t - 1 . . .-.SAL v a UI eo.jfta . - t Kjf -i bokM lV.:vr4 jw u h wits sr m&a Jt lii&4 every Tbandajr at tUSS . . eats mater aaa4 of "Sastasas i, " ia mm per d ant Ml (i mil tot . wtMtl taaertlasi . ; i , , . .rumuita willkttinMltarfkaiVMa - aUtWItUrilM , uiultalinM4liM Ait artjitllnaa . t U ne Mtipd f (MBlS net B r :, raw tor inMMl tfmtlMMil ... M Wli U 4tw Kftr Ut :uutk .iliU4 froyUy at tM lautMkwMi' tnameatleae eoatalalaf aawaoi aeUe i tl MM BlftUM M soiMltaA. 4 Miwa WNteuoMoii noa M MIM stf U HIM! . .. - IBr U1M eett MIWl It k ( .Mt Inllai wrtml U uruwr ---1 T tlmnr !! , auor llj ptUtMM M IBM OAs u4 t-'.1tmyiaariavaajas !... THE JOURNAL. ?. n. rn. , S AT BX2S. . -a, JULY II 1989. , .;" BICR. AHD CAT. tke gmk battl of 1888 has be gut' Id arnean The way the Democratic army begaa their fight waafaatrikiog contrast with the ts&tlaona manner of the Bepublfcaa chieAaina. The Democratic lead erj etarted la cheerfully, confident ly and harraonionsly. Unlike their enemy, they were aa a unit. Tha Uational Campaign Comit teea havo been organised. Neither Osott nor Wallace could accept the Chairaaashrp of the Ie xocratic Committee, and Galrin S. Br fee, of Ohio, vaa placed in nomination by CoL Scott, and unanimously elect t tif,-Mr, Brice ,1a the personal and political friend of JuCJ Thnrman. IT ia a man of great execatire ability, and his acceptance of the position fires universal satisfaction . to bis party. Although a citizen of Ohio,1 hi home is really in New York where he has great influence with the leadrng business men of ' tie country. Senator Matt 8. Qaay, of Peon sjlranht Is the Chairman of the 'iLepobftca Campaign Committee. n1 "belongs to the Tennsylraaia chool of politics, which teaches the rules of "Addition,. Division and Silence." His family crest bean the motto, -Don't talk." "It is said that he has a political eon . science as large as Biix Cms Duut-IB when It is in roil opera tloni' VH- mn&tbe conceded that boih 'Chairmen are well suited for the work expected of them by their friends, , If they succeed in carry Ing their respective States Oleve land will be elected. - TOE TAX ON FBTJIT BRANDY. Ia the House on Tuesday last when the internal revenue, clause of the Mills bill was under discus sion Mr, Simmons made the follow ing remarks: .Mr. BuatOMS. Mr. Chairman, mv absence when the amendment eJared by my colleague Mr. John- stonjior we repeal oi me internal revenue system - was under con sideration, is my excuse for now troubling ithe House with some general remarks upon the subject cf that amendment. 1 lam, as I said in the course of jay remarks submitted to this House daring the month of May, in favor c f tr.a total repeal of every part an d p irl of that, odious system, and s ) are the people or tne state which I ia part represent here. ; But .iioua as I am for the repeal of the ejsts-z and the removal of the. re sirlctions which it. imposes upon the liberty1 of the individual citi zaa and npoa the comnrtrce of the cointry, I recognize the fact, as do r--"y other gentlemen on this side ' vi House, whtf. agree with me i . vuLing Its abrogation,' 'that C2ier present financial conditions i ts repeal at this time is not only lr practicable but out of the qaes It must be manifest to every i should the Government sur !:r the 1120,000)00 annually ;red from, this source, with an - -1 enrplaa of less than 170,000, , Here would be a deficit in the ; --iry at the end of the present al year of fully $50,000,000. ? Cf conrse no party respnsible for i 1 ;is!atioh of the country can r erected deliberately to provide r a ('rfcit of such proportions, or r ' 1 1 - Til enactment to invite -'ifi.-r-witer.''' But worse than FjFtem 6honl4 be totally ! tlx re would be no room, j evea to tie extent of a iz2j for ltd reduction cf the extravagantly ken, and c r; st ti bo Imposed by Tkiooa and iaeqoiuUe tariff Lira upon th necessarie of life consumed ia every household in the land. When it coaea to me, as it has now cotae to me, to choose be tween eheap whisky and cheaper food and clothe foe the masse of the people f which also means larger ' UAMfnffaiajil KAftAst awl iMaHAn J a f not morality, lamsnuy, and sound policy require that I sheald make ehoiee in favor of the latter t f Ap planse on the Democratic aide. , 1 3 ja so chcKKing, the Demoexatio party doea -cot abate one iota its opposition to the internal revenue system nor its fixed ' determination to release the people from its opera tion at toe earliest possible me- I am satiafled when- the people have come to naderstand that this biQ removes 124.000,000, of ttbe 130,000,000 of taxes, now levied npoa tobacco, that u repeals tne the license taxes, and that it great modifies -the machinery .of the system, . effectually ' providing against many of the vexations and annoyances which have heretofore marked its eoiorcemeot, they will accept, if not with satisfaction, at east with good grace the step hich it makes In the direction of the repeal of the whole' system. Applause on the Democratic side. 1'hey will accept it aa aa earnest on the part of the Democratic party tnat they win repeal tne wnoie sys tem when the opporrnnity offers. From the Kepnbucans we bavo nothing to expect. That party not only inaugurated this Rjstoia of taxation, alter a disuse ot more than forty years, but has daring the entire period of its supremacy in this country, maintained it, with certain exceptions, in favor of capital, banks, manufacturers, and insurance companies. It the platform of that party. recently adopted at Chicago, upon this subiectis striDDea of its dis guise and Bnbjeeted to a fair and honest interpretation it will be found to be a declaration against the repeal of this system, as well as declaration in favor of high tarifl taxation. Fairly interpreted that platlorm means that tne tax npon whisky will never be surrendered so long as that party ean prevent it, and then only as a last resort to preserve its unholy system of pro tective taxes. Cere the hammer fell. On motion of Mr. McMillln, Mr. Bimmons was allowed to proceed five minntes longer. Mr. Bixxows. The reasons which exist and which have been urged with such overpowering force by the Ways and Means Committee against tne total repeal of tne in ten' revenue system - cannot, taint, wita justice, be urged against the amendment of the gen tleman from irgiaia Mr. Wise to remove the tax from cigars cigarettes, and cheroots, nor against the amendment of the gentleman from Pennsylvania I Mr Sowden for the repeal of t be tax upon fruit brandy. The revenue at present received by the Government from the taxes imposed upon the articles covered by these amendments amounts to but littlebver $7,000,000 per an num. That is a comparatively small amount, and l bei.eve it can be surrendered withont inconven ience to the Government or per ceptibly interfering with the Demo cratlc policy of reducing taxes upon necessaries. I have been surprised at some of the arguments advanced on both sides oi this House against these two amendments. . Certain gentle men of the Ways and Means Com m it tee tea ns tnat tnere is no way of distinguishing between whisky and brandy, and if the tax Is retain ed npon the one and removed from the other frauds; will be rife and the whole system demoralized. I think the gentlemen underrate the deli cate taste of onr deputy internal revenue ' collectors. 1 .With,the system ff detectives, espionage, and surveillance which the Government employs in this system I .can not believe that the frand of substitut ing whisky for brandy one: which will proye too formidable for the Government.' If there iSnoscien-i tlfie - teat :t and . in y. friend . from Tennessee says there is none) for detecting the adulteration of whisky with brandv we - may with good reason hope, tf the, amendment of my mend from Pennsylvania pre vails, inventive genins will i be stimulated and one will in due time be doeotereiw';; . :,-r'.'' SThe opposition of our Republican friends to the repeal of the tax on cigars and cigarettes ts the same old argument whictf wei have been accustomed .'to' hear ; irom them daring the last two months.;-KiT' t -The gentleman fromvNeW lork Mr. ParquharJ informs the House if these taxes. re repealed ft Will ruin ceitain large ' factories, in his Stater and thrdw their employes out of work. How much Sameness there is in the argaments of these gentle men, H we propose to reduce the taxes on imports they tell us itwill rui the "mdnstries concerned. If wefroiose: to redace "direct taxes axe arila threatened ' with ciasiiusa. Do the gentlemen mean to say that high taxes beget prosperity! Do they mean to say that every in J as try mast be fostered by taxing its product! , ; I have no doubt the lareer manu facture of cigars and cigarettes are baae&te ty this tax and that thev are loath to give up this advantage. The great whisky rings of the West are likewise, ne doubt, benefited by Keeping too tax upon the poor man s orchard and suppress: nr the com-: petition - which would be the result of the distillation of the fruits of those, orchards, but neither the small manufacturers of cigars and cigarettes aor the producer of the weed out of which (bey are made, nor the poor man who owns, an orchard in the districts of my col leagues and myself are benefited by tneae taxes. .u i.v--- Let as be done with arguing 'tin favor of these millionaire manufact urers and these great whiaky rings and combinations, sad let as do for once some sett of Justice to 1 the small dealers, who are neither able nor disposed to combine into unlaw ful trusts or to influence legislation for the advancement of,their selfish interests. - -i-v -- I hope both the amendment for the repeal of the tax .on cigars, etc. and the amendment for the removal of taxes on fruit brandies will pre vail. WHAT AH I TO DO I Tha raptonu of blliouuiAaa ara on happily feat too wall known. Tbey dlf fer in diffarvnt in4iTidaata to aoma ax tent. A billout maa to aaldom a braak fact aatar. Too frequently, ataa, ha baa an axoalleat appatita (or liquids bat none for aolidi ef t moraine Hia tongua will hardly bear inipaotioa at any tuna; ii it is not wbita and f nrred it ia rough, at all events. The digwtiva lyatam ia wholly oat of order and Diarrhoea or Uonatipation mar be a irmptom or tha two may al tsrnate. There are often hemorrhoid or even loea of blood. There may be giddlnesa and often headache and acid ity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit o( the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Ortmy$ Auautt Flower, it costs but a trifle and thou sands attest its efficacy The "Long Armed Law." An English journal recently print- this item: "In 8S8 the Church of England leased to the crown a piece of land for 099 years, or on what is termed a perpetual lease. The time has expired, end now the property reverts to the church. Here is a document in force, made away back in the days of Jilng Alfred, com passing a millennium, less one year, and now, after this long period, the occupants must vacate." What a long arm the law has! Many people speak unthinkingly of "the majesty of the law.'' without realizing what that standard phrase means.'. It is only on learning some such 'impressive tact as the one given above, that tha full signiflc ance of the power and tenacity of tne law are Hashed in upon them THKIH BUSINESS BOOMINU. Probably no one thins baa caused such a general revival of trade at B. N. Duffy 'a druiC store as their giving away to their customers of so manv free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery1 for uonsumpuon. xneir trade is simply enormous in this Very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. (Jougha, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup-, anrajl throat and lung diseases qalcklv cured You can test it before buying by getting a trial ootuo irea, large size si. Every bottle warranted. For sale, wholesale and retail, at B. N. Duffy v drug store. The Best Purifier Hade Damihcttr. Sa. J una aa. DMT. I have sofTerad with Catarrh for about four Eeari. and after oatng four bottles of Botanic lood Balm I had my I eaaral health petti; Improved, and If I oonld kes out of the bad weather I would be cured, bt st partner made. loeiMveitU the VtrrrespeetfnU, U w. Thoxpsox. HOWITUU4. PalaTka. vU- Vmsi. mar We hava bean seUlaf B. B. B. for two Tears, and ithas always given satiafacUoa in every ' " Lowbt a 8Ti.BR, Dracgiata. ror1 sale in New Berne at ihadrus rarea oi a. a. may ana .. ft. aieadowa. , 'may Assignees Sale; In punuan'ca of a deei ei assignrnent made by D" Bros; to us as trustees, we snau proceed to sell u pnbiio auction, at their "store on Craven -atraat. ia tw. city ef New Berne on Wednesday, the 15th day of August, 1888. at 13 m., nn- ess sooner aispowa pr, ue Entire Stock of Oboiis Contaiaed ia said store. Store Fixtures, Desk. and one Marvin Safa.- .-.! I Si acres of land on .Broad creek.' ia ramuco county, together with the ateam saw-mui with SO, horse power engine, return tuDaiar.Douer, and all necessary equipments fas, a saw-mill Ca pacity 20,000 feet net dav. a dwelling house; s tors. house and ware. nouse on said lot. , j J t t . One lot of.land in Morehead City, "No. 4, square 4, r.r4;'-,A -smtm One office building in the city cf New Berne, on -the east aide oi Craven street, near cotton platform. , -. '- The lieht draosht Ttejuehirnr mnA freight steamer Carolina, 83 tons regis ter, carrying easily 100 bales of cotton; stern wheel , chain gearing. Machinery anu nun in gooa OTaer. : v, . . -One 13 horse power Eclipse engine. ,-' we -vBo warebouee at Bell's terry; -; One flat at Bell Ferrv, " , ' One horse and dray. J" ?-i Termi Cash.. -r. 'V.: "v' '" W. D. Watties." - Josian ExuM, - 'jjSJ&wtd.J - A'::;-nf.-a. : ' - . - I . "'"''''''' (x Absolutely Pure -it ; flia vovdar htm wm. k mtrrt it Pomv.uraoiUk. ul ilio)HOBMt. M aMmleakuaUimiBarrinda.i4 ot m told ia oompauuoa wit tMBUOiM I low tost, short wlf bt,lam or aoaptwi ovdor. Bold only U sua. HoiAb Baki r0O-lU Wil-iU. V. OTU-lTW Tor aala in Ncwbwa by Alex. IIUIm. 0 This is theTop of the Genuine PcatlTop Lamp Chimney. All others, similar are imitation. This exact Label is On each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others at good. BVT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. PCS SALI IWIYWMW. M ONLY ST 6E0. A. MACBETH & CO.. PittsbcrgH. Pi. V X t T. E. MAGE & CO. roa . Drugs, Paints, Oils, AND GARDEN SEEE8. Etc Country merchants supplied at a small margin.' Cheap for Cash is our motto. Give us a trial.' Middle St., "Jfeit to la UbUJW, m79dwly FEW BERXE, N. C. The'World Stands Aghast at nr. low r It ICES, And wonders; How is it that loan sell n mnr.h towar than an onaalwiV I'll tell you: I hare determined to be easily satisfied for the cash, and WORK : My Motto is: FAIR DEAUNO. - Come and buy from me, and you will never regret iu ., .. . , ., - E. R. JONES, , , 2ferlBernejN..p, Summsr Board.-: . TableWardnd board with rooms for several Mrsons can be had pa applioa tioH to Mrs. Joseph' Nolsoa nearly op posite tha .Gaston House. Also meals and soup furnished to thosf desiring them at home. ", v'-.-.. i (i, ' Oa" and after . the first , of Jaly foe cream, . cake and different' ices wUl be served at this house from 8 to 13 p. m. Tna rooms are cool and airy, , with a nice had ia front daring tha day, Terms reasonable, 'and the last attea- tionw gueai guarauieeu..- , vmi nmxt tnr it.ie mriTitTie and popular1 institution begins on voV; ..WEDNESDAY. BEPTKMBEa It oilers -eoperior; advantages for in struction in , UTJtKATCKl, MUSIO, : and Art. . The work of tha Literary Depart ment la divjded Into - aetwa schools; Mathematics Latin, french, German, Natural Science. Moral Philosophy, and English Literature."- Tha -teachers ia charge oi these schools are specially jualified by their preparation and ex perience,for;the vrork committed to their care. , i . f.x i, . Tbellasio Department i tnder tfae care of teachers of cultnre and refine ment, who have taken unusual pains to qualify themselves for their work, and who are well knowa to patrons as most popular and successful. 1 s ,t ' The lady in charge of the Art Depart ment gives ner entire time to her work, and spends most of her vacations in se curing additional instruction nnder the beat mastem -a.- -J i-ttt 'tv ' . The location of th Iostituta was se lected in preference to several others, in some reppcts more eligible, on ac count of its celebrity for health; and the biotory of the school for forty years fully sustains JhU reputation. .-Its health record is r- t tyrpwed by any institution ia the : . ' . Cbargng &re t ry t 1 ; r f 'i'-' - 1 -.a,'i--- .iui ... ' 'V m I,' ini-fav t J HAS 4U3T RECIIXEH Fancy Engtijh FlmnelJtoaU and most stylish garment of pretty Saersxicker Costs and patter a a. t, a -Z Long alpaca Sacks "ai nice line TJnderwear. and a number af otisr (eaaonabla articles tor Gent amen a Wear as ruriLAB ruicu. . ... A fall line ft Ladies and Oen'.leraeo's wa are Bole agents fur New Hroe and icinity : -of tbacalabtiOBd A. A. BATTLER $J 10 CALF- ' l saia fciiucs, pvery pair sold with tha fallaw ing guarantee :4 ' -! :'- ' Every p.ir Is warranted.. gho14 any of them ! ia any way give out, I will tipoo return of dais ag4 pair . a statement. aa to length of warv Mr. J. J. BAXTER of iVmlioo wilt be plaasej to meet his many friends and ouatooaara, and will fnaranta thaai aatiaf actios) in hate vac they bur. w-nwilPiiuuwHB.;.,.,).,'. lt:i Kotlung . . idle) Strwt, next to L, H. Cutler's, " .vT .,or Tas Old States JalsM .Dyeing EataUianmanW Ue largest and meat relUWe ooncam of its kind is tha world; established 1819. SaUfacUon guaranteed. All goods carried free of express charges, , ... -BREWING .00.!$ .-.wot ;'-iV '.' .t ".".. . ... ...... .. , y :.. ti-k PHILADELPHIA 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE Finest Beer Extant, It is brewed from the finest Pale Canada West Barley Malt and Laazer Hops, and highly recommended for its TONIC and NU TRITIVE qualities. The bifch reputation enjojed by the BEKQNKlt ENQEL COMPANY ia dae to the fact that only the FINEST AND MATERIALS are used and that the greatest SKILL and CARE are exercised daring its manufacture. jr dwtf Agent and Bottler, N 6w Beirne. N. C. INSEY For Girls and; 1.00 for Board, Tuition, Music. No extras except Drawing and jnne22 dwtf . : P. H. PELLETIEB, ATTOBNEY' AT LAJfi .,. Cravea Bt two doors South of ' vi Journal office. ,r journalofflc,' j ln'thauStWMtsrave,Tf,Car.;' WUl taraetlea taret. ionaa. Onslow .United States OnurV at Hew JBarn; jand Bnprema Co art of the 8tate t r febldtc tVT T O ItNE YrAT L A W, weat of Craven. fe3dwtf,i dr::j.'d;clark UENTWT, tth aawaaiui. a 0. Oaue , Crave, susst, atwsa Fotoe and Braaa..!- ei-.r aUatwvwM- j DENTIST; ; 2VIZX3X3XjX3 BTnijIlT, ITEW ' BERyE,' Nl. oK 8IL1M0N8 & MA-iLY, . ATTOOEYS AT LAW. J Will move on or about January 16th,- lHos, to their new Clare, over tne Hatik ing Ilouse of Green, Foy & Co, three doors below flotel Albert . . - ' ; "'3 PVT. ? n w m aa4 i t r l- -y ar-d ftiar' 7.: jf, 1 t w P a t , a , " a a, 1 f. MeT BEAxHt3TJL U 1 ; ad.Vestat the handscraeat the seaaen. .Alia A'esta ia,hlf dozeaUirnt' X' , of White Veeta. Gauia and fUihri- . . Shots and L& But Bargains LAGER BEER, Young Ladies; Paiuting. Write for catalogue" to r "I f M ' r-n r- HAGS HEAD HOTEL, NAGS UEAbj aJ jA 7 , awaw t fc t A. E. JCOS, TzCXWW n '.'C-ii 4 .: f - . SEASON OF l888.,,4i' ' r j ' I - V: 7 SCHOOL. JJVVfp iEi&QAXT BUTLDINO. v XOpen from July 1st to October 1st. Y., . But few watvipg places have so many Affmnt.Sffdfl '.nil' atf..nlfnM. H..J beach on the coast for driving. Good and convenient surf . . Splendid induce- mente for sportsmen, and a quiet place- tor tnosa wno oiaiiKe. tne noise and st tr incident to most resorts. O, D. steam ers touch hotel "pier on their paiwge - mmrh ibpav IwlttaAn N. Rami am A VT . folk. Steamer Lncy makes semi-weekly ' trips from Windsor, Hamilton, WU- 1 liamston, Jamesville, Plymouth, Eden ton and Elizabeth City.' . . - ; -'r For further particulars addre s x- 't At. E. JACOBS, Manager; ' ; : 320 dw 3m . ; Nags Head, N.C. ; DUTCHER'S TLY. KILLED. I CERTAIN DEATH, o banttDR Vkh powder an 4 pun for qarrrela,ot))!r to ntupefy thm.- fn lint"T luvdeatb oa thestlckliig plntpr. Film w.ek it, drink and are ' KILLED 'OUTRIGHT " notonely, soqnlckly Uipy cnmt fret awr. Use It freely. Prevent rcprKucttr n. "i!.f srn f.ne ftDd tiuteu . A'tays a I- r DBTCHEIl'l. , -. Lfi)r.l. F.Ttrpihtrf. 1 n 1. M. PIKT I, fir H MM.I 'I rf' .!'. i'( tint tit. ( ... i . ftl.fi. ' 1 I f