; i C. Railroad : . 3 fXSIJ fffc 18. i 103 AIL, Sunday, July ' . Scaxscxn. Goisa Wus . i. PuMevr XVatx. . No. 50 , Lv. . PSatioBA. GoJiaboro Le Uraare -Kiaatoa Newtierne Kaft.ad OU? iAiir. - Ar. Lw, 1188 SB 10 IT 10 S 10 tl 10 M iu too nan T10 J EAST. ! ' 1 kXk Train. 4 34 SCHXDCLX. QoaraWm. Naif Mixed Ft ft Peee. Train. Station, GoUsbor Bests Le Orange Falling Creek Klnatoa CmU Dow Core Creek Taeearor Clark "Kevbera 4 40 7S4 . TM IS T 84 7 00 088 888 BOO 4 90 IM 8 88 8 50 8 40 8 83 804 8 87 8 05 7 52 787 715 700 1(4 730 1 61 880 8U ' i i It j ; J M 3 45 IM 4 4S 414 844 lit 10 S3 0 41 018 850 817 800 7 47 717 700 mi U w ij ;j loss Uii 1104 nit luo ma oo 4 44 4 61 Riverdele . 4 CI S 03 - Croeiaa J 17 5 88 IlaveTock C4 814 Newport t tM j Wild wood 0 S3 40 Atlantic 7 00 710 Uoreliead City T II 7 W Atlantic BotAl 4 13 a at Morebeed Depot a m Tin day. Thar dav ea I Haturday. tkutsMley, Wdady ud yrlday. Tni M MiiMti with Wilmington Wal i Iraia Norte, toTln UoUUbor I - u a. at- a4 with kkihtoa A U a Till lrwa Wai, taarinf Ulftetxm 140 .m, 1 rmla M aoa a wltfe &kkaa tuflllt Ti,iitlTa alOoUaeo:lttMB..aa4wlUi V iuigtua aa4 Watloa TTala troa Ui 1ria t mufltl with WIlBUagt a aad uHt Throne Fnlgbt Trala, leavlni j; j - 8. L. Dill, arlBtMdaBk. !zp:rtanl Notice, V ;. BfAT 1, 1888 To'Arento nd those who will work to extend the circulation of TUB WOULD, 20 per cent, com mission "will be paid on ail orders for the Weekly and Semi Weekly i:' i ai . it euiuooi. Kiiu iig per ceui. on uu orders ror toe Daily ana Sunday edition.. The following shows ex actly the amounts to be remitted ana retained: ' Afeata Agent ' Edition Price. Remit. Retain. Daily-. SI.00 83.25 $.75 unday-.. 8.00 1.73 . 85 DailT.pwasontft. .50 .44 .00 Dailr and Band it per month. .67 .50 .08 Sal-Waklr 8.00 1.00 .40 Wkly..-U 1.00 .60 .20 1 10 eesia extra mutt be collected and Weekly Mition. CX All other rates and terms are hereby oasoeued. THE WORLD. TZEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. STANDARD Alio BEST. eoe mora Wordf and aaarly MOO mom Iiioa- . w i Hmm may worn linen vnntgurj. AmoBf Om fnpplMiMBUrr feature, ori(rInl with WatMiWa tfMbrtd(4 ud nneqoatod for 'rr-- ewciM mi tnutwurthj infuraiation, m - A C?:;raphical Dictionary Conaunhis naarlr loXN aames of Notoworthv ftnoa, with their BatkmnlitT, totion, prors eisa or entioB,data of birth and death, , tf tteoeamt),ete, . A Cazettter of the World ( . iaf Um dHoMet, StOf, font, and Mataral T fatanwofrry partof thGlotw,aiKl ,7T gxalanatofy and Proooonciog Vocabulary 1 r::lcl Fictitious. Persons M Haaaa, aoeh at are oftea referred to in ; UMrauire and eoBMraaUoa. . The latter ii not f (MUM In anj other Dictionary Wt"'?Tr ta em niniim piiwiiMi a iaa olAJIAIAAa AnOiertty ta the Cert Pilntlaq OSlee, and with i J K T"e Cenrt. it li recommended b'i!ML" C?'WJTm rf U- 9- ahd Canada . UhaUi on l Uictbmtrj that ha been (elected ' "T1"! Pnreiaaea for School, and aaarly aU ta Set 1 Book are bated npoe it. Aa faraloaW eompanio la erery School 'and ja aiarery Fireside. Specimen tiages and teati ' aaoulato eant prepaid en application, -t tMWMdbyfi. c. MIRRIAC0 - Ipriogfleid. Mats., U. S. A. CI-lOnEOT'O-f- ilSI 4& THE BE8I Of all the) Magazines. f'ONTAIirinO SterlM, emt end eflier LHeran ettriBti, iiaia) Artietia, laieniin an UMr4 Wtk Original tl Xmfrm. rktnirmtrti. Oil Ficturtt mm jliM Wi; miit it Me Afeefei . JkfaaiM Amtried. U11PARALLELED OFFER 1 Tirtwn ef Deawreiff Wontlity Vinrine" i vwtkia A CoM Oroer, catlttaf Oh hoMer t ' t. . .,Ktia ar patten llleitraue In ta h nnwtiMM t that asBoer, Hanr at ' nealkmmil - -uriMn) er fmliawn endiaf . e win iwiih y mm :- ,(.i.i.t patten, of tae " i Btna uwf naf .,-1 ta IfantiM t the eroar. I MwaiNM i f iaf te , 7. . is PATTERITS (ralae at rreai - ((. teal et. each), dv In the Ttarf the kiad and MndeaM,a MatilntlM -i Wortn Orar - - ' Tare Dollars, ' er1r doeb) th actnal ent et the Vvrutee. vbieh to of ftatU, Mt u; eriuiaat tatart and IM attractiOT, to " r av CI t cpesi Zlsgavaiiie la AineHem. CrLT TWO DOLLARS ' . w t . tfT wrre ffl tw, tut prttent, ef ilwi i- ' hiscuj von aevly douhic Mm nbacrlpUoa ' - en fnf the corrirt mrmber irtth Pttteri f r will wruinly nitiacri Tv iMQa lei i- , f tie bom IU Tain,. , - ,, Pubn.Her.t5 1 1 4ttt St., RewYeA J t all wJe!m u4 Pgetavuter. i V. I. SPBAllB Frap'r. sound enos, n. c. . , Host Fictnrri Scenery In . Wt stern Nortlt Carolina. poists or xavajtlsx kaab bt . OU Fort. . L'Wtut I MB, 8k Bernard "" - I " - ' ' " 1 - UUM TttbBol - I '' Ptaaari ( (A iuue AuJ.- A ' . -f , , T Turn suvee, Iim 1 h i i ' - i ' k.l,.lMtm U n MltIMUr,Uktirf jmiliKMUi - tM few bee point eeiUkatoeky Fin eeol drv ttamkmc as) Job BabA dm, Trains stop aiu. door. . apl? Open all the year. Twi reasonable by month or week. . . ? 18 dwtj Bi a aatctree eeliai faaliatata 4ue a teas Ma.J.STOSBl,LBw Oiffe, UL rKicx.si.ee. uU tor OnvfisM. J. V. Joxdiw. ArPW New Berne, N.3. maySdwlr j. n. CaUirrsjcs. basil hajtlt. JOHN H. CEABTREE & CO ENG1NEERQ, Foundert and Machlnlsta laannfaotnren sad Doalers ln ami in Mimusir mm BaiUAere ef Batlaa. Bellera, Saw Mllle. BdciB: OatetT Haeklatee, Wear preparael to do Caatlan of all kind with prouplDeaa, Iartlcular and lmmediaU attention flren to repair of all klnda. We will be clad to fir plan and Mt I ma tee for an r deaoi lptlon ol aaachlaeror. W are the areata for th eel of th A mar- loan Haw. Alao far O. A A, harvamin eeaf brated ladvatraeUbt Mloa Valve. W elTe eaturactorr cnaraat tnr all work dona by Be. ytt d3aw wlj The King of Glory The Most Charming Life of Jeans rirer Written. It is very low priced and is beautifully bound. AijciiU wanted In every county. Big wage to any energetle man. IVm't be Idle when you ran be making from 75.( 0 to 1100.00 par month. There te nothing on the Assert can market that aelltany raster thaa It doe. An agent hat told In let than Ave month one thousand eople of this book. DaUy re porta are coming In a! towing from thirty-fife to sixty orders taken per week. One hun dred and forty were sold In Wllmlsgton N. C, In Are days Another tgent sold ln Albany, Ga., three hundred and two In leaf than a month. It It a book of vlyld lnterett. 1 endorted by tbe leading men of the Botuh. Send for beautifully Illustrated circulars of the book and alto catalogue of varlou other books. Send ninety cents for ciuvatslcg out fit 5 including complete ropy of the book In beat binding. Address for terms, SOCTIIWaSSTERN PI 8. HOUSE. VX and l.W Uproee Bt . A8HV1LLE TENN. We are the oldest and largest tnbterlptlon book house ln the South. Our line of Albnms are unsurpassed and onr Family Bibles are he most complete mad. JulJ d w3m F0RJALE. Valuable Real Estate. The property known as" the Club House, on Craven street Half acre lot, with one of tbe bout buildings in the city of New Berne. Can be ; bought very low for oasli or one-third cash, balance on good time at 6 per cent, in tr?st. For information apply at the JOURNAL OFFICE, jy 17 dtf New Berne, N. C. NOTICE Atiantic & N. 0. Railroad Co., ) Newtxrn, N. O., July 2d, 1388. J The Thirty -fourth Annual Meeting of tbe Stockholders of the Atlantio and North Caro ioa Railroad Company will be held at Morebead City,- N. C, on Thursdar, tbe 8econd day of August, 1888. F. C. ROBERTS, jy8d80d - ' Secretary. STATE OF NORTH CAHOUSA. . , Craven County. ( Before E. W. Ofcrpenter, CJertBoperlorCourt James C. Harriso , Admlalatrator Of l"tr Cheevera, deceased, ' vs. . - , Patrick Cbeevers. WlWam Obeevers, Alice Croseley, Mary Leslis, AJtna CafroU and three grandchildren of a deceaaed sister of Pater C'lieevera, names unknown, Heirs at Law. . :- ..' Publication of Bummons and' Kotlee of Pe tition. To Patrick Cheever, William .Cheevera, Alice Crosslay, Mary Leslie, Anna Carroll and three grandchildren of a deceased sla ter of Peter Cheevera, names unknown. Ton and each of yoa at hereby notified that a petition ha been duly filed In my of. flna aa mark of tha Bnnerlor Court of Craven County, praying for sale of the lands of rater cineeverv ur u, Btateui iutmi llna, by the above named Administrator, to make asset foi the payment of the debts of said Intestate and costs of administration. A cd tt further appearing that yoa are non residents of th BtaU ot North Carolina, and after due diligence cannot to found therein, yon are -notified that said petition will be heard before me on the 37th day of August, A,U.1888( And It Is ordered that this am nion and notice of aald petition -be pub lished once e week for six eoeerjeoti ve weeks la the Dallv Wew Bern Jotjhwal.-Io sir yoa notice thereof, at which time and pise said ease will be proceeded In according te law. Glv.n under my baed and official seal this 14th day of July. AJ). 1888. - lll&im ' Clerk 8n. Court, Grates Co. $500;Reward! ; W will pay the above reward for any east ef liver complaint, dyipepala, lck headache, ladlgeetkm, eomtlpation or oostiventss we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pill, when the- directions are strictly com piled with. ' They arepnrely vegetsble, and never fail to clve satisfaction.- Lar? boxes containing 8 arigar coated pills. S e. tor sale by all drnggim. Hewareof conntrfolt and lmltatlona. The (rentilninntif('t"-ed only by JOHN O. WEbT CO., M W. Aid laon St., Chicago, ill. --1 Bold by It N. DUFFY, drsg-ijiBt, TTa w ml linn ta the Meinfrhan aa4 mm. I ynaartaa Uaad I rr ,. THE JOUBNAL. ArriTil a.r.1 Dspirt-ro Siili - - kail cixers. Foe JCorth., t et aad Cj6LA, Tin A et M.C.K. KatT SJa.nu For Loart and la Kt, at 8.00 a ax. Tot VSai--ri-oa, Swift CTeex,E4ad Beaofart Cvtutuee Mondays, U'tlaee dajr, and ItvUr at !. a. av. roc Tretwa, rVLvAenUe and KAy TUi aauy a i a. aa. For Uranfeboro, bar bore nn I Taa deaaers, AaiiT at I a. sa. . , OFTICS HOUKS: la Koaey Order and lUetetLee ter lpaTunBt,froaa I a-au to 4 la kailinc Department from 8 a. sa' to I . am. ' - Offloe opea eoaataaUy betweaa theee kouexoep4wna saailsarsweinc die trUmted or eefit. , Fire Engines Operated hy Electricity. A (rent Improvement in .the handbag and working of . fire engines might be brought about by the application of electricity, aaya the Jewelry News. Ii fact, an engine earn by such mean be oper ated from t centrsi station in the same manner as slectrio light is dia tribe ted orer a large space or n city. While the pumps are being attach ed to th hydrants, the engineer by attaching the connections ot his motor to the proper wit en, and the alarm haying notified the eeotral station, ths electric current there from would operate the fire engines, entirely arolding the transport of henry accumulators, either on the engine or the hose carriage. Other great advantages would be in tbe lighter weight of the engine, and hence the greater speed and ease with which it could be taken to n fire; and also the celerity with which it could be brought into act ion, and its reduced cost. Hew he Celebrated. In celebrating tbe "day when onr land was made free." we naturally use the commodity of which we possess the greatest amount. If we are fluent as speech, we tell our fellow townsmen howtbey ought to feel ; if we are rich enough, we in dulge In fireworks, or, ii we are under n certain age, we "holler." "How did you celebrate, Bobby " a . 9 !A At J A at asset! a visitor, iue usy niter cue Fourth. "Ob, I fired off crackers in the morning and hollered and then Jim Lane and I fixed a tar- barrel on the hill, and we set it afire and hollered while it burned." "What then T" 'Oh, 1 don't know ! Yes, I do, too ; 1 began on my torpedoes then, and how we did holler when folks jumped !" "It seems to me you did a good deal of 'hollering.' What was it fort Did you cheer !' "Oh no,," said Bobby, doubtfully, "1 guess we didn't cheer exactly. We why, we just hollered t" 1 a a a BaehUaat' Aralea Balva. Tnn Best Salts in ths world for Outs. Braises, Bares. Uloers, Sal Rheum, Ferer Sores, tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Ski Eruptions, sad positively' onrea piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satiaf action, 0r money re loaded. Prioe 85 cents per box. For stleby R. N.Dqffr. jan 17 A country girl, coming from the field, was told by her cousin that she "looked as fresh as a daisy kis sed wit dew." "Well, it wasn't any feller by that name, but it was Steve Jones that kissed; I told him that erery one in town would find it out." let that cold of yours run on. Ton think it is a light thing. But it may ran into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dsnrerons. Consumption is death it self. Ths breathing ayparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstruction and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All ths diseases of these parts, head, noes, throat, bronelhial tabes and Inngs, can t delightfully and entirely cured by ths use of Hoeobee ' uermsn Syrup. If yon don't know this already, thous ands and thou sands of people can tell von' Ther have been cured by it. and "know bow tt h, themselves." Bottle only 75 cents. - Ask your druggist. : Atlantic & N, 0. Railroda Go. PACsraozB Dkpabtmint, -Newbseh, N. a June 1st, 1888, J SEASON OF 188S.': i U i Bound trip tickets to following points are on sals from "date, vis: Newborn to Hickery....".....113.65 - - - Morganton ...,..... 14.65 " ) I ' Old Fort.... 18.05 Black Mountain... . 10.70 Asneville..M.M. 17.40 Hot Hnrinra . 18 .ftS 'The above tickets are good to return nntil Oct. 31st. Tickets to be taken off sale Sept E0. - . - , ' B.L DILL, O.-P. A. NOTICE. iryM r Shares of Btock Nos, 54 snd 133 of the A. & N. C. R. R baring been lost, application will be made to the Railroad Company for new certificates, 't r ;;F.S. DUFFY. ' ' , E. B. DUFFY. ' New Berne, Jane 28. 18S8. -' d30p The walls of the barber shop on South Front street have been renewed, and a set of cane bottomed chairs eiieJ to the stock. Oo sM r't s good shgys f tan cents.ty cool -t corcmncLVL. to 1 1 ti? Biifrr., , .E;;.. -tt- Cab 1 t 1... ia stalk n. S&aU lots evl t.i.i u wet at c.Tv. ta iti. trsa a..je sad warehouse 724 Fodir,fl.LG1.25 tr k aired. Tvawrjin Hard, 81-10; eUjs ttOOV Ti. a 4i.Su. Oats Kw, S343o. la balk, -.- . ; fiACS W AX-e-lTaila. pot law . , , ExxyOafoot, Ixto 7e. . , FaJkaaPOaJl 7 1 aSa.ee pouad Haju Coon try v 111 J.; lard lla.i Pxacexs oOc pec peck,. , A rrLKS 23o. per bushel . " 7 Pxass 5oc. per buea. " : WOOL 13206. - FsVaSCTS odafl.OO per buaaeit u Caucxaaa irowa 0 Ipalr'. aalf gr0WB,83C.', ., - "WaK.-.".--. aUAL-eaiaSSo-WUd BHaLES Watt India, dall aad sKaa laal; 6 ioca 3 CCax.50. . Building I taeh aeaxu. i 23;eape.tl-50 at. STATS t-R. a hhd. 81018 1 H. wnoLxsALn runaa. ---. Kxw Hiss Voztx 313.00. , 4 BnonxEk If sat 7taSvO. CO.. F Be. B.H aad L. a-! Ftock-I3.30sl.00, . Lau 9ia. by tha tierce. HAOJ-Basis lOa.tAOO. 8uAl OranilaXed, 8ie Coma 13al8c Chixsx 15. B alt 085c. pet aaol, Molassks ass Staters 80a4W. Pownxa 1.00. r. . aot-Drop, 1L6; back, $1,75. - aCxaosxns-lSo. ' xJ ' : ' 1 ' : Hides Dry, 8o.' r ireee 4 A ' J Talloww-4o aer lb. i Hen FJerno llcaio, . , Morekend City, ,N O The above named house is now open for ths summer travel. Nioeeool rootns and clean beds. A cistern has been added to the hooae, and pare water will be laraiabsd to guests. Tha table will be supplied with ths best ths market affords. 'Pol its aad attentive servants. Having secured the aaaistaaoe of Mr. F. L, Ferry, who i well known to ths traveling puwio, we guarantee to seep a first class hotel. Terms, 82.00 per day, 810 00 per -week. Special rates to families. " ' bnap tow: B. wiqqins, joUdwtf , . Proprietor. Dsr. STdiEKEY & PALEli'S TREATHJCST BY I,fUALATIOS. u 9M Afthflw, Fburav Pfc , n, . i - k T n Dyspepala. Vatan-h, Hay Fever, Head aehe, Debility, RhawmaUtaa, NewraW giaaaaaii cnroaicaaafirvouuorcxa. The Compound Oxygtn Treatment,' lrs. Starker Palen. No. m Arch street. Phila delphia, have been using for th last seven teen yeais, is a scienuno aojusimant of th element of uxvgen and Mtrogea magu tlaed, and th com pound tssseondaoaed end made portabl that It Is sent all over th world. Drs. Bt aa sY run nav th liberty to refer to the rollowln named well-known pertonswhohave tried their treatment. If on. Wsa.D. Kelly, Itomber of Congress, Philadelphia. Raw. Vleter L Coatrad. Idltor Lutheraa Observer, Phil. Rv. Charla W. CwsMos;, D.D., Boch"S- ter.KY. - 1 Heat. Wa.' Pan Nlxea, Editor Inter- Ocean. Chlcaao, liL- r , W. M. Wartalataat, Editor Hew Boulb, Birmingham, Ala. Jadr H. P. Vraeaaan, Qnenomo, Ksn. Itlr. Wary A. Liver a ore, Melross, Mass, Jwdg Hi S. Yeerh, Mw York City. Mr, K. c. Kattrbia. Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Blddall, Merchant, Phil. Heat. W. W.Sewylev, Kaston. Pa Edward!,. WUMa,m Broadway, N. Y Kd. Phlla. Photo. Fidelia M. Lyeat, Walmea, Hawaii, Bahd- wlohlslanda, Alexaader Rltehl. Inverness, Scotland. Mrs. piaanel V. Ortega, freenUlo.Zaeate- caa, Mexico. . Hre. Kataaa Ceeyer, Ctllla, Spanish Hoh- duraa. Ot A. ',.'.- ' Jf Cobby Ex-tioe Consul, Caslblanca, It o roeoo, : -I !: ' ; ;-. , M. V. Ahrek, Bed Blaff, Cat Jaane Mpere, Han't Poller, Blandford, aeUblre, Kngland. Jaceb Ward, Bowral, New Booth Wales. And thousands of others ln every part of the , , OnltedBtatea. . . . . ' 4 .. ., -. ,; . - . ;, saaeajiaavawaaaafaaaaa r - .. "t "Com noun d Oxrcen its Mode of. Action and Results," lath title of a new brochure of twe hundred wage, tmblithed by Or. Starkey A Palen, which gives to all Inquirers full information as to this remarkable cura tive agent and a record ef several hundred surprising cure ln awld rang of chronic eaaee many of lhem aft being abandoned to die by other physician, Will be mailed f re to any address on application, - Bead th . DBS. STAB. KEY dk PALES, ' So. loSS Arch Btreet. Philadelphia. Pa. . -. ... mayWdw . " - ' ' .-; ;Bibles.V ; 1 -7.1 A -,4:' "r'r- ! Wd are requested tO('sUle tW ths Craven 'County Bible Society .have' a . .. . .. i . ' .-. , - urge aeeortment or mores ana Testa- ments, for sale st prices ranging front 10, centS;to ?2.50, por,Toume, attbelr depositary l;the store 6f 'r -'-'e - ,t 4 V. ,- i ' .s4dwtf j t GEO. ALLEN, &.CO,:- educate! Educate I What Better Can Be Done For ii:- The' Children T A t koRik- A C ABE 117' auboba.U. t;, K. f. BONNES, PEJ50PAL. Miss E. O. Langstos, . : AstasTAin. Tha Fall Session will open Sept. 18, 1887, and ele Feb. 8, liv-Ji ' Hprtng Sexxlon will open Feb, 8, 1888, and Close June is, !-. Hoard and tuition moderate, . - '' rupilsare et-mt.-'J 'fim time of entrane to end of f"" - J auction except la eeaee of prow. i I " rorfunuer in. . -'t'a' K. a. i ' - - : ; - I i.. t. WA tell. V A a -A St Iwvv vEeriie eFourtial PcblUhed Daily MElv The Daily Journal is a -commn paper, aevotca to tne jLnaus trial, Commercial and Social Interests of New Berne and vicinity. to $5.00 per annum; The Weekly Journaj, Is a 36-column paper, furnishing general as well as local news! A special feature is made in ; giving the current events trans piring in " the adjoining and neighboring WWUUIUVMI AltVV (VUUVVW UU f A,, W Ui J lttt, Wt 75 cents for six months. Advertising rvTL' : i. a . ii. mis is 10 oe an mieresung tiampaign year, ij ffi Va: . : . - i-:i.---.A-J - and lit behooves every person interested in their section and matters of general im portance, to take their homo paper and know wnat is goins: on. lor trial, special' cam paign j rates will be g given, 4 extending to - Jan. lil889. -j ' ., t ..." V -I. i l - . - - In. connection we have a ""'r- thaticanturn out most any . style of and on' tcrm3 that the times' 'demand. !-. ' 1. Tor further particulars addrc:3 k W., . A . . f jr 1 t. v.- - .- V. r !Vt and Weekly at SNEi'WifCb - .... . Rates have been reduced $2.50 for six months. Rates Liberal, i " ! ' ' 4 - . ; . f i " " 't V ' , Hf Si - "si ; j n ,i M At .-.. t-.i 'if? ... ' ., .v .... A J . V 1. . i 'd a y I - . ,11 f - '. . t " Berne, N.C. , . . sr-4dwly . 1 is. r

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