7 . .. . .-" v . :." . -ATT u :;2W 'BURNT, IT.'O:. WEDNESDATi SBPTEJIBER T2.tl888. - PRICE &QENTS. VIL-NO. 143. ' " . '. I ' ...... ... ... i ii i LI - . i . . . i. . , i , , , " i . i , ail , r .... . ..i ii. . ' ' I, ' '1P...H . . - E f r .14 If r s 1 . If ti! - -X- i ; i .. . , i u in n . i iv,. , Jy aa4 uu f i Tsre'p, and SiberUa Kale UtO. ALLU et CO. O 1 a ; 1 U r - ArLXLOW FIVES QUARANTINED. , X Although poor old NitBdrniku received tiJicaie end above (mikw euier towns, she is still prepared to My iters U not eor be there beea om case (. je.Uw ftver this muoo, tad with the preeent prevention of tba phy sicises aad cuv council, with the assistance of : the pi oprietor of the Only Cash Store la North Carolina, at Humphrey; & How ard's old auad la New Berne, there will not te Bsaoe the proprietor. Hill "Humphrey, wteheetoeay to ta- vople of i trn North Oarolioa they aeed aot beeiute to visit New Bet oe, that hie quarantine against high pticec ie a pro- .; taction for all. " au3dww -'v "N draught, Bergner Eogelaeele J breted Beer, io cold, s jjrru A. u. uouo s SPECIAL NOTICE TO (X)N3tJMER3 Having jmt my delivery wegoo oa v tba street, I em now ia a position to f araUh ALL y customers with FlBBT Class 0 rooeriss at abort actio aad a - vary tmalt profit. I defy competition, - warrant my goods, and only ask a trial to convince tba moet doubtful. New , tome of my friends aay that my ad terti.tDf aai my wagoa doal pay ma ' (with mv small areata, end that I will toon break. Let me be tba bet! Judge -" ' of that. I am still paying ;00 eaata on the dollar, bi Drooartr la la my own name, and lam determined to eeli good groetntt cheap. Very respectfully, . , THE OKOCES, E, B. HICKBURN. 1)I1LL'A BUTTER, the beat In tKe market, oa lee at Donn'i. only 80 t cente per lb. . . f 7HITR LEAD, Mixed Plnt, Var Tf nb, Oil and Olaae at : Oto. Alles ft Oo. - TOTTLED BEES, loaf cold, and all J. J other oool drinki at Jyl7tf. , A. H. Eoltoh'b. USE PURE ICE. manufactured by . the Jarroaaloe Factory. fjj2U CALL at tba Broad 6a. Store where you oaa buy all kinds of Freeh r Urooeriee low for eaeh obIt - , O.F.M. Dail, AgV i- Talk ia good ; work ia better. ' ,.ew Bienb basset her saiLi for prosperous breezes c" ; THE Kepnblican part j is cornered on ererj lssne now before the conn A MAN named Bine recently died childless in Cincinnati, O. He was, so to speak, a sine qua non, andhe adjourned sine die. , : - . I eeaw-at-aeaa-MeatMeaaMtMe-e-mteawMaB. Boms, papers , are tiring at the . Morning Star. Juat as a boy aboots oH his gun to show he baa a gun l Be didn't expect to hurt any thing, Tns Baltimore American , says that Candidate Harrison is a gro log man. ; He can"; afford to be ; He is only fire feet, fire Inches ' Tusbb was a killing frost Zhnrs '. day night , in 4 the Kew .England Elates, Korthera New' York and Mic!i!san.', The damage inflicted ' ia very great.'-'-'"" '"' trE rose docs not make a gar den." fto,' bnt T "an will . iUnt and cultivate the flower he loves best, te wili baTe'tbe most beautiful garden the world ever v - . "... . v' . 5. -ied publishing ' the t's Letter oi Acceptance :t defer it until tomorrow. Tr Ir-tet present make any cm it. It is plain and :' "ive, ani addresses itself to (ivor cf the rcj-la. iwnMvnMMMsviaaB hia tlw3 Lrwaxd the S rcrrr.'a .is to be en. 1 artssive. Hitherto ' --a a diepcsHioa to t-jeat, but the "? t'::;cs cp the -. ,.-' v bole line for "lUssijcs U <is to kear f:ca C'ere!aal beforo bd Mai 1 1. a letter. Ba waatalwrnetilix . i write aboot. Well, Hr. Cleta. id'sl; rUeut. Mr. EUrriion now . . j 'losetbinj to write .be it," I -1 1 s I better do some L!:l':i te'.a tt attemptajt. Ia lii tz.l Leu to meet, in J "Lc.$ are sul ' , a tLinra."- I wiix meet anj maa kalf waj who brinj-s fruits aB4wfl9wert to hara with me. He who advocate. the improrement of jour ton does more than this, lie planU orcbardjj and Tlaejarde and ftowera that wlU not onlj be aoarcee of purest pU4 ure bat terenoet of wealth Jroa generation to feneration. Meet hjm, join band with bJm,aadjmr bower will be aa the bow era ot Paradise, and jour hornet the habitationa of peace, plenty and happiness. v, TBXWilmlogioBBtaraays: "The snccess attending the efforts of the Acme Manufacturing Company of this city to furnish cotton planters with bagging to take the place oi ate seems to have started a furor in the business. A dispatch from Charleston! B. C refering to the matter, says the plants of several manufacturers have already been ordered In different portions of that State." This is most gratifying. Anything that indicates Southern progress resulting from Bonthers genius stirs oar blood. It is espe dally pleasing that North Carolina has inaugurated att industry that promises to give employment to hundreds ef our people, utilize our native forests without injury to single tree, and, bring, relief from me oppression n a. crusniDg mpt nopoly. "" - i LOCAL NEWS;: The Board of Trade had a good meet ing last alght. Farther' particulars to morrow, t The Demooratio convention of the 9th senatorial district will convene at Polloksville today. The steamers Nannie B. of Stella and the Blsnohs of the N. ft T. B. S, line are oa Howard's ways. " "'''; The news from Jacksonville last night wu 13 new cases ot fever and ( deaths for H hours. Cases M date 818. The Defiance Veargo oat yesterday' consisted in part of 188.000 feet of ldm- ber and tour hundred bandies W wood pulp. . revival has beea ta prOgres at St. tWs oharchooir io th( olfjW the put week conducted" by , the pasior, Rev. a H. Smith. , Qreal jatsrest la taanl tested aad many eeaverts J sve flreaxly beea renortad 1 Wm xnv 1 -peea reportaa. . irtiantfl Pt : There will be an ksportaat meetkig at. the Y. :M. C.. A. toalgbK' Beside ot&er oasiness V do orongns .ni), (n ,w the annual meeting for thei alsctloa ot officers. It is the doty of every member r. ?t I Toornament Postponed. , i Jas. W. Moors, Esq., received a tele gram yesterday from Greensboro to the effect that ths Firemen a Tournament, which was to be held today i fcsbesn noatDoned for two week. - ' !y . 1 ? r w - - ' Steamer nrovementa,v; ;y,,.;,r 1 . The Defiance of the Clfde line bailed for Baltimore yestetday with a eargtf Of lumber, wood pulp and naval ttores. iDevaroiiDa wut leave; uujcn o'clock for Bell's Ferry.'-?. y wtyitAif.' . 1 1 .' ' i 'ctil rf 'ir Drowned. ; , Z i'v- w.-4 v rm. -e Cspt. Oid Huff maa of Pamliod; rpor that John Henry Johnson,' colored; was drowned in Goose creek on Monday by falling off his boat. ( His body never came to the surface after - going oVsr- board. '-X . 'Vf K v r.rf-?w i Railroad Extensions- if'v?" 'f ? Our Eastern aectfoa must vakebp. We notice that a railroad is being pro jected from Earsaw into Onslow coun ty. Oar friends at' Trenton have long taliei cf a railroad fron Corecredi Ey ati'.iziDX the' roai titeidy graded from Core cretk station tie-Atlantie roai Ei-.,r.t lu.. 1 1 .a l ae vi..;icotr; ira t've I'l'.'e co't. 0-? to Tr : t ,a it est ! i ext ' . 1 i:.t J V. jw C"'" :i l 1 c - 1 r 1 Lie 2.'ce Ix C.lkmlata. - C. C. v fahrwu ibat he k aboat oif :.'i a CoaliUoa Club Core ereu- Ua Lai twentj-foer : be re alraaj. ' AJe front Bute aad KatkaaJ poliOsa tbey reoogmlae the fact It b) time for tba people of Craves oountj to aaite for their tatereata. Let the good work go oa. ParaonaT . - - Duaeaa MeB. Dewey1, Eeq.t of Ua beta. City, ia vieitiag kle old home' la tMa'cfty.1, Be cornea to examine .the workiagaof ire ddpartmaat, iaexhaaa- Utl. wettu eeo., for the benefit of the department of Elisabeth Ctty. BamaeLQomaerlT had Aloaao Hoi- ton, Eeqa, of Pftt county k arrired on the steamer Carolina yesterday.' , Mrs. yr. J. Street, Mtaa. Marian Bad eliff,MiasHarrUtte Laae, Miss Emma Jordan, Mr. C "VT. "WalUy and Chief Engineer Severs of the cutter Stereos wars passengers oa the steamer New barns yesterday for points North. Pollock street Vows. The fall trad, seams to bars opened aasplolooily on Pollock street yester day. First, there was a lively runaway of two bones and some baggy smash' lag.. Later ia the day a steam mill man aad a lawyer met,. Bear thepostoffiee aad after the usual salutations and hand-shaking began aa emphatic ooc versatloa which soon turned into a slogging match ander Marquis of Queensbuty rales. Two friends stood by and saw "fair play." TktJKnight of Blsckstone waa putting ia his blows with skill and earnestness, out the Knight of the Saw and the Sullivan of Dover crowded sail, causing Blsckstone to give way and stumble over the stone step Into the poatoffloe, the sawyer with a full head of steam following. At this orlticat moment a gallant painter dsshed from across the way and with a postoffloe olsrk rushed in between them. Time was called and each taken to his oornfrV The friends who stood by bare decided that II waa a drawn game and a perfectly fair one on both sides. No I damage done. Tarnlng Towards Nw Btrn., There seems to be a some whst general turning of the attention of Northern seekers of health and pleasure daring the winter towards Nsw Bsrno. We hear ot oonstaat enquiries for means of comfortable' accommodation. If number of modern houses were to be ereoted and offered for rent every one of them would be taken by Northera families. Northera sportsmen through oat this Immediate section increase yearly, and this season there promises be a greater influx of them than ever. They nave , begun te nad oat that th neutral territory around a, unmolested daring the four years of War, la teeming with game ot all kinds, and that the ' waters which extend tor miles 'east of aaand south of otlaie filled with fish .and: dSOks in eeaatlcas numbers.'. Aad then, the delightfully balmy .wlnUr climate wl torn, taJ fall bloom all ths year around; and the air tempersd by the prokimil of1 the Ixuif streaaa. with a rid bv r f nlv as hoot fe OH ocean', art bringing the! Invalid and the'WnsamptivaVW our doors ia search If vigor aad hearth. Surely no plao . hasbeaa. bleated nara rally ar New Berne has,', and the nraotlcal Northera capitalist is aot alow to take advantage of the situation. Can we take ear of oar visitors? There b everything hero bat taffloient room. It vroaid seem that our town to to become the' sWest winter resort on the Af lantio boast.; Freedom from malaria Alii the Enervating lnflusncee 'ef ) a ttorS.Boutiert'laUtude.'yst wltb all the balmines eaaracteruuo, ot1anch a lstlda, which .admitaof .au open air life nearly, every day of th winter, make it certain, if we mistake not, that New Berne Is to be the great winter unitarian! of the Eastern Union. Make preparation tot our guests. Let us have elected hotels which will be able to shelter all who com. We ar glad to see" that step have been iakea la that direction, and we trust ere long to be able to chronicle the commencement of the erection of a winter resort which win Vie in splendor, comfort ancynsg- nLicence with- auy similar hostelry In tne eountry. , . - WORTH BHOWINQ. ITr: W. II. Morgan, merchant. Lake City , Fia.r waa taken with severe cold .; .l !ei wi.'a a distressing corjgh and rannicz iHo c-sgmrtiou in its first s'.'-es. Le t.'.s: i many so-called popn larc"'-;h resdies and steadily grew v- u o. Yi 3 r : !uced ia flesh, bsd Oil- fi(;u''y Ii tr--.vl snl wss unable to linRy t- i Ur. King's New "vf r C "Ion snJ fouad r .', a 1 af:er using about it' : v - it ' --'3 found kimmif well i tn 1 r r " r r y r ra nf t'o d; t f ' v f rr' i rr ml. Ii v; The Jouxia and the Allianee. ' - We eh serf ally giv spaee to the fot- lowlng 'Vecriv byjMonday aight - Dovas.N Q, Sept 10, 1S8S. EDiToa Jocas al: Th. following resolatioas offered to Dover AUiaaoe by committee appelated to draft the same. were anaaiosoasly adopted - ; whereas. Certaia aewspapere have beea publishing articles stsiing that cot lea was aot marketable unless wrapped ia jut .batting; and the-lame eiag ceioalated t4 mislead farmers, there fore belt. Easolvadt.Taat we. by these resolu tions, denounce such pspers, and that wt withdraw oar patronage from the Seorved, That we call upon the Oottoa Eiohawte" of New Berne, N. C, by these resolatioas to oommit itself as to whether it will receive our oottoa wrapped In other than jute bag- ting, and to aotiry it by the same that ia caa tt fails to do so that we shall use oar utmost aadsavor la stop all manner of trade with its oity. Resolved, That a copy of these reso latioas be sent to the Progressive Farmer, Naw Bxbsk Journal and Wil salnaton lleesenger for publication. Most respectfully. . F. P. Outlaw, Sec y. We presume that this action of the Dover Alliance wae brought about by the follow ins item which sppeared in last week's issue of the Wkbki.y Jorit- hal: Farmers will remember that cotton pscked la anything but jute bagging s uamarkstable. This item was bued upon a statement in the Wilmington Star that cotton bad been purchased in that city wrapped in other goods snd had to be repacked in jute batcine. It was given as an item of information for farmers; surely not to injure them. This item waa pub lished on the outside of our Weekly on Satnrdsy. On the following Wednes day on the inside of the same issue ap pesred this item : The assertion that cotton i not mer chantable unless it is packed in jute bagging Is not true. We regret that our friends of the Dover Alliance did not see this item. We made the correction the minute we ascertained that the first item wad an error, and in the . same iesuo of the paper. We do not blsnre the farmers for cot- ting loose from any newspaper that attempts to mislead and injure them But how in the world any Alliance, or any farmer who reads the Journal. can for a moment entertain the idea that this psper opposes them in any good and lawful undertaking is beyond comprehension. The editor having spent the most of his life on a farm (not merely as a director of how and what ought to be done but having followed the plow, used the hoe, the spade and shovel, wielded the axe and maul) and knowing the many difficulties under which they labor, we have steadfast!. ' i ' - - ' ncv our veniure u journalism, urgea th Importance of organization. Promi - nent membersof the Grange have given na : mMImm .k. ...i-.i . ii.. ;" a - Patrons of Husbandry in this section. We were a member Of this organization while engaiet & ihrsaing an Inbw it jMjsrj; ship though we, are confident that we ..'B4tl4rten,tb soma ana setona. so. ui. out lr it is a ? .'it L. "V better organization han the Grange, we bid; them' 0sp4i.2we4ave never refused to publish anything sent us br sewivaivvji , wwv jmm w ssswiwmwis umuv aruoiee vi mteraes w ii toas ware nos sent aad shall continue to' flo BO notwitb - standing our '" friends at ' Dover may "... . ... ...... . . l' .... , ., j ft Ane uunnianmg nooiestrag- gle against thS Cotton Bagging Trust ani every, impartial i reader of the JouBBAl, knows that it Is in hearty ac cord with them. As to the New Berne Coftdri" Exchange we commend the abov consmunioatioar to tfte careful I eoasidsralion or 4ts mfmben. - we ar I satisfied they wifl do all in their power to relieve the farmers of the embarrass ment whloh the sBagging.TrUst has I wrywa aroauo msmyana wn i eaaeavor b make it to their Interest to sell their ooisoa iu new . oerne. uur . mercnsnie tea will defy competition in the sale ot goods: The Onslow County Alliance. Col. G. B. Pickett, in company with Col., J. N. Whitforjk retnrnea , from Jackaoivillsi W'HoadayW eft for Carteret: county On the down train for the purpose of talking to the people on ths Alliance. TBsi Urere at Jackson- Et'-fclsndsoa'fatjrdsyiiht, sad left at IS o'clock iiiixt morning, taking tb Cakkar' Xlride9, iba'd iAi eniovinir a 7 . ? 1 ?. . ' ' J 7 5 . vCle last Saturday, at which time the I B ft ordained, Tbat'the License 0 County Aliiane' WroVganissdr Th U" tAt?vit7 JJl W 0Ltomi r : 4. - . 'ImoB council ofth ity ot Newbera at tarr,.a v...a iu,iiaoss, -gq near i flra. orencmog raui,ati .asy.reacning vooidtate," and by adding to the words Wbnfords plantation via. Folloksyille t stout ll p.m.. .',! t '4 ' Col. Fkk.tt will- S .dress the 'tsotls atCroataaia this e.unty on 8alttrday BTt, r rth.:l A CssTMtiea. Erroa Jockxal I notice yoa state I S W'?!J?ri: " rrr, it VTt7rrzw," to ouce ut "No lever emfferar at JackaoavUla. gives th impreeeioa thai (As 8odet$ money was aonatee. ns raea uat ta si,cuu - aamaa wae oonaia i from the pernnalflmd f Mr. Gea T. I WhiU. Boothera auaacer or that Dociety. KSPT- k. bixby. n . I Newa fralBaraweU. Hurrah for Simmons aad the county ucaei. int guona peopte bdous t. i Barn wall are moving for Simmon aad the oouaty ticket. Yoa may expect a I great change ap here. Bin. Ito aa Ki.cmt sa.utat. For oils, salu, pills, aad all kinds of 1 outer, nauseous medicines is the very sgreeaDie iiquia iruii remeay, oyrap oi r igs. Kecommenaea oy leasing pnysi- (ecommended by leading pnysi- M.BufurdoBlybythecel ig Syrup Company, San r ran- ciaaa. fornia Fit Cisco. Cat. R. N. Duffy, stent, Nsw Berne, N. C. sepl3dw4w To All Employes. New Bkrnk, N. a, Sept. , 1383. On and after this date, and until further notice, trains Nos. 50 snd SI will not run. on Sundays. sep7-dlw. 8. L. Dill, Supt. ADVICB TO BTOTHKKS. Mas. Wwslow's Soothihq Stbut should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- hra. TweBty-nve cents a bottlo. Benefit of 8t. Johns Lodge. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Friday, Seutember 14. AMERICA'S GREATEST ARTIST, Mr. John Thompson, Presenting his merry crew of Comio Characters in his original beyond imi tation and never-to-be-forgotten Protean Comedy, entitled A HUGE JOKE. Sew your buttons on tight People lsugh until they shed tears. Admission 25c., 33c. and 50o. Reserved seats on sale without extra charge at Bell's Jewelry 8tore. Duffy's Croup Syrup. Recipe of the late Dr. Waltkk Duffy. PREPARED AND SOLD BY; NEW BERNE, North Carolina. lanelSd wtf NOTICE. At a meeting of the Newbern Cotton and Grain Exchange, the following ac"on WM uen I Whara (hs nria of bagging has been adyanc,d V UVI WUU ! IVV I Therefore Resolved, That this Ex j change will accept cotton without the usual siae stripe. Regolved, That the thanks of this Ex ehlinM -rft dua .Bd ,r8 hM,b. . dered o our reoresentative. Hon. F. M. Simmons, for his efforts in Congress for :iEyjEts. ' ,- , J?"02TfcWa,- i . . . A tlx-noTf s Baldwin Upnaht Engine, a mi... . ni. in mnr nn.r . I Blllnps Ootton Press, whteb needs about S5.00 I orUl of work nt ,n ppt order, and .1 wv" i f,0 cnh wanted. Will sell. on long time l wlta rfntolsn ieal estate security, e!gbt per I t. mteVest. I JCnglne, Gin snd Press S350 0Q, first oost WaironS10.00.aisteo8ts56.oe. For further Information apply at Jopbbal offieo Brick! Brick! Brick 50,000 or Salel ST l . , . n niinnMn O nn B fa UUllIlUO Q UUs 02?AL ; COMMISSION 1XEECHANTS , AMD GRAIN DEALERS, Masot Docx, , DEB2TP, IT. O. : sST Coneiga as your produce . - . saavSSwtf , . -i..v v3 CUyiOrdittancc. ru lif nulln- In 1. tSJlft. be amended by adding to th words "expree eompaay" the words "foftb PriileK ' receiving and transporting oackagee from and to points within this I "telegrsph companies" the words "fol I th priviieg of transmitting meeeatsS w jnes. ironr poica s . r. n. urAnowa !'.' 1 EXT. 3 Fclchsb, Clerk. Tb. National Board of tfol rnd- TWe iMUHMi lth BW Hnft-f'. ,u. .1 - - I j - fc n ijk a I wovea asaterial. Tbev t c am '. n i a n B1M q. k..- ja, tales must be - ent5rerTJvJ - Ini.nMin vnvi.-,',' i w-J.M recommend the m of thm.T tL-u .1 -f M w . VW VUiiiaiCa. A. KST w F'UfQS ixi'""': heavy Boris ps made iaTa&aTwaiakiar oaa ana a nair ' aeona mtcevard. oaa b had in any Northern citv. Maries and Fire Insuraijce affecUd any amount (under open nolicv f WILLIAM H. OTtvPft Agent Marine Icsuranc Company 0f Tadam. o, . r .. . s9 awlw , ar . New Berne Mmu 'Scliool. vuuu'' L'bdbh thi Acspiexs or maTacsTtxs or mw mast Aoaaauvs The seventh session of thaschaol will open MONDAY, SEPT. 17. IWwitli a corps of experienced snd competent i teachers. - . Tuition free to all white children bw tween the ages of 6 and 21 veare. who . are citizens bona ride of the tab school district. The undersigned will furnish certiC testes of admimion to new poplls. aiw VV . M. WATSON. Sec, and Trees. St. Paul s SchoolT, CORNER MIDDLE AND NET58E STS.. ? Strictly non religious for Boa-Catholics. terms: sn.uu per month ; lowest trad ' $1.50 per month. Begins Thursday , Sntmber the 20th. at 9 o'clock a m. aeSSlm Furniture:!! JOHN SUTER ; Has on band and is rereivin arv H.w handsome parlor suits, chamber aets, heavy walnut, bureaus, - wardrobes, mattresses, chairs, loungej, sofa, etc. etc. ' He also has a line of home-made work of bedsteads, sofas, tablsa, Bo Beans, etc., which are neai and iihtnLl Prices It'trlit nown to Jttock iuttom. - Bottom. se6 d w Middle sf, Net Berne. HARDWARE, . ' i UUOK STO.YE,,, SASH, DOORS and BIJDS LIME, CEMENT, v Terra Cotta FMBp, - And all Building Material : At LOWEST PRICES. L. II. CUTLER, & M Middle Street, NEW HEKNK. N. Oi THE ' ' " High school I , , SEPTEMBER 17tL lfiflfl---- . a j. - .- se4 dtf SCHOOL riSBIHLSIinOIUfliilllES Mrs. A. T. JERKIN'S .ill r--t... School for the recention of n.ri. j Young Ladies, on A ' MONDAY, SEPT. fiTH.'JlWBiM Prompt entrance eminently desirable, Sept. 1st. dtf . . 1 . i i.w tiyttfw bcnooi Notice.' MISS LEAB JONWiLftiiiltfJ'v.. IraSffiSSSi., Uermaateaehert ; ir.r6 Tuition 83.60 per months t au School IToticeT M!33 EMILY FEREBER will ,,, ber School Sept. mti;i888;''" dtd Lime, Cementlaster ' aild Hair at J.Cs-WEITTY'fl. Rope, Paints; Oil', and Ship. Chand-erymt T's ii. rt ". .'n 1 Forevei7tniiisrda the Hardware s4 7 -4 Thai desirable and commodious d a ling now occupied by Jama tj; ard, on 8outh Front street, Fcr t app!y at the office of - ' ;aSl dtf ,,..,, -.:KesE,C i.