i l II (I us . ... at . S U. -.-..-a, I -WW . I . . M 1 U I SI ci U --4 rT tiefiJ ei tiS ElTES (DjUXTr-One iue luraao eeoeqitaal atfcr bee4ef "DmIimi ...j pat lut tret u4 t e.U lbs sa WtUbeiaBas.a4b.twna j rt " , - w iwm,iMi i rm - lfr A3 ediUeea - ..ale per lUs y l l Mtf js isr M r..rvr proatpi.y at the' . ; f m- mv jfnm4 ye --Ib ta SeaM eaa tttkMI Sf e store taea eae eelBava nk ,.:-mm toannc Atrtevee' M UT tMk . ammwim out UI IM BUM aor by UBBiiom St Uk eaVe aad .1 JOURNAL. r i zzzxt. m. a. acq. t twa. f aijai Pee. m awae, u , ,WIIH IW lI!V.HmpnM,f-1th greatest A- rlcaa. statesman, baa .cota : :-ctJ bis campaign. When it Is f tadU wlIIU MfarddMtb i .i remarkabla campaign in tha ! -itbrM dteades of American hla tcrj, front hla bom in Columbus to tli t'.'.j of Toledo,' traa ono mag i :-LQTaUi Ail Oblo Uraed c.t ta aee ber matcblesa states r ia. Matcblesa in ability $ match- a ia magnetism j matchless in I zVAo aerrice, and matcblesa in Us hearts of bis countrymen. r;tc;Lwere made by Mr. Ttr$;jnll along the line of his tftrhafprocassloo, out ae fjrsaSQf '.Opened bis campaign at rort "Hudson,' Michigan, on last Wednesday. Tl s language of political cam rV -i Uteratnre is usually extrava gi5tloirOiritten vocabulary ran fire a 'description of the great ctvt'isitrort Hudson that does i fjU'l Wtbe reality. The r!r. J la the scene as it staaii HC liQld relief on the t - - 75 ', fact wnile L. ; Ration; oi 'exultant wing, t us "into Hit realm of sentiment and'&eliiigV ' and pictures graii-ta-s in the rejuvenescence of age, tops in the bounding step of youth, veneration and love in woman's fashing eye and blooming cheek, confidence in the long and 1 loud ap plause that wells' like the roar of ocean, and aasufanoe ln the tens of thousands ot bandannas, fluttering in tha baliny'breese Ind joyous At2Vclock;the yacht wtth.Mr. ThuraanarriTed at Port Hudson. An immense crowd - blocked , the striata and Ailed up the windows and balconies along the way. Fort En&ou'a twelve thousand people wtrfjfoi? Vd;nd to .the t : "isolation had bet a added ESTeral thousand more1" from, all rsrta of the State. n Pine Grove, the beautiful park , that lies be treca-Tort" Hudson and Fdrt C ; t : t&cjstand was erected, and t) it tbiBYeringreaslpg multitude -r inolid nhalanx. .ZJxis&ti Thwmah's speech That speech. mqatj'take'! its place xithriaheAme'jl .tpeeih on the -rrora. ot; Indian . warfare, and 7Znjaah, Yancey'a bpeech on the r IJ.Uiioaoexa ': .Tleir. could r:S be reported; but. they win lite 1 1 tve perpetual remembrance pi : -iind,' and ch6 through the - filing chambers of immorti I r 3.. ' Vttis vasthe commencement. ; : iiLacn5t ' , ' vpon hi bngl hora was thooaaad mm," ' -will it be when he enters T " ' v and'.leaSs" the- charge at ; .bo! . l ri : t - ". V why -this power of Thur ! Trhy the magio of his name. : -piratioa of his presence J1 : a :1a idol of 'his. people, and jioa of Democracy. Effect. "Ma; T 13 r'Z to uie r; earn a :a i: fellow who was loot tl3 window, into the "'Cause-the by," was the Tld A 5. i wcli2iEsa re- at ai: .'.ca l.i nU cl ii a w-oclca : taiti 15 per ct t, it-xUass a-J na'ersiit t-isi 13;rce: aai rxe:ch2ee a ra:r of gloves ia ia:er taied 10 er fftt llecirrksla tU hand ka tin dianer pail taxed 45 per ceat and greets wile with acaerj inild as sae locks at bitn throsk avin dor pas taied 4)0 pr cent from whica the tas drawn asUe carUins taxed 49 per cent. After scraping his boots on a scraper taxed 43 per eat he wipes them on a mat of bagging taxed 10 pr et; he lifts the door latch taxed 43 per eent, steps on a carpet taxed 68 per cent ana gives a kiss to bis wile In a woolen dress , taxed 70 per cenU She has a needle taxed 23 per cent ia her hand with which she has been mending, with thread 11X64 to per cent, an alpaca cm- fbrella taxed 50 per. cent It U a small crick house , which . they bought with their hard earniors of a tuildmz ; Msociation. The brick were taxed 20 per cent, the lumber taxed IS per cent and the paint 54 per cent, the wan piper taxed 45 per cent, tnak the rorm brighter , with its pai s furniture taxed 33 per. oentj ho hangs his pail on. a-steei pis taxed 45 percent ana proceeds to get ready for his supper. Ue washes his hands with eastile aoap taxed 20 per cent tn a tin Dastn tsxed 45 per cent. Us then goes to the lookinc glass taxed 45 per cent and fixes hia hair with a brush and comb taxed 30 par cent, lie is now ready for his supper which his wire has cooked on a stove taxed 45 per cent with pots and kettles taxed 53 per cent the table la spread with the com monest crockery taxed 56 per cent ; ae drinks his water out or a cheap fflasa tnmblAr taxed 45 wt cent t ) toe litttle sugar that he puts in bis tea is taxed 80 per cent, and he Stirs it with a spoon taxed 45 per cent, his meal is a frugal one be cause bard times have cut his wages down and he is saving every cent to pay the next installment due on his house. With sn appetite worthy of an ampler meal he takes up his knife and fork taxed 43 per cent, he begins to eat a piece of salt fish taxed 25 per cent, he pours on vinegar taxed 30 per cent, upon his boiled potatoes taxed 40 per cent he sprinkles salt taxed 80 per cent and lata a small pickle taxed 35 per cent: he ends his meal with a pudding of rice taxed 112 per cent and an orange taxed 20 per cent. After supper he smokes a pipe, enjoys the happiness of his wire wbo this day has bought a woolen shawl taxed 65 per cent, a black silk dress taxed 50 per cent and a pair of scissors taxed 45 per cent. B. Jadr Gatfoa. Hon. William Gaston, of North Carolina, was one of the most brilliant men ever sent here from his native State, it seems is not to be forgotten by his alma mater. William uaston is. tie nrst name on the ancient register of the Georgetown College, and Father jjoonan closed his address at the last commencement with the fol lowing words: "It is' proposed to ommemorate our centennial In February, 1889, and it ia to be hoped that this hall, which in its unfinished condition baa done service for near ly ten years, may find completion before that date. .If the original suggestion ;Te adhered to. and the name Memorial Hall bo adopted, I wouia aoa we name or ueorre town's first student to the title, ana nave me room anown aa una ton Memorial Hall. Without ad mission, of, even one exception, I venture to assert that not a college ia our land has on the first page of its register a name more to be bon ored than his who heads the roll Of Georgetown Btudents; for in pur country's annals a worthier pattern of the Christian scholar, wise legis lator, upright judge and devoted patriot cannot be found than that furnished' by Georgetown's first student, William Gaston, of North Carolina, -and as class f following class shall go out in coming -years to tne great wort or their lives, they need ask no, nobler ; type of manhood to copy Jhari that which his career - and ; character offer, whose name I trust this hall shall A Gntlsman went Into a fancy shop one day to buy something..:, It was early, and the Bhop keeper and his little boy were j alone ia the house. The shop-keeper had to eo up stain to get hia :cash box. in order to procure some change; but oerore doing so lie went into : the little room next to the Shop, and wnispered to the dot: ""watch the gentleman that -he 'doesn't steal anything and, bringing him out. set him on the counter. As coon aa the shop-keeper returned, the child -sang -out i' itPa,,: be ; didn't steal anything." I watched him as you told jn to.". .V.vi' AttTICB TO MOTnEKS.' ''''f. ilLta. : WraaiiOw's : BooTHUfo flracp ihonld always i ba oged lor children teething. It coothet the child, Boftofii the enmi, allaye all rain, enret wind eolio, and is th best renjody for diar- coea. i wenty-nve cenw a ti,.ie, l L 1M-. ,j a t; v i ii -j ft: - -1 tt I ti.U ix;: aL.-rscs.V-i::. ! -i u ;. j cr Ii.:,-! - j - " i.sa ja wan as-.icti eoties, tut patroae toce Uilors and tca !a:era Dca't esc-.r-age year Udto sead to iiUirsr.iJ or rtaJeipLia to bay anev .:k dress cr a two story UiSc tt patroaiie the hoae mUliaer aad keep the money in cirecUtlon. at home. The way to make a com munity strong ia for all to aUsi by each other. Keep an the mosey we have in circulation, aadgHas much mora aa ws can. Money spent away from home ' aelJca comes back. . It goes to enrich aoma other commoity. Speak well of your city to visiting atrangora. Aid every man who comes here to Cud a place to invest bis money. And lastly support - your home paper that does ao much to build up a homo market for you. Hen derson Gold Leaf. v c A JUffj state.. v i: tjl" A lady oa one occasloa aald to Mr. Wealey; "Suppose you were to know that you would die tomor rowat 1J o'clock tomorrow night how would spend the intervening timer- "Wby.jnst aa I intend to apend It he said. ;.taI should preach tonight at Gloucester, and-f agian tomonow morning. AfUr I would ride to Tewksbury, preach in the afternoon, and : meet the Society in the evening. I should then repair to . friend Martin's house, as he expects to entertain me ; converse and . pray with tht family; retire to my room at ten o'clock, commend myself - to my heavenlv Father, lie down to rest, and wake up In glory,' Such a complete readiness ror deatnisa foundation of nnalloyed Joy; and may be the state of all true be lievera. "Blessed are the pare in heart for they shall see God. Ex-: change. , : ) W09DKJUP OL CCnBIt ' ' W. D. Bovt Oo-.Wholenle and Retail DruggitU of Rome, Oa. i aart: wa Mvt mm Sttiiiar Vt King Nw DiscoTirr. EUetrio Bitter and Back- laat Arnica Salva for four veara. Hav-I never nandied rem ed tea that aell ao well, or give each nnlversat satisfac tion . Then have been some wonderful cares effected by these medicines tn this city. Beveral oases of pronounced eon sumption have been entirely oared by use oi a few bottles of Dr. King's Hew Diaoovery; taken in connection with Eleetrto Bitters. - We narantee them always. : Bold, wholesale and retail, at JO. . Daffy's drag store, . v Nothing Equals It ZALAHA. Tlx . Inmm 7. lfift?. N. E. V enable ft Co.: I have been nsinc B. B. B. la bit familv S A tklnml nnrlflav. TT..!n. never osea any meoioine to eqnai It. nmiraouBiiyv , sua. n. n. uwd." .-. .i1 ": Makea an Old Sf aa Tounjr; Eztraol from a Letter.l 1 P. S.-X bought I bottles of voar Bo- tanla' BlAAd lUlm frnm mw Mm A H D. Ballard, at Campobello. 8, -a I omTs neen asiag n tnree . weeks. ' it ap OAanto riva Haw If fa tnTnawatriu-th If there is anythlagthat will make aa 010 maa yoang u uo. U.U,1 l can earnestly and honestly recommend Bo tanla Blood Balm.') l : n. For sale in New Berne at tbe drag stores -ot , , Jnffy and '. H Meadows, it s d ., k ttj - may : GEORGE r.LLE fi CO Geneil? Eatd7are L: AftrioultitraJ 1 mplements. Plovri; Harrow, Oulttvatort, ! ; '; -HwMi'awid : AiesCr & w Wood's ilowera and? Iteapera, i 8teajn rfBiaOi!-?sfv.f:?-1 FerUliKers.LandPlatert Kaunit Meclutnlca Tools and Hardware, Lime BrickV Cement, faster Hair. Patnjt.:i Kalapmlna, , Vlar nlahf Oil, Glaes. Potty avad Hair, JFreoaera," Befrlger ators, Oil Oook 8toves,: Ilureka Bors;lar Proof Bashf Loks, rranted to Rive Seedrity iand satisfaction. ; !lr!Jdj GEO.' ALLEN & 4X iD32;EfiTC:i!iilCn 3. ? ,-A. A -',', f-vW 4 wir!tea SPKCTACXKal I kee a larfer stock of Bpectseles than any other store in North Carolina I take particular pim to fit them to tbe eyes or parties needing them. .' J t.'HMi'iiriil .'vuii 'lilj-.Jv.tvi!-t ' Havinj worked steadily at the bench tor oner thirty year, I believe I ean do as good work as any watebmaker in tbe States & ' ." p?!T,.'j:e i 1 8 AM Kt EAT01T,'"' -.vf:ia v;. Kiddle street. Opposite Baptist Cbdrch : fa!3dwtf Permtjieny located on eorner of Eroad sod tern eti.vig j-reptrod to clffsn, dj? arl r?r"lrs!l kinda o C.-'Li- tt Is---Vt.-Bi. Aepecialty i( i I?bt -I r 'Dressea. : a' , i r 1 r V Absolutely P urb-4 utkui ar na. taaml rf ooiaiai(naauioniiiuu'7 ktau..e M M i A U mom pu nua I vk u iu u tad . I lo ta4, aorl iravcht. alaa r pannbaia For sale in Newbers by Alex, killer. This is theTop of the Genvine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. AU others, similar are imitation. ' This exact Libel I is on each Pear , Top Chlmneyi ! A dealer may sat : and think he has others a i good BUT HS HAS MOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. , . ' fN Sali Iwrnrsiu. cim islt tv GEO. A. UACDETU.& CO.; pittsSargH- Pju Drs.,STABKET;&PALEIi'S TnEATHKUT BY INUaLATIOH. :iWSTRWajb . i t . rote Utm SUdFs fir Caanaaptlan. Aethat- nsrUtta vfifipiu. aiarrn. May rtfv, Haaa. ea, Bktlliy( Hii.am.Utin M.araU KM ana au caraaie aad Marvooa DiaoTf erft ' "Ttte CMODOlilad (Vxrr.n fosaimaaL Vtra. BUrkey St rtln, So. lltj Aoh treat.Phlla flalphla, haTe baaa mln( for Ue laat mtcd teaa yeaia, la a aol.ntuio aiVnatmenS of the el.m.DU of OzVcm and Mtrom jnagna. ttcaii, and the eouipoand la eoeondedaed and aai" portable that It ia ml all ear tne Dos 8TASXBT a rtui t thaniterty to rior w voa roiiowios MON HU-aiuWa Eraoni who have tried their IreatraoDt.,' a. Waa.O, K.llr, Member of congress. 1 nOlarialDhla. .:.J-t..-.5 i, j SU-r. Viator L. Cora4. Editor LntbtraB Ubssrror, Phlla, . -., , , SLo. Charles Wl Caraiaal TJ,1 Boon' s ' tar. M. Y. 1 1 . ! t i Bow. tta. Paaa NIzob, JUltor InUr. Ocoan. rhloago, XII. . i W. at. Worthiimtow, Editor n.W Booth, Jadr. 11. P. Vraaasaav. Qnnomo.Kia nn. Blary A. U-rar ort Malrooe, ttaas. n-1.. innmt new iotk miy. Mr. H. o. Kac:lt. Fnliadalphia. Mr. Frank klddall, Murcnant, PhU. ' ; HiW. W.ltrailar. Kaaton Pa. WWl Li WUon 3 Broadway, 3X. t., fld.U M. Lye, Walmev JSawaU, Band- wloblaianda. ' . ,' AlxaaAr Kltekla. tnTereea.. Scotland. - 11 r, in.BMt V.Ortaau rrosaiLiot Zaat eaa,Mxleo. ' f. . Mr.. Em Coayar, CUlla, fipaalah Hon- darts, & A. . . : . i. . , . jrcabk, x-vm oonsvk caalbkntca. Me ronoo. M, V. AVkrak, Bed BlaflV'Oa. f . Jane. Maor., Hup'PohorBlndford, ', ' aoublra, Jtnflani' - ..'.Cs Jacob Ward. Bowral, Hew Bootb walea. - and thousands of others la every pert of Uie i u ,n, viim Dvataa, -. "CbMponnS Oxret-4td VodaW Action . V.' - a and KMalta," la the title of a bw broobnre of -two hnndred pfe, pbblltbed by Dre. Bmriey m man, Wbieo Klv fall Information aa totbla remarkable enr- ttTSarant and a reeord of rmi haadrad sarprlalng eareeln a wld ranfo of ehronle . many of , them trier being abandoned to die by other phyelotane. Will be tnalled froo to any addreta on appllcaUon., Bead the t DBA STAKSLKT PAlBUt..',: So. 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa, marzvaw . - JfMF' !l .mTeaih.mewltS , HN. 1 ontpuln. b.- r-e. 'j ! JUS , thmlmneimt ' A am a. ( v-weS4 laufcU U. !;DEIVEIl:n0UK;:;:, Obnrcb 8t4 third door Bonth of Mala, , ' Blra. Fannie Petway, Proprietrees, : I Board with or without rooms byjthed y, Mknrmnnth..1l.mimrut.Mi. .- - T - Geo faro,n4 strict aitention to the ec m fortofgueata,, M Jy-r J. H. CRABTEEI. ' ' BASTX HAiaT," ; Ponadera aad tlachiaista ; j ; llanufaeturers and Deaieri la'.'i'. - ' TV L J " X7 Tf ! ; mitue. a. x.flglfln. toiler, - SaW Kills, Edging At Cut-ofT ntis, 'Weare pn- n-,i todo Cwtlvsre of atl All. With proinpititsi, . i Part!(rolnr Immed aU it-nt!oTl glyet) torepal'tof aak!uii. - - We lll hjr'el tn p-'-e t!wist)1 estlmtt-s forsny d'-cu,. "ow i ... .--y, V'tlie ' ' '.f IVie At- "f- 1 ' '. A ' - - ' .lit ii.' : ., n. ..' .' i ( aC Lit llkX0-DUa ; " 4 Eiadwoon, jr. C, Hr . Mas. Jjb Pnnr: . Par iifcj.ai:- t jt gUdly So 1 ( T. jsta aTbaai topia a. I or. tb pobl. bearlag tcatlBMMy ft lie mlracalaa care aSestcd oa e by yor nivat tiu6 taauaooay, fif toaa yaara ago I vas truut.d tr wbat aatnaed to a utu aealea tppaarlng aa tfie rtghtaido of my ebccg &dar the ere reacai. bung dry maj braa. which I ecu.. Minora whoa I ahavod. bat thay woaid ratani again ia a abort time, aooe aa an2ajg.ia.ai aa- poared aador the earns eye, aiiaaded with Uehlag and barb log senamttoaa ana sharp, Aartlag palna Lost tba affacttd plaea re tbe ?. eaaalnf great dUAeaity la ak.tBg tbo aye,ea to elaap.' Seatitlsaee It wouM tool beitar. bat wr at aar Dm dleappoar. aoaaa paystciaas proaoaaewi n eeaama, othare eh rout, erysipelas, and all adrtat d ma to let It sJwm. Thia I did aatU twe yean agOtWhaasUtUaaoala bagsa W font rttftt aador the aya,reaaabltiif a wart, which eonld not ramoVa, la sine and appaaraace It aoa grew to beat large aa a strawberry, Sad the aesbs ease off sad loft the pc entirely raw. paving fear of aeaooer.xnogan wfcas Taitoaa sJads sf salTts to heal It on. bet neTw eoald. I eaaaalbi with physMaBS of greet ex per leaf, they said It looked e pielow of It. Sad adr aed as to bare It ant or baral eat at a-. 1 did aot wiah to So Ulher; au4 being serenaded It waa lit my blojd, I teaolved te try your JUmadU.es U Sad beam reeuiBmoadaS ta me. I did ao With the most happy raaas. I eaa eay I am a wall m t aannot tf toi mof Air yout aeaedy. It worth Its weight In old, Be nts i tad attd one bottle I was hopeful, and at tbe expiration of Ave weeke theeorewae eatlraly btaled, the aealea or rongbnees, o tea esta au gone, ens left me a new man. I will .Ire one similarly affeeted any ftuther tntarmmtloa they may dealre, end eas only eay. If the pwblle wlU give your Bemedy a trial it WUI apeak for ttaelf, and or saeeees wtU know n boamds. God speed the day that But daws spaa yonrfatnrs preapertty . Totus most traty, 1 JAMES OAKTKR ARR1SGTW. Bead for pamphlet eon talslng testimonials of sores mads among ear horns people, and Indorsements by well known eltlseos aud droggirs or north Carolina. Price 11.00 per bottle) fife pet hal Moses bottlae; Washa ssnts per paektge; 1 per half-doten pack. Hes... .- E. H. MEADOWS k CO, 1BENTS, KVBtM, R. C. Address ... " MRS. JOE PERSON, : KITTRKLU h. c. STATS OP SOUTH CA10U5A. ; l - urarea county. ( Before B, W. Cwpenter, Clerk Bnperlor Court James O Harrison .Administrator of Peter vneeyera, aaooaaea, . Palrtek ChooTers, William ChetTers, Alice v.- in ri 7 ".tL,...u, i.rniu aoa three graadoblldrea of a deoeaeas alata - of Petar Cheer. re, names anknown, U.Ira atl,w. .-. Pnblleatlon of Summon, sad Hollos of Pe tition. To Patriate Ahaara. Will Urn m. Aliee Oroasley.Mary Lealle, AnnaOarroli and three grandoblldrea of a deoeaaed els. tar of Peter ubeeyora, namee nnkaown. Yon and eaoh of yoa ate hereby notified that a petition he. been duly filed in my of. fioae. Ueik of Wb. uprlor Ooort of Craven UontT, preylBg foe a Ml. of the lands of Peter ghee.ere in tbo State of North Caro lina, by tbo above named Admlnlatrator. to make aaeata tot the payment of tbe debts of aaia iBieeiato ana ooeta or aaministranoa. And itfnrtber appearing that yon are non re.id.nu of tbe state oi North Carolina, and after dne di Hveno. eaanot be found therein, you are BotlAed that said petition will be heard before mo en tbe 27th day of Anrntt, A.0. 1888. And It la ordered trtat thiamin. mone and aotlee of bald netition be nntw llebed onoo week for elz eoeeneutl re weeks if the DailT Mew Berne Jovanaiv to gltw yos notice tneteor, at wbloa time and pl.ee eaid-eaae will te prooeeded In aenordlng to aw. uiT. n anon my naaa ana omoiAiaeat tnis Htn oay of joiy. A.D. iws. : JtKlnt - Clerk Bop, Ooort, Craven Co, BTAtst OF KOETH CAKOIISA; ' I " i CoBntr of Craven. I Before S. W. Carpenter, Cist k of Sop. Court, ;."ATr.mecisaa-'- , ' 1 S. a Primrose etala. . PBblteatloa of Summons, In aetton to reeover ? saoaey front Trsasararof Crarea county, To Bam'l B. Stevens, Klisabeth Austin, Mary S.teTeBe.auisabeth Cawthorne. John 01- , mrrana autry nia wm. ues and T. r Ij. his wife. Eurene Olbaon and Jnlia r: hi. ' WUe, and Barah Ulmer, or their legal rep- Ton and esehof yon are hereby notified thsttaeomplaintbea been filed in my office lathe above entitled) action, said lotion be- ing iot me reaoverr oi money now In tbe troaenrrof Oravan oonntv. hlnh ih.nirf fl'tilt el&tma. And It further appearing net yoa are non-re. id en la of tha state of form .'Caroline,- Ana ftr Sae dlllgenoe eannot be found therein, you are notified that the above eaae will aomata ahaari nff at thaa Pall Trr-4 Hnpr1fr Coort Ctstcii coontr trm vrusrcu vnaf uiia summons bpabluhed onee e week ft r six eoneeentive weeks In the New Berne Daily Jocskal, to give ye notice thereof and time and plsos aid eaae WlU be prooeeded la eooordina to law. ' " . 'Given nnder vy hand ana official seal this lMV.i ........ -K.W.CAtlPMTER,1'-H- i Clerk Of Sup. Court, Craven County, J,'W. Watbb. Att'y for Plaintiff, Jv27 d6w j, Lg.r-: .... ,tTtr -TL-TTTS AVrPT-AMAOtZrvS . ... r- .., . t. .wm.l tii'. M n- . I " 1 rt ' 'f t - . rnip ' il , . r.. w Z. iiin( l .. an4a4m. Z " ' " 5 '""'t ""'"J MTi,l Uiconi.uot DW;!nvUs?y Repreteptative of V : C1 v Amertcad Thought snd Prcgrets, r In. ft4o Ur all v ' 1' r' ..' .i . V 1 1 . l i u t , a-J b i J. , 0V7r:r n. guio. A tt o iV:; u y at l .-. west of Craven. xi.roanUle Law c3 nonv.jtsv-.t.g p-. U tee. Tlmbtrhva44boubta&4A.lJ. P. IL PEILXTIEHt ; A T T OUJii' V A T h A . -. Craven St., two doors Sujj of . Joarnal eSice. k Wu! pnrtiee he the Cone tve of Cravent I t W"t, ioota, Uhm. and 1-asiiieo. lutiMi piatao tvura at &ew Berne, sad Sujh.iu. Ctartof ibeaiata, . ItUiaJ rr.;C;L, SHACZLEFCUD '; tvi I I ll III T1. a-J.-ilXJi3T, de . v .NEW BERNE. N. i 8IMU0H8;& SlftKLV; A'TrOItSETa AT LAW; , Will move a or sbot Jsnnsry Ifiik, : . aoa . - -i. -1 . ... .. iojo. mt tarir new viuw.ovm tiw ttsak - J 1 1 . . , . n . doors aelow note! Albert. . .- At.lant.'.'fVN:n rilr,a nn' - eaisaaraafw wear Af vyfawaaa VUM WVC . - PAtSMOKB DkTAMMSKT, " i , NWBiiui,N.a, JttBelet, 833, ' 1 Round trip tickets to following points' are On aa'.a from date, wis. v ; Mwkvm .A n Ut.M r , m Mm w - m m ,v un,aij n..atMna(ig.gj - - . . Moreatoni;.(.i,,u It M . Biaca llonnUfn - 1S.7S Asnsviiis.-.. t.. 17 40 ' " ..iHot SorinKS 18.25 - Ths shove tickets are good to return :. ab amS-il sMA 1 A - tJlA . a . . . ' a ivavm sjay av MSoaaSS VU sale Sept. CO. -f.i. i - . a L DILL, a 1. A. K0TICZ. ' : notice is nsreny niven that on the . 10th day of August, 1888, Jerkins alley- . In the City of Wew Berne, will be laid off and widened into, an, alley or street twenty feet wide, pursuant to law. Any " person failing to rnske clsua for eom pensation for the nee of lend beloBBinz - to them aa iuch allev nr mtnmt n. tn damages done thenr by Jeylng off and widening said alley or street, within "" thereafter barred of any right to sueh oonpensation. . - , . - v ' 128 E. H. nfEATlOWS Vf.. - Bl aa m a. aa a am aa mbb. . ' linliX " llrflll IIIlThl - raw aaaaia-aaa'.. jiiwi Baaa - NAdtf iixUD,. ct ;f; A. E. JACOB3j Peopeiktde, ; SEASONQF 1888. r' NEW AND ELEGANT BUILDING. : Opsn from July lit to October 1L ' But few watering places bare so many ' advantages : and aursotlons. " Grand scenery, good livery r and the finest : bssch on the ooait for drjying. . Good " and convenient surf. Rnlenrliri menu for sportsmen, and a quiet place ' for those who dislike tha noise and Mir innAAiit a mam Muu4...n n - era tooch'hoteL pier en their passage ' eaoh way between New Berne and Nor-: folk.. Steamer Lucy makes semi-weekly : trips from Windsor Hamilton, Wil -lismston, Jsmesvilie, Plymouth, Eden f" ton and Eiixibetb City. v- : ' -' ;' - For farther ptrtloolars addrees , -'2" : t-j- A. E. JACOBS, llsnsger, C ' j20 4wSal ; : Nsgs Beadf N.ftri I take great pleasure tn Informing Biyt friends, and tha public generally, that mj new otuaio is bow complete.' ' Mj Light is oa the New Improved ' Flan.' 1 have spired neither pains or expense in arranging this Light, so ss 7 to give to all my, work that Soft I'orce- Iain Effect. ' . T n . ... . . - - . i ,vrv acvia or nir.tnr mh ui tM an. - j , 1 - WUM W satlsfactidn I always giyo. ly work speaks for itself by Ifr I hope to gain your confldenca and merit your favor j r, ? yery respectruiiy, , . L . j u. TQOS. WALTE2, : N, W. cor. Middle and Pollock its,, ' ' - ' ' Over Duffy's dmir store,- j jaofiliwtf NEW BERNE, N.'a'" ' Will be at Morehead City and Bean.i fort during the summer. - .If. J aTTXAGni, Prop'r. EOUND KSbB, 21. CY : Mott Plcturcgq ae ' Fee n e ry in W stem North CaroII n a. POINTS priSTEREST ySAB BTi Old rort,... .J8f(intMl(Ni, nt. Bernard Mountain.... ..w - 1 ( lata a-ba fan . . . , , Mad Ont , i n. r. Pwnnn( Tunnel , t Hnnftoi.of tbe biaeltia4e. i ' 5 " PoifttVlnp ... M y - Toe KIV6-, fine trout nahlng J ' r S - 1 " 't.i ,t'K4 ..M ' a i WiLtdiiri ('. tne Orava of Prf i " . . - Uieh-i-hestpointeniitof the HHk y iuountalng,ninen!:fi, Ttire fV)l '(Trr ifmnh.,.. r . i dei s. Trains xtOD at the d xjr. ' Ooen nil Itio voir T-i-r-a . - j . . by month or wetk. '- . tj: Tlie nndorsif -io l rt'i'v n .i i,4 a of Henry Wii...j. ,...( ti.i'.t I i,:. ri'iirr,. 1 . tvill !.y J ... larged to any size desired.' , ' . . . s A successful- career; of twenty-flvs .. years in Norfolk- Va.i Is a nrnnf nt s f- ; marl7dtutbiatwlr ; ,