at pry 4 ife & r "... . ; - VI t Rntu Ktnou fTaadarhi. nmmrwfu, Ktrmi wtttata, III anei LB" A1 B, MMMUtlML --Btaaa,aad Hi anectiese 1 lb IUUsta. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Proo't fflBET l-or Girls and $90.00 for Board, 5!'' . ! f A.ix9if rnncipai .W'g.-'-Hn & & Si ESQ 1 kMt is e-s.-. ess -i.. m O 5 K 11 M Iw4 ft 5. 1 Nf r- - " s W I i o? aa So fe OfrvFs'QY : ; : sr.; f 9 pr cs Y4w c !f7-' SV ,H O P Y N 'Ir Ae'iBergner:-& Engel r'5 r fN rail 111 A ATPI r ULiLiNOliU p;;iLlDELPIHA 13 UNQUE3TI05ABLY THE IT! iiieot LBeei" Extant. u ..'Tii LmaaJ . AiaM :ilaK ,Maai HAla'l.a Ja T7cst Barley -Ilalt'.'and ; laazef. Hops, and highly recommended;for its'. TONIC , and ITU1 IPJTIVE Qualities Tha tifehureputatloiL: enjoyed OOrJPANY ia ,dne to tne ;act:tna. MATi:?JAL3 are used and that are exerci se J faring Its mannlactnre. sal Bailsfuctioa la the "'tra of Gonorrba tn4 vilept. I preaeriba Hand Iel tate In recoirnrjnd l" It to a!l wfrorara. t.j. STo!:n,H.ti., 1 t HI. rr.tcE. t i.o s. ,. . , s u ir i i ' Ve-v r rcc, i'nOr-n i.KsfcWip . 9r Traits V- . -J" - Mlt, af nHZUMATISLl ; s 4 t- vi -1 fatovt Ota lUc iaCiC e, we ksi:;ey complaints -P 'I; i Crsff T fcwrimnu naaaie - til' . :vt ua klitlaS'. te palteat buajIL a) V . taim K U bat laButdr fo ad . .ainia. ... ... . , ... . rtssPEPsiA r mrr On u Coansn -- y-'luai suraa. and wu ibe imi (be aarc. tve ixvana. Tuia la why &l uces evaaUM) VUSN Oman) eg f'Vt"H"M - I CONSTIPATION i Funl OlLKT OnMMna k Mi a - - - - fie - BUB iium mu( wj eud muI kwaits evaseiBBBseBd by avemaBlo . saaa. Sand i h. tTAr Trie 11.0ft. Said ki Smote. SCHOOL, , ir. o. Young Ladies. Tuition, Music. fcri dtaX U daaa. VMS. 9 IflGER.DEEn, by Ihci pEKQJSER -&.r3?GZl onij tbe JfLNiiai; AND .I5JG31: the greatest SKILL- and CARE Cottier,": ITctz ; Herne.rlT C, -$500. Regard T ' W w!U py tb then rwmr4 fnrtry ra) of iivr oompiatnV, dytpeptA,itrk bavjfth. enntift ortj "WUta at s ,TeiftW JJvr rhis.wna tn directions r strny eom piitd dnh. Thpy r rJy retbie, Dvr fftil to v dfttis'a.r'ir.n, lArm bo ' J ''ilP. Vr KiAtOa, feci Ai.4- THE JOURNAL. ISI rKllCHM'9 T1C1TIUX. J Tk okt aua want KeUji for th 4y tu bright Xait, TJo' kit ttcp ni tlov ud trrfUria'uU 'tiu Urd W titrtl Uert; BuC ki-kufrtd (or th Uopl, m tradcad weftry way 0a the rod ao rough aa4 4aatyt 'naath r ni ko( buaiof ray. Bj-l-byaharaohad thaWlldinj, to - hit aool a holy bUm: Thaa anaa4 a ad wipaf tba vaat- flrapa troa ett kla vrtaklad fao. Bat ha lookad arouad. brwUdarad. (or thaoU ball 414 a toll. Aad tha doora wara ahat aad bolted, aad ha did tea a aonl. , & ha Uaaad apoa hia allxriia-ataJI tad aaid : M What doao ttaaaaar" ad ba lookad thiaaad that vay, till it aaaoaod to him draaam. Ha had walkad tha doaty highway (aad ha breathed a heavy alga) J oat to gooaee noore to meetia' ere the eamnaonaeaaietodte. 8xn he aaw a liula notice, tacked oo the meetia door. So he limped along to read it, and he read it o'er aad o'er; Thw he wiped hie daaty glaaaaa. aad ha read is orer again, j Til hia limbebeKaa to tremble, and hia I v ejrea were full of pain. I Aa the old man read tha notice, how it ! made hia apirit burn! "Pattor abtent on vacation Church u closed till hi return " Than be etaggered alowlT backward, and tat him down to think, Pur bia ton I aa etirred within him till j ba thought hia heart would aink. 1 So he mored on along and wondered ; to himeelf aoliloquizad "I haved Uei til almoat eighty and waa never ao turprttad. Aa I read that oddeet notioe etuok on the meetia' door: Pattor absent on vacation ' neer heard tha like before! "Why, whan I flrat joined the meetin', ery many yeare ago, Preaohera traTeled on the circuit, in the heat and through the enow : If they go clothee and Tittala ('twaa but little caah they got), Tbey aaid nothing 'bout racatioo, but were happy in their lot. "Would the farmer leave hia cattle, or the ahepheid leave bia aheep, Who would give them oare and ehelter, or provide them food to eat? So it atrikea me vary aing'iar, whan a man ef holy handa Thinka be needa to have vacation, and foraakea hia tender lamba. Did St. Paul git auch a notion? DiJ a Weeley, or a Knox? Did they in the heat of tu miner, turn from their feedy Hockai1 Did they abut up their meetin' just go and lounge about? Why. aurety then, if thua they did, Satan would raue a ahout. Do the tavarna oloae their doorg. just to take a little reat? Why 'twould be the height of nonaente. for their trade would be dietreat. Did you ever know it happen, or bear an body tell Satan abaent on vacation and 'oloaed the doora of hell? 'And ahall preaohera of the Ooapel pack tbelr trunkt and go away. Leaving aainta and dying ainnere to get along aa beat they majr Aretbeeoulaof aetata and ainnera valued leae than telling beer? Or do preacbera tire quicker than the reat of mortala htnf 'Why it ta t cannot anewer; but my feelioaa they are ntrred : Hear I've dragged my tottering foot- tepa to hear the got pel word , But the preacher ia travelia' and the meetfn'-houae la oloaed: I confeaa it 'a very trying -hard indeed to keep oompoaed. 'Ttll me, when I tread the valley, and go up the ahinin' height. Will I bear no angelaaiagln' will I tee no gleamla' light? WU1 the golden harpe be tilent? Will I meet no walooma there Why, the thought 1 moat diatreeain'. twpuld Da more thaa I could hear. 'Tell may.-wheal raaoh the city, Over on the otber abore, - Willi And a little notice tacked pon the golden door. ' Telling me, 'mid dreadful eilenoe, writ in word a thai cut and bam JetuM ahmnt on vaoatlcm-Btmen doted ' Eitrttumt"' -' ' TU Ittthoditt. The Talked of Other Tklagt. "Tea laid befile is so lonely.' It ti so. lonelj Bometlnea'' she answered . , .;. wooidn't it be sweet to bare a little cottage covered with ivy and honeysuckle and rose bushesr KJb, wooldn't it." wAnd, when a fellow comes home tired from business, to hare a nice little wife meet him at the door with . j-e-e-a'! "And then the summer nights, tbe window open, the sunset just giving light enoogh in the coey parlor, ana yon i. mean a wire. at the piano, singing in tne gioam- ine. It would be ioeiyvr ' ! think it woulde-'nIce,' 'Ahd then ' At this point 'a' careworn woman came around the corner with a pair of twins in a nerambulator,' A dead silence fell npon the summer air for a iilt'e. Then , they , changed ' tha .v;..t ... .i- I.. The Saga ef Beg Blau . : t . arroTiBr Ta.. tl TSSS. To Ha. A. K. HAWKis-Dear 8ir: It eivee tne olearore to aay that I hae been noisg your glaasee for aome time tact with much ta (infection. For clear cw, aoftnett and (or all purpo in tui, they are rjot turpaaaed -ht aay that I have ever worn. I wtjcm oom cm" i twm to all who want r p&rior I an wrrwrwttiii'r yra,- 'I m ', t Li f.w by F. tn I , ; I erta, ii. C. a'.Dlltn tat iru-TR jb aL"ea-te awn epNia rnmfmnr, iwaia, 6. u il CUV ftbOMl m pmt It kor nrkM Imam at bmko- M.IM WlWlillll I uiL I pannutM wiry sv anna xanl tutu, uw 1 ail utmiM, mmi ki aw a baM, fcaara aad aaaju cui wira yuan Oid. . a.itSf chud ka nt kaoaiM t&lioMd la Ok mm , aad I hi lulti and aotaaiaata a proampt aad BTiaan aaf cura. H. C tiiwim an Su, ar&, Jlr f. twt-Tka awtft apacia Co. Ailaata, ila. 6aihna i Out tw. iM vm. but tbra aul broaa f yita ma. Wa triad ta awawipauaa I awid doatuta, bat wiuoat aa? A Wa triad a i. a. aad tr tba ttia waa cuaa bar baad bnaaa to baai, aad of taa trnta aba bad tuaa ala IfcHiUa aba araa awaniMMai torad. bow aba baa a roll aad baan baad af bair a nbaa. baanraaikd. I (aat la but i duty to nau taa all nam I. jaaaanifaiij. M. I. la ia. Cmtntaeett, TmnL. tmm rt uat-Tba awtft tuauula Odh auaata, ia.-4aUaBMa : la BM I auBCracaad biuod paiaoa, aad at aaca aoaaata aarawuui. waa traatud bm far bt arX aHBtiia. Br hia aOa I waat to Crab unAard avriaca, Ky- WBara bm oauraa at traauaaat aa eararuOr obaanad. I racor araVaa I thaatrb battba Hit apnaa bus pmb bagaa la apaaar aa bu tm audtiod. TM. gradually Inaraa.iil lo auna aad ruft aia( aion. I aa ad 'land to try a a a, aad timadiaialyartartablaa It I aoauiaaoad to tmprova alow If at flrac, bat mora rapidly aUrtrarda. aad boob aotbina remainad to tail of My trouUa, Ky blood la bow ibor avarblj claaaaal, aad aiy atem fraatrum taut, aad I awa Bay praaaat aoaditiua a tartaal sura to yaar aiadiciaa. 1 cbaarfully (i'a tbai atauiaent that oihera who baa aoflarad at I hara may raap tb auna banedL fcUhBi ML Beat, at Waat Mloth at. Hoan, Li., May a laW-Tha twin BWifla Ou Atlanta, ua. OaotlaaaaB i About two Jftevri Aero my ifneraU kaaUttk rtv war uraiy. I wu ao deouitaMtxi mat debilitated tbat I aim. hi doapalrad af cvar fvallad wall again. AU mm uia ponctaas anua 1 "r me nnm I dona for me bmuaftit i ttannaaant retfcf. Frtauda InaUtti thai I BouM fl 8. 8. 8. a fair trial, although I Urouaht ll would be throwtng twg) mou7 mrtw vauLUal taalnc a thorvmirh murw. mv tiMAith aad trauglb raturtiail. and 1 uniat uy thai A a. 8. aiiQO ruraxl iu. aa I diavaxdeil alt ib-va wklia aalAaj u. ah a tonlo I oaa imtat ftwartllj rotnaaiod H , (or (n-oerai datiuitv ti ejrtdeialj la a apciOo. W V BaUDuu, J P Bomks, La -1 know Mr W p Bricljeja, aad wUl aaj lb at bU Lair men t la oorreol. Jvaiiu'H SuKLruN. Uruaifla. Trtmtlae on R)1 an-1 kln P'aeaaten nuultM fra. Tn Swift aVbiriij c., Lrawef i Attaata. iXl Don't Fail To Call On ROBERTS BROS., SEND Your ORDERS TO US. We have in stock a Full Line of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. C 8. Parsons & Sons Boots and Shoos. Penitentiary Boots & Shoes, Alao 8hoe direct from the IlostOD faotoriea. We are telling all rajes KI.OUB from the Mills in Michigan very low. We alao job I.TilUni ant (iail K: At SnufT. ROBERTS BR03., South Front at.. Neu Berne .fi. C The King of Glory The Most Charming Lifo of .Icsuh r'.ver Written. It is cry low priced iina is nenntiliillT Iiounil. Agenta wmleil In avpry cnnniy Illg wagged to any energllr man. I'ou I be Idle ban you can be making from (TV1 n lotlllO.Or parmorjtb. There la nothing on thp Amerl can market that neKsany faaier lluin It iloea. n agent haa aold In W than flv months on th luaand coplea of thin book Dally re porta are coming tn allowing from thirty Ave to tllty orders taken per woek. Onehnn dred and forty were sold In wiimlngtoi N. C , tn Dve daya Anotl er agmit a ld It Albany, Oa., thrte hnudreil nml l"'n lew than a month. It It a book of vivid Interim. Is emlnraeo by tbe leading men of the s.urli Bend for beautifully 1 1 liis'.ratel rlrruiar. of the book and alao ruia ogue of various other book t Send ninety cents for oinvaKlrg ontflti lnclodla dimple e copy of the book in beat binding. Address for trn s. SOUTHWESTERN PUB. IIOI SK. 153 and l.Vi -prune St . NASHVILLE. TENS We are the oldest and largest subscription book honse In tbe south. mr line of Albums are unanrpaased and our Family HlhU s tri be most complete made. JnlHdw2m i-VV w.w Atlantic A. N. C. Kailroa. TIMS TABLE Ao. 12 In Effect 6:00 AM.. Sunday, Jul; 8th. 1888. Going East. Schedule Going VVk. is No. 61. Passenger Trains. No. 50 Ar. Lve. Stationa. Ar. Lve. pm 4 50 Ooldaboro La Orange Kineton New Berne Morehead City Daily. 1138 am 5 28 5 55 5 31 6 00 7 24 pm 10 57 10 59 10 21 10 20 8 50 0 00 am 7 10 716 8 54 Goraa East. Schedule Going West No. l. No'. 3.t Mixed Ft. Pate. Train. Mixed Ft. & Stationa. Past. Train am 180 57 T0 Ooldaboro Beat 'a La Orange Falling Creek Kinaton Caswell Dover Core Creek Tuaoarora Clark's Newborn Biverdale Croatan Havelock Newport . .Wild wood Atlantic -. Morehead City ' 8 4U pm 7 54 7 24 8 00 7 84 7 80 7 80 748 758 811 880 8 60 8 69 1 15 10 00 6 56 5 45 5 20 448 4 14 844 8 23 10 83 9 41 0 89 8 59 817 8 00 747 717 7 00 6 83 6 26 5 00 4 30 10 80 1035 1069 It 04 1118 1140 1818 400 8 60 8 83 360 946 448 4 68 5 87 804 888 888 too 4 51 503 583 840 710' 780: 9 904 827 806 7 53 .727 715 718 485 AUantio Hotel 705 p m Morehead Depot am 700 BTnaada. Thnr da an HatnrdBT. ' taioaday, w edaeaday and Friday. Itatn Woounacte with Wllmtngrion a Wei- eon Trala bnnd North, I earing Qoldaooro I1.-M a. at- Bat witn tuenmona at U avuia Train Weak laavina Ooldsooro i Wo.m. Trala tl eoaaeeta frith Eiehoaa at Uaa1Ut Trala, arrrrinf at uoiaabero l: iu b.ol. and Wit Wilmington ana - weiioa itblb from mt North at 4:40 D.m. . r ' , .... : . Train a eonnectt witn Wilmington ana wt-iaoa inrvuii rniiui atdib. leaving s.a.Diiiv:r;v Caaa)ai'rlTaaaABJ WlaraaAadarl - la ti ad hai ai . Independint Steamboat Line. On and after Monday, the fih dav of April, the ateamer Howard will rua the following achedale: For Pollokaville every Tueaday at eight o'clock, returaiag tame day. For Trenton every Thuredav at eight 'clock, returning Friday. J. J. I. A SITTER. Manager. J. DiaoewAT. Agent at New Berne. tUTXU I3XTI mini. UARBLE WORKS, XIW BX15E. R. C Monuments Tombs- ana a! i llnJ. Urava and baud: ng won a TALIAN4AMERICAN MARBLE Ordera will receive prompt attention and tatiafaotion guaranteed JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor Oor. BROAD AbD CBAVIS SJt. SMW BE SHE. N. C (I. E. Millxb it my authorized aget I n Kinston 80-di HEALTH IS WEALTH! READ CAREFULLY. I'h. K.. ('. West's Nirve ard Kkain fKiAi ment. a guaranteed sperlnc for Hi ate- Ia. Dlszlnesa. txtnvulslona. Kits, Nervous neuralgia. Heaiache. Nervous Proeiratton used liy tne ase or alcohol or tobacco. WKkHfiilness, Mentai Impression, Hoftenlng t ine Hraln resulting in Insanity and leading o misery, decay and death, Premature Old Mil'. KarrenDcas. Loss of noser In either ei. Involuntary Lossi s anil Hpermatorrbu'a aused by overexertion of the brain, self- nusn or over-indulgence. UJtoh box con- alns one month's trestment. $i.0( a box, or x bottles tor 16.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE! SIX BOXES To cure any case. With raoh order received by us or six boxes, accompanied with 16 00, are will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the nioner If tbe tiealinent loes not effect a cure. Ouaranteea iaaued only by R. N DUFFY, druggist, eole agent. New Berne. N. C. ap24 dwly HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC VETEBINABT SPECIFICS For Horiet, Cattle, Sheep, Dogt, Hop, Poultry. S00 PAGE BOOK en Treat, meat af Aalmals and ' Chart Bent Free. crraxs Fevers, Oonteatlone, Inflammation. A.A.-galBal MeaTatltla, Milk Fever. H.B.-Btralae, Laaaeaeaa, Bbeamatlam. ('.-DlaeeniBer, Naaal Dlarhargra. II. n. Rata a tilrabe. uiraa. !!. B.-Ceaha,lleaTea, Paeaejoala. ' F.-Celle ar Griawa, Ballyacbe. 1. O.-Mlacarrlace, Heaaarrbaeea. li. ii.-jurtaary a I- h -fe"T I. Il.-tjrinary and Kldaer Diseases. J. iv. j ftiaamaee a( JlaeatloB ptlve inneaeee, mange. Hlable Case, with Bpeetocs. Bannsl. witch Haaal OU and Medloaior, ST. 00 Price, Single Bottle(orerSOdoaeiX - .00 Bald by Draaalstsi ar Seat PreaaU aa Kecalat af Price. Humphreys' Mad. Co., IQt Fulton St. H. T. nTjuraiaETS' HOUXOPATHIO SPECIFIC No.iO Uaaaarsais. Tha oelr aiiu.Bifiil raraadr for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness. sad Praatratioe, froaV atw-wik ar etba eaneea. l par viaL or trtakaad laiaa vial aawdar, for &. HOLD BT US iBsoanrrs. or sent bo. to. id on raMlot of Drioa. Haakr.n' BaaWMCa., ISt hUea St, 1. 1. All of our Veterinary Preparation can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, Newborn, N. C. Jas. W. Waters, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with P H. Pelletier, two doora south of New Berne Journal, ml dwly " NEW BERNE. N. C Eobert Hancock, Jr., TRIAL JUSTICE. Office In rear of Hancock 'a drus- store. next door to Hotel Albert. Open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Will give Srompt attention to all matters pertain ig to Juetioee ' oourta. d29 dtf New Berne Ilinh School OoNDTJCTID BT QEO. W. NEAIa, A.BL, Principal, JAMES TUOJ1AS A B., Aaaociate Principal, aHlT'f- MUs MARIA M. 3IANLT, wrxi'Bi RXOFaorxS . .. SEPTEMBER 10th, 1888- TUITION PES BCTJ0LA8TI0 YEAR: Primary Department.. ....25 00 Joolor . $ aVj8aO0 Senior . a . . ISM : Tuition payable quarterly or monthly 'Inadvanoa. v t -i V' -Y' No dedoctioa ntzlept ta caae of pro tracted Bickneat, ; . July 13 d wtf -ji :lC t :8TEAszxiia. EASTERN CARCLKA CISrATC The Fast Freight Line". Raw Baa-ava. gaatarw lawah CaweUaw Palata. and aarfclk, Baitlaayara. rbUmdalakla, I.w Tawhw aUaMav, Ba via Kltaabam Ctty. U. C THE STEAMEEa . . .. . EAGLET and TESPIH of tbJa tiaa arm ran ea tecahw arbadr 'a time, leaving New berae ear hW.-A WBONaUsUAT and r KJDAT atTOi r. hie bnaiatUt CWy and tatanoa ia. , let day. , Tawaa atramtat: tn eotiaactltaB tr'th t; 3 Atlantle a K. 0. K H.. Norfolk K. IL, tiew York, toil, aad Nor.olt H. K and the PanaaylTama K. h, , form a rahabM and reajuiar Una oflanng auperior lacUAues lur quiek lnanportauou No tnuiaitra exotpt at KlUabeth City, at arhloh point f reig bl a Ul ba loadul oa amra U go Uifoudh te deelinalioa. Direct ail guoua tu ba shipped Tla Zaatetai llaroilna iHapausn i.atiy aa foilowt: , rrom New York, by fann. tt. R PWr JT. north RiYer. - , Kroai Philadelphia, by rhi.a.. W.ASaitO. K. K.. Doc bu wtatiOD. Kroin baintnura by Fhila.. WU. a EaiM, B. H,. 1'rcaidrol Ht. oiauuu. r Kiuiu .Norloik, by Nonoit Southern hY K. Kn iu boaum. by Men hauiaa M lnara Trana. p,tanun o . .tw orb and Naw Ingiaad - . . haw. aa low . jaoalcktrttaabTBaj oiharllna. I t - V, hen ooctwion ftaa a aaaaa1a'if tottf tripe pet wetk will tit ,un. JNO. a W1L-ON (ueo Fgt. Trtfflo Agent h K. It. i, Ueoer.l 1 initio Manager 4 I' Vk ,t B K K . I': .. H H i 'uuhK. o, tn i iii In ijtii Agent. W Y. ' PAN K. K. Nvrf...g.a tl i' Hl' uri.ti., Irrittit Ageut K. K .N,.rt,.,k a . lil-.l' IIK.V! KtVN. Agent, .Nrwberne, t. O. tehX di OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. .St..M- hr Kl.Y LINE. T.h Old Oomlnloa aieam.hlp raa paay'a Old aud Kavarlu Watar Kaata, via Albemarle aaid Chaiapeahe Canal. roa Norfolk. Baltimore, New Verb, Phila i dclphla, Boatoa. ProTtdaiiea. aad Waahlnglon tlty. And all points, North, Eaat and Wait. : On and after MnSMAI, A 1 i, I i uulli furlner nonce, the 7ih. aw, Steamer MAN'iEO, Capt. Sontigals, AM 3 Steamer MEWBEftNE. CapL Pritchett, Will. ll I-K.ivl .NuKKll.K VA for N w Bern., v, Aa,iiigt..ii. MuNDAYH, and hun,A.'. ina.nig ,,. counectlon wttn ti.e wt.-aiMrr. .,i tne .n. a T. H. M H. to. for K iisiini 1 retitnn, and all other landing. n ti e ,, suu 1 rent Klvera. Keturnlng. will ah tn.iu Mtvi HUKNK for NoKMil.K ulrc, i. II .1IAV) and FBI 1am at mm a. M . n, a g i ng aoawee llon with u, s. (Jo.'a ahlDS lor New Yoik, H. r- r to.'t ataamer. for Halliaiore. t'lyd.- I , Hhlpt forFhllea delphla. M A .VI I . i 0 for Bojioa and I'rovideiiee Our uniiring tfiirm tn t i Bse our patrona, and our aitinxii perreol aetilce for the aaaU thirteen yeara. U Hie beat guarantee wa eaS otter ail ahlppers aa tout, a we will do lot Ihem In the future folk"1" " ""dl car ' U' 8' 8l OO Beti - Paasengers will And a good table, oomfort. abie rooms, and every vourteay and eUn Hon will be paid them Dy theofflcert. ' ' " ' K H. ROBtUTrJ, Agen4. Mxbhhs. t l l.l-KPPKK A Tl'KN KR, Agenia, .Norfolk, Va. . IV HT a; Mi 'okd, ire -I resident. New York Olty' GiiaBgi of ner in Mew lorL 3 Iho N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK., BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and Du.ut ."NOi ilt tiritl Wnwt Aft.: ttl date ricoiv. re Igh l l. Saw fir N-tw Bra. at IMKlt 7. NORTH llIVEla, iffficn of Nmn Ynrk nmA tlHl,..- Troiwpor'atjon Co. U.rcb&nt. .hotiiu remnrcb. r Wim ihiA i. oaa, habaatSieam Llne.i.atof Mew York, uiakln all; connection wuh Haltin.i.r" fur New Barns 11 in. ids, and only on. , tmucn SEMI WKKKl.V M' KAMER8 Bstveen Rew Eersa v& fialtiinon orfoik) Laavlng Not flern. for liaitimore TTJEaMA FRIDAYS sups Lie BalUinwrtfo New Heme WEDNhSIMYS ilod SATURDAY 4. p. B. Agaat. Are ua fli EUBKN 'OSl ITK. Unt'i i,'.nag.r, . . ff Light St Bal't M AS. W. BcCARKIt K. Ag't. Norfolt. V. "O'yQ Cv.. Poiladelpbi., II Saa f . YorkhBslio Trsnp.Ltre.pier Konarlr E. Sampaon, Boa too, 63 Central wharf. I. U. Rockwell, Providence R I . 0.0. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. ghlpalsave-Boaton, Taaaday. and Satardan ' " New York daily. - " " Baltimore, WadnaadAya andBatwrdas t FrldAyf11" HiT"r' Mond,, waaaya ' Providence, Satordar.. KMa.k 1.41 1. 1 . At : t ' ""i" i.iii.ihio Kiv.n, ana rates gatraa A to all point., at the nOces of panle.. f- y f .1 Iroid Breakage el Bulk ind'Sm - N. C. LINE. d ' ' Mar to it8 H RA1 At Hew BratM THE . - v NEUSE & TRENT MVEB Steamboat Cornpany. Will ran tha following fjchedale an aad a January ltwioW. t "i . Steamer Trent W 111 leave every Monday and . ThnrtrtaV' morning at Blx o'cloeb. for Smttba.-a.. 1 AdamaGeeeke and all lDtarmediaAe nolnia. returning tame day. . - . Bteamer tlnatoa.4f: Will 1mt Ka. RBtwa i.. Vi.1a' A'iL 'a. f1? JS? frtl" Ho'elock, M. Return- '"i w'" waivw aunstotr on AioiMftya and Thnradaya: Tononing at ail Intermedia ia Latnaingaoa HaoaaKiTar.i . J.J.DlBOSWATasifawbara. . . v ft, BVAjfLT, aattoa - i "'.: : IX B. BABBna,roUottTU. - . , WARD, A tent at Treatoa. ; H. a Smith, Jolly Old Halo. . i I. B. BABxa, Quaker Bridge: ' IhtWBTTK OenlMSDMt eb?4w K-lnston.H ,i?

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