& N. C. Railroad : t.M AJL, Sunday. July Si. IS88.. - . v iTxst. ScBt&rta. QooaWua ... : L TVaau. No. M . Le. ,.:, 4 4 ill tst an too Hi 314 s t y aa P;j.iiooA. OoMabora ; L U range Kinama NewBarae -Morebead City .Duly. A.r. L. 118 am 10 IT 10 U 10 tl 10 M 8 60 1 00 an T19 Bchxpcu. QouraWasr. No. if Mixed Ft. ft fa. Trai. 8 40 p m rJlXet - . . Trajaw v a w ' :? 7 W It) 1 SO !d tU 811 SU I :a iu 1 15 10 00 : i i'j it -nt 1104 nil 1U0 Jll 4 00. Statioae. OolJebafw - Beet's ; La Urange FaHing Crack Klaetoa . .. Cat vail Dover Cora Crack Tuecaroru Clarke Newborn 164 100 714 7 00 S3 as oo ISO 60 III iao 0 41 0 83 004 817 803 7 63 717 715 700 714 a so 6 43 6S0 4 43 414 44 s a ion 41 93 8 60 8 IT 800 7 47 717 706 4 41 4 11 w u IN IU 100 111 its 4 It Biverdele 0 03 Croatia 1 Sit : Havalock 1 14 Newport IM Wild wood 0 40 Atlaatio " 1 10 . Morehead City 710 Atlantis Hotel en Morebead Depot am TaMdsT.Tkar 4av aa i Hatnrday. tkuiuMr, adaaa4ajr an4 f rldy. x Tnla Waaaaaatt wttt ITUalBftoa a Wi M liM 'na4 Nana, taavlnf Uoldsboro I. at a. Bk, a4 1U HlehBoaa A D btUI j ,Ja Wt, iwtrlnf Oaiitelxtro 140 TrmM U naiWi ita Btekmtoaa MvUlt Trua.arrTM atO4a:l a.,AdWtth V uaiaaoa aa4 Waiaoa Train from lh lria I mdmU WHA Wllatlntt a and Wautoa Thronga Freight Train. laTln Uutoaera at tvu a.a. S. L. Dill, Snpartntaadect bpcrfant Notice, HAT 1, 1888 To Affenta and tbose wbo will work to extend tbe circulation of TOE WORLD, 20 per cent, com miaaion will be paid on all orders for tUa Weeklj and Semi-Weekly ed.UooB, and 12 J per cent, on all ordara tor . tbe Daily and Snnday eultiona, Tbe following shows ex actly tbe amounts to be remitted and retained: Afenta Agents EdiUoavi Price. Daily.- 16.00 Wuaday 1.00 Daily, par awnth. .60 Dalli and Buaday par rooptb, .67 mi-Weakly 9.00 Weekly ............. 1.C0 ' laeeats.aatramuat Remit. Retain 5.S5 .75 .as .06 1.75 .44 .50 1.60 .60 .08 .40 .20 be collected and eant for poeeage on premium with Weakly edition. U All other ratee andtermt are katabaeanealled. r THE WORLD. ;STEB?S UiiADRIDCED. , STAR21R0 AH0 BEST. . aOM mora Word end nearly IOOO mora Ulna- wtiuii maa any otner amencaa vicuonary. Amoef the anpplmneatary faatnrea.ariKinal with Wrtrttrt taabridtred and uneqaaled for . coocu ana tnutworuiy uiformaUon, are A Cbraphical Dictionary toatalBinf nearly llVWO aamea of Noteworthy Krmmm, wimi iqeir naHonainy. nauon, proie aka or anploa, data of birtti and death, X aeaaad),te, , ; A Cuctteer of the World OrereraVMeTrtlea.loeatiBcand briefly deaorib- iag the Coantriee, Cities, Towaa, and Natural r pari of tbe Globe, and Tka gTplaaatnry and Proaoaneisf Vooabalary MaaMB s MMBameeM I I! :t: J FictitSom. Persons 4 t lea, anca aa are often referred to la uwranire ana eoaiTenauoa. Tna laUar la not found in any other DicUonary ' " IS THE STAJTBAED antnartty la the 6yt rMntlno Oflaa, and with tM U. I. tupreni Ceort. It U recommended r7 , ,u''tt h0, ef SS States, and '"""" ieo rraa n ot, v. a. and Canada. It lath only bicMonary that baa been aeleeted la mkin Mat Pare baa for Seboola, and wiwm i wen are paaea upon la a inraWhl ennpaaioa in crery School and . mm, r runmiam. epeennen paf ea and teau r oalataaBt prepaid on application. IU.lUae4era.ac mebriahaco. a - 'w-.e..- PaaSld, Mass., ... :::2. eatoii -IOOO, 7".: JEUELER HAS A11SI STOCK 09 -- ' 7tcto Clocb.-' Jewelry EOLLTJ BILVEE AIJD PLATED WABE. I keep a larger stock of Spectacles i aor other, store la BOMB uaroiina . t a particular pains to fit then to the i oi paruesneediDg tnem. . : worked iteadifr at the bench - f ftStLFf J ? c -r thirty years, I beliere I can do 1 work as any watchmaker in the . . . . . . -. ; y - COMI AND BEE IfRi' , SAIL K. EAT05, ' Middle street i -"sr-"- tChurcbr; islidwtf V Iwat ib world for low prfeet. A JbtnrrfrMM r4 irnriglT JkHind I'ljOttt- a, i 'ifnf 2? peMi of nb r f r fWrcnti, pvfU prkt. e-iisl r-'-T'. ft fcuifirj ' ' - I S' - i I- '-it'll W, B. aFKACTB, Pta. BOUND K50B, Nva . Moat Pieturwiaa - Scenery 1b , WeeterB Xarth Carolina. P0I5TS. OI IMfcJUST KXAB BTs om rort. - 7 p"" 5 Mnse, St. Bernard Moulala - " 1 " v-.ii. 4 Wfa , ;, 1 V tiiuam 1 un4 - Pinna;. th Jul iUJa. "-"Tap , , , , ' ' J To bivr, ftaa troal (Ulung . Bndif' Iron eprtnea . " 1 " E.uy s Iron " H " kuiebaii a Pai, u Gravaec Prof. MiMkaU, tae h)gort paint east or to Hocxj Atoaauuaa, suae auiaa. Para eeol drr aLneosnciar: aa km llcht aava. Tiatnaatoaat iaaaour . ai7 Opaa all Uta yaar, Tarau raaaonabla by Booth or vaak. alSdwtJ Kf eaaaitTa ova ol Oaaofrkaa aaf UtMfc. I pmtnaattaaa H i U aaMnA. .i.j.arona.&A - Om an, iu. pKict.ai.aa. fioia my SraccWa J. V. JoaDAI. Araht, Naw Berna, N. C mayldviy a. caASTixn. BASTLatAJaT. JOHU H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Foundera and Machiniata Manufacturers and Dealers la mm in mmm supples BmlUara mt Kaftlaaa. Ballara, Saw KiUa. Ef br Cat-aft Rtachlaaa, Waara praparaU to do Oaatlnga of tall klud wiw proiBptncai, Partlcalar and lmmadlaU allenthm k1td 10 repalia of all Kluda, Wa will bAflad to Klra plana and titlmatea lor any deaoi lpllon of macnlnery . Wa are the agent for tha tale of the Amer ican Haw. A Iao for O. A A. Harcamln'i cele brated lcdea true 11 tile Mloa Valves. Wa civ aatlafactory guarantee for all work done or Da. va aw wiy WEAK pitaebod The Kingof Glory The Most Charming Life of Josua i-er Written. It Is very low priced and is beautifully bound. Aienta wanted In erery county. Big wageatoany, energetic man. Don't be idle when yon can be making from 175. CO to 1100.00 per month. There la nothing on the Amert cab market that sells any hater than it does. An agent haaaoM In less than Are months on thonaand copies of this book. Dally re ports are coming In showing from thlrty-flT to elxty ordera taken nef week. On hun dred and forty were sold In Wilmington N. C, In five daya. Another agent eold la Albany, Oat, three hundred and two In less than a month. It It a book fi vivid Interest. Is ondoned by the leading men of the Bouth. Send for beautifully Illustrated el renters of the book and also catalogue of various other hooka. Bend nlnatr cents for cnvasslng outfit Including complete copy of the book in best blading. Address for terms, SOITTII WSuSTERH TTB. HOUSE. JM and 155 Spmee Bt . ( NA8H.VILLK. TBMN. We are the oldest and largest subscription book house In the South. Our line of Albums are nmrarpasaed and our Family Bibles are be most complete made. ' J u 18 d w3m F0RSALE. Valuable Heal Estate, The property known as . the Club House, on Craven street. Half acre lot, with one of the best buildings in the city of New Heme. Can be bought vary low for cash, or. one-third cash, balance on good time at 6 percent, in terent. For information apply at the' JOURNAL OFFICE, jjltdtf . . New Berne, N..C. - NOTICE.- AriAitTic & K. C, Railboad Com Newbern, N. C.'Joly Sd.1888, The Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantio and North Carolina RaUroad Company will be held at Morehead City, N. a, on Thursday, the Second day of August, 1888. F. C. ROBERTS. jy3dw80d Secretary. 8TATK OF SORTH CAROLINA.' Urayen county. Before K. W AVrpacter, Clerk Suparlot Court James C Harrison .Administrator of 1'eter Checveis, deceased, vs. Pal rick Cheevers, William Oheeveri, Alice Crowley, Mary Leslie, Anna Carroll and three Erandcblldren of a deceased sister of Peter Cheevera, name unknown, Heir atLaw. . . , Publication of Bummons and Notloe of Pe tition. . . , .., To Patrick Cheevert, William Cheevers, Alice Orosaiav. Mary Leslie, Anna uarroi and three grandchildren of a -deceased eta ter of Peter Cheevera, names unknown. -You and each of yo we hereby notified that a petition has been duly Clad la my of. 8na aa Dark ttt tha Buoerlor Court of Craven Oounty, praylag for a sal of the lands of Peter cbeeyers la the Bute or north Caro lina, bv tha above named Administrator, to make asaeta foi tbe Davmantef tbe debts of said lnteatate ana costs oi aa ministration. And tt fnrtfaer annearlne that yon are nan reetdante of the Btata of North Carolina, and after dne dillceneeeannot be found therein, yon are notified that aaid petition will be heard before me on ne minnay or august. A.U.1888. And it M ordered thai utiasum mons and notice of said petition - be pub lished once week for six eosencutlve weeks ia the Dally New Berne JovanAl., te give you notloe thereof, at which time and place said case will he proceeded Inaenoadingto law. Oivtn under my nawa sua tunoiai seal ' Ji 15 tm Z, I Clerk Hup. Oourt. Craven Co, 4 -aw We will pay the above reward for any of liver complaint, d 'taint, ayf pepsia, sick neaos t pepsia, sick headache, tlon or oostiveneas we indigestion, eonstlpal cannot enra with ' West a Vese table LITtr Pills, when the directions (re strictly com piled rlth. They are purely vegetable, ana n ever fall to el ve satisfaction. Lerpe bo"i containing M snirar coated pilla, i.tti. rr sale by all dmegiM's.' Beware of counter fe its and Imitations. The rnnlne manufactured fl TV wia j f arthjaa trtaiObaakalk.' a THE JOUIINAL. ArriraJ kiid SiB&rtsrt HiiLi ' '!" 'MAIL CLOSES. iv.V.'V-' For Norta.. W eat and bouta, tu A. K. c u. K. atT.SO a.m. - - For Beaufort a&d the East, at LvO a. ia - For Waahingtoa.Swlrt Craak, Eydeaad Beaaiort UouatMt Honda ra. edaea- days, and Fridays at l.'OO a. aa. For treatoa, PoUoksriUe aad Maya- rilla.dailTat70a.m. ' rot urantaboro, Bayboro aa i van- demera, daily at a. aa. - i OFFICX BOUBS: la Money Order aad EecisteredLet ter Department, from I a.m. to 4 p-.tn. uMauiBC Departmaat rromla.m' tosa.m. . Oflloa open ooaataatly between thi hours axeept wbaa mailt are beiDg Jia- tnbutedoreeaA. , , r, v . . Delleate Welg Was; Macklae. Tbe writer drifted Into tbe shop of a acala manufacturer a few days ago," and after inspecting a haudred different varieties of weighing ma cbibea, ran King from those wbicb win indicate the weigbt of a locomo tive or a car loaded witb 75,000 pounds of freight down to a lilipa tian, toylike affair small enough to be carried in the pocket, he remark, ed, aa he axamined a pair ol fairy scales under a glass case: "I itrppose these are tbe frailest balances made, i "Oh. no; here Is something still more aelicate," replied the scale man, bringing forth another tiny machine, more diminutive than first "Tbia," said the manufacturer, is the most sensitive weighing machine yet invented. Nothing smaller ia the shape of a scale has ever been made. This is the ma chine which gives the exact weight of a single single hair, or an eyelash. Yon can find ont tbe weight of your signature with it. What! You, too, are skepticale. . Then I wiU con vince you. Here is a slip of paper. It weighs just thirty-nine milligramme. A milligramme iB the one-thousanth part of a gramme and a gramm is equal to fifteen and one half grains troy weight. Now. just write your name' upon it: with thin laml nan nil n The writer scrawled the name his parents gave him on the scrap of paper, ana handed it back to tbe proprietor, wbo placed it on tbe tiny scales, and adjusting the weights which were no bigger tban the bead of a large sized pin found the sig nature to weigh exactly six mill. grammes. "No, there is not a very great de mand for these scales," said the manufacturer, ''although they are very popular among the money brok ers and are used largely for assaying purposes. Tbe last one sold was yesterday afternoon. It was bought by a nvealthy autograph collector, who purposes weighing the signa tores of famous people witb the in tention of publishing, in pamphlet form, the result of bis labors, and suppose we may expect to be inflicted with the baok before long, New York Sun. How to Estimate Brickwork. Ordinary bricks are about eight inches in length, and with tbe mortar joint about half that in width, so that each brick 'on tbe flat will give a horizontal surface ol about thirty-two square inches, or 42 bricks will cover a square foot, as ordinarily laid there are nine courses to every twenty lonr inches, or z to the foot. Four and a bal course with 42 bricks to the course gives 201 bricks to the cubic foot, Waste, cutting and closer joints will , easily require an allow ance of twenty-one bricks per cubio toot, wn ten win be found a very convenient figure for estimating ina number or bricks required for waii or a given size and thickness, Las It thus becomes unnecessary find the cubic contents of the wall put merely to multiply its face area or the product of its length and ne'.gnt in leet by seven-fourths of i thickness in inches. - which, as ti thlcknessl is always some multiple of 'four inches, is a very -simple process. : . , New Dcrno Hcuso, Morehead City, If, 0.1 Tha above named (house is now or)en tor toe summer travel. N ice cool rooms and clean beds. . A cistern has been added to the house, and pure water will be furnished to guests. The table will be supplied with ths best the market affords, .route and attentive 'servants. Having secured the aeeieunos of Mr. F, L. Perry,; who is well known to the traveling publta, we guarantee to keep a first-daas hoteL - Terms. S3 DO dot day, 810.00 per week. Specil rates to ismiiies z - : tV.B.WIQQINS,.' Jel4 dwtf - ' - -z proprietor: agency rcn ' ri J PAVS l"l t MOSKI. AND I have a very fine C A1tidATB ClCAR, . rIIAttR80 AND MORTna By the sale of these cigars we will see who is AHEAD, Tbla Cigar Is good enough for the CANOIIATF.tne smoke- Hurely the voters can smoke mem. ivecpnta each, at .'.. t ' PAfcHPR't Cf n fSTPrtr.t -.;l '-"TOV TAKkta COIJMEEGIAL. comi, Haw yoBtr, JoIt ti Futures tlosad feaJj. Sales of t),t. bales. Joly, IO.C'4, January, -1.81 Auguet, 1X?1 ' February 168 Bept, 0.77 Marca 161 Ootober, 1.54 ApriV - ' 1.74 Hot. .4J key, 1.81 Deoamber, 1.43 - Jaaa, - . Ksw Beroe market 4uiea. Ne sales. - domestic axasiKBrr.- j Eggs Is. ; -j i ' w - : J ; t ' Coin jliut liola ia market. - Saaatl lots sold during tha week at 6Sa70o. bulk. From atora aad wareaouee 72i aSOe. . . - . . L Fodder, ll.00il.25 cer buadrad. TVWBirTaraaard, 11.10; 4113.00. r TABt 1.50. OATa-New,5a40o. la bulk. " Bbxswax 17a J la. par lav -Ezet Va. loot. 6 s. to 7, . . , rrntMl P X 7f3a.Dr pouad. Huu-ContUrr, lUlBd,: lard Ul. . tAGRtS"50c per peck. . . AvrLa.8356. pec bushel. ' Pkaks-SOc. per busk. -Wooi-15a20c s FsUirnta-ooaSLOO per buaael. , (Jmaxaai Qrowr 41. fpalr: half grown, 15a. . - MIAl HSiaSOa. aoltea, - - Bmnaua-Waat ladia, dull aad a'm S lack J00al 60, BaUdinc 6- taoa aearts. .S3;aape.ti.50 par u. STAVie-B. O. kh(L f lOall tier is. WHOTJBSAUi raroaa. Haw Mxsa Pdui-IIS.OO. ' -Should a Miat 71a8io. a R... F. B B.H aad L 0,-l . FlOtm--l8.50a6.00. " LAar Sfo. by the tleroar Hana Bails 10, $1.60. BtfOAa Oranalated, o ' OoFTxa 15al8c CHMUn 15. ' , Salt 80a85o. par" iao k. Molassks Aim 8Taur- tOUif. powd ta .oo. Shot Drop, f 1.60. back. SMS. KutoaSNB-lrO. . Butt-Dry , 6a8o. .. raa 4 Tamow4o. rr la. Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Stock Tor Sale. aasaaawasisaM 1 will sell, for Cash, at the CO OUT H'JUdB in BEAUFORT, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER S4,laKS,at IS U FOBTT-aSVBM Uaaiaa of the Capital Stock of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, belonging to the Carolina Otty Company. JHO, 1). DA Via, Receiver of the Carolina City Company, lteaofort. H. q. Jalyao,l8. , , dlawtw Dsr. STAB KEY I PALEIi'S TBEATKEJfT BT IItHAX.ATIOa. TKABCWAWr 'W I M f J4wAtxia Str , Pfrtlad ax, tav Far Ceaaamnti am. Asthma. Braaehltla. Dyapepaia. sjatawa, nay revar, Ha aek. Debility, KhaansaUCaa, NevrmU gia and all Chronic and Nervous Diaoreera, , . "Th Oomoonnd Oxygen Treatment." Dra. Btarkey Palen, No, I& Aroh street, Phila delphia, have been using for the last seven, texn yeais,lsa acientlrle adjustment of the elements of Oxygen. and nitrogen magna Used, and the eons pound is so condensed and mace portaoie nat it is eant an over me worm One. BtAbkbt PAUK bay the liberty to rerer to we iouowing namea wu-anown Sraone who have Cried their treatment. ' aa. Waa.D. Kelly, Member of Congress, - Philadelphia. , Bar. Victor t Coarad. Editor Lnthtraa Observer. Phil. Bev. Charles W. Calking. D.D., Rooh e- tr, 11. I.- . Ilea. Waa. Pean NIxoa, Editor Inter Ocean. Chicago. IIU t. - W. M. Worthiagtoa, Editor New South, sirmingnamf A.ia. -Jade H. P. Vraaaaaa. Qaenomo.Kan Firs. Mary A. Llrtraen, Melrose, Mass. aege it, . voornees, new xorauity. Mr. K. C Knlsrht. Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Sladalt, Merchant, Phlla. Una. W. W. Inalla? (utul P. .. Edward L. WUaoa, 83S Broadway, N. Y, ' Kd. Phlla. Photo.' - Fldalla M. Lyaa, Walraea, BaWail, Sand ' wicn isutnoa. f . . -..v.,,,.., , .. Alexaadar RKetil. Invernees. Scotland Mr, jnanael T. Ortega, Fraanillo, Zaeate- . Ml. MatIm. Bra. Baama Capr?, fJUUa, Spanish Hon anraa.u. a.f . :- . 1 - 1 Ji Cabbj Kx-yiee'Oonrat, Caslbfanca, Be roeoo. , - f i .7v . ,,,, M. V. Ashhraok, Bed Bioff, Cal v . 1 JajnaeMer,tnp'iPoUe, Blandretd, - aaUhlre, Kngland. - , Jacob War. Bowral.New South Wale. . And thousands of others in every part of the .1 unuea Bteiea. - - "Oompound Oxygen It Mode of Aetlon and Result," 1 the tttle-of a new broahnr of twohnndred xKe.''iBbliahed bv Dra. Btarkey a Palen, whleh gives te all Inquirers foil Information aa to this' remarkable enra ttv agent and a reeord of aaveral haadrad surprising cores in a wide rang of ehronle eBe many 01 tnm alter Bei ng BDanuonea to die by other Dhrstotans. , Will be mailed free to any address on application "Bead the t 1 ) JDKJLSTARKET es PAtEH, - K. 1531 Arch Street. Phlladelphtat Pa,' Atlantic &N, 0, RailrodaCo. i ' NEWBiair, N. 0.i June 1st, 1888. f A 54 . SEASOlCoP.1888. 1 S8" ' Round trip tickets to following points are on sale from date, via: ' ' Newborn lo Hickery ....i-.13.65 ' i i K- Morf ant0nv...-i. 14.66 F.tl-vV?iiOId Fort-.!... v 16.05 .';?.... ' Black Mountaia. 18,70 , .v. , Asheville...... 17.40 ... .Hi Hot gpringi.w.'.;. 18.25 The above tiokets are good to return until Oct, 8 lit. -.Tickets to be taken off sale Sept. Z0tl .: ;, " . " i j" i--, , 8. L.J)lLL,0. P.A. '; i . . , i ITotic'j - The walls of the barber shop on Soutk Front street have been' renewed, and a eet of cane bottomed chairs added to ths stock, i Oo and get a good share for tea cents, by good workmen, at - , 'i Prof. 7. n. Bill PATO'S. .. r - Shares of ft"- -the A. ft N. C. V.. Jration will 1 (' -"y for r i r 1 rf Nf3w fierhe urhiUi PubIish8d Daily The Daily Journal : is a 4-coluinn paper, trial, Commercial and Social Interests of New Berne and vicinity. Bates have been reduced to $5.00 per annum; $2.50 for six months. The Weekly Journal. Is a 36-column paper, well as local news. made in giving; the current events trans piring in the' adjoining - ant . neighboring counties. Price reduced to $1.50 a year, or Sv 75 cents for six months. Advertising This is jto be an interesting Campaign: ycat; j and it behooves every person rintefested in their section, 'and matters J 6P ?$nral im- portanoeto take thoir home pipord what j is" goings on-For - trial, ; special -team ; paign: rates :will be 1,1889.' ...v., )l,r j 1 1 ( ... In connection -we have a i 3 t f that can turn out most any stylo of . yA tcrr.3 that the timcx dcnr.ni -: ' rcr further particularo addfc r r , W4 . . . t ' -y and' Weekly at' devoted to the Indus- furnishing general as A special feature is Rates Liberal; given,1 extending; to ;Jaiv '"J n t i( i r'V'. Tr ifcJDJ lit i t -. w r 'X a US., vj j t it r ' 1? r w J V :- t AHddln, riftr KouHi front. Aln, where can be f 1 "'d ( I i a., F,!i(,lrVta, and avll k f 5 ;, ., 1 d on !, tiara - 1 r, t r A , i '' V i only hy JOHN O. WKBXA OO- m W. !ad- n K., Ctii',9Pa, HI. y 'i If V. N. DUFFY, drv- ' . f .