'-.1 s .pre V; -!. i - n UJ i omftound V. . -c I j - , . . s , For TUe NERVOUS a---' a A-l a- The AGED. MY La Grange, 3T. C- "T- M l I - m''"1- " JJ-J-1"' for Girls and $90.00 for Board, Tuition, Music. No extras except Drawing and Painting. Writo for catalogue to jone22 dwtf JOSEPH KINSEY, Principal "2. c s u c- 3 gft- SM TO M P 2. 2. P w "i ZL. 1 r ' L Cfiri a a- en i r ti wbq: ri t C3 rX tr m m 1 "o s s m, si a . : 05 2. S O r 2: -tr 2 w Lj ea fl ai. r t3T 3 o o rjq O p P C5 g. p- W CO CSaSPft) o a. O SI! tr O . b " H M OJ, rj M r- rf m O S9 "I 03 CO kit H- M (TO P p ' rr ta. cb , sa . O Cj -tj. H M to Etis-a- p k p p O 90 ' a.S2 . crq m et ( CO O . ; ?Bg Tq p. r aa r' -. o B f 2 n w FIIILADELPHIA' 'J: 13 UNQUESTIONABLY THE . FineaiSBeer Extant. It bre Pale Canada YfcskBarle niy?recoin9iend ;TEITIVE;;litie The : hrfclwre bthCvBERGlER&lQl COMPANY ia due to 'the ; feet that "-tlSA MATERIALS i: are : ndndj that the greatest, BKILTi and CARE 'are. exercised' dariBi its mannft - cnt -and'ttiernew " rnigGhBselvennnlyer. -. i "; sa sat'sfftctlon In tha i iTS. ; cure ol Gonorrbrea and . " 11 Gleet. I prescribe It and feel safe in recommend- ' ' ' '! Ing It to all snfTerers. ' A. J. STONED, H.D., ' ' Deeaforj III. rmcE.si.oo. ' T - . jiarkl Soil by Dmfs'.sts. J, V, J.i: a5, Agftit, ITew""Berno, -nr.04.i-. I iimvv u . if. Cs.r aa i Ctoea, t&a pnecseDt r. -" f-v - j ir beat ai.d miett - Nersa i tkica. U r. r ri jam ajal ej-abAa tie aefrous reteui, eurkug w f . ill as, (-.TMenat, BUit'l lessor, - . . ALTERATIVE. " It jrmi aai the peajoaon kimonoi . ibe aajai puruymg and cururtuiig n Qd 0 vetCotlllCg thus rim asm . nwiiuDf fruta UEpul or hiim A LAXATIVE. r ' Artiwrml'.iJiTbat icrery so tbe bovtji 1 kuu nahfftml ""ra'r-a. od ' promotes rtarmu' a&tai. liamBctk H taw Sfcaauasil, and flyyj.n A DIU8ET1G, Is tt ermrMitka the best ad tm' euv djurenusof the listen Medica . afeeuv Mnsaxu to of to ianey It eu relic au f I glV "Muck teMef md id It am Haadaadefaea.iaiaai.i..iaaesi with art inn ti ill. IuiiiI a. iiiniuM al.aa. KM (ISA. kU W 1 WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Prop's BCSLCIQTOX TT. -d iTM H y-v -tr NI H , f W JUL W V7 JLL-sis. Young Ladies. $j o . CO p 4mrDi Jr P3 fc tr1 P CO L3 r CD - P O s LAGER BEER, i. - , ! $500 Reward! J We will pr the above reward for ny raae of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick be ad ar he, lndi(i;egtlont, oonsllfialkm -or- oostlvenees wo cunnot cure wltH West's Ve?etabla Liver l'llis, when the directions are tiletly eorjo piled S7lih. Tber are purely veiotable, and never mil to trlve tatlsfaction,-. Large boxes containing ) tmar coated pill. 2.c. For sle by all tlntcsr's's. hewsre of eonnterfeita an 1 1 in. i .ions, j nn renuma nianuiscutreu onlv l.v J(1H N n. W KST CO.. W. Wad ; ; . ... . ;.. '.: IWOI M t.IIICIIK'J. IO. . ' Sol i y II. N. DUFFY, drn ceiat, New X fir. h 1 Li ir. - if r ' i 1517 Mni AJ Tim JOURNAL. - SEISIDEIGHTS. H, 0, DOCOX. Sittdy Ki etc bet, targitg tarf, i&it SfalriBg tbore, teorckia tun, thinion ! . ihtUa, Sprklia , pry, tpwkling turfac, tormy iky, Stuffed iUxMprightly tpinttert.iuitiM by. StylUh niiU, toked looking, pUthed 1 UUH, Sly iprklu)f, oft ipechM, ummr skiru, SkrUkiag iwlmmer, thapelyahoaldAs, tick iwiM, Sklnoy ihins, iunkde, itretching eine. Scudding oboooert,' tcrew temfr, loops, Mils, Snull aftaki, strong sailors, tiWery oles, Svirg sutions, inals, streamer, shrouds, sport. Skillful ikippsrs ateeriog bip4, seat, stars, Savsge sbar ki, sea ae rpen ts, sk ates. soler , Bnipe, snappers, ahriru p scollops, sunken shoals. Sea spiders, ewarmiDg 'skeeters, sea gulls, Si!y singer, soulful strollers, swift scull. Sjlid gleep, smnlinK si-urts, alme fcnitT, Strarpdd strar k rs. s.ern t.irt-, eh&llope, siitTs. SplurgiD) Btriplinin. vappv snobs. sui den equal l, S-d-y Bwnmps, tciri, patias. Mik-, huwls, S tbbalh tinners, social scandal, sinker, scells. Scbemiog scamps, Simple Simons, sport idk swelln. Clouds of Moths. The city of Reading Pa., had a remarkable visitation of moths on the .evening of August 1. Myriads vi i uciu iuicsicu luc an, itrscuiuiiu at a distance a snow storm. Ihey were first noticed flying around the electric lights about 8 o'clock, and gradually iucreased to such num bers as to obscure the brilliancy of the lights. Passengers on the street cars, as they passed under the lamps, were covered with the insects, and handkerchiefs, hats, and fpTid were plied vigorously to keep them off. Fires were built nnder tbo lights and heaps of the moths were burned, l'eun Street saloon men were compelled to close their front doors to keep out the pests, which were attracted to the barrooms by the bright lights. Thn rinnra and nrimlrtura nf rla-ollinrr houses had also to be kept closed rnlior-n hm niif, IawuI uavnnra i pronounced them cotton moths, and they evidenty cutm; irora the South. They are said to precede a hot wave, and a decided rise in the tempera- tare is predicted. At'Easton, Pa., buttertlies by the thousands flew around the sixty four electric lights, lit on the car bona and then dropped dead in the globea. When the men who renew the carbons visited the lights, they found on an average two quarts of dead butterflies on each globe, a total ot four bushels, besides the lot that had fallen the ground during the night. A curious and interesting spect acle ia now presenting itself upon Third Avenue, New York. Myrads of moths are circulating around the electric lamps upon the corners of the street, their shadows being pro jected upon the sidewalks and op posite blank walls, as if upon the screen of a magic lantern. Passers by are startled at perceiving these apparitions dart across their path, and stand gazing astonished at the novel sight. The moths are barely a half inch long, bat appear project ed at least two feet, with outstretch ed wings in proportion". The Megqnlto a Blessing; to Maa. A lecture was recently delivered at Madras, India, on that interes ting and familiar pest, the mosqnito. The ' lecturer, '- Mr. H. Sullivan Thomas, asserts that it is only the female mosquitor that does the biting. t He considers the mosquito a most Qsefol pest,, seven-eighths of its existence being devoted to the service of men and only one-eighth to their, annoyance. It exists in the larval state twenty-one days, and during that period engages in sanitary work with ardor and thoroughness. Wherever there" is dirty -water, wherever their is'a filthy diain, themosquitojlarvro are to be found in hundreds, voracious ly devouring' the contaminating matter.-New Orleans Times-Demo- crat;:' 1 . Una, Wnisivow'a Soothwo : Strut should lway 'b nsed for bhildren teething. It soothe ih bhild,: softens tbe gams, allays all paint cures wma colio, and is the beet remedr . for dlar- hce. . Xweotrr-BTe cents m bottle. 7 ; Regular & Perfect 1DICESTI0HJ PfinKOTED BT TfSa Of J i-' ,sj..nmtr . i . . ' BeItJHaVAB ,r:-8oldoytrriit - yS- ; sad Pregglat v BeltaorK Apaxlent. OftjH.T; veriwaora, CAIWBACOIXEGE, ,v;'k-..';.:: BEWTOS. H. tvw . , KEXT 8KSSIOST rll bt&B. Abr. th. 88, rull Aeademleaud Collegia uourae, AIsoMuhIo. Palntin. Drawing, Penmanahtp, and Booli-keeplnaj. Kin Bnlldlnaa, Apparsv- lus, Libraries, 40. Te IBIirsrtsrs. ua eatlonhealihful. Board anl Tnltion mod- emto. Indigent person helped. ..Apply at once. c''"!Qe Fraa AO"res ; ! v.J. C. rf.tPI', President. 21 m it fat'. J. A, FOIL, tfcrretarr. ' ii .iii r fa (r ITLUTTtu, Juai X M8S-TU Swu StMoa Oottpaor, AtiaBia, Q. Q liwm : Oa of agr duidnta m uu1 wita ifcwmnri ul bok tew abou no rn Wa karWHMW kiad bmo lo but wiU Biat,u4 w inja ?mw WMH SfWdlSa. Altar iM ha vri Kversl bonie u uimum aU auauiwuaa. aad sa t tow a lwla, krau-tr aad hriulj firl twulT rears okl. aawW chud ka jut baooma afflicted la tha suia Yar. aad I UH ia a S &. aaa antteipat a proaMtt ku Eax, Jfo. July t. WSS-Tka swtft Bpwuflo Co, Atlanta, 1- "wl-an : Oar hula fM wbaa but tbraa ota broaa ju wiia miwa Waanad tba framipuou troai taral food doctor, but iuwu my wcal bwufli W artad a. S S. and tor lt tUaaaaa botO wa uaa bar bead bagaa to aaai, aaa ar ia una sa bad taken uz bouia aba was eompiatais aured. bow iba baa a fail aad hT hmA ni k,t. .k... haan; ebild. I (eat to but aiv duty to ma tais stlmant BeapaotfuUjr. B. T. Sa CBAnuooaA, Tasa, juaa 17. lass-The Swtft SpaolAe C5a. atiauta. Oa-Oentieiuen ID Was I ooatrai-ted bkul pouuo. and at oo.-e ought a physician, oho treated' me for i erai mootoa. by ni adrk-e I went to Omb urobard Sprlaga. Kt.. wkere hi ooure of ucuiwiit waa oararuur oerea. 1 reoo ered, aa I thought, but the ueit pnii .in, t" - wo ' sppvar au ill iaoe auu Dody. Theae (raduallv laoreaaxd to aorea an.i run mn ulcer. I a alUrd Ut ttj a a a aB.l Immediately after laalov it I commend.! n Improve. elowl at rt. hut mora rapljlj afterward, and ooo nollnng reuiaiutxl t tell of nij tix.ubie. My (jl. od la dow thor oughly oleauanl, aud uiy .ninn rreefriin taint, and f- owe Hiy prewent condition a pert not ure to aur niedicl ua K'.hfjfi,l..y Sie ihle Matemcat tnt othrn who uflervd an I have my reap ih? itamn lwn, ni, Haboi M. but, U West Mutti Si. Hon a La., aWy , iR-rhe Swift s ifi,. Allaiili. Ua ft. r,tleme;i ; AN UL I . 5rare afo iuy Lial hennti ktive wit ,.M tin-iy. 1 aj JS del.lUlail thai 1 mi.r dtwpttlrud of f r TfeltU) vell ialn i i that the put.i-uius ! ir.-r re.- br.uht t . -nnanei t reli-f. Krlemla llnl-lrl lhi I mould (i.e S S. H fa.r tilal.allli 1 thou(ht It aoulilU' lhmvlu ni. uv After taklnij a tl...ron,(h . irae. iuy hvaith and 8trru(th rciurne,!, and 1 mint miy that i 8. s. aluue cur.l nir. u 1 dlscanieil a,i other, while uatiu it is a loiflo 1 ran w h heartily rvrouimend It , for teneral drbilitv It oertalnlv la aapeciflc. W F BKllHin, J I Hoava La. - 1 ,no Jlr W f Brld.-es, a:i l wUl aay lLai Ilia .tale u.ent la crrrct JarFH HhelT".. liru:tr!,t Treutlse on Bl,.l an,1 sk, , t'nca.. mai e 1 frai'. Thu H :rt 8p hh. i . I , , Allauu. (ri Dod'l Fail 'iO Cd!l 0: ROBERTS BROS., OK SEND Ycur ORDERS TO US. We have in stork a Kuli Line i f GROCERIES & PROVISIONS.! C S.Parson3 & Sonn Poo's and Shoos, PflnltAiitnrv Km': r c.! Alff) Slier .I re '. it .. , 1 fartori; h. We aro m ilium nil ii;;n,. from tbo Mills m .Mu ln.m v Wn ,o j )l) 1. .: i.,r,l :.nd 1 SnulT. uuiiwao aouin front it .. .Vein rrnf . . I The King of (Ilsry PMM Chanmpg l.ile ..l .I- .-uh i.ver utten. It is t l.nv pii.-e. nn.l is l.-.ut i ful.v IttHlllll. j ! Asi'iilM vjh:..I in i-vii, (..'.u'. I; wanotoatiy ri.ll.- limn. I on ; t... Idle 1 when on run lie mn k Inn h orn f . i. . 1 1'"' o ! per month. 'lliereU not In s , n tl,.- A I j ran niBriiPi, i nai bci sany insiei i :i i n H .im ati Hiieiii oKs son in ichhiii.iii r. . m i im i onfi III iimanil copies of II. s t 1c I'. ; re, port nrocomlnu In li. Ititr. trm IP :t :!'-' to sixty orilerH t;il. en per r. k . r .' Ii u n (lrnl. anil foriv w, re anl.l Hi v.u -in'.,., N. t: , In Hvo ilaj s A n .11 e I mi;.;. ' h-.I in Alliany, (In., thn e I. i ml i . I .ii. ix.. -ii ;. than ii month. It Is a book of t i v i.l l.itr i . is i i . : .i -e i by the loading men of Mie s. u' Ii . Rrnil for braiilifiilly illiisti.e, .1 . i u irv of the hontc ami s;so rnlalo.i of m r i. .i;s other book Send ninety rents for ninnislin; tmlil'i Inrhnlln, e implrie ropy r.f llio Ikk k in P. st hlnitlnfr. Address for ti i n s. BOl'TII WESTERN Pin, IIOI Si:. 1"3 snd l "i . plre Ht . NAHIIVII.I.V. TKNN We are Ihe oldest and largest snbsrrlptlnn book house In the South. Our line of Albums are unsurpassed and our Family It'.l. 1m nre he most complete mai'o. lul l ,i 2ni rf,r 1 1 M VII Atlantic & N. C. Railroad TIKE TADLS No. 12 In Effect 6 00 A.M.. haudHy, July 8th. 18b8. Going East. Schedule. Ooixa We.w No. 51. Passenger Train. No. 50 Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm 4 50 Ooldeboro 1133 am 5 28 5 31 La Grange 10 57 10 59 6 55 6 00 Kineton 10 21 10 26 716 7 21 New Berne 8 50 9 00 8 54 pm Morehead City am7l0 Daily. Going East. Schedule. Goino West. No.l. No. 2 t Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train, am 180 Goidsboro 8 40 pm 8B7 7 05 Best's 7 54 BOO 7 20 7 80 La Grange 7 24 7 84 7 48 7 68 Falling Creek 6 56 7 00 ;811 8 80 Kineton 5 45 6 82 8 60 8 65 Caswell 5 20 6 25 9 10 10 00 Dover 4 43 6 00 10 30 10 35 Core Creek 4 14 4 30 10 69 It 04 Tuscerora 3 44 8 60 11 16 11 40 Clark's 3 22 8 82 1313 4 00 Newborn 10 82 3 60 4 46 4 51 Riverdale 9 41 9 46 4 69 5 03 Croatan 9 28 9 83 6 37 6 33 B&velock 8 59 904 6 04 '6 14 Newport -817 8 27 626. 680 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 8 88 6 40 V-'" AUantlo 747 7 52 7 00 7 10 ' Morehead City 1 17 7 87 1 13 J 2a Atlantio Hotel 10S 7 15 4 25 . ? p m Morehead Depot a m, ', 1 00 mesaar, 1 nnr aav an rainraar. tMcmday, edneadaj and rridar. Train tooonmats with Wilmington dt Wei' don Train lynnd- North, leaving Goidsboro 1I.6U a. m., ttaia wiu Kicnmona i btui Train West, leaving Goidsboro 3.10 p-m. Train 61 connects witS Itlchmond ml DaSTllle M. I. . It .. O.U.L... 1.1. . 1 1.1. iniia,moDg a. uvkisuutm a. "' p.oi,.avDCI wita Wilmington ana weiion Aram . Irooa tha North at 4:40 p.m.'- - - .- Train 'i connect wnn. wnmmttn-and Weldoo Thfouea Frtliiht Traln leavlna -. S L .Dill, -.- - ' 'opflTlnteodeiitr Sfcamer Howard, Independent StauaWline. On and after UonJij, tbe -.b dT of April, the steamer lloaard will run ... . , , tte f.oiCK schedu.c lt Polioksviile every Tuesday ai eig'.t oVI-ck, returning same day K,r "i f.-utuu every Thursday at n.h! "'"ITS, J J. Disoswat. Agent at New Berne. USm NOKTB CAIOLISI M&RBLE WORKS, tW BKKAt. .f javV , iUonuments Tombs I i'AL!Ar.-AMEHiGAN MARBLE Ordnrs will rxoeive prompt a i termor an l .Vitisf at '.ion guaranteed JOT Ii. WILLIS. Troprietot I or HHO.ll A."D CH.i h. Sis. .H- HKRSE. .V. t ') E. Mil Laa 19 :ny u u horr' ! e;ei t in K icsti.n mnf.O ,i w HEALTH IS WEALTH! RF.AD CAREFULLY. N 1 1.' It M UKA i .Inr.t sp.'. in." f.-r H k'i ".n'oii-i, h it fio' ' Ntv"Uii rT n i rt I . .i i 1 1t. f h 1- ii r intiHiriv n M . in, Ivpn s oil, , .f : mi i i.y It I illi; 111 lllHall lv HI..I I. H.ll'.K n iii' . Imrit him 1 ,i hh .f i m . r c : i , tr :;U,,:::rrM;rn:M!V?;::,:f! ' i.im- .r mpr tn.in -.-n . (.v ,. , ;,,, r I........,,, ,.;., ,.r,,.:..,. .. " ' ! i ' ' K (.HItATF.E Sl l(4 EH I " rurr- nr.v rs'. Willi rarti order rprelve.l h n ormx Imtei. n.'rnini.'m.u .1 with s . w " '''"l ' Ii'1 pur. hake i "ur i i !, uuar I'!.'',",,'.?! uV.'.'-i'ttru'""'1'' ' '' '"" (InirantfO-i i-J hui'.I only hy It. N I 1 -'l' y ,lr( ntfitut, solo iiiirnt. New ir a . 1 .Inly II I M I'll itr YS' 7ICa!ZC?ATZIC VZTZ2!l'Alk7 SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 IM;K HOOK on Trral ment of A nlmn Is n nd Chart Kent Free. i ' Tii:s Ferers, i onteatlona, Inflnnimallon. A . Spinal Menlnsllla, IVIIIk F ever. M.H. -Mlralna. f.simeaess, Kheamnliam. t . ('-Distemper, Nnanl IIUi barge.. I. It.- Hots or Urb, Worms. h. h.-( oiliha, lleaea, I'DeumonlH. F. F.-fnlle or Jrle, llellyn. he. t. . l Israrriage. Ilrtnarrhair.. II. II. I rlnnry and Kidney Diseases. j. I. - hrnpilve Disease. Mnnge. . K.-Disease of Digestion, r-table Case, aith Rrwtflr. Bidui w Itr h Haiel Oil and Medlcator, S 7 . 0 0 Price, Single Bottlo(0Ter 50 doseaX - .60 Hold by Drngglsiai or Rest Prepaid on Herelpt af Prlre. Humphrayi' Md. Co.. IPS Fulton St., N. Y. nuiirnREYs HOMEOPATHIC f f SPECIFIC No .60 t SQ vnaxa. Th anH mnnaifnl ramtwlT tor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other eanaea. $1 par vial, or S viale and larsa vial powder, for S.S. SOI.D BT DHI'OOrsTS, or aetit poatn.id on receipt of price lluamartja' ladlcla. Ca., lUtlaliaaSI.,. 1 All of our Veterinary Preparation can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. oor. Broad and Middle streets, Newborn, N. C. Jas. W. Waters, ATTORNEY AT L AW. Office with P H. Pelletier, two doors south of New Berne Journal, ml dwly NEW BERNE. N. C Robert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office in rear of Hancock's drue store. next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Will fivo prompt attention to all matters pertain ing to Justices' courts. d29dtf New Berne High School x conduct id st GEO. W. SKA.U A.Bt, Principal, JAMES TUOMAS A. It., Associate Principal, AND Miss MAItlA BX. MAXLY, tvrti, ba Monr-EDj - SEPTEMBER 10th,. 1888.,; TUITION ?E8 SCHo.ASTIO TEAR: Primary Department.... ......f25 00 Junior ; I v 4 M .aM 80.00 8oni0f S5:M Tuition payable quarterly or tnonthly laadfance. v: . .- Nodednctfoa except in csgsrof rrn frwfcd sickness. t . ; i jalyljJ dwtf ' 1i Wt - I . i if J . V , ..... 1 . ..U 1 In STK-V2IEHS, EASTER?! CAMA DliPAT . The Fat Freitht jLlne . ., ' Baa. Kaaurm With Cu-ali.. Fou, ..4 arfelk, BalUaaue. Phlladclpktm. lew Yaxk.BMtam, Kta.-Tta MmMtk City. H.C THE STEAMEES - EAGLET and VESPET. "r. tCl "M 0" n OB eBdu- lime leavinc New hn.a start MCm ji VVaU.NtfeUAV Slid KlliAY a4 FUCi St la. kr tiLtoUi i.':iy arid letarn LUa JUiWw iDdaa rtieae t. aj-.iira ia cons act !B .tmi Us ! AUanuo at N. i'. K. tv Nutoik fceelbera K R.. sew Ton 1 L..a. auS JsuHoUi rw la. aua iba) Peaaalviii:a K. ft ,a,im a pciibi and reajQ.ar Hue oaenug aipenor kaiuuaa lor uiok lrua,-ttriai.ou No traua r nan at tllaabataT Qty.av anion :c.;l. l.l t kltMMItbltM I'.icci a. (.. .'oj 1s ITastsrn '' --.- - . .o owa t t .. .. ..La. ... k mm r. , i- a Uj . rttatltJI!. ' by I .,; a i & Baiia, J; u , . mtiiera K. K. ft a s -v .Miaan Traa. . ; aiid ew bnglaud , . , t ibaa by say i. n-tiotlLj-e of (oor ... . UU. -dm ((i K(t. TrtBf AUl 'i-crn. 1 rile Maatt4ar. v f reiBbt Agent,' ' t Aceot, . T. '. - 1 t i .1 Agxnl. It . ' i.fc.N. Agant, i a uriiK, J. O. l r.p. i;i vv j N . 8 W I U II 1 i OLD D0E1IHI0H Steamship Company. sl MI"WI'' K, v USE. TI. (11.1 Doioliilo! Steamship fain pn-. Old and r'avortte U ater Itouie, .la AlUruiarie and 4 lir.aprake Canal. ,oM"lK. lie '. Iliuore, v loib, Tltlla ,'i drlpl.la. Boatoi. I'rotl.Unce. aud Waahlnalon 4 itjr. An I a!! p.:::w. North, i.iiti and West. 'V i and after I hlli.w. i . sT rib, lte :'!.: l .i e, : .,. ' liuzu NLWBEfiiNB. Cipt Pritciett, 1 "itroLK, VA, ' WAalUacvon. otiDueoilon 1 1 'I... N. 4 T. K 1 . ' i hi, and all ottler Hiid 1 reut Klvtra. I .'"in Nh.w Ht-KNK I. ILEhUAVH. ;i.:iiX nonpar- ' - s. Co.' ship '' ' ".'s itetmer- -i.i't fur fbllaa -1 I b for itottou - i e or patron, rt a i vice torttiapaat l. si g wai iintee we can i i a i will do lor i.,r v , ,r tl !,!,, , . l!;';"; ' : , V1i,:1','-rs,."' l.-r I. M. M.Oo.. Nor- i" K. U -Hsaei,n..ts w.,1 Ond a i-.od table, floiafnrt '' " it rou r tt-- and tttet- """ 1 ' . i i .ein i.y ilieoltloera. K H. KUHKKTB, Aent. .!xs.-,s. i ; I I rl l f K n K.VKil, Aijeuis, .Norfolk, V. i I I A N Kl 1KI. v 1 ' t. '-fu Yotk City. u t:':t in Hew Ifcrk. iii'., N. C. Freight Lino fok new Yona, bl .ION. PROVIDENflF. t.i ; D.;it Atii ib :' " ' r B.'ialiMliiNsw f.i r tioo !1?tv st i !1 .11 7. Ndli'l'H KIVKU, ''.' ,: cu IV and lialtimot irawfor'.ation Co, . .. n rnr.tt ahonid remain bsr tbat this Is onto ha insi simm Lin, out of Hew Tork, makia mj o nner'inn wnn riaitimore for New Berae m i..iiir',nti oniy one tHanRfl tEMI-VVKEKLV .ST li AM EBB Bett8ea Hew Eeieo ud Biltimori orfolk) Lasrltif No HerLefT lialtlmore TUESDAY FRIDAYS tilpm Lenre BalUmor fc New Hri.e WLD.NtM'AY.S iIlJ SATCKDAI 6. p. m Afaat. ar aa follswa tl'UIN t U.S 1 IK, Gau'i Miiftr, no LigbtMt., Bal't M AS W. MctlAKKK K, A't. Norfolk, Va f- il ''-. Pbiladalahia. 1 Hn.i Darraa. .. f .'s 1 1 K r i i v ni .N . N r. , -' . t A M 1 .l.-li. I 1 1 im et'. : ' York Balto.Trane.f.lns.Piet Northrlvsr F.. Sampson, Boston, 63 Central wharf C. H. Rockwell, l'rotidencs R. I. D O. Mink, Fall Hiver, Derrick wharf. "ni 8blpsleas-Boeton, Toesdaytand Satar4ar ? " New Tork dally. . ; " Baltimore, Wedaasdsry aadBatStda ' Fall River, Moadif , Wda4awg Fridays. . f 1 ' ProTldsc, Saturday. t. a!',',1, iwinggivsa, and ratssenswaa s , p"," e, - - iToifl mmgt ol im iaa SMp iu , . N. C. LINE, t dt W Ylar id ly B H 3BAY A Rw BraM THE NEUSE I TRENT RIYER Steamboat Companjj . Will run tbe follow! n sahadnla aa ud aftav January lit, 1887. . , Steamer TrtlU J . Win leave every Monday and Tharsdar morning at Six o'clock for Smiths and Adam Ceetk and all lQtrm41aI) points. returning same day, ' . : t f . .-- i ..a!' , aj.K. aa-4 Steamer Ktnatbn .. Will leave $ :ernifajr klnatonon days and Fridays at 18 o'clock, M. Betorn lng, will leave Klnston on Mondays and Thursdays:. i-TonablBg at, aft Intermedia Lauding oaJiensaJUver.- " ' s J. J. CISOSWAT at Rewnarn. . . W. T. BrajriT. Kintom. f . P. 8. ABnt, PoUoksTUls. ' ; yn E, WARD, Agent at Trenton. Jt. O. BifTrnv JoUy Old Field. " I. B. Bakxs, Quaker Brldga, JHWHTIK Gn'lWans -SMdAw . - , Klnston. N ' 1