailroad. Dsr. STABKEY L P ALEX'S TREATHKHT BY INHALATIOR. TRAormjmr tatBTtTgRisa, mr" J1 Afot tjtr HhUatd i. tew roTCaaeaaapUea, ArthMa. BrenckiUa, Orepepsla. ratarrk. Hit Favar. Hca. acka, Uebtlltr, HluamiUlM. NraraU ia ana ail unronieaaa aervoas Uisortera The Componnd Oxycan Treatment." Dfa. 8tarkay Palen, No. I&JS Areh atraat.Phlla dalpbla, bave baan nalng for the last wrta taen raais, Is a aelentlfle adJnaUasnt of the lament of OxTtta and Mltroaaa rntfn. tl sad, and tne eomponnd Is sseoadaaaad and awca poriaoia taai u M sent all erar u Dbs. 8t ABjcaT a T alx nav the Itberur to refer to the followlne named well-known penons who have tried their treatment Una. Waa. D. Kelly Member of Congress, Philadelphia. . Viator I Cesurmd. Editor Lutheran ueserrar, rntia, , Rt. Charles W. Calking. D.D., Koch tar. M. Y. . -i 1 Bam, Waa. Peaa Rlxea. Editor Inter- Ocean. Oh 1 earo. in. W. St. Wartklaartaa, Editor Raw South, ladsre 11. P. Vraonmaa. Unenomo. Kan fin. mat? a. Urireen, Melroas, Mass, Ini e. leernm, new ioravtv- nr. n. v. aaii. rmiaaeipnia. Mr. rraafe Bladall, alerehant, Fhlla. Haa. W. W. Scar ler, Raston. Pa, Bdwar I. Wllaaa,83S Broadway, If. Y Kd. fhlla, Photo. - ,. . Vitfelia M. Lyaa, Walmea, Hawaii, Sand wich Islands. . jirii. , - Alexander Ritchie. IriTerneH.rtmtland. lira. Jtlaaael V.Ortega, Fresnlllo.Zuata- oaa, raeaioo. 1 . j... .- - Kr. Emata Ceaper, tftilla, Spanish Bon. daras, U. A. . - it Coba, Ex-Vlee OonenI, Caslblanea, Ho roeeo.-' ' -M. V. Aeaareak, Bed Bind; Oal Janea Moore, etup't PollOf, Blandford, eetehlre, ngland. Jacob Ward, Bowral, He wSonthKaree. And tbonsands oLotbers In every part of the "Oortvonnd Oxrson Its Mode of Action and Keeulia," Is the title of a new brochure of two hnndrtd peges, published by Ore. Starker A Palen, which girts to all Inquirers full In formation as to this remarkable rura Hre agent and a reeord of eoTeral hundred surprising eores In a wide range of ehronle eases many of them sfter being abandoned to die by other phrslolans. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Read the orocnure, - ,? r Afta. STARKET dt PA LEU, .. NO. ISai Area 8treet. Philadelphia, Pa. -;.; -,-',-.. maySsdw i ., . ,-; 1 The Most Charming Life of Jesus u Ever Written. ' It is very low . priced and is beautifully - bound. i Agents wanted t In srery- eoanty. j Big wages to any energetic man. Don't be idle when yon can be making from 175.(0 to 1100.00 per month. There Is nothing on the Amerl canmsrket that sells any faster than It does. An agent has sold tn less than fire months one thousand copies of this book. Dally re ports are coming In showing from thlrty-HTS to sixty orders taken per week. One hun dred and forty -were sold in Wilmington N. C , in fire days. Another sgent sold In Albany, Ge three hsndred end two In less thanamonUu u . It Is a book of ltH Interest Is endorsed by the leading men of the South. " ' Bend for beantlfnlly Illustrated circulars of the book and also catalogns of various other booke. - , . . .. 1 ' . co: Bend ninety cents for euivaesiDg ouintj inclndlaj complete cory of the bock in best blnilDg. Address fottenrs, SOUTH WFJTr"'! 113, uor? . , : J53 s.nd 1"' ', ft. r -,t;' ' We srs tbe o'f' t r P 1 ' V W.B. IFUJ.i.tK.Fuf'r, . EOUKBEX03. N. a Host Plcturesaue Kceaenr In Wrstern Kortlt Carolina. points or isitalsx kub bys . oid roct,.. ., Tniant t HUM. M 1 - - i " ' k earua m.uuiii Ca i oa I,, 1 To tuvr, Sa troai SaAiiie; 1 Keiif alma avribii laucaail Fuk, w Gravaaf Prof. aliKL.tll, . Sioaauuna, luaa mitaa. , Pare aol dry atnosphara; ao ; lltht Ac vs. Ttiu slop at Um Ouur. .: apil Open all the year. Tama roaaoaable by month or weak. - 13dwt lYEBSTEB'S UNABRIDGED. STANDARD AHD BEST. . SOoe mora Wards sad nearly Seoe more Htas a tniiusa lhaa wj oUmt Auriua Vutntrj. . A mong the snnlenatary faatorea, original with Wokatafe taaartda4 aad aaequell lur war ne and trustworthy lnfaraiinwe, sre A Biographical Dictionary Ooatatatng aearly ltVJuo aamos of A OM worthy Peraoaa, vita their BadonalitT, eutiua, srufef stoa er esoapauoa, date of birth sad dwetk, .-.. (if eaoaaaoda ate, -.-. A Gazetteer of the World Of ever W.uuu Tiue,noaUDj ead hrlAy Seeerlb. lag tbe Ooaatriaa Otiea. Jowaa. ead Natural F eaturea of eeery part of tho OJobo, aad The Explanatory ead Prononactag Vocabulary i. j of the names of j Noted Fictitious Persons aad Pleoes, each asara eitoe roferrod to ia 1 iuaad la ear ohr Diouooarr 1XBSTT2 IS THE STAXSA89 Antherity la the Cert Mating Offiee, aad with the U. S. Supreme Court. - It ) rMommeoded by the tuta tupts ef seheols of M States, and by leadiag College Pres'ls of U. a aad Oaaada It U the only Dictloaary that haa bMa eelected la making Stats Pnrrha.ee for Schoola, and aearly aUtae Boh 1 Baoha are baaed apoa it Aa iavalnahla enmpanioa ia erery School and haterw7 Plrealde. Bpecimaa parna and teati- BBoaiais seat prepaid oa applleattoa. -PubUlhsd by t A C HERRI 11 a CO., - Springfield, Man., D. t. A. Important Notice, MAY 1, 1888 To Agents and those wbo will work to extend tbe circulation or THE WOULD, 20 per cent, coin- mission will be paid on all orders for the .Weekly and Bemi-Weekly editions, and 12 per cent, on all orders for the Daily and Sunday editions. The following shows ex actly the amounts to to remitted and retained: , Agents Agents ) Edition. Price. Remit. Retain. Daily.-. S6.00 1325 8 .73 Sonday 8.00 1.75 Daily, per month.- .60 . .44 Daily and Sunday .85 .00 per month. .07 ,ou .08 Semi-Weekly set 8.00 1.80 .40 .20 Weekly l.W -' ,ev 10 cents extra mast d collected and sent for postage on . premium with Weekly edition. Iter Alt other rates and terms are hereby cancelled. .,s, ; , Tun! WORLD. lev Derno House, - Morchead City, K.' C. The above named house is now open for the rammer travel. Nice cool rooms and clean beds. A cistern has been added to tbe house, and pure water will be furnished to guests. : The tab!e will be aupplied with the beet the market affords. Polite and attentive servants. Having secured the assistance of Mr. F. L. Perry, who is , well known to the traveling pnbllo, we guarantee to keep a first-class hotel. .Terms. 2.00 ner day, $10.00 per week. Special rates to families. .- -... -'w; t r- w:b. wiqoins; I je!4 dwtf y i ' ' Proprietor, bibles. ' We ate rtqaeeted to sUte that the Graven County Bible) Society hare a large assortment of feiblts and Testa- ments, for sale at priora r&rgiDR from 10 cents to ?3.50 per volome, at their depositary faiths store of .-I . .t ; aiawtf GEO. AXLEJT & CO. CMOnCGT'O THE DEQ Of all the. Magazines. fXONTAININQ SIoHm, Perm, ead elder LlHrtrj 19 attraetieae, aombiaing Artittio, Seitatifiaaad Heetebold mrHeta. . . . . ttlMttrmt uUh Original fiterl faoWv . in,-'hofo(rrrtrr, Oil Vlrtum and iae ITemlewte, making it tht Jtfedei -Magatin of Amerlcm. ( : UNPARALLELED OFFER! ABtstin A CoT11 Ordf, txttiiMnr the srOltW ts . - - - ( SjiHaw Of ivrtf ThsjUn iMnwtrftted tl tM rMhiow dArjstrtmnt te thai Bomber im vaf BarMstrirwri or 1 arrhamf MeMinf W nfMt. WMi PWII 07 TTITiTsj iTtMisiCoitip!t6 pnm, Of (fit nd k fid iy iDy asiot, from tn tindrariM - I I rintiraikUsl Ofir r 'iBj to . PATTEHS3 si' eA - r-te tr A vcsr,o 1 1,1. v r,d Worth Over ' TKrce Dollars, ' ff e the irt' al r.t ol 4. V V 1 m ' k ot -with 111 it bi t' e I "azino in America. V.'O COLLAR 3 ; '- f-' t"f Mlir... r,f ,:, Atlattlc ca N. C. Rallrcad ' TIKS TJ&U JT. 11 In F-Sect QP A.M.. iitj, July " ' ; 8th. 1SS3. OCINaCAST. OC1S3 V.AS ' 29. 81v Posaeger Trwm. No. CO Ar. Lra. 410 St eo 4 Ptstiocs. ;' Oolisboro La Orange . Kinstoo New Berne lldrehead City At. Lva. 1188 am 10 ST 10 S9 19 n lots s w too am TI 155 854 F m , , Daily. T ' SCHxmA .. 000a West. Ooihq East. No.lt Mixed Ft. Pass. Train. Mixed Ft Pam. Train. Stations. Ooldsboro m 6 aa - 8 40 T84 S57 811 7 03 190 V 6S Beet's La Orange Falling Creek K melon Caswell Pover. (Vw Creek v -Tneearora Clark's NewbeMi RirtrJale Croatan Osrelock Newport Wild wood Atlantio 8 00 784 7 00 838 888 800 480 860 3 88 860 48 83 - 04. 87 808 7 68 7 87 . 715 7 00 781 8&8 843 J60 4 43 414 8 44 8 88 10 8i ,841 : 8 59 rn 800 7 47 717 180 S5 8 60 1510 00 10 80 10 33 10 8 1104 1118 1140 1818 4 00 4 48 4 81 803 883 814 8 SO 840 710 70 4 89 517 804 8S8 883 7 CO 7 13 4 8) forehead City Atlantio Hotel - 703 P m Morehesd Depot a as ' rvaedar. 1 nur d aa Hataroay. t Moaaay, V adnaatlay and I nday . Train Meonaetu with Wilmington A Wet. dMa Train tr'nnd North, leaving UeleaOore UreS a. aa- aud with Rtchnoad A D avUJe ' Train Weal, tearing Oohleburo 1 IS p,jn, Trata St eoaaette wltk Utehaaaa a MarMe Tri, rnrin atOoldnaoro fcie pjaaad wit Wilmington and Walton Trala (rota the North at t:S p.am Trala 1 entmeeta with Wllwtatt aad Wrldoii Throug Freight 1'rala. leaTtng ' Ooldatioi o at p. T. S. L. Dill. - HitirtiStMi4t t. Notice. The walls of the barber shop on South' Front street hare been renewed, and n set of csne bottomed chain added to the stock. Go and get good shave for ' tn cents, by good workmen, at Prof. W. H. BIIEPARD'8. THE AMERICAN: Beantlfallf IHaslraterJ. 25cl:.,niY8ir.' t TTS noaP-TII MAOtllirt ' rirM vrimm to ratiil tn,,ie es4 , ead III liVimta.e eit .rj ,f Ik. kiht nudanl. . Vim', AmerioiK wriirrf f.ll tia pM Hk a 4a rariatr "t antiHt ytt trha'ot ir.nl aad adnait ara, aerial I abort K.rtM, iMcTlittTo aaawwaaaS enr (arMMii wrai.tr a,, aad vmnaa, krlni aaa'T aa the ii-nmmt rntk.mi t tLa IMrivd, aai, la alawt, uia MaaaiiM ia Diftinctlvsly Representativs of ' , Amorlcan Thought and Proems. nia aaka-w dsl bj ' rr r aA rab'Va ft the pannraaa katvrutiniaaea-thaaitra. aaoatkllca. - , IMDAnTAMf A IllaMrated rrria'aaa t.ial, UpMlaJ a 4atnatali la CMah ar Valaaala ri r ""J " arat aa reealaS ea atrtklapaaarlaBieattaatt. ST KeaeaatMa a4 earrrotta waaaaa aa amieit yatl una. irtte a rar aaolaatre tarritaryt , vTH3 tUSAZXlTZ Oil, 740 Broadway, New York. AAQAZINE Harper's Weekly. . ILLUSTRATED. . - j ' , ' Harper's Weekly Las a wall-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorial comments on content: politics has earned for it the respect " and confidence of all impartial readers, ; and the variety and exo'elleno of its ' Kl .1.1.1. and short stories by the best and most -. popular writers, fit it for. the perusal nt riAnrvla gf tria ariMf maa it l-,fAa and persuiU." Supplements are fre- qnently providod. nd no expense is spared to bring the highest order of '. artistic ability to bear npon the illus tration pf th - changeful phaaes ol home and foreign history. In all its features Harper's Weekly is ; admir- i ably adspiea to be a welcome guest in ? every household. . r r ' ' - .. . ".: . -'." .-.-' . : 7 llarpff a Periodicals. : Haspke's Weekly.. a. ...,.$4.00 UAEPEE'S MAGAZINE ....... 4.00 IIAEPEB'S BAZAE ..; 4.00 TTiirpTrri'o: Xn-msn Tttittw onft- J -Postage Iree to all subscribers in the United States, Can ids, tr Jlexicn ; The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mention ed'eubscriptions will begin with tLe . Eunbe current a time of receipt of order. ; f ' : Bound Volumes of Harper's Wc'ctly, for three years tbaelr, in neat f' ; 'i binding, wijl be sent by mai!, j paid, or by express, .'free cf t (provided the freight d one dollar per volume),, f .-r 5 7.: ,cr volume. , .- ; ' Cloth Cafes each vclom", t-r.'J-able for binding, will te-r.t? j i " post-paid, cn rcc!-t rf ' llemif'asjrfq f ' ' ' 1 ) rc?t-cr-; 70- ' avoid r' '. 8) L W . i i. MlU U

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