. v , T - - i FT Daily .' ... i E OURNAL. 01 vol. vh.-no; 104. NEW BERNE. N. 0.. SATURDAY. JULY 28, 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS. r, BUSINESS LOCALS. J ?IE Sull-r4 Baef etSwert'sBUna's L this morning. y , LOST-1,000 DOLLARS U small ChABX month hy thoae who f.il to patronir K. B. Beekbar. '"Th Grocer." To tkoa person I will My (iv trial ui ee eoaviacea'. I ' will r.runi saoaey if foods ere o sat Uractorr and (ob4 to Wh repreaant a. k2kall profits aad quick aaiaa" ia My Motto, and So. saved la yea islOo. made. Yoa ail kaa w (hat thaaa "nica" aooa esooaas lo dollar. Mow if yoa wW to mtc them, ba rara yoa bay from ma, and you will certainly do that oba thing. Try my So. Flour ia 10 lb lou anyway, with just 1 lb of my Fiae Butte. LOST-Pocket Book with $40 or $50 ia aotaa and aoma valuable receipt. Finder will please ratura to J. W. Hxaio, aaar Market Dock. TBE Bst Timothy Bar.Wbaat Bran, Turnip and Rata Baga Seed, at IS lW P. W. A E. "W. BMiLLWOOD. ON draught, Bargnar Engal1 cele brated Beer, ica eotd, at jyHtf A.B. Uoltom'8 ONE first-class-mahogaay writing dask for aaU at the Only Cash Store, Humphrey A Howard 'a old aUnd. BOTTLED BEER, ioa cold, and all other oool drtnka at jjl7tf A. H. HOLTOH'S. CI ALL at the Broad 8t Store where ' you can buy all klndt of Fresh Qrooeriea low for caah only. O. F. M. Da.il, Ag't. WHITE' LEAD, Mixed Paint, Var bih, Oil and Ulaaa at Qbo. Allen ft Co. JUST RECEIVED by echooner Hen rietta Hill, 100 barrels building lima, and for sale by J. C. Whitty, Graven St., S door below South Front. JlOtf. LOST-A City Voucher. No 59. pay able to New Bkknk Journal, for Ave dollar. All pereoni ara warned not to trade for said Toucher aa applica tion will be made for a doplicate. Nonn ft Harper j LIME, Cement, Plaster at low price. Qko. Allen ft Co. Long Island is ravaged by diph theria. The first bale of cotton of the net crop sold in Savannah at fifteen cents. Farmers will vote for the Demo cratic candidates and protection against bogus butter. Tarboro is to have a cotton mill "and a graded school, the two things essential to give a town a good boom. IT is now said that the charges againsf Parnell originated with a x woman. . Another case oi Eve and the apple. Down with the apple and op with the shamrock. , "O yes, Democrats are getting to be protectionists' "Yes, we are to 'protecting the people from monopoly, plutocracy, trusts and all manner of Republican devil - tnent. Misa Daisy Hampton, General Wada Hampton's daughter, is a .. famous, pedestrian. She recently walked from her home to Charles ton a 'distance of 145 miles and made on one day twenty-five miles. . .. - ' i ' -. .. :i , Tire Republican Congressional Committee was organized at Wash tngton on the 25th inst. General Nathant Goft. West Virginia, , Chairman, and Hon. EdwaTdMo rherson, Secretary . The Winston Daily "has again enlarged. Vlf the people of Salem and Winston will giro it a hearty support there' will-be no need in the future to Import some one to write a "sketch" which ia not gen erally satisfactory; It was on the cars. A Demo crat and a Ilepublican were jawing abjut Connecticut when the Demo crat said : "The Kepubllcans are no cos they can't carry h--iI.w "Very true," sanUhe Eepnblican "the majority there la too much for us : bnt Connecticut is altogether a d:!reTst place' K'yvry Wisconsin heard from. This is one cf the States set down in nearly all calculations of the probabilities of November as Burely Bepublican ,1 -t many of the wiser politicians r f r:tV parties, familiar with tie ; ' '-.l mutations f the past'few 'i t i Kortbwest, are of tbo " -1 ti.3 c'ala of' the In publicans is based on a rather shifting: foundation, and that the triumph of the Democracy in Wis consin this fall ia by no means aa improbability. Cox?LAi5T hating been made that the Kews and Observer pub lished an imperfect account of the statement of Mr. Cross, that paper rery properly replies : "The editor concluded that it was not necessary for tki paper to parade the per sonal indebtedness of each member of the family before the public and the paper acted on its best judg ment oftha matter." The News and Observer has never sought unnecessarily to bring the personal affairs of individuals before the pubfic. LOCAL NEWS. Dry andduaty. Swart offer tall fed beef to hia cus tomer today. One bale of cotton, old, waa brought in yeaterday. It claaaed good middling and brought 10 1-16. The echooner Jennie E. McNorton, Captain Newell, aimed yesterday from Philadelphia with a cargo of corn for J. A. Meadow. The cloaing eierc.is.ts of the colored teacher' institute will take plaoa at the theatre on Monday evening July 30th beginning at 8:30 o'clock. Ti n prisoner in Craven county jailj The recruits received lately were one from Vaooeboro for larceny, one by Justice Hill for contempt, and one for wife beating. At a meeting of the board of trustee of New Berne Academy held yesterday evening, it was decided to open the next session of the graded school on Monday, September 17th. The North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association convenes in Qoldsboro On Wednesday, Aug. 8th. Our former townsman F. W. Hancock, Esq., is President of the Association. The postofflca officials, and oleverer or mora efficient set oan not be found in the State, are now nugly fitted up in their new quarters at the corner where Han cock Bros, held forth. Here they will likely stay until Mr. Simmons gets the public building erected. The "annual farmer' dinner at Free man Ernul's, Esq , near Street's Ferry ill be held oa the 9th of August. The farmers of that cemmunity meet here annually to break bread, cut barbecue and have a good time socially. It ia an occasion of social pleasure and is al ways highly enjoyed by those who at tend. Campaign Bug. Mr. B. B. Davenport sends in a curi ous looking bug. It haa long horns, and Mr. Davenport has called it a campaign bug. Take either horn of this bug and yon will be in a dilemma, so, we think, more appropriate name is "a oamp- paign humbug,'? and there are many others, though altogether different In size and shape, just like it. It makes noise like a young mouse when clamoring for protection to Chinese rata. Steamer Movements. The Defiance of the Clyde Une sailed for Baltimore yeaterday with a cargo of lumbar, naval stores and watermelon. The Manteo of , the Cf, D . tin's sailed, for Norfolk yesterday with mIecelane- ous freights among which were a thou sand watermelons. Among the pas sengers were several for Ocracoke. 1 ; The Eaglet of the E-C. D. lias sailed yesterday afternoon with a full cargo of truck, lumber, naval stores and gen eral. merchandise. . The Vesper of this Dne will arrive today. f A Kan of Appetits. A countryman walked la to a market restaurant kept by a colored woman yesterday and asked the price of Square meal. He was sized, aad ap pearing no larger than an average man was told that the regular price was 39 csntarHe took -a seat at a table and this Is what he had gotten on the outside of when he was interrupted by the keeper of the restaurant and told that hex had already eaten mors than; the price charged ; Ten biscuit, two cops of cof fee, four plates of fish, four eggs and pound of beef steak. Oa being ref nied anything mors to eat,' he walked out declaring he would not pay for so small a snack. He had bargained fer a fall meal and would pay for nothing less. The worn an followed him down the street and it was only throe gh the In torf oroncs cf a policeman that she got Lor twenty-Eva cents. ... . sanitary Affaire. . The chairman of the taaitary oommit tea reports that Federal alley, to which the Jociial called attention a few days ago, aad all other alleys have been at leaded to aad are aew ia a eleaaly eoatditioa. Oa Moaday next aa Inspec tion of the back yards of all reaideaoea will begin, and the owaara thereof will take aotioe aad have them ia erder or be dealt with aocordmg to the city ordi nances. Personal. Jaa. W. Waters, Esq., left yesterday for Washington. D. C, on professional bueineet! Mr. Adams haa returned from a visit to her daughter in Providence, R. I. Dr. King and Mrs. King of New Jer sey, who ware here laat winter, are again on a visit and trying New Berne as a summer resort Rev. H. W. Battle of this city and Rev. Mr. Love of Bayboro left yesterday morning for Kinston to attend the Union meeting of the Atlantic Baptist A iso lation. Prof. Oeo. T. Farnall of the Pamlico Male and Female Institute was in the city yesterday. Ha reports the outlook for the Institute next session aa very encouraging, famuoo ia becoming aroused on the subject of education and her schools are rapidly improving. F. W Hancock, Esq. arrived last ight. MUs Mary Manly left on steamer Manteo yesterday for Baltimore on a bit to relative and friends. Mr. George Ransom left yesterday for Manchester, Va. where he is to engage in business. Herbert Williams, Esq., of Clinton is in the city on a visit to friends and rel atives. He says that while the buckle berry crop of Sampson was very profit able, it was a great drawback to the farmers, as hands would quit the fields and go to pick the berries. Mr. Ben. F. Dodson, manager of the Steen:Rouclere Co., arrived last night. This company haa been astonishing the people of Raleigh and Durham tbi week with their mind reading and expose of spiritualism. The company will appear in New Berne soon. The Chicago Anarchists. Chicago, July 23. The drag net of law enmeshed today another anarchist ho sought revenge upon the repre sentatives of the law in the persons Bonfield, Gary and Grinnall. A gunsmith named Rudolph Sebio was arrested before daylight this morn- lnsand is now behind the prison bars held for bond of $7,000. He is charged ith being the individual who fur nished dynamite to the conspirators who intended to assassinate the three law officers who were the moat promi nent in the Haymarket prosecution. Sebio acknowledges that he has been illegally dealing in dynamite and that he has sold over fifty pounds of the ex plosive to various persons within a year. He will only admit having sold ten pounds to Chioago people and asserts that he either never knew or cannot re member who they were. Inspector Bondfield says that he has proof that ten pounds if not more went to Hronek, Chapek and Chlebound . It la definitely known that Sebio bought on May 26th, from the American Powder Company in Chicago, twenty-five pounds of dyna mite. It is ten pounds of this purchase that have been traced to tbe recently arrested trio of assassins. Sebio olaims that ten pounds of the twenty-Aye went to a farmer in Nebraska. On the third day of June he purchased twenty-five pounds more; which be claims to have sold to a farmer in Minnesota, but is unable to give his name or locality. Inspector Bonneid is positive that Sebio was in league witn the three dynamiters arrested a few days since and sold them the explosives which they exploded a abort time ago. Sebio is a Bohemian, 28 years of see. .PmnaAo. Jnlv 96. It ! stated today that since the arrest of Hronek, the chief would-be assassin of Gary. Grin nell and Bonneid, the police nave made an important discovery by working noon the fears of Uronek. Surprising' bouse at the time of his arrest, the I v imi, w j mmu.uv .v mo ivwuw mm uivu w bulk of the contraband goods consisting of bombs in various stages of comple tion. The polios, however, were con vinoedthathe had aooeaa to plenty of dynamite,-and when the subject was properly presented to urs. uronea she led the war to the basement oi the building, in which Bebio's shop is, and to the delight of the officers, who ai lowed her to do tbs searching, returned to the open air with a market basket full of bail-pound suoks ox the stuff There were, fully ten pounds of it, enough to have blown the whole neigh borhood skyward. It is said the test! mon before the grand Jury shows that Sable, as wall aa Hrodek, knew where the dynamite was concealed !T' WORTH BROWINQ. , , Mr.W.H. Morgan, merchant. Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe eold attended with a distressing cough and running into consumption in its first stages. He tried many so-called popu lar eouah remedies and steadily mw worse. Was reduced in nesn, had dif ficulty hi breathing and' was unable to sleep. 'Finally tried Dr; King's New Discovery lor consumption and iouna immediate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and haa had no return of tbs disease. No other remedy can show so grand record of cures as Dfr Kings New Dis covery for Consumption, guaranteed to do just what is claimed for it. - Tria boUla fr3 at It. N, Daffy's drug iters. STATE,EW8 CONDENSED. Tarboro Southerner: Yes, a fixed fact. The dream of Tarboro' most fervid lover and rnulligent patriots i about to pan out in luscious fruition. The fifth day of September will mark tn epoch in the history of Tarboro. On that day will be opened a graded school with a full compliment of teacher Joaasboro Leader: Tbe Sunday-school conference of the Fayetteville district open Thuraday evening at 8 o'clock at the Methodist church, and will continue Thuraday, Friday and Saturday. A large attendance expected. It ap pear strange to some people that there ia a turpentine market in the oak coun try, but they can buy anything at Lone ly, even to huckleberries Wilmington Star. Never before in the hiatory of the State Guard ba there been such a memorable day as that of Wednesday at Camp Pender. During the afternoon there waa a shooting match at the Hummocks, by teams from the Fsyetteville Independent Light In fantry, Lumber Bridge Light Infantry, Wilmington Light Infantry and Mai ton Light Infantry, all of the Second Regi ment. The prize watt presented to the Fayetteville Light Infantry by Lieut -Gov. Stedman. Kinston Free Pretu There will be union meetings at both tbe Baptist and Disciples churches this week. Baptist, Friday, Saturday and Sunday; Disci plea, Saturday and 8unday. Rain is vesy much needed now, the ground is distressingly dry and the crops are suf fering badly. We direct attention to the change in tbe advertmement of tbe Kinston College. The sale of the school property does not in the lenst alTect or interfere with the school. This is one of tbe tinest schools in N orth Carolina. Dr. Lewis is president. News and Observer Old bomls to the amount of 4,500 were exchanned for new, 4 per cent, yesterday at tbe treasury.- Tb new Secretary of State's office, formerly the Supreme Court room, has been handsomely fitted p, and tbe oliice is now being moved. It gives tbe News and Observer pleasure to state that the last intelli gence from Hon. F. N Sirudwick is to the effect that his condition is improv ing, and that hopes are entertained for, his speedy recovery. Cross is out on' bail. His securities nre T. E. Cross. F. B. Willey and R. (. U. Cooper. It was eported that White had $7,001) of his bond already pledged. Another due on Scott One of the most important develop ments in the identity of Scott Partin was learned of yesterday. Mr. Hugh Blalock, of Panther Branch township, bad learned from Scott Partin 's aunt, Misa Frankie Partin, that Partin had a deep furrow on one of bis "big toes," here it had been split open by a gash from a hatchet when he was child. Mr. Blalock was ia the city yesterday and, with Len II. Adams, paid visit to Scott and on examina tion found the mark exactly as de scribed. Mr. Blalock himself was well acquainted with Scott and says he is certain of his indentity. Mows and Observer. Being More Dcaaant To the taste, more acceptable to the stomach, and more truly benefloial in its action, the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is rapidly superseding all others. Try it. Ono bottle will prove its merits. It. N. Duffy, agent, New Berne, N. C. jufyl3dw4w Clam Shells 8i0 a Pair. Colonel Silas Moore, of Southington, sold a pair of clam shells last week for $00. The pair v. ere two feet and ten inches in length and about one foot and ten inches wide and weighed 304 pounds. Colonel Moore is the sole owner of a pair weighing 330 pounds, which he would not sell for SI 00. These large clam shells came from the Mediter ranean sea and there are some In Italy bich weigh vuu pounds. Most of these shells haye a blemish, but in a public museum, where tbfy are not handled. the blemish may not be seen. In a private coueotion it is desirable to have perfect shells. Col. Moore's $100 shells re perfect and the finest in the United States'. There are parts of the meat of these big clams whish are good food. Col. Moore has seen a elam steak six inches wide and a foot long. In his collection are clam shells so small that ten pairs would not weigh an ounce. To outweigh the high pair would require more than 10,000 of tbe small ones. News and Observer. Lemon Ellilr. A PLXASiNT LEMON DUINK. Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, aromatio stimulants, (rod blood pu rifiers - ' Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists generally. Prepared by H. Mozlet, M. D., Atlanta, Qa. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir, i For sick and nervous headache take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness iaae Lemon elixir. -.' . For loss of appetite and debility take Lemon Elixir.' . . For fevers, malaria and chills, take Lemon Elixir. " Lemon Elixir will not fail yoa in , , any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver. . . 0 ' ... : Editorial. I have tried Df. MoaleV Tmrin Rt Ixir, and find ft all that it is fepresent- ea to d. - - x. r, LrrrumLD, - , Jesup, Oa., Sentinel. From the Galveston Christian Advocate: Dr. Mouey's Lemon Elixir has deser vedly gained a wide reputation In ths malarial districts of Texas,- and has proved a blessing to many households In ths State. -. x The ThomasTille Orphanage. Dr. C I, Bailey returned yeaterday from Thomaavill. where he attended the annual meeting of the Bapaiat Or phanage Association on Wednesday He cay th meeting thu year waa more largely attended than ever before, there being about 3.000 people present. Dr. J. H. Milla was re elected superintend ent, aad also the entire old board of of ficer were re-elected. Tbe association elected a board of nine trustee for tbe orphanage property, which now oonaiau of a number of neat building and larg ground. There are at preaent ninety -two children in the orphanage and everything show the most excellent management. News and Observer Republican County Convention. The Republicans of the several Wards and Precincts of Craven county are re quested to hold meetings and elect dele gate to attend theCeunty Convention to be held at the court house in the city of New Berne. Thursday, August iHb. at 12 o'clock m , for the purpose of nominating county officers and to trans act such other business as may come be fore said convention. By order of the Craven county Re publican Executive Committee. O. Hi'BBS. Chairman C. E Palmrk, Secretary. jySSJAwid. HE EM S HER YOt 'I'H. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co.. Iowa, tells the following remark able story, the truth of which is vouched for by the resident of th town: "I am 75 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years, could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle. JiV. and Si at K. N. Duffy 's drug store. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of August, 1888, Jerkins alley. in the City of New Berne, will be laid off and widened into an alley or street twenty feet wide, pursuant to law. Any person failing to make claim for com pensation for the use of land belonging to them as suoh alley or street, or for damages done them by laying off and idening said alley or street, within one year from said day. shall be forever thereafter barred of any right to such compensation. j38 E. H. MEADOWS, Mayor. Livery SALE AND EXCHANGE Stetfcls: he undersigned having pure-honed li.e extenMye SUhlen on Middle street, formerly conducted by Mr. Uoken, ta prepared to fur nlh the public with tbe very beat nervlce in H0R8K8 and VEHICLES of KVEHY DKH CR1PTION. Une stock alwayi on band for HI RK. SA I.K or EXCHANUK. An sxperlence of several years bas made me familiar with the neads of New Berne and vicinity In Ihla line, and nopalna will be spared to give the fullest satisfaction. Drivers and teams furnished for any occasion or to any part of surround ing country. J. T. KWKLI, JyZ7 d:im Middle street. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad. P AK8KNQRR DEPARTMENT, Newbirn, N. C, July 24, 1868. FIREMAN'S EXCURSION, Newborn to Morehead City and Return same day, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1st. 18S8. There will be a special coach attached to this excursion for those person who do not belong to the fire department and who wish to (to. iST Fare for the round trip when tickets are purchased, only 81. 00. SCHEDULE. Leave Newbern 9.00 a.m. Arrive Newbern House, More head City io:'.o " Arrive Atlantic Hotel, More head City 10 40 " Returning: Leave Atlantio Hotel. More- head City 10.00 p.m. Leave Newbern House, More head City 10.10 " Arrive Newborn 11 40 .' 8. L, Dill, O. F. A, Notice. The Stockholders of the E. C. F. O Q. & I. Fair Association will hold an adjourned meeting on the First day of August next, in tneuity oi new Berne to decide the time of holdiag their next annual Fair, and to transact suoh other business as may properly come before them . WILUUHN, rres, J. K. WILLIS, Sec. je2fld&wlt jj26dawlt SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, SALEM. N. C. Healthful loofttlon; beautiful (round; am le buildlnc with eomfortatM (tody par- litM. ilunln ftlMnrMi hathln fAnmr wall graded and advaneea court of study; speoll school In MMle, Art, language and uom merelal stadlac rnad horn nit, with good Christian training; special eare or toe inai vidoai papui aigniy-rouryaar oi onunu nna aTnariancaftad mora than S.0W AlumBm, anaioruaTa(Oguanainroamnh jmnwua Duffy's Ores? Syrup Reoipe of the late Dr. Wiltm Dvm, PEEP AEED AND SOLD BY EW BERNE. North'Carolina. jumuawtr DAVIS SCHOOL." Military Boarding School ' FOB BOY ud IOCS 3 MM, Full prenarln for UIT Cribf for BuklnoM. P i liar ... tun Asr clMuU . BIMl lM.n i elurlWM MUUIM : f aM ( B4 Orrfcaatrat MMlarM aria. .VeOknw A Mamwm wwml Ma mmmm Chargr for Luiuaia o IcMm Nxiu-tKiMAi .4 Art. Pull i a qii 1 Hilv ijiw u i.k. - he! tn Tetaarrsu k v &egw lit fail MrtM'ul kklm, COL A. C. DAVIS. Supt,., l ;masue. m. c. VALUABLE PROPERTY ; For SeEtlo- A A !.i ej ha ,J ', IL :rt 0 e 1-r bu.up Hilton ! Wortii it vti tK . . , l.e ' kkJ as i . v i W avLi 'te i wuii r i s- .. - , . . h . . . , r . I pr.ti.i Kagtnr, a. tn ixh1 r pair, ft . :u vJ about $o.6t) i L.rop r trdtr, and kf l Ti unPttes) i.n urn e;hlpsjr n!r tiirtt ni ( k, , ,V. "SAVEJIONEY." Refrigerators, Water Coolers" and Freezers At Factory Prices. A I Ul.Ml l. T 'K LIME AND CEMENT At Bottom Prices. 100,000 BRICK -li. (TTLUR, 26 L 28 Midd! u Street, NKW IIKKXi:. N. O. SEE WHAT MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY WILL DO FOR CANCE3R. Kit (I Kin i. i 1K11-DKA D. "' S i M.iy I IViir Ma. lain M.ihi I Kivi- yon V inunt' i., , -e, i. re I r efitlniniiy of ! nurn irn.-uioin ..(. f.trrt..,l (ln vluuh i,m imnnv. Hf. wan t r. .ii i . 1 by Wllt ' ! npinr ,nj on til or me by your vu n yours ntjn i SWIIItHl b, I,,- 1 1 I if Kill Sbl Of i ii y . h. Inn dry n.o.il nruii. whU'h 1 culil remove ey wi.ii hi ri'iurn ttKiiln Ii(n I SllM, Tut ! : bort timf. 8, .on poured iiiuler il.e tuin )'. iilli'mled Willi iiuiS! ana biirnuiK hvumi iuiih Hll, .barn darlliii: nains (mm the allei tr,! paee lo lb eye. raugn,,, grei ,i,m, Uilv In rlo.in.ih- ye, even to sleep Si.metlme It would feel better, but, never at anv tinu, ,n.n Howe -ri- ptiynlrlona pronotinre,! It. eczema their s eh r nlo ery rIkI:h. ami nil ndvlard me me. Ibis I ,n,l until I wo years 10 let. It al. ago, wben a Utile scale lienan to form rlifht nder the pyp, aeinlilmg a watt, wlileh . Iho'.o anil nppearaneelt could not remove oon grew to lie as lart;e an a straw berry, and ib aoarw eame on ami left i be place entirely v Having fear of a ratirei i m,nn in .... ailmu kinds of anlveH to lical It up, but evereculil I consulted with pbyalclane of Hreat eperlence. they :U,1 looked ini!- plclom of It. anil adv:sed me to h ive It cnt or uriiL oui Rl mire. I il ,t not wish to do was In my tlier; and lietnt; persuaded II loon, i resolved to try votir i:.cm,i i. ad been recommended to me. I dldao with the most hnppy resulls. I ran aav 1 am a ell man. 1 cannot y too mnchrbrvftnr Remedy, It Is worth Its weight In old. Be fore I had nsedone bottle I was hopeful and at the expiration of five weeks the sore waa ntlrely healed, Hie scales or roashrMM el the skin all gone, and left me a new man. I will k-lveone similarly aircetsrl any further nformatlon they may desire, and raaonlv say, If the public will give your Iiemcd? a irmi n win speaK ror nsejr, nnd vonr snocaaa will know no bounds. God sneerl th. hat must dawn upon your futnre prasperttri. Vonr most truly, JAMES CARTKP. A RR1KQTOI. ' Kend for pamphlet containing testimonlala of cures made among our home people, and indorsements oy well known citizen and druggists of North Carolina. Price II 00 Mr oovue; .) tsi per nan-dozen bottles; Wash SO - v. cents per racknire HI i n.. h.ir.... .. '1 ages. ) a E. H. MEABOWS & CO., ABEiTS, NEWBKRW, K. c Address MRS. JOE PERSON, KITTRELL, .;0 100 Bbls. Mess Perk FULL WEIGHT, For Sale Cheap by ; WHOLESALE QllOCKIs!; IS Ko Boari or irade prfoo. ,.13. t 'h 1