;"- ft 1 :- URNAL, .-X.. t V . -VOL, VIIr-NO. 109. NEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 3. 1888. PRICE 5 CENTS, I. . - ' 8 ft'- -); -. ' busisslocals. : 1?RESu full ctettn cheese Jus re eei vad apd for sals al the eeea store. Call a .in rSE PURE ICE. eiaaufactared by the Jarmaa lea laotorT. , jj Z9tf. rpiTE Beet Timothy Hay. Wheat Bran, A .Turnip end. Kau Baf a BtM. at 1 tw - 8. W. A E. W, Bmallwood. -T OST-l.OOO DOLLARS U Xj ehaate every month by those who fil to psvuoaise K. B. Uieltan, 'Tee uroeor." To (hoe persona I will sav eiva wia a trial aad ae ona v isflad I ill retvnd aaooey U good ere net eat-1 iaf aotorr aai f oaad to bo a raproMot 4. "gatall profit and qaick mIm" U jay atom, aad So. aarad to yoa ia lOo. undo. You all know that thwa ' nlc" auoo aaaosai to dotUra, Mow if yon wath.to aaTO thon, bo raro oo boy f rooa nao, aad you will eartainly do that oao thing. Try asy So Floor ia 10 lb lou aayway, with just 1 lb of my Fin Butter. OST Pocket Book with $40 or ISO lj la aotaa aad earn valuable receipt Finder will plea return to ? J. W. Misic, near Uarket Dock. Otfdranffct,Brgner& Ebgel't cele brated Beer, ice cold, at - jyl7lf t. . A. II. HoLtos 's ONE firet-claei mahogany writing deck for tale at the Only Cub Store, Qnnphrey Howard old ataad. T)0TTLD BEER, ice cold, and all JLM other cool drink at jjl7tf A. H. Holtom's. fkLL at the Broad St. Store where ' yoa can buy all kinde of Fresh ocerie low for cash only. O. F. M. Dail, Ag t. WHITE LEAD, Mixed Paint, Var nish. Oil aad Glaaa at , OK). Alum Co. 1 UST RECEIVED by achooner Hn- O rtotu OU1, 100 barrel building lime, and for sale by J. C. WHimr, Craven 8t.,S door below South Front. jylOtf. T IME, Cement, Plaster at low prices. IJ UIO. A1XIN Jt CO. It ia sapDosed tbat Mr. Blaine ailed for New York on last Wed nesday. Thx canvasa of the State is pro pressing to the satisfaction of the Democratic party. - i O Obligations of patriotism can not be transferred. Erery man "tnust do his dnty. EVERY Democrat sooaia worit as if the success Of his party depended on his individual action. It is proposed to build a bridge across the English Channel, be tween England and France. . . Fresideht Cliveland has re- tamed from a short vacation, and at the White House. t r Thx greatest danger to the DemoerftybotllInthe SUte and the aation u over connaence. A rirm rci av..b a tantl"li,,w - w nnip, eui.u. .u. u was a greater roe to ureece man Ilecter on the field with all Troy Inarms. ' ' I -Let as attempt great things and w.tVeWfc thine. AUmi O. :Thurjnaa,theletotof labor and lis canvaM lo Michlffan. li bow seems that fiie Balgarian T.. wrone fin oe Tacant lor a consia- i aukia svb(aji ' iajs etatttAA exv nmn nrauin innuus u uiiiiua ui ujkui family and rl merit, will accept aplac a 1W Vf anrh nnMtlonablfl honor -r - - aad certain danger. BawaMwaaawawaBwiiawsiawiamaaaH fax pretenw. that faMriiW U-t. IJ !ll- ... -Ii-- .it . - " - ' wiiraHiiiniHt amuu -miiiM ma.n tiiJAiii at oecaase 01 tae passago ui tue xauia In StiA . TTAnoA Id .11 nnnaana. The money kings know tery well that th bill will not pass the Senate. 1 : bwsssBwswsasbawsswsBWskwsMwa Theee are those who claim that rT , . there Is it decline ot dnty , in ao- riAtw Wa An not hAliAVa thil." 'Inl Ciety. Ye OO HOI DeilOYO Ul, 1U I find mnrh tn aarldpn and diahflart - nd mnca. M taaden ana aisneari- en, tut tase tne woria as a wnoie iesee that it is growing better.' It will not do to make aweemnff een- eralationa foonded oa limited ob servation. tt . i. 1.3 il.i iioiuer iuiouicu tunsr V.3 people were tot physically; the c u'3 cf men before hla day when i. Vj tliey were anperior. Men there are now who fancy that the f;rn:cr dajs were better than ours, t:. 1 tfcat there is no real progress j cudor, truth, self rcFpcct and r are declining."" It is not T' world is steadily adranc- locaL NEWS. Tad ShOOtillg famrUIBMU U "testf-- Several bales o cotton, ld stock, oa wu.. wnair vesteraay. A large ereww went down on ths stockholders' traia yesterday. Groat anyetery and good entertain- meat at tb Theatre tonights Baarig otioseon gives notioe ia this ! bant of Schedule "B" Ux, alao to r-j Utf Uqwx dealt re. At tha ahooting tournament at fclor- aoad City oa Wadaaaday tha medal of fered by tha Atlantio Hotel we won by Mr. J. J, Rjyal ot the Carteret Club. Yevterday wat tha warmest day for three or four weeke. Tbe meroary climbed to 90 degreea, but a refreshing ram in tbe afterooon made it tomt I cooler. The tockholder ot the A. A N. C. R. were in eeeaion yeeterday at Morehead L41T. We await with interett to tee a copy of the President1 and other officer' report of the road. Hagar Reade, whom we mentioned in yesterday iaaue a being eriou)y burned by the explotioo of a keroeene lamp on Wedneaday morning, died at 8 o'clock yeeterday morning. At tha stockholder' meeting of the A & N. C. R. yeeterday the old director on the part of the stockholder were re elected, Che. H. FowUr, Esq. of Pam lico being elected la the place of afaj John Oatlln, deo'd. Thia i an excellent election. The time of 'meeting vu changed to the 1st Thunday in Septem ber. Elder Eugene Scott, we are requested to announce, will preach to thia city at the club houee tonight at eight o'clock, and at Foy ' mill on the north tide of Neute river, on Sunday next at eleven 0 clock, a.m., and at Br ice' creek choolhouse,near Croatan, Sunday, August IS, at eleven a.m. At a meeting of the stockholder of the Eastern Carolina Fleh, Oyster, I Game and Industrial Fair Association ! it was decided to open the next Fair on the Sid Tuesday in February 1889. This la a good time. Oysters will be fat, had wu hem their prime; the Mac farm will be green, and tha farmers """" "" M"nwiv up the product of their farm the pre- ceding year and or their forest. Let an Etm farmers remember to lay by a iple of their best products and be ore to come to the Fair. Largo pre mium will be offered and liberal in ducements in every way w ill be given to visitors and exhibitors. A Chance for the Boys. Our Wilmington friend are moving for a firemen's tournament. All the rolunteer companies of tha Carolines are to be invited and test prizes are to be offered. Now put up a prize worth oontesUng for and Jobn Green, Bill em.-. jimmu Moore and Ed. Pavie will nnt rom fc, SUr m thi. l8Bne Steamer Movement The Uanteo sails this morning at 10 ciock. ine moss pleasant summer trip is aboard this "hotel afloat." The Vesper of the E. C. D. line ar- "16 of this Una will arrit e tomorrow. I mm. - v-, . n . - .t. . rm a, it - I J ' ZrriTuT" I via VMlUaWi w uiau , ww ivaa m vai s. v of gmntl a - ' 11 --.- -BU' iM"i"" I will annii take tha atnmn and inslflt an MeteetiTa',UriftandUxoB,,dtfalrpon- from citizen and have raised rla" good. He doat era anjthtog I ""OUI MID ICU ...... .... m a 1 wants to uphold, th principle or niiry wui ha aecurea witnout aonot. i p,rty. 1 a .11 ia eonUct with him down Middle ttnet 7 ? inc I t . . . 1 yf-..ri . rv 1 AAtlH IOK WBal WftTm. f lBtllT KM UHDID crat But tha quertioa 'wAmJSS' 1 - ..... . . . ...iLaroiinasi at uuwwioo, nuuiw, it you in fatoi oi high tans or ww tanirr i " ror saxms; as- wma ruvus, , y ,,. t--AJLint'n 'mmA iheUt Florenoe, i Darlington, - Sumter, 1 " ; Y7 - . . v tooor,tt ..ar, yod tafaTorofa Mgb or iow ujiff?" ..: . . . ' fi'l'mlnraTdrtfa detettiTatMiflt,"; i-Aaiwr i the vqiertion aaid .tha iDemoorat with oouiiderable emjhaiii,of home flr department, axoursiona I "aEa you in rivua ur a uibu ua iuw . -:. .- ,r-; - Tlluf I ' - " -r : '-.71 Well, an, auickln replied MSSrJZ man, "what aorto' tana is you in laror oM''. ''X7-Vv;l?;," T'm . t.iK .rftv . rr,liar! the " - 6- " ,,--r- vouiwi.il : . WeU I'm in ravor oxy m iann, hot -low" r i , Si.yii- So the Jodie will stomp Tlhe county , . toritT fnrrin on a 1o w-.- w i" r dian t say awota aoout oliborof Uiecouctry.. The atertaiament Last ITigat. Tke Bteens has! a good audience last w aatir.1' lr UJd woadarfuL Tko nerform- .CM nut v. te ha BnrMuul. A committee ooaaiatiaa: of Haj. Hague, Di.Knox, Dr. Duffy, Messrs. Oeorg Ash, Basil Manly and a T. Watson, was oa tha tage to see that everything wa cob duo ted fairly. The aa&eaee was well pleased. Performance again tonight. A Correction. Mai. Barrett ia out in a card in tbe Kins too Free Pre and place the honor of aeouring the iaoreaeed mail facilities to Johnson' Mill about where the Jocksajl first fixed it. In our notice of tha increase of service on this route we simply mentioned Maj. Latham in con aection with it because it is in hi die It lot aad w had good reason to believe that he had dona hi whole duty in the matter. If the Gazette, which took ex ceptions to our notice, wishes to do its representative justice it will now copy Maj. Barrett 'e card And, by the wsy, while we are on tha subject of increasing mail facilities. in the name of the people of Piok Hill township, Lenoir county, we ask Major Barrett, Senators Ransom and Vance and all the rest of the North Carolina delegation, to assist Mr. Simmons in having the department to send the mail to the new office, Repose, that was es taoiisbed in that township some six months ago. Personal. Major D. T. Carrawsy left for Round Knob yesterday to complete his summer visit and be in readiness for the cotton season. The ''Jewels" will have many interesting topics to discuss this fall if the rush of ootton is not too great. Hog KUlin'Tlme vs. The Watermllllon Tha following aollioquy from an old colored gentleman, at a watermelon feast, from which he was excluded by either oversight or intention by tbe par- ticipanti, delivered from the elevation j0f a convenient stump, where he sat in his long linen duster and battered stove pipe hat, while the perspiration come Mown his furrowed cheek, is taken I from our ci9T6r oontemiwrarv the lUBiiy ratnot, ureensooro. The scene WM iaid in the uburbs of that thrifty town . you ,in ui, aDout yer watermillion red as any rose, Wid de rin' jes' as green as any grass An' de black seeds a stickin' in de pulp like crow But gimme de shoal an' apple-sass For yer' million so sorump'shus I would 'n cib a dime, But how die nigea's a wishin' fur de hog-killin'time! You kin arey 'bout yer buckwheat oakes an butter mighty hot, An' bout de tas' ob chickens on de (pot, You kin preach about yer' possum when you hi' him i d ae pot. But yer talkdoan' altery de tins, a bit. You kin put it in de reg'lar way or put in de rhyme, But dis heah nigga's waitin' for de hog-killin' time. Jes' tink about de puddin' an'dee-lo- r'on tender chine, De sassidge an' dehominy an'dat. Refleo' upon de subjeo'of de spar-ribs; mjj .day nne An' talk about de bacon lined wid fat ; tSti Firemen's Tournament. ArranMmanta for tha firemen's tour i ... -v t and nth tuts, will go forward now without delay, lite oommittee on nb- llanrlntiAns have . mat with a generous SFtStiTJSSJZ . iWVyuuvui ww skresjawaaaww bvmnw rv mace tneone tnonaana aouarsnecee- i .... .... .... rtagemenU- will be perfected and the I programme pwparaa., , - . - f I i rMwirartnei warlll Ka ai waan4 ai4 ti as II I AU MWMWU W aaa araj eaavauea sjrW aata ' UttevUle, Qoldboro, Raleigh, Wilaon, ,r waanmgwn, neuisviue, ureensooro, I ttt.-.. M(1 Durham In this State. en1 Columbia Georgetown, UreenvUIe, Sfmrtanburfr, caeter, Andenon and " p pMpwuma.- betidea contest for J .ZZiS sn ui river ana cy rsu to uaroiina n-.-k w,..t,tawSit. k. WwVia kfVuaMrvs avi stsjiteav aisa uu waiv tiTe nA pleasant to all. I Cheap excursion rates, both for the invited oompa&iea and visitor, hava I . 'A 5K .11 K. ..J .u 1H th hnlala fn thalr it. iainment while here. 1 Tbe firemen of the oity are ery en- thusiastio and are-determined to make e tournament an evect ttw ill long . ..-..L.-.J Thflw TCCil hi.triw wv-aH. c i n hmrtr eacourszament re cciyc , ,.'.!. li&t. STATE MWS C05 DOSED. Goldsboro Daiiv Argus: From all sections corns reports ef revived crops and rejoicing farmers. Tbe fall har vest indeed look promising as the Deaaoeoatio prospects, The rooms of tha Young Men's Christian Association will be formally opened to the young men of the eity tomorrow by a reoei -tion given by the Ladies Auxiliary. Ashevifle Citizen: Tbors are one hundred guests at Waynesville white sulphur sprigs. Mountain trout and green turtle are among the delicacies of the bill of fare. Mr. Geo. B. Smythe ot Newark, Ohio, is at the Grand Cen tral. He sail that Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, will certainly declate in November. A Castle of the Knights of the Golden Eagle is being organized in this city. Wilmington 8ur The ub cooitnit e appointed by tbe Kiremens' Com mittee to solicit aubscnptions fur the proposed firemen's tournament are meeting with encouraging success. On Market street, between Winter and Second, there are a boot 60 business houses. Of these, all but nine are regular advertisers in the newspapers. Is anybody surprised that W ilmington is going ahead V Ed. Journal News and Observer We learn that White's statement is now in tbe hands of the printers and will be pub isbed in pamphlet form. Tbe management is trying to make tbe next State Fair a State Fair in fact as well as in name It believes that the way to make a State Fair is to have an exhibition of all the products of the farm, pasture, garden, and the productions of arts and ok etch Itonly remains for tbe farmers, stock breeders, mechanics, manufacturers. artists to combine and make tbe 2?th annual fair the largfet and best of all tbe fairs of tbe South Wilmington Messenger Theru is an unfounded rumor a float that th Stan dard Oil Company has offered $400,000 for tbe Seacoast Railroad and Ham mocks. As already suggested by the Messenger, this city should begin now to arrange for a gala week is October next, beginning the 23d and lasting six days. The funeral of Mrs. Frances Hoffman Watson, wife of tbe Right Reverend Alfred A. Watson, Bishop of the Diocese of Eastern Carolina, took place from St. James Episcopal Church yesterday (Tuesday) evening at six o'clock. Services conducted by Her Robert Strange and Rsr. C. I.. Arnold. Attendance very large. River and Harbor Appropriation. The Star is indebted to Capt. W. II. Bixby. engineer in charge, for the fol lowing statement of amounts appro nriated for North and South Carolina water ways embraced in tbe Wilming ton District: Pamlico and Tar rivers, 810,0 0, Con tentnea creek, Sa.OOO; lrent river, 85,000; Neuse river, $15,000: Canal from Neuse river to Beaufort harbor, $15,000; Beaufort harbor, $35,000; Bogue sound, $5,000; New river, $3,000; Black river, nothing; Cape Fear above Wilmington, $13,000; Cape Fear below Wilmington, $245,000; Lockwoods Folly river, noth ing; Waccamaw river, $15,000; Yadkin river, (above Salisbury), $10,000; Lum ber river, $5,000; Little Pee Dee river, $5,000; Clark' creek, $2,500; Mingo creek, $5,000; Great Pee Dee riyer, $20,000; Georgetown harbor, $7,500; Winyaw bay, $100,000; Canal from Winyaw bay to San tee river, $24,000; Wateree river, $12,000; Congaree river, $7,500; Total, $503,500. It provides also (with a view to possible future improvement) for the examination and survey of the Tar river above Tarboro. Trent river above Trenton; Fishing and Swift creek (tributaries te the Neuse river); White Oak river; Sound from Swaneboro to New River; Northeast Cape Fear; Cape Fear river for 20 feet depth of navigation below Wilmington; Shallotte river; Socastee creek (tribu tary of Waccamaw) and the Broad and Saluda river (tributaries of Congaree river). Wilmington Star. Suffolk' Burned. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 1. At half patt 10 o'clock this morning a destructive fire began ia Suffolk, via., which was not controlled until 4 o'olock thia after noon. It originated in the oil warehouse of Jaa. P. Webb's drugstore In tha Ex oehior Block. The burnt district ex tends from Main to Bank street on the north to Norfolk & Western Railroad depot on the south. From Ballard & Smith's corner on Washington square. west to the Suffolk Lumbar Company 's railroad on the east, nearly the entire business part of tha town, la destroyed. The loss ia roughly estimated frem 1350,000 to $400,000, with insurance far below the . lose. A large number of dwellings were burned and many fami liea rendered penniless. Being Mere Pleasant To the taste, more aooeptable to the stomach, and more truly benefloial in its action, the famous Oalilornia liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, is rapidly superseding all others. Try It. One bottle will prove Ita merita, B. IT. Duffy, agent, New Berne, N. C. jnlylSdwaw - Conrres8loaaI. New Beebe, Aug. 1st, V8. -j Enrroa JoOTWAti Having learned that the two gentlemen claiming the Republican nomination for Coogreea is this district, win M in ttua city tonight. We are desiroue of bavice the Oongrea ticnal matter Jointly discussed in order that we may, be able to act and vote in telligently. - i-. t t 4 J .'-, xoure trniTi etc., v 4 if aky Republicans. r ADY1CB Te 'OTHSIU. V 1lE8. WWSLOW'B ' BOOTBBta SYSCP sbonld alwar be used, for children teething. : It soothes the child, softens the Esmsi ailaye all pain." cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for diar- hoe a. xwenty-nve cents a notue. marl7dtuthsatwly ' Let Jala ti Threat k Igala. Exrroa Jockhal A this is a year for poliuoa. we snust say a word for Onslow. Ws have a good many candi date for Register of Deeds. We ec ttcipat a lively time, but as this office it so well filled as at present, let us keep it so for at least two years mora. The people shoa a I good judgment in tikis respect four years r go. Surely we could not have made a better choice in the county than in the selection of Mr. F. Giles. We believe him to be, ia every way, competent, and equally con scientious in the discharge of his daly, showing partiality to none, and thia ia saying a good deal, but we can most cheerfully say is. Then, boys, that is the voters, "Let us not be weary in welt doing." We feel sure that in the Dem ocratic convention "Jake" will got through all right on the first ballot. Suocese to him' hope he may. Then let's put our shoulders to the heel and shove bim in for two years more Republican County CouveoUoo The Republicans of the several Wards and Precincts of Craven county are re quested to hold meetings and elect dele gates to attend the County Convention to be held at the court house in the city of New Berne. Thursdsv. Auirust 9tb, at 12 o'clock m , for the purpose of nominating county officers ami to trans act such other business as mar come be fore said convention. By order of the Craven county He publican Fiecutive Com run lee. ( Hi BBS Chairman C K I'aI MSK Secretary jyrtdAwt.1. KnrtlM'i irulti ftaltt. Tuz BsT Salvb in the world for Outs, Brumes, Sores, L'loers. Sal Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Ski Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re Junded. Price 26 cents per boi. Koi sale by R. N. Duffv an 17 Notice ! Notice ! Siixriff's Opfii-k, CkavknO i . INlw Bkrxb, N C, Ann 1. 138. ) Schedule "B" Tax is now in my bands for collection. All persons owing same, and those who hava obtained a permit to retail liquor, will please come for ward and settle at once. DANIEL ST1VLSON, auldlOd Sherllf OWEN H. GUI0N, ATTORNEY AT LAW RoiMd South Front street, four doors west of Craven. Mercantile Uw an.l t .n e tin.-inti u ties. Timber lanils bought and oi,l. VALUABLE PROPERTY A li-hor Baldwin I'prlght Kniflne. thirty five w Hrowo (fin. In gold repair, Hlllups Oitlon l'T(Hi. which need about $. worth cf work ono good is nt Wagon. No caah wa with firm rlasH rent IntcrfNt Knglne. il.n put In proper nnlr I Intnl. li HhPin Tft and -.1 Will k.i ..ti ! il ct a le s... ur I L in; llm aht per ..I I're 70i IK). Wagon SI. urn, llrt rout Kor Information apply at JoriiNA i, oJTlce fnrl her Assignees' Sale. (n pursuance of a deed of assignment made by Dail Bros, to os as trustees, we shall proceed to sell at pnblio auction, at their store on Craven street, in the ity of New Berne on Wednesday, the 15th day or August, 1883, at 12 m., un less sooner disposed of, the Entire Stock of Goods Contained in said store. Store Fixtures, Desk, and one Marvin Safe. 31 acres of land on Broad creek, in Pamlico county, together with the steam saw-mill with 80 horse power engine, return tubular boiler, and all necessary equipments for a saw-mill Capacity 30,000 feet per day. Also a dwelling house, store house and ware house on said lot. One lot of land in Morehead City. No 4, square 4. One office building in the city cf New Berne, on the east tide of Craven street near cotton platform. The light draught passenger and freight steamer Carolina. 82 tons reeis ter, oarrring easily 100 bale of cotton: tern wheel , ohain gearing. Machinery ana nun in good order. One 13 horse power Eclipse engine. One warehouse at Bell's Ferry. One flat at Bell's Ferrv. One horse and dray. Terms Cash, W. D. Wallace, Josiah Exux, jySddtwtd. Assignees. "SAVEJJOHEY." Refrigerators, Water Coolers and Freezers At Factory Prices. A FRESH LOT OF LIME AM) CE1IENT At Bottom Prices. 100,000 BRICK AT L. :, H. . CUTLERj :26-&-28.Miadl3 Street - new nenxn. n. o. DAVIS SCHOOL KataryBaard-r roa aoTi md ivc j , lAm t Bar. . fUT ttmUM Ill , . . COL. A. C. OAVtS. SupC, Catalan, m, c. Duffy's Croup Syrup. Recipe of the late Dr. WAltKDcm. PKEPARL.1 ND SOLD BT NEW BERN E, North Carolina. 1 liuc w lX Livery., SALE AND EXCHANGE Sttfcles: e i u j, rtigutM uavlng purchased the exiru.ite Mat.!, on M Mille street, formerly onJu i.i by Mr i iibrn, la prepared se far---niiii f e - w : h t tie fry boat servtoe In HiiRMK.s in 1 KH i I KM f KVEBT DES K.C! .'N Y lie aj ,,n un 1 foi UiaX, 8ALC " i HANiiit n tifwriaora of several yi ti .l- ii. .V iup familiar wltb the Heads r New lie rnr iij vu-inttyln ihls Una, aad ' i i. i.e pHr.M u. iive tne fullest . i.:ri!i, , I"", .ii.i 'I'miii furnished ..Hi ..c.ia ,.n ,, many piirt lf SarTOtlBd J r. KWELk -"'' " Mlddlestr t. SEE WHAT MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY WILL DO FOR 1CK CI K KD- KlN. h.i. N .DEAD. (' . May J, IKS7. M I. k I'ai. SON I'. ir M.lin M ot gladly (In 1 give von mv uanif topiH.o ,i.re the publle bearing . lotitimuiiy of i u niirnoiiimi. cure effeeted oa uf hjr our mom valuable teatlmonjr. TU U'en ymrt ago 1 iu trooldgj by What ' iii)il t. i hi l . mi pa aPDearlnar on tha right aide r my .'iipra under tha eye resent Ming iliy nia. i. ran. which 1 coold remove wL.mi I sl.ave.l I. tit thfv Would retnrn anla n a ahort time. an enlargement p-' pe.irci uikI.t ii, x aauie eya, attemled wtta Itching un, I t.ii r ti , uK senaallona aud sharp, darting pmns fioni thx afTerted place to the eye. canning gieai .linVull y In okMlng tbe eye, eve n t., tiwn Hometlmes tt would feaf better t.ut timer at any time disappear , S.,m 1.1. ynlclaiiB pronounced It aeuma. .thcr chronic cry at pelaa. and all advised SB to let it xh.tiH 1'iiin 1 .t i.l until two vaara ago. when a l.'lin caie l.egan to form' right inder Ihe, ey... resembling a wart, whlefel com. I not remove. In 8U anil iDmaranMlt a.Min grew to he as lare h a strawberry, and -the 8oi.n came on and left (he nlaoe entlralv i raw Having fern- of a cancer, inea-an to ua vail. mim kin. In ..f anlvea to heal It np, bat never could I conKiilted with phyalelasuief great . Xpert, nee. Iliey said It looked SOS pi, loin ..f It. and ad v'.ai'd me to have It cat Or burnt ,.ui at on. e I did not wlah to de either, nn.l tielhi; pemuadud It waa In m v hlivnl, I rcHolve.1 to try your llemedr, as It had heen re.'oiiimaa.led to me. idldaowtth . the m. .at happy results. 1 can say I ini well man I cannot say too much for roor Remedy. It !a worth Ita weight In old.' Be fore I bad neatloue bottle I wa hopeful, sad at tbe elplratlon of Ave weeks tbeaorewas' entirely hraleil, the scale or ronghnas 0 the Rkiu all gone, and left me a new maawI' ' will give one similarly alfectsd any further. Information they may desire, and cm only i say. if the public will give your Remedy i trial It will sneak for ltaelf. and rimrinma .' - will know no bounda. (Jod aieed tha daw ' that mn.t dawn npon your future prosperity! l ours moat truly, JAMK8 CARTKH ARR1NUTOS. Bend for pamphlet oontalnttig; tratimdhlald of cures made among our home people, aad indorsements by well known cltlsens aad druggists of North Carolina. Price S1.99 per bottle; to no per half-dozeo bottles; Waatt St cents per package; J1..V) per haJf-dosea peak. ages, ' ,. E. H. MEUOWS & CO, AGElTV Address wdv MRS. JOE PERSON, - KITTRKIiL, JlC. 100 Bbls. Mess Pcr!x, FULL WEIGHT, For Sale Cheap bya. WHOLESALE QKOCE; w3T No Board of Trade pricel i J l BINGHAM SCHOOL. :1SSSSSSSX offen. the best PHfaUCAI. anil tun ih ni'uii euiiore, a eomrailsorv -RICULUirl With KHPORCRO UTTJfj,. m reasonable bat strfet DUCIPLTR ?, UJ ., toeation enUraly free from MALAkl 4 . fa tlma or money anent attai.dii,. a . CVLTVAAL FAIRg, got oaUllguo